ti f r h if- ft- l i it- 111 f the free press i i i lest i fowti fouts cotutmg tbe charuro iud into the dtlnty roiki little uo thoeftwlth battens lo hi pitw ot the wonted toeki 3ta longer ft btlplesajnby cerrlid a rmi til day dot restlsn ithieoai follow bnmmiaf with frolic and puy tit kim1y lirt i d liriiif tiid eeles b hit rhtum tor patient mamma to mead i bamping hit early round noddlt wmcbbimm nri y and meeting ejwodrea miefortunes which ptowmait item ta endure too toot- c rtiiribm my baby and do the bottt can to wetcotnt themtcical powsr hh ehtrtfes the by to ratal ou i tint the yetrt were slower la rotltttp the months arty i and would hit for uimye season l my baby t chiliiuicut tlay i i wender how he it dearer at only t hahc en my beeiitt xr chnced to tbit roguish feunw whose feet are ueverat rest t i rosebud toy tvft tweeter before vita mlcrown roa1 ah the lore that it tarn with thauauy wast cxatrts the baby gwwtl darlington hawkeycto a young una remember son that the world is older thin you tro by several rears that for thousands of years it ins lietti m ffluajf- simrter and better younp men thin yourself that cfieif ftjet rtuck gut of fliedormor windows thitwhen they died the old globe werlwhirlhur on and not one quo la tea billions ent to the funeral dont be too lor ry for your father because he koowtiio niach less thin joti do ruiembw the reply of dr wsyland to the tin- dent of brown university who said it wasran easy enough thing- ta make pro recti such u solomon- wrote make ifew tenely replied the old mftn tha world uts greaf need of yodlwnen but no gpiter need thti ihc fcnngj men hive of it vour clothes fit yon betterthto jonr futhece fit him they cat mors moay tnd ihej- xe mote ttriisb yoar moustache is ntiter th cat of roarhsir is better but jdnng rrun thi old gtnllenuui gets the bif gest sftliry ted his hom y ecrcfbiiajfeij3ttafeoq he business end of i chect will drtin more money oat of the hank in gre uiititttet tlwn yoa coald get oat with tresm ot paper ftnet oppjrpiit eguifort in m motjuisr cliat br the wr kerer point to taother kerjr betryj confidence keterwtntoaly frighun othen ketet jet home with unkind words never ceglect to call upon yoar friends o i jferer uogh t the misforfnne of others never gtre t promise thst yoa da not falfil new spesk maeh of yoafr own per- focmsnee tsfvtt ful to beptnietatl tt the time appointed nerec mike yoarself the hero of yoar own story nerertpiek he teeth or cesn the nsilsic compiny never fail to give s polite nsrer to p ciril question nettr present t gift saying it is of no ase to yourself never qutstion a servant or t child about family matters ntver lead letters which yoa may find addressed oothirs never fail if a gentleman of being ciril ind polite to the ladies never associate with had company hire good wnpray or none- never loafcover the ahtfulderof an other who u reading or writing never call attention to ihs features prformofiany one present never iefettoaigift roa hare roida or a fa for yoa have rendered never appear to notice a soar idt- dnnityorldefrcloti anyone present jnerer si rust the attention of- an acqoaintance br- a touch speak to ium c neyerpenish your child forafsnlt toiwhieiiypnare ulieusi ypirself ii nerir answer qneitjaii- ta gen eral company thai have been pat to others never when travelling abroad be over boastful fn praise of your country never call a new eeqaefntanee by the crutisntrjetrrwjnfltedtp nwer ieuqit td lirkw- tte tt- tentioa of the company fjtijjfik rever txi ibit anger impatience aqnap- it ia a sign b vliii to to be iliing to ttceive inatioiihn tlielnoitn telligcat metimoj itand iff nlii or k i one may do a very goad aetfon and uot be a good nan hut ba cannot do a very b bhlvlj jd lusn preud men leldooi have friends in protrity ihty know ucbody ana in dytriity nobdy crw to know theat he who can ult a frightful atoiy to her child or allow one to be told ought to have a guardian appointed over heraelf envy fd nptt the living iftor death tceaiei thin every qjsiik welleamcd hunortdcud hiut aguuiat calumiiy i bii true to yourself for that which you rvcosuiio as light hv rroiiv not nifrely to dio fur that is easy hut to live and that is almost ituays decuic- therxprctationof fituie hnppitiesa is tkahfatieliff for antiaaa thoughts the uut ptrftct curti f airlauchuly iho guidu of ufa and comfbit nf death private credit is wiallh pjlilic huuor iiaecurily the fcihrtliat adurn the loyal bird sappcrta us flight strip him of his plumage and you fir him to lb trlb what nudntra i it for a maa to rvts hiuiself to eurich hit heirs and aa turak fiitrad into an tnyaiy t fur his joy at your death jritl bo prufkjrtton td to what you leivn him i wtt and humor the war cry of the army of tramps to alms i as the sammer comes on the fanner will find mower work to do some cf the eomie lecturers have funny points too huqeroas to men tion it is said hat lolibyiitt go to washington ui read the constitution and buy h wi motto for a gamblaa pockatbook e pluribui pnam won of aiapy yoa know tire hor who rode to matfcet on t lead of hogs boasted that he waa brought up on the fat of the lard gtnjyoa gwe m a definite ides of eternity poecorr- asked a lawyer of hia paator he hiirent iixe was the reply wfcatr oar friend colonel doing in oil city f asked a msn of his neighbor hes in the aofaaaje buticsaaellidf oil welur was the reply an lady in texas says the never coald imagine where all the smiths came from until she saw in a new england loan a large sign smith manufacturing company miirof the enormous number of dustbin allhoagtt about iwloe u large as an theie farorite i lores lo thoroughl mumb orer tnoie of voveinbcr bitter 8o well do the publio appt incrcaie la the soles every year owing to ftikin long experience i arse oonilaand or oath eauii aorld and hit waichrulnoit over the varjqua detnllaofliu buiineii beuneq jaipt 22sihsss tui conitatit deterailuatlon that no reasonable outtomer ihall jiave any oaute ol eompli if ther willmske any error waatofatu about to liuild an addition of 31 feet lei him to purchase hi goods from the manufacturers airot iatbebratmarket in lb ualled amoupt ol lilt talen wbloh enablei 11101 loaell at a mere trifle ol prpm and bit plaint rlthprabout the prioeiof qualuieaof hie goods or their trealmebt in bli korea ijoauteoieompiaiov niupruuio r o if they wafraske anvvrrovwant of trnilonorother dlffloulty itnown to mm he will ire them aallfction to mtke room for hu numberl owrqmert he u i hi wblo i rwlt lie him m feet ovofilorl below ttalr and altogether 875 feet or about 61 rods long in be thr j fiat for eiling storage and anufacfuf n ur iabr wovw at jrv educed price ta owr on ehanku tam ssfe uanllecarpeueo donottorgetlhetoresvensoand2klpgitteeteeto w thomas c watkins hamiitoiv hsmiltoa dc 23rd 1830 k distinct and peculiar combination fellows compound syrup of ilpflwhltes tt lontlri he element ttwattal to thi animal otriautlion lha oiidisuig agentt and toalea la eomhin itiou with lt itfaultlitif trtn pliosphonu bottntiiig hi merit of b fag slightly ajkalias and is dupeuati m tut ue aaiaat and palatabla form of a tynra htrsvitan uaally vwbla within twentyfour hotni sad an marked by a sua autioa of lha tptile the dijiilioa nd asiiaalfttion entering directly into the tircutatloa it tones thi cerrts and niuaclti tieitt ft healthy action of thi mentioni neither dirtcrltt lha tomtth iwr icjuies the system tuder proloiiged us tad bay be ducoitituil at acytiaa without inconrenieaoa j intword it pwanea hi itimaltau o araum thi ahragtb thi toniof to ntala u and merit of a high dijree fellows compouhd syrup of hypophosphites sestocr ko ftaisjiimr e attrred women fer wire toath and- beauty are always sure of a hearing but aome writer comes oat with a few words of admiration for niaturer ehatmiinv the following language tbe man who meets and loves the woman of 25 is truly fortunate in meet- ins and loving her at that age the saldern deceives she may not have aho is pot likely to have then her fiist aentimentu cipritnoa but sacl tn experience at such an age is more than sentimental td rarely ever firef ing 8hl-iooks- at the youths she imagined she wu enamored with bs twera is or 16 oroften 21 and they are more than indifferent or repellant to her they are ridiculous and the as aha thenwas is ridiculous to her self she cannot hut he grateful to her destiny that her sympathies and affections hive been reairved for worthy object and ahigher end at 25 if ever a woman knows and esti mates herself she is less liable to emotional or mental mistakes she t fir sorer of her fature because she feels that her fate ik to a certain ex tent within her own handr not only is he lovelier and more lovable batiherwedded happiness and powers of endurance are in a manner guaran teed yrq- a f 5 aoij09laci zopesa ihate secured the agency for thla ntwcompoend for bfipersla and liver trouotftitpnuate m loder moat-faror- afciairiebtnictettliistiliriijri am remmmd4 ilu tronferfut ahifirto toe okeaitveursant and tic liver irereas- iuc tnentisalvipt jnicecorreotinf the acids sod carrying ootlmparlttes ocfho stomach aadrecohutnf the uver can be tied br cnrlacasaspi dottle wclcn tells at q cu or urge eicui ounce bouioa attsaeaisj r r ft has beenjidliyreniarked that there it rtiiptotjbetfffitimicemnijof mind in case of rccidsnta and that is binpejif jojf awijdtesv may happen to all hagvariti yeflow oil is l ier dil nan an accident patfijr tellon caret all manner of rlein woonde paim tpry and painxajd aumedlaim dejelali ootitou hfiuliuu cauwrnpfb xwki rftr mmer br ik rtukira uu tmblltarin hmntimm umu ywl- vai jftr4uu t efjttftlu tm ffl tiptilt latpma ih tittfj fniiailt otttn tf lit tyir alca doei for ksaai itfcm tatmr toi nimilt f cjj la ainr aaaa or etna roh k pwwixt perry davis son lawrence oarmiiasnj ifosnsit euroocjbloodbttgm v hacyards s pectoral i balsam ksrdock mmuu olatstiil herald b j bmti ta cocuxawa wui fitvdock wood puttn for j omt ulctrt abltittmc fcnrv sura ac fuc ucsumrbax t wilburs ic co 6tvtacwtt t93ofl- f pc t o r i a hm w qii far tbt pcnniitcoi cwt of crab ctlit tor tfcrwt iahas or if bmpikelvtffht bnkullfl ui kll ulfsiltthli sf ettft bocvlt ntnumi it it tmxhuctic twluurstca prswkun tau umlie w orejit specific iseases i d neys bis fflsm ttttmi niu ttpthor to til tthtr ftunnrm a tuofik toi rinoau u uiaj tad ulrfoai at ta roa groceries if roa want a food and cheap arudi la tsugsyios jipia blcxor sua- pavdep tielasli sugars syrnpff spices aad tobaocoa of all kinds feese ako sffeet hardwire of alt kitidt paints and oils hinges and locks nails glass ihuttr salt bif the barrel all cheap for cash an to 0 t hillis mill street aoton p the- uhristian gleaner 100 a year as ukceotarias duaxzike con taining missionary news from all parts of the world and well illustrated with gratclaaa engravings one oftiia bat sisriotuirtf periodicals published specimen copies fru address chbtatlik gleikek port hopa ont th bt offor yot made roar of frank usuis famieauns oat tea for onjj the frank lealia pubuahing co 15 dey st kiw fork will send faist lssins4 fiimr fatxxd a 16fage illustrated paper for only 100 per year fexfi lralls todbo feus dovotad to the interest of ho young jieopld and con taining much tq interejt hoae of a mori mature age a 16page illustrated papocv price por year 60 cent j fexve lisuia kvnoiol aaucztrcsiat isd woaxisd fiairia a igpage ulusiratsd papor for only 100 per year with dr b dfeendajlfemisent treatise on the horse and its diseases a book of 100 pages 80 riber xt a it- jiapei unday readings rioe only 75 oenta including two beantif ol ohromoi easter pawn and iho first christ fine engravings free paphlubscriber fiuki liauis poira or rax da a page illustrated paper just the paper tor sunday reading eriq only 75 oenta per rear including two beantif ulohrqmoi the subscribe for the acton free press tare of urn an ijmlslil ago dteorerd the tofitan aaean itrlwml dondant rolotai tod doitustor j leas tnoa its raeofnlsao lo upon us inumsi lo maialnd lnc to moralnf thiacs srlelaa story qf tee ifves of rial man ai and m their deeds plana lor trtmblm thlmory ismore varied inieraeu at ban aoj loanaee seat dented to iood wrttlalf in ererj frnbeeaa orlgjoamr aetmrraai in im trratcseds trttf nttt iv rudwleomaiidt tdptrh dvatlnt wltte leat partr od iqial rtadlaai ial wmbl to mnioerat ut bapsbmeaaj vlatwoutodepentiedeaor nvk tanlsatlom but unwarerldt larall iejeiatle prloelpik tbi tm that lne aovemmint wben the ilrel as is a sooil one to tti doir tosarealat le lie l tfloru or men id ihe tupubn op anotlur fnrro ol rovernmii tloit wtk lower t bans it apanotuir form ot torerttmtawisa iimsi tnat which etu the rw mestsi years immeoiateir following will izljse decide this inprenwly imporlaat e6nii tbs sow txllivea thaf ha teurwl wlih the people naeainat the kjaie- ths largest and sost complete factory in tie doaiuion 140x100 highest honors ever availed to aa7 lakor ia tie worla perlal power oar in mi f a follows for be rur spw a fourpare taemw tweotfbrht eolnmoi the price bh poet paid 11 as eanoi a rninlh joreieat or tncledlnttbe iandajppfajsliiihi tbeet of enrols eotamna tn price it l amentb orettcarearroetawpatf v the kunday edition or tnsbciiuahorii mihed saruatelr at tlj a leu psmii3 paid irc thenrleeartbe wntcrnwlrtr nfitlieolomnli for eluba of teo sea extra coprlree addreae i w eoiaub s publuberoitaatowhaw york sly tj wwsict stm lst rawal- iwi li m a rear pmtaf s ouelph oloth mall owrcoafnjf fur cape glavaand utiu uudermking sluw f uurtoxt fterclitnl tattart b medal and diploma ai cmlemial js76 0 medal and diploma al sydney australia j877 fstqold medal al provincial exhibition toronto wg 3aighat apard at industrial exhibifim toronto j879 we are now manufacturing square and upright fxanos best in the market correspondence solicited send for illtwtruted catalorna mailed free address dominion organ piano cpmp any p0wmanvilib ontabio i ckaike aibeft actoff dry goods proclamation ve ooameaoed on wedaesdajlst deoexnlber a grato cleardfgr sale of our immusos stpck of winter dry goods i ikclfjdikq v r 1 sii t dfm gocd 0ulin velveteens nfntlea sbawls mantle clothe uliler clolhi hoaery glovei ribbons laces millinery trimmed and untnmiedcloht tweedsoenta furniibiogs and an immene tock of table linintabie napklnacotlon t linen towelslaco curtains sbeeting jri j os oe the same limi a larae stoek of ladles f rjbsln mans boasend caps this 1 prices will tlsoper jear samples of allof our publications and br iustrated catabgue without premiums for woenta udeairijigstoadyaadprofitabld is 1u0y sjlsm their territory is taken any of the smte pabboations tent for sis months at hau rates ailreew fjiirr ijrui praiitbo 06 ptdsj hbasewtt ixsmztxttt one of theseat bt7esth m vss i itbaspeeinoinqieirareofalldtieaaefl nt iho jadneva pladdcr f resuuc por- 1 lion ot the urinary orana irritation of i the keck ot the bladder burning crine 1 uleot gooorrbea la all lu attfea un cous dl5cbareoa canmuon o thokid leys urldt dust doivoit clabmrt in- i namoatio of the kidouys and bladder i dropsy ot kldiksra acal crlae otoodr urine pain in tie redon cf the bladder i pais ix tbb backl crtaary calculus i renal cajcuica fienal colic seteniiou i j at udw freauent crinatlon gravel la e i all it t jrms inabuitr to retain lie- wa- 1 i ler panicniarlr lnpreora advancedin i i life itsa edsky ikvemqaion i 1 that restom ito urine to ka natortl i i color reniot addatnd burnfog and i i lbs sect cf ue ciceadro uao of voal- 1 i caung crlnk puiceti er ixbotlnrt rtenlfaraxsar aeta te all drasjla i wj0hnstot5c0 j mhkbstbtjba ontab10 ilifrntsforue v ajmi cotaoa is a tplendid opporunily loaeeore qenuide birgalria at less than regular ifi i lni no humbug but genuine clearing sale goods u be sold only for cash noeredit at ourreduoed ralei 1 wm stewart co tjppsg wnrdeax st f3tttt t tft sale boards rmj ailii ifji j a -li- will itrbt adtoft m a wbtre 70a wt t firstclass bigs at reasonable kates 41 v r y- good commeroial rigs r an egpreai delivery wagon illnteel each eipresl train and delirraoot j any partjof the town 1 all parties indebted to fbla f ublishment are requieated lo par np wilhoaf further delay and aata eoatax ed xittipwi proprietotii o -alfwd- sewing machine i6fqjl robt craine actoh la pradartj so call on parebae reannnr either jsetrlna baclune or9rgaua e has agknojes from thx beat manujicturera in the conntry aa4 uarantei tailaraecios t i terr reobbl old nee or addressed to bun calve prompt attention h will guarantee aailaraetios to pstenaaera tarpa verr reobbl onhnldlsl alt reallence or addressed to blm to aetna p0 ejttmklk tanmn t 1 if 3 k gk1ihb aoton harness ftfs factory far ate- la stole by j urugglsi moqamn oegananew 0egan fbok a firstolaas canadian maker for sale suitable for the home snndayachool or small church we will fell the above very lawforoaeh aupanonlaaaapnljrtb hf awfbnni ttnhmorrm haejfbss and trtfsks made to ordr in any ttyl required on ahortioiiee u at riaiossbli pneee eepairuig jretnptly attended to rtoreeoh theagton free press best lqoal paper in haltqn 00 undetaklno furniture a good arjortment of 8rt elaaa furni ture of every desorip- tion constantly on hand prices as low aa goilph orgeorge town a cau asuerrrn l john 8pei0ht i li i i bvery- deeoriptfon cf coffins caskets and all faneral quisielwiykept in eteek a hand- otne heabbb fijr niahed at a low rate nwca albep colle f 68xxe scmqqx asoaounztd 1 affords exoeqent facoitiea fjar elxchts j 8tuszxs preparation for matiaoaatioa in m law medicine or arte or forteaehera e amtnationa srudenni also mar attend t6 iffi flonrithing commercial jolloge or ataaa dra college for ladiei or the httaieat aoadamy average expenae for tnitieo ijffi imicaiabranctieijwithboariecwnfw 58 ac only jo6 per week teimi bpea sept 9th 1880 jan 6th 181 and aorilm 7 f 1881 forcjrou j preaidenl j b jjiojoia bi x lfe belleville ontario js m ss ouiot seat tnt to tbsu who with ie vs nsalutbimoalplaaaagtaiwprot- fil iubl buvnesa known m captuinotrequlr rurmab too evrrthlng 10 a wards ieu made wltltontl nlgbt fronijbome rvr nlgbt no rtak whatovt- sj many uew workers wanted ai oneelav3 are maun lbnnne at be bbaloee i- tit a aa moh aamen and jonng boja aawi suit make great pay mo one w5 ta wlblmf to work ftll to maa more aionej j7dat ikan eanlatnde in aweek at anjordtnart i emplovmeat tttowtboenragaaloboewia flndaahartnad lo forton addree v x aaudrrm oo7 ponutidjcata helps yoermlvmibv making- mntt whtoa goldn ebanoe llctbrtf ttiebalwayakpliignvth ifflb l golden onanc onyl jreoalwayakplnglehr fro jn your door tnowhoalwralaaa vantage of the good ebanpei tor iaalfi mono tratttre oakretfgeiieeadly tsoi wealthy while mose who do not inrryti nchchnoesremnnln xmrerty we wa gitnjmfn wopaeobort an 1rta ls rut right inlbalr own loeauiiea fmmetv neat winpav more tba ub v ive 6me i vaj 4a4imi m-