Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1881, p. 2

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ri p r nhsabbfbbsj i actox ttjtfiu uateji 10 issl rll i fc ill rta twit u spa att mejimtgoteiyiifiitlier krybuy ggfdwii with a vim or just jetiup and jmvi it otje or two tbiujs should be dmfl pusbihinga 3ud ijeatu cr j to putioiie godhead nl the iluiinewjrau thetowu furnjt uvro is in it get up atenui and keep it tip or el oiit tbo whole tiiing io yoil trait trade fc bid or it lo vcu want business tuwij to coui ly your town t eucuuihp thcau wio do coino dojton iallo have aprwperaua town where eopl can wflto disposed to juat 4t their iiomt tbeu do away vsritbbnry frjrnsigllt ill iocji differ knee nil jealousy aa spite work not ifor a few individuals tut nil work together for a cntmun prosperity and ifor niatuilbencllt wska up rub your eye iiuvp yaar elecyes and go to work pojit go ti work with fear ud trembling but take lit fur granui that wotk will tell jlsave result to ibernklvrt borrow no trouble bnt allunite ud wke ihe st kind of trv i 11 m in fiaibeir olva uill tr complaints are freqieutly outdo and especially was it the cise during the lt ttortu about the condect at frlies fell bo refuse to give halfitray ou the p road in passing- dlter vehicles the la specifies that wherever teams meet i web must give iheolbef half road md u case of bath ttms biug loaded and the drireiy think iniaws to uira oaf uy are requested co hop and one must help tbo ether by wo have heard of several imuocea waexenar tiesbiva narrowly escaped seriot injury through th nirsistcnt rvftieal of sawue itogive half way tsi if these jajties knew thai thtr were liable for daonjes unite such circumilances litre would perhaps be tea brthia in raised in k 5fe ubyfwtia mr smith tupysd itwondti hf mt bobinmh that th dspuuiiou laout tb tlnltoa agricultural cjooiety u beard carried ilitwra beaty brownridjn waldio hoq petlit addtnawd the cvudcil mr icirua jireaeiltod kiid read the se cond itjxiil of j lid ataoiliug ommitleu uu finnuw wliuiu waa ailojitwl on mo iion l i mr clejienti moved tooouded by hi- k011h ilnit tbo prinlincjuiiuit icu ia tiiatructwt to iroourv hfty print l cujiint of tlio tulra adupied to goyeiii the irucxtiingk of lliia council cr lied dr buck inoyed mcotdfl4 by mr cleuieuik for leivvje to iutruduou bylaw no lg rrial bjfluw uu j3reiujuj th tlio dciuuctioqof wolvoa aud lynxin iu tins couoy nii unit tlm aamo bu red a filit time carried the by law u read fint time mr klbinnoa moved leconded by air campbell that lji mm ufl00 be krauted to thocvunty of haltou agii culuiial sjciely to bo duributi4 in irirfn anda fuitiior auiu of euai of 100 fcrkraianul inniroteiueut aud that the ukl naoied ebiu he buid at jbo as tlio iiiiptoveiucuu are colli luted ctiried mr lindsay niored seconded by mr mckerlie hat r lihh eq public schoyt inspector be now braid in refer each ol hit rtnoil carried mr lillii iddrwstd tho council mr keraa aiovtd seconded hy mr liudsay that tha nt report of th- coiuuiitteu ou education be adopted carried dr buck moved seconded by m clement tuut lha accounts o thia municipality u audited by the audi ors msw sciltr and mtuieann b placed in uifl iwnda cf th fiuaacv caniuiittee fcrilivilb and finally aodi led by theat on behalf of lliia council jul handed over tgthe jiricter cr enj oa moif a the cound adjoarucd qwiaiksit rmoittt the ltmtdldt dmd abent ft week fefur balbf pltoayaracl mm ontario oelcsiiitisa the opminf op of oar nesr country t in dolnfio hu sade fair progress dur ing uhijkui year tentylhrce ilea- totriuhips have been opened fur ida tirin id the ftse grant districts aukin now a total ol ji7 thre were md doring cle yeir 1292 locnticpa on 181745 eoes t7iit dctiug the same period 874 lots lueited ii former vein rere cancelled for uonpe farujauce of eettleuieql duties s urga nuiafer oc coloaizition road hav4b tiuilt and repaired dsrinj ti yen the total mileage of new road madf- utnj 232 and of reads rrpiirtd 32fjf md he somber of new bridges built 17 upon trbich nis txperded s1022gi board of education the bjard ol tralw of aclon school division met iu the school house en monday crcoinjf match 7thpursu iut to adjournment member pceut ileum m slight s iloorrj liihy james mauhcaa and a ltaby mr j speight in hechair u iuntes of lv meeting read tod confirmed wo yottr finance committeo htvfjii rxammej the following acc-mfif- fiutl thru correct aud recommend tht thectiiirmaa iisiebicchrqte ia fxvor of- the treauier for umaunt of the moic- after we bnd gone to preu and primed part uf tlm edition last wtck we wow iuforuiul uf tbo discovery of a young woman frozen to death our rvporlur ituinediuely wit out to aaeer- lain tho purlieu u of the case liich wa inrerled in th rejmaitider of th edition forthebeuefilofuur wrstnin biibwribenl whose pahiia had been nuiiud beoiewe heard llio sad uocuirencc wo iejkint the report with tho ad utija ol suuh further particti- inn s we lavo alnco been abl ui jbuin on wednesday tiijht thn 2nd iqt nhoul six ocluck it youiik man liuuiid john oiuut who wua cdoiiun up tha bird line rquesing to acton diicover cdayouujwouiiioituegduof thuruuil unar thefntiu cf alexander mcpjnald fncin to katb fe luuiiediiiily pio- ceded to mr mcd jiuldsteaideiice mid informed hiiii of tlio discovery nd he mc mcduunm accompanied by ii neigliloii wirl nud exnmimd the body auilhuufl llicr veedniiixd it us a daughter of mr neil kiith lio re side on tho second line about hre milca from here xi3 at oiica iufirm ll mr keith who hs soon as lie rtivciijeiilikd tho poor uutuituiute aa his daughter citherfue tuoyuuug ivoaian iiiki been iul employ o mr f jlcciilluw ffcotch block ud left ihererfiir houi u disiucof six uiih- oiitueiday 2nd iiu it has sin licen hamed tha the wtnt to ceoric own and wn tteu bur and rfier- wards iu lmeiioikn ou wednesday 23rj which a the lt place she w cen alive it is inpptted hat she proceeded h nee for home andn jjoing lau he third irtirt which is aeldoi tmvelui c ihia nueednrtnj llio win- ler she becaiue exhausted and heiuj orcicomo with iutens- cjiii was frcx en to death she wax found about thrre qtiriuta of a mils from her owii lome th fiieuda at once noifiod the col onel who on learning the particulars of the caserdicided that ii was unneces sary to hold he inquest the young woman wa in good htuth aidwis rrfcpccd by all who tere acqutinttd with her she as is yram cd age tdc fnntial ilacc pnsituidy aflerroou and notwith- nwudiug tho coudltiiiit of the road aflet the recent atorm wji one cf the iatgttl ever ulttndtd in thia vicinity the friends of the unfortunate vours wumanhave e sympathy of the com iuuiiity tu their sad beieavcmccl tbam if oore salary for febj ilisa hckeiiir ifii grant u ifrs hcghes u 11564 6231x1 zjs3 christie fienpebsgk co acton j this week show the contents of over- 60 oases of boots and shoes from thj 8it mtjmj la t bomlauaj tbo 7ip7 sxoiueiitqftiuttd thou wd hu ba tiorottjalj tti in yea a u ittot lor qua- tity vtrlnty pwiwuty and oinpaou to uuupuua by oar hwfli awlio la hu t4oft rio opwtuaity u ojsorpd 01 prpowla too rtw- itt 701 and vlttw luyjly ifxjll lines of tweeds grayrwbite and scarlet flannel ton flaqrjlela white sheets blankets ladies mantles wool goods black costumes costume i cloth etc just in can ebftwota er boiler jtodfc r 4 cffasfr csnssii milto- ilarcu ist18si the cjaacil met pursaaut co ad journment the warden m the chair members preapnt messre clement bact clmnenu cuiiliolui campbell mckerlie baiciey beadhcad eohiu- pm and smith mr etmty moved ee far mr hcenerythat the report of e jiitle ej cjanty inspector of pablic jichools be received apa referred to jbie coibimttce on education carried mr iferps moved seconded hy mr dementr that tbe cemmunication of vohn dewar esq be referred to the tjommitleeron the connlf buildings carried vrcamphell mived seconded by mr ciemeou that the report of the v printin cotnmiltee to adopted- car- ied i mr campbell moved ecoaded hy mr ramsey that the report of ithe committee on ceunty buildings be adopted cairied mr campbell moved seeonbed by mr clements that the- council go into committee of lujwfiok to con wider tiie rnlej submitted by the special commiure carried tbvconnflil went intqconioilttee of hie whole jthe council resumed mr chitholih reported that be com tnlttee ot the jvbole bad taken into i orisideratiojr tie report of the bpecinl comroiuefl pointd to revise uie rplea pi the couaoil and approve of the pro poaed rules submitted by said sptoial committee rmn clements moved seconded by plsijjfsjlr campbell tluit the report- of the vuf0bg committee appolotrd to pre- fejsjiib role to repilate and gotera the proceeding of tlio council with the nles submitted ae amended be and 0et 9 sample it y tctsi iruved by j mtthewa secouded hi a lishy hat the report jast read bi adopted carried i jtuvei by j tstiy seconded by m seixht that the secretary be nd 1 hcreby instructed to putluh an ah urict of the tijiool nee junta for issfj at required by uw carrfd iljved by 8 iloora wconde hy j jlttlbewg hat the chairman of the property committee be and is hereby instruited to furnish five more chain for the nkoinoialioa of the board cirried bjard adjoarnwt to meet oa monday april 4th at 710 p m nivlvc always made a specialty of a we are deterrainefi still to maintain the super iority of this line winceys plain and faky f3gm 5 cents up remembepi their famous 50c tea christie eesdbrsc1t co just to handl swiss embrojderias edging n xasprtleas tw- tbcapsnt tiood crcr brouaut ii gneiplj tv v- 1 mttslin3 cambuoa lavas aa wti cktode of ever tjrfcrlpllon -ui- grand value in americas canadian and englisa itlcachrd totiotu i j i i ib e inte ol s o 3sf mbhchant tmloe main street v acton ont wishes to announce to the people of acton and su runclincr coun try that ho has removed tus tailcrriiiir estabiitimtnt to tho premises lately occupied by mrs mcnair ai the same time he wouid thauk tnoae who havo so uberallv patronized buu since commencing buslnetw iu acton and solicits a coctinuence of their favors crby oottom ftt 6rj 10 11 12i cen wo always su the best staple in the trade onr fawtfojrnann injj larce loto enubles us to buy direct fromemaajtwecityterb we rive our customers the benefit- ji spring goods aro tela j cpsned almost daily at j a baptist hlnisters experience i am a baptist miiiu ler and tieroro j even lliougut of liui a elerjrmia x gruduatej in mciiciue tut kit a lucra tire practice tar my present ptoetion 1j year ego 1 wia lor manr yeara a sflerer frouj qiiusy tlicou ecitc trie nil cured me 1 naaulso troubled wit a hoinenejt and thomis eelcctrie oil alwars rclietei me ify wife and i child had dipblhna end thorn s liclectre oil cjtrd them- ard iftafceu in time it will cure terea time- out at ten t aatcnnfi lent it is a cure for tha mol obstinate collor coufh and if jnr one will lake asruli teaspoon and halt till it trim the jil aud then place lue end ot toe spoon in one neurit aud draw the oil out ol the siooa into the urah by tuiffing a hird iu ihey can un til die jil falls er into the lurqat tit practice thai twice a week ldoiilciie howotienaire thir heu m ty fae it u ill cleaa it out aad euro their catarrh for deafuea and earache it has done wonders to tur certain tbowledge it w tlie only melicne dcfibed patent medicine tliat i have exer iclt like recommentdng wnd i am verr auxioua my siock of spring goods la 017 osuplsri atoc0u132e t2 xatst3xtxs3 uf irish english scotch and canadian tweeds wojrsteids c which were purchasel for tafh and niircouwqueiiilj he ruale up si as reason- ouable prices or cash a any house inlhe trade examine my stock before puicaaiiig elcihcre a peilecl lit guaranteed r e i nelson j j- 1 guelph spring batsi spiiaghalf rffaj our ow3 comjfkmdoic prospect dtviaiou sjus of tampjr- ance interjia holding an open aieat- iug ou friday evening next a very stfecesxful teameeting was held in ebenexir ilethodiat ciiuieh on monday evening the speikcrc of the evening were rars james caswell loadesboro k h mcpheroa and t j fisher kasaagaweya sunday last lieing the occsssioa of the sdiainiltratioa of the sicrement of the tvordsiipier in the presbyterian church here sermonls were preached by prof qreig of ifnox college toronto w s 3all gaelpb and j k south hacat pud y- pn jfr smael afcclare of ihfl 1st lints west of brumpton fell from his hay loft on wednesday and was so badly injured that be died on tbefolloving day he waa one of the early resident of the county aaotipr bulcldb a farmer named bailey li ring near allicton hanged himself oa sunday his yoiidg son about en years ot age found him hanging to in the barn his friends can attribute no eaiiae for his raah aot excepting adverse circumstaneea john kartell one of tbe prisoners in the biddulph case left last thursday night for nebraska there to remain package fbilfe docwr oitillla cp i ii p mliliiai mr fj irrvi 1 up and l tih an i caret by vi jimiie a eaie o r i f cir j on i l lrn ilia le li rnrcr curtl am wii nicol it roi itcrs anil ilv icn ilaj njhi j clorcave lim uuid alj ii ntim ill i t nilju- u lliai u tt i irlll go vui talunle rim fvl vmj for pojr goxe 1 xi- ho ore aood iscriiccus oxr march ind lso jftwr 1crry dlclt k x laiercuzc 1 hare sold ue for mviy years ixrecmiomcx clio would con sider it nurortuimie to be hituoui it mativ use ho other patent uirdiciue all who use it- sck huhly or it i he c rttp of could ge rcore or stronsest tcstmon wiln j t0 uie speaiugol iu wortu i timent in bur culumus or ah immix iir vrutov blaster which is prouounced pn on i u doubted authority a sitlve and per- j6see adrertiseinent iu auolher mment cme or that dieadful lualndr ydu will find one df the large6li and best assorted stacks of ha in the county at the east elmdi clothing store an immense stock of new beaarff tweeds column pyspepsra ktrenrthett yoat uixcj- won inne ujc aomarirr uluaitis ana a-t- ilnilattnrcvcrratim or iwot yuu lax- tt boiy iaeda it funlreuith alid vlxrx jiua to sec it in every place tir i tell you i ckioks the cuile iyin- iumnii i t o that 1 would not be without it in my houu or any coiisueration i au now fulteriiifr willi a pain like- kheumatisut in my right l and nothing relieves mejilte thomas ciectriooil du e f ckake corry fa tuis boon o ho sdlcted cannd le too jwilely known to hand so ure you osa them haforo nrcjiasing p uveraeefyiuieaaiuranil alc 19 oat leu- pitnynallf iiteranj i3uicanl etspie la ially-rtalliurzorea- irotn brazil puii- tivskoyrj uehhubd vlrli tneln 1 piceut bampl som iy j h llcuarln aeiou a ricking cough oh why endure when ihyje i tciund 0 perfect ture that from weak lungs relieves tho ttcain sna rives tha infiererease ag dn such a remety is tuunj iu a cent bottle ot xkgynnlalectoral biliam the liest throat uu tunc heilerin ibe pttopebty rob salt tik- raoat rjiaahl and desirable uropcrty ever offered iu hclnu consisliaof daelliitg sure and several vaeaut lot aiiuatc on alain bcwcr and willow strecla to be ild in parcl lo ault pnrchaacra tenos j ii smith proprietor acton march sth 1s1 tf true nohilitv is the mostunprstfln tious the most humble means otiea will iccompluh the greatest endfj the moat mo test and unpretending of lowers are the sweetest the most simple and auundaul herbs are tho most potent lo heal burdock which world for sale by all dealers grows almost uncared tor by iur way- k tides ia one of the moat valuable of cleansing and healing melicinal roots it is one or the many ingredients or that marvelous medicine burdock blood bitters the best purifying ionic in the many a man ui bean crippled for life by an nccideat met jlthdn j01i kho might hive been spared rrorn ihe snrgi- onl knife had he prampii nplieciyellow oil this valuable remidy shonld ever world sample botile 10 ots iugalar bt kept at band in case ooccidenls or emergencies it is for internal and ex ternal use a specific fur all piinut in- fiammalnry diseases and besh wounds sisesloo all seems infected that ibe infected spy and all looks yellow to the jvundiced eye fries i3 cu if edison perfects hiseleetrio light if you are lowpiriffkl and blue do not r nll fotane will excel that of lay it to your luck but rather to your lue who dial struck oil literr cleanse the system or bad bile and sluggish blood aroote the iorpid secretions and the eye will resume lis wonted biihmess tbe slep its buoyancy and the mind ft oheerful rigor bur dock blood bitters cure all nervous diseases purify the system and strength eu the weak do yqn know that in severe and chronic casts whleli harleapjiioiherrenedies wlltoaxom pou nd irnp or blldcncrry ivm immtllale relef and eftbcls u 4perd euro that very lamlly whn k p it on haml aamltfy iviuflu creep wbonrlnt coqlu 0ild bronchitis and all klidreddlsas that no eaae has benn reported lu wulah it uiiledtoclvcrello thu in every district where wuaona wid cnrrry hai been icinxlmrd 11 has jam pad into favor in an incredibly short hroe 4- tnat jofl can hoy itrrom any loading rtfer tlstin wniernonlalv cracked hands orackad lpf sad etdu ean be enred bv a onlbenrts parlalaa few ap othe ieatlons of 1 hux the na- who first struck yellow oil as a remedy tor eiterual and in ternal use via a more iortiihale individ ual than either yellow lil is varkx ccrxexoe the remedy fr ijin lameness kheumailsm croup deafness burns frost bites stiff joint and all flesh wounds any modiolus dealer caii furnish it consumption has well been compared to a worm in the bud that saps vitality from the fairest flower it steals the rose bloom from be oheek and robs the vital spark froii the stalwart and tho strung hagyards pectoral balaam nips the worm in the bud it u the beat cough cureand most eseotual long healer known to medioal scieuoe fjoe 25 culjier bottle manufactnrers of reapers- mowers and threjhingilncbinery f refer casi ebvezif2ft vu ujui ontario vo satis- i oetwear lord seal and nlfphsnl and is nurm fur sale tt 23 con 3 iu the township of eiqaes- ing 100 acres go cleared and under culti vation liaifucc ok1 cedar ard black ls lood farm liuildinpj fences in the befct con- diiin iiltuilid orehard of beariur trees ex- cellcut fruit tfood lprin watr all the ywr maud the lrcierty ii situated alout l utile frqi ctnu mile from a hrtciai fritt mill convenient in ecbool nd church title iudijpntalile terms reasonable ap ply ou ihe prtulaes or addreas jujes scott actop post offiv atjcti0k sale t7aluablevilurk property t in the xteutr1sinc yillagb op actonv the nrideriged has been instructed by joir lie 01 l to sell hy public auc tion 011 be premiiiea nenr the j rand trunk slntion in the village of aoton on saturday i2rh march 8i the pruperty known as tlio sucoll irop erty oonuilulnx sbotii ixacrer mdo ur les thia property is well adapted fur cither anrlemn nrbuddlns sites blrithiiai tod th one of the noil dost ruble rarts of the village as nearly all lots suitable for hulliilnj por poses ouuideof this block bave been raoenu irlwnxht up thia sale ariprds theonlyehanee orarourtnt desirable property at a falprlet tee rapid growth of the vlllajo ls a sure in dex to the rarld rise in price or suitable lots and mope invested in this way cannot fall topayaluria proflu this repetty wll be sold iri hook if possible bat if not- sola in tbrswayitwilbeodreaiuviiiaiou terhhk sold in block ttooeaah balaoee lu two annual payments with in terettatslxnereent if sold in lota per cent cash balance in two months balotb commentie at 1 oclock preeirelyi wm bonan2 bonanza m manificieni exhibit cf lovtily ghristaias and holitlnf j m goods at our grand bonniizh i sm fresli arrivals yeslertlav lias thoroughly renewed 1pur slock 600 silk and lace ties ami picijus lo select from magnificent furs lovely jress goods nud silkai r lv we show wiihoiit donlh ihe verylestaiifl freshestapd jl 111 the city aud hivcn crowded store every ihiy i a0 buisham i fathonaut westknd dra untitle mid millihtru labismenjloiiiljj br i l l i a nt suc cess i ttto tara awards ninej first lifaii 3lvehme6al bnd plplom on urdiobjterednod amlcwmsit forslf we were awarfedthej only silver modal ever offered for speoud xoieoetapjpls4 tbtdepajtmwtwtekeiheleadaoaciuenjie cofaoesiaci oriamd wik receito prompt attention inspection ddielllnax y lliwimii

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