m hebcb- is published every tffursdat momlkg b4iu proprietor v amwvvtl henpoortemewodlsoaureh jf sfrcef 4eion oni term8ioo in advmm ifts netupajkr a afaptfbuiy lift itt fluctuationtjnd it vut donatm 9160 if not so paid m ton the fan pun will be tent to tabscribtirs poetseepaid fw 100 per en- hum is advaaoe 1150 if not so pud no piper discontinued till ill incut are paid except at the option of the publisher anvyarrixo iubcs casual advertise- meata 8 cents per fine tor the first inser tion and i cento per line for each subset wicnt insertion cash professional cards 14 lines or lcssh00 per annum i square 1 i lines 1500 per annum parable in c months from date of insertion any 8pecial notice the object of which ia to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise ment the nenjber of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid konpareil volume vi no 84 aoton ont thursdat february 1 1881 whole no 205 1 m oueouuuo halt oolum none year qiarlereotumaoieyear one column til months haucutamo six months eotamnstx moauis ssoco ss0j 001 jvoo woo it 03 so00 u rm hwrter cie column three months hall column uireemonihf ttoartereoluiuo three trootbi advertisements wuhnotstieemc directions will be lofertedullrorbldand charted sccord- tntly- transitory advertisement mnsl be para in advane chances for oantreet advertisements most be lathe offive oy 9 a mcu mondays other wise tuey trill he left over uh the louowlnr eex hpmooee k editor 4 proprietor i fllo rnrcn bovdlo ool keqr ad- tx h k1tteed0e banker aero owtksiq t a gekeral bankim busi- ness transacted hohst loihso oh iupa0vjffl h0tss notes discounted and interest uilowedon deposits hriraitsck the bank of montreal contracts naj to firis ix siw iaitk jonce j the quud advertising l agency io 29 kin st west to routo aatuorued to receiver advaruse- mtnu far this paper kfrlbctcher manager d rom is tt h lowrr k b c p s 1 t f grading tf triiritv codclce- itoa- f her of coiltgc of phtveaak sad surgecos 1 oscc rai resziioce at the hcadtof frej- erict st actan k is to jv t graiaa of victorii uajaersity wih rist icfon as ticsdar ind friday j 6urc2toji p hl if fcis services are required daring tmy other cu of theweei notice left it j e cgarrics drag store will receive prompt attention j- v kaxheson attorkerat t uxscliciiaisciiizzzttcjofiicsr nexi door o wshacss eotcl sfiltoii l u eexkett to n ont dextist george- u lister jl babbisteig quebec street qariptu skaicm 6ftjcx atltawx buldtie iuu sueet actes flour and feed lawsok brps voald iripecttbil y inform the people oc e la iti preailses orpou dr mc- urrids residence a flour and feed store sxdvluiut5pcasunlroiibasda lailiockof flotje or ixt kecbs iscxtmiko pamily flour buckwheat flour graham flour com ileal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts pine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixel chops oats peas and alt kinds of feed usually kept in a firsidavs store alljosls lolivcnito inyjirteftio yihigz u svis oriorcl acau u rtijxct fully toueiccd mhhattan feed for hbrees cattle sheep pigs andpouitr- good for horses hay- ine epizootic i lawson bros acwa ian is itjtl excelsior bakery b niokiin son in assuming oontrol of the excelsior bak ery would respectfully solicit a costinu- aneb of the patronise horetofore bestowed on the late firm they will always hare on hand a good supply of freshvbkhai bans- cakes and pastry also eiscviis or azzsjfos a futt stock of confectionery pure avd fre3h always ok iukd tie free pftess amok tmrabat feh17 1681 posfsy brtad delivered to any pari of hit i fotrn bread and bisaiiu gina in txdiangt for elotai orfttiit oustomr credit costomcrs will be charged 1c per loaf more than cash customers and all ac counts must be settled once a month oyster parloic the oyster parlor will always be found wjth a eood supply of fresh oysten which mil be served in jany style i mciius roff dew bpief shop woald intimate tu the ropf ofaetnnibal he has parchiivdthe baukerbaftaeuliitely carrttdou by ur a cvnlc and that be bss always on hand a firltclavc stoejc uf beef pork jitjnw saosage poullrr and game inseaasuti ic raod boief by slrtet attectlon to boilnes to 1 secure a fnlr slikre of the ptromi of the public ueatdeuvcredatauy lime toany anothefi mouth to fhbd you wonder jack that i take no head of these jests and banters cay because theres another mouth to feed in my humble home to day but bleu yon man you would wonder leu if a married man were yoq with kttla ones round- your knees to press whan the hard days work iff through my wags are slender at best i own and the outlooks poor enough and the broud in my nest has swiftly grown but im fashioned of cbeerful staff and with each new 1am in the infants crib there has nothing l but food lock come for the smiles that uroider a babys bib are the glinrings of lifes great sum and theres many a shopmate yonder jack who has been with bis jceringt free whose homes the darker i know for lack of the blessings that come to me and many anotber single too who his earnings broadcast fiiuai whom a family such as mine eoold woo to better and nobler things for a good wifes more than a mainstay man soe is capstan bar and baoy and babes are the cbarts whsreou we scan the a bciof joy and he who a childs heart reads aright be be whomsoever he may will steer by a rockbuilt beaconlight when the night and thaatnrm hold sway i so let them ipanter and sneer old lrienij i am teady my cause to plead with the all creative powers that send stijl auother mouth to feed 1 another life to he shaped and trained i fur doty to man on earth and then take my chanee if for aught ar- raigul at the bar of manhooda worth jtiseer vs- georgetowx s on will visit acton e very wednes day- and will attend to all calls pertaining to ale profession- orders left at hcgarvins drhg store will receive prompt atteation- tefcms moderat- j t i fisher tj wkiic toefsuer iroa pouniler tc machinist oroecsrowx machinery of every description made to order aa the shortest notice and most reasonable terms repslnng promptly at- t to- i i yttwfrpystbtrrt licensed auctioneer for the comities of welhngton and haltem orders left at the fees peiss office acton ot at my- residence- in acton will be promptly attendedrto- tmns reasonable f est cl1ss 3ahber have secured the lierricef of ifr vtm coon t firstcliit taxber who irfll coo- dact my bncness for i fev weeks td give erery attention ta the vtnu of enstpmcts kindly art aim your pi tm cage to advertisers- i geo aovsii ft ow select list of local 2rtrvsppqrs a k adktiuer ukcipaidtuptcanftoooo a jwar and tcho invtfjrtzt chan 50 of it tu tfut idtt vxtiet jotrr sttcc local lut paid is tetter tut year fhtutj alltfcfl othflr it u rot ct5oeratitc lit h is not oioap ust it is in honest list the cxixioxwlln exactly hnliht pa pen an whuhienaraeofthe paper ti tinted in pcld kcettfe it it inerery ibttacce lastxrt vtdeuprtntniicaprtailclitua oxtr prptlnue place the lut clttn tfie popalauoa of every torn mad the eireaiatlon of iterrpapir the ratecefaarttatl forndrrrliilnc twrcjr oaefljui tliedaljflatliertcfcelair tin price foi slncle htatei rar js from 1 to the price for one inch one moith in the entire ustistzs the n pilar nice ot the ipf for the same fpaee aolitmeare itw14 toaluttbcludeskliiewipapei of which ijff are iaed dallr aod ts vteeklt tier i r ioruet la iaa ujerentciuwtaad iownrj oftqich mare hule capital 363 place or nrerxm popautlutx aodlcscouay beats fotcoiit of lit nnj other infnrmakon ad- drctt geo p aohellacci iaprac6t a ckllwliclted jjra in promptly tltnded to w1lua1i farr the test of oharaoter 25 cruet stands bought at a bargain will be sold oh1ap b sayace irarcajc4kex sewstzsa patents fokixtentioks expe- braocslt and properly secured in can- adavtiie united states and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charge send for printed instructions agency in operation ten yeari- i hesetgrist t ottawfr canada tfhtvl engineering solicitors of pa- tent and draughtsmas j rvoiflsiohhoteractos eobt jlr agnew proprietor the new hotel is fitted up ii firstclass stylewithncwfurni- tare commercial travellers will find good accommodation andeommodious sample boomav special attentionpaid to the wants of the travelling public bar snppbed with the best of liquors sod cigars sood stabl ing anil attentive hostlers tnkps r ptbfps pumps w e adams manufacturer of superior well and cistern pumps which will he put in on short notice repairing promptly done furniture- made and repaired cnarges moderate also saws filed and et give hi a call shop on frederick street opposite dc lowrs residence w e adams fbejjj3 1 niskw i i proverbs ito one caa be riefc when the ttoraach blood rcrand kidney r ire health r and hop buterekeep thenup- theften tent noarirhlng innlcanpe- ttter itrensthener and curative on earth hop btttcnu it u tmpostthle to remain inncetct or ont of health whre hop bitlert an tlid- l do hop blttert cpre to mncnt b caae thergtve fxthreittoa rich btooiiaoduculihy gciivuocallihcottawit ivanuiiterwhat yoo frtllnoo rall- mentif hop btttert wilt ndoyofood remetriberr fllop bitters never doef hara t hnt good way rand continually parfsthe blood cleanse the itmsch and cveiteathe breath wu hop bit- trs r qafet nerrea and balmy ileep in hop biltan- b health wftnlnflctve urer and attnaryortans wlthoathop bhuttj try v reaffh care aad pata beuef fortale bralldmfflft vicks illustrated floral guide i for 1881 is anelegant book of 120 pages one colored flower plate and 000 illustra tions with descriptions of tbe best flowers and vegetables anddirections for growing only 10 cents in english or german if roa afterwards order seeds deduct the 10c ticks seeds are the best intho world the fioau gems will tell how to get and grow them ticks flower and vegetable garden its pages 6 colored plates 508 engravings for 50 cents in paper covers 1100 ineleg ant cloth in german or english ticks illustrated magaxine 32 pages a colored piste in every number and i many fine engravings price 8125 a year five copies for 300 specimen numbers sent tor 10 cents 3 trial copies for 25 cents address james tick eochesterky lectiue ro y0cn6 mev 1ash for skins i am prepared to pay the highest cash preia for hidcscaliskiiis peaooiis lamb amdsheep skins delivered at my tannery laeeleather constantly on liand i i james moore acrmrt qikciiee paistjaic having opened a paint shop in theprem ue lately occapied by mr james belioi next door to hicklinjs bakery i am pre- pared to do carriage paintie and sign writing of erery description and would rtf psctfally solidtthejntrohaee of the people of acton and yianify 1 james goott manhooffl we batereeentlfpnbllbhedanew edlltod of dr rnlterwellf mf brstrd eaay on uir- radical and permanent cure without meli- cliie of iferronsdr bllitri mental and phjf fo al incarftciy impedimenta of marriage etc real tin from excea te toprife in a seated envelope only bcta or twopostage atamps i tbecalebrated antbor in this admirable ertay clearly demonstrates from thirty vtsr ancoebsfat practice thatalarminir enn- nedcr may be radically eared wlthoat 1 gocse lot fob bale the undersigned offers for safe tb apltndid atone dwelling on main street sear mr c 8 smiths nsnnenoe one fifth of ad acre with stone hoaae in splendid enndii jwo stahu and ahopjon the piemisea hard and soft water srells title indirpofcl awe term reasonable apply at fin kim i i o jr ajlbert college belleville 6nt warn gmmx scaoot azoroaxizkd 1 affords excellent faculties for elcctive srunixs preparation for matriculation in law medicine or arts or forteachers ex aminations students also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexan dra college for ladies or the musical academy average expmse for tuition in solid branches with board room fuel 4c only 300jer week terms open sept 9th 1880 jan oth 1881 and aorilu 188l for circulars c addrosa presidentrj r jsqdes dj3 belleville ontario t yontflt sb sf saw new seooencr u w the danjerous nte ot inlrnl rnedlrtnjs or d lueaseoltlwknlfjpolniintoatamodoor jjm cure at once flmplexerwin nod efleely new workers wanted nl wa fiin aremaklwfortiinm t th bpii whwscotdiilonmymmsycnrebimsir roneb as men end ysi eneapiy prlately and radically tbu lectore sbonld be in tbe bands ot ereryyontb and every man iff the land address the culverweu ketlteal vo 41 aaus st vevr tersu port office bos- ttm qtartu1nc o discovery avkstmotyoauiftil i fbmndanoi osnshig fnmsf wrti xisiantr xost jfanboofl etc cl- ontnt sent free to tbou wlm wtsb to eneareln tbe most pleasant and prof- ibtole business known everything new capital not required we will furlisb yoaevett-iuius- slo a day and np- ms easily made wltbout staylnrf away boms over olgbt no risk wbatever once many lines ladles nun boys and elris make crest pay no onewbo is willing to work twifs to make more money every day till than can be made in a week at any ordlnur iloyment tltosawboengajrealor a snort road to fortune address employment titosa woo enfajrealonee rill ort road to fortune address e ijalurrr oo portland tulnt zj uncle henry smd julia denham may i see you in tbe library a mo ment this moraiag x certainly my dear i am at your couimsxtd now and he led he way into the room he handed his nisce an armchair j and took a seat opposite her undo said julia with a lilua becoming conclosion i have received an oftcr whew excliimcd her uncle that ia coining to the point with a venge ance and i wish to consult yon u to accepting it or not a- very sensible resolution maj 1 1 know from whom th offr wri receiv ed f edward filzroy you havent known liim very loni sat very said julia slowly but yon think yoa know all about him i darn say are you very mash in love with him f not desperately answered julia smiling at the same time t confoss that i am strongly prepossessed in his favor and this preponesaion is likely to become a warmer sentiment well my little niece as you have requested my advice i will jiva it i do not object tn this lover of jonrs indeed i know nothing against him but then i know too little of him at any rate to beahle to form a deliberate opinion of lifs character if i misuke nof this is also your case now irtj theory that no woman ought to raarfy unless she is sufecieotly well acquainted with her intended husband to have a pretty confident astnrance of leading a happy life with him i iherefoie counsel yoa to delay giving your answer for a month and in that time iwilloontrivo to become bettor acquainted with him tour advice is good- said julia rbouubtfullv and i will follow it j thank yonbaid her uncle kindly for the confidence you bare reposed in my jndgment i sinoerely hopo that tbe young man will proye to bo all that we can desire edward fitzroy was in business in the neighboring citv hehad embark ed a small property iiberitifl i rom hit father in a dry ioodssatublisbment on washingtonstreet and having s good business tact was driving a flourishing trade flisaoquaintaooe with oarhero- int id crflr4sjnfled during a summer residenee at tbe village whichal made of being her unolus heiress would have procured her suitors but it ia cot iieoessary tp dwell further on this point of oar story we are interested to learn how uncle henrys plans juo ceeded he fiist made cautious inquiiies as to the young mans bntiuess standing all ol which were answered satisfuctor ily but this did not satisfy him he wished to sou for himself according ly he purcbwdiyiuit cf clothing so different fiotd jiirif whiothe wnsaoeu- totued to wear hat with a pair of green goggles superadded he felt con- vinoed would disguise him sufficiently for bis purpose thus- attired he lounged into the store and inquired for some trifling article ho was pur ponely yery slow in being suited meanwhile be watched with some at tendon the bearing of fiuroy who was trading with a fashionably attired lady at a littlo diatanoe nothing could bo i more polite or obsequious than the conduct of the young tradesman with unwearied assiduity he took djpwn from the shelves and displayed it lurgn stock of metchsodtse until the fastidious taste o the lady was at length sailed hes attentive to biscustomers thought uncle henry that is a good sign but perhaps it may lie simply because she is rich and fashionable heres a customer of a different kind let us see how he treats her at this moment a woman very poorly dressed with a worn and weary expression as if she were better so- quainud with the dark than the bright side of life entered the street door and advanced to the counter the affable smile which fitzroy had worn ia his interview with he last customer disappeared and in its place was seen a eiipereillious glance i would like to look at some cali- i coca said the customer here art some said fitzroy enrtly pointing to a pile which lay on the counter ho did not stir from his position but gazed at the woman witb an air that seemed to indicate how utterly iiidiffsrent he was as to her patronage will you show me some of them i asked the woman mildly there they are maam yoa n see them for yoarsely what ia tho pries of jtbisf sbs inquired looking at the one which lay at the top ninophneo a yard i dont altogether like the figure she said after a pause dontyou 1 returned filzroy curt- iy r the customer began to examine snme of lie ether prints of course in doing so she was obliged to disarrange tbein somewhat don v pull them all to pieces said fitzroy rudely there jsnt much difference in them youdujetter take the first one that comes how much do you want 1 ten yards well you bad better let me cnt it off as i cant staud waiting on ono customer all day thus importuned tbe woman hastily indicated one of the piints and the required quantity was measured off change was hastily mule and the woman departed her place waa taken by a wealthy lady like the first the rustle of whose silk proved an immedi ate passport to the good graoes of the young merchant si a two dollar bill and you handed me back two quarters wasnt that right f no i bought ten yards at nine- pence a yard whioh made but a dollar and a quarter and you banded me s two dollar bilir j j yes ir j then i must hare given you tack three quarters but sir it cannot be i have only two oh youll finl another in your pocket if you havent spent it said fitzroy insolently the woman coloured i indeed sir i know i am right she said troubled it is for yoar interest to he said with a sneer and you wont rectify tbe mistake said tbe poor woman faintly you make a great fuss about s quarter of a dollar it is of some importance to me said the woman r- i cant leturn it said fitzroy shortly there la no end to tbe im positions that would be practiced ujmn rue if i allowed everybody to come back and claim that they hid not re csivfd the right change here uncle henry who had listened with indignation to this scene inter fered yoa are mistaken said be decided ly l saw you band this lady her change and yoa passed her two quar ters fitzroy glanced at the speaker it has not been mentioned that uncle henry the better to conceal identity was coarsely dressed and accordingly fitzroy set him down as a person of ns consequence he therefore answered haughtily i shall need more than your word my good sir how do j know bat you are in league oood morning sir said uncle henry abruptly yoa may hereafter regret this gratuitous insult madam may i have a word with you r tbe woman followed bim out of the shop while fitzroy in no very pleasanij mood mattered about he airs of these beggars madame said uncle henry when they were on the street will yoa ac cept from me this pieoe of gold which will in a measure atone for this mans rudeness and jodr loss nay no thanks what i witnessed has been worth more j to me than this small bum at the end of s month edward fritzroy came to receive julia deo hams answer to his salt he folt quite confidant of success a confidence which was somewhat diminished by the coldness with which she returned his greeting i must decline the honor of your allianoh said she in answer to his urgent proposal bat what can have wrought such a change in yon t be asked hiscouulen ance changing i must refer yogto my uncle uncle henry who enfred the room immediately pxplainedin a few words in what way they had gained an nn favorable impression of his banacter 1 the man who is obsequious to tho rich and impertinent to the poor shall not with my consent marry one in whom 1 feel an interest 1 a year afterwards jnlia formed as alliance with one more worthy of her ml wsfiistuis haji uowtti lradotvof troop chip i0fc theltjdii s cabin were four wasbbtjinit one of hiohvwos rrittch large than the others tbefe were three ladles in the cawn w lose puibands ware ah rat equal injrank the woihsn slwa r think they ha ro b right to presume on the rank of their bnslniswheii1tsav- choice 6 berths etc and tier was a gi eat discussion as to who wis en titled to the use of the big basin it was reft rred to tbe paymsster of tbt ship wl o could settle notliing and- eventual y to the eaptiri he gave a decision worthy cf solomon after hrst askihg them if they would abide ie matter which thij r to do he taid he though i 0m by bis trdict and not give any more trouble n tbe readily it reed to do he h fit was only fair that the oldest ludy should hare bo biggrst basin that basin was never used during the voyage oott- j brcadmakltik mi winter house ptetpera- sometimes objoct to tho us of the dry yeastcakesparchaaed at grocmlea because bread made with them is so slow torise especially in winter i like to use these cakes in hot weatjher on that very bccouui the broap sponge never sours on the hottest nights but in winter it is advisable to set a small spenge in tlje afternooni about four oclock in this wayt a scant pint qf flour is mixed with a pint aad a half of warm water to his ac d a cake of yeast previomly soaked in a little wsrm stater taking- qsre not o tcald this yeast indibesit all well together by seven oclock this if kept covered in a warm placer near tbe stove will be very lights now set your bread sponge as usual using this smaller sponge for yoar yeast cover warm and in the morn ing you will be almost sure to find it very lighl and entirely sweet now if yon bare a good deal tp attend to yon can defer kneading the donga until after brcarast provided yon atir in considerable sour and mix it thor oughly with the fpeoa i an astonished editorv a rural editor tells u of a wonderful surprise add tells it inamost ltngh- alenfanneri ho says t we find upon our table qne of the newest pictures- i it is a beautiful design smsll but showing great artistic skill in its make up tbe prevailing colon arc green and black j be two blending so bar- mdnionaly that bhe effect is pleating in the highest degree wiehsll not of course pnume to give an exact description pf this picture bat souse of the characters look so noblo so f triking that wn cannot refrain from describing them the head centre or rather tlje hero of the picture holdsa swordfirs hat is thrown on the ground his head is thrown back his left foot extended sod taxes altogether hissppearance is that of one challenging another i to mortal combat waiting for the other to knock off the chip his eyes are cast upwards resting on the word -r- hello whits this great caesar if it isnt a 85 bill we took it- for some kind 61 chronio that bad come in the maj iut we see how it is cither our devil has been robbing a bank or some delinquent snbicriber hat been coaecioasstricken wards of wudom clouds make the i dont hike chat thought uncle and never had causa to regret adopftng henry who had not bqen nnobservant i her ancles test he has no right of this little scene to treat one customer better than an other at all events all ought to be treated with common civility whatever their attire may be or whatever small may be their puroliase these groves are halfadollnr are they t those words were addressed to the shopman who was waiting upon him varywell i will fake them meanwhile the woman who had just j nmedy they are not of pnrchaseduie calico re enured tbe store 0rn io but were culled with a harried step and look of trouble fro j t she waited uutil fitsroy was through i wor j i with the lady npon whom he was ox snouoario i sunshine not flowara strengthen the weak and all will be strong j 7- strive to attain the noble ends of yonr highest aims savt when jou are young to spend when yarl are old j btupfdity in some porsons is one of the worst dil eases i speak wel of yonr frteods pf foot i enemies say nothing selfishuesajts arhcnemy to eo isciebcev and a friend bnly to itself it is better to be merry and wise than merry sjnd otherwise j- j book borrovflng addressing the editor of public opinion a correspondent writes 81 e having been a sufferer myself some years ago through the negligence of friends in not returning some of my most cherished books 1 1 offer a few lines below which i usually insert in systeuiati an eye on your seme peoti tire the tools best satisfied leave others please suppress the first your busjness and keep little osjpensei do are soj laiy that fliaf with whioji they work jith doing veil to say of you what attending and then preased to thy oounter i well what now r asked the young man snpereilioaaly i believe yon made a raisuke about the change you handedrue jy a misvikfl nlfltibi qniteiniriblek 0 d thou art borrowed by t right welcome shall he be j to read to btudynot jo lehdj but to retnm to maf j not that imparted kaowledge dnfli dimiiuahleaxnihgskira butbookslfinifotenlnnt- betorn to rneno mam slowly psyirequentljv think i-s- i duly t ineli i lnationa lo do vs3 r jail lent books and wbkhhave provedj 1 h f t will be easy to dcl right i stateameli begin to lower themselresl al when they 1 ow themsalvss to be hired 0 bydthers viji success hai a great tendency to eth i 4 oeal and thro r a veil over the dsdflsj the mooftssfu studies improve youth eed ihiaj old age tbfy art the prtsstsutt proaperity a id the solacv 0ifi ojf iwjfiy f ws