Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1881, p. 3

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thli flieiitf hess tlicrifdxv morjtixv july 2s ibs i i i4jat when iron want wcaihig piratmu birthuv prewfuta toy lor the children birthdavtcard remember yott can akav rt the unfrtt and finest solecliou t ueo hjnrls jtvelltry ud fiwcv icwda store actpa onti utlaactr4 rwrd bfrlm vvti motto ncedlet motto frames a tplecdi1 itneitt sowtopei writing paper- tcin and ink ftming very cheap jiv e us call home nffws satiiick and doings fa towu and connjj- rracs coliictbd nt reported for the ris priss 1 bcr vaufor a ltcvcfe faiuiees bfcey- i1 business dirll h ale uockv tire becoming- popular the comet ha eunibst fadel from itfpu i thxee arc entirely- too mint dog in town r vho will be rcdf gnt toboatt about green corn xtr ilcdermida new shop is pro- gwsaiok rery favorably 1 tux prosps are at preset faror able for a rood hon crop fate seems to b2 bgsinst the tee cream dealers this season the shadestees puhted oa bower avenue this tpriccare ucarij all dead sosce men are fralogs becunse others are more euceesal tan thetnwlvcs jbc your letter ttlrvciveo too latefor lastiiiue and the tnject is too old fortius a good local netrspapenijtt nocts ity itt j every wellregulated uoaliuil encourage your home journal the hamilton srdtfor tuvs a l ne pre by t nan efcerch is f3n to be ert- edia aetoattcosiofia owixg to theory wextfier of the past fev weeks e rispbcrrcreip has net beenso ibandant as was anticidatetl ix spite of all tint yettnnr sye are doomed to have our sweltert the nanny poet calls these day 6 cellar inciter persons bavirfg in tjiei iktss ecu cottin or linea grain bigs belonging to xavson bros iil tinily rctnm them tt once v the totmhnii bruv rill u fcxaid in xnother eolaam atste cp yoan mind t4rote m itifivorsedfor the interests of tfae ttuicc a pbjxtee named darcb is being bifvd roaud br the prpers of the northarest coemties forusjperink nth x press ia tfce kincardine bqcoce ttke uls ruo io cents i patent pinkinc mtune forgse apoa ths boys who etiy tfsate tc ni w receive the the mati ssystaa ottawa paitorhas got into trouble fck calling eis choir nest of horneti he tppearsto rj kivetotmd tiem jiut wiut he exil crrizes your letter isje tbinfe ttisljed for tt present we daqt care to gif pablicity to tay pereaaal tjert xnd maitherefare eiclsdi ycrara of t25tfa s off rfera- are yoa iti my preftymaidt tiidos3tneshppiiic erectly siandirhere4sited in a gud scrprisevv oh any there lcbere they f adrertiae the acton- ffee press siys- the pile hcree of iesjh is mxking hisriy a tfaxoach ont cocntt settle eis icxrfc on ha ticfimk is the editor tcjin ta scare hi- deliaqtieiit babscrlbers hamilton tlincx j xra ihorissnd hides taken offwild tiorsesj were received at the cordovan tan- eery last reetfrotn crugnay soathamer- in this basisesi ia fast inckaxmzt nl ii one of the motmportanc fodttatries of oar a iteetikg of tbe village council was held on tqfisday evening all the members present- the towa hall byliw wa passed tferoagh its brst and secood readings and ilessr gawdy t jlwres f accoant for lamber was ordered to be paid 4fter whicii the eocncil adfocrned eevi t jiewitt ialnfage dd ai brooklyn tabernacle broohynrxy wie deliver his lectnre the bright side at things in thi town j hall georgetoirn on wediesday evening angnst 3rd single j tickets 75 cents donbleflog lecture to commence at 6 oclocli talmage is world renowned an orator end his name is famsiar yritkl us he will ondocbtediy j have the lariesi- iuiieace ever assembled in geoigetowl ok ffircir iwtitcr hamittoh an old farmer of afalgar ttearfitroetsvole was drivingihfl rener and in order t6tq jfit hftnpaff frrijn itftf rpn paiigad an am- t breua jjthe horses became frwhtened and ran away in going over a farrowthe jolt v threw the fl ptfia fmrn f i mgylifp in front of theniie one teg fcotug beneath and the other on the top so that he was cut up into the bowels wiien the horses were cangb the body of the deceased was- ticking on the machine hut life waa gone the fomersj which took placeon gahbab lwmteryiarge- wje irptice that some of- tbe clergymen thrbnghoot the province dts- unpted their aggregations on sonday ow- ing to the intense heat this was a sens ible act and conld be followed by others we qoestioa if tbejpiety of congre gations is not just gflikely tobe dimijhvhed u increased by two serviceaa stftidayin thit broiling weather ij oar localt clergy honld favor the idea h is not likely that y their congregations will roxableif ths snggesiiod is not acceptable might at least be reducei to aboot half ftuoiul length- t laine lmrn i weak fwtb oivar- vvtatiieii vwy dry mukdat tsemancipatimi day paiktehs aeein to be very uiy wuere did yon ret the beer boya t read this weeks etory on first pir the ahawers on monday vrcro very tight oca faruiprk hav coaiuicnccd the harvesting iu earnest tkh bailnr is very partial with his strpet watering cart kassagawera news received too late o rinse rtion this meet deai really with the ice pitcher and cucumber the sweltering days iiet futber pymortier gneliilu offipiatcdat the catholic church near acton on sttoday tke bois btnd cvc a free con- cert at theiiand stand oa willow struct last thursday eveuiuc 0 wtvg o the insertion of the town hall bylaw a urce amogut of iutcrcstiiig mattcrit ctvwded out thit week me george stecl bith had tbe interior of his residence- on the corner of frederick and mill streets kalsomvned the iron rails on the notthcrji and xorlhwstcra railway from st anns to stewarltowd are to be replaced with stecl mrs ftewclltng an old woman of kelson townahip was femad dead in her bedon thcwday- heart disciie vis the cause of death oakvillc standard graku lodge of ancient fire masons met at hamilton oa tholsth and hth insts walker lode ko 321 acton was represented by capt shaw wm a tacutikg dtccidtnt occurred at oitville on suudxy of lust week by vbich tea toronto voung men were wrecked a boat and crew from cukvillu rcicucd thctci after they bid been in the wafer over forty minute ilxd sunday work a- trustee an cktmslee ori citizen has borrowed the copr of the compendium of school law belonging ti tte board of elacition the chairman of the present boarxl will be greatly obliged if the strav volutue is rvtcrned lurthwith will the officers of tlie wyew1 sabbath cbtos ta towa zmow the pleasant umraer mouths to pis without showing encegh iaterest in the children of their schiols to yive them the pleaitrre ef a sab bath schuyl picnic it iiwks very much like it a mouxt forett paper publishes this erhiluttting au touuce rj en t good news to tie public tiln nociee thit gib- smi will havehis ner firstclia hearse ready tee first wek iu july whit kind vt people must they have- in thit part of the country xuyhuir list sittirday a little boy son of ifr boot- aimstmog of tins town fell into arcistem in the back yar i and would have lien drowned bat for the timely assistance rendered him by mr john elliott who succeeded in catching his hair and pulling him oat milton c7urc os thnraday last two large excur sions passed throoh acton over the ttn for toronto the first train was composed of eiehfpikseiisr coaclei containing- tie school children of stratford tbeiecind train contaiued nine ccaches uuder the aupcea of the preston bnis band actox is doin a nishing ttade says the rkaxpeess its merchsnts adver- tue liberally ieoretovn herald ye oar merchants kuow that it is to their in terests to advert in their borne piper we would like to see the georgetown mer chants more loyal la patronizing their icksi journal ttie propecjasof anew fortnight iy journal with the title of the bcral canadian ista hand it will be published in toronto by c filactett robinson and will have fur its editor w f clarke whose name is very iamiliar among the agricultur ists of canada the sural oinedlaa will be pabliihed at s 100 peracnura the milton kcics wantsfits county contemporaries to say vthat they think rela tive to the formation of a union to protect their interests against th city dtilies who are endeavorinc to crowd ont the local weeklies by fijoding the wan try with cheap reprints of their daily edition count us one with yon on the sul ject bro 2iitt oce village hae iucrec5d to sncl an erteofrthat it was founrltecessary to divide it info two polling subdivisions the division has bea made and mill street is chosen as the line whereby the two wards are divided it is a singular coidcidencc tfesttfce wards- thhsvdivi led each contain eractly the eame number ii electors as well a jurors there are ii j electors and 77 iurore in each ward aczox as a market for produce of all- kinds andas a pwefor purchaahit gooda at the taoitreasonablfi prices i daily growing in favor withthe farming commun- ifyaodwtf see many customers here every week ho have heretofore purchased their sopgliea ia other towns whurh are nearer to their homea acton merchants are paying the cerr hjfihea price for farm produce aiid are freely fldyertisio their gcods in their local jiaper hcuce their saccesa ok far dat fust several boys were ioitenng abonf the tjte depot on the lookout for s ride to georgetowo to see tbe smasmip at the junction when a hrakeman told them he would gi them a free ride down if they would get him a bottle of beer thinking this a good chance for a ride the boys came down town and with a botufl and tweutynve cents ooe of the boys a son of one of the members of oar village council purchased tbe beqr at onepitbnr respectable lawabiding auder the crooks act hotels there were foor bays and tbey were aped from twelve w fourteen years we understood tbit there is a clause in the crooks act prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors to minora h pishes streets very duaty fierun in 8 a cororsllon baby harvest apples rain the market tue days an grew log pevoeptibly shorter the gelda are wkila or yellow uuto liarvest look foe a w greens now adv in another column uxryesfima ii very brikk and men arc in great tieniaud georuetqwx takes ha cakflfor railroad accideuts and firca guelpii lm rome very bad htreel crossings near the gtk passentter depot tlte employee of uaggart biot- bramptcd cicacted to the forks of the credit osaturday the rtisitbince of mr atired wv eon georgetown narrowly escaped destruc- tiyu liy flti on tuesday of laaxwck messrs cituieronbio have just completed a hamhromc oruameatal fence around mr et little prcuiiics f the gueluh herald says the tame 1 am thomas gawdy ia freely men- turned as a candidate for the uiayoralily in iss two bornn will last an ox a life time bat we know several perilous ia town ho require that many every morning be fore breakfast tltrre arc a great many visitors ia town at prcseut but if their friends do not let tts know who they arc wecanaot male a uotc of it soirn of our citizens think the council thould pass a dog bylaw and re quire dus owners to ufcc out a license for their curs a yood idea j the georgetown herald savs a woman tm seeing mr alfred watsons liotise baruisgoa tuesday culaimed oh let it bum be xcott act man messrs ii storey son are now shipiim from 500 u 1000 worth of xks daily they erixct to continue ship- pitig at this rate for a month or two tue ctoksirjg on tbe new willow tteet sidewalk at ayncs- street was not very securely laid it has been pulled out of plsce by teams driving over it and should be tired at once ik kext issue we will give a list of the apportionment of legislative school grant for lt1 to each school section in the county also the average attendance during tbe first half year a race took placi yesterdav morn ing between one cf our village batchers and a number of boys for wikj would get to tha pound first the batcherjcamein ahead and saved the potmdkeepers fine on his pfi oxsundity night a heary etorai pitted over tbe lower end of this county the lightning struck x driving shed and pig pen belankincto mr consoc near lowvihc a number of valuable implements and five pigs were barued loa7g0 xo insur ance the fidffwalk on jskn street from mill to church is to rather a dilapidated condition tbe stringers have rotted down and the wjk is consequently very irregular the street and sidewalk cummittee ehoald ive it their attention before coacluding oieratiocs for tbe year the acton fees press warns people not to drink cold water this weather hope he aint going back on his temperance principles georgetown herald xo sir hes sound on that subject he advises peopeduring tbe hot weather to make a temperate astz of cold water a touxg gentleman in town was informed the other day by that pet o- creation his admired ones younger biother that his mother said he couldnt come there any more when asked why he replied that he now came ecven night in the week and how could he come any en 4 re ma edk dynes tbe constructor of the village sidewalks this year deserves credit for i the very eicelleut manner in which be has laid the sidwatks and the citizens are all apparently satisfied with his wort the materials used in the conacruc- tiou of the sidewalks this year are the best that have ever been piovtded by the corpor ation and we eipecttosec very natiifactory results wehavejaijtreceivpd thetwerti eth- annual catalogue of the wealeyan femalecoiiege of hamilton for the col legiate year is30s1 this institution under the able manacement of hev a burns dd lld ranks very highamong similar educational institutions of the prov- iuce and with its present directorate and faculty of instruction u destined to succeed if any f our readers desire to give- their daughters a collegiate course wewculd recommend them to pitroaixe this institu tion i i the conktrtlilr pivc the enw by law proper attention in bramptofc we clip the followiug from the banner the constable is going it thorough now on tuesday morning last he impounded seven head of cattle before sir oclock on thursday morning he impounded a horse fetrayimrat larye belohgsng to a man named cock it is said that it was nip and tuck bctweed the coastahle and mr e raih for the jlattera cow but the latter von by a head a few cows might be- found on acton streets before six oclock in the morn ing will any person take th hint mtt atvex secord deeires us to inform the parties who stole tbe lock off the railing surrouhdiog his burial lot iu the vil- iajre cemetery that if they will come to him they can have the key such vandalism shoald be severely punished by the village authorities we are informed that ja num ber of children residing in the vicnsty of tlie cemetery make it a place for playing all sorts of jfraokar the panmu of these child ren should bco that this practice 16 discon tinued it is very painful for friends to visit the graves of tbelr loved ones sod find the railings torn down thegraves trampled upon and the tombstones overturned we hope this mention of the matter wijl cause its discontinuance eta efo at j e xcg-ar- mr j motlikati of qaclph wu la town ohmoaday rot c r let at port colbom wm id towihffii friday ut wnfi ion at iuov smith la ruitind ftleuds iu wnuditock lin o a coloman oi holiborton is viaiting borfriandihero mrjjiniw wirrnn of kiocrdiue it vuitiog liu actgn rioda mn k stophimon of brookljn ny it viiitiok har frieudt hero miu kto birmiiirhim of gaelpk it wtitiiik lier fricodt m actoa wo hl a call 011 satarday from ur v mciotyre of wiunipeft mao ilr j b uolareo of tlio meaford jcimvcp called oil a 6a riday luu iln f s kiinpiod of brockton it visiting licr fricudi iu acton tod vicinity mr gcorgtr tvilsoa of allaadalo tocnt saturday and sunday with his friends here mrt william scott of toronto ia visit ior her soo mr jamca scott camv painter mr fl mcmackon arrived home from cohoarz oa tuesday to speud ihe summer vacation mr lewis r for accountant for messrs w u storey b son it spending his holidays at brockviile misses rosa priogle and jennie yoaug of fersos atoj visiting thoir frieuds at the methodist panouao mrs mccormick wife of ihe principal of oraorevillc public 8chooi spent a f- days this week with her friends here misses minnie and clara brulty daugh tort of rev j itoley of palmorttou are payiap their acton friends visit a son of mr fp mclean principal of the county model school milton is spending hit holidays with fqendl in this vioioity mr w cooo oar vilhire liarbcr it off on atrip to collingwood dime ruraar aaya he it away oa hii wedding tour tt it so mr aad mrt a mcewia and children of yocngstown ohio accomptaicd by their nifoe miss jennie mcginucss are visiting at willow cotuge just look this way ip ilktika bouoht a laeoi stock of i groceries i- glassware crockery for cash and his expenses being light is confident that he cannot be un0r801d tu cradle sjoth in acton on the miji iust the wife of mr w t smyth of j soq the gkave setght at ilarkhsmon the i5th iut xlxud ellen youngest daughter of ilr henry speight aged i years 3 months a soukd mikd ik a healthy ronvtheolo kominldeiof the hlrhst oegiee ac hxpiuness the liver rules the roost lkotesrrox creates anarchy in ie pbsfleil vettii cositvencsc btuoune dlrrlnessanjuart usi in the tnoutavxellow skin and eyef loss of appetite loss of energy and tow spirits pains in the bscjc and sme wind and foul ttomaeh alt there create bud bkxd ilrtulate tne tjoweissomacqlver anukijnjswun zopzsa rrm bnuli try tt locenlcampfeanjufc joardruqlit j- e sicgsrvtitabtatk farmers csa rely on receiving the b iciest market price tor their butter and eggs best value ik tea8 is town the whole of tbe stock is new and fresh and some of be very alet desigoi in uhuavare hire just your patronag la kindly solicited ki5g op the dry goiddg ib1rgaii8 hughes griffin v offer from date spring and summer millinery at a great reduction i f mum mum v dress coods muslins and hosiery at wholeeau prleea grey and bieaoihei cottons 33eaims dtioks 0 ttoaades aad faaoy priats 4 sg cheaper than ever also a large consignment of french kid aif boots and slippets kens tieshoes and gaiters jtufc reoeived from tlis manufacturer goods we will guarantee at prices that cant be bbat a f1jllline of fresh groceries just in for the harvest season atpttgm prices remember we sell cheap for cash and 6l8 good value hughes griffin acton vms btationery istore beweb terrible destruction- amoni the dry goods v v s aturd ay 2w j july we oommence a grand onslauahtin our immense stock odry goods du tnc past week we have been busily at work remarking the goods in erary de partment at such astounding reductions in price as will startle tha commnnity mer chants customers andali prices reduced fryni 25 to 50 per ccdl aha to crown ail we shall give dnnng the next 30 cays a cash discount of ten percent- t bu even- purchase of 1 and upwards j i 10 jor ceat for casa oa evsry dollar inark tua all good willbe sold at he reduced prices inrt the cash d1s0uunt will not be allowed when goods are charged a 90000 worth of choice goods at slaughter priceayj oh wont there be tan 1 tfe expect to dmw the customer from 11 t le ocka stores and surroandiog toiraavdaring th neit 3i d iya hfb re derniited to ruth off the goods urge fail uipobtatiovg re now on the way from europe and our present stoct must tie recced in next weeki adrrt- ttsement we shall gie price list for wliioh we hafe not pce this week bat re peat that the redaction in price we extend to etery department and a cubdii count of 10 per cent will be allowed ou ewr purchase of 1 and opwoida extra alemea been hand for the great hush aj the lion j d williamson co i vi m prepare for the hot weather halifax tweed slits rom s1100 to 130 just the taiag for july aad aagus wear thet are i if jntobby durable and -at- j fyfes acton i ahead 0 all competition i a special announcement mammoth house georgetown j beg leave to announce that they have made extensive purchoaea m tweeds dreee ooode muellne prints oerpete ire i io addition to tbeirforiper immensb stock they purchaaad large lmaa ortheaobvi goods 100 pieces or 2000 tarda all of new and fashionable sooich ttreedi re- nlarpricea 24 26 persuit and in tha city the ohvge j30 tot the same gooda andw be sold for18 per puit made to order irfcs gtious so iooi 1 2o 15e 20o worth douhlftthe monj drkss musllns so g t klo worth donhle the money prints for so- 6 j so iuj vorth in each case s3 per oent more i tapeatry corpela f6f 40o per yard we hare made ia tddlunn of 60 pleoe f taoeatry carpet tooar aloot we hate fitrtber a magnificent stock if brussels in our milllnry bephrtmeot w were never so boor our hajuds are working night and day our ordered qotung oeparunenv was naer in such a sotiruhihg coridltion thbpve ia proof positive that we are doing the aisiceta- jiving lb bargains and pleating the people come and trade with na andtjav poweod ander93m ti fto ft acton paints oils tar r v io mk mm-

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