Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1881, p. 2

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al r u h n tea it ttn ii r a msm 4 v 1 thb free press actov tnrrd ajinl is 1ssi sxpstt of oaulo at andeneo of lle slridea the cattle eaport trade is tuakng in canada it a slated thai freight room oa lite steamer sailing front tonlvtl itw itl uui duly nte been scouted for more than twioo lie total number of cattle shipped m isso aud tlitice that itl isrl bertioi not ttrtsuat the rcvisol kor reslarncat is to ho ready for delivery all over tlio civ ilitrcl world on the ittli mav hie prices ill range from so cents to 12 pec copy it it slid that over 10000 o5hm have bceaiordcred by cmaditn bockseuers alone tho text n not divided into verses milt a paragraph for eich as in the autborited wrsion hot in nf bat tlieroi are occahional paragraphs lierctho scuae seems to require it alii the numlitp of the vms v ne givtti on the aianjia there are a fex nurguul notts whera tho passages arc controverted ones v tux erjlasitjoa tjjo antiscolt act paper in this county as vrell as those in hamilton endeavor to comfort themselves and their supporters by stating that the success of the scott act u ralton was doe to the fact that tho opionentk of the act did very little to oppose it that crplanatiaa is too tiaoarctit it wont bear inspection especially chen erery resident cf tho county knows that tl e opponents of tho act nj all lire inffmrike tiey could master frfr months before polling day and hefj public meetings in every tan villne and haadtt m tho county to nuke the defeat of tha act certain btter publish that story outside if ilalton wa believe that if tho act was voted on again in a month it would pass with a much larger majority 9ri3 vi tie simmon ausooh otltbrtioa lul saeurdsyi gi fy lakes off the miration of tho antiseollitei l ifaimluin after the defeat of tho act in most amusing and truthful cartoon the following from tho watford ad twafe adeitcr will explain grui has e piclotial tompotanc lecture jim week it represents the liiiaiiltorvsuooem by a scries of minor cat toons making up it rlortous whole ft hat utilised the tims4tni sptcliilor headings in givinn point to its vopra otiuiliotia ou law for noli td poor la illustrated by a rich man at ono end of a bece barrel and l poor nun it tho other each ailcklag con tentnicitt through a sttaw a nuuibcr of black botitcj decanters whiskey keg tuml krs si d deunjohns standing on legs are appropriately underlined wo arc tins people abovo tho qatmilun holding of congwotiou net the policy of the people e cud a sjhuitts sale where the scant furniture of a diunkards home it being dposld of a rand display of lueoiks is suggestive of hotrors kculiarto imtginativa soakers old clooty is dancing a aoriipipo in clos roximily wlulo snakes atv crawling out of his shoes to sco what tle racket is about the clip that cheers for king dadd isqmto eic preasire while representative colored cttitens havo ell bloasomcd noses but the climar ie reached when the putiire of a policenan taking cq a hilarious anti r scott to tho coolir another leintng against a lamp post while atwttle of old uys isatalking triumphantly over his prostrate victiius is underscored with british libert survives in canaja thi ttmts and sldular will have the salsftclion while reviewing their editorial headings one mare in seeing t verification of the scnptaral adago ckst thy bread npou the waters and thou shalt find it after not many days cntrtulnmiul wai given in which tho kholara of the school took pilrt in the programme on tho whole etijoynblo timo wai spent i nfd ik vorjr for all purnojf i of a kumlljr medicine luorriia yuiow on is st the hendof tho hit it is itrod with unprecedented success both internally and qxtertially it cures toro thtoal butnk scalds troil bite raileroa and oftou ouroa asthma tho qntttil blosilnf a slmnlc rure uarmltm rfinnlr thai cures over lima and prcvrmi lltseaffl tij kepng tup blood ntm smmnali rfiula aidui auehvrr itetlv c 1 llie grtmlest blew tmr cvpretuiferrtd uwii man luint rt iiirli i i roprlelors tin beine btrsslliv ihouttmlt wb lun lu wived lln lliuori i roprlclors n beini 1 that rt mrdiaud it wli lun b vi iii joulrj ii i seo oilier utirl curwl b i eoluaiu the ovslluia mrenrltitit yar diges- llou louc hie slnmsch lor uulliins andna- uiiuilnft- over atom nf locvl i an talci tr k0 neulttrilknlhaudvlpir f riwa cleanses tho culln lom llroulali lie liver kccckjoiuetfuiaroikt able to eat en- pinnj nalt teller and kslatoartu come linlall extntnjisatrom llrnill fost- tivi151 vk rrj boillb andvlsqrlt ivou a in coll sartpte puld bj i i ucoarvlli actou tnu sjioout or sxn sioiits tho grey hiirsof spo being brought with sorrow to the gravn i novr wo arf glud to think becoming nrei erery year as tho uroof cmgnleso llnlr heslorer hecomes more jmeral d its uo ho scintjr locu of ago once mote lesomo their former color and the imr becomes tlciofc and luxurunt as owr wuh its aid vecan nowrtef theclungoofjcan testing assured tint no grey hnirauny ra will come to sadden ui ejuld by j e ueciirin 10 cents per botllo west wixcucstek f pes 27 1879 i imc lid jnur ivin killer on sale for the put ttveniy jeirsor more snd judf inn ffoi the ivrge demand for it by my cuimoicrs during thrt time andtbo many favorable repntis they give of us virtues lam conhdenl there is not a heller remedy in tu market any person rej unng a lolitn for removing pvin should at once- procure it nd dtuggiittishouldalways hareil for sale i can widi peitect nely rocoinmend us use tu the iqiicted wjl bow dsrccitr tf sea adrerluemont la auothes colnmn an ainendjient to the present act has passesd tho ontario legislature making it compulsory upon corporations to keep the roads and bndjes in re pair this was much needed the act is as follows erery public road street bridce and highway shalt be kept in repair by tna corporttion and in default of the corporation so to fcsep in repiir the corporation shall besides being subject to any punishment provided by law be liable for all dimajes sustained by any petton by reason of such default and sncii corpofstica shall also be liable for all damages sustained by any person oa account of hiving houses and laud flooded ihrona and by the construc- tion of any public road street bridge enhert or bighwav but any claim far- each damages mustjie lodged with the clert or hea of the corporation wiih in three months after the damages lave been tuslsincd and if not mutually agreed upon shall be fcettled by arbitra tion urde the provisions of ile hnnicipal act notwithstanding any thing in the raid act to the contrary t2s scot air ti ofitul s4tuf for ectoa tlie following taksct from the official return shows tho number of votes polled fop and einst the soolt act and the msjonties for or against in each municipality of the county of halton res iciixsr efepwiti js scj kunarawcya ittt l2l kelson k3 1w traxalgar s31 821 mjltj 70 92 oatwllei 100 i3 georgetown 27 m xctoa 75 j 73 burlinctcu iw ii specialties mantle silks mantle cashmeres fringes gimps satin parasols fine dress materials tttflese goods we rave just opened out and assure ouk patrons that they are exceptionally good valub the bare fact that our sales thus far in 1881 are larger that they have ever been in the history of our busi- total us3 lt2 as has been announced the reeve i has called i meeting of the rateparcre of this tnpnicipality for slonday even fng next to consider the propriety of erecting a town hall and lock up in our village we think that ever rnfepiyer la acton is alive to the actual necessity for both town halt and lockup sod taking this into considers tlcn we trust that every man will work for the interest of our enterpris ing and contmuslly improving muge and heartily cooperate with- the village council in this matter we hope that if there are any who are prejudiced and we are certain there must he hut few against tha erection of a town hall thst they will cant aside theii prejudices and usa their influence or the welfare of the village the reeve will no doubt submit plans specifics lions etc to the neeling sod as the council are aaiious before proceeding fsrthervith tha matter to learn the opinions of the ratepayers on the qatition let all present be prejared to giro their views we trust the rate payers will ishow by their presence at the public meeting the inlerest limy take in tho welfare of our village that a- fall representation will be present and that every man will say what he thinks about the erection of a town hall and lockup on a centra sit- in tbe municipality i seeds ttuorrms roc icassagawcya co kelson 107 trslilfiir 10 gecgctown 1 actoa v 2 borucgtca zi total 234 mjacmes usiixsr- esqueseg 107 hilton 21 oawulc u total 133 leaving a majority of 81 for the act wektworth defeated ur a large jtajokirr the voting on the scott ict in the county of wcntworth took phtce last friisy and resulted in the defeat of the measure by tt large majority not withstanding the defeat the temperance people do not intend to give np the struggle but will continue to agitate ths question- and educate the people in prohibition principles aud submit ihe act again at the end of three years when i different result will be seen the fulloing is the nqmber of votes polled and the total majority kcit and camfarf la he fidfferfnev erowns household panacea has no equvl for relieving pain both in ternal and etterntl it cures fun in the fcato luck or bowels sore throat khcumilitm toolltiche lumbago and any kln ot a isin or ache it wilt most surely quicken till blood and llesl as lis acting power is wonderful browns household panacea lieing acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir or liuimenl in tho world should be in erery family handy for use ahen wanted as it realtr ii the best remedy in the world tor cramijs in the htomsch and pajns and aches of all fcmd and ic for sale by all druggist al 25 cents a bottle i ness shows conclusively that the public appreciate our efforts to place before them goods which for quality and price are second to none in the dominion auction sila lujiatcr sitccdxr m 7th auction tale of jti- iblc vilufic property tad hiatcliold fur- dilarr ui pfrojxrty of j itcnty fcanlh esq actoa sxlc to cntrrance tt oac oclock wm hetrttnct aczuoattr sirukdit 30iii apnt ntjlwa ue of hnsicham famttcre tk property of h if ecittreuc binlcr tt apicwt hncl llccl silc it tvo o clocl i wm if cm- itfcct acctioticcr ttcsijl tni mty aact oa tile o rcil mtitc boots and ihacs tttl 1 ocichold far- ni tore the pmpcrty f tbitnii crwne actoa stln it two ociocl win htm crcet acctjouccr a biff purchase in colored dress silks at 76 cts a yard all the new spring shades represented in this lot jobdsr hogg son direct importers gnelph wotice to ulbt0r alt ptriietlndehcrflo the trtate of the lxu ftovrt mrry batcher c reqaetd la cill on the mdrsfjnd nt atncti otl actnn ant wttlr tl dr accuils not ulr tlua tlinrwjaysth ty ioiik skj tlt acton april 3 tl executor c xbakge iv ncslnehs i wm coon barber woala unnoaac lotlie poptelof acton and farroanjiaccrxintrr tiiat he bat putcfaa6d fixm mr p ftordn hli bafber buinc and intends loenrry it on in all branchef tiesatneitand tlie nev ptjfrtftorlnicqda dvtnc his wholp fcrotial aifenuon to tiie baalnccr and tratteihatall who hart patron- irc4 the shop in the past wlt continacco five ittiieirfavark wmcook gmtkey cheaper than ever ros lsusst 203 267 bevcrlej- 13s 29j 107 dandaa 97 339 eartfiamboro 19g 2u wert 206 280 71 157 6amfi6tmajonty total majority 619 2077 from our owa vmupmdnt the ennmcrator for nassagiweya have almost completed their work nassagareyt gare a creditable ma jority for the fjcott act on tuesday mr win morion bad two valuable sheep and a lamb killed by dogs on thursday trght a very successful public school er arainalion was held in 8 s no 4 on ftidsy last there wa a good turn oat of teachers and cithers from tbe neighborhood all of whom expressed their utiafnction with the state of the school on the same evening an garden field dtewt butcher ihop w o robinson woald intimate ij ttic rtope nf aclon that ho has pure liawd the batch r basfnt us ltte- iy carrltkioa by robert wy and triathe has a way an hand qntchus kocfcof bccf perk hsftoa poultry aad gaar la tieamn er and hopfeby nrtct alienihm to ttutneir to eecure a fair nar of the patronnire of ln pntiilc met dellrertdatany time to any part of tiie lava o torf ca a 0u solicited 0 ed eos phokptlt attended to s c robinson public school c teachers examinations the july erami nation of candidatcb for the year 1681 will be held aa follows for fittt olbs gkxhe c kov pbo- rksiofjliv at the normal school toron to on monday jcly isth at 2 p p fsr intennediato sxiaination at the town hau milton and tha- oajnnllo high school on monday july 11th at 2 p m tho profcseional examination for first class certificates will begin after the con clusion of the non professional examuta- tion tho examination for first class certificates grades a and b will begin after tho conclusion of tho professional examination forms of tho notice o bo given by each candidate can be obtained on application to anyootinty inspector it w indispensable that candidates should notify the undersigned not later titan the ut of junt at their intention to present them selves for examination b zittee p s l co ttlltok aclon 23th april 1861 ahd flower well assorted stock la each department grades in sugar i from 8 to 12 lbs for one dollar 15 lbs good fresh prunes for 100 hemembsr those famous teas w p brown sjeeds at j e c look out for new adv next week mcgrvins wmmmm h i i fresh i ohpice olieap new goods rriving daily at i i ahristie henderson cds a t- a0 immense sfring- arrivals mammoth hquse georgetown the new and pashionable goods are pouring in 359 oases and tales have arrived al- ready and consists of black and colored sihca black and color d casjimeres fancy dress goods b aokandcoorod lustres beautifu and new j gold prints crape muslins cijape sateens satin dalace prints and zanzibar checks hosiery small wares fancy goods and a superb stock of millinery and mantles onr hillinerr show room u now opn a large assortment orkekons and fane clofakings parasols and kanshadei an immense stock jjldomeslio goods grey nnd white cot tons and denims a snporb asuy tment of canadian and im ported cloths and vents furnishings for oar ordered 1lothv lmr department onr ordered clothln department is an immense success carpu llclhi bmu aksn ac mr cordluj hitllr imtrtaxomtt tmeffht lartral rkrapnt aad bt auorlrd mnrki 1 ti irrrtj nt m- crr we iiinikc laflsnirtlon we arc clax t lif j casbu aa4 second raire meleod anderson co j r mammoth house georgetown j tm isccejroh 3stt tailoe main street aoton ont wulim lo announce to tbe people or acton and vicinity tbal be has removed hi tailoring ttitabliabment tothsbraaitses ulely occupied uj mr mcnair at the rama time i would than i those whohnreso litrally pat- roauad me aioce commencing bu9ineu in aclonj amlao- licit a coulinusqco of iheir farora my stock of spring goods 13 how 00kplexs ako 001cri3s tes 1jt3st 8ttlb3 ijt4 irish english scotch and canadian tweeds woestbds c- which were purchased for cash and will consequently be m ide up at as reaaoo- ooable prioes lorlessb as any hue inlhe trade examine my styxdt 1 before purchasing elsewhere a perfect fit guaranteed largo stock of spring hat 3 in latest styles r bjnbldow c tho bat attortmsnt of 8taui0n oots in tho oowrtful ejctra heavt paper useo 1 at the kree press- office- flw price 3 per 100 8350 for 50 4 xerim cadc i nb orders by oaq promptly attended tiv r drug stor acton sleielxis

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