Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 17, 1881, p. 2

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h3ij gjiakc rvft skb r ie jmtmbjh jftt si sfesa iteft y t j i a if j m im free press acrot thwd4t iiireh u issi ti suit kill tto 35 a temirenic peolo la all pails o f luc dominion will be surprised tot i cam that the stuate have done ittioic best io jieitroy the jitincfplo ooutaiued iu and the object sought by be scott act senator almona tttieuduieut do daring that the sale of uie beer porter and lightwinca shall be exempt fioiu the operation of tha act m timed and aucoewefully tucoriioraled iu sea- toe yidars bill which merely nrarid- fi for certain changes in the machinery oitlheact wiltik view to facilitating ill adoption oi discovering thai the bill wat killed by- tin auiendtueat senator yidal moved lhat his own bll be given the three months hoist and senator scott seconded the motion but it wat defeated senator scott then mitdeia telling apeach powerful pathetic and eloquent in which he appealed to the smators better jidgu- ttert and not to force such a vital amendment through the route without ihe country either supjiostnj or it dol ing it u to be made after several other amendment aimed at killing the present bill at lumsded and pre lecting the scotl act hid been deafealed the bdl vu passed the third time and tent dawn to the com mons in reference fa the abarethe gttuhe of tuesday sayt today the last tiow that the kceomid ridttullvrv bantling killing the soah act- can become uv this eeesioc was destroyed when sir john ilacdoaaldrcarried a mattoii the rvsiiu of wfuch will be to five rhy government the retuaiuder of the i is to be hcied that when cones before ib house of session tiebili commons that it will deal with this new attempt to destroy ihe usefulness of the scott act as they did with mr boaltbws amendment a short time tis acta ssstt art eatltisa 1 x x ial hp in the issue of ut week the gja ploa nukes anovlier feeble attack ou us in tcference to our positipa concrn- jn the acton scott ac pition tiii- article was principillr i reuutioa of t farmer effjrt to prare in a rooajaboui wiy tiiat many of the names on the petition were written by tlieeaarass en and without the- knowledge of the jjeraona theojstlres it still relusostc publish the list of fictitious names which it claims appears on the jetitiou it knows loo well that it uvre not publish any inch lis we admit that a rumor was in cir- colationtast year to the effect that several of our citizens had stated that they never aw the petition and that if their names appear on it they were placed thereby others thin themselves however wlien the persons referred toj were interrogated on the subject they said tnat the matter had been misre presented to them that tne question asked them in reference to the petition was whether they had signed a stt act petition darinj the yeir 18s0 thev at once answered that they had f not seen the petition but at the same time thsy acknowledge that their signatures to the petition circuutej in- 1879 were genuine we hope this explanation will satisfy the excited brain of the gkampinu man tfmmgvirm fn ovr orf ewrtajotidfat pnjsjwct division held a very lucoett- lul ealertainment laatfiiday tveuiny mita gut presiding at the orgtvn furnished the large audieuoo with is cellunt uiuiic ptllnpl the moat notable features of theentertainmcut wore the reoitatioiia ivu by master wm player and j bogie wliich were well given and loudly applauded on monday uvaniug a number of the members of the preibylerian church at caaipbellviue drove lo ihe uauseand presented their pastor rev ii h mcpiiettoo with a beuuliful void ftchaccouiiaaid by an address the 4iity broka up at an early hour after having spent a very jjleastnt evening a bible swiety meeting wai held iu the towu iiaii brdokville on wednesday evening kevje mc botterill aud everal olhec prominent speakers sddreated the mealing a scott act meeting la be addressed bv rv u m jfckturie vrillbe held in tae town hall broofcville du thursday evening lth march a lei meeting will be held in the kelhodist chinch moqat ou thursday ereniu l7th march ned the following collectors were ap pointed to canvass their respective districts at the late meeting acton north mill su misses maggie campbell and c kennedy acton south mill st misses augusta speight and l mcmacfcon towu line and first liue esquesing below acton jas elliott the 2nd and 3rd lines below acion jas wacren jr aud d d cnitve and fit and 2nd lines ejuesiug above acton duucia kennedy and a campbell kassaga- wcya d mcgregor and hugh mc tavish thetth and 5th lines euea ing wui siaw and aler gordon erin 1st and 2nd lines wm wotden and robl kennedy erin 3rd and th lines c swscktismmer and i saydsr erin 5lh aud gth lines p mann and d henderson collectors are sjiecially requested to tuske returns not liter than the 25th of mirch to k t j enable the treasurer to report lo toronto before the and of the financial year copies of the work aud orderdoflpr ihslr own uu ontario agricultural collage and ex perimental farm uuelpb keb 7 181 totkt ktru pmltow oomtmy outtia rjmtttkal have made a careful examination of your new book entitled llluittailed itoek doctor and uie clock kncyclopadla one thouund pages in one vslume having 400 llluilra tionadovottd entirely to information on hones oat tie sheep snine and poultry u certainly ft new feature in agrleul turn utentute there lias long been uttaot botkin kurope and amrrloa of what 1 ibouldjlke to call a text book on this special ortiicb of rural economy and u work now before meeomei the ueareil to this ideaat once the lar mcts reference end tlil iu nti guide i hare no hesitation wntlever in recom- mendinjt it to our farmers as well up to the times throughly practical and what lo megivos it urealest value eterf ciaa ol animals t hundled in dclail points and judging fully eiplained and illustrolm and alt hems in health and disease ably treated in short in this g or liver stock miking jrour work is bound to have a very large circulation and should be in the hands of every aruier tours faithfully w beowx professor of agriculture aud lartu superintendent awlrni5tii feb i8si gsxvtkmkx i ihiok j u mannings book called the illustrated stock doctor snd titock eiicyclopaxlw from what 1 have seen of it a very useful book for breeders and farmers lo have lo refer lo ism gentlemen yours 4c fkedskxc tvii- stoxs importerand breeder of shorthorn and hercluid caille colswold and south dewn sheep and berkshire and timau while breed ol pigs and sullblk jiorses eiocxsito march istu 1681 ta of itorw puuiiainn co ovhk gavntksx- after a careful purusai of the lliualraled btock ixjjtor and lire stock eaoyclopaviiv putdiihed by you and written by j huuell man ning if d v ti we cannul but conclude that it ii one of the moit valuable works on the luljcct of stock including horses oaltie sieep swine and- poultry ever presented u the pablie ave bare without any sdiciu lion stcuted aropy otthe work for my owu ue and e would recommend thai every tanner and stock oruer in the country becuiue the possetsor of the book tii iilaimtions are exoellenl and will lend to educate tbow inter- ealed in flocu- iu many particulars which have hitherto been but- imper fectly understood and sill enable them to detect any disease with which u animal is afflicted the woik wilt alto te found most utefuliu waiuiug the unsuspecting purchaser against the sru olthejocksy we sre yours most kepeclfulty jium uiixis jckx u sixes jicxa lflvw mm t- is wh i king- of the mm dhristie helstdersolsr co aoton this week show the contents of over- 60 cases of boots and shoes ttm tio 8aituikers la to soalaloa thi verr sxeeileat qwlitr ol ticn esotu hu ojja taoroujaly terte4 tor yn atbi tutxiot qw- tity 7it7 ourrtuity a4 ojuipaewl uaiursuied oy iat timiu aott la tan t4o a mm ouporttalty oaml tot proeatiajr tto m9ttu- ito roll al wlnto inpply full lines of twtsqds dray wttte and scarlet flannel can ton flannels white sheets blankets ladies mantles fine wool goods black costumes costume cloth etc just in i v a utrixc always hade a speciatty of a i we are determined still to maintain the super iorityof this line winceys plain and fancy from 5 cents up remember their famous 50c tea christie ssndshsc2t co e radford e e bollert j b williamsoa htocktaklnir completed and i be campaign opened with kewil bprlns goods goods already opened great rng rf tweeds for our wonderfat 14 souijs comprisin g the nicest goois i tha we have yeo offered fine worsted coatings trnmencensrlalyofnewprinlsatbrentsperyan grand line of cotton kblrtinci at li j cents ptr yard piles of brown and drab docks fancy cotlonades f and kentucky jeans special value in qrey colfbas at 7 s9 and 10 cents we ober tie best raloe in bleached cottons ij the trade i- dre3 goods dopartmoat vte hareopenedopenedsome lovely lines pf new spring dreu nooda trimriiinf to uiachst rerylpw prjses new silk cords for dress trimmings new filk 3 tassels new button in elegant patterns new oc in faovel designs new fringes new embroideries stw lace ties and fichus everything fresh hovel and cheap special attention to a vrry nice lttof gents felt tla sin new spring styles at better valtettun we have ever been able to offer ib ie hstelsolsr mbrchawt tjezioii main street acton o nt to our friends and customers the czar a8sa88ikate0 xia riretumi smttror st tart too 7etjaoftahiauiif killed by xltroglycerfne bombs tiit kihilists after rarsuinjthe tin fortunate euajeror of russii with the tlcuth liouud wrsmtence far veers hxceat us add in spite of lh utmost precaution on partof the officials tuccrtied in secotaplisliing his death- as the emperor waa returning from parade in the xlichael jfaneye about two oclock on satnrisy afcetnoan la bomb as thrown which exploded under the czars carriage which was considerably damaged the clar iightel unhurt bat a second bomb exploded at his feet shattering both legs below the knee end iufliclmg other terrible injuries the csar was immediately conveyed unconscious to the wiuter police where ho died at 430 the bauie afternoon two persona are concerned in tha crime one of whom was seized iinnredittely the explosion also killed sttoffjear and two cossacks- and many policemen and other persons were injured telegrams announcing his death were sent to all the foreign court and to every pari of lbs empire cfcv bccfcvsoi kstrs from mx oira amapemiat the young people al st johns church jtockwoodtbeld a concert in the school hsnse of s s itd 3 paujey block ou ite evening of friday lb lltbinst there was good attendance the school boose being filled with a very appreciative audience thet peapla of eaisley block were exceedingly kind lo their eockwood frieudr having treald them on their arrivsl to an excellent tea the concert was theu proceeded with mr e aldous acting at chairman the programme consist ed of instrumental solog by hiss e strange vocal solos by uisses m k smith anil messrs aldous collins and e o strange headings byiiss ii smith and messrs collins and d striichan dsett by hiss f smith and 11 r aldous a quartette by messrs f a if stiiitb e strange and mr j colliua three dialogues namoi reicively refinement way ward and mistress twain were given duiiug the evening and were well received at the close of the cbaeertn cake was sold oo which the handsome sum of 815 n realized it being a beautiful evening the rfrive to faisle block and back fully compensated the young people for all tl mzgi ij fustn lii stack bwedtrt it will be gratifying to our numero us readers to fearn that a work is soon to be circulated in canada that must prove as valuable and indltpeuiible lo the farmer as his reaper or any other labor- saving implement and that will by its careful study and following the instruct ions therein contained place him in a position to fjeally increase his profits it is a well known face that large profits have hithei to been made on stock raising- by men who understand their busiaets and that the depsrtment ol stock breeding is now becoming more important than erer and yielding belter returns than any oilier branoh of huibsndry we do not say nowever that all have been successful who have embarked in this line for in that as in all other walks of life there hare been failures hitherto the want of a first- class reliable pnctlal itork on lire slock hasbeen felt by every farmer as a reference book for breeding breaking training snelterin buying selliog use ati care as well as wherein to obtain tlip most recent improved humane mejhods for the preservation and care of- stack the prevention of any disease anf- restoration of health of borsea oil se sheep swine and poultry that great want is now to be supplied by the world publishing co of guelph ibe following testimonials iromsomt of our best judges ipeakfor themselves they have carefully examined complete imminent daoger threatens any one troubled with a hacking cough in- tismnution when it attacks the delicate tissu ol the- lungs and bronchial tabes travels with perilous rjpililj ft is worse than madness to neglect a couah or cold to do sa is simply lo lurile consumption and prematura death battle with and overcome the disease in its infancy andaverttho perll do not allow ihe tunc eating tubercles to dtveope themelres before resorting to medicine experience has shown that the preparatiun besl adapted to subdue a farmidlle cough to soothe snd heal the ucersted lungs is kortbrop a lymans emulsion ol cod liver oil snd hypophosphiles of lime end soda a swift and sure snecisq lor brunchs snd lungaseclionslaryugitis and the vari ous futm of scrofula it is not pretend- ed that this favorite remedy will cure fully developed cdnuuition but thst it will avert it is a act too well proven to simit of any reasonable doubt the is equally welt known and appreci aed both by the puliic and the pro fession that lite article is an admirahe fertiliser of the blood imp rung to it ihase opiistituents which are essential to the complete nutrition of the system audits prewmtlion in a stale of health in an enfeebled tytteui phocphcrus that necesstry element of bodily pubsfjimce u deficient this constitu ent a well aa lime and soda important in bcine formation sre supplied in the emulsion of cod irer oil prepared by kprthrop lyman toronto sold by all druggists l baarrwood april 10 is8q mewt perry davit k son t laimnzc montreal our customers prefer your pin killer lo sny other medicine of the same nature and say its merits are equal to all it claims yours truly bbencwotjd lumber co n ncttkil wishes to announce to the people of acton and earrouncfinfr ooun- trythat he has removed ius tajjorintr eatabiithment to i the premises lately occupied by mrs monair at the same time he would thank tnoee who have so liberallv patronised him 6irle bommencin basin ess in acton and solicits a continuance of their favors mysrock ofsprliv goods is w oojtffltbtb and 0oufis3s xs zat2st13xy223 ik irisli english scotch and canadian tveeds woesteds c which were purchased for cash and aill consequently be rauie up al as resson- ouable prices lor cash ss any house inihe trade examine my stock berate purchasing elsewhere a peifect et guaranteed b k nelson pajinjno former spason hvc we been able to clear oat or stock sotnproagwyaj duiirgtie pu fiiit ite bail offer ibis cpnng die choicest freshest ant pretli pj- neropifnul witiiii ill- nails nf the lion witu best thanks for the magi cfrt aimnj o uie re th ill hrire tins reason more tan evie loxaasel lor tie guitdry ooodsceidieo guelph ft cqj j d guelph largo stock of spring hats my- see column advertisement in another hailbeauteous bounteous gladsome spring this wijr kark twains prise poem but thedire diseases incident lo tprinfc spoil the romance burdock bldodnsitterx is ihe pnse remedy the remedv prid by nil who have tried it as tha best blood f uifjiog tonic and svitem ftegulstor in the market 1 1 cures all blood humor from tha worst scrofula to a common pimple sample bottles 10 cents lor sale by all dealers iu medicine promptness to kc eillrtr oflht free pnu dtutsia permit me to acknowl edge through your paper the receipt of a cheque for oue 1 uudi cd and sixty dullais from the travelers insuianco cjaiany of hartford in payment of ruy claim for sixteen werks indemnity fot ios of lime caused by luring my leg broken on the 23id of sipteniber last tlia is ilia seooud claim i have had against ihe company since taking my ikjiicv in fehy isso bviuj recivd 10 in august for an injury to my srtn and i take pleieitro in recommending tha travalers lo the ptibiie ss a company noted for the prompt and satisfactory manner iu whioh its business js done i having received my cheque in both eases in side of ten drs from tha time my claim was made out yours trulv 0 8 suite acton jannrv 27th 1881 tortfnlovil co ate sole manufacture ers of castorioe machine oil lu- fringamepts will be prosecuted gpringiaatfljlj- spring bats- 1 i v you will find one of the laijgei and best assorted stocks of hs in the county at teaeast en clothing store r v stoek of xjevj aotoa babiisss st tutjks depot package fttee dyspepsia strengthea your aii- lien tone the stomach for oullilnsand m- lurllatlnr every atom of food rou takf the boli utcdi m tut limiilh mi vijar tink cleanses the eullre irlom itlmuiaf a me urer keeps yoa resularand ablo to cat ten- ptnoy sails ltteriiaed toilaleardx coma in daily extohldgzofskji from bmtll post- ttvirkontfjneillli aadvlsorltjivln a best sad comfort is lk safftrlni browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal jind external it cures f iiu in the bide back or bowels sore throat kheumatiim toothache lumbago and any kind ot avsin or ache it will most surely quicken th blood and heal ss its acting power is wouderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great ps in believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liaiment in the world should be in every family banily tor use hen wauled as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and aches of jail kinds and is for sals by all druggists at 25 cents bottle 10 cent sample ac loo sold liy 1 e uejarvla ilo von know that te severe and sbronlo cuts wmch havaftraed ail other re oedlsswllsooi com pound hyrupar wild ouerrrtlveslmmcalaie relief and sffeota a speedy oure that every family who keeps 11 on hand rur ilify toughs croup whooping onus us cold bronchitis and all kind rod dli lipases tnal no rase bs been reported la wblobh railed to elvoyeller f thai in every district wbrre wilsons wl d cfterry bas been isiroduced ll has jamped into javor in an inertdiblyawjort lime that you can bny 1 1 from any leading drug- gist is western onlai lo cracked hands orneked lpr and bonaluiemef toe skin tan be cured by a sew applications of oulbotufs paxtaua pootors gave kim op it itpbte that mrflolfmvis op and at wnfs ail i enrd i tv so ltnpo a ramelyv i iuure yn it 1 in ttml tie unttrey cared and iviti iiolhlng hut- hopiltfrn and tklrun days ago hiidtctor gave him upnd fcill he mustdlel vvoiladayl ir thsi i ki i will so thu minute and get wine for poor ueorge i know hops art good manufacturer of beapers mowers andtbreshlngmaohinery prefer cas- torine machine oil to any other it will oetwear lsrd seal and elephant and is warranted not to gum wftlea only ooata st ornta and is inwi fiejcainetrttountrtlf ulleaitodrnggu it la ftfaatatd drnggisu l atam tsmus- mcquillan hamilton of the wellington marble wnrks gutlph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing tbem with tbeir ordart if you need i anything in tbelpline be sura snd remember them thty do a very large business con i seonently thty are able to give better terms rand keep better workmen than smaller works send to tbem for particulars 0 an immense seeing to hand be sure you see them tsefprei purchasing r j- ftfel parties requiring anything in harness or trunks to sare money should r oreeoh acton puuh for kale lot 23 coo 3 ia th toiniihip ofesqnei- iog 100 crc 60 cleared under cphi- vatioa balxoceood cadir ind tlick uh gckhi irm boiidjngiiooce ia the best ecu- ditioa iilendid orchard of birini trtea ex cellent rait sooti sprinif wator all the yer roaud the property i ii tutted alioat 2 tailea from actou mile from fintclais fjiit mill cooreatftt to sctmol and church title indisputable tenni reuooauie ap ply oa the premuei or addrett ja11es scott actoo poat office lecture rev j thomson m a of ayb 1 will deliver his popular lecture on sacredf mdisic a knox church acton ou the evening of friday 13th mar 1881 tho subject will be illustratedby tome of the beatsingera in aoutu wjo freiuow lo trairasg for that purpose under the4iree- tion ot mr john c hill as mahy who have heard mr thompsons teeters declare that- it is luttrnclive and entertaining a large audience is confidently expected ad mission 25 cents the proeetdt will go to defray tha el pensea of the tjahbatb school tickets may be unrehaaed from messrs j c- hill t w mann christie hen derson ft co aiid j fyfe chair taken at 7t30 urn db0amee0k the manse acton march 8th 1881 bonanza bonanza magnificent exhibit tf lovely christina and goods at our grauid bonanza fresh arrivals yestferilaj has thoroughly renewed m stock j 600 silk and lace ties and fichui to sjerecttroin i maguificent furs lovely dress goods and silks j we show without douht the verybestand freshest sjc in the cilyj and have a crowded store evcryjiay i wdhl ao bucham i i i fothiontxue ifeif knd drru ilaaite and millinery eitahkjthmtotgitilpk br i lkk nt succ a o ft pa t ft two 7eare awards ivino first prizsi 81lver mkdal and diploma on upholstered onodg nd oathm twe were awarded the only silver medal ever offered for special sxcieucpee to tip in this department wl take the lead and challenge competition ordered- w raoeive prompt attention inspection cordially invited if v sign oj th chair haxuiorttqiock upper wynihwm jsifc q0 i l-v- i v xritrj- jrirllv ttt tt i rirh f r i tti i m 7 ft i j f ihi iti iiiiw i mimiaiihiwflwii inhmfh mi m

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