Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 10, 1881, p. 4

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imum m i m gbajeajptteas pabb8- l trwn iimtr uirb 10 istsl h i i i i vomo fotxscosxsa 1 ww wtl rale is loi j and nide f wliat it hia way m rallleauanit w hat j tg iiut i pttttv ou 1 prim wuttu tot ioioe hat tomvliuiet twang vfoat if ki uijlu wbeu h should uot uufhj whatit lit ulk bo tbuulj le illt let tuck uya lauh and 10i git i jy t l and let uiem ulk uu llitjvo islktd their till for aty hoy i know u a manly boy 1 tit it the stuff of u hujt ntcu tru made lleivnot htndwueuur kracef ul uoc wise llot be it all that ii uoibr itutcad utt heart it warm and tcricrtkuyr for all tli tooi- hues them it uuuklc j awl lhrye tirill be ercr pan and true fwaluhnaudteaipl4utuuiav betide thmaoliifcrbwd vi pttlf ittt wlitg ottiiett iw ittsarioff drop ft wordofayttiuwhy ivu of your own fault rathtr than thoj of others a iluco for cnrytmug aud lewjry tjiiuj m its iluce iiijuiuur own little trouble but watch to help other iu their jtiku bu j of tbu kuubauj tbut every dour bob iud you without alaiuiuiuglu inivw ialcrcvil uiiy cuuvvraation uijt wait ikiliviitly yuur turu to speak look for beauty iu aver iking aud take a cheerful view cf evay event ci m clean the tuuj auvittiow s tfatwtncifcrs it uui iiaaa hcadrcdi of unckndt of tut yooj have wecerlaated dautcruu liquor tad uc trtut thai they will he mercifully preserved got duly root evils of iutvuipcraiice bat trout tttcry ulnar vice but it u a uiiufnl bet that many- pqor drunkards luce ducdfhe frra step iu their ruin to lie chriitiusa uss drsuk at huoie tweet- huntc whilst ve rrite tfccw liuej t lave a klter licfore oa from the uer jhu s ia uhichhaatatc t a sbort time siuee a youth ruined by diuipaliou acd druuken- laa ou ui dfiflif bed uttered u ciuuit li iut vprdj my nifithcr fcor iuc the j cakllilly- fivul uur boota lefoiu tlitcriu x iiuu ittasaaeo it i lilnuud b tic cjlksto ui atathtiif ut tvmi lu uitcmu-rtiic- tbvi iu the j1ar 17 tliun wa uid ml or tutoxic tttu irtufct tiy tii of jsnua iy tui iu of sitl oaouoo aul by ti of lviuil two000 of oimi bitaia 5iltllki ji0 aul of uii uutal satvi 70 ojoudo uinking a gnml toul ul 2 roouoouool w -j- it jo hoo td j mi- lilrtk cahhrre in i hai more vj below their former pflcw f m jaff5 ttirribokrout colihi nrldwof blnitseujimu ue lios innrkeil we snilwrd- lnik and v ly infkc tijss ieaoo frtbnlonti ilvvteimi me goliijf offlii qilrnuld ia3rssshcizr tuimc iu5aysjaru ruulahadbjtichtllujuis 19sb pcm aoooeaeoniaiisfj 4605 keff worm rt x u biofpraphiiwl xmcrl 2 of over 9too re frpfti the canada zdwatieul xtrat iwnuoamt jail tun cqrk in ttn ooatrmttf tho poaltlon of iholial wiman ilh that of i kldimmoblhwijtipflljaatlajak hahiai iiro onsiigilitoi to riujuion it uj lbs niiao ou tbo iiu it uuntltou fok 17th lssl puodld iut of mourning mnu very reducer very loir picture to neolbe mb enoroiout tale llemciuber the ttoiet i wcuur- no book hm alpmiutruij dwnl mom refereiwa work 1 hkh li hod all hat h roarb la euat oflmtt quarry that will ttaulhunemyarehbdai if only i nux aucccod 1 exclaimed tlie licgiuuer iu a usef al vork vuidi at ric ilh uot aaeai to ptouusa much tuccesa voa vill it voa do uot- leave the four pe out of your plauv raid a reyhairad irieud ha watat hand cvhat do you meau aaked the other ttrahln to uadentaud hiuu the four pa atand fffr prayer raiot ratieuce and fersetcraoce vaa the reply oud i kaor of u uthia vklch theae rill uot ouqacr are yod etei- iuclised to be fainthearted irtaay vork that ii put in yoarhaudi to da fur god thru muii that you loo uke tha four pi iuto your plana and i hare no doubt at all that you ill tuceecd ruacrourtcatifcilsaiis tahit it that ahidi a cat has but aa other uumal kittaox f vhat did queen elisauth ute her pillt in in cider tuidc her avhy a dead doctor like a dead dacfc kcaum they both have dost quactuur it x trere to tee you riling on a dutkey bhas fruit ahould i le renucdad cf a pair why vaa blackttoue eke as iriah vepi- stable bccauae hemasrcommcq tatur why iaan ccj like a colt i because it lauyt for us uuktc brokerr ifl colta piatol baa tic barreli hoa mm ojjht a hone uiafoi to hare i give uup l why it a profcskoual tnict rery comf qrt- cliic becauae he titeathiofn cuy why are cotardlv aoldieri like ta0ow candles i becaoaewiiea exposed to the fixe they ruii wheu doea a mam hare to keep hisirord whea uu ou will taka it when are kisses treeuat t when airup- titioaaly obtained why art two young iadiea kireinff each other an emblem of christianity bciuic the are doing unto each other aa they would iqteoahuuhl do unto them i r t ivhy arepipea all humbut became thn beat yf them are mecrehams avhy it a pod husband like dough be cuaae a aroman noeia him stat the direue between a grocer tell- iug a jfound of sugar and an apothecarys boy with a pestle and mortar 1 oui veigha a pound the other pounds away prosy ireoi they have agooxl juts on a irofo tor of nulilalioa dowa east who being put tato a room at a hotel uillv another tuest afked hint ur taisc a wiudovr at night aa ibe air was ciuk i can l raise it auid ha gntm hti worlcioijuwuils at the uriadow then knock a yiat out said the professor which was dons after awhila tho profcasor got up 0110 kaockxd out au other pane then be wat abla to eltep but in the morning be discorertd tint he bad only knjckeh out tbegusa dour uf a book case jus ia fmiag the risks 0 funuing are cornpani ttrelj few there it no danger of tuin arising from cnrurelitioa there it none arising front the treachery of bukinera associates the farin ordinary circumstance is acre lb luruuh enough to make the facily comfortable and extraardiuarr citcauiauucea which are of providential character alwayn urr not very apt to exist the farmer is engarfl in the production of atticle whicii the pablic mutt have it makes no different what else the people do without icey must bare bread tbeyj ir u iv 1 s th c watkiists hamilton subswotest r gy thg ptihllc aretaiitoneii ttnlnrt a cturtom which it prr oujfe rommtm of hit nmonc a certum dagt f mfhxiitf dralcn ahd whic u h when niked fr ft bmle f pnlrtkiuor they mydmlyducotcr thit thry pre nom our hut hflvc annthef artida lutt at yvxlf ht vfhns yhics ihyylll mpotypt the mine phce thecjictofhudccepitnnuuanttwrrnt these nowtititr artf mad up tn kw rti lh rreat xlrrutatiotief te pn1nkhlir and fig frmwnminhm f ihe ylwt and cfapet drug nrt ixipbt by the deali at ttiiot lulf v hat h raw 1r th peruhie pfllnklucr which gpiblrh liim hefrfiitc in rfaliea frw renin more profit rvr hn tinon he injutinn trtirle than he can on ihe roacnoixitauoiicuscraurs summer or bowel complaints perry davis painkiller ixiqvjoixfi it cures auiost ivstaktly thetai katu t tywucemi tarxairtljriiixelxxucj uc dtrclprt ciofau solo by all medicine dialers subscribe for the fictqfi free shkp itlie only medidne tfiat successfully purifies the blood acts upon the liver boweb skin and kidneys while at the same time it allays nervous irritation and strengthens the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curing biliousness jaundioe dyspepsia consti pation headathe eheumatism drojsyhervousand gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and every species of chronic disease arising from disordered liver kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best blood porifyihb tonic ih the w0md ssmrlv setae i of i k1ot k ci scu iotts itffitto kctsur lite sico tho largest and host complete faotory ia the domiaioa loslfio siglwbt keaors fver wiaydletl to any maker ia tie worla hrs freelmans ttarm tawder b a tafe tm aed cffikxcal itoxxtyxr u vera k chueita er tnaks fncc i excu or j si hrs rreemani vnr imnestle txrs vi rerlcot ia enr color for bricamca tad yify tay ha aa cajial tiia if ceeu yz l h ak your dealer for cauoriue stcline m acd se- that the carrel u bnuided cattotiuj aa none other jfeuuitie can weir their old coliiet but tbeyn must hare new flour and while a de pressiou of the limes tray limit ihc demand it cannot wholly destroy it zope5 a from braiil ai a niult of th oe comrnareli euurrrue jurt asuuiliif lmtvirtc eel t ufdrll is ide mioiacoi ofzsrcst o jty ceteirrtefawnra it la tnoivuiorilcureof tlliormiolat tcntittui tnccorarinr uxve oieeja ubnuorr lu itorouio zopaaeyine ta a lijnl- etlont et ttklrfcoumin cr its irvna rfal aia itty i- ci ri n r to uie diitoitive jitiia its ctruiiily n rp- the eiuor of the crl4sriltegt ex- jj a cure owenla anjcotiiaduu mitextuls remaikuue cjmpjuui a neces itriacxij tue coiuirasj raakcuimple bottles at tu uifliac cost qc 10 ceuis to uc uailor je mcjiivlu acton fyirmdol and diilotna tl centennial t medal and dijjfltna at sydny australian tgold medal al procinrial kxliibition ttironto fgjt ii iijlif steward at industrial exhibition toronto t i 1 1876 11s77 1878 1879 t spring an eiitcrt vtfj w it i- tjumaritfld hbnoti never wear well look at the bright side keep the unabine of aliribg faith in your heart 1 unto thyself be true and it ohall follow- as the night the day thou canst nut then be false to any man i cunning and greedy jieopla rarely gain much and ungrateful ones are generally punished in the end the worst education that teaches self denial better than the best that ouches everything cl and not that the habjt pi being employed is a i great safeguard through life ss well as eueneiol to the caiture of evervirtue a mans ordinary expenses ought to be bat to the half of his receipts and if be think to wax rich but to the third part as by consttnt friction steel ia kept tugiily polished so by constant exer- die is talent erer at its brigbtest all 6pr poweri grov by ase the essence of traa nobility is neg letcfsfilf jlet the thought of sell pass in and the beaitty of gieat action is gone like the bloom from a toiled flower falmuooj like poison will generally tw rejected when aduiinistered hlone lift when blended with wholesome ingredmnu may be swallowed ucjier- ceivvd if the time efer comes when a lie will help man yon will be able to an jfeadbef villi fan bark of dog press says there it a htle brown- 1 eyed ennhusiafitic high spirited lady who after the bos cooked breakfast cleared the things sway set the house to rinhls attended to tbc call of the bread gjn and miked the cow jons her hat and cloak and comet into hit alca yanks us up oat of lid editorial easy chair pounces unto the exchange amputates every item of interest ttacks theui oa the copyhook crabs up a faber travels it over a quire cf editor manuscript paper removes her enowy white apron thbves up her sleeves crabs stick and rule and lets it all up in type leads the proofs and corrects every erbr thats our wife and she will receive her reward in heaven bothen houterti bothers are you disturbed al night and broken of our rest by a tick child tulleringaid cryiiuftvith the excruciating p in of f- cauing icelnf if to co at ooceaod pet a bottle of mrs winslowt soothing 1 syrup it wiu relieve the poor little sulierer ioirnedialelydepend upon it j there ia ro mlitfc about it there is not a mother on earth tvro luimver mod it who will not ell you al one tint it will regular the lwel and piri rest to the mother and rciiet atid heill to the child operating like micic ft is perfectly tife to ufe in nil cae nud pleasant to the taste uui is mo pie tcrfption ofniie n the oldest ami beet female phjjiciiriscn d nuie in the uiited stales sold ererywhere at i5 cents a bottle studies improve youth anh delight old agej tby are the ornaments of prosperity and the solace and refuge of adversity they are delectable at homej and useful abroad they gladden us at night and are our profitable companions by day a mau of words and not of deeds is like a garden tall of weeds mary hive yon given the goldfish froth water 1 no maam whats tho use 1 they havent drank op whats in there yet dabxisg its bedtime all the little chickeut have gone to bod yes ma so has the old hen i shon said a dulehman- yon may say what yoo please pout pad neighbors i have had fe vent neigh bora as never va mine pigs and mine hens come home uiit dere cuts split and todder day two of them come home misting why ypud belur knock thedoor down what do you want t oh my darliuij dont let ine wake any of your family- im juat uiing your knocker to- wake the leopletnext door im locked out dve tee and thevve niver a knocker bhoeaag svlelat frank neil a thriving young farmer of mcgilrray township committed sui cide on tuesdajr by cnttiug his tliroul with a razor leaving a young widow but 6vemohthi his wife p the hristian gleaner 100 a year as tjxgectaria magazine con taining mistiooaiy newk from hivpurta of the worldaud well illustrated with firetclass engravings out of tlie bell mifiionary periodicals published specimen cujictree address chbistias g leaker eon hope onl j just received our i i kew i eecl suitings shaw murton 2eroliaat tailors or tj e 3 ii if hi- 1 the best offer yef made fcnr or frank tesltet rnblfcntlons one tear for only sliu tho frank lesho publithing co 15 dcy j st new york will tend fnsxs ltatlrss i fiimv fnnotb a lopage fllustritod paper i for only 100 per year fiuss lssiitt yotreo fouis- devoted to toe interest of the young people and con taining much to interest those of a more mature ago a 16pnga illustrated paper price per year co cents fiuxx leslies nanoxal aoiceitcnrtt ixd womko fiiijrn a lspago illustrated paper for only 8100 peryear iwith dr b jendalls eminent treatise on the ilorso j and its diseases a book of 100 pages 00 j tine engravings free to each subscriber i feass leslies pclpit of tni dit a ie- nage illustrated paper just the paper for fcitibtadef one of th best mmmmssuvss ft it arpetdnoti tho cure of all diseases we are now manufacturing square and upiiglit best in the market correspoisqnce solicited band for illustrated catalogue mailed frees address dominior organ piano company- j bowllajnville ontario b utie afiejft acton drv goods prgclmifition te commenced oa wedaesdatf let deosmtjei a grakd clearing sale of odr lililbsse sfock of t i 1 ot1wter dry j goods lsclgdlsg- silkt velvets dress good cubmereii vrlvevent hantlesshakljmnntle clutiia ulster clolha hosiery qlovm riliboos ltces millinery trimmed mid iiuliimiued cloths twewlgents furnishings aud an iimiienso stock of table linejiijtablejnnpkinsjouttoii t ljneu toweislteo curtuins sjieelings we trill also odor for sale at th same lime a urge stock of ladies fors in mud4 boat and caps thit is a splendid opportunity to secure uonuine birgiins at lets than regulir prices itemeniber tbitit up humbug butaijenuinac will be told only lor cash no credit at our reduceiratea y raqntmith inspection etntbtthit in th mammoth unan1a t eg retard lo lit looevlu tiirnmtjintsil oompactmm and ll price ft 1a aa aiatt prodncl owlleraijfsfkiu and meehaalcti t manshlp there should no b a school in the i where accen cannot readily and c had to it ko teachrv and wtmlght mtovj readerof th langoajf can afford tobtvl ii for ll if a roonumenlal work anobuu to our grand old raolher4onna from london qoirterly bruw jon aid whole as ii muds it la most reijctiu tits eertainly ra txn raacncu atatta ftcniiiuml at txraar a neeearifjr to erery edocaled i jtmigkon every scholar knows iti rahm v rrxakt ijmvrlci i m the book h become ind ispenaabi to ttodedt of the english lajpiace jt c voile ouis 3mtiu vs lt7eey salfe boaklf ftbieb frl ll stteljet aotoiii 1 if t i- i ayiiwlibrafyoaeib get pirstclass pwigsj at btasokable bates good commercial eigsj an exrrejui delivery wapn wiflaiea nek eiprej ttaio ud dourmgoocurt aoyparticf jibe town a 41 t nrfles indebted to thiii ubluli nenl nre liueitl io paj jn wttbou further delay and tar eoataitl y ed hatthors givesu awvy rihrbsbkiac the peireriologicaljii t widely u9fi ia ancan4 eorapi hijfc r kx oi vu tatri gct ia lite uui ssthrt ta tlt phjuagaomy elltnolett ptyrwoloct c ik bclrs r litult ad bc t ipaitd to buke it ute sat jrablicillta sax got tttiaa tcadnij arwy to cake tneabetttrjvtn mcbtijul monly paran should rod tbijot tiil taey any befitr know ha to torctiaaatiw thildrea youcj people tsaold iw tb4oosidi tber say dalk tie atmt e tacfiualn x scnacr u pvea the 1 phrenoipgioal bt this bau b nzde of plaster of pcij afl tofi ta kitow ibi exact loqitida of rich of tht pfaj prirea kemeruber viiisii no humbug bat ftijenufoibciearitis 5alo uotxiadssipumoajntctctsiid j oghcecrtradyand oat3 recta ily bat ialbrtjdau with the ulaixraicd icay which actptnpcfaiu 1 and th articje pobufhedla lie loutt u 00 phixbcfccr wil ouble the reader to hjcoatiait ful knjent of hbroia nahrre onef tbal j ihauld be ia 0t hiais ef ill who woitiaoobj i miovto htaecnaacn j tcrmtaejorsjol 1 saw pivuhed at 91 a year hmajbea redaced from a tvapk am ii rctiu wiea the jreari ar aat 4 cptttlb most be rectsd with vaca anbtcrir oa theijovitxat aad the expense af the bust which wiq be ssatbr aprtsi a0t0h harnsss 8 trtjns faotoat sies drafts oa ny iters poitabewtampa rttcfo wm stewart co upper wtsdiiau st 3ttiej liledbc the pnnceaji xoniie hat joined london d j fee only 7 cents per rear including two beautiful chromos the unday reading year including t first easter dawn and tho first christ mas mom or all four of the above publications for fi60feryear samples of all of our publications and il lustrated catalogue withoutpremiumsjor 15 cents all desiring steady and profitable i employment should send at once before their territory is taken any of tbo above publications sent foijxi montbt at jialf rates j ef hieikldnera bladder ritmutio fo hon of uisurlnai7oitansirrltauonof the nock of tna bladder burning urine gleet gonorrhea in all lit stage mil adi irlclc dost iep offl dropsy of eidneys acid urine bloody t urine pain in the itecion of the bladner i pain 0 the back urinary calculus jnal calculus banal colic bstentioa urine frequent urination gravel in all lit 3rms inability to retain tho wa cousllbicnaihe congestion of ujo khi- nert brlclc dust ileoccit dlabete ln7 nunmatltc of uui kjjnrjs andhadder anal caicutna banal colic balantioa thnntlon gravel in to retain tho wa ter tiaticularlr in ftertont adttneed in i ur it a a ltronrnr mvesrkjaioa that reooroa tbo urine to it natural color renoveuh add and bununr and tbe seel of tna eaxatre use or iutoai- cannsdiintl pacecu or dibotuttfmjjs tyscnalorarmar ecubjiulrnfeliu tt johnston co i mhebslbutta ontabia finest or a v 8 and onvkta for rale in acton by j alooarvin iirhdtlsl lfi fwkbilrmt obgan a new obgan prom a firstlass canadian maker for tale swfable for the home stmaaytchool or bmanchnroh wvnllbollthoanoveyry low for oath rctlwfjpartloulsas apply to i seadssaunia p o ord d ijeuen poa aifj cents far ipedmta nnsbii- 5eadua kegutertd waaud eta ljiu ett ir tend aiirecs oa pottal card fx- otmbar ajuisple which wqbeeat 1ec ddreat cg r otlifi 00 pnl 113 sr jvmlf im harness and trunks made to orer in any atria required on ahortj norjee and at reasonable piieaa repairing promptly attended to j r qreeoh the acton free prfesf best loca papbr in h alton go i awe have arranged for rraan3f parvaoiooical jqurnai s above he furnished with the faiapbes fovf per year tsnrf- wiliili1 ialulatmuhnmlia i m m lvwnmiimcuii htuoartati 1 john spsjlght furniture a good assortment of first class furni ture of every desorip- l hon conttintly on band prices as low as quelpk or george- towni a oataioucxqed undertawno every dererfption of cuffinp catkbts and all funeral re qiiisttes always kept in stock a band- some beams icr umlild at tow rate txaae titslarayahx yonrevai by meting rh in toldrnchanrob a thereby alwoyttfhtlsrt ia yoorllojv thoe jm alwrat vantat of lhigfll riuuilwtr money v at nrfe rtfcitd senemlfcr i wealthy wlilltj l4b wlu eo sottl auch ehaneea rfiaaatn l imverui vm many nn wiimeilboya and tlruto tor as jltht in i hilrjown loeatl w vtjb nets trllpay mar tuanteo umett wate wrfcrmtli on rmvol an ihatyrm n rd ftiee mooixtwaoe fulit tn make mrney ver rapidly devote your wfcne time nrtnlyy nmenia pu inconrationiuuialla ededstatrrre aitdni stivsox jt foe fottliaev nd i lagt mmhamhbkiaabbbabvatma ip acouiftirouhetrffrl i lain pilous lor misiitmuftru rnfltahlo itqli tliohmu loananiour istrcouoivareto i lain uui any am nan make t irom th vry start no tneatfi killlattoworf rmtnareafar raeo soya nnd ttrln can etntfl staiv hvo made at itmbtolfte hundrttldolhirt m atdnele week liaelt over known befljroi alhwfc areturnriemlntthe rs 4 np wrdoatheynr able so m an m can un4a this batlora irwujf- itaehtaiiuurrolltj tfont inl

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