i ci j if y v hmtwmmawmnwt calx tcf a ttak tabi ttai follow oixb wot sight ksjri irojvtu taroto jovnt jayrpr v uon eipreu slspu 4altaitt si4jpsu ootxo n sight btpre 4lim ojt miwd vs4a aim day kcpresa lltttaiia ffuti uil 4s pru lodo nited 930 pm the free presl tarasiui momvi march 24 i8su j rtnd tills orer carefollr en velopes wtuiua tupcr mnaruiiig rwte kretgi note account and toolscap piper jk laifce stock at prices to nut every oiie j school books blank took ds books icewint books piss hooka liar notes blouiag piper pens and ink all lowest prices berlin wools over 50 different ihidca 100 notices to select torn fancy motto fiowtrs ailw ulputti perforated cardboard the oatv place ia town tin kttpi a election of these goods a ufce stock of spectacles from is coals u 300 i pair pence albums cooiba toy books toys for the children lurtidiv cards kiadtttt clasaware tilrer pitted creeb kutvea ipouoa end forks watches clocks jewellery a lint stock elwavs ou bind chi at the iia of lie rig ivalch w yoc want my of the iltove raculioaed goods yoerwill find tie prices low ihe leading store ia actoa for weddine lad birthday presents geo hyndi jewel lery aad imcj- goodt stott loo and other jottings i rttie cro r win lqok out for freiu to1 -lij- awj- your toot shovel wwi from lomorkt u april foolc diy jlio tiino for ukiag ui census dai desrt tke tii dttiyed tesctsulei oat of jxmt jur oisirvedmicre see to it uist j oor bsck jsrds are xmtexbedqp hsve too givea toar order for ueasrsuttbsat ilnd tsv tuosl idtotifof commoditt oa oar itireu it tiit vttf re uow nudy to receive uitt basest ejs- viha lu it f tue villie wcijju cjr hive ikd o f eriiiilai denaj tic- jiit week- 1 uair one mjns iuuutu wltl tu r ia it k aa cttiog ssiif jwr tlif ojrjrsl i fjctaeral ure ytia etna yc oer- sjct pvctof nd lire sim iiukt it u well woftil urimfif j j kew bases ifr j joha irut iatmcrif of aiisa ccaijlus ooaacaqd intiatit u ejjioot bikcrr our mercuanta lisvo comakocej tieir apriajr aeedloj in tic eeix pin head our adreruiia pxe4 veil i ouc cititea vlwi gret and sojall find it pi to fpeod t lent a pirtif tiac bunifox dajt iu tie ovyn air h tbeuuirersal vcniict is iat ust fcidj- nj tie fim dar of tie kacos uid uas iitardij- is ti muse dur5ie j r la tio rriorv of tfce recciits aod cfeadiurei 41 tie riljae of sljber tie aasgjrt puce tie priating aecoaat aader tie bead of ciariaea bt cuzr cl bors tut vetraein priettce of tearisg diva bill before tie due expire r j oo opea to a fine tie practice lioold therefore be ducouuased cooe booctwb hars recsaircd lli village muurfl ulksboiil rt planuoboiirtr aebb wloi mpl tb wiattou echo ealli ilia oouncil f tiatviuam tb wiattob ctreua uid uicruiiuuil hippoliviu tuew iu ou iwnoir nu pajctain aotouvbodo not tak th rtuut luattbd tbiy bsrtovr thtit uaikbtwi pailiaoibilt oat laieii piorugnml 4iiwithtsiliaui nverol atumpta to uuhify it tie soott act reuiaibi inucu a aeuliionoftlie villapi council inuod viiitiug a ttuinber ot uw tou ballt ta the sttrroundiujt tom w eiaaioe liera ckn8c8 exulteuakias a b wrijht iuia euomersuir for aeloo v j uidota toruooriretawo joha llubiutoa mi david uulvhcoufor xaaaaxaweyv tu county of llahon votes to day oi liescott acu berlin atw vott are 30 dayiabcad of time brutier tie voting does dot take place uulutbi 19th of april and now tbejr hart it that the pear sad plata creea hire beea ioaftd by the frvxt tt it criufjinrlo koow tbil tie feaee pottt are considered life lutrciitou lb hamiltoa sjxtlalar uoaits till it has toaiidool list 1roc fetter gets li5 e aoati cor adrocstmf the soon act bill it furjou o ilste how mucli il is piid for triog iu trrovi sfioit tie act couxinttosj ratr d b cameron u sun ted by rex principal given d d of knox college toronto iu tie edaiipu- trstioa of tie sscnmeut of tie lords sap per ia kaox ciurci aa saaday last weiave ml received iho felicu- uy camber of girliovcn piper pablisu- cd by wnji wsrriek toronto ask for it at the bookstores it it a ijuccdid msgi- rine sad iott lie thinf for young ladies dear littjc girls a lit tie girl of fitltraon patnam conaty xew votk died from iauipinr tie rope she dropped deaif afterlie cne iaadred and uratr- tif ti jaaip doat do too maci skipplug oett httttc oxes tie apri namber of oar little ones is to hind and it is fall of pare instructing and amus- f or it to tie euaieil eabliiilng compaay fiostoa ifass the actoa free presi in very good local paper and oait to liercry heart ily ispportcd br tie people of tilt villsre berlin daily s oct and o it il we hope tie att ix u bcirtily lopportcd by tie citizens of bcrlini t tie gearyttiara herald cnutft sumi pretty hard on tic ililu gbtntus it fullow tie lev cuutecupuue tle biitcd by tue caaja3io coitcvcuing lie jott act aicxuuu i ad fcr bcueith cua tempi it to be unuortiy of a uiim agtice abstract f accounts of tux- municipality of acton for th yr ending 3lt dtoimbtr 1880 d riairo to balsnce on hand from 1s7d tosim collected for 1680 in ciudihgtstalate labor tsi for 18 tjooq hon resident tnei tavern licenses cub from govt troll dpt government grant i clorgj- reserve intercit fines and penalties i bututa labor tax fat 1879 10i 18 ima so assm to public 8cliool dobenturet tax arrears per abstract 1879 22017 together with ua- i collected lues 1980 31 t7 lets 411 paid to yil- age treiiurcr j clergy lteebrvo investment balsnce on hsud inclading 13383 county uite 1300 00 ho a s50 00 piiiinrn cr by publio school 3070 08 btrocu and sidowalks 880 84 printing bo s3 cuititioi including j8i to bind 97 95 salaries 123 93 contingencies 1w 62 on ucrgy reserve mortgage in cluding 14s interest 439 00 balance on bind including gov eminent grant o7u2 1 1018 71 fill 60 luiamtn 1016 71 bybslsnea fjolfl 94 6310g 21 3013 94 we lh undersigned auditors for the villige of acton do hereby certify that we hive amined tlio books and scoouats of the treasurer of lie said village of acton for lh 1 year 1880 andfound the same correct and that the above is a true abstract of the same wo also certify that satisfactory vouchers for escb payment- have been produced i lewis r fox linauo- billiai kktoriil prorerbi if yoa jrsnt tsabsve a big isaeh send isceats for tie pianny volamae- hill still coatfaoet to enjoy a larze meaiare of popolirity as a pioto artur sod hii fine gallery is riot often itb- oai i subject daring vorfciag hours he guarantees satufactipo qua op yoar back yards at once- and see to it that your cellars are in cood trim with no decaying matter ilt may cheat tbednoatof afolior two bat it will pat money in yoar pocket soiae roang sports sloat town talk of starting s boetsaw clab sad ei- peoding their rarplus energy in catting wood or needy families barne advance ciri- tal idea we would recommend some of oar joua sneu to follow the example of the barrie boj i ill borg according o a wood- stoefc paper uuay parents in tilt town show a reejtlen tlisrecard of tie welfare of their ehomrea by slioaiaf tieat to remiin oat at ail loan nf tie night tie namber of pro- faae aid feaerauy bad iaiau boys to be isen aboot fiit town is frightfiuy lare- we are afraid actoa is not far behind her mulct town ia tiis respect cheese facroar we undeistsi hot a cheese factory ttebuut being estsb- liiicd betreea here and sic rirttowa- tie krujer are eatiiiintc ever lie milter iul the fict of mr beuey hiring tie iifaaacemeat u a guarantee of success george iowa herald bill beoees owing to tie large roiame of riler pairing- oter ueairs speight k spas dial on londay jt give way it ooeend all hands vreut to woik and with tie use of straw siiviags etc tie lesk was stopped before any pasticclxr damrge bad- takca place a yoati jast uacciicg oat io trade luti swcsllhf uterclttut tsid pray tell oie air whit yoa profess to call tie secret of succeti i tae aibob e eyes with pleasure thcne as be replied in earnest tone tie secret siaiple is i think yoail iiud it sir in printers ink actox dmsiok s ort a meet ingof tie menvbers of actoa diriiion sons ot teeperiace ko 24i will be teld in tie eljkraace hall oa gatardiy ercairrg at 70 oclock for tie parpaw of takice into vslat tilo tzs z2z toulil uio to 100 xo idtcn ia lava citueat patrdatxa hotn uilarii a nluc4t 1000 wtebitmu wiui mort chorclia thru actoa a urge itrifc block oa u14 kauieut coracf of mill ud igia tnu coaacillori do their duty to tha bat of lhir iliiity witlioat feasor uvor who u fcaiog ta hxtt th haaor ocub- mittia iht tint liiuple of trtiile lair ta ihe furc plocss itlc propirtiou nude atvoocc for the ercc tiou of the ucir yra lull tad lock- a p 10 thjit it mxy t completed ia tcttouthli tiai mftttalu j rtrnmsur mr percy isecordii tttoidjaf goorje- towa college uc hd i ctu oa uoadif from mr ilch mcdcaud of pcmuot moauuioi miuitolia feruitflv of tiii liciciiy mr jime vy minn vu coasned lo hit berd durta the whde afiutveck we xrc pluietl i0 iearo uaveeer uia he i tue ti be alojut aiia icr robert wdur 1 pabliilier of the lxur4 vf itultk an proprietor of the moon- tiia pirfc iloae s4uutiriaraof wemeririue vtu calied on pi list friday mr waiter u an actoa bay and his jat coaclaloia riiit vdih lie fritndt in this vicinity detailed statement 01 th zx7onaltar of tho mualel- piut7 of attn for tio you oadiae sltt soe 1s30 paid public school board 2070 98 snira im bmitim j 60 t 25 i9 23 paid fames afatthews charles t hill edward dynes nicholas cotter i dun c robertson donald afcxair i david l smith stephen beals h kennedy robert kannawin utuiam wilson john b coates ao wheeler ranso adam william warden join afclagen george ryder william ilasilas gowdy fc lfoore john bhyde tioinas brant james brown osftcihrlori jioifanitialldneof tke eldesf resideals of the i coaaty ur tbsaisi qseeyi sf uiltao depirtei this tife it the ripe age of eighty eight jears keice haaheu tk offijo of ttejistrar for tiis iiaoty for the put 4syers on tie jrd of may 1833 be u appointed to t posiuoa ocregistrar for tie oioaiies ot hsiten wentwortb brant uateruo and welliagtou and had daridas for his heai- qssrlets lsli tie werk eoanected witli tte office faring greatly increased tie oosties of euioeton aud waterloo were 3r eff sad ii i8ss it beiag considered adfsitageeas to hare a registrar for eaeh itjr ki ekm tf jton and removed to kllten sad efficiently performed the duties t the osmoutil hit- ieath he was res hrted bp all sod his bensred family have lfc sqrbpithyof tka eitiro coowioaityj fc iseey was the oldest county fiegistrar ai pretiace invisii reqaisled to meet st the sice place and time a lane attendance is requested an b sokes on monday last as he and mrs wm ilcore of tie scotch block were driving up to actoa they met witfi in accident by which- jfrs iloore tsd anafm broken tber were driving pasts toid of hay ani getting too far off the road apset and lira lloorei left arp wis broken it the wrist dr lowry iredaeed lie fracture and tie patient is on tie mend itotr to help foce local piree those wio desire to give their local piper a helping hand could easily do so jfosl ererybody wul lake the fese fczss i or a dollar a year if a word in season is pat in by afrieud or aeigibor its not a hard piper to canvus for try it if you send as a few cod tames we will give you eridit for doing vour flat jt if yoa send ass neat little batch of yiaiuci rith ihestamns- we will ge you cash far doing your duty biue fcetitcre while iniuelii the other dsy we fta1 the pleasure of ei- iiminiag it lie wireroom of messrs wors- md tco m usortment of farnitare iniporhd from bombay lodia by ifr j w lyoa for his new reridence the invoice will give the lies ideaof how the set n nude ftp there are 2 eofis corner und 4 flower stands easy cbsirs 2 foot smuis piauo itlliulv desk centre uble hst rack music rack 2 tea pov pff chairs ebiiet pier table 2 brackets tortoise shell writing desk pofcapjue desk card case piper kuivci 2 sindaljvool boiea2 aaiiiiilwood fins etc and aiaree collection of ivory work of mt 4xtr- ordiaacy device and etecuioa toejorui- tore is alimaleof roewod and itsjehief rjloe eonsiets in the clslwrafe eajmng videh adorns it every portion of the sofas sod clisinand indeed mostef the other articles are decorated with line leaf work carved with the knifeoat of the soha- wood the furniture oostwrlyon eboal 10000 the assertment u s great siouto cititeos and visitors aanaaaasooo ksw3 caeaaed from our bxcaangss graelfffc i j ciiult contractor it insolvent gucljiti rywjies inaalt dcrgyaieu on ile street jonalhsnieellr if nnvr s private detective the corporation iiborus are clesning up tie atresia ifrs a audricu died very suddenly on sunday morning aquilli smith of erin is in guelrih gaol oa a chicrge of insaniiy the agrieallnxsl college hu un lapplied with s g0o0 library georgetown the town iump his been rehindlcl ur benny intends lo erect a cheese fictorr i ctwic iwg dedicsteo thai new- ball last wctk tlie scott act committee r lior- ougtily canvsuing the town a large amount of drinkinir is-ia- ofalgediu by the youth nf the town serersi new bailiingi am to be erected daring the saaiater tlie proprielor of th bennett house wont let the hcrrfi uiau get rater at his well hj tea sxiiton constable relate to do hit duty george ltvery hit gone into the grocery basinets ur james lacfcie nd wife lear this week for irelsud thme lilfc c a railxridjjia- built iietween braniford uud uiltou ilr fiank rid of e city n w t h been visiting lii rienda here during die ut wk or no i 2 so j 1 50 iifloo 18 50 7 00 2 so 8 71 c 00 0 2i i 6 25 33 30 200 153 2 82 too 81 41 1 i 33 3 00 17 7g look here w p brown has new goods constantly arriving to take the place of those constantly departing all fresh and cheap a oeed assortment of groceries akd provisions crockert and glassware always on hand i wi w k y i immense spbinilt arrivals t3at mammoth house georgetown v tea from 25o npto 230 84 punrmta paid h p moore cuicxnis paid john mrphee j c hill for band slaud john bunelt keepiog j beer m dinginu burying j beer d lieudersou for tnapi sc is 40 co 23 00 10 00 12 m 10 00 sausm paid i e mcgirvia clerk t trias 40 cr ii c itoheruou comlibls 12 75 thomas ealoo cobector 4 90 hteanedy assessor 27 on w ii lowiy t a matthews auditors 10 00 1123 93 cuior iiunrtr j paid on loan including i is 44 int 432 k coxtixoekcim paid j e mcoarvin staliooerr ii 15 80 james msttiews kent of hill 63 ta dcuolieruoa coasulie ipl 9 75 mrs s speight sheep killed 4 47 j deaar drafting bylaw 15 00 d keunedy selecting jorors 100 j e mcgama do i 00 d ueaderson do 1 0 pork fis5 in stook come and see w p brown acton march 3rd 1881 the iteand fashionaue goodt are pouriff in 359 oases and bales iave arrived al- ready and wasicts of blaok and colored silks blaok aad colof d cmhmr6 fttb87 dress goods blask aad colored lustrei- beautiftil and nw 4 oou prints crape muslins crape sateens satin dalsioe prints and zanzibar cheoka hosierv small jwares fancy goods and a superb etook of millinery and mantles our hlllinery show uoombuow open a inf et oubrlaient omrltoas and ennty claakincs partuols aud kuntuades an lmraenic stock of domestic good tircy and white cbt tons and denim a iaperbasorntentof canadian and im ported cloth and ccntj furnblilngs far our ordered clotb ins departmeut our ordered clothing department u an immenic increu i carpels ouelolhi beets shoes tc tit eerdlally la rile inspcetiea ex acaf use laiseat rheapest snd best asserted slacks la ikleerimir live ass sry wtisf we are getsuj ulaslsf sea clan aaul ao icsid rsice moleod ander80n fc 00 mammoth house oorgstowi i the immix plaster t a positive snd permanent cure foiet cancer mm 104 82 we the undersigned aaditon for the- vil lage of actoa do hereby certify that the abate is a correct detailed alafemeut- of the erpeudilares of the said village of atoa for ths year lading 31st decergber i8s0 i levk r kox 1 actoa pehy ixhv ju selling toe gttave j hscit in milton on ihe 2ih met thos racey counly registrar aged 83 years tbe atttz stitsrt rit lo winnipeg on the 4th qi kebv by rev j iilrtsnn sir j c stewart in hiss eliubeth kie lilh of peinluiu iloaataiis jlinitoba former- iv of tiis vicinity largest assortment of garden seeds in town all new andreshat a8ecord f garden felfl i s auction silo rofiftcr thcesbit 24th march auction isle of farm stock and implements lie property of win ronton of wj lot 12 eon 8 erin near 6pring wm hemstreet anctfoheer moxdiv 28tliiiarehanctiou tslect farm stock find iinplments the property of wm plank st lot 23 con tf nauagi- well sale to commence at 12 oclock ym hemstreet tnctioner tncdir 29th march auction sale of faro stock and implements tha property of mr watson eistoo on lot 25 con 4 eiamosa sale to commence at 12 oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer notloss worth ahsntlon 12 pounds of sugar for 1 100 at a secord fc co a l hati from 75 crnta o f25c at j fyfes j ko i sid irons for 5c per lh at j c lulls try t h harding j 05c tea worth 75 cents j highest market price paid for pork at a seeord d cis ladiei wandes newest styles at christie henderson i co i give t h hirding a call for general groceries ara piovisions i nonudrgood tea fot 100 at a sec k uu 1 a giod kecond hanv coot store cheap for cam at t 0 t ills cm mva moner lij imvine your firocerba and hard wale fruni a se cord 4r co a good felt hat fa- 5 cents at j ffii 12 pounds of good liright sugar for 100 at t h liirjingi cheap cash store i coal oil best imdon coal oil 30 ciiita at i o hilfs ip von want a nouiv durable and ctneap suit j fye is the phice to go no i ciovh- slid timothy seed cheup al a secord cos ciatcrn and force ioipi cheap at j c ailla stove depot co to t h hardings chtap cash store for flower potii cream crocks milk pnetc the greatest bleaalng a simple rare harrjilefs remedy that eures every ime and prriou uisense b- keipt lbs blood pure rtomcnresula kldnyi aiwi llvr uctlve fa the t steal mess off great bargains many things at half price 50 gent tea for 100 oiiap mans 1teaaycfa store ac ton without ths uso of the knlfo ore application of he iviuix plaster wtil draw lie cancer out in tew days who us very root wim fiiiro thus esectingjariuviftnr cure and prevendnga recur- rence 01 the dread milady j this is no humbug bat a poanvn and ksussli omit withouiaiekneadebitiiy oreril results olthe patient and all uffl cleol mlb ibi loathsome nisram of cajoer frt sincerely urged 10 tr- this neverfilling ruvuint remedy the planter with full particulars for its applicaiion will be sent to any ad dress oniecelpiofsndollarsaddrejsfdregisieredleueflo csmith coitboos pxj taaada htbe highest refe enees given ot to reipectabilitjr and standing when rcqalrad tccluding the ediloi of this paper come to hills photo art studio mill st acton and if you dont know your own photograph now you will hereafter citizens visitors all come and you will be well come cbts tt hfll stoves tinware coal oil dlamp goods and pumps chieap fer oasli at savil earetroojrhlns and job work a specialty j all kind of ituck taken in exchause for goods t r remember the place aezl door to creechs saddlery tignof be larno hu street acton o havill a distinct an ifeleowsm compound syrup of and flower ur ever conferrnl upon man ft thnlrf modv and iiop bitten vs proprifttari are beioc blmirt bjr uimifaiida who hhwbwn avl and cured b it will yoa try iu sen other eolumd seeds at j r mcearvins it sonalai the slsmrnta tsentlal to ths anbbalj orgaaiiation tht oxidipg agents and tonics u eembbjattonvifli the ittauietlsg agent ff j 4iallgsmaaduoupeiimtcontaiuantana tsefteoti art aiually tisibae wuhut twentyfaqr hem tn4n jr- wj rfist snotiite the iigratton and asamhation sauring dlrsetly into the iwittol tttkwmto i ii healthjacfinnrf the section becusettnuedatntiinswlthsatlnntenlne lu a word hwaaaaifs the itianlanu to troue ths sltsngtb the tonic ta mw i itaaibaruofhlghdejm fellows compound syrup of hypophosphites smtoiwr ako ptjoismv cu t perry davis st son lawrence f jjarsjalaqeits wribeali drug store acton seei33 i