Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 6, 1881, p. 3

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sm life pv ti w ided iai 10 t- r vic inse ph s ar ick wim a fcsuitsumi tlk tibu trains leave acton u follows aouca wssr jvight etpress 105am toronto mail 910am day espreit l2pta etprest t 513niu jaltmiaed i pra aotkatut sight eiprcss gift tatted day erprest western mail london tailed 10atu 9iem lts0ata i0pta tm i- tn the free p tirrcsoij motuvrsc jan is5i silver piatod ware i would call your tctal alleatioato my splendid assortment uc cruela lieaaliful new patterns alto o oi stock of tea spoons mid xickle tel spoons 110 pet dtiltn warranted uvvcr to change color silver plated tea spoons front sistper djtea to jsm oessart atid table sposas x urge tesefc when y on want any oc these goclt it tilt pay yen to call at deo kvadt jewellery aud fancy goods store acton ontario avxna sad otter jottlnsji i ercelltiitslesghing write tip toot diary read oar story on first page school ojiened do monday mora- iug iap yaau- tos gone stud the 7011115 aatnarrted meu ittjessti dont he alarmed friends wed have wsatner trjts at christ mas- a good atng to litre it this time of the year ia a receipt for a years tabacrip- tits to the actoa fece p died peter cola the man referred to ia tie fare psttss wao wae to badly froxeo died on wedoeadi- last aad was baried ia georgetown on thursday tkebisc stoccmnire g a e toltott raia bsjeca hare mated tiie atallei ot mr k warrea porta of the g x depot and hare mail employed in fattening cattia for export ccnam kcetpis tha customs receipt at tie port of gnefph for tie nonth december isso araoanted to c035w aioaioaaiocreaae of ji57ss2 orer ccrre- apouic month eiaat year hertd xtcdi kepaieixcfiw piece o aiieaalcon tie willow atreet aide of ileairt a sccjrd j cov rtore is rerj rbadly in need x repair scsic of tie plial are ixe ftiert are lrctea and it ia rerj dizeroca to pedeatriana at nigbt the jroper aatiaritiet atocjd tare it repaired kiss baceot on thursday last lb mr henry cole and facily were recrning iiaase filer attending the fttcerai of tie late veict galethe aeii cpaet mra coe cad teveral rtba broken and fr coie aac faadjy hart aboat ahealondcr the other occupant at tis rehiele were more or ieaa injured caxidi glove itoss after c tcef a hohdaya tie rjare vorfca of sceurs f if fetrey t sua flrcre reopened tin oadiy last tcif cna did a very exttc tire bsunait iaat yeir aad tbey commence e ifr storey rpenid the programme tie kt yar witi erery irwpeet of a coa- b ttaing that the njasl formal nnocr of tiillr increaaiii trade ifeart storey cowctcd tneetiuic of tbu natnre woold be son pte employment to lars number dirpew with and he woald commence by proposing tie toaat the tfoest of the s tci my rcjnlar ftrstclnss slock ofmratehes clocks jcwtl- icrr aad spectacles 1 alio keep a lance stock of faner goods comprlslnir- 8ilr card board mottoct berlin woolly wool keeillet fiueoomlu creatine combt cironlar comix back combi kavclopca koti paper putma albunu vuea tuyt dofu etc tb noiod place for wedding and- nirtuilay pretenta bijn of the liix watch tjohyiids jewellery aid fancy gtodt store aclan out i 1 light nights ver jwatauama wcilher tuadcrt far rood wntittdj scs dr tha mild weather of ikis vrccfc u appreciated wecc or viusei keligiout aor- ricea arc iwfng held in the treiliyteriaa ani baptitt chnrcliea thit week a number of hilarious youths whu pirrded uilf ttrcat on jlonjay evening ahontiog at tha top of their roia were evidently atill celbratinr thehohdayt bukertcul skatmg is a very healthy eierciae it notouly patj in play all the muscles of the legt aad arms hat it create bamps oa the icad for fatore phren olopata to feel of and report on tha ekitioc link u vistled by larce nniaberc otnar ciltaeoa all of whom teem to enjoy theauelrec tie rink iaooen foar uihta each ircekiandcloaed ecfc even ing at 10 pm aharp oar cicellcut villaje hand attend on ifonday and tharsday cveainri and lurniah cicelleist afcatinft matic tjxdicntefi oa thursday evening last a shanty ia the swamp on itr uydt farm a few milea from here which a family of colored pecple called home hr some taeans caneht fire and was totally consumed tie occcpanta did not behere ia wasting time by weeping orer their lost hat im mediately went to work with a will and by tkelirht of tie barninc shanty cat limber and erected a nev one and had their store in place in the new cabin before it had cot cold after being barnt fn the old one iloscs oates neither book we hare received from tie toronto xews co a copy of tie first weather alminac iisoed by the ontario weather prophet whose scccest daring the past two years iu forecasting the weather hac been niarrell- oas tie weather book which contains the probabilities of the weather of issi in- tercstiag reecrde of the part year a variety of almanac matter also give a weather map of the continent and articles oa the climate of canals and meteorology gener ally besides a tare nambet of prognoitica for every day cse the book it neatly printed and it well worthy of perusal it is for tale at all tie bookstores price 15 cents ccailmecvtarr strppcr- oa monday eacnifi last the bctinets men andcititens of oar village entertained dr hcgania at aa oyster sapper at agnewt hotel on tie eve of his removal to george town between 60 and to tat down at tie tiblet the chair being oecapicd by mr w fi storey and at his right eat dr motiar via the gcest af the evening after ample jestice had been done to the oysters and iitbcr ppod things provided the cloth was removed and toasts tpeerhes and tones were the order of the remainder of the of oar citizens cad we jriah theai a pros- peroaa year cikitvit- on tccount of the s ei ccli weatier the carnival oa wednesday evenmc was not aa largely attended at it wocldhare been the anion sraat band noiwitiilaading the cold weather filled their enagenieavtotlie letter and discocrs- ed pleiity if sa eet afrnsic to the delimit cf those preaect we believe axton baaata of a- vihage band second to non sria adas- mfr gertafalv she does vices floral gcrde tliutwirk irbefoe or and those who icai 10 cents to xaioa vice rochester x y for it will he ditipppuud instead of getting a cheap thing aa hs price woald teem to indicate they witt receive a very handsome work cf iljf pages and perhaps 500 illustrations not cheap bat elegant jllestratioas on the very heat caleaaered paper and as a set off to the whoe a beaatifal colored plate that if wijrih twice lie price of the book k tdo elooiott ony ia over ued mr it 8ilghl card didyott vola fot the right men dato your leken juttuary 1 8s1 psoritaiils the mtrcliauu of our vilg epecilly thoto who invited cuttqqmrs throau tho columns- of the free pbess report that thoy did very oxluuiive and pcofllablu trjtde during the holiday season vc bia koaa itr john trwio dp em flamboro killod two pig ccnt- if wuiclt wigladai7lbiatid id lbs respectively they were 16 months olditnd were purchusad from mr w 1 doriaudof trafalgar chumpiou an erchinga very correctly re marks uw ftw realira tha con sunt ceaseless eipensa of a paper even in the country many wha arc benefitted by the paper being fjublisbed in their town will spopga its readtor in itote and let ileir fauiiiy go without while they neglect to give the paper any support saso risk xr i an indiana girl who m kissed suddenly at a paity lns become insane this paragraph was road by charlie to his lady lova th other evening snd then queried do you thmfc ihtt is true i she blushed slightly and then like a trn crl replied i dont know but i think id risk it eat 0vsteks0n tuesday evening last as mr james warreu with a number of others wwe eating oysters in messrs b i e nickline oyster parlor ue caaie actoss a bard substance aud thought it was a larga grain of shot oa closer examination with the aid of a mictoscopa it was found to be a very fine oyster jsrl poetealt paistikcs we bad the pleatarc yesterday of crtmining a couple of pcrtrait paiutiugt erecated by ifr john chapman of thit village the sabjects are ifr cfcas knees and ilrs chtpraan the portraits are erceediagly well erecated and very truthfally retreaent the pnont intnded iu form and fcttar the color la it cwd and the liuidi it ercelleut aud tho general appearacrc of the paiutiugt tarpaxtet any amateur work we haveisccu ive congratulate mr chapman on his tine ivork peopdsxnsepaeatlox tlefaraers within the limits of milton school section strocfliy object to paying the aanie rate of acioof tar aa the people within the corpora- tioadn xaatfriuy- they held a meeting ia the temperance efau nd passed a reso- iatian to the effect that they would makn aa offer to- remain with the towa ataredoc- edrste if the conncil will not accept cf thair ofier they- trill ccild s school for themselves ootiiic of the corporitica caaaptnx ferusutls s ifr eh snyder- and wife risifed their friends in if ilioa and trafalgar this week kiaaet bella and tena kenned f of qlen- wuiiama paid their friends here a visit this week ifits aggie allan head milliner forchris- tie hendereod t co left for her home at zimmer0j4n last week kr harry sad hisses maud and emm ainsley of gnelph spent siw years day srith their- acton friends jlr fenry f hiui irho his been fn kootoe mich daring the past fttz re- ianei home oa tnesdar svenuig kesan james and george smyth hve been appeaited teachers of lowviua poblic school they commenced their duties on adobdsy f- idr john laaore jr wton monday for ceorgetowa college which institution he purposes attending far a few terms we with him ertfy safcess mr charles enees if the cordovan tan- trery who wentlo jtew yofk last week hoaumae ratal aei home a ilondar jvo- call and exam- evening 0r ilcgarviu mr storey spske af his long acqcailtanee with dr ucoarvin of the drt many ercellent qualities and hit regret that he wai aloat to remove from the village which had beta hit home for such a length of time the toast was then drank arid dr mcgirnn responded in frii- hg and suitable terms he said he came to acton about 27 years azo ariatus spent his best days in acton and always thoaght itatii few weekt ago that it would be hit hofde ae long as he lived bat things had assumed a change aad he eapected by the present step to considerablr improve his position he did not like to leave actou and tecretted his removal had always taken a personal interest in the prosperity af the village and everything in connection ith it end had at all times done what he could to farther its interests he was going only a short distance from acton and as he had not disposed of hiaproperty here he micht in a few years return hoped to al ways be remembered kindly by the acton pcople and wished the village every sne- cafcs short speeches were then made by iteaart d henderson e little d d christie a b wright and geo tolton referring to their acquaintance with the br their business relations with him the inter est he had always taken in civic affairs and wishing him prosperityin his dew field of labor and atsaring him that if he ever con- eladed ta return to acton and they hoped he would he would receive a most hearty welcome ifr chaa knees then tang my lovely child after which mr d henderson proposed the toast the visiting friends which wae ably responded to hy dr free- man cf milton and mr ontreed of dak- ville mr g tolton proposed the toaat the newly elected coancil which was repbed to by messrs w h storey d w campbe0c s smith d henderson and jc speirht mr w h storey proposed thai ereu to which messrs hp moore and fohnthapmafl responded mr john wiidis then sang a scotch song which was followed by short speech by mr h h kittredfe the newly elected school trustee vaiproposedbr mr hp moore and replied to by messrs james matthews andsimaci htxne mr moore spoke of the drs estimable family and thoaght their removafwondd he very nweh regretted hy otrcitius storey said it would be wrong to lose sight of the 1v family and asked the dr to tender to them the respects of the company mr sr b coaus thcoght the ladies should slwsys he invited to at tend meeting of this nature and imped the cosfotn of having them present would bere- sffer be lotrodaced the company then sane the tfatfoniiutliein and disprted au well pleaaed with the evenings eatsrtain- itpjli 1 ine j- b- mog-ar- larcext on friday evening a larcenvvf jewellery was periietrated iu i sivige jtwellery- itore gutlph thr theft eccnrred between sir aud seven oclock while mr savage was at home at sapper at first no clae could be obtaiued ai to who the thief was hat subsequently facts were learned which led to the arrtt of itcnjtmin sallowt for tome time a resident of the city tht articles he had stolen valued at 5ik were all recovered aatne of them being iu hit own possession and seme in the possession of his friends new yejies dai- tha new yeir was ushered iu by the ringing of bells and quite- a number of citizens sat lip to see the old year out aud the new year in the day was a mest pleasant une and aleiihing beitig xcelcnt that tiastime wai ranch indulged in the skating rink was open iu the afternoon and quite a number enjoyed themselves there while ia the evening it was crowded the band played a number of splendcd pieces aad every petson present eeemed to enjoy themselves debate ok baftisii- as announc ed by posters revs h sicdisrmid ma of toronto and t h wilkinson of acton have agreed to hold a public debate on bxptistn in the methodist church acton commencing on men- dsy evening january igtli four propositions will be ducucsed ttndecb proposition will probably occupy two or threa evenings the debute will commence web evening at 730 oclpck and continue until ten sines the public have beea made aware of the above meeting a fuinor has been circulated to the effect that tha methodist church was defective aud would not sustain tha weight of the large number of people who would assemble to hear the debate toasure the public that such a statement wig utterly unfounded the trustees of the chorea have had the building closely examinedi and it bs been pronounced substsetial ia every respect and capable ot austainiug any strain to which its capacity may be put actojf ttakktrs white wheat jl do to i 05 trcadwell od i 00 to i 05 spring wheat glasgow ofd 1 08 to i 10 lied chaff oats pens barley rye- eggs per dor bnttcr dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bsg dressed hogs 0 30 to 1 00 0 30 to 0 st 0 63 to 0 68 0 70 to 0 85 0 70 to 0 75 0 10 to 0 ii 0 ic to 0 20 0 18 to 0 20 0 40 to 0 45 6 60 to 00 crefrn uibketfi flour white wheat ireadwiu spring whaat qlujow bed chaff oats peas barley lire eggs per dot butter dairy packed battr rolls potatoes nev r bath dressed hogs notiotxa worth ahntlom qwea apples ohoap it kicklini bakery btati from 7 5- mdi lo 25c at fyls t second band blotm from 100 up t 0 uihs lis shop a secord tj co ht th mptesl atock of leu in own oytlars served in any style at nicklius bakery fresh bimiiits exchanged for flour at kicklina bakety i good stock of cooking stares at j c hills will be sold cheap dont fall to try a secord k coa new stock of teas resb bulk oysters at tha excel siot- bakery hardwsre of all kinds at a se cord cos ladies tuso ties newest styles at chriiue henderson 4 co fresh christmas bisoait of ill kinds at niclclins bakery a good felt hat for 75 cents it- j fytas wedding cakes supplied- on tha shortest notice at nicklins hakery jr you want a nobby durable and cneap suit jfyics is tha place to go suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and tee them j fyla acton royal basa burner coal stove the beat in tha market at j c hills tin shop sco tha- splendid assortment of christmas confectionery at nioklins bxkery for tha very finest teas good valua ia all prices go to a sccotd l gos the best stock of christmas con fectionery tvef brought to acton at nickliaa bakery scotch english and cauadian saiungs in great variety st the east end clothing store j fyf jdcuiu c hill has just received a splendid lot of grsnilo ware at his tin shop bulk oysters received fresh avery day at the ercslsior bacery b iz e nickih buckets auppliei- for the very best qnality new reason teas at 0 centa 60 eenu 60 conts and 75 cents go lo a sscotd i- uos tliey all do it everybody atts tes- ivcrs- lo beauturtheeethaadgivarrfgracee co the becatu atfc yoardrafctt lor eamcte pactuge s eta larce uodleass seats mcquillan k hamilton of he welliogton marble wotks gctlph are uoted forgiving tatitfactioa to those favor ing them with tleir orders if you need anything in their line be sure sad remember them they do a very urge basinets coa tequenly they are able to give better terms and keep better workmen tbsa smaller works fiend to them fur rartieulara best value in the ciuntv in gran ulated cut loaf icing coste and baking sugars at a sscord cos gents we will save your money by leaving your orders with us we hkve au immpiite stock ta choose from gents funiihingh in great varietr rmmense piles of overcoats and ready made clothing cheapest goods in camilla mammoth house georgetown mcleod anderson it co lyok here we have some of the cbevpest diy joods in the world 28 inch gray flannel for 25c per yatd dress goods for 10c original price 20c 12c 25c 15c soc winceys for 5c 9c 10c wofth double the trice black and colored cashinerea colored dress silks bik diets silks millinery shawls and ladiet furs im mense bargains mclsod anderson i co georgetown doctors gave hist up it it possible that mrciodtntr it ap and at wnrtani eared by to simple a remedy f i assure you it i true thafbeu cntireij- cured an j with nothing but hopfultert antf riily ten days ago hit dxtor gave him upacd said he mustdu w-ll-a-dhj- if thai it to i will cj tfllt minute andeet tome for poor george know tiors arc iood do ioa know that io svere and elironle cases vrhleb have de qd au ot her remedies wiltons com- poandkyruporttllacnerry elves immaiale relief cud effects a speeds- cure that fverylamlly who feteps it on hand can ttcfy loaglis cronp whooitril coucht coldf uronctitfandal kindred dleaset tnat no ph hat been reported in which it failed to elrc relief that in every district where wilton wld cherry has tteen lecroduced it has jumped into aivor in nu lncredlbm thort time tuat you can hoy itframauy leadidgidrng- clstln wetlern ontario t cranked hands cracked lips and xtonaiinees of too tctii coa bo eurect by a few applications of gtubeurva farlataa balttt whlca anl7 costs 25 conts and is sold or all laadlaa- drnggitts ta wotterzt ontario it is gnaxunteed to gtva satat- faotloa in every lnttanoa try it zopesa i have secured the agency for tills new compound far dytpersa and liver troubles itcomettome under most favor able autrlcet bains very highly endorsed and recommended its wonderfal affinity to tne digestive organs and the liver liereas- ing cae dissolving juices correcting the acldt and carrylngoft impurities of he stotntcti and rcgalatlng the liver can be tested byte caring a sample bottle whlcn sells at m ets or large eigut ounce bottles attscsals j eileoarvll mothers who are slaxtled at the hoar of midnight by that ominous hoare cough of your little ones what would yon not give for a prompt and certain means of relief from that dread destroy er of your children croup t such a means you may have for the trifling cost of 25 cents it is hagyardttfellow oil he great household remedy tor all in flammatory and punfol diserses do nbl rest uvtrjiigal again without it what a rflultiliide of martyrs suffer from heddacliel either of tlte nervous or bilious tormirhapriiopal ctrase ol the distress is a disordered stomach and tfrer or which burdick bwod bfllers is a positive ipecific it cures constlpn- ion of the bbwelsvmlpiinsles disease rbm he kidnays arouses the secretions jo si ijeiikhi weltrii notifies th blood regifutesthe ijiyst wdslrenjlhens iha snmple bottles hi few mcjre poinds op that splendid at chapmans tea house g christie heistdepsf co this week show thecontents of ovsr- 60 oases sf boots and ss0es from tis beit lisitrs la t pomittfon toe vertomueat qulttr rf owetoedi h tin toomsilyw1 for rari a tateek tetw vat7 snnwairtad ahmpam u umrurju vyttrjss pull lines of tweeds araywliite and scarlet ftajmel5-can- jou flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles fine wool goods i black costumes costume cloth etc just in h4rifg atltats madjb a gpeculttiopljj we are determined stall to maintain thv super iority of this jine winceys plain and fahdy fhom 5 cents jbv j remember their pamous 50c tea 0hiistib ss tfosbsctr tss co ic h i vicks illustrated floral guide for 1881 is an elegant book of 120 pages one colored flower plate and goo ulustra- tioct with descriptions of the best flowers and vegetables and directions for growing only 10 cenfe in english or german- yon afterwards order seeds deduct theioc ticks srrns are the best sn the world the fnotui grar will tell how to get and grow them l yicks flower and vegetable garden 175 paget 6 colored plates 500 engravings- far 50 cents in papefedyers 4100 ineleg ant clofii in german or enghsiu 1 vicks nlnstnted monthly magazini 31 pages a cotarod plate in every number and many fine engravings price 1 125 a year j five copies for 500 specimen numbers seat for 10 cents 3 trial copies for csoenfs address james vtck roohesterkr j -new- horse shoeing shop iisr ctoilsr hugh mcdee mid wotih inform the people of acton and iraitoaridingcoantihaathe his orjea- ed shop in the premisses formerly occapied by mr tames ryder and will cirry an tih basiness of ecsqsiceinc general blackiiaitla- lajr laall branches a wool shop will be carried oa ia eon- aectioa with the biacttmittisbofi sad all rpin to catterr slefghi baygiei or wigoos irillbe promptly ttleadftd to eerixkika orli fcimlt erecated on ihart aotim sta wirranted 3 a call aolicited hugfr acdermtd come to hills i i phbto art studio mill st acton and if you dont know your own photographnowjyoii wilt hereafter citizens visitors all com rt and you willfbe well come i cms w sill c7 teas ttf cheap grocery w p bttown has jnit received a nw atockjof oreoeries crockery and glassware histeas 01 14 tri ar kseellent aad lre iva great 8atisfaiion tryjthem a ertaraid lor or h ta 75 to 8 00 100 tal os i 00 to i 07 105 to 112 0 90 to 1 00 0 31 to 0 31 0 0 to 0 70 0 65 to 0 80 0 73 to 0 78 fl 15 to 0 18 ojfltoo 20 0 18 to 0 20 o to o tsldebsihakvptw- 5 75 to s 00 ccn u regular six1 mule sol ksk t vins stock of jxmas and new the balance of our stock of- fanejr ooods work boxs dasks i drtmlng oases ctlass oootlt fin books and dolls foils j wiii- ai- fi sold off low h days bookstore gheuh klttook years presents gkl a s gvst aee soon to b opened and ry tniuma for cbristmas prestinis i give him a call fioodf delivered in the tillage w p brown teas lew christmas and b haslett hssjast reee4vtlert sdnewoodaaiiitible ftrchristmmjsil iiolday season cotuptising grooorlw la all iimi njvt faaoy goodp d 7ery tbfo liass suitable forcliristmasprafleatb caristmaa oardfl ia audeaigfas ladies poxtmoaies hasijetj cliiifltiaai oarie tsco tl- make your selections earijr

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