esmmmm r- mitt tieteeetee xcto tc1fmit gee 8j1880 roxwc fqaxb cqbxsb s afc th ifew arrival a ehermloe little tiddy idddy hit of mothers win i a tier toddles tweet as flowya of apfingi a preciont popty wopty i its msnimy den a klts- a pretty darling luy witty urg pa so tlaft the little 11 t hra a healthy- i looking chap another month to feed an iota at fatal no wife t dent consider thtt hit comtogv a mithip list ttilt icrajd hare dent with leu than tight btoms kit eve 1 that the baby i what a jolly little pop but i tar nit srhererer it ita note t and tut- ttlher bythdby wheq h gets mora grown up hell rear my woiaout jackals i top- poet cxcul another t well lhtak i am not a married into what dciit i think him pretty so i dont to keen htm from the workhoate yoa bolt do the beat yoa eta dont think thai 111 stiiit yoa or t woutj pociot how art we retting oa lodiy j i trait we tooc ihtll tncud we irottnt think were slrooc jail yet ton know wed better take t tomt thvg which thit afternoon til tend and let pie see horn ha i ah yea jut to jfcest het lovely thai he it mini bee them sturdy liuit leg het twice the i of ltdy smitkery third t and erhea he comet acutting of hit little tooteypect htti be a man he erill epon my word kncebor oh yea dear he foofcr healthy bat yoa maetac treat hi thtt i do not iriih of ooarte yoar hopes to dart bat vhea i tee a tender babe to nddy strong tad fat i loot dear oa hit tee 1 it that a task ma a charming utile tidjy iddy hit ot mothacs bliat a tiny toddlet tweet at flow of tpring i apredoatpopty wopty zixe its mammy den a kite a pretty darlintitty vay ting w reprove others hot correct tbjrhf your neighbor it iny oat to whom you can do good prosperity u a bliialng to lbs good but a curie to the tvtl benevolenon iif allied tofeer v lewalamttfsvavtirlul v buy what thou bait no tiesdof and era lotlg thou shslt ttlltiw oeeev series uowhoonnotoomroend bit thought must not bope to command hlii totioui t borrowed thought like borrowed aiouey only rerrali the poverty bat oooipeued the joan toare are niahy uanwbo mtglit got era oiultitudca if uir pould gvra thair tonguct tjtiu it uo trail a tbi humtu cbtneter to wutuiel for weal or m a 6 tujacat of imrioae a iiromini it a just debt wbieb jou mutt uke cars la par for honor and honesty aw tin urily many a iveutly formed mouth bit been diitsgured aod nude hideout by lh flery tongue aritbia it if we examine the aubjeot it it not jrida bat nitkei ill angry but tht want of fouadatu2 for- pride sjwafc of yourself as aeldom ai may be if yoa praise yourself it in arr anoe if joo diarmite it ia folly hilenoe it generally afe and gener ally prudent but there are lioiea vhun it is duieracrful la lw tileut mind uind toot foaore boat let it tpeek patty erael ankind or wordt kfnui yoar eye dont permit them to look da wicked bookt pictures or objects mind yoar earr doat tafler them to liltea to wicked fpeecbec tongt at wordt mind yoar lift j dont let tobacco foal them dont let ttroag drink pats them dont let the food of the gfattus eater be tween them kh ikt- unqualld value in at ihefiwcht mji m dr haydock the eiliaortlbev eflret of thli boebaje ertefjm try ttr hajrdoek pon tba xm- aort orlnary twtant it wlthoat a paratl tba kbiory of meflltint ao teyox4enjofibkcirla htretolta edletoitkef juit to hand a bate of allwool prenoh sargat well worth 400 et bld i tie miniifaeturer wwlow dttlltty of very hand waekbt arritwi ibis weak they comprise ifiw isidm and goodjraju furolwre frll jyrtu bottooj and eok they comprise in iubm nd gollu rurniwr r opened up ibhi ak i jtolof atyuh fdillklrtl tbi a of sa cheav black bu oord t week very hnuoe col to wjjjj bu1tl china this week a larie lot ol hry dut cwtbs for men and boys oottt sjahtsiissr 1 21 jubht hull 10 id u king si nil dote mens eduction for ouh cromptooi own br wi waailngl hu ml jost m the 8ti ana ouokuuaj it i wuugbjooit scmember th name u thomas c watkins hamilton hamilton dee ttth 1850 the ebampfoa jtck of tlltrtdot be- loagi to england and lire near chicwter he bat aerrsd at teaman in the four queitert of the globe tad acted at steward tailratktr oook mate and navigator fie now ngw tiangt oat hit ugn at prof pullinger con tractor inentor fiiherjnan builder catpenterf joiner lawyer undertaker turner cooper painter glazier sign painter pumpmaker paper banger bell hanger boar builder clock cleaner ocktmilh umbrella repairer cbint and glaat mender netknilur wireworker grocer baker farmer taxidermist oopying clerk letter writer accountant inrveyor engineer itnd taeaturer bouse agent rertry clerk aaaitunt oterteer clerk to the selsay sparrow club clerk to the selaar police a o and col lector of land tax and property tod meomt tax and cottaator of duch tad highway ralea tfit and hamor j til bird are sot confined in gilt cage there are more faahlont in the city but more ttiles in the country it it the man with the rheamttiam who iaeteryinch t king aching burglars bare been finding oat lately that there if a good deal of danger in t safe robbery said an old woodchopper when ever i want to find a chip of the old block i jott ax the block one difference between- a tailor and a showman it that a sailor like lighthouse and a showman does not be careful about going ont of doon without anything on your head or into coni piny without anything in it write foregoet on your elites said a teacher to the javrnile clan in v spelling and t little girl wrote i go go go when the starch mtuuftctarsr got together ta pat up prices jh cbairmin laid all we want a do is to ttiffen the market it it aingultr how differently the tame climate affecta different people undertaker thnve where other people die in the greatest numbers said e landlady to her nepbew who wat boarding with her i have giren yon year board bilmd now i wiuit you to gire me my board bill i what most i do atked a mean and conceiurd man of a friend who knew him well to get a picture of the one i lore mostf sit for youv own portrait wat toe reply 8choolinistreasfjast beginning a nice fjnproving letaonlupon niianralt ta the juniors now what are the princi pal tilings ws get oat of the earth l youthful angler agtd i confidently wormj k distinct and peculiar combination fellows compouw syrup of hypophflsphites it con tto the drauntt etnatlal te the animal orgauisation iheoiiditing afats and teoiea la eomblnttion with the atlmnlatlnf agent pkcaphems potsntlng the merit of be fsgiuytiialintjiduautiiiawucoqtiitntanaptatubkfonnofaiynn its effecta an woally wwue witbmnjtohom sn4 art marked i by a tto slatioa of the appetite the digeftlon ind atiimilaaon antrnng directly tnto the aiiculatioa it tone7th7terres lid muecles siu a healthy action of ihs secreuoaii neither ditturbt the ttomtch nor irjatts the sttlsm nndir prolongtd ttie and bay be diaoostinued at any time without uiconmoieuea in i word it poetesses the ttinulanu to mouse tat strength the toniea to ratals ft tad mtrit of a high decree fellows compound syrup of hypophosphites tmtottr aiio feawirnrouir m4ubmlh wii lfm irwwujozl hajmt umu fhflnl dpnuto l affut la t kmvi t tew ju4 flt nutr wm ike kt4 haaitn i orfat f lit nr uck erpoe fee ktakk una roluaurr uaii toliaury w tn0l ta attautd foe a pam h perry davis son sc lawrence subsoribe for the acton frefe press hacyards pectoral balsam tool fct the iw con of temnreaaaatkaaacrato ftserk bnaeklus tan tsuastim tsuxt ff zteffykonk talllbu ft co pratniun teniae v c to r1a- the ore at specific d incase s kidneys kpfeccow bioiifrill xmtmsl si ptufc npttiortotft khsparntma g t sjell fob boer to rt tnk trm drnnkennew an old story it loldnf t youth who was compelled fo choose between three crimea parricide blasphemy apd drnnkenneat he shrank from the fictt wo with horror and chose drnnx- ennett but while h wat drank he killed bit father and committed hua- phemy the moral of thit would seem to be hat the yruth shoald ftrtt have killed hit father and committed blasphemy and then be might perbtpt hart been tared fiom drnnkenneat e how a burglar was captured dr andrewt heard t burglar in hit houae in philadelphia and bad n pittol to shout him with so be inflated a paper bag which happened to be at hand dashed upon the thief with a shout and exploded the bag which made a noise like a pittol shot the man sank to the floor in abject terror and begged for merer if yoa want a cool and cheap article la tout brto jtptatbuek du- uovrler teasill sugaxs syrups spices and tobococ of alijkindt frese lsd 8wieet uo man bat enough strength of cbtnteter tolirt down ridicule if the ridicule u true hardware of all kindi v paints and oil8 hinges and locks naiis glass putty 8 alt by the barrel all cheap for ca8h go to 0 ti hili8 mill strsot cton it requiret a man of good common tense to fall in lore with a plain woman the following was recently written and lent by a distinguithejjolergymtn to bis mother it wit sent onfpoetal card from sweet isaiahs sacred aoag chapter 0 terae 6 firrt is wordt please take and the foflow- ingaflbji from genetit the ssh terse 17h no more then add verse k of kings book sndv chapter 4 tbelaat twotenea chapter 1 lrt book of bamnel apd learn what mi this day yow loriag son never jump at t conclusion it it it jumping oat of bed and landing on the little end of a tack contentment oonaiatt in not per stiading that our thing are the very beet in the world but in belie rin they are the beat for at and giving god chants for them the skin of a boiled egg is the moat efsctcioua remedy that enn be applied tot boil peel it carefully wet and apply to the part affeoted it will drjw off the matter and relieve the aoreneta in a few hours mr longfellow can take t worthless sheet of paper and bywntinf a poem on it make it worth 50 i thats geniaa ilrvanderbilt can write fewer words on a similar sheet and make it worth 50000000 thats capital there are two kinds of wisdom one a man gets from prudent forethought the other from experience both are valuable but one costs a good deal more than the bther we advise oar readers to get til they out from forev thought coajoer there is one thing worse than ignorance- sod that is conceit of all intractable fools an overwise mail is the worst you may cause idiots fo philoeophiieryon may onax donkeys to forego thistles but dont think 6f ever driving common sense into the headrtf t oodsait bute thu twiot five to thirty dropi of tbojusv ecleotbio uu will cure com mon sore throat it never faila in croup it hi ca re a coach or cola in tweneyfoaf to forty eight hour one bottle bat cared broncuitlt of eight years standing recent cases are cured in three 10 fix days it hat restored lb voice where he person had not spoken above a wbitper in fire years at rn oatward application in allcatet of pain or itmenees nothiog like it hat ever been known une bottle will cure any case o jame back or cnck in the back for diieaaei of the spine and contraction of the iltucles it it unequal led- in hheumalic or any other pain the first pplicalion does you good it ttopt karache and the pain of a burn in three minutes and it altogether the cbeanett medicine ever ofiered to tbe people the cteapeat because it takes so little w do you eood ltiioompoed of six of the bet oils known and nothing butoili is worth its weight in gold why not buy it today a b dxs bochtss aaiistant postmaster artliabts- ktrille f q writes thirteen years ago i was seised by a severe attack of bheumatitu in the head from which i have neaily oonsunily snsered after having uted thombs ecleclrio oil for nine dayt bathing the forehead 1 hate been completely cored tod hive only oted half a bottle this i can certify under otth if jjrpq wjhrrre j maliory ot wyoming n- y wntesi dr thoihaa jeeleetrio oil cured me of bronobitit in one week bowar of imllationsaskfor dr thorn eoleotrio qil ten that be slgnatnre of 8 n tboiita it on the wrapper and the names of northrop h iyman are blown in the battle and taxi w ofskfc 81d bv all medldne dealers price 25 cu nobtheop k lvmantdroiit6onlproprieuiifor the dominion ouelfh cloth hall ovtrcoal tagi fur cap g lot it and uuu ihderdothing ssjlw f iturton iunhenl tuilort bttukxtladtf 33tjoht3 one of the sett avssni a pss ntaarpeelaeuitheetinotandlseaaat nf iheutnera bladder prortauo por- uoaof tbauhnaronraiiairrltatlono ike meek of toi budder bommt ortoe uleel qooorrbea u all its stages mo- cots pttchareea oonaettlon ot the kid uts brie dust deposit diabetes in nammatice of u xuners and bladder not the rtnart rcalculoa renrcouc j rlne patata the ais b thb bacg urtnaitptuttt urtoe iteansnt urtnattonorareltn aillu bm innhilttr to retain tbe a- uie tr ia i sirjifvsfrlaator that redone the- cits to sa nanml cole remove the add and bnrnrac and tbe sect of the excessive moot luteal- qttmg drink kuotdt ej abtleulmtets lltiihafqaaae ladtt jtmetma iwjonnstonjco iiibxbsnma flntiwa uorats for ue v- b awl feaodo far ttle u acton by j k afootrvln drusxltt j the largest and most complete factory in tbe dominion 140x100 highest honors ever awarded to any llaker ia tie world onttrisiofa tea water wllleoin to in awiae-skat- wtaat ate stletf wm in from ten to twenty bloat 1 utumhlaies ulsetndpklstkiiietoibe sold off ttbvlng bm founjjer r bejold very obetp ieief to band ibis for veils id varioni french vlbbeits linp ibis ls6 dimrdor ofkba pdpfjya lbaudlaeanvuhclbauofauwlataas they seerste loo moenr ten little water mf whether die amietm vnb ttiiie of srtisil orwitnaetirvaiml paint milled la tk tetat otrtkereflooiotlb4ktujt hato0ciirs vitalized suchii will irlve almntllmmdltt rtfw whta air oiher means stvelklied the saosttowei plalnfs nnyytajaekpirieneeideonuebi prove tills nmedy nnrfrelldd to the dledrde incldenul to ibe female arx no taaii ejlllps mrouln lor tbeeoreofrf male ill i to should be wubootlleuiil nay b uktb yoong or om aa it will mtore hr alth whet every other net na jnre nntneeteelai to the stowiaeh w imee djtiwptiatiat- aeneand general dmhln to the liter mil jiiaadlec atd wllow fever loikibcr diarrhoea lyanlr7coiwiriillonlta flttnlat to the lnha eontaaaption eta theblood ternrolseenrvyanaallenlebeei eraptlont br keeplnf iriemorfbtrfvfi fluid iar and hetlthr we mar safely del tbeattacki of dlteantol no medlclut i prepared rortbjspnrposeetn eqtulthtaikt of s havoopks j vttaiilzbd btjohtjf btab nitinun i ithat made measewman i i iri hardoeki mrbn bat inereaaed my welthl flneen ponnda u ywlfe would not be without it for any 5nr llttl boy it ntaeh belter i enelow im be dollar ibr another bolt i dnd it u easy lo take atmlik we have sold thlrtn bttle thltweak aid ahall want three down next order ly hornluafoaylitone ihenkttooea bnehn waatofapaeeieompeiametoenmlad- v anymralld or anfterer affileted with nay tj km dc j- dltordrr who will write meat tn their complaint will be treated nrmaalyandkfw ly it 1 ray mot earneat drtlre to invett- fat el i tbrmt of ihabetee and slve relief at all lfm- ifjroo are too poorloporrbaae v write mranyiwa aod yosr ease will hate- t immeouu atteiillon oaution obaerve that the usnatora of joe hay does it acroae thr xaocth o each bottle prlft une dollar tor large and nfty eentas tbrulal tlxea job hatdocr up- ttrxatt stxut lew teak 8 medal and diploma al centennial fs medal and diploma at sydiijr australia s 0 old medal at provincial exhibition toroijo fjghiahe avard at indtittrial exhibition toronto 1876 1877 j878 1879 i ytt are now manufacturing square and upright pianos best in tbe market correspondence solicited bend for illnatrated catalodue mailed pre addreefl dominion organ piano oornpany j bowlaanvilxbontaeio j la i raise acet actojf dry goods proclamation we oommenoed on wednesday 1st december a gratfd clearing sale of odr lmiusske srock of winter dry goods ikcloding- silks velvets dress goods cafhroeree velveuena mantlet sbawlt mantle cloths tjltter clothe hoairry gloves ribbona lacea millinery trimmed and uotrimuied clodit tweedigenta furoiahings and an iuinienaeatoek of table linenttable napkinscutton k linen toweislcecariaina sheeting we will alto offer for tale al the same time a large stoek of ladies ffjbsin muffi boattnd caps this is a splendid opportunity to aerare genuine b trgainaat leu than regular prices hemember thia ia no humbug but a genuine clearing sale uoodl will be sold only for cash ko credirat our reduced rates wm stewart co t7ppee wtsdbah 8t t- i rllfj- rt acton habw5s3 trtjns factory- tt abness and truixksmade to order in any ttvle required on abort notice and t reasonable prices repairing promptly attended to k oreeqh uvest m ale boarlsl tablst mill street is where yon est get firstclass higs at rea80hable rates i v i t good commercial eiga an express delivery wagon kfll mewtg each ezpreet train and deliver goods to any dart of the town all pnrties indebted to this f tablisbment are requested ro pay vf without farther deity and taee costs ed ittatthevw- prourietor organs sewing machines r0bt craineacton is prepared toealloa persona reqainng h i either sewing machines or ortam he has agencies tkou beat maooletareraln the eonattit wllitaarantee aatltfacuds to purehar teraaavery naaonable onler led j retldenee or addreaaed to him to aeten p will receive prompt attention h t rvm the acton free press best local paper in hailton co- obgaka new obgan from a nrstclau canadian maker for sale suitable for the borne sundayachiool or bmadchnroh we will aefl the above very lowforcaah for fhllparuoulatt apply to h p moobe j ttsmsornes nftrav aeseti jtu twa j 7 furnituri a good assortment of first olaas furnl- tare of every descrip tion constantly on hand prioes ts low as guelph er george town a call soucrrxn uhdertakiwa every deeeription icd coffins catkett ind all funeralre i tjuist alwtj kept hin stock a hand- some hiabm icr uiahed at low rate mls ratu fasoyaijje jorherspejraqkh4j i y -i- joe who wwmi iwate in tbe nuittpjeaantaiieel llneaa known sverytf new tmnlui not rfaalred wej outtlt tent free to tho 5 mriirtb yoo event mov egjaiay aa4 wanlaiaamlymad wlthpot uajluete from noma rnrnliht no rlak white many new workenahieu at once are matin frtom at the bnalnet l seek aa moeh aa men end ynanc boya a tlru make treat pay oewnls so work hlla to make more money lhaneao ts made in k week at any 0 employaaeat ttnee boehtle a tmataaortroadlolbrtanel addree b saixxttoolforutmil y- r fi yoorwltet bj retklff 1 whn a srtdfolebaoeat i e thereby alwajat kpwil f froa yooidonr then m mwaytiw vtatt- mqne wealtl aaehelmiieea remain lb t rrertyj many men women bora ltd glrsj jpj riant in t hair own lo still leet wldsjs mora utaahn timed take or lb eood ehancte tor l ney t areared keoeratl tltby while tkeeaiwtndo optj tor s right in t hair own lo wilt tea fijtooratnaa totlnii waawt we fcrnltti an reaalve alltbavtoowrdrre imyt rnltatomakemoney van eapwiy- devote yoor who time jorcry i i tl s