Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 14, 1881, p. 3

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j5 m cui tbtxk time tiblk trains nave acton k follows 001nq vest sight kxpress hosvm town to mail 610am day express- 142pm express out mixed 6 15 pm r 6rtfpnu ootlcoaast sight express g tit mixed 410am 9vm dtykxpress 1130 am western- mail t 440pm london mixed 9 ptn try sco hynds tor berlin wools mottoes cw board try geo uyndt for school beoks envcl- opes writine paper try gc llyndi for fiue combs dressinc combs hair brushes purses spectacles try geo hyudt for new ttylot ia-alas- ware cruets kuivct spooot tad forks a urge stock cheap ttock give ut a call order now ukeu for tht rerisct edition of the new testament t- the free press tnrasdav uonxisc april 14 issl- local and other- otunjra remember if you rote asalnst the scoti act yoa inakc yourself jointly responsible willi the ram basitkss tor all the evil done by aujuc full moon tonight batsc oulnour parasols qcod friday tomorrow vest iitila demand for- wood now i r doift fail to hear prod foster to night j cocsco meeting next tuesday evening 0 or bit of subscribers is steadily in creasing 1 prof foster in the jlethodfet church tomjhe mis rcr jeroley o gorrie it visiting her actca friends vole for ike scott ad and yea trill ztaftr adv all the hotels in the county are to leclosed certtnesdty the monthly fair was not very well attended last thorsday sraisc is here for certain the organ pder arriredoar monday km eg andersonjjreiched in the disciple jchnrchon sunday last morning andceain toi neat and cheap job printirg call at the fcrr pess once a lot of new tvpe jait rcceiceii is mat pcfe7maile sngarfis uie nnfiffrg qoeltfck of ctutoaicre at the conf ectionerr atrea ir i aitochhinj how few nn- cnarried udies are over 25 years jof age at least bo thessesrac eatinieratorf aay easter scfirfcls service will le held m str alittiis chiiruhtotnorcow irom- ratiit 02x and in the eveoidg at 730 tele for he sejt ad and ustzn pavperissu adr sweet harhingcra of spring the feathered soegsterx are beinciag to arrirp aid eooathe jir will he filled with their rich cielbdr- atihe gaelpireaster tte 6how 72tcatue egteredsod were piidfcr on the cattle groend ft ii esticuted thit orer l 000 cattle were shipped froni the city that tse eiscutore of the estate of u s late h adajna desire to state to hke hating boiinesa witutthe estate that to sroid- confasioa business will be attended to on friday only of each week kzzi are some affril proverbs a cold april the barn will u an april flood carriea away the froff and his brood april showers bake may sowers whin april blowt his horajlts good for tuy kzd corn hzislt deowszd on icohday last dr ifbrrowa horse broke through the icetm the pond and when foaud was almost drowsed setecal men went to its assist ance and it was recned after ha ring been in ike wafer for several hemx vote for the scad act and you cau eat better adyi itcsi bb ccosedrqnmtions hare been asked whether the opening of places where tntorica ting lienors are sold is legal after thfelose of the polls- on the day of toe scott act election tse law dia- tinctly iy that no kanar an be riven way or sold daring the entire day and all ench hoosea moat be kept closed until next morning the penaitica are heary i thfjiontrealisto has the follow- hg astonishing advertisement ranted ciriifiin comet player address b 1251 star afiixffz know of several young men iaj actos who could fill the bil only they dont profeas to be christiana xo christian could persistently ignore the fact that hir duty at a neighbor is o be quiet now and- again bat to some comet players there is no rest fijle excises the ftdfph town eoaocil purchased a secondhand fire engine a few weeks ago and having done to with- ont any particular investigation they now na their barrain at trial of it eapacity last week the champion says it jnst fiished a feeble stream over a fence and was beaten ou engine wbiebwa farted with new hoaec if the fire eompinr doesnt discover some way of working the machine to tome purpose the town will be poattibn to adveriiae cjsute stock of eeond hand extiaguisberi forale moral to councils dont deal in second hand aoirfgnna jr7mf better it tht man tcho license oiermj than hue matt icliotemmiu ii f kir v seeds seeds uusbatt for tht soott aov sslect your grdta seeds splbndid moonlight right t fix weether during lh past week j tttk itroou looked uwl oh sat urday j votifor the seoit act and tcmn cnme adv t n 8pring plowing hwat commenced in this vicinuy yet tuk 0 tr offeri tedoood rales for the easter hohdayu l tuk buow has disippered very rapidly darinir the week two ott thew oclhe yoangmenof otr village intend to lave ia a fw days tor colorado tee exercise ailed skiting beimr too violent for warm weather it being dropped for a time xta o 8 smiths iactioa rale on tueidty was well attended the ttock icid for cood prices vvttfar the scott ad onf you can praytcfler adv hotel keepers in this coanty ere doing considerable in the treating basinets jast now uoetnt that nnllif r their votes 1 mqcobul cabcs we hsve jwt received a tine assortment of memorial cards with envelopes to match call and tee our samples oua merchants and business men are seeding oar calamus with their spring advertiscmeate they will undoubtedly reap a rich harvest we are constantly adding new type etc to our stock and are better pre pared than cvertodoailkindtof plaid and fancy printing give as a call the dotcii itiil the guelph ktmld says the dutch mail it now the best furnithed train on tie g t e f that been fumisned with new cart throughout assessiteyr hr d kennedy his completed hit duties as assets r of thit vil lage for issi and has returned his roll the total assessment is put down at 151- s10 and the population at 10s3 vote for lie scott ad and you can ting better adf foot cecseeo one day last week as mr samuel laitd was engaged in unload- inc a car at the g t r a hexvy plank fell on his riihtcoor crushing it badly he has been njfahle to attend to hit duties since ona adyxetiseki r by loofcine orer the columns of the fkce pbjss thia week will notice a cumberof advertisements liich hfve been changed and enlanredj which fact show that our advertisers vtice their advertising medium the fkzz pee teltfeexsce sekhok as has been announced by posters rev fvmtn cam eron formerly of this village will preach a temperance sermon in fhtf methodist church oa scuday evening ncrt commencing at 60 odack a very lane atteadance u expected cfcedttikle tha street and sido walk ccmniiasfoners have workmea employ ed already repairing the village sidewalkf this boks as thoach they are aarioct to attend to the public comfort of our citizens witnont any tardiacss and they will no doubt receive the thanks of the community for their foresight vole for tic scott ad ard yoa can sleep betur adv haltok draxcronr messrs w hirwtn co of hamilton are canraaring thk county for the purpose of getting out a directory the post office tddretict of the tinners and cltssincd business directory of pcorvsaionr trades manufacturers mer cantile and other besiness will form promi nent features of the work c3tt act sleetikqr the eervices- of eev xacbian cameron have been secured for monday evening idthinsl when he will deliver a ieciure on the subject of tem perance legislation the place where the meetingit to beheld will be made known on the evenieg of prof fetters lecture flev john smith of toronto was expected to be present but ha not been able to com plete arrsugemeats tows hill the shelbnme village council have decided to submit a bylaw to the ratepayers t authorite the issue of de bentures to the amount of three thousand dollar for the purpose of erecting a town hall the voting ott the bylaw will tike place on saturday tie icth yve hope to be able to announce in a few weeks that acton village council have decided to snb- rait a bytaw for the tame purpose ton mtgtii at udtiell tchukey yonr- eilfas to authorize another to do il adv wibsnre an exchange sounds the following warning note ar follows we have been informed that patent right agents are in the country victimizing farmers they 6eli the patent right of a certain agri cultural article foe the- county and take a note for the amount the tale it repeated as often as possible in the one county the amount realised by each transaction beinr 196 tanners inthe eastern counties have been victimized to a great extent sreixtt dpesixa we would re- mind oar lady readers of theimportant fact that messrs john hogg sous spring openteg uket place on tuesday next april t9th when the display of miliuterymantlei etc will iar surpass any former effort thc wphderfni man has considerably enhirgea and refitted the show room and it is now one of the fihatwb4 without doubt the best lighted worn in the city we would adrise our lady friends- who with tosee a fine display of all the latett novelties to visit the store of john hogg t son g nelph on tuesday next hefer to adiertibment for further ptrticnlsts the scott act cannot enforced tiyi uienimmur not it it became tciatkey miia outturn t6piperance men will ieep ftradr garden fiw mr vennor writing to the albany 4v uyi ithe 8prng will be fairly early hot and dry and the midiummer cool and wet the autumn promise to be open dry and bno there u ukely to be a great deal ot sjekneu duringthe year but the weather except in a few isolated mo tions will be favorable to agricultural pursuits the winter of 188u2 bids fair to be open and generally mild with but few endnote shortlived storm ptrioda is its list of the thing it wouli like to iscethe berun daily aom of mon day hn the following i wo would liko to see the acton frit prut man outdone fos the concoction ol headings for the old ttylo of heading them born married and died he has substituted the cradktho altar and the oravev why not put it hstohed matched and diipatjhed we are well satitftod with our preteut hudings but havo no ob- iectioa it the xaa wishes to use the last mentioned in hn colamna it it twt ki mica a quettian of dol lar and unit as of bodict and toult mtrally aud religion if you fovor the latter tueep out- the vhifkey tcilh the scott ad broom ady rtbtt tiq rsee 7xusss wouli liie to o merchants make a liberal use ot print ers ink sidewalk on elgin street from mill tt to agnet st the early closing system introduced by the merchants here every property owner in town endeavor to improve his premises jhe sfreot commissioners have the streets cleaned cp at soon at possible mill street made the same width from john to main its as it is from gaclpk to john stc a merchant or town that hat not pros pered under a liberal and trstcmatic use of printers ink a man in any position in life who would honestly say he was paid more than he was worth unruly youths who congregate on the streets on sunday and show their taste for bad manners brought- before a msgiatnle snd fined a dollar aodcosta ttis scotad cannot be enforced tays the vhifley aiaicolc foot fd- htr imc badly yoa fed 1 did you everfrdeo badly- became the crooks ad it continually andopeidy cwlatid i ado terse uali mr m speight is vuitiag his friends in markham mr john chapmtn and family left for london on tuesday evening drgcorge mclain of nanticefce is the guest of mr j e mcgsrvin mrs j e spent a few days this week with ticuds in oraagerille mr john shtwleft yesterday for erie city ps on a visit to hit friends there mr fred sccord it sgaia home after an extended basinets trip through the states mr george simpson of alkndsle spect a few dajs this week with hit friends in acton mrw h mcdonald of toronto medicil college u spending vacation with his acton friends s we had a call on monday from mr eleazer sibhald of toronto llnirertity for- merly of this village mr frederick foi son of dr for of hornby is fulfilling the duties of census enumerator for thit village mr v moore and wife principal of the public school here spent a couple of days with their friends in king york co last rsek j eev c crichten of princeton who came home to attend the funeral of hit mother is spending a few days with his friends in esqueeicg arratsfor drudznjiest in leicidon and auburn per 1q0q iijiabitanie per annum under the haines lav 3 in lovxll slats under the lucessc lair so ir 10 16 1 tltimk of this and cole for the scoli ad adv atfc your dealer for castorine machine oil snd see that toe barrel is branded castorine as none other ii genuine the cbajhe aethtms in esq gf sing on the 12th inst the wife of mr joseph azthasf ot a daughter the gjute cecibtos ini eiquesing on the i2thintt the wife of jsmes cnchton esq sr aged 64 years fkazee in harrithurg paonthe 10th ihst janette the wife of d st george frazer aged 4d years lteceated was sister of mrs john warren ofesqaesibg and was a resident of thit village for a number of vearv the cbrpte brought here on tuesday and interred in the limehouse cemetary oa wednesday j aitsv haiketf wnitawheat 1 treadweuofd x i spring wheat glasgow oid 1 eedchia 0 peas 0 otas 0 barley 0 eye 0 egg per dor 0 butter dairy picked 0 batter rolls 0 potatoes new per bag 0 dressed flogs 6 gcetra bamkets floor i2 white wheat areadwell spring wheat glasgow oats peas v barley 1 eye eggs per dot butter dairy packed butter rolls potatoes new per bnsh dressed hon 04 to 1 os 04 to i 08 06 to i 09 04 to 1 08 60 to 0 73 37 to 0 39 65 to 0 85 65 to 0 70 10 to 0 11 18 to 0 20 15 to 0 18 60 to 0 70 75 to 7 25 75 to 3 00 04 to 1 08 04 to 1 08 06 to 1 09 95 to i 04 37 to 0 39 60 to 0 73 65 to 0 85 65 to 0 70 10 to 011 18 to 0 20 15 to 0 18 60 to 0 70 75 to 7 25 and mower am on i tfi notlet wortlr4jhn scuool books best wlrt bound sohool baoksatoeojuynai see my 100 page 3o bcribblimjbookrl irawinu booki filatcaitid penoilt p ns and ink it will pa you to oall ind get my prices orders now taken for the revised edition of the new tei lament st geo hynds dealer in je rellary fancy goods books and stationery cistern and fore pumps at j 0 hills v 1 1 12 ponndaot8ugarforl a seoord i cos stable lanterns 06 cent it j 0 bills hats from 75 oonti te 250 at j fylei no 1 sad irons for soptr lb at j 0 huib try t hv hardingy 6 o tea worth 75 cents highest market price paid i or pork at a 8ccord cos first class rctioned unsaid milk pans st j o hills pork lard and fish cheap at t h hardings ladies mantles newest styles at christie ueudertqp col give t h hardings isll for general grocenes and piovisio is i pounds good tea for 100 at a secord cos ia gjod second bandcook 8toye cheap for cash at j c hills von save money by buyti g yonr groceries and hard warn frou a se cord t co 0 a good felt hat for 75 ents at j fyf- 12 pounds of good brigh sugar for 100 at t h hsrdinjj cheap cash store r coal oil beet london o nj oil 30 conts at i c hilla if you want a nobby ble and cneap suit j fyfes is the place to go no 1 clover and timalliy seed cheap at a secord t cos cistern ami fofcepumpif cheap at jc hillsstoye depot a nice lot of bird cages jait ar rived at j c hills- tin shop cheap highest market pri6r paid for fresh butter and esgs at t e hard ings j scotch english and canadian sellings in great vsrietyr stjtije bast end clothing store j fyfe acton j lirjost assottment of gsrdun eds in town all new and fresh at a sccord cos o-r- go to t h hardirigj cheap cesh store for flower pots cream crocks ililk pans etc suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and mads in latest it lea be sure to call and see them j fyfi actcu highest market fidoe paid for fresh eggs and no l butie at a secord cos toronto oil co are tale man ifactur ere of castorine machine jil in fringements will be prosecuted 15 will hay a toctfve llplodeon iu good ordercoot 50 2 sewiuf machines for sale nt qur tcr pricei j chspman they all do it ererybody u es tea beryto tffautirytheeetuanaetvelrasracea u tbe areata asjc roar druatfst fo samrle package 6 ctt lorae bqulqsi83jceots u castorine machlneoii lor all kinds of machinery it is also ekcelteolt for harness or leather nuking it water and weatherproof f you suger from anyjohrbrjit aisease arising from impure riod luggish liver discorded kidneys or inqtivity of the bowels j if your kervous sutem is debiliwted from whatever cause arising do not despair hutrocpj a tri lbollle ot burdock bloodiitteftr it id only cot 10 cents large bottles 160 for sale by all medicine dealers ifsnafscturerj of heapers lowers and threenfng maohiirymft cas- lorlne llachine oil to any other it will oetwear lard seal and elephant and is warranted not to gura aeaiiacae why become a nnhurnarfyr o esad- ache when nurdvclc loylbmrt u urly dure the cause ofafl varltles or etuw rfitr i or yervcus hendarhe deaflte the system regalate the secrttiorur relieve con tipattn of the bowels purify the bood renovate the ltveranllooeuiilhe nervous hytifm aod distressing beadacue win be nikuown samrle bottles 10 cents large bottles lw zopes a from brazilaia rei it of the new commercial enterprise just issumlag importacce wllh brazil is the tntrodactlon ofzopesa so jnstly celebrntel wl ere il is koowa for thecare of til forms ofjindltesttoii the company have opened a laboratory a toronto zornsacomettous hjjhireodacs- edanorecoaimaledf its wondertol affiulty ta the oieestlve urgans ttscertalrjly to re lieve and care dyspepsia and conitlpauoo makestlils remarkable compound a neces sity in canada the company malfiesampte pottles at the trialac cost of ic eeaasr to be fcad or j e mcaarvtn aetna f l eesi and comfort to fftc seftc ring browns household psnacfa has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal snd external it cures ipain in the side back or bowels sore throat kheumatisrn toothache iutnt ago and any kind ot a pain or ache it will most surely quicken ths blood a id heal as its acting power itwoo ierful browns household pigjieea being acknowledged as thefeafestn jeliever and of double the strength of ai ly other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family handy for u when wanted as it really is the bell remedy in the world for cramps n the tomach and- pains and aches f sjl kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents abottla h cobonao ort uaroh 3i880 i have been leliing- perry day a pain- killerfor the past six years snd have much pleasurf la stating that j s sale in that ttmejfiu bees larfay ctilt gather patent medicioe that i have on ray shelves and in thoe jaars lbs e never heard a customer gsjgpt bt t words of the highest praise in its favor it is an artlole that seems to have o imbined in it all thai goes toiake ait rstclass family medicine and aslongac t have a hounand store perry davis pa n killer will be found in both yours etc t jekeinedy tsee advertisement in another column seeds ajt e jutonelt to loan about 1000 to loan at 6 per cent en firstclass real estate security apply at this office to a p moore acton april 12th 1881 ti8cii88i0n on bapti8h a lengthy reply to the mlsrepreselutlass of h modlarmld and bis aetoa eorrespond eat j in the march cumber of the ohrlstlan sentinel will appear la the ohrullanquardlanof next week by t i wilk1nuon- copies may be obtained at jx meoarvlni drag store prlee tosota aotonaprluih jsl king- of the drt goods basbes suop behoved j p rrobbu hu removid bis barber shop to the pre mites lately occupied by re nelson us has fitted up the plaee wltb new furniture etc and bopet by personal attesllen to leoare the patronage of the eittstns tnank lag those who havt given me their custom 1 in the past and soliciting a oonilnoanee of their favors 1 am yours reipeetfnily jp wobcek aoton march 22nd un it henry e crinlinton mactical hobs painter orarncr papar hancar and daeorator is prepared to take contracts for painting paper hanelng and icalsomlnlng satorders promptly attended 10 in town or country terms eeaaobabie havlnc an experience of thirty rears 1 can guarantee satisfaction to all hb gbinliinton mill st aoton te81kable tlllago property forale the pndtn irned offen tor tje ihal tftln- bivpcoprt iltoalekl on mui itretl next to ohrtiup hendaroattcoi in uie6qrpru- lnfvltl4tfl of acton oaibprcmieiutlla- t td food ihop iflx30 wtui dltlilan la eotr alfoivcomforubta dwelling bon oonula icfwxroomi with bard tod iottwtter the abort proper 17 intbemqlrtoftbebiilneu pattofuttliuieind u ia eiceuent nnd for my imtll busineu tqk ether with the ahote thfl itoctt of boot ind shoe and the kriuabotdfurnjuirevniauaobaiold ifaot aold by prlraisj ni prayloaa to the lit my the tbo of the abobe tui be dlip otcd of by aactioa th08 c9l1ink aeun april lub issi s ew drssmknf establishment in acton the undenlcned bee to inform the ladles of aclaa and vlcituty that they will open a hop a the premlieautelroocapledbrmlu uaddazhf at the resldeoce of mrs georje ifatthett on monday aprtluhjund will be prepared to necate all orderi iu drei mak- nt in the latett tjl and at the moat reasonable prfcea betas pncucat drest maken we art rrt- pared to insare tauifaetioa tn all orders kr5ucke5zxeiulll8bedaehwin acton ifareh flit issi- imo scott act grand rally metkoqlsr ceuqc thuradajr evening 4th inef address by prof foster collection it the close is otice xo cbeditors parsmnttoihe ptotlaionsof rsoebap 10teecm of etuom adam a lal of the vllfexe of aoton in the coonty cf hilton who died on or abont tte tenth of march 1bsl are on or be for the 22nd day of may 1ss1 toieodby pent prepaid to william k klorey glare manufacturer or d w cimpbeu carpenter both ol lb- aald vniagt of aetoo theesxeeatoriof tbeaald deceased tbelrebrlstlanandsnrnamca addreaseiand description tbe full particulars of their claims a itatementot their accoanti and the natoreof the lecaritlei pfdyheidbythem orlndefanutuereofthetald executors will after the said lastmeationcd dale proceed to dlsdlbuu the aimli of the said deceased amonstt the part e enuued thereto bavlnj recird only tothe claims of which the tajd txecutonshall hare nolle dated at acton this onrteenlh day ofapruusl w h 8t0eey ts 424jw revised new testament authorized edition readt in mat jemcgarvdf dbltigeist actoit has made arrangements to supply the heiised new testament as soon as pub lished there will be a variety of sises and binding and the prices will range from 30 cents upwards orders are now being taken and cata logues may be seen at my drag store jowipg to theexpected large demand orders should be gived la by tbe fifth of april agents wanted omwufisti e radford e r bouert v j s miiaaapa htcktalcitik gampletetl and he campaign spring goods opened with ker goods already opened great range rf tweeds for oor wonderful h50saiu oosnprislng tbe nicest foods the- we hare yeo oflered pine worsted coatings immence uarlsty of new prints at cents per yard grand line or cotton shlrtinp atl21centsperyard piles ofbrown and drab docks fancy oottonadee and kentucky jeans i special value in grey cottoos at 7 8 s and 10 cents we ofler tht test talos in bleached cottons la the trade t dress croods department we hare opened opened some lovely lineaof new spring dress goods and trimmias to match st rery low prices new silk cords for dress trimmings new sill tassels new buttons in elegant patterns new lsbes in novel designs new fringes new embroideries new lace ties and fichus evertain freeh novel and oheap special attention to a my nice lolof gents felt ha sin new spring styles at better yalte than we hare ever been able to oser to our friends and customers during no former sesson hsve we been able to clear out our stock so thoroughly as during the past and we shall offer this spring the choicest freshest and prettiest goods everopenrd within the wslls of the lion witjbesl thanks for the magnifi cent patronage of the past we shallstrive this sessonjnore than everitomako the lion the great dry uoods ceotre of gueiph j d wiiiimsqlt co guelph grand display this week of iisfzew speing- tweeds una of the largest andimost seelect stocksever expased in acton comprising the newest patterns and colors in scotch englue and canadian tweeds and war- ateds aliu hals caps and gents furnishings in great variety j ft come to hills photo- art studio liill st acton r and if yoii dont know your own photograph now you will hereafter citizens visitors all come and you will be well come l- cmjs w sill brilliant success 1 sd i tfrb tsars awarianine first prizes 8jlyer medai and diploma on upholstered croons and oawnet war we were awarded the only silver medal orer pserectforapeoial iieellenoe intipholatery in this department we take the lead and ebsllenge competition ordered workwh receive prompt attention inspection cordially invited oat 8itqf th chair badeton block upptrjpvitiham ctudjjli it ji rrfti irv vjl -t- riiwtil mj k idfttff 81vol5pn j l-sr- swir xs3 da

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