Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1881, p. 2

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v 1 b treaahl ibmi- 3sb b hpj i- tfiah r j v sb bi hh i9 i m i tkciiuyiloaxi sent tawr 8 is8i i j- cs ureas ware the gieat buuibei of crimes of tnoas ehxractoi daily brouguc to ljgltt lead luatiy inescuttm what is tuff wld cjtmog tat e ibink tvasmorlug llio luciease uf population uel the rapidly improving facilities fui- ttnehiihingaiinc that this is scatcth s i k jbwt inference- licilly considered otjiitjsl cuses hevw tola on the rfvernnrc bat the limita oc wpamion are enlarging to ropidlr met news 7 tratisatiiied to easily tint the ejils referred to are tuore- sppareut thau teal i i is 1 1 i tffs tfrkltckcr of xiits we believe the winuiitg of weilth to le i etfeilly icgiliaiat pnrtcuit wealth bis great al bvucgcent uses and the korld would go very slowly if money ould not ik kcctiiiiuuled in viae niid euutptiiing bids but wealth way bo uici- to make all men tcar it prosperous and happy or it may be nsed to nuke ikita roorund uiiner- able when a ricb man is oaly excited hx lft wealtb with tbo desire to be richer nl poee on to end larger togts itud to gtitid the fvs of tlio poor in order that be may bo super fluoufly rich be hccouies inhuman and uuchmliin -the- christian use of wealth is rlut weued in tbis cuuutiv uud ia ill cjauutts it is not tint wealth is rjot tufacjently taxed for the mirtjkrt of tbrse who are wrecked iu lealth or foitune but it is tbaf wealth does not give tbe people a chance id escape ftxjua poverty that it does not share iltf chances wih tbe irtor and j l 1ioiqt tkeutbway for tbe poor toward prosperity as a rtile wealthis our brotbetlv toward wealtb and tbe iioor man feeis lfmself cut cfipfroai eyuijattltj with tbose who iiave tbe ktwerof i wiuutng moaey we diy rest sksured c one tbitig riaoifiy that tbe poii ia sthe fatare will insist bu beiiig i i y recognizee an0i2sr toids i hltsa man ehcoti jbm11to svoltr on monday eruuij 29th ulu rou 3iiitcr a bigbly rrled resident o tbe tonnsbiji of trufalijar attempted to uke bisiflwn life by sbootiag him self vvitbil revolver he bid ucn the day ia milton and had ukm his tea there f keacbiitk borne iilwdt even oclock ho proceeded to hu owaroom where be bad not been ruani than filieen iuutes when the othtr ininatea of tbi hoithe werv atattled bytbe reportof a revolver the lll euteted jukt over the heart pinsed throitgk the left lung and lodged iu uie buck kboat to inches from tbe line whence dr biu nett of milton extracted it when be arrired ineonsetjuenceof the weapm havinjj been held so cljss to tbe body the fleab in he neighborhood of the wound was badly 6eorched tbe pulient is unable to lie down as ho immediate y loses his bteatb an doing so and is nblifeu to sit propped up uy pilluwi in a ctair ko causo ciii be assigned fur tbo rash act of mr suiter except that hs had been iu a low state of health and fpitits fot some time previous mr suiter is nun about 35 years uld uuuianied aud iu good circuut staiices lttek the victim of the above trgedy breathed bis last on tviday ant was bnried on sunday the funeral wis very urcly atteiidei and kreat sympathy is expressed fur tbe faoiilt auu idetidi of the dtceafred rzr vi i a i i v ml ib ur seirifie thisiw aai iitria the ram that bad been longed for came down in torrents in this section listtbarsday aft2rnoon it wes pre ceded by a dense blacfcnes3 in the heavens eo much so that ibianir bad to ji lit at 3 oclock after heavy claps of thunder and terrific lightning cime a rain that in a few minutes flowed down tbe streets in heavy ttreams it continued in this way for nearly an hour fortumtely without much dimege srouni the near neigb lorhood a nutsberofi buildings in xassaga- veya were ttruck wfth iihtnhi and others were unroofed by tbemrofig vsind a barn belonging to james xickell eeqnesing was struck by libtnitigand burned to ether with tbe content ie badanotber barn ia vvbichprt of tbis seasons- ciop was etored which was savetf loss unkno7rc j the mist painful incident in coc nectioa with the tbanderatann that lias come to ojir notice 1s that of mrt s ifohu mcphater of the goie of v puafechwliqwas killed by lightning at her own boose between three and fonr oclock the afternoon l ibi i fc jfiltlit huisiis ct coins is tie afttsaoja fsustreiir etraiee- irbrmiiatapjsiriaesafcsr set ia the general snbject of discussion on the streets on monday evening seemed to be the phenomenal appearance of the eky as early as two oclock a yellow isbomkt to drifting eastward and by three oclock he enn appeared as a iiloodrei disc id tio heavens as the afternoon advanced the atmosphere continually grew yellower until four oclock dark doqdappeared id tlif west wbidt gradually spread over tbe horiion and ia lest than an hour all v was darkness iboiit 530 the dark nestbegrn to leave end tbeskraree more became red and remained so until eunsct when bgyiitiarf darkness aain ret in when tbtflaaip werefiist li they presented n moit peculiar appear slice resembling electric or magnesium iistic at interyalirduribg tbe after iiodn showerg of ashes fell atduterent jlis iatbis vicinity v the opinion expressed as to the cause of the strange apnearanceof the heavens was that tbe volume of smoke collecting rom the btsrfi fires rsging inall jiarts of the couutnv was hanging over th ertb t a considerable elevation and tle sunlight shining through this gave tlivt peculiar tint which everyone obserred jue arrived a v- iucal sews itus saitll8 tamber mill near 8peyid t barucdorrtaeidiv ih mill had not latto ruuoing tor ievrl yean bat mirlr til i lie incliiucty in tht building it th tin tht uroperty jwlongt i to lh atlatt of tin late siduey emitb erq no iuiunoca ok mouday inornilig as or robert- luu o miltmt waa harumiiiik a liont the brute took riirbl ami kicked the dr in the ktuln xcocliok tiii to ilia hour front whioh he ti carried itimntibla into iiii liogae ur ueabctt wli aanimoaed and drpsacd tli wound which ia uot ctwtidered daageroos tavo rohheriea wart committed in town oaa night lait wtk tin thievti catered lh icimeuce of ftfn morie and tlutc ailvdr watch the tome aiht ur crecraani residence ra lrod iui hi xuld watcli audiouie other articles were carried ofl the belief ia that they are pro fetaioual thieves a uight pcihcenian fur a weefc or two- tniaht ho a bcueut milloa vcwf i tuc qeorjetown herald man thna expeacs his ueauriaaa f puditian i if oar delinonealiibsfriheiaroujd aoly pay up we cmldhave enough inooev tat married witl well bro if ynarmindiirecoiomt as tliat md if the till ia krelr ur go back on yott ifyoa doutgcttha tuot tied loan wo will lend yott onoagb to purchase tha liceiue nrotidodyott give uayouruatt with cod iccurity r os monday laat a child heuoging to jlr j duaualjy tutioner of this place accidentally fell into a cittern while at play with las little sifter mrt ijotinelly at traited by the erica reshed to the plaee rpraii down and laved thcchild lr iraa almost exticct and it was loiue time beldte a return tf cooicioqaiieas was obuinedl we arc pleued to learn that the litlla one ha eutirely recovered an j in able to ran aroand pgiin georgetown herald i ff a b u o o o m zn m 1 14 co 01 tf i 0 w gr jr b e 2l city grooery the place to buy goodand 0hea6 groceries pro visions crockery and glassware the largest stock of tea in town fifteen differ- ent grades to choose from satisfaction guarantiee if not money refunded v i oeookeet v the largest stockever brought into acton justito band sold cheap for cash no reasonable offer refused all th new lines in glass will ba sold on the same terms hams bacon bologna satjsagfi and ajl aorta of provisions kept oonfltaritly on hand r xi oter tss falis soielis cf i toroato ilia at uiifiri 6au8c4it- j docaeittc traalilea tk xtlcct caue af ifcc icc peospect hocee niagara falls ont sept 5 about 3 p m today david crimmins of 69 eiward street toronto committed suicide by jumping over the falls from the log projecting rom table rock he was last seen lying prostrated on the- logs bnt as it is quifa a common occurrence for ad venturous tourists to do the same uothing was thought of his position john moore employed at riiimer by saul davis of the table rocfc house had been oltervlng feim when moore turned and was going into tbe hoate tbe dctsi was committed moore through curiosity laced around to take one more look and crimmins was gone he left bis coit on the log ia tbe pocket of that garment was a letter which goes to say that be wis driven to commit euicide by his wife and family and three toronto priest the body was recivered eirjiis cirour fizisics the- champion is now ex champion on monday pight he and eoss met at the queens hotel and tbe latter wanted hanlan to arrange a race haalan declined avowing that he intended to retirt altogether from boatracing his business requited bis undivided at tea tion when be went sway from home ic went to tne bad and now he was i determined to devote himself entirely o it ltteily jie had attempted to both trairt himsetf and attend tii bis hotel bat he bad found it impossible aud therefore he bad made up bis mind to retire he was perfectly aware be wouidsiicriece bis tttlas but they were oo ojjtci to bim thus ends the career gf the greatest oaismaa thit ever lived rislwosi 1ttt from ovr oica cjrrftjpvrdcat the academy has re ojieiied for the all term and there promises to bo a large attendance mr dyer miller for mr wra hor lop of edeu mills has- removed to rockwood to take charge of the oat meal mill belonging to mr w farruh mr harry mccaithv who has kept a general store here for a number of yeais baa retired from the business mr david shiilir has bought bis stock uf goodt and will ottry on the business the chief topic of conversation on mondayevening was the rematkatle brightness which overspread the hea vens and kieculatians were rife ac counting for the wrante phenomenon xota few were considerably frightened thinking that mother shiptona proph ecy was about to be fulfilled cttiies to i from oir ctcn correrpondait mr peter gould of ibis township me ckadlc syxltcc in eaqnninir on the jrd inst the wife of mr john stiuer cf a ion surra at kcensh wli on 15th angnit the wife of mr albert sniilli of a daurb dilts in enn on the soth angnat the wife oc mr s dilta ot iho advocate of a ton fjxtias in limehnnie on the 5thinil tha wife of- mr itobtrt dalhu of a dangiter t toe 1ltac llrifbtiatoxcsrricnt in the methodiet church acton au tueadav 6lh init 8 p m bv rev t l wilkiuson mr simon thomas ifninhersuine of keatau- hrook co of york to miaa clara ema speight third daughter o the late- samuel speight eiq of this village tdk gutc scott in eiqaeaine oa the ffth inst the infaut son of mr andrewscott aged two years and til mootha attx kaxketf white wheat i 21 to i 24 tread well old t 21 to i 2 spring wheat glaigcw otd i 21 u i 2i redchao i 15 to i 20 peas oats barley eve egg per dor butter dairy pasted butter roll potatoes new per bag dreaaed hogs wool 0 w to 0 6j 0 is to 0 36 0 60 to 0 5 0 55 to u 60 0 12 to 0 13 0 16 to 0 17 0 17 to 0 22 0 75 to 0 so 6 75 to 7 25 0 23 to 0 25 cictra akeetf flour white wheat ireadwu springwheat glugow redchaff oau peas rarley live eggt per doi aesaituso ai labs sjibcrciit vauor soai to sua tieir enias latstho ttaios cat for the post few months negotiations have beta fxmding between tbeaatbor- itiesjof the graud trunk and the credit valley roads to make the union dpot toronto the terminus of the latter road throigh parlor cars will be ran from detroit aud toronto a n6w time ntble will go into effect on the i2th of september- by which three express trains will lie ran daily between to ronto and st thorn as iavim bad the misfoituneto have bii dwelling house burned on tuesday the 3qth ult it is r opposed that a spark fell bnttari daily packed on jho roof from the chimney and burning n bole through it fired the second story of the bouse most of the household goods were sa ved xassagawey has been troubled with a great number of bush fires lately destroying a great deal of good timber and in some instances injuring the crops tbe extreme heat amoke and dost has made it hard to eodure for somp while hack but tbe shower on thurs day bad a salutary effact on the atmosphere and fires 1 mr mcpherson returned to kassaga weya oi the 2nd inst and feels better for bis trip to he ocean open air meetings are being held at camphellville sunday evenings by mr goodfellow ned fsii exildltuns canadas greatest exhibition at montreal from utlt to 23rd sept j r toronto indiistrial letbibilion at torjotn from 6th to i7lli sept- rroriacial exhibition at iindon from 21st to 28th sopt central fair at giielph on 4th 5th andctboct i i sqiieeinit fair at georgetown on friday30tbsept ifassagaweya fair atbrookville on friday 30tb stpt italton county show at milton on hth and 12lb eramosa at rockwood on october 13tn 1 northein a walkerton ootqber tb and 5lb i peel county shov at mmpfon on 3rd 4th nd 5lh octohnr large selection of i 3 00 4o 3 25 t 18 to i 56 i 18 to 1 25 1 12 to i is h 08 to i 12 0 37 to 0 43 0 go to 0 60 0 70 to 0 76 0 55 to 0 60 0 12 lo 0 13 0 16 lo 017 0 17 lo 0 22 01811 fob gbaix of all kind i am prepare to pay tbe highest cub frice for any quantity of wheat barley peas oats rye eoteto- at my storehouse at acton station ffif huhtilp acton sept 1st 1881 steady employment the fomthill nurseries rax lasoist nr cixxoi we want salesmen lo sell our nuraery stock can give caovaaicn adfantagei that no other firm in the business eta ofler steady work and food salaries to socceiafal men good references required- arolyta stone wetirsgtox nnnerjinea toronto onl kj3 w are now ready o receive orders for fall delivery for oar celebrated new white grape the golden pocklington price far 2 year tinea 2 each i year f 160 send for circular special terms to parties wanting a large number for vineyard par- poses s k w toticb to debtors at the underlined has given op ban ns in acton ne if deairojf of having the accounts of all who owe htm sellleci at tbe esrtiefl poaible date and he baa nade arranjemenu with mr h p moore lhal ail parties wishing to pav up their accounts miydo to at i he fscx press office for hich receiu will be given v j w mann acton aug 6 81 green sells ch j i doft forget the place hats and caps nev iall styles jut opened at the- bast end clothing ah ttnjnwt things in hami arw soft felt oood i j fyfe acton congregational church acton foes batter rolls potatoes new per buih 0 40 lo 0 60 dressed ifet 6 75 to 7 23 wool 0 23 to 0 25 lot 2 in block it in tbe tillage of acton on vhfcfa la erected a fine brick 1 church in gx4 repair also a brick driving sned key in possession of lr wit huisiaxst aero for terms and conditions of tale ip- ply to trust wan co of canada 3mo toronto ont youxg labies attention f x two youx gentlemen of good can- r nection desire to correspond and exchange photos with an unhmitid number of venng ladies object ion mntnsl improvement and probably matrimony correspondence strictlv private address jut box 80 acton facts for the people i improvements are constantly being made in the manufacture of steel pens estetbrooks are nf superior excellence for sals by all stationers facr wool goods chrfstin lfendhr8on j- jo have received and will oliea in a few days an immense stock jifall kinds of fancy wool goods comnising knit shawls clouds etc etc alt of the latest designs and shades there goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very closest prices x soukd klsd ik a healthy rod v theold roman wfa of the htf hrit oegtee or hvpiilness the lrvca nilea tbe roost isdioesttov crcales anarchy in tbe plijefcal bvstem cosuvenesa bhlonsness dlsslnefs and bad taste in ihajnootn yellow sain and eyec toss o appetite loss ol energy and row f ptrtts pains in tbe back and side wlndand foul ttomaeh all there create bad blood ecwlate me bowls8omaclilver anrf kllnejawlln zbpxsa ctrom brazil trr p 10 rent sample andatk onr drngglat j- e ilctlarrin about h kestaad coaifort fo he safferlna- brownt household panacea hat no equal for relieving painx both in ternal and external it ourerpainin the side back or bowels sore throat khenmatum toolhacbe lumbago and any kind ot a pain nr ache it will motunrelj quicken le blood and ileal as lis acting power is wonderful browns household panacea heing acknowledged asthe great psin reliever and of double tbe etrenglh of any oilier elixir or liniment in ihe world should be in every family handy for oie when wanted as it really is the beaf remedy in the world for crnnips in the slnmsch and paint and aches of all kinds and ia for talc by ill druggists at 25 cent s bottle irj thit is t cheap at fearsoct acton hats from 75 cents a s25c at j fylet a delicious and moat refreshing tonic is pearrons flesh ground un adulterated coffee a good felt hat for 75 centa at j fyfa new stock of stores just received at j c hills go to pearsons for the latest and most fashionahla design in tea setts j for fiotciass eavetrongbing ap plrtoj ohill ladies mantles newest styles at christie henderson it co mastle obhabexts mantle cloths silk and satin trimmings at christie henderson i cov rare value if yon want a nobhy durable and cneap iui j fylet it the place to go hahdwabe in great variety uatlery a large stock kails hinges etc cheap at pearsons wikcetb competent judges pro nounce our i2jc wincey extraordinary value examino it compare it and yoa will be sure to boy it winceys from 5c ap at christie henderson cos scotch english and canadian suitings in rreat variety at tbe east bod clothing store j fffe acton j makties christie henderton k fris slock of ladies light and dark mantles jntt received these goods are from the best makers and comprise a full range of prion they will be old cheap suits sni overcoats at extremely lowratea and made in latest styles be sure to call and ie thorn j fyfe acton- mcquillan ev humiltfln ui the wellington marbla works guelph are noted for giifae satisfaction to those favor ing them with their ordr if yon need anything in their line be tnre and remember them they do a very large business conl- teqnently thev are he to give better jermij and keep better workmen than smaller- works rend to tbem for artionlan removed having purchatd th ahop and oroeerlas of mr j w mann and addad my own afock 1 have now a moat com plot aaaortmant of the new methipdist h y mn boofe 50 cases of b30ts and shoes fikest french wds to heavy stocas extra heavy wincey 5 to 12j cts bales of grey fehite cottons v hemp union tapestry carpets extra value ux table linens and towimgi t i v the finest jahdmopt choic lot of gents fancy ties ever siown in acion grain bags best makes 300 up 1 i ii ff i re t and atn praparad to raoalva all my old euatomera and aa many now onaa in my now tand j i solleltlnf your kataamad ordara i am your obedient servant w p brown at j e mcg best value in green bla6 jatoan the i highest price paicl for good fresh eggs i- and choice butter t christie hef dlsltoon co a fact tjndisjptjtablfe that for a fashionable suit and a i good fittrng sljlt and a suit in every raptct to lull you i- the place to 00 to m to suit yourslf so that you may be ssiitedjusttry r nelson x once and he will suit you he has the nobbiest and mostpashiouable stock in towhjtp select ufrom cheap fob cash v drikg store actdn tare a vms hi h m te3cwaiei m mm s s al

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