Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1881, p. 2

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r f 2 jsffil isf m v ffu i iii h rr v ttlli fktiti press adrosv tktksby ssly 25 1ss1 tnrg the week the president suf fered from a trltpnc bat an operation na performed by hia physicians on saluidaj- which rendered dim gmil re lief sstiaj tall ttbttx the i vantage ot noting ml wheat- early wna nevermore apiwietit linn during this buori while driving along the wad you can- notice the difference ia the fitids whn proper annmtr fallowing is- done lite land hill tnsnoted tlia nodpitt in early mdwiilf diill the aitafc of full wheat ia rare this year shops in a tetr marked roauner tbe folly of sawing ml wheat on pcor ttubbu- about the end of itjalur better be a lillle loo early than little too uui by law no 94 1 kyintv to riis by way of loan he siiiu of five thousand five nundrctf dohar for the duo pose therein incnuoiku vreres ihcmiiuicipt council uf ilia vllls ot aclon have re solvl li build or town hall auil wliuroiu to carry iutn tffccl llo said recited ohtect it will be reoe i sary forthe srnd municipal council toj iatsu by wuvoi loan the simrof five- thauiand five ifuuntvd lmhiritt tie minuet heietnalter mentioned xnd wiierw ilia fcid municipal council hate decided to make the piiacil of such debt repaynbli by snttuiu iiwultiwau during ibo currency- of tltflisrtrt within wliicil llie debt tu be uhhitged r and whereas it will require llis juqi of four bumltvd and iiglity live dolliik to be raised knuuclly by special rale fqc tbe xyiuvnt of tb fctidj loan or ue cowtii ttie canccil of the viltgof girg- town bus tretted it local joprcnentitiva the herald va t most dcsjictlilo man- ner concerning the printing of the voters list of the kiiuicitity th i job w girett t4 thet ean at cerate becaoae the proprietor of tli journal offered to do the work itit price it fe eanti loirer thaa lheouaj gnre this i m unptsctdented pijee of meanert oitthtrjsrt ottfe council when ilts coneideted that th present editor his errer fcince he took- hold of ihe herald done everything mr his power o advance the intersu of the nilate the herald pjs taxes into the coffers of the cnipafitioa and klso employs a number of men who spend their earnings ia ihe place hut the action of the ccimcuin ithe above insller show ihtt lliey sre too shorl- sighted to appreciate the interest taien in the proiperity of ihe village by ita localpaper j v we coicat with the herald- in the ml- fdllowihj r whearo offices exist in i town h tight for the printing of minutes toters list etc to be let brv tender tot when there ia only onecfsce and thai devoteil to the interwa of the puee ideiof carrying the printing to another place is so alsurd at to appear ridicctlsusin the eyes of all rijht thinkicg rwople 2ak11 xe17hs sxbkvb ttiims suseo to a fruliit tnte st thergfltawa ibitcrr ttt i kirthtsfeia brftltc- oa friday morning shortly sftr five an eastbound fright train en the grand trunk railway ran off the trafc at ihe xorthern rid northwestern junction at georgetown two cars are a aotal wreck and several otbets are more or less damage the engtiie and thirteen cars wept off and one ho cir loaded with hardwood lumber wis turned npails side and piled against the northern and kpvthwestern railway bridge which crees the grand trunk railway breaking four heavy posts the immediate caune cf the accident is owia to a rail braking from not being properly supjorud by the ties the two ties- between which the break occurred beiag orer three feef apart from centre to centre a traobhijimeot was effected between the east and westbound passenger trains after a delay of about two hanra the track was not be cletred nniil the korthern and korth western trains coiild not cross tne bridge ontil it wa repairea debt and iuwrest also hsieinafur mentiuned and whereas the aniosni of the whale rateable proxrty of jttie slid municipality of the village of acton irretpeotive of any futum incrcjue of tm state ud auo ilrep of any l icotna in tlm nature ufiloila interest o dividends from the work or from a ly rents ttock share or interest in the w6rk upon which tho money to b- so raised or any purt thereof is iitended to be in rested and also irrespective of aqy income finm the temporary iuvestuietit of the sinking fuud or of any tart thereof according to the last re ised assessment roll of the said village of acton is cw hundred and fifty thousand- four hundred and thirty dollar and whereas theamonnt of the criming debt of the said villago of acton ia nil and whereas for pt he interest and the auuual iiisuliueuis fotptying thetdid futu of eva llotumivl gve hundred dollars as htreinafter mention ed as they respectively lacome hyalite it will require d cfjual annual sfnecial rate of ihiee and oue quarter mills in he dollar in addiiiou to aji other tates to be levied it each yeir on the whole of the rateable property ofi the said villsge of acton be it therefore enacted by the municipal council of tfie village of acton 1 that itshall be lawful for the rjjve of ihe said villie of aclon to raise by way of luaufrotn any person or persons body or holies coqiorate wbo may be witling to advance the samf tipop the credit of the debentures licreinafter mentioned a suitfof money not exneedipg in the whale the sum of fire itousaiid five hundred dollars jtnd to cause thesametobepaidintothe hands of the treasurer of the sdd village of acton for tho purpose and with the object abovo reciced 2 that it shall be lawful for the said reva to cause any number of deltentures to be made for euch sums of money us mar be rpiifcd not less than one htiudred dluri each and notcxceedini in the whole the amount neieinbtfore mentioned that ihe said debentures shall tie sealed with the seal of the said village of acton and lie sighed by the said reeve and countersigned by the treasurer of the laid village of acton 3 that the debentures shall be made payable as follows at the office f the treasurer of the village of acton and shall have attached to idem coupons for tbe payment of interest at ihe rate and in the manner hereinafter mentioned that f s to say ud elating at livo oclock in tho afternoon of thn itn day und thai i ho uleik of ilia municipality shall al matthews hull in said village on the cwtnljmyentb day of august a d 1881antn up the uumher of voles given for and acainatthe said by law and thvt the reeve shall attend at matlhcwa hall foesidon lliotwonty- fifth day ofaugmt 1881 at 10 ochick ni for iho aiiiointuietit of persons to attend at he polling place and ul tho sml suinmtnk np of tho votea hy ihe clrtk rcspectitely on behlf o the peiaomt inleiested in and promoting or ojioinc ha ussugo cf iba bylaw respectively take notiw that ihe aliovo i ic trne copy of a proposed flylaw which will be luken iuto coritideralion hy the council of ihia municipaliy after on uioiith fioml the first publication in the actos fuen paxes the dato of wjiieli first mhlicklion ws thetwenlyi eijihlh dit of july a d l8slaiil that ilia voles of the electors of thei saiti munictjtklity wilt lr taken tbereon at matthews hkh on the hventymith day of augtiiit a d 18si catumenc- itij at niito odnck in h forenoon and closing rt sveociock m ihe altcrnood of the same dair jestcgarvtk vlllaac ctstrk xtrfott july smlsst 31 v ohristib henderson 00 will act nit until evory man woman and child within a dlrtimce oi fifty milra hu hoard that thoy toll dry goods clothing hals groceries boots and shoes c at almost wliolesalq prices i sec onr price for drcsg joodn hcc our prices for cottons hulrdnffs prfrjfg dcntms itocba see our price for felt lints and genu furnishing see our prices for boot and shoe kecocr price for rendyinade clothing they- astomgk everybody j w g2eve e3 3st i v the canadian team of riflemon won tbp kiilaiore cup at wimbledon last wjidnendtr city grocery the place to buy good and ibneap groceries pro- visions crockery and gsware the largest stock of tea in town fifteen dliber- ent grades to choose from satisfaction guaranteed if not money refunded the largest stock ever brought mto acton just to hand soldi cheap for cash no reasonableoffer refused all the new lines in glass will be sold on thesame terms hams bacon bologna satjsab and all bortaw provisions kept constantly on hand we believe that profits he in the volume of business done rather than in large profits cu a small turn orer gome with the crowd i j assay sells cheap dont forget thj place ivom orn- mi corrapcmdau i mr james clark and family of eitn uebete at present speudiug a few day wilh theirfrinds y crrijufltis now becoming a favorite ratine here among the young fdks and a namber of ulitohes have been played for tha purpose of deciding the championship of the village a very good game was played on saturday afternoon on mr mcmillans ground bo far messrs w 0 morse and j btrabhan are considered as champions ijaat trseke hbnse formerly occupied fy mtrpottoo abocdiaker was nearly 8eitroyed byvfire somebody was jfmssing tbe bopse when smoke was ufo totting from the jnside an uittrm was immediately raied and a puraher of persons broke in to tbe boose nd qnickly subdued the flames how the 6re originated ir a mystery as the h olzfid is qnoccupied aod oo fire baa been neiir it forjjbrae time 7 citiigk just iitiveci a oa the 1st dav of kor 1882 150 u t 1883 160 a i 188t 170 it k 1685 180 cr 1686 190 k it 1887 200 c n 1888 210 c c 18s0 220 i t 1820 235 it 1891 251 1892 265 u 1893 280 i it 1894 300 cc u 1895 320 1896 3 40 ft 1897 360 1838 380 1 1899 t05 0 1900 it it 1901 55 i the said debentures shall bear interest at and after tbe rate of sis ttr ceut per annum frooi the date thereof which mterest 6hall lie payable anrinlly on the first day of november in eati year at- the office of the tceasurer of the village of acton 5 that for the purpose of providing annually fotlhe payment of the said debentures and the interest at the rate aforesaid to become due thereon an qrwl special rate of- three and one qiarter mills on tha dollar stiatl in addition to all other rates i be sssessed taised levied and collected in each year- upon all the- rateable property within the said village of actonduriug tbercontinuaoca of the said debentures of the said debentures pr any of them unless such debentures shall be sooner paid 6 that this by itw shall take effect and come into operation on the 6rt day of september one thousand eight huudred and igbtyone 7 and it is further enacted by the municipal council aforesaid that the votes of tha- electors oi the said municipality shall be taken on tbe said jjruked ifylrtw at ftfattbewa hall on tbe twenty sixth day of au gust a i 1881 coiiiinericing at ihe p of uipe oclock in thf inreno large selectipnpf facts for the people hats from 75 cents to- 25c at j tries a good felt hat fur 75 cents at j fyfss new stock of stoves just received at j o hills for firstclues eavetroujhing plv to j c hill idiej nanlls newest styles at christie henderson co a spluxuid lot of harvvst tools chcaji at pearsons acton ice creau by the dhh or quart fresh and rare at nickliiis bakery iryoa wants nobliy durable and coeap suit i tyres is the plate to go treat vofiselfand your friends to lew cream at ntektius bakery caockeltv and glassware at pricet that will suqjrise lou at peattouv acton j kails and hinges locks etc at astonishingly low rales at peaiednv acton i j i cakes of every description wde to otder at short uoticu jat vickiiufi bakery f 1 see ow 50c t thei best in the county aud dont you forget it at petsous acton evebmuxa cheap lut butter and eggs it ihe farmers produce market christie henderson it co scotch ehulih and cmtarfiat stntittjrs in rreat vancty it the east end clothing store j fyfc actuu new asd itrciicnnii the most er- qatflte little tailtl cimcklat t ft th teeth aadtirealtitstnaheebav samrleficta suits anl overcoats at extremely low rates uid made ia latest ityles bt- sure to call aud sec them j fyfe actou i rmemlier that famous 50c tea at the egg emporium sold in 51b lots at t5 cents christie henderson ico lace curtains 75c per set at the egg and ba dtpsit where you gel the famous 50c tea christie hender son k co use castorlne machine oil lor all kindsot machinery it is slso excellent for harness or leather making it water and weather proof america wrs discovered by lie jiriecson the icelander in the year 1004 and 856 years altar the esterbrook steer pen co turned out tneir first pen dr fowlers eilract of wild strawberry cures sutnmercomplamts diatxbffia dysentery cholera morbus cholera iolantum sour stomach colic nauieau yomiling canker piles leucor ihoyi and all manner of fluxes cttrtttie henderson s co are oow prepared to buy all the choice butter and fresh eggs ia the townships of xassagaweya enimosa erin and esqnesing they will lead the market 8 they have always done when buying these articles of produce remember their 50 cent tea sold in 5h lots at t5 cents mcquillan k hamilton of the welliugloa marlde works goelph ore noted or giving satif foctiauito thoee favor ing them with their orders f you need anything iu their liie be finresnd remember them they do a very large buiineas con seqaeatly tber are able to give better terras aad keep better workmen than smaller vorks send to them for rarticulart taeiegg and butler etuioriuui will take all your eggs and choice liutter at highest market prices- hav ing contracted to- supply an industrial institution wilhbutler our facilities for handling iaige quantities are un limited we want at least one ton per weak ifave you tried our famous 50o tea i christie henderson co rest aiyl conifort to ibe gnfferln- browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures fain in the hide back or bowels sore throat kneumatismj toothache lumbago and any kind ot a fain or ache it will trost surely quicken the blood and fteal as ill acting power is wonderful browns household- panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double tbe strength of any other elixir or liniment in tbe world should be in every family honjy for use when wanted as it really is tbe best hmfldy in the world for crumos in tho stomach and pains ana aches of all kinds snd is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle to tee glasgow house higfcest price paid for fresh eggs best value in 30 cent tea christie henderson co fashionable tailoring for cheap sugars w teas tobacpos general groceries go m pearsoi f i m eprino stook op 0l0tk3 tliefnbscriher in returning thanks to his numerous customers for the liberal pal- 1 jj lassa x u i i i ronsjje extended to him eince commencing business in aclon would invite attention o his fresh arrivals of i coal oil spring summer tweeds cloths diagonals fancy coatings jrowserings vestings which have beco selected with great care and have been bought in ihe best markets on the most frtorable terms close buyers will find il lijrtbeir advanuge to inspect my slock before gjingelewhere as my prices are put down to the low est figures for cash a perfect fit buaamleed the latmt fashion just kecetved r e nelson 2s vt sido radjiai st jjtottce to debtotts the- nodetogncd hereby uraonneei- thit they hive decided to gve ap bastiesa u floor and fewtcjerciiajiu and liieywoad request all who owa them foe goodvto call and settle their accounts not later uian the luh kngust a number of account of long standing are upon oar books which we will require to hare paid up at odce oihar- t wise they will be plaoed in other hsiids for collection lawsojt bros acton toly 2oth 8l m s smith practical watciimaker and jeweller for the past sixteen years at 6avageb re- spectrally announces to the public that he has just opened a fiistckis store in the above premisesr where he will keep on hand full and choice assortment of the best watches clocks jewellery akd electbqputx fine watch repairing a specialty agent for the celebrated lancaster watch ip s suirs poob fakm fob sale the subscriber wishes to sell bis farm lot 3 con 4 in the township o erin consist ing of 100 mrea35 cleared and under cul tivation the property is situated s miles from acton if not sold within three months it will be offered for sale by public auction for further particulars address johk bahlt july 28th 81 glenwilliams po 1881 voters list 1881 municipality of the township of nassagaweya ix the county of haltom vtonce is heeeby givff that ix i have transmitted or delivered to the penuna mentipned in the thiul and fourth lectinns of the voleii lists act the copies required by said sections to he so trnsirit- ted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act of all persons appearing by th last revised assessment koll of the said municipality st elections for members of the legislative a8nibly- and at municipal elections and that said list was first post ed up at my office at brookville on tbe thirteenth of july 1881 and remains there fur inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list- and if any omissirn or any other errors art foond therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected aucordiug to law johk ea8terbrook clerk of the aaid municipality dated at brookville the mth i day of july ism jjew cakelagt eepair shop r a fosstsb hasopened a shop in ryders old stand where he is prepared to do all kinds of wagon and carriage itpairing on the shortest notice nothing but first clasa material used a call solicited t a for3ter nyclchiiisrb pjlx harvest tools c i go to peapws0n acton 1 the wonderful man tremendous rrivills slaughtering prices i etery cents worth of snmnier goods must be v clearl out 1tz trtili not 0arht oyer v summer stuff i any h olse 4 lot for sale the undertitnrd ogers for sale the splendid stone dwelling on if sin st near mr c s smiths residence one 6flb or ac acre wilh stone house in splendid condition sxable and shop on the prem ises hard and soft water wells title indisputable terms reasomrble ap ply to ahchmcnab kockwood po t f ouminos practioal tjpholsteror cceirri oxtakio lflmbreflulns car talus window blinds and ctanrcb cushloug cleopatra chairs ottomans ttanneretts turkish spring back and keedle wotfc a specialty carpeu cut made and laid on h shortest kotice furniture retjpbolsterfid at the most rea sonable rates and in the latest style t p otjmm1nqs qotbee strut wat qwlpk correction waton repairing here joes the fences febnch peka ltjsufs wide width formerly 12j cents now rusbidg off at fio beantifol goods brocaded lstrlgis formerly 12 cents to 15 centsper yard now at 8 oents nolhiogin this dty to touch them awfuly cheap rich ceoilian dress goods also brocades formerly 20 cents 25 cents and 30 certs per yard now offering ak 12j cents- lhj4ense goods v i t ladies blaojc and colored silks immense value ladies black and colored gasttmeres astonishirur value -t- ladies blaok and colored lustres tremelndous value i j i tq kl o t 1 ti cvti a 4t ntsipir yaroiror 60 ineh wid 8ne u i xaulo uxuouo sens opntternation into the cimp ot theseak ones other price in tabl- x 7 r prices in table tinena are atonntpg 4 f the new metli- loist hymnbook being asked daily if i have a hranqh jewel ery shop across tbe street i uke this opportunity to aay that 1 have do connection with mr w s smith bit have engaged mr a fl lemmon lutety trom england but more recently from kimcoe one of the best watoh repairers in oansda i ean assure my friend ink v they need not leave me from the impres sion that their watohes willnot be care fully and properly repaired however diffioult or complicated sash watch may be r voora obediently b savage wttohvmhr ft ftmuw at j e mcgaf mbdkm jju jvj iicatsiaawlaliwiab f sfoiziiy bleaphtd and oray coot1 we cut these goods 11 at mill prici we represent two large cotton mllla indeed onr entire itoolt ia amaxitfg talnw i oue hillikest astomsetks even ourselves cjr3ercs3 onrtapeitrv bnnseli woollen add hemp carpela are tko leading boat of ttt oltybioh in detign harmoniou in color and artistic in taste wonderfally f heap for auoh beauulul goodi w9 arb on the was path v- i 3 ir qvt vote uotva tow tomwttmumf john hogg 8 sf guelhont yins drug store mksii iispsg

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