Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1881, p. 4

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tee free pless tnirsdav morkdfoj sept 1issh fo6 fqxs cobxsb i i n v i t i i it if if- iiv s- i f v i t i r m i v oft jjojv a little crib in raolbcre room aliltla face with ubv uftoai- a little licd itl curlyjluir a little wooly dog ckk a liliic wliile for bompi aa cttc a utile- while to make cfiud pies- a lifuedoalriiap icdiider when a utile iiiromikdtu tacjeaa x utile w1i a top trt tnlu a litue ulsttic belted ttr a little pair 01 juiit eomciirta- a lituc bit of acrytliiajj a little blasteribe boisterous iiiy alittlc ipirit ol doatcarc a hule tmtnpinr off to echool- a little ahru at woaiui faic- a little odor 6e ciparj a little twtliclit ulk jritvna i a little earliest iuldy then alittlicarfwjllrriveaijaitt alilhe wiboal mjfiul r a utile eoft moustache to twirl- a htlle tone of jtiloas fear a little hope tkii way to clear a little knewlcdcc of the world a little selfqit dawa uurltmj a liitle rruiily p3qoe ncftr a little vdmaa waiting true a little wevmbatpij at a htue pai tit home td leave- a little nfether loue at ojlwu a little pt ray bov hatgoae- toiat- a bar 214 a defce laltiagia his gxrden one dv cw a litid copy bca iiit wort oa cathe- matica lying- oi tfce rws aad ttihtidi it had been brought frota hiskbrtry called some one to carry it baefc i it leioqsto tee siid the jardcacrs rfoa stepping cp j i yours t cried te date do yqa iaderttand fmctry ad latin v i biov little of them acswered the hd modestly- thcdtfce hiring a tasti fur the edecccs began to ulk rith ticyoang stadeat tad was astoukhed xt the cltanis aad intelli gence of his aastera bat hoir csni yorrto tcow eo nzach asked ihe dike oceof tae6vasutaiglit me to read aiuweredthi tad oae dcfcsrnot need to tcot aajthicg aore thir thesg letters iu teller to team everthin eue one wishes bat the reatlemxc canted to fcaow more aboct it i after i leat to read tiid the boy the mjjoaseameto wortoa yoar houie i not the ixchifeci used scirs tnd eompaues ted made rcuay calcalatiqaa f wisthe mcinirgtnd tit of thitt i atted aad thsy toi m2 of a science called arithaetit ibdachtme an arithmetic axd etcdiedit through tcey then told me fhcre irts anpther ecipnce called eeoaetry then i focad thre rere better boofca aboat these scienccsia latia boc3ht-dictaa- ary and learned latin 5 heard there were etili better oacs in- freach l got a diciiaaary aad learned french it teems o me we niiy learn erexything when we fcaprta tweatycir letter of the alaha- ut they are in fact iire ladder to erery fidenccl battiow jsany boys are contented toarastcthcef tcieat the rf twd or three founds with nrfi aiatfc cor peredveranai bc to climb tzghar cpcp cp if yo want to fcaotf zxic ana ie5 clearer and tike a hgu pcrf of csefalaess in the world ad ifyotfarc a jbor boy aad aeed a little friendly enebiracemeat to help yoa on be fare rf yoa hace awill to climb yoa will mid thd way jest as the gardeners eou tdanditaftenrardi in taelfclja of argyll inder whose parentage he rparsaed his ktadief and became z distinsa2aiied mathe- maticiaii iaaaa sow qirls doform ibmiiltoi thnjr bquecie their wlita iiucl tlidr toes cituli lliuf poop iit palm tlieir tkccb pud titir liair and fanns i kfld opptfar m mucli afmid of gtitting buuburat n if it uicmit tjio itlia their hopts now aria forever riiotk butitf dry uuly study tho wctka of ot it tkey locked tipoatks gntnfulmutlliiesof a gtwk slave feyjwould cud that waap waists ard pinched up lot vera not eoniidored theklfil foriri of beaiily by the greit 1 lie enoii ocoouiplidhod nltb iteel petinj incalculable but the coit of a bojtlof baaterljroolit ft only nominal tlieitatloriert liate ibom the chide wppllcd by bfowq broi tbrofltb j rcsptfl lio itej- hairi of old age ljmnni and iiui receive rripeot 01 but tin orty uiilrif of jourig people tf quire attention- in the a ol using cibfaltfaemuir reaeirer tiaidby jv b meyrvln 60 ccuta ptfr bottle dry goods demand for atihe a rn afanufaclurera of ecajlerr mowerr rid tbrbiuing machinery prefer ca tbtlue itoehlno olvto arty other it will oelnear lard aeul and elephant- and 1 warranted not lb guni jtuastetiof tculplurt belter for iriila la have of waisla an arujul- and feet w5 at riatare intended and for jiaiut let the aun be a substitute or in the absence of that the open air and cittbcue it a ead hathvayi pillf- kervmlencita and f uranlof kriergy when firil tba nervea l ilia btat wii in the i i i there are various ays of jeijdiiig obos name alio ia lo endorss for a man putting ones nana toa note and men are ruoru ready to do that tjiin one would suppese possible jtod otlcn tby end the scripture fulfilled he that is surety for a stranger aballatiiarc for it alnd liiis is almost lavai-wlrr- the case- ji little boy rcuiarked lifct gran3ppa because bo is attcli a gentlt- tuauly mau he always tells lii to help oiytclf to etigtr woman tcciptrd thari to eat but he took to drtnhng of his own acor3 tiotdjo tiiervs said an oldka aper quiloa joke bajipenej lo one of the doctor craft tome time ajo he ordered some vrrr powerful uiedicint for a sick bov and the father riot lifcin the appenrarice of it forced it down the cats throat when the docloc called again add tncutired if lie powder had cured ihe boy the fatner replied ko we did not give it to him cjood heaven said the doctor is tha child living i 5es bat the cat aint we gave it to her the doctor sloped apfc your dealer for castdride ilachine oil and se that tho barrel u branded cailoririe as none otber 16 enuice tonthiche do yoa suffer wilb it do finj a bottle of biinkilldr and find relief in the twinkle of an eye for toothache it is a specific 1 sever ilis eusuacra eifst kever mind summers hear yoncg man people of your age can stand it work on it will not hart yoa accompliah yocr 6bject strive on strive ever iceirer aod nearer thegoai yoa will find yourself and ypu will be happy- kerer miod the heat it is nothing to hose who- are in earnest and fell of vigor never fear tse thernlometer a ainele nii will take it dbwii work on go ahead sacceed kew york jer 1 beeat prist ia etlicatto say goedbye np good iorn k v tjpbn leaving a room 6na bow should include all j never wait over fifteen hiiiates for i tardy guest- j upon introduction- enter at onoe into coaversation- nda recvoires as pfomptai answer i a spoken question- eegtetaih reply to invitaiioni should contain g reason therefor at i table roriwra required to thank he one who waits on you j you should exchange calls with individuals beforfe inciting theiii to your house- orhy letters to unmarried ladies and widows are addressed with their bap tiemal namei- to fetnrn a personal call with csrdt enclosed iri an eprelcpe signifies hat fisiting uetweefi tile persons isjended unless there u a ereat diffcrencein ge- a idy vijiting should not rise either oh strrital or departure of other ladies say- good womad said s than on ponntry road the other day see bicycle pas here just ndwij lid jdidnt see no kind of a eicile bnt jnsf in i ee a wagon wheel jiidrijtfstf ift yonkin tehejtxttokoo i wdnldnumiedrjli lihteifc toronto oil co are sole manalactus ers of castorine uacbine oil in- fringemen la will be prosecuted those intolerably painful- and con slantly binusmg things called piles which troubleso maiy people are soon healed by da thokjls eclectejc uu the preat erternal remedy for physical suffering and meant of relieving pains a very small quantity achieves retails of tie most gratifying kind l tbefpdblieefioufd bear in mind that dr thomas bclectrte oil has do thing in common with the impure deteriorating class of socalled jnedicinal oils it is eminently pure arid really efficacious relieving pain and lameness sliffness of the joints and mnsclea ani sores or hurts besides beiogan excellent specific for rheumatism- coughs aad brorichl complaints see to it zorrsi from brazil will core the worst case of dyspepsia a single lose vlll relieve in a dezree that snows it- wonderful curative powers and its peculiar action upon the htomaeh and ug6five or- aos it is a positive and absotcte care for costlrecess and fjongtlpatlan setlnfr in a remarkable war npon the system earrjlnp off impurities as a lrvctt exgcxatoe its icilonsore most remarsable it tones and tlmolalealhelvertoaejron itjcorrecu the acids and regulates the bowels a few doses irlltflirprisejoa sample battles iocls sressra korthrop lymari are the proprietors of dr thomas eclectric oi which is now being sold in immense quantities throughout the da minion it is welcomed by the suffering invalid everywhere with emotions 6f deight becauseit banishes pain and gives in slant relief this valuable specific for almost etfery- ill that flesh is heir lo is valued by the sufferer as more precious than gold it is the elixir of life lo many a waaied framej if jon have not pnrcbaseo a bottle do so at once and keep it ready for an emergency ills cheapness 23 cents per botlle placei it willed the reach of ail to the frmer it is indispensable and it should be in every house asr essesnari of uexltii june of the prime essentials of health is the secre tion ofbileby the liver in due quantity and of- a proper quality for the uses which nature haa ordained forfthis im- portaatsecrelion- itsgeoflystlmulallng and potent regulating action upon the biliary gland comtitutes koethhop lnriks vasaticx discovekt isb drs psftio ccek amost valuable specific for liver complaint among the ooo se quences of its continued arid systematic use are the disappearance of such symptoms of chronic bilioajrieiisirt con- stipaiiori nausea pain in the vicmily of the organ asected yellowness of le skin fur upon the tongue and headache ko sner remedy for dyspepsia exists andfts remedial valae haa been bigvmlly demonstrated iri kidne complaints scrofula female weakness erysipelas salt rheutn and all disorders arising from impurity of the wood the vigor with which it endows afeeble physique is shown in an increased activity of every vital function and its effects- thobeh poterit are followed by no harlfttl re action the boweu are rlaisd byit naturally and easily aridit is riot dis agreeable t the tase and the purity and wholesotrieness of its botanic in gredients mate it a far safer ss well as more efficient remedy than preparations containing mercury designed to affect theliver beneficially but which some times do more barm than good large doses of it are not required arid it is therefore in reality far cheaper than other cathartics price 100 tsatlple buttle 10 cents asit for kobthrop fc vxvivi- vegetable flijebvery and dys peptic cnre the wrajlper bear a ab- siaiol their aitnature sold by all medicine dealere j fef unstrung and lukusotss supplanlt- energy the time hia coirie lo fake some atjch altcrnallf e as holloway- pills lo restrain idworder from developing it self iiilo a dueaie these exoellent pills correct all irregular lies and weak nesa i hey actao kindly yet so ener- eelicallr ou the functions of digefcliori atd aimilaioii thai the whole bony is revived the blood tendered richer and purer while ihe muscles breoriif riiui and stronger and ihe nervous anplab sorbent systems are itivigori ed- these pills are suitable far all classes add ail ages they have a most marvellous effect on persons who are out of condi tion they toon rectify whatever is in fault restore strength lo the body arid conli euct- to tne mind hotuen itbdieri tfotlicrt irj 1 are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by asiek child suflerihg and cryinir with the excnlciatirig pin of cuttiuf teeth 11 so coat oace ami get a bottle of ulrs wihslowt tbolhing syrtlp iv wiw reiicvs ihe poor liltie sullerer iuimedialeiy depe rid uponit r there i- rd mulito about it ilere is not a ointheron ertl iio ii- ever used it lin will not teirjdti atnnce tiist it ill regulate che ujjlsnt gire rest lo the mbilier and rjifit nd lielth to the child operating tike mtgic ft is urfestly eie to uk iri all cues and pleasant to the taste and is tne pre iriptton 0fne ol tbe oldest arid beel female phyilcians and riurffi iri the u ilod states tkild everywhere at 25 cetils a liottie the closkff outsat f sutaite tkf goods lhnery 4p 2iu fc ikmaf s catkin in- europe the r stock h f mil opnffup in a few days eowpruinffblaek satin silks gasirnres velean sk 3- arf a lot df the cheapest wool dres goods t ver bffored in che domimon renwaiber ihe rh house ib no 3d and 32 king street east- and- the norbie fe j i ail thomas ft vraxktifbr bamfw- m oleaiins sak fer m montlt morseupalmreii -adrthb- mamtedtr kotisir gzorgeicwn wfiy e title rfrom ftek nervouk waniof appetite and genenitdebililjt leldnp tll6los ol ecop and r6l imporeritulhe sycietu uad tbia the blood when such really nierilorious remedy in ortliibpit lyaans quitiine wine miy b bad at any drup fitire ibia articld ia rccamj mended by tbe highest members of the medical facaltj- id ciues of indicestibo general debilitv iob of tttim and uerroui affection ofalllcinds it t alio epeckily beneficial to children and dtjli- cjta ftmsles and to business raea students tttici thuse who hare cnucii brain worfc ttti wbnld say ne rep be miboat it twill strcngtheh yoa keep your kjstem in re puliir order ud enable rott to eucceaifully gnpple with ce wort you bare u do it is pleasant in the laf le and contads nothing injurtoua ia tba most delicate constitution re member to ask lor be q uuiae wine prepared by korthrbp lyman toron to and we are sure you wilt be itl5ee4 that you bare fall ralue for your money druggists tell it fl foctfit jlytuule octfit tntfewiiios vrtia trta in ijaje la l tic mofi pleawntandprof- itiole baslnfrss fcnawn everslhloe new carluioot required wewiu furttlstxyoii evericrluf 10 a dr ind op- vtrda ik evil mad- wlilioat ttajlns ati frpm hbine crr nlfjt ko risk hatcter man new varkerc wanted at oaeo mn nro matins firtuns t th baslnes ladles malccios muraas men jtnd ynaotj ook and elru majcecrtatfeiy yoonerfaritk willloe to woefc fxilktomitii more tnoce ever day thancia e nude la atcet at ro otdiaxn employmrat ttuise tthoeofceatoqce clll fiad a short nu to fartnop address h rialletracoponiandifajne worth thefr wefght in gold i holloway pills ointment thlslxcokparjlble tfedwlke has koxrtd for iladfjm imptrithabu fame throughout fa world jar the tiflutiatfon and cure ofmoslduzzittlo ichlejihamantiy u fair mavbrlte prescription of acelebrated new yorlc rrrys the immediate relief of all pa4n twice as powerful as any known remedy four times aj quickinits ciknfpr sold at knowing itavalae from the reputation if acquired in the silf ywiththokiadiusistanceofthefblloivteg druggists over 60m9m theltresulti i wm publish a few jpj issueofthis paper reaa trfcm any of the mowing drugriitj can give you inoruioa- oa samples given iwty and canaiwayssapply yon with the reliot a mfeat slafgrhx ek w remnarils fancy dfesfr goods- xfusfinsi mimxierj mantles- prints and ah summer goods v j tii is is a genuine clearing sale whave lines ofdrss goods printed musfirrs prints pahsols and rfantles hat we are selling at half their original price now is your time to make money by buying goods cheap maudes made to order a large and weif assorted stock of fashionable gents ftfrnishings our ordered clothing department is in a flourishing coediiior thosecciebrated scotch tweeds for 88 per salt worth fro 9s4 to iji6 still creates a wonder forthe prtcev j clrsod- anderson co oni fail t read tesliimniati published in next iwuejaffhu papers come one ahd all to rjlieendous bbdtjgtibn in tss prtcs olf qoddsi- x ire axe determine not to carry over one doltors vorihof rammer goods thereto w e foe ipszoaogkralhls note the following i stoves tiiware poal oil lamp gpods and puijsj cseab for cash at havillis the p lls purify regulate andimprove thequalily of the blood they assist ihe digestive organs cleanse the st01uc1t and dowels increase tfin aecrelory powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the pureat elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persona have testified that by their ose aione they have- been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved unsuc cessful the ointment will be found invaluable in every house hold iri tbe cure of open sores hard turriors ei tigt oil wounds coufltj colds sore fhrpsis bronchitis andall disorders of the throat and chest as alto ooul hheumafism bcrnfula arid every kind ol skin disease- manufactured only at professor hol- loirata eelablishment 583 jxfobd stkeht london arid sold at lsljd- 2s m 4s 0i lis 22s aid 33s each box and pot apd in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 150 cents and the larger sixes iri proportion dstcactiox i hare no agerit in the ontted stalesnor are my medicines sold there frirchaeera should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 533 oxford slfeet london tney are spurious tbe trade ifarkaof my said medicines are registered in ottawa and also at washington signed thomas hollioway 533 oxford 8tre etxoridob eateironchingr and jtr work a gpecfaltf all kind t track taken ia eicuauge for goods remember he plate next door fo creechs siddlery sign of tie lamp jfifl street acton i 0 ha yill sale board 8table8 mjllsfreet aofon v is whereyon oari get firstclass bigs at reasonable rates gobi oommerolal bigs in express delivery waon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the ton all parties indebted to this es tablishment are reiiueated 1 6 pay up without farther delay and save costs eil mattaeve fall goobss shaw mufion are now opening up as immense assortment -op- sootch tweeds 1 fi3r suits dr a b- tatlor allenford j ejtoaryln acton- wm wrllle ayr i ii oampbslt md belmont a-l-qeenbsueville- j j bernard brechin wm omhsrn if d bmasela j t wimamv bradtord oso brown brinslej- jas stork bolton hah frajcrbdlloeks corner c f casselmsn chasterviile llardoosc ilrso camden east jibn hsrrls caledon- c williams crotaartr j w lapam centrttinr j c brdfht it d chatham j f smith dtrarnie 1 if qarrer delhi w ojrinoti dandaa- jas hr hose dnnbar jos edmonds jsaslwood x cilvn tatz eietor alerurdj mtj eogenls jr dkranvll wa w jrhomoson finzal w klatbgtlt y oaminvt jo obaphi j c- monro oraotler 04 i a preston harriston a hamilton a co hamilton john garter ingersou c snore jr jordan k c poison i to klnirston- robt pron klnloogh npbr llellis klppen ilfcowaor binders kernptrlllo hsuon wblmott lisle- j a hacwns listowrl w il berner p m miugrovri a varlloven moscow s h christian manf heater lawrason 4 hodse mitchell ltsileck murrtsbnw wvw bttpheh co hi mwedrfevjr nautlcooki oep cralir north bowery wrsdeuor sapaoee- k w 8 atkins on oshawa n f snidor odceaa c b atllkon hclon wm uauo f m pnslinch r h piatt pm rielpston- s e alllnon port perry john sooorr varkhlll ormrrad wahh peterboronah ldcianni 4 co new dundee robt wlahtman owen sound- j- k dswion ompah thos stevenson hlf miecarthr brtwrster a cntler ltmidea wlhon scaforth ucxson 6r bleaadeli seaiorth ott rl v ii jarmntb sehrlntrvulai i klftnrasrnltmell i w b bandera burner wm johnsorl smiths iha o ii bonttr7m p 8thf b- tavtor bandfcrd j hambjei stlrton jascaprh wjcisaf wtsarvai c thnropsm rmjnarkija w vajidtnlftrar f e ppmerteet oeo wilson tfttbn i thos scott jgon wooatocav jjm bow weqlbcheter 3i ij w avorero warkertonj thos camldpal weuand jaa white wotodftock john tbompon woddford rwmfsmmi wtilrar w w d hcrrtlo windsor k irhicowhtby wjnabam j 4 it you write for information to any of the penorawnose names f pohlishaad wlsh reply enclose a 3oent stamp to them or clrcmars andfartherinftninationapplyto any of the abore drftgtisrjor ha7y m0b8e man cheinist 57 front st e toronto kazens carbolic dog 0ap i la the best only 15 cents for 4 ox cakel i km gtelph ont lemiarmual clearinc sale of summer coobs i i j s will ofler acods at a great sacrldee acomphte clearance of allouru smioer i a 0fess goods prints parasols fichus sitks jtrfslins hosiery gloves tce uruiibs btfntins laces ureuanest i l 4 3 thfearnintf portion of our millinery block uflfbe chargma rtt normwat price life return thanks to our many friends for ihe best and largest season saleiru eter had in miliinert our prices and stylex vfere correct weeffer genti fell hals silk handkerchiefs silk zfmbrellar- tweeds and cloclis at- o bigdiscouni on usxtal prices this i a rare cliance to secwrt new goods- eeaj i wm site wart co speight son undertakefts furniture dealers waggon ttndetrtatunjr everv description ot funeral itecpiisitoa of tbo best phed at ahortest notice first-class- hussjl famished- k fnrnif nre it cur cmetmaiing department we are ptepared for demand farlor soite sofas centre tables whafciots bodsteads 4m waigdng we tave on hand a btock ol flrstclass tnmber wagons and manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be solds the sibieratet itfhtfc80lla0t0i aa vastest itmsivia4snl3j4 wuiiatnlhuiiwom v ruu kmk wuifjuul owhiu4m in tdsamcat- 81000 ifohoejelit im mil cancef cure depot cooaucookpqcsnada r ancer curej wlthoat the raw of tie knife fbtf only permanent cure in tbe world for partlcalars enolose s eent to uo- batfra cfcfliookpi canada jvcarea swltt aad certau crats specific hedicine immm wm w jfr tbeqresiixitsliib baned anonfbiilnconvaforstemlnal wnkdias bnermatorrnesft imtjoebeyk and all diseases that follow as a seijoenoe of btlfjbuje j as loss or heti- oryvnlvejial la8ltudtpln in the baekslmnhadi vla m lonpreraatnreold and befbr taltjfie many othef dlaeaaes that ttt lad toinsanltoroonsuaoii- uod rfnllpajuenlaraln -r- onr pamphlet wbleh wede aire to send free by mail to every one aathe sreoiao medlelnelakld by all drnc- alsuiat 1 pe rackaxn or six packatfes for fs or will be sent free by mattbn re eelpt orthe money by ad- drtaslnx vi ony tltueiaa fi6 toronto ont canada w arfln vrunlst aejons fairag sarnsss t h fatties tequiring anything ivjhi or trunks to sate money should f vrorlioh act rials ttait any om tfs rom the vtrr surt ntfim oa tail rr rwoneearjiaiuwhyisi til nartaaneeiiftfltjsi i goys and gtrlt ear earn larf e nma sine avssoeeaaat and fjntke jai anma- jisi tmslresji i t ethaveytol whonei onee 5lnlhlbolnadi djrroi meatitpmtv todjrivrwthaveitolih vestcapllitlnltlr tttehherwos f j tmuack iia jsssss

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