thefkee fuebs s- 8 if st fi j r acrrik titiirkuiv aatuit 1881 mod oaota aot paoapsarrr the harvest bat now been in riregnss for couple of wck in thiajurt of the country and ho fall crop tbe most of which ii- housed i found to be up to ttfe average the rioiecl for spiing grains is equally irood and the hay crop waa an rscellant one itad oar agricultural interests areoir the whole in inch a- very favorable con dition as toeauee no glooin or rutard the wave of incoming prosrwriir our dianafactcrirs are doing full wotlc our railroada for the most pal t are iroreasinjj tlwir traflie receipts our bank returns are indicating an improved state of trade after the long bud tedious period of adversity and discaiitent the days of prosperity ime i gradually hut certainly conic without waiting to cdatend as lb rbcther our prosperity is attributable iojjood traps or a protective tariff let us accept the sitnatidii and consider kow best we i shall lengthen out the prosperous coo ditiort of the couutrr very much depends da ourselves good and tad times come and golifce the swing of a pendulum vehave it ry much in our ou power to prc- long or shorten the periods of prosper ity in seasons of prosperity men grow reckliss and ertraragaat and in their eageruesa ta ba rich they peculst beyond their means and bv ovourediug and inctunnjj debts in excess of their financial ability they bring ibattt iil are and a train of mercantile disasters oflf to laruier near prestou hu want to ntaton and golit and brought it home ilio thief is still at largo but moat likely ho wil be brought io justice oou j v mr w a mclntyre formtrly a teacher in section ncc s of thia town- hip baa come over from winnipeg to spend bis holidays he is a teacher in una ofjtho schools in wiuuiiieg and i is holidays have been extended to eight weeks his heulth baa been beuer tines he went tothe north- west arid he reports the times as being first clan out tier ned bylaw no 94 a bylaw t raise by war of loan the mm of fire thousand fire lladre dollars for the pur poses therein mentioned rnaats mrt u hsndersoo is truiliog frisnds iu vyslkctlon ifr j r ilujhealis tisitiug risoda at suspension bridge niy i mr and mrs janica brown hava been spending a week at oruiia mr jam xicklia sadlwifa tr visilinir their friends iu howraauvflle sirs dr dowry rcwncdontueday from riiit vriltt friaudx ta pert jis h e unntiatoa and twq children arc visiting frecudt iu lvahingtoa who had a call on tassdiy froia mr 0 wilson of the qfcv attney quelph iti emma tubby of yeorgutown spent levcral div during the wcet vith friends here i hesirs jara indwilliaia finthrook of torooto speot a few tlift this week in acloa mr if h kittredge was in fowa on friday lla will repisa hit baaaeif t in ttith oat j ilr jimca xfoora sad wife snd uafihter auiie of tirimptoa vijited their frmads here on tucsdiy mrt k r tua reltimcil doriog the wk frctne four weeks visit with friends ia the vieiaity of part elope- 1 v eer w j iijott wiia and family left this week for fitce komeaa moikofca where they intend u speoil afew weeks t- l itllt iu seakols of adversity men from ihcer nceesaity draw in and by prudence try to recover their loases hue when the depression has gone they aoon forget and when art opportunity is afforded them of husiianding their resources they neglect to do it and instead of- economy tief inaugrirate a course- of eitramgance and speculation which nltiosatjlybrtnga around financial tniu to many and 6rtutncss to ail seasons of prosperity are often at tended with danger ijecanie caution is forgotten- and men nrglert to save then what may help them in duller timatt j 1 f tue ckiolc lxitn laactan oa the est aacast the wife of mr sumuel liird of a daughter ide ittijt vthiwoad htmird ln oikville on vvedncsdav july 27th at tbe residence of tbe brides father bv the per george abbs of port pern- assuledby rev v meikle osfcville k j vellwood ba htgu school master ta harriet a daugb terof a tfilliard esq all ofoakville v i r m k 4 i j j ft 7 v i zoisi ol siucusa the board trustees of acton school division met in the tchoot bou on jfondar evening 1st tnst pursuant to adjournment members afi preaeot xlinuteaof last meeting read and confirmed jfoved by j xfattliewe eecodded liy tliaaby that h p ilodres aceoant oc 100 for printing trustee election notices be paid and that the chairman issue bis cheque for the same carj ried j moved by 8 iroore seconded by j fjasby that the name of dr w h iowry be added to th property oom- mtttee can fed minted by j ilaltbwtt seconded by j a lajhy that the property committee be instructed to complete the fencr around the schoof property jxvrried mored by s jfoorey seconded by j r matthews that mr little be authorized to proenre for the flse of the school three new- maps of asia europe and jfortli americav carried board adjournevl from aufovil vnrtepcadaii- t mr massie of the church jjf eag land here is sboutto rejnova to harriston mr eicharcftaylor has returned from manitoba aifd intendsjtaihg up his abode there baring taken up half a sectioa of land near mulsrd he i greatly pleased both with the richness of he soil and also the healthy climate ft white mr alex mcjhedran was reaping the other day his team took hight and ran away with the machine hich made things loot wild for few minofes fortoriately the driver es caped unhurt therebeing no damage diinef except breaking part of the tnsclune after a good deal of talking and waiting f he c v station has been removed to campbellwlfe at last to the satisfaction of tfiose in the vicinity the former position of tbe station heiug very inconvenient the passenger train made quick time going from cainpbellyille to milton on the morning of tbe 25thult caving gone through in 8 minutes the distance being 7 iuiiles i daniel mecardy has been so fortn- eiate as to secure tbe horse oiat was ittolen frota iim htppietime ago he gotwordt it had been porehsgeu by v hfltel keeper it blmira so he went up to see about it but it had been sent jiistferiived tacts for tha peopfaa hits from 75 cents to f 25c at i fyfes i a good felt hat for 75 cents at jfyfe- new itoct of stoves just received at j cv hills for 6rktcii8s eavetronghing ap plv to j c hill lidees ksnlles tiewest styles at christie henderson k co a splendid lot of harvest tools cheap at pearsons acton f- tif you want a ndbhy durable and cneap suit j fyfes fa the place to go caoccher and glassware at prices that will surprise you at pearsoav acton i kails and hinges locks etc at astoniahinglv low rates at pearsons acton see bur 50c t the best- in the county and dont you forget it at pearsons acton evebtthikg cheap ibnt butfer and ggs at the farmers produce market christie henderson k co scotch english and canadian saltings in reat variety it the east end clothing store j fyfe acfcoa xcw xd rcchiecirciitbe most er- qaxstle little toilet gem ertartfortheteetti iz breath la tea tier kt sample seta suits kai overcoats at extremely low rates aad made in latest styles be sore to call and see them j fyfe acton eememlier that fatuous 50c tea at the lgg emporiumrsold in 51b lots at ii cents christie henderson ico- lace curtains 75c per set at the egg and butter depots where yon get the famous 50c tea christie hender son t co use fcastorlne machine oil for all kinds of machinery it is also excellent for harness or eeatiier mating it water and weather proof cheistie henderson co are now prepared to buy all the choice butter and fresh eggs in the townships of 2tasssgaweya eraraosa- erin and esquesing they will lead the market ve tbey baveal ways done when buying thesearticrea of produce remember their 50 cent tea sold in 5s loiaat 45 cents mcquillaii k hamilton of the welliagtod marble work gaelph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing toem with their ordprs if you nead anything in their line be sere and reipember them they do a very urge buatoesv oon- sqaeatjy they sre able to give better terms and keep better workmen than smaller works fiend to them for particulars the ejfg and butter emporium will take ail your eggs and choicft butter at highest market prices hav ing contracted to snpply an lodustrisl institution with- butter our facilities for handling jaige quantities are un limited we want at leaat one ton per week have you tried our famous 50c teal christie henderson co a sound misdix a healthy bodicvtbe old roman idea of the highest degree or happiness the liirxn rales the roost itoigestjoh crates anareby io the pbjsieal svstem cosureaess bllloasm dlzxlnnu ana bad taste in tbe mooto fallow akin and eyei wssof appcute lossof anerat and low pinta pains to theback and side wind and foul stomach all there create bad blood pnlaiethebowls8i6maeh liver and kidneys with zopew irom broil try 10 aeotrampleiuidaskyour druggist j e meaajtjnahoujii large selection of whereas the municipal council tif th villagn of acton have re solved to build a town ball aul whewai to oarry into tffect the laid reoited objrot it will be neflea- sary for the said municipal council to raise by way of loan the sum of five thousand five hunami oullarain the manner hereinafter mentioned and wlwroa the said municipal council have decided to make the principal of such debt repxynbli by annual inatulmenla during the currenoy of tho period within which the debt is to be disohargl and whereas it will rttjuire the sum of four hundred and eighty ave dollars id be raised annually by siecial rate foe tho payment of the said loan or debt and fufireat as also heieinafier luenlioned and whereas be- amount of he whole rateable properly of the said municipality of the village of acton irrespective uf any fit lure increane of the same and aluo irtvapictive of anr income in tha nature of toils iuteiear or dividends from the work or from any rents dock share or iuterest iu the work upon which the money to lie so raised or any part thereof ia intended- to be invested and also irrespective of any income from the temporary iuvestment of the sinking fund or of any part thereof according to the last revised assessment roll of the said village of aclou is one hundred and fifty thousand four hundred and thirty dollars and whereas the amount of the existing debt of the said villaga of acton is uil and whereas for paying the interest and the annuil instalments foi jj tying the said sum of five thousand fivt hundred dollars as hereinaltar iiicution ed as they respectively become payable it will require an equalaunual special rate of three and oue quarur mlli in ihe dollar in addition to all other rates to be levied in each year on the whole of the rateable property of the said village of aclon be it therefore enacted by the iluuicipal council of tue village of acton 1 that it shall be lawful for the eccye of the said village of aoton to raise by way of loan from any person or persons body or badits eorporsle who may be willing to advance the same upon tha credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned a sum of money not exoeediag in the whole he lim of fivu thousand five hundred dollars and to cause the same to be paid io to the hands of the treasurer of the said village of acton for th puqjose and with the object above reciced 2 that it shall ba lawful for the said rterre to cause any number of debentures to be made fbr such sums of money as may be rtqqiied not less than one hundred dnllxra each and not excecdintr in the whole the amount hereinbefore mentioned that the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said village of acton and be signed by the said reeve and countersigned by the treasurer of the said village of acton 3 that the debentures shall be made payable as follows at tbe office of the treasurer of the villg jot acton and shall- have attached to them coupons for the payment of interest at the rate and fa the manner hereinafter mantioued that it to say on the 1st day of nor i882li50 1883 160 snd closing- it five oclock in tbe afternoon of tho stme day and that ho jlerk of the municipality tball at matthews hall in said village on the iwentynmath day of august a d 1881 sum up the nainbcr of rotes glvn or and igaimai the said by law ar and- tfijthe beee iball attend 1totuib t msfavvm matthews hall ifowald on the twenty- fifth day of august 1881 at 10 oclock a m fur the appointment of persons to alund at thpolling place and at the 6nal siihimioniip of the votes by i itu the cjerk respectively on bshxlf of the pei sons interested in and- proniotlni or opposing i be pauageof the by law respectively for this months weather pfttartd t sampu copy matlni for tcstaup 3 m 8totoabt pjb sim lea lularcwaar the undsrahmad bertby aonotum that they have decided o gfre no boatoeae m flour and feed merchant ana the would request all who owe tbeffl for goods to call and settle their aooount not uur then the a pomber iof eeecmate at books whlohw august long standing are upon our will require to bare paid up at oaee other wise they will be plaoad in other haads for oolleotioni law80nbb08 acton nly jith si tako notice that the- above is true copy of a proposed by law which will bfc taken into consideration by tbe council of ibis muololpally alter one month from ihe first publication in the a ctok free press the dato of which first publication was the twenty- eighth day of july a d 1881 and that he votes of the electors of the said mnniciulity will be utken thereon at matthews hall on the tweotyairth day of august a d 1881 commenc ing at nine oclock in the forenoon snd closing at five oclock in tbe afternoon ivtsad asaea voteeslist 1881 afuxiqipautir or thi township of esquesing boontt op haxrton notice w hereby ojver tsat f have transnilttad or delivered to lbs persons uantlorwd in ha third and itarih sections of i na volanllst acttbeopm riulrtd bf said seatlon td be so transmitted or delivered of tha list made paraaaottoaald act of all parsoiis apcarllf bjr iha last ra- of the aauie dar jemcoarvin vhuoecubk aclon july sgth 1881 t s 5 i i grooerye the place to buy good and che visions crockery and ip groceries laiware the latest stock of teas in town fifteen differ ent grades to choose from a satisfaction guaranteed if not moleyfunded the largest stbckever brought into acton jiml to hand sold cheap for cash no reasonable pwf refused alllthe nety lines in glass willie sold on the same terms i i america wri discyvered by lie ericcson the icelander in the year kxm and 8m years alter the eetirbrook steel pea co turned out their first pen rxoal faiuf for sale the subscriber wishes to sell his farm lot 3 cos in the township of ens oonslst- of ico seres c4 cleared aid under cul- tivstion the property is situated 3 miles from acton if not sold withiathree months it will bo offered for sale by pablio s action for farther particulars address johk 6ahly july 28th 81 glenwilhams pj correotionr watch repairing being asked dailj if i have a branch jewel err l bop across tbe street i take ihx opportunity to say that i bava no connection with mr ff s smith but have engaged mr k e lemmon latetr from england but more recently from sitacoe one of he bestwatch repairers i0 ianda i can sature my friends that hey need not leave me from the impres sion that their watches will not be car fully and properly repaired however difficult or complicated such watch may be vtours obediently b sayace watcimsiir k jmutr hulph 11 tdba antlllad to vols in tha said mdalel- polltjateleeuodt urraerobersof tbe ltala latlva autmblj aod at manlelpad elmtkms aid that tha said list waa hr1 postad ap at m offiae st riawarttnwn oa tb fltttt day of ahfuat 1sl and ramalns tbere tor mpeo- llon eleetora are called upon to ezamlo tha i said lift aoj if an omtnloo oracroiner errors are loadjl tharlotouke tmosedlata irocmdlnss to have the said errors eometad aceotdlofioiajr j uuhbay clark of tba said afunlelpaaitjr dated mj erth dar of aufullis81 hams bacon bolona sait3aje and all swrta of pbovjbions kept bonstantiy a bta oeeen sells cheap dont forget the jjam 1881 voters ust 1881 jdonieipahty of the township of nassagaweya ik the county of halton tsjorice is hebebv oiven that j31 i have transmitted or delivered to tha persons mentioned in the third aod fourth sections of the voteis lists act tba copies required by said sections to b so tranatrit- tad or delivered uf the list made psrauot to ssid act of 11 persoos appeanoz by tbe last reriiol assessmant voll of tha said municipality at electiooa for members of the legislative assembly aod at municipal elections and that said list waa first post ed op at my office at brookrille on the thirteenth of july 1881 and remains than for inspection electors are called upon to examine the said list and it any omisaiva or any other errors are fouod therein to take immediate proceedings to hare theaaid errors corrected according to law john ea8tebbkook clerk of tha said municipality dated at brookville the mth j day of july 1sc1 i for chea sugars teas tqbaccoigfenerls groeeries i go vto pe1mwb- i 1 i 1884 170 1885 t 180 1886 i9q 1887 200 1888 210 1889 220 1890 235 1891 250 1892 265 1893 280 189 300 1895 320 1896 3i0 1897 360 1898 380 1899 05 1900 0 1901 455 christie henderson 00 will not rest until every man woman and child within a distaooa of fifty mjm haa heard that they sell dry goods clothing hats groceries boots aod shoes c at almost wholesale prices see our price for dress goods see oar prices for cottons shirtings prints deniim st backs i see our prices for felt bats and gents furalshlors see onr prices tor boots and shoes see oer prices for beadymade cloihlns they astonish everybody glass putty coal oilt msaohiiisre oxi harvest tools c go to persons acton m we believe that profits lis ia the volume of business dose rather than in urge profits oa a small turn over come with the crowd to the glasgow h0 the wonderful man io bail new tapestry s r v a carpets grand goods rich colors styles and patterns the chepet goods bj 20 per cent in the boyal city of guelph il i the said debenture shall hear interest at and after tlie rate if six pr cent per annum from the dak thereof which- interest shall be payable aonaallyon the first day of november in earlh year at the office of the treasurer of the village of acton 5 that for the purpose of providing annually for the payment of tha said debentures aad the interest at the rata h foresaid to become- duo thereon an rqaal special rate of three and one quarter mills on ihe dollar shull in addition to all other rates be assessed raised levied and collected in each year ifcon all the rateable property within he said villaga of acton daring thercontiaaanoeof the said debentures of the said debentures or any of them unless such debentures shall be sooner paid 6 tht thisjbylaw shall take effect anp come into operation on the first day of september one thousand eight huudred audi eightyone t and it is fvrther enacted by the municipal cwdc 1 aforesaid that the votes of the hectors ol tbe said municipality shall be taken on the said proiosed byjlav at matthews bail on tbe twenty sixth day of au gust- a v 1881 loomoiencing at the bout of pi oclock in the foreno the nsfr metfcr- highest price pail for preeh eggs best value est 50 cent tea i christie henderson co a fact disputable that for a fashionable suit and a good fitting suit i and a suit in copy respect to tuit you oejfc b isrrs02sts i 18 tbe place 10 00 to to suit yourself so that you inayesuited just try r e nelson once and he will suit you he has the nobbiest and most fashionable stock in town to select from cheap for cash odist hytrin bookat x- m mcqjajf the rush for our wonderful dress goods gohtinues 1 v for oar extraordinary value in black and ooloroduroeo silks ftr oar amawng axtnt value blaok osahmeresaiidricdjfapoy dne8e attractive and wonderful value in ail staple goods suoii as soirtmiia cotton ooodn denims dncks sso for our am wring value wtaolei linens sheettas souseftarnislunbs etoi indeed fbf the beet value obtainable in western ontana the wonderful manproiniaes try him hta word is always sound our malmertepabtmeri v 7 leads tbe laahion great artiatio taste bauufoi daalsm and elelnt i display of judgment- j- vr s i i a m i c moultag goods jl 1 iaalftainsttopttimentiabur establishment parties may depend upon being supplied with all that is reoirealbrsucbooosmcitifsij tremely oheep i iteijdtmade clopctan0 oar tillwaomen is oonduoted try mr jsimkvoitsrbo s crastraatemaamiti- v- ijjns ir si gtej8fllyiam m f i 0 1mmmiimzm pefiw