rfg sji it m m teefhee press iflrvff fc cqzaff oniay fi joke h r liiei nhilm hmty i vmjv w ikuii i 1l j lie 1 iii i 1 wn eves ca brimful if muuucf t it tmu m u cl tl iu uib luad r o lr rij i w dear j and cmrnnn uks mi oi 2er flvttm u4 3cu an 1 mill nu nil iittk tuicf tor iiridfr hu dtarjuus men h dtlui 1 ausaett 1 lum aadl i kit iw thxt wlicnner ou pray oar ikxr i vim tattkt tu hcq is listcum to lttf whit fi k3 ul what if tu tlcir krtlchull aiuvrcr the irxir oa live uttered to uilit an t hxnv 1 1 ncri x i puxi n turtliu mw whkj ami whitt t ttumm iy dxrhos rtt i w ihtlj u ic ljd rolie lua irt tiji t rdt ch uc 1 11 t jai i rl ijulcl lilmt lutxi it i wji 1 l twx i tik a j it a ecrso amustoncl to giviae a luh uifciuu p lud itirci fc tend pnjri t tu a minuter ub mp lie lit 1 i m hijji tt ttai lut is ll wis uu tiling totutruil it lo u lit if iiib fcrxnt lie xuiste l s i n una tu ta tin li re uhuli it lniwtf ci luuitojud tj rije aiui uir a latfmare to ttit par n hcu tlie sjdg ilku ixlarutd he nd 1 e hall not aisuu ride ar ijikl uulcssiu t mo 1 ur c alu w i in jum i lu a eltb vote h ijec sld tlic jojil uixu uluu ccr i ii t x p3r irin on the ruxd tht h rse uoald immediately stop when he uw him ta ujt i j his lixt tr tsl sins uid trojld aot u efrva ttc taj mtil 1 cue tin iffcvr t a cthiu nd xftcr i hid nu p m- ui i could al fceptntlf l hfif i lut oj hmj juto the uijare hx i n f was filing ithtruist 1 tould p ta tlt 1 1 ti roo ela li oul ill he rich uho u ill c t n td ij cl ar t tithtf b the wtrd f o j ir the kctt turnudtim ihttn c 1 mic to n k 4mte fud oj hi- h i j to e ji tu re0 ihriuib tht pr- uuj al mil etraua oa tie st bwud pigj fat a ta p t lutnuiu is outs qc tuo ciiatie jrititeti qu e uutel bill ef fte m 3u york eacimous importatioasiaglddi7 t tho ri eouse kewru4iopalizl eirhturcawtcfrriuiutliuand intuit fif- ti t teac4inar amcrititiistfimr kau ml boiidgu xto cao of harmali kiid uai lig ccct rofigtlj caatwi vetu i brellit rungug from25oto8 sa firafitseiar kroncb dw o k l kaubalc qitcu uto lo e u long btfoic i uu ie bottvltrncu drew ood at 17c ror 3 wntldn twic of nuiud to of any otter t runtatucofbltta bucfcauljotbucfcaluigrmo took of liuck limr uuiittl food mid ur jjatttuai fn m j5o t 1 j5 iuq ctulicufec ar hruclt btff r tluo lljls mon than u a cateofcolflrecicihpar vvq aat try rumdar kid utoa from jri noble jouilhon s beautiful 2bullatipt iaipbln kidiiova forl niretmqoflulaticttikovcc 7c tu wo hit caeio liocijr containing tilt klndt midpnccc iutt4blofortdie anf iliuoc and atitlo- tnen tad bofi frooi 5otc foe tety budiouailic ioe ibracxio ol ladle nd oentleuionvaad tlua and feoyi undorreiu ind pravrert ana shiru and umwert froia0oto2i5 hiahblrt faoon uiuiunuuopcrauon wjdtimlffor ttluteajadcyluicusbifuhxeuorpiuu ooi tvhjtaijiiruat75c muchbattcrfchirt rrcsient orttr of le lourga ce the khott in ti ics to tht itudeuts ol thxt i a ilt other dx an mtu oj ire irchitficts of 5 oar oa ortjuei pcl upoa jour owifcstrcntli o by j ru 1 j1 txle fur j our ur if if rvhile fi tb hoaetv xul mlmtry in t ite oj v ur lasticr luck 11 x fool flu l is x her kep tt our btflnj xnd st r ruiihp xi 1 r menubei thxt the pnit sr ot cooiaialms is to txle fxi- fchxrt el tho torb lku t drjal pout che loa t em ac don t swexr kiu t dtcirc ij j t rexd nuvels he m eiraest b rtl til ek c be cul eii thii 1 af- rt mu nj uf xud du goinl uith n lve yujr uod xud fll jwuicu l u tr- 1 sa virtue iore ioafcouutr sad cb it uw if tht sine is nu piitely followed by the voucgjiico of this pocairy ill wrill be hippy eftuct vat seme mouths xttr x oudj mxo e conver e on be chic ej t met oae of las i irmer dltc tc coajpimom he seemed orerje 1 to hira xad tsled h ra to ith him to the ut boonns bar room but the joucj ma rcltcd tsxiug 1 hue t frtal ith ac j i do j t titv oae with joa oa exu t tee him bul lc u here bnug him iu uh joa no ht neer coet into br rooms tna kt him wit outeidc s no k ix the hnil answer mj read is jceu chrut xnd if i go with jou he ll out uait noble autwer x this nl hle hie jjord he wo dcln ered bj it frm the power of eva i member this best fnenl kill not wxit outside of phtcej uf 6 a who can teke hu phtce if he letre 3 oa mis 2 cfcss silence never shoirg iteelf t 10 greit irn advuntsje tk wheo it is mics the reply to calumny and definition i one bhould be careful not tocarry any of the follies of vouth into old kg for old ege nes follies enough of its own the d fference between whut is called mjhis worll hippinosor unhappinns is m little thit wa ought nerer to envy or pity anybody it us take care how we spetk of those who hase fallen in lifes battles hold them up not heap scorn updu them we did not see the conflict we do not lnow the scars wn old ui4 younu feat are boikd uiil bulf liourt as uktal the ud ones art timili and oitilcsa if luff wcro boiljn j three and una half hours the oung fm vouii buret and the gutatme ku1111 arj now tl jcrtt ik to iap iarli ity foot in a cotton baud ke wound to or three umo arolit 1 it and well corded uli twiue then boil them fuur iiuars jet them ix iimn in the haudicga until ea4ud t fii bull or pnlli tlio slm will huld it tidiicr islale luing cooked nd lua vou rat it otl lll mil tbt ui jtll uuderxnil dtlicateaskiasibl ii jiihrkiiik rs ailloaglai to get lium i f tins mw waj of cooking pigs frot o mv ui btiaus9 it will b low to ihu teirl iubli it oeti frca sslczca the diklor an iv is at the liofpital t male bis duly visit of inspection and reiues iha tifet of a new patient x cnurtctan in qrraan bati i put iiioiiai coiiiiuiplum he proceidn to the patients hedsldc ktirroundtd by his aduiiiing class will u good fijlu jou fpit idood dont ou i ys diictor 1- tbtlldo e know all about it and you bsic cold 511 mis at night ehi yrs sir and- i fancj now that by oocuiation vou are a tnuicuu via i plj he siltnt you belong to a brass land and yon have inriiencd lour clf have fsnly bown lourluogt aaay pi fijug into your mttnirnent tlentle- ulta you perccus that sickness hai- no secret from science hat mstru meat do you play niy bood man f the cvuibals fir whit is the difference between a donkey and a posttgo stamp one you ink itb a stick the other you stick aith a nek often he who runs may rtd bui uftener be is unable to read whih runuing put your advertisement m 1 neaspaper rather than on a fence it is very well according to the religious creed of somo people to trust in providence but equally necessary to keep a cnarp lookout for youtsf peter said a cood old msn sitsr a hard day s nde through a pelting stonn 1 really bditrs that had li not bom for a kind piovidenco and o at thick waterproof coit i should have caught my death of cold their name u legion the people who praise that matcble mtdiqne bardock klood bicters it sets at once upon the secretions the bowels ihe liver ths stin snd the eidceyt it punfies the blood dupeli all foal numurs and gtreogthens the nervous and debiliuted system ho known remady can do mors try it and be convinced the greatest marvel of healing the grand climsi of medical diccotencs it burdock blood bitters it cures sll diseases of the blood urar btomach bowel skin and kidneys tenuis com plainis fccrous- oeneral and ervou debility and is a relish tonic in all broken down conditions of the system sampe bottles 10 cent supplied by all dealers in medicine int sail cataract c be scffertxc blown s household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and eiteraal it cures fstn in the hide back or bowels bore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind ot a pain or ach it will ooct surely quicken ths blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household psnacea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double tbastraogth of any other elirir or liniment in the world should be in every family hendy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the btomach and p2ins and aches of all linds and is for sale by all dru jguu at 25 cents a bottle willi j lumllum april kill 1ss1 good linen fronu and wrist bands si oallitlc acaieof gents and loyi col ian eicellnt limn collars or tenllemen it lie or 1 wpr dot hft cnttt of bilk fringe bdk cords sod taimfs acdfilk cordi uioghy far some of lie lil ralue tnd moil issodnoms ityles imported siit ofrwedlduilinrrcai 8oil wulch are htjullful goodi rromij up to l waterproof uoaumer mantles much loissrlhsu ormeriy acsieof genii and boys htlk means sod tuis of lie very uew est ilyftf raven bales of trials comprising he nswest designs in fast colors and very haudiotue patleras frooi 8e up to za for the rery ositkldorado lrfnls thirtyone bales of carpets from i2j to 1 ii for bi rrry beal firefrime brussels a case of hlhhops in thu latest styles and esoelleut value i ca orjilks and a case of salmi r chenper than ever before three canes of beaulifillc two cases of very handsome lace curtafas in he newest deslras and unsurpassed value two cases of magnificent feathers and kfonen and ii oases snd bales of olhcr ir goods firstvolsss milliners wsntod fhe right uouse king street east close to ifughioa tticet he name on the sign is i thomas c watkiits hamilton foktioiialt morses pain relief a favorite prcaoiiptloa of oelsbrated ksw torlc piyglchia for ta jmwrniate belief op all paih twi0t3 ss powerful at say kaown remedy fotjk imes a qunl in iti icimn sold it lhelowpnceof25 0emt8 a laeoe bottle 1h folliing tiiluncniau of ihe great number njccucj mil show most couclusivt the remirubli ra nt of the eelief lsstvv wn ovt mirch sth itw i im gratified to heir fnm nrlom qutrfers thitviur miiicms is doing bonders a gn jnvtince one man received 1 severe bl iw fron a bio v of mo 1 1 throun from a circular saw it struck him in the thick part of the le 10 injuring hm as to render him unal le to kill titv apphcitlous oi forsc s pan kcltcf cured hun i nuklit mulnpl instances five testimokials frou eastwooo okt siortic morses paik relief cartel the buawiae ourrhoei detlaetc swjltea fice tootbiche coll and pua in the somxco ko 1 uscd trial bottle for a much swollen free vmh invtant relief a relative used the relief for deafness and 10 her surprise wis pcrfocth cured sipiedl s g roihssok no 2 hiving sulkrci muh with toothacho i cotcludci to tr our pain relief one application rave me inslaat relief i also curod a violent cod i hail contracted with the remedj sipiej mrs e hersee no 5 i have tried 5 our tun relief in cases ofheidiche pain in the stomach and toothache the result in ever instance being the simc instint relief minc 1 a tri m vburg no a suneruik fropssesenitticlof plirrtoi i ul murrain relief and nas scr prised to find myself perfectly cured in a few hoars signed v m rohinsos no 5 onenight i wis awakened b the most violent intcmil puns a single teisrooa- fulofour pun relief mide mass wcllasever mfivemlnutcs signed j v jacques ttil tt oxuze srtsirto for calk vy 4ll okiraqtsts mid j e mcqaevin acton k distinct and peculiar combination fellows cokpoukd syrup of hypqpiospsites tt toafatrt iht elfmrc twentutl to lie aalaul orgiaixttiaa lh oridttng tgenu tad tooica itt eombuntioa with lt ttucnutiotagmt phorphcropctrdgtbc ment of b fa tllgtdyxjtxiine xadu dupeni m the omrwtudpikubleforaaf aiynip u etdctc an nxuxlly rmble nthut trnty fotir hoota aa i are marked bj- a ftua- ukuaa of ilt appetite the digestion and unmfltnoq tmng dirtctly into uis tercauuaa tt cue ti brrc and tameiet exert a healthjactioa of the lecretiosi aether dixtnrw the caxh oof lojtzrea ths cyiteoi order jjtolocgtd tue and mxj bdjacoctuticd at auy ua tithmit inccnreiueacc ra a vord it th itimaknu to aroma iht itrtcfh the umiot to nruia it aati mrat of a hih derrc fellows compound syrup of kyp0ph0spk1tes cfmt tf ckm twit rraiuulttt catumt jtt jttit atftf lot lryf lot memut aj tt1 rxptiilj- pr3t th cxteiti f m tt el fxr c l tt kcli iepcad fc kclt kpa rctitry tctli ruusu yaj iaru ury eenri oj utscfo rot a pamphtt perry davis son lawrence gcteeil agestj koatkeil burdock bloodbwters the only medians that successfully punfies the blood acts upon the liver bowels elan and kidneys while at the tame time it alkyi nervous imtation and ftmugtheni the debilitated system perfectly and speedily curiae biliousness jaundice dyspepsia conrti- patioa headache bhenmatiam dropsy n err ous u gen eral debility female complaints scrofula erysipelas salt rheum and ereiy iped of chronic disease arism from disordewd lirer kidneys stomach bowels or blood the best iumo pwimda tonic in the world umu itms lc t sttmp i tx ttu icoti lototl keswlar i lie tt m tscsst fawsler it a stft sbc u dkaztl imtsvjv ac ra u dijdna or isalu fnct ss cesu oc fat 1- rs rrsasssams strsr vatsscssfe pftt m pwi la t cbix fciiftl utrr aavt oa cgca pnoc t cessx pr pickss foe brn sad toronto uil co are sole manulactar ers of usstonne uschine oil in- fnngemeots will be rjsecuted qnssrsss tell us the beat wkv to make the hours go fait i use the spur of the moment what did jack frtxt say when he kissed hos violet wilt thou and itwiltcdf it a tree were to break a window ahafr would the window sayl tre- mendis t what did the rose say to ths inn blow m sl2st2i0itt 77ioiw ejxflticr ecktlnc ou worth ttn tvnfs tu wir14 in qoldpam cannot day tciere it u 11w it i the cheapestmedicine ever made one dose cures common core throat one bottle has cured bronchitis filty cents worth his cured an old standing cough it poitivy cures catarrh asthma end croup fifty cents wortn has cured crick in the back and the same quantity lame back of eight years standing itcures swelled neck tumors rheumiticm neuralgia stiff joints spinal difficulties and pain and soreness in any part no matter where it may be nor from wnat cause it may arise it al ways does you good twenty five cents worth has cured bad oases of curonio and bloody dysentery untapoonful cares colic in 15 minutes it will cars any case of piles that is possible to care sit to eight applications is warranted to cure any case of eroormuu nipples or inflamed breast forrnlses it applied often and bound up there is nsrer ths rose 1 you be blowed when will water stop running down hill j yby when it gets to the bot tom why do old maids wear mittens 1 to keep off the chaps why is a shoemaker like true lover because hew faithful to the lest special bnrgis dominion boot saoe store tisvsjoxt received an irausnsestoclcof bxiu andbnoesof every description com prising- all lines la hens womens cbltdreas i 1 ai t j j nsllghtest discoloration to ths skin it ah busrhat did the snn gay to the t thl pilq of bam i0flb tp etopi ths paio plied cures frosted feet boils warts and corns tad wounds of every desonp tion on man or beast beware of imilationt ask for br thomas eolectne oil see that ths signature of k k tsoxas is on the wrapper and the names of northrop lyman are blown in ths bottle and tace ko otuaii sold by all medicine deaere price 25 ota nuethkop b lyuan toronto ont propnetort for the dominion hott yrk selected and electrised ordered work farttaalir atteatloo u paid toordered worfc and ta beit materlajt will alirat be uwd repairing re pairtoipiomptlraodoa re fully ttte at edto call and examine oar steele kenney son acton maroli flit 1561 pqm lulo fa rt vlteaucsli x ruatrtosito 1 is lusiu iiutt new arrivals gents kid gloves of a new make and a very superior article white and colored shirts gsata half hose in cot ton merino cashmere aail vool summer underclothing shaw murton merchant tailore ouelph 1 him 0b 1 dmosus dru clltk ovt sept l 1ss0 1 fact i believe i sell more ft it than all j c hitlgitt u ind dnirgist your pun relief gives rcncnl satisfictlija other pain remedies put together iicisicl 00- aug 6 itiso i turebf certify that ray kkb hit suffered for sit vevrs mth i pun in the lluch hid tried a great number of things which did no gooi h his been coijplettlj cured bj oe bottle of morse s iiio relief which wis obtiiocd it your agsnt iq bnnsls win grahime md geokgl ckooks stiathiov ost jul 5 1ss0 for the benefit of suffering humanity i write voa of the great viluc of your fnn relief i was suffering from 1 bruise1 thumb and ic and b us use obtame 1 immedute relief and tnadivstwiseaiirelyvnlt gbo m prsclb ililer tnd confectioner tli largest and most complete factory in the dominion 140x100 highest honors ever atored to suj maker in the vorll tif tat and dl hit 1 1 it c tinni it cstm lil u ml vvi nuaf sujuii fif7 1 mi i il at ft- riwrirrf krhihtwu lorvidd fegrilnjhcrl uic irj at liuliulrial lxitlifion turui tu 1s7g irr 1ss 1t9 we are now manufacturing square and upright piawos best in the market correspondence solicited send for uioktratoil catalcxrae mauled ffee address dominion organ piano company bowmanville ontario e tkaive acext actoh wm stewart co cuelph will una wk ihow the fineat dlipuf of vew spring and summer millinery ofrimll for issplction is oullpii klso in bonnets and staw chlpf tascan leghorn and cantons- he latest xoreltles ld wilt do watt to cec our stoofc baforo huylnr eteewhere a1ko a crand acsortment or flowers feathers bonne- ofid hat ornaments lush katluani faille ribbon in utestlmgestkst cotlm erer 118000 worej 1w tmf 3000 ectlas 4600 hett worm and itmdtgt blognvhlcal thctloatm of otj07oo nomeg from ths casuuu edacstkoti mastu jwvlaaiii jail htc tioi in th eoslfistef uposwoaofllo fnllihminilhlhf is tlnmnoll liijcfll illvum hism weulr noloktfnuirynribi mat sflom ltfeftor v tk i hch l tsi ill llts i mir l a 1 i mstiflt ouirrr v l his detnnkli rairo ho loilloa ofucl u h nuj m fallimnimah i nrjfei vttmev bit nr nfi l lu nraj f iw coirwclhe mi c smssfn produrt of iwnrr skill snd wcbiaicil i rhsre ilioold va u a kblt in the domlilot hr vxtu esnnol rcxillj- tnd eouunllrbt ka4 to it n teacher ml ll i sde u resderof h lsntieiiaff ti tcttwllo itjotu tf mooaroeouj 4rlt l uu trusts d our prsnd old miller loore i from london qurtrlr krrtncn j liole u ll lr j l r sfeclitje u4 mrulalf i sirr rvinicit emus outw itsiiirr k nemlly to ererr edcald tua iirl eierj- kidtr lacrl lu vslaa w s ivikcda uumws the l i ujnie lad jrnbu lo 1w7 odiil of eas lrsu jl taiti cf mt i 4- i lxyehy sale sc board 8 t a b l e 3 i mill street aotoh u wbr yoa can gat firstclass rigs at reasonable rate8 good commercial riga an express delivery wagon fill neet each sspres train and delirer goods to any part of ihe loirn alt parties indebted to hit es tablishment are reuesleo 10 pay up without further delay and sare coifs ed matthews pxodrietor proverbs btool ureraad kwnerttbrcheauli tnd hopbltterr kp lhm x tri rrat doarirbinr oqic anp- et it lmpoibte to rtmalq cni tick or oct oc uealui thw hap b iterf tit al lij- do hop btn car m raaanr b cau liie r five f od ilwioc ry b 00j xudlcaklji f cuodofxtliheorstvo i rani er hxt yoar fcsellncyar xil- nicnt 11 hep b heit ril ddo ytjsopd binvtntr ifcn bittert otirilo harm bat foo4 alwaj t xod coqiionall j partfjlh blood clfinaf lh itomxeti and tteelen tlie brealli with hop bit- lr qatet ntrre tad blray tlp la hop tuur vo henvua wul inxcttre rtr iixj urtnarr otfji u hoai hop bulira tit r1i cm d pi nelleu fntmla braltdrufjlit r u e tlcnchov kp cui aoveluis in spsrish licce ctirffi i lehua we lo d ibe reatct arietyof porssousudituiaiec and umbrcluuld the cltj in black satin ueo trltnratd lct riom jcentt tnd ap ilort tnrf uiotcc eieep- lontl cood va o1dcqj t litttoa mdt bhtanirureil la a and 6 suttccc lxas klitt u black end colored our shc in factij dtjxirtincrt w fuut aborted jrait trictr in iav smss ceoalt snt tiluu in siucs frca w ct speight son undertakers furniture dealers wacgon llmlis undeptaktnitetcrv description of funeral rjuisatos o the bt qcalitiea aup- phed at ahortest notice firetclaas hcjlrsc unuahci fnnittirc in out cab net mating dpartmnt we are mc pared for the spring lemaad parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnot bodateada c wajtho ns wo h o oa hand a ttock of firstclass ijinibcr wagona and democrats manttfactored by oorselvea from the best material which will be sold at the lowest poa eiblo rates speioht ic son aoton note the following stoves tinware coal oil lamp goods and pumps cheap for cash at sarins v earetromtnlne and job work a specialty- all kinds of truck taken in exchange for goods remember the place next door lo creechs baddlery si gn of ihe lamp ilill street icton johnstoflt sarsaparilla i io i litis cskflidt s7sfepsuu and fos purttrins the blood it baa been tn use torto jean and baa promt 10 belho best preparation in tbe maraet tor bltk hbatiactir pah is ths b1dk oa bacxuv com fefia tujs ana ill diseases that ertserromadltoroerd lirer or an im- pnreblood t of onrbestpepto uieulmfro it to tbett children vif clcians pacrtbe it daqy tbceeirboase uodce reconunend it to otbeas it is made from teller dock hondo- other utrt it u strictly testabla snd i- noi hurt lie dost ielloste cotautuuoi it is one of the best medjciaeeia oie f or bcjuliuiu the cosrela i it is told by all responsible druggist m one douar fcr a oianjwctia or its beetles for t douarv 1 xbose vbo cannot obtahi a bottle ot ttus medicine from their druerfss mar end us one dollar and e vtuoaureru 0 the free ot a charpa j v nsam ja iimfmmis ixsxbgnubo ohtamft fr vle in acton tj j jkuarrtn urosslsl- 81000 forfbr immlx cancer cnre t f coauecokpq caa d ancerourbj irtthont tte nu of its knife the only permanent cnre in ibe srorlj- forpatllcrlarieteloselcentto c 8jqr loalieook p q canada atcaros awlfssad cersala 10 ontnt famished tree wtlh foil lj irvettrns lor wndoetlut in boss rrocubl business any one i i jaje in the business is so 5 iardaodour nstruetlonk are s simplsan i lain thai anr one esn mill t tf irom ibe verr start voooe can tall llllnsjowort on ire a snceesaraim len boys and flrl can earn larse wn manjr bate tosidesl the bnvlomsojeonj handred dollars in a lof le w eek noiblnr like it ever knou berbrej all 5 ire snrprlted it ibe ux and rapiduj ho ennij prltedillbe ux snd rapidity iw whlehibey sre ble to make money s can vjitie inllit buinewdarliit rrfmjj oodip lin jt2l 0 fl i ilmo st rresi rtnnt oadi n i hats jjt ivestonplulin lu w lake all toe rlutboj itbodced ready money honld rltsoas i i i jj twam x