Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1881, p. 2

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ppsssas tii tin sfr gbbobbflbi juefkfcbtotessr tbchacvrmufestito scpuuiwr i 1681 tart i t i r bjti js hatflvav oar cablegram report ad ptopahh fciluie ot rtie giiu harvest in tub unitvd kinplolu owing to unfavorable cttlm while am- famiett bave fed campkininj of l dry season and ifuierkiri itnisikuiiftii bwii-suf- fjiiuj from small crops uriug ifkw driirut old ojuntry fanners bv- tt nrdiost niiiifl by successive ralii v t tkos pmcis roa asii sjujc of the leading grain nieichanls 6f new yoik bave bcvu interviewed en the question cl prices aud lle prosit ror fartiirrs it is iot to be supposed thai licit mta whte fortunes- dvpjud tfpbn speciluiuu enliiely fould ex press bpinious calculated to male farm en and grain dealers loo sauguiro notwithstanding this fact with one exception they thought prices would fine baa yet uud expressed no fiir that any considerable tltcliiie would take place for the rest of tiie season cjakumnn they do tut bring nay ibitig neu y xt fnl iouifi business of ouie out nl viy jfaic o look out foi tlime details many a giod hous tie robs her gaideu tu mike up l went decorative boquut aitli wbeu slit icackrt tlto fuifll ids flu piece to put ic it can oilly be liil down some bete probably iiithe auu no due intake charge of it of locate for iu h ia tile uegtectof these lillle things llmt diacourauas contributors take siich a biajuel for cxtuipte u proper person- cumnf if la could not hid a irikr vsa w hold wmii lar it b wjiuld take some nevapapers make big m of mud around the sunm bind the papers mound llitvljitll and tkeboquet could staud erect on its ulud bite aud ivuiaiu fsb foi daye lt los vit goes lu the fii witi the iuleuiiou of woiktng utv- a impcr of tickt uaotucr of scout iins bills ol wine cm nd course wjvtrkl jieneils some bluok- mrd it oat jck kuifi- and itbora alt tpirit but lejtda to tbe doing of everything thut netda to- ba done to- incka tbiurs show tttlchiir b6t briaottkr oct of lueing citiqnet liiinmir tc were kept up in ibegiov uatil dmk aftci wliich the coinittr procoedml to the jlt biojkvilli wberu npuuoert wt bifd the ooucurt wj not no wsl utuudcd tbu tichib rviv mrt- mteflictbon of stratford in tliu baue of kv h h mopbar uii filled thij llfubylerun luliit ttultotirille ou sunday i mr 1 logio iittrnl on fridiy doni drtrtit mhero b b boon spending tbo holiduyi mr t eloore who paused the reeen freond cwi uuclict ihininatiod al waurdown lias bcvii kiwiuud imolier in s 8 no 2 in iifbcc of xr k i turner who feateg about votb svpb for sordini- school a toroiito 1 sed iaaaja bniog lu motion cauncd it to turn round htid atiike 8 coney na tbo bead hruakiug in btii skull and at tbe tame tine atriklng tvbaleu botfr men were throwti fiom tbe train aaioon aa iniiume could improrementi are oomtanljr being taad in the manulactiire of iteel pem eilei brooks ate of luberiot excellence for hie by til hacfcmera kn a caaafea l hie urla st we hire just tvccivcd icforiintioii bat the apple crop in enguud scot- land and some pattsof the kiropoan coalinent is a failure iu devansliiir i the greatest sppu eotfutry of euguud v tbe yield i far btlow th iwsmge an j motlerc u ru oiitay insuite nearly a fiiluic lugcruary thii crop iill not equal tbo dtuijcd for homo consumption aud nearly all other countries share lbs sxaieiale in ireland thby look entirely to aunrica to supply tbe deownl the prospect of the cacadita crop is ooly fair and theie is eyery prospect of prices being lugb it is rery provable that these countries wilt sepd tilen here to operate 6a canadian apples zslmjlif xojbisi courcu utiooiitcioair body of bweeiiey placid en a- handcaf and ulien id th oily- tb unfortunale uiau ttrtntliiag bia ian just before retailing tbe irntion wliuleii was taken to lie lioapilal esqursisa aiiciiltntal society oow two iriioi si5 iujjio for lb beat brau bmdi ia tho county to u competed for at eae erfaibiticu at georpetmru ou the 96tb iil tjir will bca pood opporfuuity for arlon uraafiiiuqd fcrccnriince xorval band whttlmr tlioy can bo faidy beaten and we fruit that our excellent band will coapete a vkv inccmful picnic undur the uiljiccl of tbe lisstiit sabtutli school wn held on f ucidjy ifteruoou in mr cleave widda a very laro crowd waa preent and all iccnied to enjiy thetnflchef im uicusclv tbe aeton- llraef band wae ia attcudaoce and plajed several acloctione tiie vijudi suffettd terribly at the baud boyi ublc blown t houiebold fmhn hu be procured tbo no equal for reiieviig phn bmh ln tha council uiet in tbu council chamber on saturday august 27th pursuant to adjcurouhat meuibcts all present iliimtes of last meeting read rnd s ttefe are fepovut of coustiuwf i a the election on tha tora hull by inrisrt friday eunssd coaiderable excitement ia town bat nefwithstand ing the stir a comparatively sninlj rot was polled it is hardly necessary tn biale that thebyiavr wascsnied hy a tnjorityi the kill being 50 for b bylaor snd tnly it acaintt ibis we think clearly shows theepirit efenterprrse possessed by the freehold rtrs of our village there are still same non progressive fcleetore and especially non ratenyert frlio object to building a town hall fiut thfc building of the hall now being pv cerlioatf and a wellunderstoci necessity by a large mnjority of the electors who voted for it would it not be ell for the nonprogtesire pirty of ejectors ho oppossdic to grace fully submit to havethe tilltgb im proved aud the yalue of tb6 property increased by this one of thft best liuvesuuents of public funds yet made jby the- electors thruugh- the village council- riit vo iura to 5- f we like to eee a man nfuse to take hislocit ptier and all tbe time rpougn on his neighbor fur the reading of it we like to hear a man corrplam wheu we ask hiui to sulitcribe or his paper that he takes mere papers- than lia reads no aud then go arusnd and borrow- bis neighbors or loaf about him until be nets the news from it we like to see a man mil down hia home paper se not troith taking aud every now and then beg tbe editor for a favor in the editorial rirw we like to aee a man refuse to advertise in a home parer and then try to get a share of trade which luepaper bringsto town but above all things we like to see a rich miserly man who cannot pay for his local paper always manage to be arouud iu time to read the paper at the einse of a friend npt worth tbe tenth part of what he himself is it looks so ecoiio cal thrifty and progressive- you know moved by mr fvudsay- seconded- by ifr wunen that halt rawlinsoui account of s2483 for blanks for assess uient and coltectora rolls uud receipt tkxk be mid j carried moved by mr warren srennded by mr lindsay fhxt eve lie granted to introduce abyhrw in foi mthat portion farmere aiidotlier uaaucpectio partiei be iujmriadled by men wiio travel artcndtlu couutry with frabddf varioqa kiuda irom pilcbforks to maebinea of mora vahiiod tbe farm the firuierc have oftiin beta warutd cain these ceutry hy the preej but they readily triage fbeir titict ui assume ill torts of firina for cotranpiup the uuwarv temkl and external k ourei rtin to tlir tsotff uaokot bbwehi sort throti kheumutiim toothaobe lumbafldaid any kind of a ialn or ache it will msitaurrly quicken tba wood and lfsl in its acting powtr pi wonoverful bfonni bborehofd jaibafiwi mag acknowledgrcf as the gret oln believer and of double tbe urehgth of sny other kfixlr or liuimeftt in in world ihould be in every family handy sot usr nhen wanted as it reallv li the beat rtaredy io tbe world for cram us in the tllomacb and paint and achei of all kinds and h for sale by all druggiau tt si- cents- a bottle rteej if groceries prori wa-i- tv c uud of tutlfts tbe ebdertlgned desires us bereoy tender hli sincere tbartks to tboi gen tjemen who aiiiileellba wife when she met willi tbe accident by mlinj from the erctrriuor train at the firant house- burlidioo on monday 1mb august jamejfjcott acton sept 1 81 painter 0u fob grain of arufjndj 1 am prepared to pay tbe highest cash price for any quantity of wheat btwlef p6as oate ftye e6vtc at my storehouse lliaclonktrrron wu hubttlp acton sept ill 188t the place to bujrgoc4 and visions crockery arid q l-t- yi te largest stock of tea in town fifteen- differ- ent grades to enpose from i satisfactiott gxsarantee money rsfuiotjted the largest stock ever brchklit intb actonjusfe to hand sold cheap for cash rjfoidascfnable oflor refused all the new li nes itfolass will be sold on the same terfcs hams bacon- saugha satjsa3s andm fsorfs of pbowion6 kjept constantly on hand 1ctbv haukeu white wheat j i is to i 21 trcadwcl ofi i is to i 21 oftlietuaacshipuf lquesiag htfetafore spring wteat gliiscwcad t 12 to i is ir-l- r h4bvsst sos a custom prevails in urilitia and other chantries of xhe old wotld which might advantageoutfy be copied in ri this canada of oars it is that of observing the festival of harvest tome the last pad of grain lor the season is brought in with processional honors and with denionstrktions of joy the day that witnenea its fcoosing iiu tbe brtf oc ife addition to the stack at once thatched over closes frith a merry feast in many of the kllajre and rural churches- throughout england a service of thanksgiving is held itveonnectioti with harvest home jhe inbhorof he churches are decked frith amples of grain and fruit which festoon the falls ortament tbe arches iid begirdnhe pulpit there are not bnljftlie tokens of- joy bat in epres gibh of rratltaae to the father of lights ftotn whom cometh every good ani bflrffett gift whose hand has graciously beatoed the weicodie harvest ito fwj this cdatonl has already bbeu 7 w idtrdddcsed inbj jertata sectioos- iu canada 4nd it it one which cboce possessing grjtefdl hearts ill heartilv and blntferely participate in it the close bf the present season for this bountiful iarvest and excellent prospects thftfag fcr tie fair ti tbeispterooef- nnmbet of the ameab agricniiurirt dr george tharb it ijluatratea a common trouiile ltthtrlotiii fafra bh follows people brlngmop which nut lieiug properl frthibiwii are tiniioticerf mikijm famcrj attizi tia 7ilrb the following very eensible remarks we ciip from one of ocr exchanges there are a few farmers ia almost every community whj never attend their county or totuship exhibition and of course take uo interest in them iu pursuing this policy they are lasers though it would doubtless be dfficult to make them think so there is couch for every intelligent farmer to learn at these fairs and if he would keep abreast of the times it is his plain duty rather lightest privilege to scire every opportunity which shall give hiui a more extended tnowltde and a greater familiarity with everything that per tains to agriculture and horticulture not only should everyone attend the fair bat hesuonld contribute front bis farm and garden product in matins the fair especially- his local one a success almost- everyone has some thing unusual some novelty which will add to the attractions therefore we say to every farmer go to the fair and do alliu your power to support and to elevate it couipfisiig the rural part of acton school division into a new school kection aud thai if be now read a fiist time carried bylaw read the rcqwrcd number of titees aud passed muted by mf graham scctmded by mr warren that leave be granted lo iutroduce a hy law to cfy a rate on the eeretal school sectiont for school purjioses and ifcat lh same bo liow read k first tiiue carried bylaw read the required number ol times and passed- moved by mr lindsay- secondw by mr graham ihat leave be granted to introduce a byuw to ssea the town ship of equesing for tire present yeaf also the c v r and h ic w railway lauhicipatities and the same l now read a first lime carried bylaw lead the required nuuiber of times and passed moved by mf- mcenery seconded by jfr lindsay that al by law be introdnced to appoiutcollectore of taxis for the yesr 1881 and that tha byuw be now read s first time carried by law read the required number pf times and passed council adjourned to meet on satur day oct 15ib bed chaff ieai ju barley rre h per dot liutttr uiiry racked batter rolls potatoea new per bajr drcased uogt i wool 0 09 to 1 11 0 go to 0 60 0 jo to 0 37 0 cj ia 0 68 0 55 to a co 0 12 to 0 13 0 16 tj 0 17 0 i to 0 22 0 5 to 0 60 6 7s to 7 25 n to 0 25 ct7etra hikkets 9-09- to 3 2j 1 is to i 23 f 18 to i 25 i 12 to i is 1 08 to i 12 0 ir to 0 17 0 60 to 0 60 0 65 to 0 cf- 0 55 to 0 60 0 12 to 0 11 0 is to 0 i 0 i7 to 0 22 0 7- to 0 81 6 75 to 7 23 0 23 to 0 25 klocr wbite wheat ifeadwetl spritrg wheat fllasrow ked chaff oati pen rarlev rye efrfi per dor butler daily packed ffatw roltt- polatocs aew per bush dressed kocs wool motige t0 debtors l all partlea fndebtad to no filter for aatrtalng job work or subscriptions are recmaatotl to make immediate pay mwt account long post due and not ttied at onoe wut vt ptaoea la court fod collection hp moortw uhee1 stfiatefr siffyed from the premises of tfie on dersigned lot- con 1 township of krln on monday 5tb mat thirteen sheen seven ewes thrfe yearlings and three lambs ilie yearfin and lambr alt have lofig tails anypereon gliug loformation to te proprietor on the premises or by letter to acton po that nitl lead to their recover will be suji ably itwardcd erinane 23 81 fttu exmbitisfts a vote on the canada temperance act will in all probability be taken at st john t b- in december jtbe piesident stall lives but faint is histoid upon life at the moment of canadas greatest exhibition at montreal from htu to 23rd sept toronto industrial exhibition at pjurontn from 6ih to i7tu fcept frovincial erhibiriou at london from2ist to 23th svpt- central fair at g on ith 5th and 6th oct efqiftsinj fair at georgetown on friday 30tb sept kassagaweya fair at brookville on friday 30th sept haiton county show at miuon on i lib and 12th october i eramosa- at ktckwood- on octobet 13b korthern at walkerlon october ith and 5th central at hamilton from octobet iih to 7th writing he may live for i few days said one of hia physicians aud he miyj live for many years tfiat he may rec vet the physicians hope but how he can possibly do so they admit they do not clearly see sockpooi ko8 front our cics ccrrcxpoadenf eather a curious accident occurred in our tillage last week on thursday evening wbilo sir j wright baker was returning home with ibis bake wagon and while crossing the river at the methodist church his horse became frightened and shying to one side overturned the wagon inta the river the hoite also falling into the water mr wright was considerably btuised but is around all right again his escape was miraculous we thinktbe township council should pay the damages to tbe wagon as it was owing to a bad place in tha road that the wagon was pveflorned and broken mr j strachan was successful in obtaining a second class certificate grade b at the recent intermedialr examination c1ties hmutfotsya ft from our okn corrapondtnt the harvest home picnid held at hhltonrijle on friday afternoon was a slicceifn affair the bmn6fiilentej j r selectibnof 0- 7 a ailont at eroslau the train duihere from the west at iiq ou saturday afternoon did not arrive bere till 710 owing to an accident which occurred at break u six miles frjora juelpk it appears tint while the passenger train was backing up over a very bigu bridge a freight tiain came along and ran into the last car it being a pullman which was crowded with passengers fortunately no one was killed a great mafty jumped through the windows others ftom the platform several cars of the freight train were thrown over be bridge into the fiver below the pullman ls vary badly smashed one lady bad several ribs broken and tbe moat of the passengers were pretty well- shaken up 7w1 aoeideat en thi 0- t a now chulpiii on thursday afternoon about half psst one oclock an accident occurred on the grand trunk railway about two miles east of guelph which proved fatal to jerry sweeney an old and well known resident of gnelpn and whettby patrick whalen also of that city was severely briiised the men were em ployed unloading steel rails and when the traiii containing tbe rails wis opposite fniibpra cut llirbupfi anron iiiinadveptardllin front end of tb rail facts for the people tj teatis 1 cheap at ifcarsons actoih hats from 75 cents to 15c at j fyfes a delicious apd most befreehing tonic is pvartona fie6b grouud uu adulterated coffee a good felt hit for is cents it j fyfes new stock of stores just received av j 0 hills gr to pearsons for the latest and uiott fashionabln desigu in tea setts for nrsfelses eavelroiighinp ap ply to j c hill ladies mantles neweat slyleant christie henderson 4 co maktle orkamexts mantle cloths silk end satin trimmings at christie henderson k cof ksie talne if yon want a nobht durable and cneap euit j fyfes is the place to go hardware ii great variety cutlery a large stock xails hinges etc cheap at pearsons wtxceys competent jndges pro- pounce our 12 jc wincey extraordinary value examine it compare it aud you will be jure to buy it winceys from 6c up al cktialie henderson i cos scotch english and cinadian saitiqs iii reat viritry at theaat eud clotbint store j fyfe actoo mastbea christie h der5oni cos stock of li- nd dark mantles just n goods are from ilie best imprise a full range of p i ey will be sold cheap xnw ixd rxcnxe tbe most cr- qautie unit toilet itm eitaft for tbe leetb and hreilbu tlaeehiv sample seia suits ani overcoats at extremely low rates and made ia latest styles be sure to eallaad see them j fyfe acton mcqnillan t hamilton of the wellington marble works fjuelph are noted for giving satisfaction to those favor ing them withtbeir orders if yoa need anything in their line be sure ud remember them they do a very large business con sequently they are able togire better terns ana keep better workmen than smaller works send to them for particulars fanct wool goods christie henderson co have received and will open in a few days nn immense stock of h11 kindsof fancy wool goods comprising knil shawls clouds etc etc all of the latest designs and shades these goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very closest prices h- kmocabtht wholmelnd retail druggist ottawa writes i i was af flicted with cbronio bronchitis for jome years but have been completely cured by the use of dr thomas eoleetrie oil in doses of five drops on sugar i bate also pleasure in recommendbg ii as an embrocation- br external use tbe public will hive then the pens of the easterbrook steel pen cos make and all stationers ara ready to supply them a sound mwbih a healfht b0oytbe old roman idea of tbe hltbest tjesee of bapplneu the lxvaa rules the roost indiusstiq create anarohy in its pbrsloal svstem cosuvenesa blllousneas dlrslneas and bad tasleln tbe montn yellow skin and eyes loss of appetite looofenerty and low spirits pains in the back and side wind and foul stomaeb all there create bad blood regulate the ttowelisfiomaibllvaf anu kii neys wltn zo itm irom ilraill try e 10 cent sample and ask oor ijrualit j moharvlhabnntit ggfigfsgatiesat church acton fob satie lnl 2 in block 17 in the village of acton on which is erected a fine rriek church m gw repair alsn e brick driving shed key in posnession of mr wm hoptbekt ioov for terms and conditions of sale ap ply to trosr arloah co of canada sffo i 10hosto ont qeeei7 sells cheap d6k forget the plafce l hats and caps 7 itiyw pau styles xasopettsi t s s j at tr- ki i bast end cioltestpil w n4 all mm hewrtlthfn in hard anjftjoff rfl ootf come nsrrr ses- ogprtnivf ja feyton removed sew fall c100ds so gases of boots and shoes fintstfrehchlkids to heavy stocas l extraheay widqeys 5 to ifects l v rpj bales of grey wiiite cottons rv- hemp union tapjestryscarpets extra valnejin tbj unens ud t0welon6s and mann and added my own stock i have now a most com plat assortment of l groceries struck the ground first and llii train tke new methodist hymn book tsusj tne fihestand fhpsi chojee lpt of gents fancy ties ever liown in acton grain bags best fakes 300 up best value in grelmblapls jgan the highest pce pai4w goodpresh eggs nd choice butter hristig x and arri treparad to recalvo all my old duatomers arid aa many new ones in my new standi sollcltlni jrpuf esteemed orders tarn your obedient servant w p brown i lenprsok- op at j e mcgar a ect otsrtible thafor apcniirida good f itt i and a su in tver rpcf toiuit you ib tbs pllqe ho qo to l i to suit yourslfsb ty inay fee stjajfed jua1iy orjee ajitl he wuuuit 7 he h the inbbtiesfc and most oshioukbfe atbk in tbra to select from- theaiotahy vins bfugiron soowss mtmi0t

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