Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 21, 1881, p. 2

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iv- ymm fl m i ml f ksu- sabi ais ph 1 v i i u dm j 1 mjb ifelhi 1 tu 1 tsses- f rjt 1 i eeh -r4-jb- 1 lrtr3b- ntssb t nb t mh h i ik v i v i l 111 tub ekeeiuess atfnx tiiviisuav july 21 1ssj cttdio- one oc the mercantile ironcios after reioruug the crawiuv favorable out look for businees uflliis country ukra occasion w utter lijuiy wardaf wif- tioa against die expansion of credft always the banc ocprosiwroua liuioa arid ilie source of vast calamities when ever rcveremconie the looting up of active capital la a tsbpe to make it uniyailalile a time of need the iucrcase of ihwiuess and personal expenses nod kbuve all the growth of indebtedness there ia always in briifc litnea a dispo sition to discount the fuluiu iud to live beyond our uieaut while this u just the time for economy std siviug sud the establishment of personal capital upon a so id lasis old dehu should now be willed injfult and resolves made to nave no debts to cause trouble ia future tat suffirixe fkaiictt 1 it ia almost 00 soon to ponnduule ourselves upon the recovery of prefu dent garfield hut accoiding lb the utcst advices lie it making steady prognaa towards recovery the symp toms an all favorable and the critical point ia said to have been passed it is earnestly hoped by all that these predictions may be fully realiied and that the progress so far may be marked by still greater improvement mean while the feeling in the country is nne of intense indignation against ithe author of this atrocious crime and his abettors for maty who should have mote judgment will insist that the president was nearly the victim of a fan conspiracy of which guiteau waa merely the tool a saitoh uah bbot sis oiajwlsa who 4m1 it him sidat snov it vu leadoi thaivieaa preiresslnf favorably on sunday lite 10th insut shooting rccidoul ooruned at lha wiidenw of mr d campbell in the towushijrof netood about ten miles toulh of millou which very nearly rwulted fatally a couple of young men nainrd reipectfve ly joremiah smith aua hugh iwd cai petttors were boarding at mr campbella and on sunday morning reid got up first and going into smiths toora picked up an old unused four barrelled pistol mapped it and it didnt go off when concluding that it wasnt loaded pointed it towards smith who was lying in bed with his back toward him this time the piol did go off and he bullet entered smiths thigh striking the upper and back pat t of the thigh bene taking a circuitous toute backward and upward lodging iu the rausctes of the thigh rcid was horrified at the result of ida foolish action and the thought that ha had shoi hia friend almost distracted him dri buck and ifccrinnon of wertno and winn cf nassagaweya were im mediately called in and after consults tioa decided uotto attempt to remove the ball at present they do notoon sidar the wound dangerous es smith is of temperate habits and has a good constitution he wag removed to hia home in kassagaweya during the week and under the skillful treatment of df winn is progressing as favorably as could be exiected tha revolver had not been csed for til years previous but there is no excuse for a perron pointing a firearn at another when will this foolish practice be discontinued the xvclfci reports from all parts o the country concerning processions an the twelfth state that everything passed off orderly- and quietly fact which must be gratifying to all wp hope tha time is jst when leople of difieient religious creeds will hsrbor ill feelings toward each other during their celebra- iions picnics eta and tlat goodwill to men will always be an established i v principle ivool our ovnt eomipqadait full wheat uarvestxngliascacamencect and the demand for bauds is good sliaiwra burns who was seriously hurt by a cow borne time ago is still unable to walk without crutches s si v 0 stewart teacher of sec tion k 3 is gbinfi to atteoil boaiuesa college at hamilton during the vaca tion the last rains have made a great dnterener in tteappearance of all crops and at the present a good harvest is anticipated j a is rge number of people from this township went idown to toronto on the twelfth to witness the celebration of the anniversary of the battle of the bcvne 1 mr jetemialjsmith jr who was accidentally shot ahort time ago has been removed- to his- home and is recovering as speedily as could be ex pectl mr daniel jtccnrdy has so far failed in getting a clue to the person or persons that stole one of his horses lately it is snrniised that it has been aent off out of the country ear k h mcpheraon of the presbyterian church haltonrille pur poses spending his holidays at orchard beach jlifne revs w a wiison of st marys aad w s mctavish of this township to officiate during hia aheence ned gag sbdwhwtf acdicsfft ati bksstise uu oroumed ia t manitoba xais john mcmilun of johnmcmil unsr- postmaster at hornby who went out to manitoba with asntveying party it few weeks ago met an untimely death on saturday morning 23rd june ft appears tnsi he was bathing in email lake adjhcentl to pine creek manitoba and near he trafl where the road forks about airteen roleg west of i mckinnpnsand where tnejparty were eacainped he had swain across a litue arm of the lake about seventy feetin width and wbenreturuing sank bentefttbejvateryer tue body wmtecpverei the young man wa26 yean of age ontnarried and w highly respected y knew him t6 ahock coid y th tp tbe lanifly of he yong man wa evere bhtibey have the sym f the wjw oomdmnitf sspahsjben among our murcbaut prlnoes how many luslaucos could we not recount in illui- trjtbn of out theme there it one howover who career as reported u us is one of the most remarkable in modern thuee some forty years ago tho name of thomas hollowny wai un known uuhosm of ijo wis only one ol the multitude each of which eclipses hia neighbor and is inhu turn eclipsed but now owing to the eminently suc cessful medical theory and medioinea which he has invented and introduced hit name is knovti in every town of the united stales and in almost every town and city of he habitable globe the late king of siam not only con stantly ordeted holloways mediciucs but even direclad his ambassadors when over here to visit the profeiur at h establishment this they did in one of the qaeens carriages and presented him with a large and maguigcent jew elled ornament of great price iu the name of the king rijulis of india havo in like manner frequently vistlfld professor halluway to has the secre tary of the famous sir jamsetjee jeojeebhoy who was knighted by tha queen other foreign prinoea have thought proper to iuspeot the famous establishment- whence thoir subjects had obtaiucd their most approved medicines and one of them wrote an autograph letter in persian and hin- dustanee that it might be shown and published throngiiout india as a mark of the appreciation in which the re medies wore held by hia highness thus is the career of thomas hullo way one of the striking instances of a great development from small begin nings the man alout tukiu tsz tictqsii bx3asts geaelnsioa of tha bftniria ai piriii cue i tha oaienaanta sent for trial squire peters gave judgment at the courthouse on ilonday in the cm r aj jones against george pariah an donald esnkin or minslaaghterairis- iugput of the drowning of the com plainants daughter from the steamer victoria on the 2tth of may last the defendants were manager and captain respectively and criminal prosecution was taken after the verdict of the coroners jury was returned squire petees said having care fully weighed the evidence laid before tue in this case i havu concluded to send the defendmts for trial to the fall assios i have always considered the information under which this trial has been going on as merely a preliminary to a thorough- investigation and this i feel will he necessary to take place before a jury bail was offered and accepted the altlt wtavmi stokiv in the cstholic church near acton on mouuy sth int by rev ftlacr hamil ot jacluh sir jaia weaver toronto to miss lacy storey ktttiawey rcssecttashe iu lowville an wed nesday hud jtiuc at the residcace ot tiie brtdet father rer alexander ruretl ot ifawkeatille to rebecca matilda daugh ter ot jamec tawia q ohkestib sbndbrsoh ft 00 will set rest until over mas woman and child within a djitaae of flftymflai 1 i haa hwi that thetell dry goods clothing hats groceries boots end shoes c at almost wholesale prices see our prices for drei good 8ee our price for cottons shirllnw prtnt denims ft backs see oar prices for felt hats and genu fornlshlwrs hee onr prices for boots and shoes see oer prices for beadyaade cltuunt they astonish everybody 7c belieyu that profits ho in the volume of buatneas done rather than in urg proflu on a small turn over come wfrh the crowd the glasgow souse city grooerc the plaoo to bny flood and cmaa i 0 green has a big stook sttgass gree sel flftzen has the cheapeai finest drawing tsas i in the bounty green sells cheap anything u wantin general groceries crockery andglassvaregotogrbenftrit qeeen sells cheap i a laitre btookj of selfsealltuj oem jaxe botutht before the advance in prioe irill be 80ldt i a small percentage oyer cost i is r- ii to highest pries pail for fresh eggs best yalue in 50 cent tea christie henderson co fashionable tailoring cuaduaxm there it no indication of the princess louise iearin england hamilton people are trying to boy cott pawn shopa and second hand stores wallace boss has challanged hanlm to row on american waterafor 4000 a aide a man was found near fetrotta on sunday hung to a tree hy a pocket handkerchief a bor fourteen years of age wa drowned on saturday at duffina creek while bathing a hamilton telepeone call boy fell from third story window an friday and was killed tha thames river steamboats were offered for sale by tender last week bat not a single tender was receired eolltng on the canada temperance aetwill lake place in hants county kora scotia on the 15th of september richard weddig of walrrate was struct by iightningiwhile riding on his reaper on saturday morning and in stantly killed james henderson a wealthy farmer living near8tratfordcommitted suicide on saturday by shooting l himself through the abdomen the village of woodbridgr was tha scene of a disastrous fire on monday which reached fr greater proportions than it would have done ifthere had been proper meaus of extinguishing it several people were injured but happi ly no lives were lost facts for the people a sflexbtd lot of harvest tools cheap at pearsons acton nijw stock of stoves just receired at j c hills ice cbxaic by th dish or quart fresh and pure at kicklins bakery ciks of every description made to order at short notice at kicklins bakery for firstclass eavelroughiug sp plr to j c hill teeat 5tockseirand your friends t ice ctram at ktcfclinj baterr suit and overcoats at extremely low rates aad made ia latest itjtea be sure to call and tee thtm j rtyfcactoo ckockeer and glassware at prieas that will surprise you atpcatsona acton evestthnra cheap but butter and eggs at the farmers produce itarket christie henderson co lace curtains t5c per set at the egg and batter depot where you gtt the famous 50c tea christie hinder son k co kairs and hinees locks etc at astonishingly low rates at pearsons acton scotch english and canadian saitingt la roat variety at the east knd crotnia i ore j fvfe acua kememher that fauoua 50c tea at the egg emporium sold in- 51b lots at 45 cents christie handerson 4 co hats from 75 cents to f 25c at s fyfes seelour 50c t the beat in the county and dont yon forget it at pearsons acton sip yon want a nobby durable and cneap suit i fyfes is the place to go ladies mantles neweat styles at christie henderson 4 co a good felt hat for 75 cents at i fyfes cmmie henderson co are now prepared to buy all the choice hatter and fresheggs in the townships of kaggagaweya eramosa erin and esqnesing they will lead the market as tbey have always done when buying these srticlns of produce remember their 50 cent tea sold in 51 lots at 45oens mcquillan fc hamilton of the wellington marms worira goelph are doted fr givios satiffctioo tothosa favor ing them with their ordfcra if yoa need saythirifz in their line be sure and remember them they do a very urge business con sequently thev arc able to giv better terms and keep better workmen than smaller worka 6end to themfor particular small bsginslaeimhst st9l9- meotf in contemplating all he works of nature the moat striking iact every where apparent ia the small beginning of her grandest productions the towering oak began as a small scorn and tfbe largest animal as a mere speck which apius bead would cover it is verv frequently the same in the busy walks of life great wealth or great distinction often emerges from the amalieet the humblest beginnings at j b mcgr- 8prino 9t00k of oloth8 the sub rber in returning thanks to his numeroui customea for the liberal pat- ranaee extended to him since commencing bunoeaa in acton would invite attention to hia fresh arrirajs of 1 spring- csc summer tweeds glotis diagonals fancy coatings trouserings vestiogs whicn have beeri selected with great care and bare been bought in the best markets he moat favorable terms close buyers will find it to their advantage to ins iect my stock before going euewhere as my prices are pat down to the low figures for cash a perfect pit guaarateed the uust faahions jul n for chearisugars f teas tobacco genjeral g r cpc e r i es go topeaebons glass putty coal 6ll harvest tools c 7 est keceived r e nelson the ejg and butter emporium will take all your eggs and choice butter 1st highest market prices hav ing coutracled to supply an industrial institution with butler our facilities for handling iaige quantities are un limited we want at least one lon- per wojek hive you tried our famous r week icujaj 50c lea j christie henderson fc co a hzkrtut man nevor ihukaof hia lom- icn the djipeptie lolnat of notiloa else indlieiuon ii a eonxantrremlnder 1b wise maa who unas junueu sasertaf wilt pendifeweeaurorabouieafzopasjirrrra britljm new ant remarkable eomroarm forcleanilnj and ionl- the ijiwm furu- slttlnf the utceatlte ipparaloi had ihe liver to propt ptrtom their dalles inamlmhat- i nt lha food rietalooenttampiaorzfisa the paw remedy of yoardroaalat jfume- atrvlr a few dosw will sruirue yoo most uy its the nicest thing i ever aied for be teeth and breath says everyone bavlor tried imnit the new toilet gem get a 6 cent sample usw castorlne uaohlne oil or all kindspr machinery it is also excellent for harness or leather mating it water and weather proof e aad carararl to the saferutv browns household panacea haa no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cores fain in the iiiie back or bowels sore throat rneamatism toothache lumbago and any kind bt a pain or ache it will most sorely quicken ths blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and erf double the strength of any other elixir or liaimeni in the world should be in every family nandj for nse when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains end aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle hoiwwats tttu teachings of ex perleuce the united testimony of thousands oxiending over more than forty jean most strongly recommends these fills as the best panders the mildest speiients and the surest re- iterative they- never prove delusive or gire merely temporary relief but attack all ailment of the stomach lungs heart bead and bowels in the only safe and legitimate way by depur ating the blood and so eradicating those impurities which are the sonroe and constituent of almost every disease their medicinal rmcaoy is wonderful in renovating enfeebled constitutions their action embraces all that la desir able fn s household medicine tbey expel every noxious and effete matter and thus the strength is nurtured and the energies stimulated 1881 voters list 1881 manicipliiy of th townthip of nssagaweya in the county of halton vt0tice is hereby given that i3 i have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth lections of the voters lista act the copies requi red by said sections to be so trsnirrit- tea or delivered of the list nude pursuant to said act of all penons appearing by the rattfevised aaseesment soil of the said man cipality at elections for members of the legislative awembly and at municipal elections and that said hit was brst post ed rip at my ofnoe at bnnkville on the thirtmoth of july 1ss1 and rernkhn there for iispection eltctora are called upon to siamine the said list and if any omission or any other errpt i are found therein to take immediate prop edings to hare the said errors corrected aoooi ding to law johmeastbrbrook olevkof the said uanidpauty dsted atbrtokvuie the lth i 1 day of july ism 1 vinsdrug store acton pnt pure w rfs notice tlvdebtors all partise tstfamed u eiiber far aanrtiatbc joh wrkr lajaeerlptuaa art swanieelsrl t aaafca issiailute py- iwt aeeesat lestg yet die aa aes mtmsl at eam wffl to fiaem ta oavrt r m p moork jjew cajkkisviiu ketmor skep rstfvmsrmm has opened a shop in ryders old stand where he is prepared to do all kinds of wagon and oartiage repairing on the shortest notice nothing but first elan material used a call solicited t a forster ttok8e a8teay strayed from the premises of mr qeo bolton book wood on sundsy night 19th inst a light ctetacolored mare with black mane and tail she had a halter on berbead when the left any person giving such informaton as will lead to th recovery of the animal at the faxx faxas offloe or td the undersigned at box us rooknom pu will be 7 hi qo to pearsons acton the wonderful man t vi tremendous arrivals slaughtering- prices ti evervicents worth of sumttier jootls must be- cljeared out l w will notoaear 07es any stt10sb stttpr here goes th prices frhitoh fj3tt a ttjstt3srs wide width formerly 12 centanow njshing off at so beautiful goods c beotaded ittstbiqs r suitably rewarded geo boltoh rroube lot fob hale the nndsnuned nfieri for sale the splendid stone dwelling on main tit near urc 8 smiths residenceone firth of an acre with stone house in splendid condition stable and shop on the prem ises hard and soft water wella title indisputable terms resaonabl ap ply to arch monab kockwood po correction watch edpairing being asked daily ir t hare a branch jewellery shop aoroas the street take this opportunity to say that 1 have no connection with mr w 8 smith but have engaged mr a b lemmon lately from england but more recently from aimooe one of the beat watch repairer in canada i can assure my friend that they need not leave me iron the impres sion that their watche will not be care fully and properly repaired however difficult or eompuaalel aneh watch may 1 jtonts obediently b8eva v h jrwa ftulp aris green at formerly 12 oeat to is cent per yard now at 8 eenfs nothing in this city to touch them awfuly cheap rich ceoilian dress goods also brocades formerly 0 cents 25 oents and 30 cert per yard now offering at h2jcenultmnss goods y ladies blaok and colored silks immense value ladieflblaok and colored cashmere astobishiiur value ladies bladk eaid colored jjaitnis tremendous value tftvilo tltifttim t cenu per yard fer loth wide fine linen a ckuio ii i aends eonslernation into the camp ol itbel weak- one other price in table lintna are stunning rr mmosmsj md olty oottons we cnt hrs joods all at mhi prices w represent two urge cotton mills ibdeed onr entire stock is amajing wlue our atllxinekt astonish ks btjbj ovs8eltes oayrybts 0a 2f l y ipvpebiwe the leading chat ef the dtyweh in design hannantoofooobr and arlutlo in taste wondrfnlly cheap tor such beauuiol good i i i igood wh abb ontsb wabpath oil kotto u boot n ouo hodi jmall ftwflt arrft gajti john hogg sdi gublphi 0n1v jr vt1 j e mcgaimns dnig sfcor abtpji v ill

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