mmmmmm piiif u pamlihmt siltar ft lrarieuiv atnifnihua rexldoonauudutcwh jfssrwf xetat out jpk- trtm ifptj will basest tc i sswibere poftamrpaia for lloo pet an- alaajt ls0if notaopul no mmrdiweotiaimdtaiill amen an paid m at the optiooof the pobliaher ianrmort ruts carnal aavettue bast i otnu pet line tor the ant inaer- tjoa and t ceata per una tor aach subee- met insertion cash froftational cards j8 lutes or lett h00 per annum liquor ueaes is00 per annum payable in 6 noaths bom date iitaaeruoa inr special kotos the object of which it to promote tjm pecuniary benefit of any indmiual or eocapaar to be considered an edvartiae- env the number ol uses reckoned bv i i the apace occupied measured by a teal of cnstajicr tarn 0loraon5ir tsars halt column rae year tlfc qeanet ulon one rear nun uaetcolanui alt moniba svos flmlreolamn li waauie racn qsastteteoiqinntlxtnontfta isob o le column three rannlbe jo 00 halfenlamnihreemontha j ttevj ttearureotaantertronths 7 0o sctterheemenia wtiiwm ivule dlrtetpa will be inverted uluud and ehanrrdatcoil intlr tranduirr itortlmtnu mnn be paldtaadrmne cbaivj entirt adreruwntntt una be lauie o oy t oo monday other le uuy will be it ft over ul tneiotlowlnr t t h f jcooee kilter avpntaiaiar v w totmtsfloo ilk atlvaaoa the neistpapira jfaj of buty lift itt fluctuation and iu vint canctnu 160 if hot m paid volume vi no 88 aoton ont thursday march 17 1881 whole no 299 xt h kittbedoe banker a general banking busi ness transacted tuifi na0c0 i nio rarcn ktii oi y ad- mebtvtmtr torrnumr ttc it ik k6w vobk vrtlac banemu 8 omtzaeu bj1j be ret ce the canada adverting jreoer xa 29 king st west t- i aauoruedrla receive airartiae or tiii paper wav butcher manage k8hst loiotm os 7710733 h0ts5 notes discounted and interest silowedoa doposits excels waleif tss feee peesa b nicklin sonr jutirisce the back of montrea flour and feed sfobs lawsoxbros oam rplfat j infann the people or aetiuntriciiuty tuaiilicy c fitt ed la iii peuc uiifclt ur uc ijr las teiatk k mmmcfom t hlowrt 1lb- xl c p s tt griiaifca of tziaitr codl utm- braf cobee o f brndiuii jid sargeans- vt mcgaxvis ud scaps- lv ordtto vrctorifc uauenift ocaacttdry corrxiio from i to i p m j itoji leirica i rwjairsd danng tar other xyt of the vvck codec le it x icedrrin drag store will receive prompt 1 u hxthesok ittorsetjlt ixt sohcitar iaciiancery 6x 6e uxt door to atalkmt hnfel lltoa l beskett dextist ceotse- in auamiaf control o the eiceltior bak ery wooldretpeotfuuy solicit a continu ance ol the patronaee heretofore beatoved on tha late firm they will alvayi have on hand a good lupplyoi fresh bread ltans cakes and past rr 1u0 ssccts of hl 81xos l tull stocc or confectionery pcrc ixd trcsu always ok ilaxo bnai dtliccrcd o any pari pf tht lotos brtad and bitcuilt given m tzcliange fir ftuur credit oustomars loaf more than cmli cuttomen and all fac- flour anl eed store j crmer 4 ie per ii4 wilt re ronxunl y aa hfld i or all cikds ivclwiso family floor buckwheat floor graham flour mieaalrs acrox tnueiisat 11 arch it 1881 fosrsr i cointa must be tcttlfd once a msnth oysteitparloil the oyater parlor rfl alvayi be foond vith a good ripply of freah 0 vetera vhion arill be aerred is any ityle e ntcktls 4ts0v a ttgtktt jl tilir babsietee quebec street guelph ytc fncxiarbattkewabauliax corn meal oat msal cracked wheat ran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas lohopped oats mir ad 1 chops oats peas andah kinda of feed nraally kept is a nritclatx t1ore allsmii tjllvsreits iaypirtef tlw tiluci a iiu orlimd e2ta ii itretpcdfubij tollciltd hahhattan fbd for horses oattle sheep pics andtfouitry good for horses hav- inr epizootic law30m bro aeton janl la laiu whm little tkingi will e a annb will feed a little bird a thought prevent an angry word a mrd brioj forth full many a flowtr a drop ofjjaiti foretell a abower i a little cfoiid the iuq trilfblde t a dwarf may prove a gimite tali a narrou ptdii a ue bndce fnrm a i rnie aotne ehccrleat inirit warm 1 a iup ixijini th jnuroey louj- a vxar lead oft oatwiu the ttrong i a qll detief the abfrv ea a uorrf will tet the captive free i a korntl gavlauie mighty bout a cry of jin breaka ap a fea a glw thciwi wooden m the ilciei a lilile child coofcauda lie wiie i a ilnu the wild wiedioaahe rcfeili a tudacl oft an old grudgv iteala a beacon light tavea luany a life j kiughi will ottca kiadlwitrife i jl puj of tnoie betrayt the flame a pejutrohe een will migbt a name a link hand niav alma beilow a vtnaiqe tmall iriatf joy or woe 1 the tcidmt mile a ereat gift proved a moikcrtjtrayer ku barcu uiored thau itt a uot the poec tinjt dflipiae the got pel of email thinga the atranghr dbclined the aeat 1 offered to him and began at once waking bruwidly aod to the puint i have beard of your iom laid be i have read your adrertitement in the pxpfra end j feci deeply inlereited la ami for you i bare just lift your late employers and after the aalufao- wry tuauaer la which all in inquiiiea were inewered i became yoor urtj for the 820000 l what i sprang toward him in the wildeal excitement 0h itr i bcghdrbat he atojiped aie lst me finiaii he said ive done tli ia because i am convinced tliat yon are an upright boneat man and the greatat proof of my confidence i can give you ia lhat i am about to offer you the poaition of cuahier in my banking house my name air is geo thorns george thome the father of alice the gill hat i loved 1 ah the mystery wa solved it was of her liia eyes had minded me it wu to her i was indebted for his help fifteen years had flows since the istomcr orxx xtzzt famxrlbs tffiehee v s- ceoegetows 0l will tiaft acton every wodnea- day and win attend to all calls pertaining iohjepnfaeaibii orders left at mcgarvini drag store wih- receive prompt attentienz tezma moderate i- tj fisher r ekg xatfmz irwa tanadar at afaemnlat oxaicrroanr hachinerr ox every deaeription made to order on the ahoisat notice and most raaaoaahle tenrn bjrpainttg promptly at tended to 5 trrit hemstbebt ucensed auctioneer fox the counties of weleagton and halton orders left at the fanpaaa office acton r it my reaidesce in acton wie be promptly attended to trnna rrtanpttmr heaer ceaa ao money to loat on the most avarshle and at the lowest raiea of interest in mm of 1500 jnd upwards wojla intimate to the people of aetna bat be bicepurcftaerthlieiiairkerbaitrtrtalftety crrtrtlonby mr act and thalbeliaa atvugca huodkllntbuciucfcur beef fork ilutton sausage poultry and game iu cenaaun 4c and boftby strict attention to badaeca to i iccra tstr slura of the ptraruce of lb- onbmr iler delivered at aoj- umc to anr partocuie town tekmkca9h acaldholiciced ortiproinpur attended ta t w1luamfarr ffiflf of a phnjbtjiir how kip ftt till i those of a dyiiif rrtytnio pm going over the nver7 those of a dying i barber fm netrdj ag watch macer iiig shifemaker im going to make k those of adr jfsee i4 thosflofadyi thiougb at la t those of a lying baker im not kneaded any 1 mger those of iing conductor no rotura lickeu where im going sit down my dear arthur said he in a low voice and liateu to me for a longtiioo i have luda confession to nuke toyon one that weighs on me au heavily that i must ease my con science of ila load i can better bear to do so now that i have in a measure made some amends for the trouble i once caused you the trouble ynu caused me cried i you hare been the most generous of men to me it is through you kindness i occupy my present poiitrtn it is to yon i owe my buupintsi and more than all uif honor mr thomo opened his desk and took from it s pocketbook do you remember thist said he ss he placed it in my hand iee replied i u is the one i lost but boww i could not finish my question the ruth stared me iu the face 1 sprang ko my feci in dismay great heavens i i cried you found the money f aye and kept if be groaned with anguish in his voice but oh do not condemn without hearing me yesterday you heard dr ponard alladej to kst jcivass- bakbek have aeenred the services of air wm coon a firatlaes barber who will cba- c jftetmy baainen for a few weeks and give every attention to the waata of customers sundry give him yoar patronage ateht8 fou dfvestioks exfe- prrxocslrahd properly aeenredin can- adthfii2ea states and europe pi- unl gnaranteed or no charge send for pri instructio agency in operation an years hexstcblsi ottawa canada werhaniralerigitifetitig soliritors of par tyntt i and dtg j to 4jyertisers gs0 wwvtelir fcoos f siust tdst c local kotrjijws a adkrtifcr tpcndjcvpoardsoffstioq a year and e ixixsu lut ihantssqafitix cku list vrit toar select lral lut paid mr fattr lad ir tiiul aulthq othjr tt u act ft 03wtitlvi iiilt it u aot i cieu list it u ia zontst list thdujoctifutcracurrtiatwipelpert trc when lii rwme ncuie ppe tc printed ttt frte tvcettrc it ictnevjtjfnturc thebrft vttieuprfqtedtacafrraxiuutiia 05xrpeprluiu plar tlie llt irt the papglumi aeverr t9 e circuiaoa uuverflwfcr m the rattsi ejjrtet for ndtertwritrw trtl oafrfltviuafrdabtihprchelal theprix fonlntlc fuifec rxe tram t to mo tlte pc for one inch oat mnoui la the enrtqr lutlctssts tue recaltr rtt or uie pppr urtfic kxtn and ilmeir 8tta4 the ht inerrf tit netupfii crl wtile u iii re imam p1xlt aod ttl wceklt tler jkk laesirl la ttt different da ssd ioira olrlildimare ktniecipul m3 placor am 5m pqpatatua and u owmtr hexu forcopt oc lut nod otlicr tifnraiikoa d- dnw geo f kuwtll tt co i0kprteuke- yotfc only of themanr reasons why you should visit our optioal departmeat befere mvekaifag flpectacles ebewnsre eohaos 07 a pc02stb00k dy x lost the mwok i- now becone a prosperous man sur roanded br all the luxaries which weakh affords i had found in mr thome more than a patron i foand a frietid under a brntqne manner he bad a heart of gold from the first day of our acquaintance he had evinced toward me the iivliest intsrest and affection i was soon mado partner and when on a certain bleated day i became the husband of alice and his son inlaw he presented me with a receipt for the 21000 that he had paid to the messrs overton for my lost so time went on the banking house known as the firm of thome bgdr u- ft tati i i hj i was just lwentvfivt when i met i alice tuarne the daughter and heiress of george thome the great hanker t fell desperately in lore with the charming girl knowing well that sack love was utter madness her father was reported to he a very proud ambitious man who would i t i wallace wasvn a thriving condition look higher for a aouiaiaw i i felt i had a beautiful wife and two that he would not so much as give a i i lovely children tad yet with all the sources of happiness i was not quite i became we employ competent optiutere in the safe eyes averted from me tromikiok hotel actoit eob1 jlr agsew proprietor the new hotel ii fitted up ia tirstclaes style with new fnim- tore commercial travellers will find good t t j fj i i gjxd commodious sample booms s a the wartfe of the travelling public bir supplied with thsbaatdf lsijtton and cigars soodstih- jngaoilaueotivehoatlers xibhforsecss lam prepared to pay s highest cash wrcie for hides calfskin deacons lsinb sod sheep skint delivered at my tannery laisa leather constantly on hand jakes moore actor q to examine yonr eyes 2 because- we have one of johnson cooraths patent telescopic eye tester s because we have secured in this city the sole sgency of johnston t cooraths fiao optical i improvements b savade jwblzbajxd qptlcut gtjelp h pr0verb3 jto one da he tfc w hu the itoraieh mnorflttermlasttj- are liefcltlij and hop fatturc keep hem to theretrtet noartrhle lantfcnpe titirvtirinctbeneruidcariutcoacartit hop bitters ttu impoibtta remain innc i dear ool oc btuh where hop kitten are md f whr sq itop bitter care kjinueaf f bca- uier jive pcd oigtfuott rich bocdeaadljeajtojccilunofullfhcorsani komcturthaijoaf fullnpo rail racatihopbuteutrlli udoyoiooj remeoibtr 3 bhcera nurerdoet hamj at raji ao4 oontfnaaltr purffrthe faioodcleanmtlietvimeli and itua tue brcatii witli hop bit 7 qift ncweaaad almrlpla sop kiex 0 hexltivnti aaeuve urer and nzlavt ortn wltnoathop bltttrc ttt 9 core amd pais keue for caiai by all dnaitld a wctcb to on fee l of ues rxtaniice paistisc hsvlsg opened a faint shop in the prem- lass nextdoor ttrxicklins bakery i ein pre farad to do carriage painting and sign writing of every description and would re- spaetf illy solicit the patronsce of the people tt attest etui vicinity f jaweoott paopatt fob saii the nun valuable and desirable property arer oeterad in acfoh consisting of dwelling store and several vacant- lots situate en slain bower and willow streets tor be add in parcels to salt purchasers terms j h smith proprietor aeton march 8th 1881 tf uvc8 v lot for sale the todersigiied offers for sale the wpktdid stone dwelling on main street near mr c 8 smiths residencetnne fifth of an acre with stone house in splendid condi tion suble and sbop on the premises f hard and soct water wells i title indispnt- me tenra reasonable apply at f wusomte aetfc or to i abcfl mcnab faaffwdmm we have reeeptlrpnllsbel s new vicks illustrated floral chide for 1681 ia ah elegant book of 120 pages one colored flower plate and 600 niustra- tiona with descriptions of the best flowers and vegetables and directions for growing only 10 cents in english or german if ton afterwards order seeds deduct the 10c ticks sszns are the best in the world the fioril gcmr will tell how to get and grow them ticks flower and vegetable garden 17s pages 6 colored plates 509 engravings for 60 cents in paper covert j t0q in eleg ant doth in german or english ticks dlusfrateu ifonthly kagaane m pages a colored plate in every number and many fine engravings price 112o a year five copies foe 500 specimen numbers sent for 10 cents 3 trial copies for 25 cents address james tick eochesterxt hearing to my suit and as to winning her without his consent whal would that bring to her bat misery i i had nothing with which to repay br com- penrsia her for the sacrifice of such a mirrisge with my poverty so we bade goodbye without t word of explanation though i knew the read the anguish in my heart and teats il albert college bellkvilxe ont tmm gstxxaa school bxosoaxihsj affords excellent faculties for eucrrn stcdhs preparation for matriculation in law medicine or arts or forteacheis ex aminations students also may attend the flourishing commercial college or alexin- dm college for ladies or the musical academy average expinse for tuition in solid branches with board boom fuel edition nf br cwlverwelfs cele only 3 jo per week terms open braled isaer ffjl sept 9th 1880 jiru 6th 1881 and aprilla i n i r fthoot medf f cliiejof senouvd billtr meitjitan i phytic- 1881 at ineai alty imiedlmeou of karrlage etc resultlfigfromicess et fecprfee in a seated envelope only lets oriwn pobtxge stftinpt te refebrated anior in this admlritbla csay clearly jemoastraies frcm thutr y ar sueeftiol prktie uiatslarmlurcnn- for circalars ic address president j b jiooxs dd belleville ontsrio 5 omatmntrre tolkom vhn wlih to ngigeln itie moftpieaaadtandtrof- liable buftncii known jtverythinr ew caiiflal not required we will rixtilop c10 a us and up- tb ateoitnekmn pomutitnot n muue an madfl wltliiatttaylnif a wax enreatotscemmpiesvrtanandeffmiaabr from home ptrr mjht no riilc whatever meaoc of wblcn ertry sufferer no matter many oew worker wanted ai onea many cbeapiy thu lector ibooki be la tne bmoli of etcrr foatu and rrtry maa la the land ucqaeter miy o radfeaily cored wttboot new uam niis danterou nr of in tern 1 medihoor i fnrmnyonyr tbf awoitnt fcoiftj pointing not mode of j wardimeakilr m ireatoitcoilmpleertaln and ettecioaby ifrom home pwr lean rif wblcu ertry stuterer no matter many oew worke hat bit condition may oeiiiy cart bioutif are maltlncfinnnft ntth bnilue ladles ieapiy prttatejy and radically mkfa roach a men nd younboy and i alfu make great pay noone whul wluinr to work fcila to make more money vtf day than can he made fn a week at any ordinary moiormpnt thote who tnrawatooce trill aidreas the cnltcnrcll potofflc boraffsc medical co 41 ama l aew trk employment ttio whotntmtflttooce finaashortroaillofortane addfes h jjiiutta co portland malnt wanted stsmtuinu d1scoveryi l08t manhood re8tobed avannooiwalteprodenesnidn tosncha man this is an toe r wgiie5ta to exhenuieiiiug far money mtjdwj bnsi i kissed the trembling bend she placid itt mine tad turned away tad bade farewell to her and hope toijetuer haircely had i got bsck to town and wtt striving earnestly to drown vain regret in the bustle tad interest of basinets when a terrible misfortune felt upon me jlr overton bad given me a check for 20000 desiriog me to go to the banlc and get it cashed hiv ing executed tho cointuiisioti and re turned imagine my horror on discover ing that ihe pocketbook cooiaiuing the money was gone whether stolen by villain oc lost by my own carelessness what matter ed it 1 it vu hone and i was utterly ruined what i suffered during the next few hours god only knows aid when after being dismissed i retimed to my own room i was very nearly despertie not only had lost a lucre- live poaition bit my future appeared to he irretrievably blasted foe there are suspicions which areas fatal to a man morally as would be physically the wound of a rifle ball but i was youug and of hopeful nature and i began lo realuu that i had been leniently dealt with on realizing all that had happened afer mr leaving the bank and the utter impossibility of the pocket book being taken from lhe pocket of my coat i came wtha conclusion that i must have diopped it and thereupon uut 1 resolved to have recourse to all mtatnt in my power lo recover he moneyi i had yed during the last few years a considerable portion of my salary and determined nose to devote it to the purpose i had in view i advertised daily in all the prominent journals not offering the customary reward bnt describing my unfortunate posi tion my honor loet and my fortune blighted for two weeks i kept my loss before the public and had almost began to despair of any favorable reshlt when contented thece was t create in the rostleaf fur some time pott i hsd been vainly endeavoring to account for the extra- ordinary interest which my father-in- law bad first taken in me because i discovered as i grew older and taw more cf this- ssifish egotistical world hst very few such generous actions were performed without motive and the solution of this lo me difficult problem frequently occupied iny thought at first i had klrivted all to alices influences hut i kuownow that it had been si great a surprise to her as to myself about this time dr fontrd one of mr tfiorncs most intimate friends arrived in new york and ooe morning while silting at breakfast expressed great surprise tt tbe numerous ad vertisements in the papers relating to money lost aud fonnd wellaaidhe i have not the least sympathy for thoso whu tote money they are generally cirelesi stnpil people not st to be trusted al though 1 remember having heard of a young man who lost a pocket book some years ago containing 20000 and i declare wheu i read lie piteous appecla which were in all the pipers my heart fnirly ached for hiin but continued he addressing my father-in- law who bad become very pale you ought to re the failure in philadelphia i did not dare to make my embarasament known as that would haye hastened my rain my ruin i ood knows it was not for myself that i cared bnt for alice my darling child it was en the uih of december that you loat the money oh i shall never forget the date it iu on that day i meditated suicide i was short 20000 to meet my lisbili ties mtturing on the 15tb i was overwhelmed with despair the air of the office teemed to stifle me and i rushed into the street i had hsrdly gone ten yards when my font struck something it was yonr pocketbook i opened it and the sight turned me giddy and faint then commenced within my breast one of those moral atiujrgles which even to the conquerer is fearful hut in which alaa i i was miserably vanquished the next day i satisfied all claims upon me to the world i was george thorns an honest upright man to myself iwaa nothing better than a malefactor you know the rest through my guilt you passed two weeks of indescribable snguish i hare since endeavored to make re paration for tho misery t caused but i also buffered mural atonemeuls are the most cruel because they are eternal i have known and yet feet the bilterniss of expiation say my son can you forgive my crime 1 could i orgive 1 i looked at itie pdlid face anguished eyes what were my sufferings of those two terrible j weeks compared to tbe secret pun nod shame this mm had borne for years this man the victim of one solitary deviation from rectitude so upright in slf else and whose life since had been one long atonement i grasped- his hand tears filled my eyes father i crbid alices father and mine all it forgiven forgotten do i not owe all the happiness of my life to that same loet pocketbook 1 tat word ia stmoa one summer evening si the sun was going down a man wa anjn tri ing to make his way through ve ixnus and crossroads thtt led to his tillage hoiuej his unsteady its y of walking elm wed that he had been drinking ami though he had lived in that village more thin thirty years he was now so drunk that it was impossible for him to find lis way home 0iite unable to tell where be was he at last uttered a dreadful oath and said to a person going br ive lost my way where tarn i s j theman thus addressyd was an earnest christian he kuev tbe poor druukud very well and pitied him greatly when b heard tbe enquiry where em 1 going in a quite sol emn way bo anawered to rninf the poor staggering man stared at him wildly for a moment and than murmured with a groan thats so come with me said the other kindly and 1 will take you home tbe next day came the effect of drink had passed away hut those twd little words tendedy tod lovingly spoken to him did not pass asrax- to ruio i to ruin i he kept whteptr ing to himsflf its true im going to ruin o god help me save me rrjf that he was stopped on his way to 1 ruin by earnest prayer to god he l- sought the gtace wheh male him a v rue chaistian his feet were eatablih- ed on the hock it was a rock broad enough to reach that poor misguided drunkard tnd made t useful happy man of him m wonltrfal plienomsnoa i during the visit oft lite comet to this earth it will be remembered there was a season of excitement millerism was in its glory sights signs and wonders were the entire order of tb- dav and co one was qualified for ho kingdom- without ample experience in vision among the multitude of signs and wonders that wre anitoupced as having pieared some western papers put forth one perhaps that will notbe un interesting in this year 1881 the phecouieuoni is reported as follows mr bliudnian a pilot on a fialboat an the ohio recently saw a uimit won derful sight in the heavens he wm aaicliiug eagerly the comets tail when nil at once he w it ctirl op aud form in bi letters the urd fat he didnt pay much attention to it but in a tew tiiiuutes he looked around sgajn snd saw distinctly in the same place the word the astonished at this he ran ulow to inform the captain land when he got back and looked up at the tail he fonnd that it it had changed again and had formedthe word printer whereupon be and te captain mar- veiled greatly and did resolve instantly to heed the abomonition and s soon tt they got homo to pay the prin ter 1 ii somt of josh silhagi ptotjidi whan i hears man bragging about what he did last year and what he is going to do next year i can tell pretty near what hes doing now dont despise poor relations they member the circumstances might be rich sometime and then it k m sribf ufcd la vsto ererr iaanrtsahe an energetic honest man to open a branch j one morning a stronger came to me a office of the new magnet telephone co in i i this and adjoinrngcocnties small ash tern looking njan who regarded me wijh a pair of kindly brown eyes lhat bud gnnietlifng fuoiil ur about thattv fct it occurred just at the time of the great failure in philadelphia by which yon were so heavy a loser tet i recollect the affair replied mr tborne who appeared to be buffering i never heard continued the doctor what became of thtt pour w and yet i rhould like to know should yont said i laughing then let me gratify your cariosity i arthur wnllnce am thtt poor fellow doctor saved from ruin and despair by my benefactor her and then 1 related all tho events of the last fifteen yean the doctor prang to bit feet and grasped hit old friends hand well and generously done said he alt mr thorne interrupted him i am not well be taid faintly i suffer greatly let me go to my nest address with stamp o w 1esttr twwamtchtsityras would be to hard to explain things the reputation a man gets from hit ancestor wunts about at much altering to fit him at their clothes would an enthusiast is an individual who believei shout four times as much is anybody else will believe falling in love it like falling down stairs its hard to find out just bow the thing wtt done a man that bat beeb waiting for the last fifteen years for something to turn up is still in the same tubiueta the wont tyrant in this world it a womanwho is superior to ber husband and let everybody know it lore it like ihe measles we can baveil but once and the later in life we have it tbe toogher it goes with us great thinkers are not apt to be great wbirtlers when a roan cant think of anything he begins to whistle btaletmen begin tojower themselves tistvodrtuas a scotchman and an irishman happened to be journeying togelhsr through a most interminable forest and idy some mishap lost their way and wandered about in a pitiable condition for a while when they fortunately came across a miserable hovel which i wa deserted save by a lote chicken as tbu poor biped was the only thing eatable to be obtained they eagerly despatched and prepared it for supper when laid before them patooa- eluded it insufficient for the support of both hinutlf and sawney and therefore a imposition was mads to bis companion that they should span n the chicken uutil the next morning and tbe one wbo had the most plettant dreamsshould bays the chicken which was agreed to the morning sawney told hit m he thought angek were draw him up to heaven in a basket and at never before bo happy upon con ing his bream pat exclaimed och sarcund bejipers i saw ye going and thought ye wouldnt come baqk to i got upvand ate the obicket v j uietelf v thenext day he snt for roelbbib private office i four him lookiugwhon they alk suntkne got ctoudt uabtf kfftk aanadbiowi 4- mm tf hji m m l a rvs ft z ul 1 1 km mzimmm