Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1881, p. 3

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timiflmtj fraiuleatrc iclonm folloixj dotso wkm ujltrcprs fbraila mail thykvpreas jaltprtved oaltmiwl difttpttn jrttrn mail toabauiittd ojusa vist l40satt fcloagm a4im ispm hl1ptn 410 a u 1m2ani ii n 4t40pni 9i30 fkiji the free press t titrasiuv xloitsisr march 10 18s1 si lien rob waotv berlin and zcphr ivouls sccniy stock uawshadca a lirjt stock mottocesilvr uul uwd till aai then tjcllinjj cheap a larcc tk of tomba purses pipes razors spectacles envelop writing papertchanl haiii toy haodmttcdriusnd llirth dai present slwsys in stock five ine a cu sica of the- ilij watch cm hymu jcltyfccvacy goods store acton out local and bthoivtotuaxt 4pleidid moon light nights was it a bliaird wa badoa thar- ii night there js n rrclt dgat of sickuess an lama at pretcut rjd the tdvetliscmenlr thcte arc c uimlier of new ones this week wo huu ld mild weather and iuliy sidewalks durior the last fetr colds and the measles aeem to be faskieuahlc almost every luse in town is sspplird ufihoue tor lie otter awtarit trul it ia slated that tltecaso of tost n tvecuian iirallepal etalractice u urbe tried aazu a htutiou c of appeal liivicslaea snated the plaintiff 1 xo scaoct onicf o the absence ot mr ttieaias moore uhj u attending the funeral of a friend in kia yurfc a there his been na eciidoi ia the tire t department if the uteator ku omtttod 11 oatioa dry hardwood ii a try icaroe commodity i 8nowtrdei bavt tetn numerous ahioe saturday j thl ht len- wry fewd winter op ihonst pluta t tiic oaurln patlumeat wainw rimed on friday iftarama dont forgat the tutrroirt swhoe chaooa of ptocarlog food ii very aliat at prcaeut j r wkieh of our acton udiefiincie ahoeouldecartithofiircuaghprioailudl to ou the tin paje the priucip il jwatlon darinj tht put fer day hu been did you heir about tue ceddiiis i the snow shovel brigade wis the lartt friday forenoon that we have iccuthii winter the ttorinof frt4jf itnd sitjtrjay blockaded the roadi to that bdtutfia wat umoet at a lundstih th danger to joe feared in the way of building collapiiag it redoahled lince the lite mow fall cjiuwood tdlegrdpa palea fence posta scd aaw lofri are still arririoifl the viilage in urge quiatitici at rcsau of sniwballing on the ttreeuooe ab mr j c hiui hop wiudowt waa smashed on saturday ltnsstr- tho ujunty council voted the aum ot 2y towardi the county acricaltaralsocklr at the lat beeiicx- ppi uotr do editora get in free kt alltbe tbomv ivtll charlie a a leeatral rale thoj pice s imrlh rf sdver- usinj fur a 25 tt tfeket juiti as ptr anuoanevment h- mcdiar mid il a of toronto prtiehed iu the dtsciplei houi ou tuudav jait aud iectcr- cd ia the tame place on moudiy aud tu lay eveaiuc lecttr rt j thomson il a jf ayr jv dcircr hw palir iectare on iacrd ii iu euox church ou kri- uy lh inu particukrt will be frcud cu another column sare clrresiionilfnts tialrd in all nariaoftheciuuty dontheifmilgentic- inen oritiiei that you caut do ic wii caouii clire us the facta aad the cotn- pasitioa aad rpellia will be attended to snyle topics oftcie face press can he obtaiuei at the fen ptiss ofscc ut three cent eaclu tuoie who with to fcr- waria ccipr to thcrfthndi ihoail call im- aiediafejiy after tuv day of publication to esre one rafrsid mr jines jennings 0w flf the public school iherost two days scspeise axd pkdeaitlus w jearii that rr c lyvilktuwa of this jiuce was cxidc the recipicat ou muuday evening laic of a puree of maaer by kuce yocng frieods frux oy wsim crcrs zs a reciitin of lis acccet ia the recent debate t asaccitrttucua the fo lcwia hiltfiuiaac arc the rtili ct tbc uutirio acticaltural ct fi ii keary ucciellaiid eoruvy uolf a kaiscy imea ilills vxts g sircy uflcraa ilies k oiith aa 1 itiruld trnaoo- oikvide tiuouurspivkilc town tni5nrer iilieea ffrt iii dtiliir a year aad askr lim to taretks ji ay ssooj thitmaa will drxw lii talirritt a lamp wai itasoecflpled the pdaitioa of headraillcr ani aome jay and ruin tbe corptratwa r siemra g 4 e tulton during the past year kaaremored sir jenuiuge has made vfuqptm 8rell rvloe are being litm jutbt piimiliv methodiit church o william doatwily favored brtapton uh ilia pretaaoeliut mindy cenlog the atiniiri teatneoting of bo p m chuitti wai hold on monday 28tk ult mn twnjplone ijueen street fell oa the ice aud fototured lor arm luri tutaday sir mattbewt broom muufactunir ta hitildtng large briok atore near ie qletua hotel a team o horaea ran over flotsie daughter of mr m threadgold ou monday 8he eacaped aerioua injury georgetown the reeva ia iiifferug com a aerere attack of qitinwy clailc bros bakora wnre fined laat week sr idling lijht bread tlioblue kilbou euleituinment of laat eftk was urgely atleuilud mmmw tvreinaotonion ot hfi joatph kyftj f 0nukn aoton on thalth imt the wlf of mr andrew onea ol a daughter tdgaitab j wta atcboiiwi at uia realdtdm otjtha bridea mother oh the loth alt iiythe luv h h mcpberoiima mrjaa tir jr o naaiaawoya to janet daughtor of ma oha morobblo of paillnah tub stave jtabtirr 1 aotot on the6thlmt in- tantiou of john esiarlett rvsuin erin on the 7th imt the wifo of john ruuell em aed 38 yean bfckat cainpbflmlle on the 7th ait john buck eiq aged 0 yetra doceaacil waa an old reiident of this conny utnwo in klnt york c n tio 8th init jamea uathewton ad w yean doeeajjd u uncle o mr thoraaa moore prlucipal of the public tchool here misaiottary meetings were held in the uapiiat ciiuicu ou tutaday even iug laat tumpewnce aeraiooa wero preicbed itt the xjjiiuat chutcit oa suuday by llvv juuuta tbo herald jays tho achool teacben of ilaltou nw a sue ioukini lot of ladiei andgeniloiuen ooirxo division tfjuit waa held kstwdncs day mr r d bijgoc haa reaigoe fiotii the office of lowu trcaaurcr hamilton sjxttaicr uuvt would our towa- treasurer lie to lire oa acch z salary rticstuitetj scicxtific kstts e bare received a cajiy of the above periodieal and it is oae of the- iiest pab- iicationa paulialtj ly ilenn k co kcw yrk ecery cuaiber cjalahu thjrirtwi pages fall- of- euiaviaaofuovcfica iu acieacc aad the useful arts irice 150 pcryear those yann men rho mijayed the acarlxklllu on mill tceet ixt sunday probalily did lut think their conduct wa uneeaiy hut a certain psrsou who got a thpy kirowbafi in the riht dicok turned the ikairg enrniv on friday even- injf last was a grnud succaa the rcviial auricea in tbe method ist church hero aie still in prognias rev- j mcallister addressed ascolt actuiutiugul appleby last night rev v w ross of hamilton preucled utisaiunary gcrnioiis in the methodist church last sunday patrick krone fell from bis scat in st ptflrtcva church ouiiundav aiarn ing audfiedu two or three uiinut nithuat uttering a word guilpu the cubs block up the road- at oie post cluee j gui4h ha twenty one telephonic is inttrumcuts and u cecttal office wm btll jr left oa thuisduj nfternooa en a visit to the old cuauuy mr john howitt is lying ut the loiat of death which u houtlv expect ed it ia said the nnniber of apdications foe chief of pultceahip does uot exceed twenty r murray sold two lifflilmt the uamerjas frieadi anions the youns falkt aad wc are sorry to lose him from oar village ue wish hint suoccsx rjxisrre a reiy ercitinj pec nf otuance was enacted in our maally quiet little town ou tuesday ll ft lt heea other day weighing respectively s5 und ilaiiist rte only subject of eatrvsratfon 190 ouuov siae that iime the itartiea ruring ia w p bro rhu- new goods oonstantly arrlvloti i to take the place of those constantly departing all fresh and cheap auction buo ragliter pniwv illh march auotioj sale of form atock and tapkiiielsy ffio iproporiy of mr john moore lot j son 2 uramoaa 8al to oommoncerati oclock thafp tym hcmrtrcct auctioneer j curciibar12lh marchauouda tale of vil lage property n uia vuhje of acton tbo mccoll property commencing at one oclock w hcmstrcct auctioneer tcespav 15th march auction salt of farm stock cud implements the property of mr ilobf bennett lot s con i erin sale to commence at 12 oclock george gihbs auctioneer fbiuav i6lh viarchauclion sale of farm stock etc the property of duuald mc- tavih eiq lot 2 coi 7 naaaataweya sale to commence at 12 oclock sharp ivm ucmstrcot auctioneer tcrsnit 2jnd march -f- auction sale of farm slock etc the property of corge eudd on henry tolloui old farm four miles from guclphorthlnmoaaroad 6alo to cemmsaco at 12 oclock vfm lletn- strecl iuctioneer vtfmxtsnat 23rd march auction tala of farm stock and jrapfejociuta lhep of wm eenfon of w lot 15 ossi erin near gspriugs vvm hcmsfrect auctioneer mosnvtv 2w march auction sale of farm stock and implements the propcru- of fames allan lot 19 eon 6 eransosa sale to commence at twelve 9clockwm heni- strtet auctioneer a pood afttortmont of groceries and proyision crockery and glassware always on hand tea fom 25c up to 75o per lb tide sceae lure ueretofore beea looked cpa m rcspeeutite cittra liafc thtir clcrscitn lave been pecttj well cumveuej since the event took place irais va3fted wc reallr donc xcish tar diculcr to occtir to aar one we coald cot ffaut any pewfla to brek hi oa te sxlwsii jrncs to ay wm tt ud g ammifciii lam- i ttc saiijjiiaa txs- ilisgrsa to n f i tudty aad lie wan rifat jj bible sftcierr jlzimsctbe tui- piul meeting of actoa braiuli sluesocietr w iieid x tie mcdiodht cltrch oa tacs- day eteainz- the itiatndince wis very ir and tlic idtitcts hy here 5l c birttenu vis s very iatcreatiac one col- ttcton vere appointed to caurajts the rarioa division cuder tle coutrol of the icuailrincb s the ssow storu a vry wieie n3storni sctia da thzcsjiyzterntxunz coo iu 3 z i irja analfited fary catil httatilzy uibt aboafjl isirf offnoar fell daring tne ttorni tnd tbe iif vinds vlxfcli c- comjanled it drifted tlc nur aad blocked the rraiu so tliit tnfuc wzm gtwrillf sn- pcndil tfee treatjier clered ay danng itenkr miit lince ffliicli timtf it hxs hix nrild- tflc wfatiiee far tbe nut iro ireetj tbe tealncr has been at a kind alcaliud to bather llr teuaor there it noleut thair for eaaple of davcceed dbr a fierce itortn of drifting tuor al the ihtnnowcta tnwlt dusru until it geu tdova to sere ami then luurther thvr wiu ppmt wailtzing asan withoattithoartirani- icg and thus it sstes on and the weather prophet wooder the sideffalia a p umber of our atiieam deerre credifr fdr the thoroagfi pianiier ia vbich thf hive kept their side- iraik iaiqvat f their prm- cear of toow ilarinjj the preeaf wuater faiin scleaaed them to the boanhf after ererf atornl the coiuublt hafiai considerable diflicojty in getting the dhajozy cittzeufto perform their doty in this respocbut he hat toceeeded very well j a jteit cxitte ra new swindling jcub4 tai heea invented which is flayed hieflyqa k carabt jiujo with ineeisf self get bcruei oat or aayuiiug ehie but we are very short of iteaa this vctk and if something doesc happen before cert iiae ire t rem hie lest he dirth of oiwr might ii an anfrairdftd moment induce c to insert afcn lines of eprinj poetry 8trerl bashels of whicli is oa tiihd rersuil mr philip jocobi of roronto was in town oa sat3iy rev vv p hailcton of waterdown wm in town on tesdar sir wm lith of 6opdcn forroeriyof this village iruutiva on friday we had a call from mr- charles arm strong u axwtrantf mills yesterday jmrjt d hall sad wife of ocaugeville visited theirxactau friends oa friday but v r dorinr the week jjr fi adams has had io towns aaa villajes the operator withvsevecaianfayorabieattaclcs his recovery atears tn hucye xrill approach his vtiui nd tell the patbstic uary of his niiifort- sues hjs railway ticket by means of khichjie was coin to joia hiiriends aad nke2 his money hi been lol it grieves jttm to the rery core of hutbeart iatto esther ffjpds be will relacuotly fell bis lver watchj it is perfectly aewjafdaott g- 4j5 before he left hoaae vat he will take f2b now he usually vfiu 1 wd the fr chaser jpcs borne with a oieklepbibed fisnworth 375 unjzuix w tc pocket- ra a leaha 0 pldlaiithropuy within his iwready for sach cases 4 doz foilefc i toc5 rthenow disappear and spring open siswsfoxics cca for thepccieut ivia- ter the dian who has poseereu from bis wife j the wife who has none from her ios- band- the coming basmec ths holiest seaosn thatactoa evorsaw some af tire franneu mea ia town more eaterprisinjjfbau they are e sold by the poasi intead of the dozen as at prteut it is unfair the vonug men and boys refrain from snowballing oa the streets especially ou tbe eublutifa totiacco heers leave heir tobaeea at home when hey go to cbarch oreleswaj- lo w te iaid end settle i now very doubtful ur b henderson ia now oanvalesent aad again able to attend to his baiioeta1 mr donald mann has bad a anrwe attack of inflammation of tbo bowels dnruff past week he is now slowly recorsrisg jjrf h soiytb fdremsn bf ttie pbee pbem staff has been laid np dnripktbe past wiejk will a severe attok of measles the am of 5u025 we id into the bonk uf ckiuiuierce to tbe credit of cha city on thnrediy the proceecu of ie axle of 510000 worth of deben- late jssuat the itovclty woikj are in fall blast mr r l heinjttreet has gone to toronto til fire engine ia 0it of repair nnd it will ear 160 to pat it in working aider xlr j h burchi livery stable uanowly eackijed being burnad oh ifon city laat the cjanty cjaneil voted 200 fo the county agiicultual fecciety at lc last meeting the annaal njetling of milton branch bible society vtx hcjd ou fti- dayerenjnj a rtoy aucccsxfui eociaj was held at the residence of mrs r sdur ray ou thursday eveuiu mrs jiary willaon relict of the late c xsheriu of this county died at her aoua residence in michigan on the uth of february aged 76 yrars ili uie alcknrie orjjaaiat c glace church was preaentsd with u parse contaiiihig 30 on kriduy last measra thoinpsor jiirby and dol mage left for rapid city if w t with a carload vi horaea on tnraday leoture rev j thomson m a of ayr- uiu deliver bis popular lecture on sacred jvfusic in knox chttbch aotok oa tlieeveoingnf friday 13th mar j 1831 tbo sutyect wsjl be illustrated by some of lfr thomas t jfoore left yesterday for j the best singera sn acton who are nowiu king to attend the funeral of his uncle mr james mathewaia we are pleased to be aweto state that that it is jjufraetire and enterfciiringrfa training for that purpose underjthe direc tion of mr ijuhn clliij as htauy avbf have beard ifr thompsons lecture uwlarja large audienceisconlideutly expected ad- miasion 25 cents the proceeds trill s to defray the penses of thobabhath rctoes tioketa may lie unrchaaad nkn messrs j 3 hill 3 w mann cbriatie hen derson co atid 3 fyfe i chair taken t 7388 p oi j d b caj1ebon tb laanaiacton marchflth 181 i iikw notices worth ahentlon 1 1 poanda of sngsr furl0q at a rdicoa tlxw from 75 crnfi to 825c at j fytea v t ko i ssdtrona for per lb ut d c uilla try t h hardings c5c tat worth 75 centa highest ma i tet price paid for polk at a secord j cov lidta mantlea newest styles at christie hendn i co 0vo t h harding cnll f general groceries aoa pioviaiona 4 kinuda good tea foi 100 at a secord ifc cos a giod second hand cook stoyo phenp for cash at j j hills you save money by buying your groceri and hardware frooi a se cord i- co a cood felt hat fot75 eenta at i fjfej upounda of good bright angar fcr 100 at t h ixaritnga chenji cash store coal oil best uidon coal oil 30 cents at j c hills if you want a nobby durable and cneap suit j fyfea is the place to go the boss coal seal lira for sale at j c hiila tin indj3toye dejigt acfon go to thhiirdiug ciicnp caih store for fhnyer crcaai crocks milk pics tic porlc lird and fish cheap l t h uarduj suifffandovireoafa at eifteeidy low rate and made iulatest styles be sure tdcail and see theui j fyfe acton i highest market price paid for fresh ei uiiii jfoii ljutur uta seconfit coa j sciitch engliahahd cnadian saitins iu ereat variety cat the east end clothing store j fyfe aetoo higheat mirkit vjriee aid for fresh rutter siiljegftti h hard ing j isa caatorlne oil fornll kinds of mucbinery it isilsoeiwllnit or harness or leather making it water and weather proof- toe greatest slaaalnc a simple pure harmless rimror thai eores every lime uud prevtnu dlstiae by keip1 tbe bluoil pure stomncureaua itljnysaiilllvrnictlre ithffrolestbieiuf- uiz ever coufcrrvd upon rjaq ilnp unters h lflfurrinejvaail lis proprietors are brlus bltased ity ihojtaoids wlm imve beu saviil anit cured bjot will you to it bce olber i coluipn- i toronto uil co safe mnnulaotbn i eii of laaioiine liiiohino oil in- 1 fririgemeirla wiivbeproseoutetl jzcst and conifer to hie sstrerlsff broienk household faiinces has no eqnal far relieving pulnlboih in tcrnal and extrna it cures f tin in the side ihck or bqwlasoe tliroat utipumhifm tootliaclre lumbngo end anykjniljitji iain or ache t will i ths blood and lls1 iw ftawactiig powrr da wopderrul rrowaa houaelmbl lnaeea being acknowledged na the great f i believer and of double tbe strength of any other elisirorliuinienl tn the world should be in rvery family nanrfyfer rise alien jfaiited naivreattyia tbe heatrfaiody in the irorldforxromusin tte ktoriiaciu iiwid pains and- acheticati u feinda j and isfor sale by ail dr ugglsta at 25 cents oyti jj pork fish 4n 8t00k come and see wpbeownr aclon itarch 3rd j8s1 jvn 3101 jiab v pkfffia h ll af clearing isale i troinendoua bargains oraa rx2aotiofia in all elaataa of winter 1to0d8 t ho mammoth houik georgetown the winter goods mnstbo sold to nuk rpom for priog importetfoai ju memter wt have cat down tho ptictvoi i millinery mantles shawls furs dresa goods wikcies tweeds i readymade clothing orcoats ssc we make a specialty of cottons ana checked shirtiags for the sijiins we make a specialty of black and colored dresa silks aad blaok and colored cashmeres- i we make a specialtj of carpets oil cloths and linoliuni tailli- oar ordered clothing department is the ibest andlcheapest in canada we bare a bijr placo a big stock and we will rive bid bargraina r moueod andssob co j mammoth house georgetown m i ljss trte imm1x plaster positive and permftheht c vr e for gaje r mm withooi the usa of the kttifo selling off great bargains many things at half price 3 lbs 50 cent tea for 100 chapmans mmot3i- store acroii 1 j vvi i ore application of the immix pliasrec ni draw iheuracer outin a feirdaya wiih its reiy rcotnndbro tbusebectinp asacjitxext cure und preventinga recur rence on lie dread milady this is no humbug but aroanvuflndutlublecoca without sickne debility or evil results to the patient and all ijbcted tnlli the loathsome uiseareof caicer are aincerely urged w trv this aererrliliae jhitimiest remedy tbe pjaeter vrith foil pnriictlarsroriisapplicuiion will be sent to anyndj- dreaa onrecslpt6fsixiollarsaddrejsrdregisteredtetterllo e csmith ooaupooj iij tmaada jfthe highest refeeneea given ns lo resrjktabiulyimdalaiidirig wjien rea nixed including be kditor of tbipapej i come to hills photo art studia mill st autos and if you dont know your own photograph now tyou will hereafter t citizens visitors all come and you will be well come im i 4 iix y si cs silsn i rim rm toves stoves i fli i5i do not fail to see tm hayells stock of stot wm the cheapest ani best variety ia town the weekly globe j tlliiepfilie thexargestl the cheapest t 33fe best linstnitltw- 2ft j tbi m 13aksw1 contauilns eolumnt ot rcadlnc inattci and i thiitts admiaedljrlhe best authortty in airdcffiural imuhlmwillut uti couuueiclal trclca throujhoat thido- odnlob 1i aubqa wliiae ffbht 181 0 aooeihit insreeqibditat h0rgh mfbtilitatati tbnt eooitm ui wuutbatllinsbi- fci iuntaiteiiriaa jxe dollab itacoormoua circulation dlstzibated aa kla in ajt rasla ot the eountry renders it tbo pest advertising toedlamtor roaeblng the inteuiicnt tnasses evsriwhcio jstetw jksissblsi j 3sijalw av jr3hj i ikereased speeo in publication j eemember ttan u abbaetrpuowaoiitia be tween tola datoavdut january n title tnesunerib from datatoxauta 1w r tt twwthftllbdjs rtpctob10 slat ot december sin ui r- nab v- ia- i vt uatfe v- i ortan ind rasuttaaaije be mrnaed u 5jjl

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