Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 28, 1881, p. 3

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2 i v tiamtklmt tt1k tulu trainsloavc actatrva tollovt- goisq wfcst viral ftprest l03sro tirontvtaail jioiuil pay espwas ktstuu kvpwf jus pm jallmivcsl gxtopm ooiokjlr jfitht evprctt lm qajtmivcd 9tam luyjtiipteti u30am vttta raiil 0jm badon mitcd 230 pm l l n uco ttnuls tor berlin o oolt mottoes cam lkwit try 1 ni for school boolta ekvci- opes rilinc paper try jlymt for iim cotnl llrmiiic comlja kxit llrnhs purses spcsclw trytftauvtuucormtrstylcsin class man onsets knives spans vacffisrks a uoc iioct a ctrfap sioctl give m t ealljonirrt a taken for tic kcvised editioa of the xcw tcslaineul the free pr i tucpspaa alorjctscv april js issi il 1 f y loeal aad other jottla stra tali arc in demand i llxedafctis luve appeared eaklt ycjjiutus iru to ttio toco tuc rjtrdincra are- wishing or rain ciunioc roar gardening opera- tier srmxc wotfc has coaimcnewl in carccst saturday was gtielnvs fiftysecond hitidir v kaxtoxspriug show- in hiltoa to-nsorri- j rcfiusatng shower oti monday tfshtlssj tafcecsai enntnerttor has com peted lis xort to this nllxce jre h cameron is rmflding ft fine picket fesce srrcd hie prrtaises ice will te ecmrin the- cities this szmrper at one half tlft rates o lat tear suaxl ban fires in every corner of the village indicate the dtatjictioa of rub- r ateil showeis have hed very fer wonder haw uw alsy flowers ie xt there h r full rttcndancijof rttepirers it ttc toa itii inettin- cc v a nx ii sea cf otfr citirn are ini- v terror a dat of piiat ttee scjtt act supporters- ate taltic of tirti t iiilr pfiptr in himil- fcan ia lie tnttrestof tejipriiiee i je iieercreiinglr bitsr in our jab printing dejiirtaicrt hir wmt neer xih to gire eitkfactiaa in every jixrticafcr tlle hotl tecjiers are evidently cetenninti tp cite the best of tbe tin allowed before the scott act cjazes in jrikilsg froai tbe hsi cf aitdle notices is ctr cticacs muring the pit erti cr two the pop slit on cf attork geoegetoks is to be blessed 1 ritii anstir newrpsper garfpk htrcid qzr gadph eate31s little eitnjifce tmwt- it taothtr ppr nall tteoct fisamg cdaimenc stpn- 5iy next the broofcs and qdt in thh ricaity will na dobt receive namcroas viiitors dcrin the 6rt wett or tva the c7iamphn- eivs judging- r bj tte ncmber of jocngcen who tire gone vest of lite md who are g3ing soon there will betety lev left l milton in few weet qavgnitclltioys ra torr jtia2traf fceldlarttcesdiy ctenia after the elite of thd polls became fcaotm in the methodist church here to do the epeitere jcitice tfcej were very moderate in tter iicsaae toward the eppodtiotx cflzzztiok wcfare infynred- tliat tfte bdtel teepere of the county have decide nefc to tafce ori any license this year acd intend to sell for the sir month alloired after the palace of he scott act then to cloecp tneyhoes aid take thisfis eas tie rest of their lire- t tcesdirs qil eay a aan niced kathm gatrel waa trrcstei at flafc- vihe for cotnmituna a rape olan old lady cear nringlieli sheiesina very nrecari- oqs coqdjtion witli very little hope of re covery gatie vzs takea to springfield vhere he till lave aaerimlnatioa before the magistrate t j vaygiitlpb culls tfieatieo- tion of oar lajy readerf to hit stock oi new- paper hangings xodosbt his ttjk bein very larce he can cfte them a good aasort- mect to choose front acd hvyinz in jthe fresh marlcet hk prices mnat belot when ingceipheallandbee the stock at days eoolrtcfre vhlta bitter disappalntment ttnxt tare fceen to those of the ifltisjot act party n uilton ho dressed cp in their oet clothes ia the evemng expecting to occupy gome prtvad potitioa on theplatfoxio ta the tern hall iud participate ia iht ccl tratioa of a victory alar or the blighted hopes of a once proud party kact oce 2rttt hnsjus produced sa allegorical painting etzrtlicz in itx prciit to fltnrt 4 timehosored trett hhicji it wr oat so forcfuly and fcaqoinr fcrjlb immortaiitri caanot be too finniyiroret npoa tie miadx of the yoanghjltjls old srueirrc dry and dubty llom cleaning kascointngncj wxktkd a good kllqvgcoc wurtu rain viliagh oouucit tuceu tuesddy cicain tuu frogs fttegpuiugllieiilhroatk id dtdcr lusikcss has uca unusually biisk hew of late kavuutiox has not cotuunicccd vt ott kictliti lake tttc weather lins betia exceedingly lino during the past week tows uall uitui tuber tho public mcetia uu moiqy eveatnj uctt the uupjtntmit ttrctun of burniog rclbajiiuour iu order turouguoufc th land tn funeral of the uta malcolru kcudcdy which took place on friday waa larccly aucuded mdost forget wheru- you put lue inow alio vet a suow alorta ia predicted fur the tint of may stxec the tu ills and factories huve cooitucactd opera tioaithecv hit bceu very few hie oca or hdt ia tora tbo siya that tho anti scott ttcs of milton have atorckliht pryceaaiou cow which they would cll cheap wiut itbaut the empty- boastings of those newipipera which a confidently lrvdicted the defeat of tiia scott act in hilton yetltf j tjue young men vlio became bene- dicta last winter may naw be seea leaving the hardware ctocca with a spade rake and hue culer the arm wild flowers have appeared and the yoaag folks ipend their leiiure hdart ttroilin throob tlit- wooda gathering boqwtsof the franiat blossatni the george jawn lltrahl- fiiy it mraut to y coantrj intteidof coaoty ia its editorial about newspaper mca two or three weeks aco the cditfrr will htve to leirn to sry what he cieacj or he will et tato trouble tk opebatios the eavr mills and stave and ueidiog factories iu this vilhtce wliich hive been closed dcrinqthe winter mofithsf hive rvauiaed operation messrs brown si kill started their saw mill aboot a week aco mr j coites his factory aboatthc loth messrs s moore it co commenced oh moauy listanit messrp eigt c soa hire ba nmninr teir saw mill for a week or more all are now basily ejzged in raanufictaringjheir riiabcr into staves hciding shingles latnber etc of k11 kinds qrecks bietudat a cooiniittee has been formed to cauvaas the village for the parpse of raising funds to meet ei- pcaes ia coauectina with the 2lh of miy cejebration te hare no doabt the com- mittee will be sacceuful and that x re speetible amoant will be rcised to be offered as prizes in inies andspcirtc aearuamui- cation has heea received fratn the secretary of the milton lackkseclab statiac that if the eclcbrition- eoinrnittea will provide a suitable croanl they will crrace for a tnitch to be played between the hilton club and gaelph thu wmld ao doabt lie an attraction and the committee will mikear- nngernents to hive the milch played here on that day- onderstaad that the brass band intend holding a grand concert on the ereaine of the 2tth and altogether the day will lie pretty well occupi4 and actoa will and oabtedly sasfaia her repeti tion for qaeeafs birthday celebrations fenaiiaffc mr h m jwatsoa manager bank of hamilton georgetown was in town oa sat urday we had a call from mr d macdocald of the art publishing company toronto on tuesday mr james warren aad miss lirce war- em are visitinc their friends in kincardine rev aler warren who spent the winter at dr walters sanitariam wernertville pa retained humelast weel mrs george walter wno has been in shelbame for several months retorncdhome oa saturday mrs george hynds sr of toronto who has been vtsitinp cer acton friends daring the past eix weeks returned koaie on tues day messrs donald kennedy of st marys and thomas kennedy cf parry harbor ar rived home on thursday last to attend the fuseol of their father the iat malcolm kennedy tieieahods adrertifce r r- the man who doe not advertise seeds seeds ttciit tfcefseepbes3 toou lixi ta hc all the back yards cleaned op the yonnj poiple ntse slin the manncho eiys times are hard jost coir parents kfejsiigir yonng children oif the rfreew at night i a secondsnoo queens birthday celebration in acton a citiren who does not see tie necessity for a town hall in acton sportsmen discontinne the cruel habit of thaotinj haraleis little birds the brass band mate use of the band stand some otttoe fine evemngi c ia gofll foandry afldagriccltaral imple ment ouacey estabbiiied in acton ercry ratepayer i town attend the ttwu hall meetine on monday erenfng prcjodice thromiiiiide and every ratepayer rote hriarot of ane wwn hill rkrery ratepayer fnfoiiilbawiha j is- ia faror d the erection o anew town htll i- v the mercliadu andbcaineas men on mill and atain ttreeta club torether aadgef a sltteljraterinfceart a keiy tcuijerate terapewnce so ciety has been organised in toronto with e j d j macdonncil a president garden field wqat no tbo rroitl epoudulix ii not a iliujt tctm for money a looadulit i i rold coin or suutitula far coin mod in africa aud is equivalent in value eight ilatca bovcxittlxa u ll the cry n towu now well llicro two partica can play at that name jvfaoii ievt thais ccruin tlitra h n been to uulios playini at ibat game here for aliltlo more than a week matiiwoxiax two couiilea of our tititeut got iutu the oialrimoaial harness last week a father and his ion on idon- day the father was rairriud aud uu wednes day his eldest sou folljwcd his fathers good etauiplc gaiujcxisa coituexced the iu- dnitriout cititcti aru prepiriug th garden toil tor summer cultivation some have al- leady laid xiat aud planted beds of early vefcublit this is grand weather for tho pnrtioacit we only had a little rain anoitlox tha continually incrcax ing busiuess of messrs w u storey t son ncccisitaks the eitcasion of the prcseut premises aud carpenters aro now engaged ia building an additiou to the shop the new part wilt ho thirty feet long and two story tn heieht bwikess cltaxoes mr 0 w llabinjou formerly of streeuville has purduscd the butcher business of tho late it storey aud intends to carry it on in all the branches atr win coon has bought out the stock aud busincas of if r j iworden barber and hopes to do a good business leg fiucruited one day last week a air win tsmoud was loading tele graph poles at the g t ii depot ho met with aa accident which riaultcd in breaking the outer bone of the right leg dr lowry reduced the fracture and mr israoud it doing as well as could be expected board op ebccatios owing to tlie puhlic meeting concerning the tawu hill an monday eveniue nest the members of the public school hoard arc requested to meet at tlje school house at seven oclock sharp so thit the ratepayers belonging to the board rasy attend tha public meeting divided into wards we under stand that the sheriff of the county has givm notice to the oliieials of this munici pality to the euict tbat acton must be divided into wards for election purpose we presume mill street will be the dividing hue and tho wards will te known as xorth aud south wards oue little ones tho jay number of this ercclleut juveuile publica tion u to hand and as usual is well tilled with interesting instructive and amusing articlesaud frustrations for the little folks this inagszine should be iu every family in america address uutsell publishing co ll tiesuont st hasten mass foe maxitoba list friday the following persons left here for afalitoba john waldie agrcs waldie mrs hugh mcdonald and john watson to emerson and adamwialow for st boniface messrs waldie watson and wiulow went out prospecting mrs mcdonald had lieeu visiting her friends here and returned home with the party high school exteaxoe exauixa- tion tiie next examination for tho admis sion of pupils to the oauville high school will be held iv on thursday and friday the tin and sth days of july at the hour of nine in the morning of each day candi dates should notify the head master x j wellwood ej pjkville ro not later than the 31st may of their intention to present themselves for examination loof akviveksaev the odd fellows of this village celebrated the 62nd anniversary of the order in america in a very befitting manner on sunday evening last by attending service iu the methodist church iter t l wilkinson preached a most able aud excellent discourse from jade i 0 bciuiog cp yourselves on jonrmost holy faith- the serrice was largely attended pkesextatios mr w h grant of this village who has been engaged as teacher of second department in milton public school for several years was made the recipient last week bv his pupils of a handsome photograph album also an auto graph album and a splendid pocket book mr granc has severed his connections with the school and intends to eo out to british colombia in a week or two on a govern ment surveying expedition bovs beware a resident of onr village complains to us that he has been greatly annoyed of late by a number of youths who come aropnd his premises and make very careless use of firearms in shoot ing harmless birds perhaps the hoys are- not aware of the fact that a village bylaw prohibits ondera heavy penalty the firing of ijuns pistols tirecrackers or other fire arm in the corporation the aggrieved party threatens to lay information before the reeve the nert time he is disturbed we would advise all parties to desist from using firearms in the municipality ecosostr the monetary tymw sonre time since in an article on business failures state tbat the lack of advertising waione of the chief causes in business fail ures- there are business men who dont understand the value of advertising they do not see the direct connection between advertising and the entrance of a customer or the demand for any particular article they also with a selfimportance which it amusing fancy their business is known to the whole community chauging as that community is tc an extent they have tfo conception of tbe principle upon which business men should act is adrrtiso and advertise the truth ihl ckadu 8iitma in niaurawayo on thos2udinit tho ifci of mr kobt simm of a ion mcluaxa in acton on tho 86th nt tho wife ot mr lloht mellvana o ason calky u ejquosing on tho 2h imi tho wife ot mr miohaol caluy of a sou oauerox in ksnuesiny otf the 23rd init tho wifa of mr donald cameron of a son lit kim in acton on the isth inu the wife of mr ucorga lljuds jowuller of a daujdlc wiliis iuliitowcl on the 20lh init the wife ot mr james wilds formerly of actou oti son l ituk altai glnirrr ucditiiun iu korfolk street methodist church tfueljili by rev win willisyus ou tho isth lust mr eman uel gutctt to mrs mcarthur widow of ths jato john mcarthur both of acton tue lihave sairir in acton on tho 27tb inst tho beloved wife of mr j henry smith aged 50 years the funeral will leave tho residence ot friday nioming and proceed to gait by the 817 a m train titoimiir to loam about 1000 to loan at 8 per cent on firstclass real estate security apply at this offico to h p moobe acton april isth 1881 startlinc discovery lost manhood re8tore0 a tlotun ot youthful impradenoe eaoalng prttos- fun lieeir xtrvoul tvbujty lett kinnaod etr bsttnff triid fn tiln mcry knon rem-dj- lis dii- covmd l simple wlf euro wett he iu knd rreb to us miowsuncrtm sddrsss j 11 keevest 3 uuthaiu k zopes a from bfaril al traau oljbt new commercial enterprise jusl asennilng iniportancwlnbrasil t the inlrodoctlon otzopeabjnliy ce16urntei where it is fcno wn for thecure of all forms ohadigcallou theeonipany have orvned laboratory in toronto zotbs a coraes to os liijhtr e ndors edandreeommjnied its wonderful affinity to tlie digestive organs us coruilnly to re lieve and core dyspepku and costlpotlbn aoskestliu remarking compound a neces sity in caiada thecomrany makesample bottles n tlie triiuns cost or jo coats to be had of j e mcoarvln acton j and flower at uakkltf white wheat 1 os to i 10 trcadwell oil 1 os to 1 10 spring wheat glasgow m 1 os to 1 10 ited chaff 0 m to i os peas 0 co to 0 73 otas 0 3s to 0 io uarley o go to 0 8 ilyc 0 fj5to 0 70 eggtperdor 0 10 to 0 11 butter dairy picked 0 is to- 0 20 butter rolls 0 lo to 0 18 potatoes new per bsg 0 75 to 0 so dressed hogs 6 75 to 7 125 ulllril uaitliltf flonr ii 75 to 3 00 white wheat i os to 1 10 ireadwell i os to 1 10 spring wheat glasgow 1 os to 1 10 bed chaff i 05 to i os oats 0 3s to 0 c peas 0 co to 0 73 raricy 0 65 to 0 s5 live 0 65 to 0 70 eggs perdoc 0 10 to u 11 butter dsity packed 0 18 to 0 20 butter rolls v 0 15 to 0 18 potatoes new per bash 0 75 tolo so dressed hoss fi 75 to 7 23 notices worth attention hats from 75 conlto25c at j fyles try t h hadiogs 6 5c tar worth 75 cents first class retinned ip6sd ilnfc pans ut j c hills pork lard and fish cheap at t ei hardings- ladies mantles newest styles st christie henderson co givst h harding a call for general groceries aad piovision a gjod eecond hand cook stoys cheap for casbat j o hills a good felt hat far 75 cents at j fyfes 12 ionndit of good bright ingir for 100 it t h hardings cheap cash store 1 ir yon want a nolihy durable and cneap suit j fyfos is the place to go cistern and force pumps cheap at j c hills stove depot a nicfl lot of bird cages just ar rived ttt j c hills tin shop cheap niuliest market price paid fcr fresh butter and eggs at t h hatd- itigs scotch english and cunadisn suitings in great variety at the ast end clothing store j frfe acton go to t h hardings che ftp cash store for flower pots creum crocfcs milk fins etc suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be snre to call and see them j fyfe actcn ifcqnillan t hamilton of the wellington marble works gcslph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing them with their orders if you need anything in their line be sure and remember them they do a very large besiness con sequently they are able to give better terms and keep better workmi thafi aanauor works send to them fortarticulara flse castorine machine oil for all kinds or machinery it is also excellent or harness or leiter mating it water and weather proof yellow oil is pait kicellkch the rem edy or pain lameueis bheumatism cronp deafness burns frost bites sthtjinu and all flesh wounds any medicine dealer can furnish it ifiyou suffer from any chrome disease arising from impure blood sluggish liver discorded kidneys or inactivity d the bowel- if your nervous ststem is debilitated irom whatever cause arising do not despair but procure a trial bo tie ol burdock blood bitters it will only ft oceuutlartehoules 100 for sale by all meoiciue dealers ifanufucturers of heapera fowers and threshing machinery prefer cas- torlne llachine oil to any oilier itwill oetwear lard seal and elephant and if warranted not lo gnra i heanacae vvhy become a- fitiflsrlnff martyr to head ache when uurdicfc rmonr1 bitters will surly are the en use cratl rarities of ellherslik or xervous heajaelie clcaife the kysiem regulate tho eecrellortfniievecmtiratln ofilio dowels pnrtfv the blood- re ntivate the lterandtoneup the servolyt sirf ra uud dlslrrsslne headicie will be unkown sample booths locantp laree bottles slw doctors gave elm uf is it pnsslulethat mrtjoifray is up and al worfcajid cured bv so simple a remefyt i assure yon it ifi tree that le is entire r cured and with notlilnf but hop r4ttersanu oclv ten days neo hisdoctorgavc him up and said he must dt 1 1 tviladayl if thai is so i will co this mlnnte and get some for poor george 1 icnowhoisfcrciood or dp not let prejudice stand in the way of relief if yon sufler from any lingerjog disease burdock blood bitters care others why should it not benefit youl it is a specific for all orms o blood liver and kidney complaints nervous headaches cieneral debility jrofula nnd all diseases ol ihesecretotjsyitemj trial boitles 10 cents a mistakb it is a great and often fatal mistake- to lake repeated drastics poriauve for fonslipntion of the bowels they induce piles and caose debility of the bowels burdock blood bitters is a safe and per fect regulatorof the bawels arousing ihe torpid liver and all the secretions to n healthy action acting on the kidneys and renovating and toning the aystem in the roost perfect manner seeds at j e henry e crinlinton -ritactrcir- houte panfr oralner paper hanjer and decorator is prepared la take coalmen for palatini paper ifaaktofanj knisoraidtntf orders prumptly aucnded la in town or country tcrrai heasoaable ifarln an experience of thirty fcart i can guarantee nautfuclton lo all h e griklintok mill st acton- kincr of the dry goods tyeslbable vulncc property forale tim undcrtlgtifldoitcrt for mia tuivltftla- all propfrlyelluatcdnn jiuutrtret next lo cdrlcup henderson co in tucentrrrtfi- inffvulreool acton ontlierremtksliititri atfldaiwidihon loisjvittidlttiioaia centre aliioaconiforubie dwelltag- hucj coaula- inckixroomt with luru and mlt wtr the above pro perl y is tn the centre of tdabjslneu pat of ike vlllace and ik an erccjent stand fur any small bbns tocethfr with the mliove the nock or boot ind hikm and the ceelipld funilturewltl also be sold if not tald by prlrato aja previous tn the lit may tbo whole of the aboue will 6c dfipoed of bf auction tiios cralkfi acton april ilth 151- e radford e s bollert 3 b williamson whitewashing and coloring wm nelson crcv60ks cocxebs is prepared to do ajlidnda of white w as uisg coloring oa the shortest notice and at reason- able rates 43leave your orueas at the mrr ecess office actons psctatfiiflfi cleaned ren ovated wat nelsok jtotice to creditors partianttath rrovlswnsof rsochap i07seclsthecredltori of eanioni ad am si latcofthe viuhjcof actodtlnthecoanij ol iulton who died on or aboat tfce tenth of ilarch issi are on or before the 2nd day of uty issi to scud by post prepaid lo wiutara it htore y uoce llanatiictarer or d w campbell carpenter boh at tbe said village jf actoothoeiecutorof tbe raid deceased their christian and rarnatnes address and description ifao fait particulars of thcli rlalras afitxtemnto their accounts and the nature of trie securities if uny held by them or in delaalt thereof the fjild erecators will after the tald laitmaattontddate piocecd to dlrtilbute the anfats of the euld deceased amonpt the parties entitifd tl ereto having reffxrd onl j- to the elaltnt of which the udd crecatorssball have notice dated at acton this lanrtecnth day of april lffil vr 11 st01iev dcampbeli cw eiecctoes new wall paper at dats b00est0re guelph yvte are ko w s ho vokg our ke bapera of tho- very latest designs and colors the adtanca made in wall paper decorations daring the last year has been very extensive handsome new designs at 15 17 22 ani 30c a roil- we have bor ders to match oar papers the ladies of acton are invited to exam ine oar stock of papers with match borders it will pay them to come to diys book store for wall paper for we hava the goods to suit and our prices are always low day sells cheap revised i new testament authorized edition ready in may jiemcgraejrar druggist actojf has made arrangements to supply the kevisrd btew testament as soon as pub lished there will be a variety of sues and iindings and the prices will range from 30 cents upwards orders are nor being taken and cata logues may- be seen at my drng store owing lo the epecti large demand orders should be gird in by the fifth of april agents wanted e mcafcvia mcg ar v ins 4 1881 string 1881 wcbeefo announce the opening and display in onr millinery show room u -ox- v 1 f tosday fsidy aad latedy april 2 1st 22nd and 23rd op qzk nipoetattok5 or paris london and new york pattern millinery plumes eljowers ornaments trimmings silks cloth and silk mantles etc etc we invite every rady to visit out show rooms on the above days we have made alterations which give us the urgest and best lighled show kms in the city we ask ladies lo drfer their millinery purchases until thin the prandeat display that will be attempted this season we liave the joods to do it with 1 i tlie lion has the lead and- ho wul keep it v a welcohe to alt j d mlliamson 00 guelph beautiful spring suits from 1000 up at the east end clothing store a hoe variety of gents spring underclothing and all the newest things ia ooxitl a tls ties etoj etc ja fyfe acton ii come to hills photo art studio mill st acton p j and if you dont know your own photograph now you will hereafter citizens visitors all corhe and you will be well come cms w ei brilliant success 1 i tvp years awards nhwtirst prizes silver medal nnd biploma on upholstered goods and ctbinh vfi- we were awarded tho only silver medal ever of cred tor special eelleiiee in tjpholsteiy in this 4epartmoht we take the leadand ehallange competition ordered prk wifl receive prompt attention inspection cordially invite worsfold ido sign e ihe vliair huutousmodt upper wiiulham st svelpi oni drug store acton seeds

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