Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1881, p. 1

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a la published rar wursdat uormm at 3 mooee editor proprietor at- tai faa lr psrxrme 4 pcvltsatxe qvss kerl doorlo methodist church hill slntf acfon out trxm the fat latss will be tent to subscriber postage paid or 1100 per a num in advance jl0 il oot o pud o rpr dikaattntied ill all arrears am paid except at the optioa ol the puuishcr anvwrtsui rras- casual advertise- mouk 8 cent per hue for the fint inser tion and 2 cents per uno or each subse quent vncruou cash ppafessoual cards 10 line or icsk ft 00 per aununi i square 18 lines fits per annum payable in 0 months from date of insert ou any special kouthe object of which is tapronicne the pecuniary benefit of anr individual or company t be considered au advertise ment tho number of hnea reckoned in the space oorupied measured by a seals of eohd kouprcil term9100 in mvme volume tl no 44 tlit newspapir a map of buy ltfa ih flueluationt and us vaii conctrni acton ont thursda april 28 1881 ftisoff not m paid whole no 323 t costiucc aires oac cotnmao rear halt mlarun one jrj blxettittmalx raoatha qoartr columnar months tckooiamu thre moollis haltcquitnnttiretuontui tiaartcr column lhr monuit v druiminwuhoaln dlreetlot s tnxlr- trinsttorr advcrucenienia ennwt tt paid l charc loc contract ftdvtrhsmentc most br in tle office or nuoa mondays other wis ther rtil be lea over uu the allowing xt h kittiiedoe banker a gekerac bakkhm busi ness transaqted ttqhzt loahso 0 jlptootet hwstu s nickljn son tevco stjkotaa discounted and interest allowed on deposits tritaxresa the bank of montreal moo uco 1210 in b p stooee elllarfc proprietor i iu i til wil kn copvtc majr j tuiq bidcpnuirlfnisenfltoop sk snclw8t-ywlt- ftjvrtisfp rbciujciuclt l klv lokii tatotice the canada adverlltnc aeen- j3 cr no s klncst west toronto ti brthriled to receive adtertttemetra for ilu fapor vf vrbttcueb haunter wh storey son aotoh f omt 1qy6 maaufaotnrers the bct iftacnption of g wtts acd 3xrr in cvey vanctv rf mitcnal and stj lo are manufactured by us in assominr control ot tlik exoclsiorbai- crj- would respectfully aolicit oonuno aeo of the rultroua heretofore bestowed oa tlio jaic firm they wu alwajti hive oa hand good ippiyof fresh bread bans cakes and pastry ilso biscuits qf 4e kifos a rulti stock of confectionery wh lowry mb stats graduate of tnaity college itcm txir of cojji of phycan and fccrpeoas 1 oscc and residence i tlitf head of fred eric st ictc thoughts oqco i deemed you pare oncd more bo pkided with the girl he and noble r worthy of the holy title of lored and whose love for farm though j- j ut- of ii irr mcgieydt k d it c- p- s jx graduate of victona dnmerstty 1 ocosc ostakxo i w ul tisft acton oil tnsday andfnday from 2 to 4 p m if lus serves are required during sny ctjier days of the week nctice left at j- e mcgamns drug store will receive prompt atfation d iqjthesoiu ittorneyat t itir sahatcr m chanceir ic office next doar tix wallaces hotd kiltan stored eureka sprikgglqvefastener 7e are also patentees and inventors o stcpts sureia sjrlnsgictt faiui- cx justly acknowledged the most perfect fastener m use fatuit vn canada the united siatos and great bntain spruce btroat ire york o s k line grove birmingham eug bread 4dicerallo any part of tte vim bread ud biiciuu given iit axliangt for flour eredh customers credit customers mil bo charged le per kit more had cash easterners and all ac coasts mast be settled once a month b kickcik sos luck of one days fisalnfir one morning when ipnnn to in her i teeuj a mom to a poets wiihiag all tinted in delicate piuks aadgruaa mus bcasic aud i weat oslimf i in my ngh and eaiy clothes y with my face at the tuuahmo mercy 7 she with her hat tioped down to her nco and tor noae tipped oce verxi i with my rod my reel and my hook and a hamper for lunching receaca he with the halt of her comely ioolu and the ecine of her gelda trcuei so wo ait dawn oa the tunny dike where the white poud lihei teeter and i went gihing uke quaint old ike and the like simon ietec all the noon i lay in the light of her eyet and dreamily watched and waited but the fiah were canning and would not rue and the baiter alona was hailed and when tiie tims for departare cima tlie hak wa flat as a fioander bat beiiie had nearly hooked her game a hundred and eighty pounder ll bexxett us onu destist georgc- t j fisher v s- geoegetx wx ont will visit acton every wednes day wnit will attend to all calls pertaining to hiaprofession orders left at hcgarvms j3rag store will receive prompt attentnel terms moderate i t j fisher d weixg kngfneer jxoii farnder it waenlntrt ccigirrcvs sxchinerj- of every description made to order on the shotest notic and mct reasocahle terms eepalnng promptly at tended to i flour and feed sfqbb bawsokbros toawrmpecitally inform ihc peopia or aetim mu tictnltj- tbattlie y iji e apdn ed in lue pceattfie opposile ur mc- garrlas residence a cihteb ul clike birristee quebec street cruelph- bui sltttl xcsiu ftojtxtx tes etebv tzxd1xx 7 it- hesisteeet i n iicensed auctioneer or the coanties of weflmton and halton order lefs athe fees fexss otsce acton or at xny resdenec lit acton will be promptly attended to xerros reasonable hner a twu also money to loan on the most farorahls fermff and at the lowest rates of interest rn sums of 5500 and upwards a wasted lifp8 warh1h0 waltiam f xl watolxes k 3 s i akd 5 ounce cases a kow stock just received b savage witchisiiar ft jowclicr otulji s est class bibee i iiarc secured the serrlees of jfri wra- coon a 6rttchlss barber who will con duct my hasness for a few weets and givre rery attention to the waots of customers- joudly give ham voar pitmnase j p hordes flour and peed store aid will tecp constantly on hand s tnllstoetof floue or all enrta rcampts family floor buckwheat floor graham flour meals com meal oat meal cracked wheat bran coarse shorts fine shorts chopped peas chopped oats mixed chops oats peas and all kinds of feed usually kapt in a firstlass stare ill goois isliyomi t s7 tu ti t2u vuiapj is sam u oricrta ga call is nuptdfully tclidlfd mamhattam feed for horses cattle sheep pigs and poultry- good for horses hav ing epizoo tic lawsom bros acton jan kisslu the mutual life aociatiok of canada head offtce aihiltoy ost sflrenmoat bedsit orcr 89000000 policies on the ecseeve frvo pli- n lisced by this company only indcrtpynhtj contain a pliin statement of the tmoaat of ch value of pu4ap insurance tbe pohcy- l holder will be entitled to receive if discoa- tinmnp the payment of premmms after 5 i0 15 20 25 w 25 pa ments fcc h p m0ore agent free press office ac to a patekts fokdcyektioxsexpe- nmozz and properly secured in csji- dj tbe united states and europe fa tent guaranteed or na charge- send for printed mstmefaons agency in operation 4xn years- hesey geist ottawa canada- jtechamcal engmeenngt solicitors of pa- txis znh draughtsman- sadness tpuitk depot dohditon hotel acton bobt agnew propnetor hie new hotel is tted up m firetelacs style with new furm tnre commercial travellers will find good acxomrcodition and commodious 6ample poems- 6pecial attention paid to the wants of the travdlidg public bar suppled with the beet c liqiion and cigars sood fitail- pig and attentive hostlers- jtash foe skinr i am prepared to par the highest cash jjccte far hides cakns deacons lamb and shaep sjnns dehvered a my tannery l6e leathar constantlv ou hand jakes sfooee acre to advertisers gsopaoll00 select list of local 2frtopers an adprrltter xckoiprsdxujncardiofssooo a ardiclia ittzesu ksstiian550ofxivt ttiu lui tcn 1avr scuct local list i paid tw liier loft year jyr allthfl otior 1 advertising did it is sot oootatlt6 list it is act pa list 1 is is pcst list trie cautlcjne states eractlyrnattue papers re- wlien uie nanie of tnc paper f prtnud in fcin kacettfc lvislnei4rjtnun thebrct wiieapndtetudcipjtaifiltlstlm oixr paptrlnttie place talxcglves tlie popalauoa orevory com and toe circoiauonj of svery paper i the ratescharced foradvertfitugare tiarelj- ooefilth the dubdsdenactjednle the price fat klnele states rangec from to sm tbe price foranelnch one montn in the cniir ustisc25 tbepegqlarrstol the papers tor ttie rime epace and tne are szosou tint list inchides 95t newppaperrof wbieli urf jarefhqod djulx and t6j weeklv tuey are located in ix different cities and towosr q1crjlice puxtikg havliig opened a painfc sho in theprem- uet next door to kicfchna bakery j atn pre pared to do carnage oautiafc and sign writing of cvety desctinuoq and would re- ipectlauy eohat the patronage of tb people 6i acton and yieiirty james scott parties reqairing anything in harness or trunks fo save money should i go fo r creech act on sfwscftliare state ca pi u is st3 nlaw of srer s mt ipopulatiira and 0s oountr seau fotcopr ortiat and olber information ad- jl ilzil uuct liniilihnwt geo p koellc0 1 10 spruce st new lore gkeat cathe of numaa mxsekt u lie io of manhood property fohklk the most valuable and desirable property ever offered in aeioa conaittn of dwelling store and texzai vacant lets tttote en ilahi bower aad willow etteets to be fcold in parcels to cut purchasers terms j ksmith proprietor acton march l81 tf h ocse vox fob sae v- the naderrimed oseri for sde the anlendid stooedwellra j on main street near mr c s smiths residence one fiftfc of n acre with stone house a splendid condi- tiou stahli- snd shop ott the premuea hard and soft water wells title indisput able terms reasonable afplyat foe pmss oisce acton or o ajsch- kcxab 374 r 1 we haveroeenttf dnbuihodinevj edition of dr caltertrellh ru1 11 s permanent cure lloou ntedl- elite ofkervoqsnebfljtrmeouiand pbrslo- a locspaeltr impedimenta aflaarrlace etcw resullingrromexeeas er aaealed envelope only 8cta oriwo poktfife stamps tbe celebrated author in this admirable essar clearfr demonstrates from thirty yeanauoceajtal practice thatalarmtnconn- sequences may be adjcauy cured vtihout the dangerous osef latemal medicines or the o bir tviintineool a mode pf cure gkays specfec medicine tha qreatkngusheemody an unfamcrairrfor nominal weaajiess flperraatorrna trnpoteter and all diseases tnat lollow aa a sequecofi of selftbuse as loss of mem- orv universal laitodepaln in the back dimness ol vi 8- r- ion premature old age befoia tajdne manr other dlwasei that lead to fncanllrorconsumi con ifuii particulars in our pamphlet which we de sire to send free or mall to every one aythe fereclflc lledlclne is sold by all druz glats at i per pacaa or sir paefcaaef foras or will befeutfree by mall on re celpt of the money by ad dressing su ffraylftdlciaa co xa toronto ont uaoada bold hy i e mcaarvln urujrtst aoton hello amenta can make morn money aellingour newtelophone than in any other business bend s or sample pair and wire to put np and exhibit satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded darge profits address c g ttxefhojie co 123 s clark st chicago tu a bonbilive charming face with eyes of heavens own hlao lait which gleamed ilka euaahiae abovg a low lroad forehead a tall lissome fignre with a certain ptond grace of carriage all ila own boeh was lillian arm strong when firat j saw her sha had just came home from bojrd- tng school and was bat a mere cirl of seventeen yet then and them though i she know it not i lost my heart to her bui 1 was por and before long wax o leave america for an indefinite period of time hiring accepted a position ii the east indie and so t set a seal upon my lips and though in tlo months that followed i another freqaentlk and we became very good friends i said good by without having discloaod to lillian how deeply her image had imprinted itself in my heart it wonld ha wrong i thooght ta myself ta disturb hee maiden ancon scioasness by tales of love when it might be years before i could even think of marrying tea years passed and news came to me that lillian was engaged to be married i and that her betrothed was morwin i ransome my own cousin ever since we hid been lads together ilerwin and i had been as brothers and 60 now i stilled my regrets and forced myself to wish the lovers every happiness when three mora years had gone by and prospered in my business beyond mr moat sanjoine expectations i was enabledito return to my native land thi waj the story that met ms met- win try handsome talented conain was dy ng and it was the falseness of the one he loved that had caused the fatal ilfaesa from which the doctor had declared recovery impossible i hastened immediately to him but was delirious and knew ma not woman now i can only call you by lh despicable name of coquette she gazed into my face a moment with an incredulous look as if striving to understand what i bad said then her face grew pale and proud i see she said have been judged without a chance of self defence 8o be it i have no reply to make to your unkind unmerited accusation at the sound of her sweet voice the old madness came back to toe and in that moment i realized that even though i thought hor unworthy i loved her sdli but strong hi my manhood in my abhcrtence of the wrong she had done i crushed back the impulse to speak and soften my cutting words a week later tho delirium which had ilcrwia in its chains left him although we could all see that the end was drawing very near then for the first time he knew me so harold old felow yon have come home t ton little thought to find tan in this way 1 as i clasped his extended hand too much affected to speak he went on eagerly harold for friendships sake will you lake a message from me to lillian 1 j must see her again before i die of course you know all about my broken engagement v i could not resist the impulse to say in answer yes metwin i have heard the story of your engagement and i ff on der that you can bnoy yourself to for give and wish to see the woman whose falseness has rained your life he looked at me with a faint eur prised smile yon cannot know what yoa are it had received a rude shock still straggled in htr heart to forgive and forget what had passed binding liimeolf by a solemn promise never to drink again that promise he broke iu an an guarded moment and enticed by so called friends then finding by his fatal weakness he had forever lost all hope of lillians becoming bis wife he had sunk from to worse till at length the incur able illness from which he was dying brought on by his dissipated habits had seized trim harold the poor fellow exclaim od as he finished if yoa ever merry aad have a son when he is old enough tell him my story it will be a warning to him tell him if he values his lifes happiness his peace upon earth and his hopes of a future salratiea to be ware of satans deadliest agent the wine cup- v a few days after my poor cousin died i ivss obliged to go abroad again upon argent business immediately after the funeral and it w as a year before i saw lillian again then i sought her and confessing how i had misjudged her i asked her if she could pardon aud once moeconsider me as a friend a faint flush tinged her sweet face as she replied that flash rave me cour age and i used my privilege of friend ship so well that when another year had- passed and i laid my heart at her dear feet it was not rejected thus i won nry precious wife poor ilerwins dyiwg words often recur to my mind and whenever i bee a youth faking he first careless steps upon the road to ruin i cannot refrain from saying to him in tones whose earnest warning rill make themselves hbr room foarandtwonty hairpins tcatiared ttary- funny bangs and friulca asd a switch ef hair i daily colored ribbons dainty hits of iscv lots of other little thlnjnvln her dressing- ease most a bavof enttoo wonder hat its for f close betids a corset iing ou tho boor quocrosilookiug garments eolors mostly wluto qat gina ou a rockingchair gracious 1 what a tlfht 1 garters sweetly clinging yet tdstripod hose showing lots of little holes made uy little tots here a shoe and there a shoe ob i h they ate small d4ow can even fairy feet got in them at all under fleecy blankets curled up in a heap ireams the pretty maiden sauling in her sleep slumber sweetly tngedrtas for evermore and oh for a clotiespin rust to stop tky snore but ahlstiie baying lillians falseness but 1 1 fait i must not waste my strength talking non ga to her at once there is no time lo loose tell her i am dying and wish to bid her farewell i found her at home and gave her merwins message as i spoke her eyes filled with sad den tears i will go with yon she- said simply tha room was dimly lighted but ilerwin recognized her as she entered she went to his bedside and gently took his hand so yoa have come lillian f i thought you would i wanted to ask yoa lb forgive me for all i hae made you suffer and i wished to tell you too that it was not with intention that i broke my promise to you never to touch again the inebriating cup i never blamed you dear that you could not leve a drunkard though perhaps if yoa had became mj wife it would have saved me as i sat in the shadow at the farther end of tbe room he truth began to dawn upon my mind v merwiu paused and then lillians h you value your lifes happiness your peace upon earth and your hopes of a fa tare salvation beware of satans deadliest agent the winecnp 1 a toalorhoirtod brrthor mistakes will happen in the txet of families a person with s basket on his arm stepped into one c oa shops and asked the nun what k the price of spring chick ens three shillings for a good one i do you knew my fine fellow that yoa made a mistake this morning when i was trading with you a mistake tea sir a very scuou s cristate why i dotft remember what it was a mistake sir lhat your employer would not tolerate for a moment well sir what is it t mistake ir that would be con siderable if it had happened to any other man but sir i bao aluay made it a rule to correct mistakes oven if they are in my favor for goodness sake wbata th matter v 1 e i have beet putlio considerable i youblo to rectify it labor that i am called upon to perform as a duty under the principle that honesty is tbe best policy and i hopethut qu wwl lake a lesson from tins event and not repeat it in the future what is the mistake t you knjjw i purchased this morn ing one dozen egga yes for which i paid voa one shil ling yes well sir when i arrived home c discovered that you had made- a mis take well wbat was it instead of a dozen egje you haj put up a dozen spring chickens oa- covering a baeket and showing a dozen btolen ecis in various btages of devel opment and as the price of spring chickens is 3s andegqs only one penny it mikes a differenceof lid each and not wishing to cheat your employer a couple of enterprising men doing t the clothing business at atlanta ate 1 not having any desire- to gq into tha poultry business i have brought them thterviewed by a customer in search of a coat the senioc of the firm handles the new comer and soon finds a first- class fit- in answer as to the price the reply is eighteen dollars well sir i like the coat very much but i dont like the price well mine frent ze price is colli ing so as you like the coat we let you take em at 15 the customer still complains at tbe price saying that fifteen dollars was loo much this was loo heavy fpr the dealer so taking the customer to the extreme end of the store and drawingj him into the dark comer he whispered in bis ear mine frent i let you have zat coat for twelve dollars and a half back and will gladly change them for eggs as 1 consider it ooly a mistake oa your part the man took the basket and empt ied the contonts in the street put in a dozen eggs and landed the customer a cigar the man winked out of tin right eye dont say anything aoout this customer winked out of hisjfeft oh thats all right exit hrwin paused and tnen uiua wel1 sr mid he customer grave sweet tones stirred the silence j y coat very much and i am satisfied with the price yet i would like to know why this mysterious per- ko iferwia if to win me yoa could not resist feraplation had i b come your wife it would still have been the same but you may recover and i know that if yoa pray lo god he wqi give yoa strength and yours will not be a wasted life after all ho be said it is too late i do not blind myself i know that i am as i stood looking- down upon his ing sor the bake of lha days when changed form which i remembered so iifa luld 1 u p 0r toar full ofiifoand vigor indignant thoughts j tisa me once twice it is my formance well mine frenl yoa bee dot lee- tie man there 1 he vas mine broder he got de heart disease aud so help me gracious if he vas to hear me tell you 1 take twelve dollars and a half for zat coat he drop dead wit his tract filled my mind she whom i had considered a queen among women she it was ho had wrought this ruin i met lillian frequently as the days went bk lnt did not seek to ipeak with her in my bitter anger at her cruel treachery towards my poor cousin i avoided her as miioh as possible but one day through accident at a friends while and house we were thrown together she frown i seemed to hesitate a moment as she read the cold aversion in my face then coming to my side she laid her little hatu gently upon my arm once iu tonch would have thrilled me to oy hearts ore j but pot now seasonable advice if p outfit sent free to those who wish ta l itengagq in the most pieaaaitt and prof- i1jj- irnnwtt everything jast request she stooped and kissed him then with an uncontrollable burs t of sobs she left the room when she had gone in a few pathelio words my cousin told me the sad story of a life blighted with the curse of in temperance he had begun by indulging once in the taste had rapidly grown upon biro soon after their engagement reports of his intemper ance had ome to lillian bat refusing to believe them she had gone to him it bed been an easy tiling uiroagh in his truth to farmers at uiis season of tbe year should overhaul their seed drills plows harrows and all other implements from the reaper and mower down to the hand rake to see that they are in ptoper working order before the busy season commences and if jtspaiis are reqoir ed tiie systematic time for having them done is before the implement is wanted for nss by making suoh system a rule on the farm eetatioua delays and annoyances are always ivoided ts8 cheaper war a man wjlh a black eye called uposs a lawyer yesterday and said 1 have been knocked down good case if you have any witness es was the bdiiling reply i ive got this black eye and an ell woman for witness correct t will take the videno jtnd soe yon through for how ranch f well the whole thing wont cost over 0 or eight and what will i got- 1 justice of couibc and what will the other mam getr i oh hesl be fined 5 say yon go to thunder suddenly remaiied the plaintiff you mtrrt think im a fool to pay 6 or 8 anaw- have the bother nf a law suit when three different men arejust aching tott lick the teller in rotation at ocriy 1 i head her entirt- eonfidenee t i deceive her and assure h lhat the eto hearforei ou pot now jecm u rf mf jfaith and trust in her b time came when one evening not maeter of liimbelf or saon ssptfi privately and radically everyyfttbaod every man in the land 1 address t k pmenrage in iuc uvv c0d6 1 jjillwole business known jsverytblnir wnew capltalnot required we will mr waile bnealdflofliy we one tjyeuuig wtfrds is away were good friends once haw i offend- oomaioun of what lie was doing he bad ma nwvoe wjswsf v i you in any way 1 entered her presence flushed with wine w lirhas i ttejvely what had passed jie bad not remember- walking on his eat soon the maiden eyes raised ijuestiomngly into my faoe ed but the following day lillian had and her love ntu rub noses oer tiie miss armstrong replied tho broken their engagement gate and for flies the lodgers skirmish it be rude i must speak what is u m then for a whde he did abstain and in the hash i don lusutev many new workers waniea m uim are making- fortunes at the bustnes ladles make as muehs men and young boys and alrls make great pay no one who is wllilac to work fails o make more mouey every day tde lo a week at any ordinary those who engage nloncc wilt j ddrpso the ottawa free preu is responsible for this pontic effusion iu prose soon the bluebird wiu be twittering upon the budaing tree soon tha email hoy will be fooling with the festive soon the cowslip and humble bee the daisy mid the clover will appear i soon the midnight isdr will be ubreua indicate lam a fool y i i m ankialjs eilor jlv umbrella flirtation to place your umbrella in a rack indicates that it is nbout to change owners an umbreiia carried over the woman tfce man getting nothing but tie drippings of the rain signifies courtship when the soan has the omhiellaabd the woman the drippinge it indicates in image to carry it at an angle rdor your arm signifies thai an eye is to be lost by the man b followayoa to pot a cotton umir41a by che eide of a nice silk one signifies exchange is no robbery to lendja mu fe carry am open ouibrelu just vhig enough to tear ont mens eyes a knock off mens hate signifies lac woman 1 post- office bocps j j j

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