Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1881, p. 4

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t ul ii bli press iopfttf jsjtks cojttiit i hs3j standing alon the ittliy iv f uttdini u iwioyr tuccvaiduu tluut iti thoivqlec a tut ftfcc mut mulwc dai rcutia v muit berry mid coutc lo tec so bahy ihe cute little tlarliirl ifcut thmtigti the vomtcrjaloit altdftiilc ad ktwed fhdcantnenlci for bciil so etuxrt ami to sweet i i0i fs iiuiniwt air of trtctiipu site tutjfc to he midst of us al wliilc the ouutrctchcdtarni cf hci nciher i ready to iro a f s1 v aod tucncrcr the lilt one tottera atycinl lief is fcjfetily llmivvn hi vers fine fnnuijctt uia luliy tliit frvlic cikamiingaioue many clmc v h siicli innj for thji aid of that arm whcalbe lovaand the ci of a mother iso itrnpt cpin stiicli her frxmi turtu i foe eft vhjf5 our lied is the forest ttecevtifi vit5 to whom ore cart tare and suiituaj alsae is tfwwa tie bird for a vramaa to laro aud citca aiul over my tfiuy ftv litvs long jourueyis fcne tou will yejirn ia your lours of weakness for something to ivia unon w hea the projis upa which you deocuded arc tikca away or oyrtlmuii yon will tin j it ueiritiuuo bily so wciritomc stxcdicg at nee s ijj i e 9 1 a h j r t b i tl d f m k a 9 j am o v l m4 v i i- hi 7 f if yjrtv m ta m ifccaj3 m sjjjgga m 9 l hv t t lidy oace whea t he kii t little cirl leareeii a ooj icsfn triiich itlie tells for the benefit of uriiora it day concern jone frosty cjuruicg i xz loofciqt oni of tlc wricjoir iufo my fithcra firtnystj uere ftyxl many cost oxen ntl honcf wiiting to jtiafci it vtis a cold nmcuini the crtlle all stood very stijl tud isiml fill one of tlie coi ittcmptctl to turn maud in mjklnt tiieattemjit bhtuidcl to bit her next neiebbrx vthirtajxin the tuiiilldr ticked lad hit another in fire mrnntcs the rhpe herd were kicking eich other uithsry l cthtr hrnhed and sjid see nhit coaes of kicking when you tre hit just so i hare ften one cross wird eet whole family by the tars soise frosty niornicc afuncard if ny brother or tnyclf vcere a lit itritible she yodd ciy take careinsy children kemember how the fight it the- farm- yard beiaa ciec luck a kick tcr a hit aid it viill sve oar- etves aud others a creat dial of traiible gslica hsma j povertrmav excuse a ehsbbj coat botit ts- no esctio for shdbty morale if ydatouu aevcrhiifein evil deed epofcert of in connection with you doot i so one v tfce beam of the beinevoleiit eye giveth vulua to tts bounty which the hand dtspersee hope is like theeun ihich its journey toward it cast the eundoff pi oar burdens behind as keep trouble atartnsledgth keretr turh a blessing reand to eee whether it had dark side- to it if thereias stiy person to wlern you feel i dislifc- th is thefsrson to vhom you ihoald never epeib it is aiays better to keep out of a i tuarre than to sake it up ever so amicably aftef jtra nave got into ode if you irish success in life- mat- ferseteraiice your bosom friend ei- ferience your wise counsellor eaatiou yoar elder brother and hope ycui guardian many peopl3 regard religion ten- tnach as they regard the smallpox ihey desire to iiaie it as light at bssible aid are very careful that il does not mark thetu kaieiltndsk pfhich an old man ropenu of thul of a young mitt lou- he who naita fo da a great deal of gcod atonce will never do any it its to live twicato bo aw d enjoy the retrospect of yotir pust tifo hro iiatieucu vvilu all things but chiefly hare wlieuca vitii youtaelf au effort ruado for tlie lirpjiriesaof others lifts us above odcwlreiv trailiiug the hahtl and ed to do work well leads individuals to form cotrect habitr in other rbepecti dii cat lu4 courage by 6bastderitig your owu impcriections but inlnily set about tvaiwlyiiig them the dudities we possess riever cikkb us so ridiculous oi thosb wo pretend to have education begins the gentlemanbut reading- good conipacyj idd runiction canst gtiisli liiru toronto oil go are ole trianufaolur- trior uiwrlm mohlrie oil lu frlfiremeotiwill be proould great jutisijrhe bel thlrfjr mt krfo of to heal a cut or wouad is tdhlhd up the injured pari wlh a clolh atluriled in terry davis pairikiller i i rcsuflcj tme r hairs of oldagt hpinir denlari1 arid ehould receive ripeol b ilalrsof youngpeoplei k rjuire altentlbr iit the way ol uiin cihrilie hair renetvef sol motiarvln 50 conu per bolllb dry300ds and ca att bright house tivif dfoairitf- out safe af smrmet ory goods millkey and carpks nd buitreyaorvoungp h stock he beet marked down toaueh foirprice will oe opcnen up 7 bres8 goods- over ofltered in thedoniinida remember tht rilrt house ia on chali hair reneie sdvjw g watkinrin iluroub lilt imnro i vv- r housanifs of buyers hhe pwtd tu nwne empot mm t8 week new goods t1 r f z f 1 1 it jv 1ii5ii 1 m fw oveissgits one of chestkll keepers at the cen tral market bad a basket of veretables r toio toi- house on forttreet east erday and calling to a whitewssher fho was hanginj around for a job iaid tdhim here old man take this basfcel to nc port street arid jv will give yoa a wateruielon- j the colpred brottierclosed his beu- gaia at once and apod his retfiraiftei a suspiciously brief absence the man handed hitn the two hzlvet of e green melon iproniised yodamelou and i hecetfts hesaid as i halres together j bat lat mellyon haint ripe boss j contybelp that i didnt specify ibttt i isould give yoa 4 ripe one dits so boss but i didnt fpecify whut tiuja die eamtner i should tote dat bastret np dar either an i kindfr feckoned oat it was test to leave it in- a lifmber yard till i saw de size and color of de ffieliyoi peare like i haint vmutii behipd in dis trade he tlapped he he bad i rips ineios andet iis arm as he started off to finish his errand j ih f imjii tonder if t noise arinoyi an syelerl little lotties iefterf to beffrlehd i have so many cares yesterday a little baby sister arrived and papa is one journey was bnfc a piece of luck thut mamiliaraii at home totake tars of it a little boy- weeping ihost pileously vaf tbterrlfpted by some poasukl decurreuce he buslifd his cries for a njomehl the ihooght war tinnav- m eaid fatresijlbiog his sniffle kwhafc was 1 cying boih jaat hovifi y usai lagie- a galveston ntan deojiwd 6evetil thousund dollars iri a local bank and drew on it as he needed it the other day he happened ta mfct his banker- and that gentlctnttn stopped- and said rather txcitedly you have overdrawriyouraccoant by several hundred dollars well what of it i kisnisccoiht i rttkon i cau do what i please with my ofn account this ii a frte countryv yts but yoti bwe nis seveml hundred dollars well sojjpos f da you owid me ten times as hindi or ever to long and i didnt marei any fuss about it the depositor passed on leaving the banker standing ou the ttdewaty in a very daied condition of mind a sign on an academy in a western town readf freeman k hnggs freeman teaches the boys and huggs the girls a wealthy citiien of cincinnati refuses to travel because horses and railroad cars dose so much jors of life he ought to go around with a baby carriage j lesson for young housekeepers how can you tell a young fowl from an old one i by the teeth 1 by theteeth f but fowls have no teeth i i know they havenv bnt i hare one cant be too careful with fire arms a city boy carried a pistol in bu coat pocket and one day last week while ho was in swimming the pistol unexpectedly went oft he has no suspicious as to who took it when a yeung man tells yon he doesnt believe in chuicbes begging all the time anf he wont go to church at all if he cant listen to a sermon wkh out having acbntrtbtitiori bisket stuck under his nose you will generally se that roan whack in to maks up a parw for a horse race or sobscribe for the sunday concerta without a mnrmufr xsw axd esiirntcirr- the most ex- qeirtte little tojletaem ertart forthcteeth tnd brcalh is teabarr sample sets the public will have them the pens of the eislerbruofc steel pen cos make snd all stationers are ready to supply them ask your dealer for castorine siachine oil and see that the earretis branded castorine as none other is genuine i the adulation of the blood has been demonstrated by- the microscope and the proof of the circulation of ester- brooks pens is that they ate foundevery where lteecastorine ilachlne oil for all kiridsbtmachinery- it is also excellent fori harness or leather making it water and weather proof i see to it i zohesa from braxti will cure the worst case of dyspepila a ilcgle dose will relieve in a decree that bows lu- wonderfal curallve powerfll and its pecnliar ictlan apan the htomacliand llgeative or- canr it fa a positive and obsolete core for coktlvenctsand canitlpattonactlfij n a remarfcatae way- npdn the syttem carrying off imparities a livxk eegosatok its acuoca are mjsw remarkable it tones and tltmciatekj nalfer ib actian ft corrects the scidsandfreeclatcs ttiebowela a tewdoes whisarpwseroa bompte tjotileilffct excellent reasons exist why dr thomaselectrio oil bouldbe ifsed by personstronbled with affections of the throat orllungs sores upon the skin rheumatic psiri corns bunions ofer- tefnal injuries the reasons are that it is speedy pure and unobjectionable whetherjaken internallyrapplied 6ut wsrdly- 0 boafti- of uanchestef ontario co si svntoi t obtained im mediate relief from ihe oso of dr thomair- eclettrio oil i have hud asthma for eleven years have been obliged to sit up sll night for fen or twelve nifihls in succession 1 can new sleep soundly all night oft a featherbed which t hid not heed able to do previous fo usinc ihe oil bi v mocistht wholesale and retail druggist ottawa writes i was af- flicted with chronic bronchitis fcfr some years but have been completely cured by ihe use of dr thomii eclectfio oil iii doses of five drops oh sugar 1 hare j d blso pleasure in recommending it as ah 533 oxford 8treet lohdon maniifspturera of keapers mowers arid tleshkg ilaohlhery refet fca tttrlhc itachinjj oil td any other itwlli delisf lard ci and lephini and is warranted riot lb gurt 1 uatkeriit betbervl ttnuienlll itfre vwduvurbey at nlht and broken of your rest bya sick child lufieringaud cryitii wilh the exorucialing fjajn of cuttihgteoih li e coal once and get a bdltlu of mrs wtailaws sootbing jfyrdp it will- relieve the poor little suflerer iaimedittelydepend upon it there is no mistake about it therell not a mother on etrlh who haaeveruied it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the boeisandgiv4 rest to the mother and relief and health tot lliechild operaltrg like magic it is perfectly safe to use itt all cases and nleianl to the tasle artd is the pre- icriplicn ofono ol the dldest and beat rpmala physicians arid nurses in ihe united slates sold everywhere ut 2b cenlsabbltlev uuuoamjt ointment uiid pilti tkeo rediedies are unequalled through out the world for bad legs woutidffaa sores and ulcers used according to lirecltons given ivilh tttcm therd is no wound bad leg or ulcerous sbre how- lever obstihatts or loni sundmg but will yield to their lienltrig and curative properties many poor sufliror who have been pstienls tnthd large hospi uls nndertnecsre o eminent surgeons arid have drivil little or no benefit from their treatment nave leon thoro ughly cured by holloways ointment ard pills- kor glaridrilar swellings timours scurvy and disetscs of the kin there is nothing that can be used wih ro much benefit in fact in ihe wortt forms of diease dependent upori the condition of the blood these riiedi- cines uscd conjbltly are irresistible why suffer from weak nervous want of appetite and general debility letting the loss ol sleep and resf impoverish the system and ttyn the blood when such a really meritorious- rem wy as sarthfop lymans quinine wine may be jiafd at anv drug store this article is recom- meudedby the highest members of the medicarfseully in cairs of indigestion genera debilitv loss pf apptlite and nervous afiections of all kinds it isaiso epecuiiy beneficuil to children and deli- cati fetnsles and to business men students and those ho have much brain wprfc we woild ssr never be without it ft will strewthen you keep your system in regular ower aitt enable you to successfully grjpple witb the work you have to do it is pleasant to the taste and contains nothing injur oas to the most delicate constitution be member to ask for the qainiae wine prepared by northrop t lyman toron to and we art sure you will he satisfied that you have full value or your money druggists eell it son outfit fcntfre to ttiotte wtw wlsli to cnce ta tbe monpleaantatid prof- utjle butinfb koown erfrrtulnc uer ciptuilnot reqatred we will uruitu yci cverythllc fly a tit ind ap- ntrds ib efly made rllhoat utajtoj ttwaj- firomhome over night jto rtxlc wiutcver kunj- new workers wantfrd one- jltny ro matnefrrrtan at fli bailpe l4i mslclas macb s men nivd ynan boys and etru make cwat pay soone wlwu wihlnp- to votc ftiktomaicfinort tnony everyday lhan eta io mode in rot at nur ordlnxrj employment ttiofroeng9ecatonc rtll flndaanortroad tofortan adiref h itallfrttico portland sfalne worffi tfiefr welgnf lii gold iholloways pills ointment i r this incomparable iieljwlxe hat secured for iieelf art impiruhablt fame throuqkouttbj world for the ahecialion and cure of mcttduouet to tchich humanity u heir the pills purify regulate and improve the quality of the blood they assist the digestive orgrns oleanse the stomach and botvelst increase the secretory- powers of the liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thonsands of persoris have testified that by their use alone they have been restored 16 health aid strength after every other means had proved unsatf- ceasful ithe ointment will be found invaluable in every house hold in he care ot open sores hard tumors bl irtfs old waadj coujhj colds sorethroats brobchilis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also goaf feheamatlsm scrifiila and every kind oi skin disease- manufactured only at professor hor lowxts esubiishment 583 oxfoed street londou and sold at is ijd- tfd ssdd lis lit and 33ieaeh box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents aid 150 cents and the larger sites th proportion jfirciimoi i have no agent in he united state jior are my iledioines sold there purohuefs should therefore look to tbe label oh the pols and boxes- if the address is not 533 oxford street london theyare spnrious tlietfadeifafksofmysafd tfedieines are registered in ottawa arid also at washington thomas hollowat embrocation for external use juifwl and a lot of tlie chghpest wool 30 and 82 km street east- and- tbe name is hamlltonaog 18th i8l- cloariag sale far ono montli m6rse iy a great slaughter 01 retnhartts fancy dress joods itfuslins htillirwirj maatles prints awl all strmtrrer goods- tilts fs a gerrafiye 5learrnjf sale we liavc linesof dress goods frintcd maerfit primrpcifasosatfd mantles fiat we are felting at half heir etiginaf ptice ftow is yotk to mafcehiryiiey 6y buying gnids efveap itiitiflefe made to order a large and well acssofferf sfock of fashionable 6ents farnismng8- guf ordered glwhins department is in a flourishiffg condiiioti those celebrafed stotch tweudj for ft8 1p tdk yforth fpew 924 ty 30 still ertale 6uerft fli prlcsji zsolood anderson si co gome one ad all pob phgtogeaphs i note the following stores hatord goal oil lamp goods and pumps gheap for oass af hayllls eaytlrhtxkinii had jov work a pcjaity all kinds of track token la exchange for goods kemamber the place next door o sreecht saddlery sign of the- lamp mill street acfon i street acfou 0 h a v l k sale board stables millz8treet aoton if where yds can get firstclass pwigs atrea80haterate8i uood dommeroiii fts ati eipreis tieliery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to anyriartbf the toirfl allpdrtiesiiidebted to tbia cju ubliihment are reqneuted tb bay np without farther delay and save ooit el mattnevs prorrittwif fall aoods sfiaw murton otjeiiifs are npn openlag up an immensl assortmlnf vof scotch tweeds pan tsutj a favorite prescription of aoejebrate new york physician for thelmmeoliate reliet of all pain twiceas powerful a any known remedy fpurtime asqhick in its action sold afr avriy wirasassfstotooffbllpwmb druggist over 600m sample bottla wuh mi r wiii pubiuha kwai asueof this paper- rhad them- any of the following drugpsts can give you information- c simplespvgawayaiiacanalvys supply you with the w cf etc 4 dab tarior ailenlnrai e tfoqsrvia aaton lp beunbht vfjle breek er f wuuank bndtonh fb oampbe jbtfmrirakhhi- vm orahsm m d brastels f r wuuanm bradf ota brown brinsley us- stork boltonl bsirh frmser bhuocki cornets otilinn hardon se ryan oajnaeh ann hafrts caledon 4 m vhuajni cromarty xcbrtat kd chatham f8niuhdiiavtue im otrver delhi w cyklbtoti dtnidaa aa s- toss daabar- ios edmonds eastwood calvin lata eveter xlsz pardy m d eagexual w jthomntringif w h lata silt y 0 smith fe oo ooelph c monro grantlev 04 j a prestoa rarrlstbn a uamuton a c hamilton htm hrter ingenoll c snore jr jordan k c poison uo kjnaston bobtpon jtltriookh robt muls klppen mconwor flinders keraptvole hatton 4 wulmott lisle j a hscadng ustowel will- berney pm miuittove z a vanljvenfotcow g h christian manchester lawrawn hodge jiilehcll l f selleck morrtdborith ww stephen co jleaord h wedrlca jr nalieocko- oeo crahr kort orthoowcr w adetlor kapanee w 8 atkins on oshi kf bolder ode shawac fr b allison jpieton pflerbroneh kewdthtdee ia leslie p m pusflnch r h piatt pm phelpsum s k allison hart perrr- john sooon parpiljl ornrtnd wal jucieoiens 4 co robt w isttman owen sound j b dawson otnpah thoa stevenson oranjretillc h f maocarthr otiawa brewster a cotfer ridireway lomideo e wuaoo seaforth ilickson bleatdalr seaforth if jarmoth scbrlnbtulei ii sorlliger thiathroy e jiann srjtbflcld vt h sanders slayntr wm johnson smljni fausi g h booltr r m d surnm e taylor sahdiord jhamblcjsurton- jaa cooper south bay- that h allen gteveiuvruev livingstone co sinicoe j r bond sohomwrgl i w j c xatwltlrnhm w t barker trenton c thompeoh t- co- tilsonbnrg oeoclark p m troy w taadnksn tara t t e forneroi tweed geo vilson teaton tboa roott a son woodstookv ym bow west winchester w iiicjaioker wsterdovn j b imy wromlnit j paction wurton areehrwalkerton thai cnmlne wemana jss vblte wocxlstock john tbopon woodford fl w b smith co whitbtv w t brar wlnsham w d hortln windsor dont fall to rea4 testitrtntuupuouthed in next issue ofthltpaper li you write foe isabnaatloo toshr ot the persons wnoe names i pnbuah an wiab a reply enclose si cent stamp to them pvcbtnlariad rorthsrlaibrmatioa applyto anyf the above dranlsts or eizek morse lston chemist 57 front st toronto kazens carbolic doc soap fir frso boiti- orny fo cents for 4 ox cake to stewart l co guelph ont i p i j l semvawwal jlearfhc sale 0 sum3vf cood i v a rrttimbiw6ti8 ibi5uctldn in the pbicb of goods a a rears determined not to carry over ooe dollars trortfeof mini met fools therefore- it 6 utoflercoodravaeteatsaerulce aeomplte clearhnee oraljooru stmner j dress goods prints pmtisots ffcttts silks hrxslinr ilosiery gloves lace curtains n btmtinss laces cretonnes tkf rerrtdirtinff pcrticm c attr itiiuntrg stotk trill it diarad a men nomiaat price we rettirn thanks to cnif irtamj friend for the itst afyi largest fewtone tale at vsrnaitn ilillinery our prices and siites were eirrcri n f cmfif feiitfau8ak tfandkctchiel f silk umbrellas ttreeds and clijls at a bigditiovini ok utual pricit this ita rare cliance to secure new oowfs hmii vm stewart co speight son uhkrtakefis furniture dealers fwagcqh m 71 3vc a ntjfaottjbbes i tridertakllljt everv deadripfioif of foneral lioqaisiteff 0 he besi qualitii peed at shortest notice krfrdleb llsaass furnished es sup ftrrtiltttfin ocabihetmahngdepartment ire are pepared for the spri iemani parjor stntes sofsi ntre tshles whatnou bedsteads 4o y m w 9 tiass lninber wagons and dembcrala marttrfactetd brrtbhe from the brj materiaj which will be solcf at thejowest ps sftloht i s6n aoton iibk njs- i rltiluiutkmkta snoutia p w moanoi a co ia iusc 1 it sioo oni bit imzhix canoi cure depot ccoacoorrqcaqru r ancec without the tue of the kails th only prminent cure in the world for particulars enclose t eea t to si 0 sjltth coatlcoox vu canada win am tertalh fiaults sfec jfltj hbdicine ftudi anal weal impotener and all diseases ual j6u0w as t seqoenoe of belrabnsei as loss of mom- tlon jmfnbruenhirsln y bor pamphletjwhjeh we de sire to tend free by mall to or i halpt t mbnej- oy m drtaalnt t tkt bnif ttatoii 06 artetavikhsj nobtcaaatui jn tjr 3 itoqarvliii urnalat aeloru harness sstritn parties requiring anything in harnesa or trunka to save mjuqiy ahoald fojo 8 0 re 15 oh acton i acntatrarjilshea tree with fall in- 11 1 yintlomoreiorklnetlsitneinost j i profitable bnainest any one etm t-n- l in the buslneu is ao easy to learn and out tnatrnotlons are s simple and plain that ny one can make mrprelti k very urt no one can tall wb u wllllnftowork women aresusheefarola men bos and slrl can earn larae autna many bate made at the bwneaa over one hundred dollut in a alnale k sottxni ii ovr knotrb beror u who eniaio rajiidliy wlib sshri art shrpflaad ai the ease 1 tm1 lh bje to make triotief ynil ii address i tbu couanmtas halmi

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