Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1881, p. 3

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vy- tl the fliee press tfirbsiio mteisr jolr it tssl watchesicow and silver wklics old rttfcy or mnattily iuvmcnli clockb-f- alre slock of uthi and tpring clicks always in uv iuors ou4 gold liuuvi tuns xrtku is lotkeu nil timlijf jcljjttcllcry lttretr tra 5iootiti tal spoons- kuircs nd for the largest mocl tu lowu atl kind of wiute cwks jewellery and spbcttelcs carefnuy repaired xot tkr- ilace oeu uyuji jcuxhcry k- fancy 0xxla tnrc acuin oul tic lcadius store for weddinalul fitrthday trcrtnla calitti iifdtrc lurm look cuj for auatitvikea soxuay nuuuiujr rtvile xow is tli ciuto to wtsticato he ctetim is in dciunud tliwo jays the gtnuju thistly is now ia- full uvkmll home nws saying and dolnjrs la towu and county ttehs collsctzd akd retorted rontaarsrskpuess ice croui suffers the drs arc shortening syuxa iiuih ncd grven peas j eiivr morning waits ire kifmlir have yoa tck voer now fotataes h- tcis k eumrur iioctiirg to the ftjcianac a vnur refreshing jnm fell on thaiirliit j j trie stdtalks titrre beu spared v rlrinc the week there are sre fridays and jsilur- dyi an tin mouta the country presqetsa beautiful ppcartaee itfrcseat f tiirdgat jai6 pereoqiattoinco rirdea piruer in actoa i orange huics and ibbaas weie it i prcniiamoa tiejar 1 a steectprjscher ami a drunken tramp barber rultei toxir tins week v the comet liss- uirnfj his bach en us am is retreating it breakneck pice people buum be careful tltout druikia cold nt tlii nm weather wiiiev rill acoi lsvt3 the civic holiday ive lessee tfie rec re will sssrer thuee girls cut of five will go ti a fire wltlioct tiukio ihu criuiia tte bxtr a scultittde of opinion c ncrn inc tire tire ixti iriiit uiyrojcg axe er- looic at the thermometer undyou vili end tee fstnry it nitfctv dtrves fa tleitade f 2sinr fotitws hive been on the tcirtet for wmt diys tcy tre offered for oae dillir fer blti soie unko person hns bn breaking trinlttts icd coaaitti2 other deptfiatins in oitvillc e have received clerlth papens froca mr vi keaislreet he will kiddlr accctil our thick the syndjty school convention of the gcclph duttictof themethjfctcijurch of crii fill i hlldlaoncrciva in scptttaber teats rihf vcnngman tip hotrcat peojile f the town icdl thick ls tancii ofyos sa i vrurfcc ii tiic othtr cliii will ct yen s a loafer o daje rnaifir save tint one it our joanfi men ho recently purcbaed a buute and lot here is pih goii to a ccujiiborijg tpra to get the brrd to till it mr jaes 5utthew6 bis eecurefi the ageccr forriraprored rjner and tuower tuifej lt apt- x to be a rtit im- proretnent ori the knife l kr in oso satukdat s a- busy day ardour tperchnt the towilp resented quit an animated appexracce- touards ereainc- pincers are setting in tissir harveiteup- plies j ter-few- of our mepchints and buaineis men fsilcd to tefce advance of tfce cheap fare to toronto on tutfazy it tuk fwrnvrs btisilat tun during the year is at litvl tkstelis conuacdca ucw to piv- parcforlhc fiilt fiiw rdkiun sbpuldut forget the djv law aatnjt furious driving vluv high tvages art o to red for harfctt kitids iu this vicimtv ir jl warren has out thinks far a copy of the clfficm la citizen cjahpexeus tell ue ugaja thai blckbcrrica are red when they are creea ttte mantrcat tdegmplt co bnvfl occftd an oscc at cdatuace ttiiroa co ontf tciytnv wag the one hundred and nicety lirat aaui vectarj of the battle of the f boyne a klknce of dec cmfsittrs intve tetrii laid on mill uaia aud the tide ttrrets ria the wctk dr r marrow catjlit a fine jtmat in his pond en tuesday which weigh ed aluut to poaudj fur fik wctks the precociour eebcol ly uill hsyo a idj titnc no icsocs not bin to cite for bat fen tue fljis dainp constdfrftbltt damac to the turuij iu ene cises eating cp the yoanf pilots as fast i they can twee yout garden tue beca are awarming j- u aye you pernptrod any this vroek bafitofikitiks ri noff la the market tire mediciil motfaro busy qrecn applet and children ask your neighbor o auhsenbe forlhfltbkp pchs r potatobugs havo cofc alt left this part cl tha country yet tuesday was the 50th aiidivers- nry of ocaneism iu canada iioafisct on the corners and in frvjof of fiyuio of the churehe coatinuca tue village bakeis have raiatd the price gf bread to faartcea cenu per loaf the interior of kinney k soqk store haa tjcen renovated and kalsoaiiucd wheat and burby huve ripened very fast in uai vicinity during the paat fevr dayt fxltuelia hare- beti very busy daring the week aukia hay w laic the juu thiua utyika tp the large amount of local maturour kaiagiveya cjnvspoudcnoe is b issgs s xg afgaos hug hies griffin offer peom date kmm crowded out the mio horse of death is makiug his way through oar eouuty actring his mark ca his victims we uayn just rewired a stock cf business catelupcs aad are- now preivd ut print coyd basncu eavclopes fur per thojsajul only fifty cents for the free fdn fcr thejtilxoce uf the ycxr come now dear kirrowir ccz uae of your own aad see how you fiie it so ilv ton dont want to buy anyeickles- wc eat si ourfiraaa andprin ulth a mathin tjiaikd nut the ojd lady is the slaraujcd tic door ia the face of the bicycle acut a voixg man onmill street feels rathtr abashed at btaudiu at the httle rite fae othtr evening aul reiviii the aativer not this fveaiuii home other eveaiuf weil gokl evcaiil acton cm fotst of- manuftetory hich nnre hands than any other in the county- lij iraturday mers v h storey i sou glove manufattcry pay us nacibercu25 eaiploii tea llstavcdthridsy evening jr c t scott tthdisatout t cuter the nn try vsj ttieel with a euttial turn of money by bis friends in miltnn at the mttkolut charch ccfyi sont htclv wori wus peif itned it e avn thinle factory in xasaacya iiitwcek mr uocrt ei watson iht fiwyer cat ciht ttjyareaud eightysir abitiylt in siircy tutnutes the oakville suwhird iyk there will w ferioas ccijiiiou if l- jsa bnlv one third of the ccal price for a retarn ticket thxdstvilleilfsayr the georgetown tftrld rain is a peeohar bat eccsaiional fellow eftseridenih bo tilled- with matrilnrnial idczs he hardly tnowi bow ta cootaia fcinuelf v v at the raeng on wetfarftiy fpr the noaunaiion f a bchool traitee to fiuthe vacancy caaftd by the aeatb of the ute john speight eia dr v uxowrr waiananiniecajr ejecttd jlx tfte usi meetiiig of eqaecinf township council a by law was pasted d- ichiug sir joseph arthim property lot 2i con 3 froca acton schoel divkioa and adding it to school section io s js- tkeee any necessity for cows pastaxed iriside the corporation to vreir bells some of rar ciiizyis ere greatly aanoyed at night with the clatter aid in tend trying to jwor6 that they are kj3zhuc nuisance l l j a eraw ijefiubnjik- to tue ratepayers of georhownonltheletanctiet acthorieiuff the conccil firaiietiyrway ofi lian ihpsm et tilhooiand dollare for the parposefif promoting the rcctwn- of a knitting jnicuine manofactorf r oikyillb cuims on good grqand toteibe rbtticttuwn w oetirio we think miltotj also ttands high on the list champion and of ocutsc weiciaitq that acton ipflstandraosf ctcditalilybftaide either of her iattef towns some ywftors who fcave bt ia ach of4he towns say actoa if the ntiiest little place in tie coanty oittoesjftyajctoalxyiil oraiige lcge pra to piroitb t6celctyate- the gioribs tveluka 1 the hfoss band ac- companwd vthera 6 the 0tb etatkn jd j met them ra itiudr fetufii aiafgentirabdr of our iifeeu too adraniagfe of the re- dacediatttiddtrttomitoodi basioeite3 to enjtiy therafclves paints oils var- wdl b a ferioas ccijumu il ecr towri harlhsr ani the editor of the gecrge- od hrnid hipiku tn riitet charlie tjyt he i c to ialc it wari for that eccen tric win i as opemtioa wrs perform fd in t rrnto hospital tecs icy last on tlje 1p n ilr thomas watonj ir of this viilae mr uatiju has euffered very much since his- leg ivis ainpatrtcd twa yeara fo aad i now seeking rclici in the hosjiud tue guelpli mercury sometimes ge nccfi items badly mittd up in fri- dacn daily reftrriugto the aeidnt which happened to mr k mclam a moores ttave factiry it eays xoble mclani lost two fingers the other day while work- ibp ztuvnr cutter in hpcihte factorj- 0vsfsday last uti young men- and boys after trespass tig oa a citizens property went iabaliiingiu xicklioe pond hcratice zut yelling- like hoodlums- thu owner- of the property caught tbtm on ijis pnnnucs bat harincrcpl- for tbefttlingn of their friend alluwed- thctn to quietly depart at the kame lime informing them tht if the olftee was repeated ho would dieccte theai ok saturday efternoon councillor aispbeil met itha very scrktia and pxih- al accident in ui planing mill by which he inst the litt finger vod part of the thumb jf hisleft hand mr-campwu- was work ing- with a eticking machiac when income way his haod hppct with tbo alkjee result dr lawry amputated the finger and part of thethcrati and dreid the wonads mr caroplell enfitred greatly during the warm weather- tince the accident but he is now progre4icg very favoraby we haye received a copy of lorelia gdzeiuer of brftith xorth america which contains the latest and most authentic descriptions of over 7500 cities towns vil lages acdihamlets in the dominion of caa- adathe workcontaias a rat atnoant of information useful to iraiiness men and others who have large corrcspondencjmn the dominion we cannot find a plapc ho matterhow small where there apost office of which the book does not give thorough information every hnsincssmao shnch have a copy last friday morning the- dw blacksmith shop of mr h mcpermicu at the coraeroi mill and wilber streets wavl burned to the ground- tito fire was dis covered about half- past three bnthad made eneh headway- that nothing conld be saved it in a short time the building and con tents consisting of gearings for two loiiiber- wagons a democrat wagon and severed other rigs more or less completed oid ail the fcoola and stock were oompietely de- etroyed the origin of the fire ismijaicrsto the building was uninsured tho loss is estimated at 300 sntbe building andg00 on stock vrinrjtock was insnred for 400 iathe aihaacficaoflhftiniiton thoihop had been completed hat a ftfirdaya audj mr tdcdcrrsid had fust jaovep tfa edprteid is e poor man aqd hathe pathy rf hie felun7citizen5i dtuixa the tliower on sunday ifteruooa the temperature fell tweptydc- tjrees from ninety dowu to eevcaty at last meeting of the village council a byjaw was presented to diride the village of actoa into poll log sabdtvi tioas our authorities should dike time by the forelock and make arrange tne a u fur ttenring kjiucsim exhibition for acton thisyear i a uoesp belonging o mr robert hay of xaisaawevvraa sucstruck while ttaudiugat the 1rbyteriati church duricg crvica ea saatuy inoruiag a proclicjiation wics issued in last weeks canada gazette to the effect that the tccoud pail of the canada temperance act of istswill take teect ia the county of ilaltou oa the let day of ifiy 1ss2 tue acton free frees ins ticken inland to oer caggeatioas to church choirs abut thtirttue of siuiue it his life in turk gutrgetuuc hecaul perhaps you hive had experience ui this line brother froi uacxainiuiltiun of 1jveiln gazx u r of ilrilili xorth america we find tliat thcie ire in th djmiuiou of caua4a three actons three jikviii five miltons life oeretowr and four ifuruagtoai ts it any oder that letters 4c addressed to the above places in 03 r county sometime o attmy ik careful in addrecaiug jour letters to every jxt ouice ttte lhntld saye whilim jeoretjk u the cow niexodecs around town with the- sanction of the law thitoseful animal docs the trae thing ia acton coa- trary to law iletter to have ug law than to hire it remain a did letter the htrld man is astray again the cows in jactou artt not allowed tj meander around town the cow by jaw is working moit jucceyaiy and if tur friisird of tiic llcruld las any cattle 1 t himirj to pastcre them a the streets of our tidy little town and itll tfic whether the dy r law ii a dead better or dst a mti cuas ku uccs entettiined the irv cand with s supper at his resideqee oa timrday evening last a most pleasant evening was ipcutaud the band boys are loud in thcirpr3ses of mr knees and hu estimable wife for their warm reception when the hand was leauug mr kuees predated the leafier mr j c kill witha tivc dollar bill to be added to the eichcqtitr if thereof our citizeoaould follow theer- attiple ot mr knee- the hand would no doaht take more intere4tia firing concert on the bandctttud these heaatifui evenings for the benefit cf the citizens il is again our tad duty to chron- ielti this week another eery siidmendcalb in our community on taeidaymoraiug mr lachlan keancly ortly son of john keu- uedy exil at esqutiiti a very proaiisiug young hiati aed twcttyetc 5cars was called in his eternal home deceased had bimn working ia the hsj field ip tuesday ith imt and while trj warm drank a quautity of cild water and was immediate ly tcized with cramps everything that could be done to relieve the eufferer was done but ju vain he was respected by all who knew him and was oa friendly terms with all the young people of the vicinity the sorrowing family have the heartfelt sympathy of the community at a ortat re6uotlon dress cods muslins amd hosiery af wholatau prlea cfrey aad bleiohei cottons doaims duoks cttoaades aad paaoy priats tst sst ohoapor than ever alsoi a large consignment of calf boots and slippers mejts tieshoes and gaiters just received frota th6 mauufactnrera goods we will guarantee at r pbi0e3 that oant be beat kmg of the dey gootii e radford e e boiler j b williamson drives drives a full line of fbesh groceries just ia for tne harvest season at biottom prices remember wb hughes griffin sell cheap for cash and gwe good value acton pernio haic miesmiauifi swan is visiting her friends in siruia mr vin sliaw is iviiitingfriends in erie pa mr w c robinan batcher is visiting friends in clair mich mias a auie corrigill is visiting her friends tn xewcistle ni oinetnee ifessra marelau xicgregar and george a qnirrieff gait spent satnrdsy andsau- day- viththeic acton friends miss ida hacking daaghter of if r j h hackieft fcrmekroftjris jpnaiikir if the jiitnrd arroic i risilinjf htr faends here j jiias iragiejfcjrairleftvesterday niarn- ins ji holidir trip- she will apeod week or80 in strathroy aui after mirds pay her frieads in quebec a visit mr dd christie of this village left last week for a two weekv trip tokorthern slchigsri- he irfanrveyida large tract of timber land 4riiicu he parohaacd aoumyeata k- 0f cyy mim sm wfjrh6hmlieinyinfiog her pirenfaiere during the ptatto months left on tooaday moaiiforweroctsville pa sbwmicmnipiiiitjd tybr veijtw vafilkinijiinivuterjkii 3 positionrinmotintainpurkj a honlth insti tution lii wrueriviibv coiidnctej bylier ok thursday eieninjr last llio fcdlowinc members of acton lodge ko l00f were inafailej into mho for the carreat tnn ttte installing ofiir were u d gvt mcgajvin and p g nicuier wilbanis havijland soiytb cro thosgmylhjpc eli snyder kg h p moore jv g ja xichio k s iucraicc p g c altr bruwutreas u k nelson jchap jxt hcattcra vv jltimlvordcn j mclain rskg u csmrron lskg it speibt rsvg ed li xicklip lsvu i v li tvirnj ess d uuoa lss l maaius lg g havitl oij r crainc clrep this lodge has now about go members and is in a fioarisbing condition fmaiiciaiiy aud otbecwise besides having paid con siderable sums far sick benefits tha lodge haxaboat5g0in cash aad invested tbia is a very favorable record just look this way more large purohases al half the cost of the goods- this waak the uoii will ran off the foliqwlnj bargarn t 100 handsome laned and trimmsd parasols at 50 oenta 4 50 pieces choice dress goods at 10 cents- j splendid assortment of ladies and childreiis embroidenjd bajbriffean hose at very liow prices- ladles lisle glovcsfyt uafrpctcc i ladlca lijffkiovc at halfprice i tidlos silk wiovcs at halfprice ladici tacc mittens at halfprice milxiithbt just opened xewtnscans anierican straws and chips french jrlowera ostrich lmac which together with a large stoei of trimmed millinery is bcinj offered at prices to cleat clothjitg- gcnt andbos clothing cheaper thin has esar been known in thd history of the lion note theso tlirao special separtmeats dressmaking mry viamjuan mvlager millinery wa itaimg ilomgcr- clothingmr w r smith culler 1 vs u come j d wi he lion- vguelph 1 i iamsom 0 wp thc cuapkc i j i nfxttuewk la actnc an no 6ui inl the j wife tf mr lidnrd j mattltews of ft daugliter j j thg altic j lnslic wicarss at the residence ncj iijlvtd viiafi eq bsqticsiof hy hew i john alexander fralin leslfo of cliic tomm jcnuie wijici o etquesiug 1 the crave keskenr in eqtienni on the 12th inst lachlan only soil of john kennedy eiq aed cg ycanfhod 6 moptbs fanerti will leave the imideace for the acton cemetery todiy tburbday at lj oclock ani j in esqueaingj near milton oa tfi taav david iafliug ncd etiity- fivc years i deceased wras a resitleot of this county or about 55 yejirs niid vka one of its mout eaccessfcl agricalunsts j ffavisbougirra large stoci ok groceries glassware crockbry for cash prepaee fqft the hot weather halifax tweed suilm from iioo to 1300 just the -thing- for july and august -wear- they are r tobby dur arle and cheap -at- j fyfes acton ahead of -ii- i all cpmjetiti02ti w 1 m iliell vie cajtofiae mncliln oilior fll kindsbt rnackinery i isuo excellent or harness or leather and weather praqf notice to debtors r ah parties tssovtca jto iu either for aatertising job work orsabmriptloiu ard fequeatotl tonmliej unmeolnt pnj- iitoinnjpjurt m anxlnot settled at vnoe wulbaplabedtn coortabr oouootlon ll w moore making it water and his expenses beinj light is coufident tliat he canhot be 0hoefl80l0 parmierfe con rely on receiring tho highest market pricu for- their i butter and eggs best valce is teas in to wk a oesisih anted relltailexgehtiwxituijin calivjss for thekiaoakapilijb iteyretr a beaoll- fal uttwgrnpbm putting ihlncupj of nlojnm falls glventoethier tubbcrlb- erv picture atone j ftf the paperiand taltes immnnaefjr pnbfioriptloh lothzview tnelndlna piun trottjeriw walter formerly of- tlii h anaaebhti j yjf village l v rarwfjone j l- r3ii nisiios etc etbm jrrmcviiiu- g and the whole of- the btodc is new jtdj fresh and some of the very latest designs in ulassrare have jtiat onis lo tafiit your pafronage is kindly solicited luljran w p rtjtwt 15m llberalcommliilrb iven 8entl 10 sffrfskwats yi jpebu lot snmilo ttfreyhiawinifjt r i l v j tjtmatoatiintittilbamomttobeaellncthi i trim art t iliv oi iiuttt iert to bur aifi orlii iifssauniiiiii uohejkv unod vorfrfh stationery gm special mtootcemm mammoth kouseeoeto bcj leare to announce that they havo made extensive pnrchutif ia tweads dress ooodsi miieftasj prints qarmts to vi in audition to theirformcr immenae stock ticyhate pnrchaal lafta line y ofitienoovifgtiodai v l vmilnfittfinx 100 pieeen b 2000 yarvnit of kf w nh fahicnalle ontissligl ulai pricesfck per suit dflrt id tb dtlythrtfflttwli mm titpeatrjr okrpels for s0 jif r jim whtvi roye ail iht ur n picef ltpestrycajyctwrri fdrtlrer pmigmetwjbaii tdok ofbrueeels inqur millineniirtectveiiernh siston rfflb

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