Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1881, p. 2

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i t tjelii jtutlikpjibss acroxt tochamc jan s 1ssi xc xw year jip ii t 1 7 tirtaltjjif nitf nuv the nw fiat- is hetviw vuinc im boch le tiewud with urecai energy nttdwilti this the liil inailj uf tie ke lit us s in i8il d may not tie out rfplco to a few wool in tvfevetioe tc- oat fctles vu ugld lender our limits to tic liu tidvegivmi ua their support tiuriug tlm last eud solicit a cculitiu since u their fsvotssuiiiij them hint m will at ku uuir do our best y givt- jiifccl satisfaction wiui igul to lit free press itself we would say ibst wp have jreil uo pains during the nut voir t uute it success tui during the com log year it will be ouy cmlearur to make it even more tulcnattuj it iossible brour readers tian hereto ore la tideavariti la do ibi we vuald ask llu co operation of sit- mid ubea any itileresjinj item of news caub tiiidr their natict- we would be grateful if tier would send it to uf ve would like tlits opportunity of hunting our earretpoudeuts who have occaiionally sm us hews ana would finest them to continue to foifurd pur ikis of interest ii is t well tnown fact tint it re quires a largo amount of money lo uolisb newspaper and- we woujd lke if those ulio are in arrears vreuld come and- settle up it once ve are iijiujj a we can to furnish our readers vitbit newspaper second to nsjio in lie eouaty end are nmtt hire money kit do it with we jel lonorably and iqurelj with otlwrs and pay cash and would liko to receive tlc sauie from toute who itre iudtbud to u tuc municipal elections ou uundy mornuig l niu oclock tbejioll nc opvued d tlcctloii for nicutbctiof tbc viungaouuuoil for 1881 cjthliicnoed colkiditubl xiuur jititd tliiottjliout thovilluge duting tlio dny ud iervtlc effutta put furthby ttircundidilfi jnd licit- fiiul ioimuracfiair iuctioo jl on roovo vuntveled by nccuunlian tbo conlml it confined lu tbe ondiitttt for eouncitlorit and owiii to the btrge nunibtr vvlio wjr it the geld tbero vit great ukrtiuution during tbo dny to kho would coaitituli the council alike oclock lie poll closed indu luxe crowd of cititons nscuibled out- aid tbo railing booth to heir tin- returns wbtclt m unde iiililie about six oelock when it s found tbat tbe votes out for tbe rcsjiictiva cundidstes were nv ulluwi flmkck cok avh stohey u v cakrbeu d iicsdcusox micttaitsrmaut u d cuktsrtn cttarles cilucrov rxvedii auaitii dfcmokrow ett skvdce 92 70 73 5i 28 fit 50 20 12 coot timci wittflat duubt i cxn nor be eaftly tid tult tie long lookid for good limbs imre come ssir fom 11 trs of citntd tbe rrplutscmif s1i lug mure uods thjto tortntily mul tujntv cujin iu mure fjcely tbia be fore in fcice ct bit old crottert7 siv tbexc is cot tbe digest dimbt tbtt tre me cok uifly rvuud tbe corner nd on tie bibwjty to irvsjiiitr ttie fcttimef are uriw good wiil not- we ccust lad ta over ifojjilttion one u the gaitet ciils wbicb ciu befall oc bcreiaesx cooituucity j nttcer hi tbea imibmd tleif rceources and jrepxre for tbe piriod of deircti3a wbicb in few yeirs must fjllow orer trading to ill wwouf 1ssy while it is necs sjrr fjr business men to ffwculitt uzn tie futuie projalilities of trile it utfirajk ttfe to iroid citreccet tfc cuefat am if geoemlly tbe sue- atifuoiie tbe council for isslwill consequent ly be cutuposed c fullowa rncvh c s smith icocxcilibtts w if storey d v ctuipwl d uendcreoa and ie sjieight 4 after tbcrettfinf bid been made public the newly elected cindiditcs uiidt short speeches thuking tbe electors for dieting tbeui we congrnlulite our citiint on tbe election ol so able a cjuncil to govern be affxirs of our villoma during tbe ireseut yetr the niralirs of the new coumil ire al caergetic businessmen md possess ound com utoti sense snd itre sure they will lie worthy of the confidence pltced in thetu by the eltctort board of edueotlou th donri of tihstdpi of acton school dirjljoq piltla ho scliodl home ou mwfkrwnlugt imi putitnoi to tdlajrajrli- afemfien all ptmcot tp apewurjr took ho chair and opened ho uiaviog aftet which mr j aim speight wi unanimously elwted to occupy tia ehulr during thdipreacat jfitt ktotcd by a wpocc seconded by speight thutilesatii j lby m speight and the moyer bn a caramitlco to sliikn standing committees for the prc6entyeai- tbe committee to strike striding coniuijtlees epotcl lo lolluniie ap- poiuttncus jistns mrritews alex lxsnv at sicicitr paopparr con joscfit isur s mount the finance cumniiltee presented its first report ami ivcaniuierided tht the followiitj nceourti bo ptid aid that th cbitirniin itmtti biscbtipto in fnvor of i he treasurer in payment thereof h v moore account bslf yesr fijnry titing census elding annual metlinf rent cf ball priutins rostsflo and hatiotrtry j3gs jfovcd by jas xrsllicvt seconded by aler lisiiy tlmttlio report of the finance uummittee junt- rcid te odopted can led jcoeed by smuei more seconded by joseph lisby that the weietkiy be nrd is hereby instructed to adicriic for- tenders for iwejny five caids ol short wood cut from good sound gieei body timber to be delivered at the school house on or before the first of jfirch csrrm moved by simnel xloore feolnded liraiez ixajjr that this board d jottrn to meet on monday evening februory gbat 730 p m canii the oreatot bteasisc a ilmpe ptrc ijarmlefs rrntprfr thai eurrs evry time and p uu dlifcc b fcejt ikf dik furrfinlriei r-xwa- cl in yi tniuv retivc u tncrittt titrh- laieecrcanfcrrrf ttrcn man hat utttfr l ttiai reiru ami lit- tofflplcir arr beinr bfiird lie thoitfctdfc wlio luee tiii t eci nnj mirrd ti it will ea trj it see other eatutaa fehardlmq- ftas just opened afresh stock of groceries ponfeotionery c suitable for christmas r bnrs of wikersvi ftr 5c cocte telling fat 6lc 7 ti khiin for 05e oia tea ting for 35c 3 cn mustard for 25c 3 pound curranta for 25c 11 pounds tlht sttjarfurjlbo plcotcjelfc j a- jt yt our goqda will give all customsrs satisfaction t h -harding- p s christmas candies just to hand cheap a r r stores stoves stoves important aanouacemeat revisionrof tariffi radtietton of rata nol by tha powers that be at ottawa birt by tha paoplaa rapr aantit iob in ouelpfi the golden l do not fail to- see havilis stock of stoves tho cheapest and bsst variety in tovni oomfnton ceostts flections elscnlicrt georcctotrit ikeero v mclo3 re ftitio cillors joseph iixrber juo crawford j dr roe and l grant uacoa rve d w campm accl m tynr j d matbevjn tccl cutin ellow ktirtft warj john ectrd sjuth war i j e farrisou eu- warj s center bttij jacet t a mara oakviiie cuttncillors ward no i felau ton arasronj ward no 2 btrcuy pittenoa k-dlj- ward no 3 hill mer wood williams espieslae reeve w clay first dputr a rrocum4tiaa issued be tbe gov- cmorgencral directs that tbe censec uf the dcmiaica sbll bo tlea on monday april 4th and that the pro- cedure to be followed shall be after tbe dcjtxri system or cf tlie douiciled population of the eight schedules to l filled the 6rel gives tbe nominal re- turn of tbe lirfng and the second tbe nominal return of deaths within tbe but twelre nuntlis the third treat fi real estate public institutions and industrial establishments the fourth gives a return of cultivated land of field products plants frnits etc and the gflh of lire stick aninird producuy iiome made fabrics ted furs the etrti is a return of products of tlie- foiest the eerentb of shipping snd 3therieand the eighth of mineral prodactt w mchcnrv scond deputy ltidsy councillors r graham butliastod kasiacaweya xews frasi car ova cmtajxmdal thesmsof tenireranceof brook- ville qare a concert in theirihsll new tears eve the audience wts small pei blips cxiin to tbe extreuie- cold weather mr jamw logia occupied the chair and made a few opening remsiks jhe progratrime was in oaually- large ua kpt he audience tiotil a jate hrur miss en of catrminjfvifle misses allisun and jeussf biookville hi seiddlktori and straiige f of rockwood messrs gilliue and el sirange and j straohan ofeockwopd mfasre wj hcljaruu d jsungla and j t easfer fcrook iof kumagawiri were he jiriadpil- performer some fine solos and readings were given and in all a very enjoyable time was spent tea iraa provided rafter tbe coocert and the fldmpaijsai tjie old year out and tbe jryeavis i j i ked is00 christmas reve wnt keras cuuncillarf r g baxter tbaddeus ghent tj c greens aajrp n jgg erin vfllaee- keeve t carbery coiincillors- k wood w conbor c waiter and wni ilaailtou gacfph mayor seemnby afcl water commissioners if ownd and mitchell by accl aldermen stjames ward elliott bruce and gowdy st patricks ward chadwick liingand patterson st georges ward baco sicvrasooj and davidson st tohn ward goldie hewer skinner st andrews ward chidwicfc lamprer and kennedy mldnrsm daefara ar the moa unwelrjme visitors eien tbe doctor blmsex curses the luck lint compelled tiim to feave hc eomre led tiippose jou try our method and keep a lottie of perry paris iainkiller in the douse snl let doctor kjuills slay in hi bed and enjoy bimelf croup cn bo cured in fire minute by ue combine use of uagjarda pectoral tuumand yelloiroil indeed eliotr oil is in ittcif a specific ued mtemilly and cpplied ontwardty hut to heat and strengthen tbe luns tbc pectoral bal sam may be used with great succet both orthefematciileitreuiedtet should de kept itjererybjute tobeobtincd of all dealers ia medicine one of the most loathsome and terrible diteisex or our climate it chronic catarrh when tho pouoninj matter is constantly fallicp upon tbc lutics pulmonary confumptiort is mot certain to ij1o ktpei the morbid secretion frem theeronckial pipes iiy uaprardls fectoral i5alsm ihe great throat and lune healer sold by all dealers at25 cent per bottle kecirat oct llarch ii iso i iuve innftied ani sold perry pans paiakiller for the past twentylite years and my customers who are in tbe habit of aiinglt speak in tbc higtest terms of the curative propertie and uniform prepsrition of tlio tame it has stood a severe test among the many warren and fmn of similar preparation brought out in imitation of tbe olalnd genuine ierry pavis iin xiller antt toty stmds amongst the firs fin my estimation of hem ull b fotheroilt d iliurmttccilical cktfritct n fashionable tarlorlnc j o the safucrft er wishes to announce to the people of aden and vicinity that he ha open ed out in the premise lately occuptedbr l g matthew next to the post offioe a complete assortment cf clothj and twtcrs suitable for the faiind win ter trade and is prepared to make them up uj lbs atot style and oners good inducement to ca oustomtrt j w stock consists of black and cotxked beavers diagonals coatings and vrxelngii english irisk scotch nd canadian tweeds which have been bongbt in the best nuukets for cath 1 an early call is solicited satisfaction guaranteed vt bre jost concluded unothtr ersnd purebaaeof new and lotejdren l- leu ban soeenuon ihe dollar at cost of importation wegkeonrrostomtnit h ihe full ben esl of hi dsperaie brgln the sstolmentiomp riasi vsft nilhoul excehion the neivet prettiest and cbeapwt eooi tnthe sife city ad the bllowidg u to b our holiday tariff lot consist of 100 piece persian cord figni lotrpnic4ettoifers twills t scents per yrrd 73fe ut 2 9c piece rerr wue poods xlm tjollsiperiiiad fcordii u si lanje plato and reared brilliants aud chadderclolb at 10 cents der yaitfc- i vm lot s 75 pieces lovely color and tjle gatteeri twills sattken saipee fancy brocade and brilliant worth 25 cent atjsjeent per yard lot 4 co piece of a beautifuy texture of circasaian twill in tweltetva sbades 2v cent per trf- j ss v t lot b 200 piece of the nobbiest goods in lw trade plaifi nlbrocade momie cloth plin nrt fsrcjsaueeo mtrnpre cloths plain aniifosujei j srges poplraetta brillianle alhirilira twills- yweed buitlofi eiliiummti 25 cent per yard tf seeourerand liaeof sini and doable widfh scotch nd irisj tweed suilio at very low price i mouie cwt8si iforole cwh very fine all wool jood inch wide jtjvj shade worth 1 l 51i cents per yaid 3 thaaagooda and prleae ana going to areata a aaaaation ta tha draaa ooods trade a is see adrerlisemeat fn another column stcwarttowa kcw rtjitt our ncn correfpondail m e icixon is dointr a large busi ness in hirness itid raddlery here a number of fioien tare and toes was consequent on lie cold snap of laat week we aie inforutrd that mr joseph bessey intends to take a trip to england in otsliort time mr d crossha pnt a circular saw ia bia tannery and intends ocuvwood for tbe villager jfr j murray who spent the christ mas holidays with friends hi listowell returned homo this week k the annnal school meeting of the public school here waglargelyatteritm messnth tot p apiileby and w reed were elcajlftf truster a w arid new years eekxscjble kcjclts vovunt van ceases swellings 6ubfile fever abates and a healthy state exists after uini this great and j wonderful preparation known as thomas helectncdil thous ands testify to the happiness resulting from the use of thia preparation why not procure a bottle at once the cost is hilling and efiect sure one dose cures common sore throat one bottle bascured brbnebitis filtr cents worth has cured an old vtantiin cbugb it positively cure catarrh asthmajind croup fifty cente worth has cured enefc in the back and the rame quantity lime back of eight years handing the following are extracts from a few of he aiaoj- letters received from different parts whtcb ve think should be suffi cient to satbfr the most scepticil thomas rowosen rarahatd centre writes i bare lieen afflicted with kheumalim for the last ten years and have tried many remedies without ariv relief until i tried da tnohis ec lectnto on and since then have had no attack i would recommend it to all see what the medical acuity say dr beaudoin hull tq says 1 have sold thoma eclectric oil for two v ears and rerer fold a medicine which has given more thorough satisfaction i hire uied it in my own case on a broken leg and dislocated ankle with best results a h gregg manufacturer 61 mowing kachines trnemansburg k f says ily thumj was caught in a machine nd badly injured being away from home for two days was obliged to apply such reroedksasl could get but with out relieving the pain immediately upn reaching home 1 applied the ec lectric oil wild almost instant relief i have a laijja number of men employed and your oil ha established for itself sucb a reputation hl nearly every one of them keeps it reware of imuatiohs ask for dr thomas eclectric oil see that the signature of s n tuonan i on the wrapper and henimrs of northrop a iymsn hre blown in the lottle and take ko othre bold by all medicine deslers price 25 cts nlrthhop lyilan toronto ont proprietors tor theddmiblon notiisrmseleudmiuiicefrld- cards to select tbi cbive sfcmoixijrjil fa equin ad the th iutt mrftrck ilulholuad sici m years plastepaxg uaie fbuteririt ksir for sjs al lbs acted i corduvaa tausery cuas knees fflitw 5ff awls jusl to hand 100 handsome wool shawls frcmtl 25 toltvia ovhrcjoats and clotiiixh for a genuine well made tvercotatw price there it nothing to best our gjojs our eaab e hasebeen immenffif bat our slock i slillwell assorted iiqr barjraiiis in every department come to the tion wublng oar frlentu a right jlerrr christmas irfls we remintheir obedientetrraatji isb j 0 williamson co guelph i 35 splendid ulster ovlrguats made to ordeil pok kheumalism is cneof the moil prevs lent and obstinate diseases incident to our climue but it has been utrned of its errors ty thit invincible remedy hacrsrds vekowoil an external and interns medicine ahose appiicaiunis soyaried and useful in all painful and inntoimatory disease and wounds st to render u a bourehold necessity to all who suffer from patu zopesa from ftraail it anr ccrt mta cccciim it lea mtlrarctitive acting as a woadtarmatwktvrntrctntluueafrcr ta itje ulfettlve arparulna of the liumaa atotnacti correetlnsxnd lucre anf iheactflt tl is itroaelj- anttxfiltuoor an carrles urjl lue tone uple jvir tv ioaid dlftftoa ana siieeir beilth toile fjupepuc and kit ctlllooa alc i e melarvttl fcra ceo eemsaicple tctie tia test zoraaa the neweompauujltrja euhtounea liotttea t5 emts msrs t llilbura co dearbirs i bare been tiauble1 with uyspepsi for seven years ormre tud wa so bad that f bd often toget up in the night and dissolve soda in water and take it before i could en to sleep i taw your hurduck lilood bittrs advertised and i rot a bottle and took one teaspoonful three times a day ihe erst day andit did not help meijtheu i took three tabiespoonslul three times a day for four days and hat gave me greal relief i hitc taken one bottle and think i am cured of dyspepsia or sour stomach a it is sometimes cklled i- was also troubled with nsbiht attack o indnm- mstion of the kidnfy and i lhink jburdock blood bittere helped tne ol that if f could only get auolher bottle i think it would curemeof that terrible psin in my lack but cant gel it here with thanks for the benefit ilready received i remain yoarr josatean 1vlwr qoaaitcoam sfove col delivered to any part of the own antily ben job art at tha gtr depot rpendeks waxtavd tender will- be received by the under sianed up to the uth lost for twcutyfive eotds of short wood tq be cat feomsonnj irreefl body timber the wood to ho de livered at the school snd piled ia theschool shed on or before tils first of msrca hp iloore 1 ke actou school board acton hasii iselj qeuab vtoodiyaxteli ihe andcninef will pay cash for 3 or 4 cords of good dry cedar saiuu for fciadl- injc- r itttle p s l i if p ilooke 9 t 0 ttte clectoks or roc atrjiaarxutt or tut vtx- u3toracws- jcxtxxjfcs t le id herttiv tvfet my lincerc tlxukt to tlie elaclort of thir nuaicipiiitv for iketr knxlaeu ia occtiny tie o iiitr uonomdfe potitioa o councillor cif ihic cnunicipalit i nbm tllwyt eo davof ti ervp tlie bt iatereiu uf the ril jac anhi trait tbt my actions in tin saacii ddriuc tli er will merit the coa- 5daac yua itirc rtpoad ia mc i ai your lrediteraint m speight acton jm 5th i8si pirhjfor sale lot 23 con 3 in lheonuhp of ejqaw- lag 100 acrci 60 cleared nd under calti- vactcn imljuice ood ceturnnd bltct uh good farm liuudtafi- feticci ia the licit cou- ditiim ipleiididorchtrdof fyuxia tree ex celleat fruit ood ipriui water u the yer muhd the properly ii lituiled alout 2 miles from actao mile from fintclii fist mill coaveaisnt tn lehool wd charclu title indiipaulie termt rtonbie ap ply oa the pcemtmi or kddreu james scott acton post office excellent iiiives of beeil diagonal and tweed oyercoatrjcgsr- j and a tnoak of kata and oapa and ganfa undarwara vaisar aaaaad in tho trade z i l call at tie east end clothing stoee j fyfes i ttok5e cctter astkat strayed from james hamiltoos hotel brock road near guelpb an the the even lag of december 4th a snrrel- pooy aed light tail and lop eared attached to a sqaar tter painted dark brown with small piece knocked oat of tha di box cutter painted dark brown with red ii pi board and a bell on the left shaft the stnpe harness was a light sett with breast collar and blind bridle the cotter contained horse blanket and red carpet cushion any informationrespecting th above given to the andersigned or left at the frs pros office acton will be suitably rewarded j c burgess arkell deo 24 80 arkell po rrouse jbetjfor sale the undersigned offers for sale ih splendid stone dwelling on uain street near mr c 8 smiths residence one fifth of sn acre with stone house in splendid condi tion stable and shop on the premises hsrd and softwter wells title indisput able term reasonable apply at fail pakai office actoni or to abchmenab 273m iuui a ofv- from at j e i christmas presents watches clocks jeeliy eleptro plate new goods large stookaad 1lov prioea for oaatu s chcol teachers will hare a special diaoosnl b savage v wtcbxkjib jxw8isb lower v7yndhain8t mgjarvins drug bonanza bonanza jfanificenf exhibilof lovely christiifas and hjolidaj goods at our graud bonanza v f fresh arrivals yesterday lias thoroughly renewed piir 1 stock t 600 silk and lace ties and fiehus to select from i j- iacci magnificent furs lovely dress ijoojjjnd shks i i l we show without donbt the very best and freshest stoeffci in tlie city and have acr swded store every day r a 0 bucham pi feihionabli wert snd drtu janile and millinery etiabhthmeniqtaipl s 1 j brilliant suqoesf r u i m two years arardsij pirat prfriss ft mbdatwrid diploma on unhouttnxd boot we were warded the only sutw lied ever offered tot special s silver medalwrid diploma on unhouttnxd good and0bimt llbpr in thi4eprtiant we take the lead ana challenge competition reoeive prompcittention- inspection coivlially invited ifobsfod l i store acton fine assoicme lim t t f- u

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