Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 9, 1880, p. 3

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tir k it rp- t r v u- iw g k ft h aa v m 3 j wru fe see my great stock of f- i i m- it at mis j v f jewellery ad fancy goods btqbe- acton i the f ree pej33s w trtesisxt dec 0 isso still atltudw ilhout donm be largest selection and beit varietr of xtntis presents ever shown a one store tu acton call la and sec o trouble to suow yon the coods sigttof the bis wat eli ceo uyuds jewellcry fancr cotids stare 4 uol and oqicr joulnaa uprove y45torniy wcifler jj sfcatin rink opens o pjfjut a iiule saoo- would iju elcrknr i tpin latest conundrum ij f who will hi villareteevt fu issl j i the next iotmgf tiie fcoaatr cosodtrilt uie place oa ttte uth insl did a fouling liidscaje ever commit itself ta far as to iauh out load flint your christmas adhx-ruse- aeuts t ue ffcce ctesf ii tie most fertile i jtsrti eets more and lb tale foliar cut hookup theic christmas stock- irus aot v tn iufl it is re catcuord of uicxicitij canidaes si preseat ichrisfujas cords seem iobeniare beoatul than ever this season there are aevcral ci stocks in lovn tl ftjeik trill iitb o be up tilitcrtd if people persist iii sitting do n so prcr fvrcalr as- tier jre 2oiii cxli m1 uie fuee peess office and kits lcht turk eicccicj uj- iir cur t sigtt very lorxmit gnct ms lg k nixa givts yuur iiutls heiny grax slasc th txiu wf tij f ear iii fcijs if it k t fnedly of uzuricipal ue miss tiie imfe it tie street corsetc wr ui4 ca teliet totuciim wish ttf tji rritfifr roiuj tut all lie yctr m emu cllthstmasa sisut worth seelne fieo ilynds irfent stock of xntas tors vases alb aatsonduierbenatirnlprcsentsii sec mtxarire sttick of bcautfuli ijviit xnias and xcwvcars cards from i ct upwards tue best la town slan or tltr blr match geo urnds jcwcllcrr fancr goods store actou sax foaxcisco papers v ate iadelitcd lo mr john sled of 4lmoii city miiki tia of mr georjn steel of tliu vil tilt 3m irmcioi iforjfo uliofl ljriyumg is in order get joor iuaenu ready foe tbi chrittmii treet nuagmtcyi jndstewnrltowo cor- rexiwftjcace eravjed oat tliu vecl tiie winter porch liu beea placed i the front etitnaet to the paat office for bracooafiehs now nofw eadynroa coll at j e mcgarrtaajms tore j to fceep fiioa from tlwilin put ttea io t dry cellar of cuy oco to iarf faruilv of caftdrea jlr xewlaav lituhone letter oa ustucirid cnnc01an croicdedoiit tuu keek will appear la uext if u ilases oitcs ilnw arrived on s it- ordar mcut nearly all the iwr had diaap reared tthaa fnuea very hard ciace that time splccdid orrna w srju cive tlw cakaduzz fannfr aid the fete pccss tram coir- to the 1st january iss2 for s17s foe calitorxia ltr jolia ahem is diposirte of hrj lariacj hefe a he-in- tenda to leari in a thort tirce for cali fornia acctiox sile m jolm ilern il tell hit itoct of grocericf etc by aaeioa oa satcnlay ccnunencing at 2 p ni and 7 ptn w keaiitreet anctioaecr a fact viii is n fact t tint n- ejltfcriliert can teenre the fam tnrtj the lt local parer in fralttm coanty from nornntil jahnirf lit isji far one dollar skatikg rike urcn acton stat ing hink till i opened on thanlay even- ic all parties wiahic teaiaa ticket csn lave them hy applyin ta mturr j e mcgarria c tv hijj or aa xicllln wikoqts- ltmeeur jlr jtmes ocr bxrehtfttc ear tiiat liusiae hat jntt completed thelttcriaeof tie ii aetai iapvrins lie hnaineajof the j nc mr tl ki btnkcr pact tvo vetiks has leca hcrjua ikm karn fif aldtfae skatiso ke tinea the ionda froze tip twu or three weekjao the yoanj follu havj been cujuyins thciurclvct they hare bees oat daily sndai the ice liaa lieea in very good coaditiua full bcuclit baj been taken at the advanutet tliii own eojcyi over many otli era kature hot tomilicd rink of immcuie extent tupecior to any thing which mu can conalract and aatlie oicrciio is healthy oue wo like to ice tkatiag encouiaed baceileoe oo friday night hit tome person or persoot entered the catholic church about a milo wett of this villaee by a tiadon- and coeuiuittod cnniidcrable dp rcdatioo they lore up ono of the icau broke some of the ornuneuu otr the altar aad iraunkd lhrunh the church i it in tillhy condiiioo it it supposed the depredators were trompa and that they stayed in the church all night oa a ere hid been built in the stove when they went away they left the front doors wide open the villains who committed the out me deserve severe punishment tic gacfrih fendd reporter s reeeiiir taker for liu chief of pufice one et theare te wtfl be taken if the chi anccilr of tha vuug felts pf czi rihige atiended the opening af the georsetitrn t rude lots fr day uihl it oaf they had anec joyalie ume land ifetct a seeordtca eardware etc the work u very neatly and peniintstly executed licxictfax xllttem tha manic in caaijttga if usmifcecf already the candidate bovs ptitiy end the injeoeaci- eat vatr bezns to ctisjtay that dtgtiilitd reserve hich is hie priyilegefera tew short week in even year the loxiwr adrepnsci tlis excellent daily ha douued a new drest and eiigiue young bachelors are be- bow arncjfs ita local pages in a different tto it new prceau a very haidde appearance tad ran compare fatorahly wiliz any of ocr daily papert lvtre or gejtecal gaefield our nna w hjse their honied careworn hjofc ottit tetier mouth and they vill enjjy perfectimmginfryfer foar cre yearc klita you wact prinitngine be tare and call at ttzx irre aaid aote i especial ihanfcx are due to sfr u l if cni- fives we lve facilities second to noeelsticei of cleveland ohio at oae time a fwr doin all tiada of ydntiag alakea i resident of thii village for r copy of tbe aceiftciv lifeof general james a garfield preadett this it t very inferesttse and wwrjcopy of the fexe fiicss whth a friehd at a distance would be pleaded w re- ccril tpiei ready for moihni be uoj at the cfllce of puolicatioa adrertiieyour stray cattle if elect of the united states the fbice oe baelet by way rf entpaifjun it it stated that the hfgbect price pildfor hariey at gait this week utcecta vkiie on the guelph marketa during the keck the same cetzzl has bees rtdhng at over 9j cut and at hlzh as 96 cents wis jw sire iost lay they lniy be causing vol aliofdaoiaeintobeiiyi baru jord p otupx 2ltcxr if lat wai riuriiit- if yoa hare on in your possession yoa may j lfct mr kcuia lf o were pay isve your troahle with thea for nohinf- hf h s10 j for barley aud be iialde a prosecitioa it well for not adfertieff them t acton h pro the bmie aixvx of lost weet contained ten efectija ardtbfciodidatea for the town coancii iu- aool nautetx mutt run hijh there ur thou ten tint week dear tejlow but iriitrjainiatteri dont run partieulorir wi here only candidates taker a respect- auelegitiaiate and easy way of coming the pullic vir by meant of fie p5rt- irri adduce acton mnnicipol etodidotes should folio tf the spderimple- ofjlheearrui people j j tl xfaricluun tcnaamiii tells of mr- tdmui farceti of the townihip of fw win ostonsha the township col- a fw dayt ago when piyiaff his taxes f wing hm one dwur more than the ntot hit auetsmer aoet reaaorkihe l did infeai u tds mr do and told or to hence fwaa not aatested for i nejjeetel it and have a riht to f u for nim tie collector reported to the coomil of ltt meeting aa fly hi hooert dntr bat we leit there area larje number of dogs whose owners t payuur taxetn thean in thif nian- plasteuixg ua1k plostorine hair or sals at the acton cordovan- tauuery cia8 kveks fpiie o ii uikdeb silop g ii howard babm i if yon want an aiuy ahave- atcondaa wherever gave i just call pu mo at my solooo at m mil or evo of busy nnon i couib aud curl the hair with grace ta suit the contour of yfiur s come once aud you will cons always shop opposite tit glove works acton j puksi flb sa1e lot 23 con 3 in the loanshlp ofesquet- ing 100 acres co cleared aud under calti- vation ualaucc ood cedar aud black ash good farm builltu- feucesiu lie best can dttmn spleudid orchard of leariu trees ex ccllent fruit iool sprinj water all hie year rouud the tiroperryit situated tlrautsl miles from actou mile rain a tirstelasi tist mill cooreniiut to school and church title indaputaue termt reasonable ap ply on the premises or address jailes scott actou post otsce the ubave itris in georgetown on theith insl iatrick ryan aged 1 years deceased was flthct of mr charier i van a of the g til at goreuiu attol ttanisltx white wheat 080loll9 readwcll oft 0 ou to i 10 spring wheat ghujcw aid 0 m to f li tied chaff 0 90 to 1 00 fats a jl to o si teas ocsioogs barley 0 to 0 so bye 0 73 to 0 ts eis per dtix 0 10 to 0 11 flutter dairy packed 0 1g to 0 w iutter rolls olstooo lvtatoes new per bag 0 u to 0 s dressed uugc s 50 to g 00 gcccfat kakteth floor 2 is t wbite ivfieat treadwill spring wheat glasgow iiedchan cut 1eai rarlej- lire- egr per dot- rjtter daiiy packcrt bur rolls potatoes new per bash dressed hoct t 00 0 w to i os 0 90 to 1 os 0 sj to 1 os 0 90 to t oj 0 2s 4 0 31 0 to 70 07s ta 0 90 0 3 to 0 78 i a la ta 1 is 0 is to 0 20 0 is to 0 20 0 m to 0 g 00 to g 3o w xt otgaefpn is risitlne hex obfaeo ht edward jueldin u uil p with wilus right hand j j tway firttbrook- of toronto paid icioofritads a rait this week im i of otutra spent jd days thii week wilt bis friends d dnaw of calittrma ha been hius aetoa fdeads dura tbo fast and exam- joce little oses we likte received the second number of this hand some little monthly raagaaine for chimrcn and heartily reoammend it ta tbe tlttaticy of parents and others seexing christmci presents the illcrtrationa are ucmerocs and elegant while the readinc matter ts ae- aruollj- intereatiug and instructive knasell pulihdiiog co soctoo mata frice lfo per annual wisnovrs buoeek a few days a o a number of boys were taking stock of the toyt etc in sfr0 hynds windows wh n on of them aocidently fell tgaiust hoe of the tarie panes brealunjr it to rjieces ou if ooday a farmer who had been dealing at uessra a secorl cos wept ont leav- fog bis dag in the ahop the dog did not relish being a prisoner sad gained his free dom by jumpmf through one ot the front windowa i- we clip the following item from the canada educational mantfdi and it tftprda as pleaaare to copy an item so com- plimenurv to one of our citizens at the teachers convention of the county of hal ton held recently at oakeille mr robert tsttie of acton fublie school inspector waa preteuted by tba members of the ivf ciafion- with av juabie gold watch in token of their recogaition of his hiag and couscier- tionalyperforriied labors as inspector of the county to this doubtless gratifying evid eoce of appreciafim aaogondwill ontbe pari of tha teachers of italtori tfe onld aiid oar humble tribute ot commendation and praise mr little it a faithful laborer in tbe edaeational vineyard ad deserves well of the profession which he adorns by hi taunto and by tbe labars of- authorship whichmodaityprewentahim fromavowing to the world and thereby claiming that recogaition and honor which are abaodantly jus doe to ji b mcg-ar- the onuuost blessing- a ilmple lare uarmlem r- mwlj that rare every irao and prtuu- diwitc fa tcjilc tbe bikf pan- rtonjch rexieai tllueryk anrf ilverfccljvei uicrratktb inevcrciarerrtd utcn mau tlutsxtlcrh l mat romftjriiod ls ttoprfctorr art- be-in- hins5cd iir tlio i ttm imve d n wvex n- currd bj it wilt voa try it sca other column doctor civ a him up u itiktieuiitt3raodrraruaiiandbl rnrt ku4 cared oy fcn lmpe a rumedy i itkiire joa tt i- true that lcrnurey earrd nan rti lottiidbjt hvptlneraint hiyteu days ti i iiiedccqrbkve hlxn cpacd laid he uiuttiiil- uniladay if that t 3 i will co tfu falucte arit eet pome fur poor garce i trofrtr iios are ztwd reloproii it iw reat pain pxriacea tuiptctl in tu osrer over pain and m- sxtltnilioa icctrei rliiuttiatem sad xeurati lsmc back atiti spinet xffee- tiou coqtracciotibt cortaud juuicies vtrm cietnally iid ruterualir for tie ly sll delerz z0pesa from brizil is catr cone rafo canaift it is a milt trurauvc acting as a irooderaconrtiijfcfcingtretiartl aud energy a tue uiiettc apjarctrr cc uif tiamai staiaaeii earrectiitsulidjacrcajius the acids ilfsfccronyanijfoiisani carries cttail grijisiituc tours up u licergivea ikaid dietob and nixty ueiltd utue iyppkc ndtli ulliloa afc x e slejarvfu bra ten cent fmicploxiu and est zapts ttho nrcamix3jutiarfc tfiutouqctj lottita 75 eute fcescorr gxt feb 26 fsso jw- perry dacu kyg latcratce the famkiller ik rery popular neiiciie in luis neighborhood aud gires lrfezt taiufitcjwn in eveey cxsdnliere it is utel- l fa a re do lesilitfoa in recommeadtop it to tiie public r r hlllvlllb dkcggist ttafsee ad rerttsemenfc in auother polumn nilsoa8 wud cfacrry oreof lb most tljaroagtilr riltbe medi cines now lit use by- to ciuallfln jritillc ts ijuons compouudhvrcp of wild otrry t6e snrcets wlreh atundstlk use in etxof cold coojus broocnltls cvinp wlkopfng cougu let of voice onuweatc lung is mos- remxrkaiile orefnully irejiared to meet the demand loraeood medlclueof ibe kiua in hie retail slorhofthe proprietors lit sale increased so rapidly ash beeam- so largely exteudct mat the manufacturers felt ttviwooiy ntceoary folalrodueeltnirongh the oewsrapersofile coarrut to eoire its adopt ion as the nartonpi rnrft diseakof tiie respiratory orgnt every leading draurjil in western ontario nowsellslt l gnjbonrvs parisian balm la a sore cure for crncjud ftandg cracked laps oougn- nesa of tbe skin tan freckles ana sun burn it does not smart like ftlyeerise aad u car more hoalln trv it oervaat girl waateo wanted agood servant ffm tor general boose wbrkyapply irrnijeoiately mrs w h stoeey poalt coal stove coal delivered to anyl part of the town apply to r bex i0baet at tbe gte depot riaiautakeb wasted tenders will bi received by tbe under aignednntil friday eyeiiing the 10th inst for the position of caretaker of the acton skating rink for the ensuing season season duties will be stated l applying to jc hill orche undersigned jemcqaevir 8ec a8c vins stock of rxkakd conoerjv the commiitee of manaomentissing gsged the services dl several ladin and gentlemen of aclrrjowledgecsalont purposo givuig a ujktcws cosaorr on th cyrigra wednesday 2aideo town kail rock wood j sk tbe proceeds to be applied in aiding the baijdingfaiid of fit johjys churiji tu course of ertctiaa llttw doois opca at 7-oam- mencc at ti ajaiissiox 25c cbildrea 15c c j btukiad sec j w kxofles troi prottailllilf at tloot selling cheap ghristitias presents watoi9s clocks jewelry electro kate new goods large stotk and low prices for cash school teachers ynu bxre a vroaal cucotxnt b savage lower wyndhjm st guelph rxuaxec i itrsivhss tiie umiersivied hereby annottacet to tha people of actoa aud sdiroauding coantry that a cltuigo has becamade in the mau- acmcat oftbo iviaii dtidertakiny and furniture business hcrctofoto earned on by myself my sac jose- ph speight has been made ti member of the firm which will berciifter be known as speight at son i beg to thank my many en stealers for their patronage daring the past thirty years and elicit a coutinoance of tli katac joilxspeight acton bee 1st 1630 as announced above clian 1ms tifan plice in the business referred to the new inn dcire to rtate that they are prepared to attend to tbe wants of customers in the wagon undrtakidg and furniture lilies and giving their personal cucnticn to the business will endeavor to satisfy the de mand of tjl we solicit vonr ratronaire speight son acten dec 1st 1s0 vtotice to debtofis as the old business is teicg clofed np i beg to notify all parties owing me that their accounts are now made out and i require that all accounts whether looker note be settled bv january 1st 1881 i liave tried the credit system for thirty years and now conclude thai long credit is badfor both debtor and creditor and have decided that hereafter business must beeondacied on tihorter credit john speight acton dec 1st 1s80 aa immense reduction in prices to dear- oat our stock to make a change w aire sellisg heavy 50c factor- flannel for 39c 25c wincey shirtilg f 184 u25 double fold coating for 95c 225 b 100 vtlret wide for tdc fine 125 lace coruina for 5100 fine 35c oaalirnero for 25c flea vy 50c dtraa goods for 25c fine 22 dreaatjooda for 15c etc etc etc in aroceries 3 lbs splendid tea for 100 find 30c uoffee for 25c com 8sirch3 packaga for 25c bsking povder 3 packagea for 25c biicuit3iliafor22c- efc etc qxeat reduotions in jfli- linwy- 0000 boots fc shoes 8ullfnjj lowpt than ever kemexbsa chapmans coraer stor otonsr s 1 chrfstie hendersolsr co acton this week show the contents of over- 60 oases of boqis and seceg 33 cases of new christmas goods af days bookstord ouolph bought by mr day when in england comprising writiag desks wort boies dressing ciea ladiesv companions c toilet sets dolhi dolls dollf in bnliber china and wax card caws- pocket books wallets and thousands o r articles suited for xrnas presents pocket bibles teachers bibles prayer bookb presentation books photograph albums autograph albums tool chests toys etc etc the shop is fall of nice new goods and our prices are far below any competition we have the large fine stock tie people want aad prices cheaper every time- an inspection is invited at 7ts bqqswq8b bar sells cheari f the- hrist ian ptwjer- 100 a year 2 a k tjsii ecta ri as if aoaai con- taining mimibnitykfjanikraijijrt of the world and ell illuatritsd with fimtclaiis fiikravings one of the best misnonarii feriodicak pulawked sjxehnen copiaftee address chhistrait ofsavek r polflitoin ont pull lines of tweeds gray white and scarlet flannelscan ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles fine wool gtoods black costumes costume r cloth etc just in u-p- f turarc always habb a specialty of a we are determined still to maintain the super iority of this line j winceys plain and fancy from 5 cents up remember their famous 50c tea christie hendeescn co fine art goods charles w hill the weekly itailhau the largest circulation of any paper pabliauedia the city of toronto or province of ontario the mail the hail is a marvel of journaulie suc- ceaa moxcrey x ijj tucta acknowledged rnxttcaatilj- a6ead unqnrgunnnblr at ute iedtpf d iialaonjoaruallam-cajtp- byall the opnoulm ipppotf- we like it deadidfj lumaiteup tic upcjrapby iiaim- prcvioixeyii lllii itfieif orlafciiarank llilcaito bs o 6 tin ti ed in the lntr btoftlietiantrranl nt of a poluick prty we i ul be gr nil rfjoieed atluiueceaf atrcaiharukednrva the te torentohall it ardonbied7 at the prenent ilmt ide loadntjoarnil a canid biti in euieirive and abiaty as wll in circalauoti rnrt political inflaence hauiax s5jakald v larsest and be toe larpeil nndun nowaikper id ibe domlnui ottawa ukbals and takes theleadtnp maix now lakes the leiui atratrokd tms best moff deefdedlx tiie beit tjir ifaii lx must decide ly tue bn paper in canada onnaa citt bciat of fu foodn pnperaa lh unltik slates or boxlaod tuorxbvkt stajtrjakd paper innrmt lea in cut tuaokbcita obsteveb w i the taper af canada a parer ol wheh cnadl n have muou to feel jtoud nrnitby cnunxicxb canada rralse frm hew trk tbe rise a rrowlh oliuetokuxto mail uresmnnathe marvels orjoarnalun founded rmiy eight years ago ills lodiiy unrqtalled inoidaufl a a netrs- bi or aud surpassed by few journals hi lbs otudsuies ltavtosperity oaiuo beqnes- tioned nd it la u pleasure lo aav it deservea luchca nyj ukbald tiie weekly moll trill be sent to any post qffioe in canada or the united states or to any address in great britain tor one year postage prepaid for otb dolus or tbe daily mall for sir dollars alj0uict thtilait luronto the lnrarsf and bess dallv newspaper prflltiea in onud i tot on tbe contluent jjotice to dbbtov8 all partus indebted to tie nndersigited are requested to settle thoir aooouuta hy the 27tniiist io other handa torcolleetion iyqkees ac nov l8thj 1880 v eats i a five assostjiext or- pictures and frames or thx latest dssioxs vskt cheap also in stook tstroteop8 sttraosooplo vltwt mottoat perforated or ohromo pleturo i cord pleturo dalle olaee all sizes motto frames complete for 20c pho to g- tt a f si s a the latest citr styles rat best act cheapest ls thi cocirrr cmiis w bill teas h the cheap gbocery w p brown r has just received a near stock at cfcoodries crookery and glasswara histeas t are eieelleat asd bare given great satisfaction try them a splaran lot ot grlassbe 6000 to be opened and irerj suitable for chriatmaa preaanta giyehim a call cotvch delftttfjln theyingcaaw w r brcitra h tr ii teas ivilv metes ttf ctio eafcly 5 rk j vf f w

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