v -the- v i fcv u published evert- taursot momlkg i i ur ec- if m005e fidttort proprietor i j- at rax frkkirrhs kett doortoilctuodulctiurcb 177 rwf acore 0 tsaxg the flux pre s will be cut o nbscribcrr postage paid for l00 per n- num in advance 150 if not so paid ko jvapor dicoaaucd till all arrears arc fcaid exoerttat iheontfon h tha pablihcr afrwtrrsixartti casual advertise- menu coals per line for hie finsimuscr- tioa cents per line for eica subse- i quent insertion cash professional cards 10 lines or i ess ih 00 pfr annum i square 12 hnus fouo per annum payable in g mon a from date of insertion any special kotijtiw object oftrliich i ta promote the iecariarr benoat of any individual or company tobe considered j aa advertise- menu the namlir of lines reckoned by t the space oocunied measured by spaje of 6h kanprvil j cnstract rates ontwlflmn on rear iffivco halt column one year t s3 00 i 1 tiuxtcro6taniaaq yetjr stftji r on ouumajtf iranians svoo halfttitcmntlr tniqths sjot oicoamml2wmnnnths 3j01 halfcolamh tfirtmnnth t20 quarter caluranthrre maht toj artvcruscmjptusvithkttkirclnr dtrrctkms will of infected uu frrb4amtcicrdftcnf- inrlr transitory adcrtlroiuinu mutt be paid in adaae cttanceforcirtrxk mfve rtimnte mvs be in te orheoj s-a- raon sfirmajr other wise liicy tui be it ft over ul iht lollowlnc weet hp icoore viltar prorrtptor this paper sitrsslis cctttracu csj- lc t vtonce t- cluxinrurlrc area- j er xo s kin st- rvt toruto it athtifwl to recctv- advertisements for tui tfr w ttvbdtiittit unqiter wh loter st b st c p si- grsdaise of tricitv college hem faer of college of pnyectans aci scrpgons osee ind residence kl the fceaj of fred eric st aetca 1 i ttf itsgirvix it di it c pk jjl gntioite of victoria uaiversitt anil visit acioc ca tuesdiy ajid fridr tnia 2 to 4 p m if his services are reqairci daring tnv otier dijl of tie ick nctice left t j e hcgirviii dreg styre will receive prompt tteatiac j u siathesok ittoekerit uv sdieitor in ccsrcerj- ic office next door ti ttillaret hotel itiltai l bexkett deitiit georee- il mto oat tf fisher vs gorgetotcx ont4 will visit ictoa every wednesi day aai will aiiesd o all calls peruiting- tohisprofesiios orders left atitcgarvins drcstorerjrillreceive prompt- arleatito terms moderaie 1 tj fishes w4g liieer irtm rotmder t ttacaibfrt jeacb every decriptioi mde to order at the shortest eotice and moat reasonable tarnis kepairing promptly at- t4dedk lisxee 1l clszk baxtrrsree quebec street gaelpht kruica ornceianmiieviaxiiiiim kiu street aftoa istorncc ore evzet fehite- w helfstreet licensed auctioneer far tie counties of kvjingtog and ealtoa orisrs left at the fori psess osce acton cr at my resitlesce ia acoa r will le promptly attended to term reasonable honej a com also meaty to lorn ci the most favsrable ttrms tad at the lowest ries of interest in cams of 500 ted apwards i patekxs folulxtektioks expe- rnoclr aai jcoptrly secarod ia can ada the united sties tad ecrope pa 1 tent gttsxatecd or no chirge stnd for printed iastrodtions aeacy ia operatioa teayeara bekry grist ottawa caaadi- scschaaical engiaccnng solicitors of pa- eats and draaghteaifijl c tatl0r vererdtaey sub- geok gtjqtgetosva gradoafce of the ontario veterinary college will visit actoa erery tuesday f 1 toi pm ah calls reeeifed promptly attended to by night or diy horses bought aadsoldoa ocaiaiibsioa efisideace wet corner from lfrery stable georgetown oat c taylor licensed auctioneer xikkforsejfa t am prepared to pay the highest cash prcia for gides calistaas deacons lamb ad sheep skins delivertd at my tiaaery lftee leather constaatlyoh hand j james stoore acros havhig opened a paint shop ia theprem- ucm next door to ktckliat bskery i am pve- pared to do carriage painting and siga writing of ercrj description anaaoaid re- gpectfally balicittliepicronige of the people of atfoaaadvittflit ctahes sott 8amoae4 ts appear befw the barsee where you can zti an euy shaye a styluh haircat a frothiflk shampoon or a coaling 6a foam i apare so pafna and give no pain in tiie accompliafament of ia good share juzors and aciaeors let in perfect order on loorteat notice j worden barb4r hill street acton oney the underiiirned has money at liiadijpoa- al cor diacoantiaj rood endorsed notea at a reaaooable rat4 of ducoant james jfatrheffs o aoitfayl0th i8oi terms- 100 in advane j7ie kcttipapcr x map oetuylis iu fluciuaiiont and iu vast conecna 150 if not so paid volume vil no 12 a0tou 0nt thursday september 22 188f a0t0n 0nt dlove manufacturers the best deseriptioa of g lores and strrrs in ever- variety of rdaleriai and atyhfaro niaaufaclarod by qk s jewelry store 24 west slia vyaliasi st storeys breka sfrlkccldvefastserfatf we are aiso patentees and inventors of stcrorg eorclu spriaj qlcvo futa- cj ijustiy acknowledged the most perfect fastener in ose i patented in canada the pnited states and great britain roanax omcts spruce street kew rork ds a lime grove birmingham eng t0 advertisers select list of local xretpaperfl a jfcar anji ico urtti leu than gssooftiia this at torr scfect focal lift lald nw- fwr lati mir thjl ftalluu otct alrcrtftitgr iisu v it li act t oopoiitive lut it is net ciflip urt ituimeoaflstllrt the cataloue cutea eractly what tne papen ktt xhta thenameofihepiperli prinled a fcti kxcr trrc it it la evcrrlnitnee tbe btt wbea printed in cxprrultlc uia olrpepcriothe prices the ilt gives ih popalaaonorevery town and the ctrcatitlon of ivery paper the rutes quarcetf farjvertrrictir trarelr oneqftb the dabilsfcrscbedaf the price farinisuterurrom ttoa the price for one inch one mnutu in ttie eallre lirttegfiis tiierectturntej or tapper for tie txtaf apace od time are fsou tneustlceladrttstnewfpapcrsorwhictiurr relmal oillv nod weklv tljey are locales in w difterent cujefaadtownr qfrhlehfcare kt capitals 3 plaec of titersq popalauon and ttconntr keau foreopr oclut and other lnfirniktlon ad- dresa geouosrellcx wkprcc6l vcrfc wm s smith peacticil watchmakek i and jeweller for the past eirtecti years at savages re- spectfnlly annonnies to the public that he has jost opened i firstclass store in the aiove prenass whcro he will keep on hand a full and caoiet assortment of the best watches clicks jewellerz astd eixcteorutr fine watch repairing a specialty agent for the celebrated lancaster watch on all work from a distance the return charges will he paid ip s sirira office diaries thi mutual ufe associatiox op caxaxu belu office itahiltox ost sflrerasoat ecjosit era 89000000 policies on the reserve fckd plak issued by thu company onl and copyright contain- a plain statement of the amonntof cull vllce of paidap inscrance this policy holder will be entitled to receive if discon tiacinctfce payment of premiums after 5 10 is a 25 30 35 payments c h p moore ajont fcee press offlce i i acton full liaeaov la stock 1 it days bookstore gcelfff daysells oeap butcher shop w o r0bim30h wooiii tntimite to tee people of acton that hebax phigsetf tnebatcbrrboslncra late ly csrrlei oa br robert storey ano that he has always aa band a- nrstclass f toct of beea perlc jraf cn ponttrr asd gaiae- la tessaa eit and hopes by strict attentlfl to business to fecare a fatr share of the patronace of the paollc scetocliveredatany time to sdy part of the town crsu qmz a oau solicits odejs paoscprrr attekded to wc eobfnson- t f cummih08 practical upholsterer etrclfs ovrtkio lrtmlirctiulqr cnrtatas wtadow bllais and clinrch cushions cleopatra chairs ottomans baaneretts rarklittsprliiff back and xeedle work a specialtj- carped cut made and laid oa thr slitrtut notice i foroitore beupholstered at the most res- i sonable eates and in the litest style t p crjlimings ci6ec slrat wat gttrlpk c0loeed gold be0ches and eierlngssetts i gold brooches shrer setts new styles surer lockets sureraecklets cold natciie 1 diamond kinsi geaistoiie king b saviaes jewellery stoeb wyndham st guelph t7allabde fuiase properfr forisale the enbfcriber offert foraale uiat batt- fclljntaated piece of property rjlnp north o the tk depot in the corporation of t village of acton the property contain acr maw or ier k ot which are fa a h atate of cultivation and nearly all planted i khb fruit trees of evaty dcfcrirllon icdii of toe beat varieties the balance la tofcd paetara lapd with aneverial ling etreamrvl nine ttirouch it oa wbfch la iitaaieo a gl pood on tte premisses tuere la a nrotiorj bricfcdwelllng nearii comriptcoccctfclntfp rc4mkauo back kitchen villi tbreerccmc rood stable and ched and 6rs elver lara and witwateretc the aoove would be a ver deelrahle place oc a retired ffenuenea or for a market rfrdener i terms liberal and made fcriowa oaappliea tlonto kltl sxvoeb actcnpo whitewashing a and i coloring f wm itblsolf ckcw0ok oobkeba is prepared to do all kind of whitewasbikgst coloeibtc on the shortest notice andat reaaon- able rates stleave youroedkbit at the ran press office aotoo p srciofhlnir cleaned ben- otated w1l vtert caurugk repair shop has opened a shop in ejfders oldstandj where he is prepared to do all kinds of wagon and carriage repairing on tbe shortest notice nothing britfirstckes msterisi used call solicited t a fokstiir rrouse lot for sale tha qtidsriitned offers for oile the splendidstoae dwelling oa main si near kr 0 8 smiths resideocaone fifth of an acre wiln stone house in splendid condition stable and shop on the prem ises sard and soft water wells title indisputable terms reasonabls ap ply to f ae0hgcsab kockwood po startling discovery lost mahhood re8tobe6 a rtotan of ronllim taotdanea ansna prsma tan peajy serrons cbfiltr ui bsntioaj etc hsnilttsd in viln erery knora renllj hmj dts- to bu toiairmibertaftanu j u- tkt em 40 cbatbua fct n i the f ree press tkoiwdav mokxtxa september k 1ss1 bqbtsy sweet tho boy thsfc to his mother ssyi as he tha pantry passes and sights tha tempting syrupcup ohl gimme some inoiassea 1 advanced to riper yean still cries when weaned from uia classes and lounging at some watring place oh ikife me summer lasses opb sioar tbzlb ttaoe oriver8 8t0rt foarteea years ago i drove from danfcary to littleton a distance of fortytwo miles and ak i had to await tho arrival of two oc three couches aad did not stirt until after dinner l verr i often had a good distance to drive after dark it was in thedesd of winter and the aeaaon had been a tough one a good deal o snow hpd fallen drifts were plenty and deep the mail that i carried was not dae at littleton by contract until one oclock in- the morn log but that winter the postmaster was obliged to ait up a little later than that hour for me one day in january when i drove up for ray mail at danbury the post master called rite into his office pete said he with an important aeriooi look theres some ptetty beary nouey packages ill that bag and he pointed to it as he spoke he said the money was from boston to some land agents up near the canada line thee he asked me if id got any passengers who were going through to littleton i told him i did not koow bac i sapposa not says l why said fie the agent of the lower toad caoie in loday and he says that than were two suspicious charac ters on the stage that came up last night 4nd ha saspecljs that they have an eye oa this mail so it will stand you in hand to be a little careful this evening h said the agent had described one of them as a short thickret fellow boot forty years of age with long hair and a thick heavy clump of beaid under his chin but none on the side of hislface he did not knew anything about tbe other i told hiin i guessed there wasnt much danger oh no not if you have got pas senger all tho way through but i onle told yba this so that you might look out for your mail and also look sharp when you change horses i answered thac should dd an and then took the bag under my arm and left the office i stowed the mail away under my seat a little more carefully than usual placing it so that icottld keep my feet against it but beyond that i did not feel any concern it was past one when we started and i had four passengers two of whom rode only to my4ttt stopping place i reached gowana mills at dark where we had aapper and where my other passengers icluded to remain for the night wut six oclock in the evening i 3owans mills alone having seven teen miles to go and a hard seventeen it was too the night was quiteclear but the wind was shirp and cold the loose snow flying in all directions whilst the drifts were deep and closely packed it was slow tedious work and my horses soon hecame legweary and restive at the distance of six miles t came to a little settlement called bulls corner where i took fresh horses id been two hours going that distance as i was going to start a man come up and asked me if i was going through to littleton i said i should go through if the thing could possibly be done he said he was very auxious to go and as he had no baggage i told him to jump in and make himself as comfortable as possible i was getting up my lines when the hostler came up and asked me if i knew that one of my horses had cut himself badly i jumped out and went with him and found that one of the animals had gbta deep cork cot on the off fore foot i gave such direc tions as i considered necessary and was about to turn away when the hostler remarked that he thought i came alone i told that i did then where did you get that pas senger 1 said be he just got in i answered got in from where t i dont know wsll nowaaid the hostler thats u whole no 344 kind of curious there aiut been no such man at the house and i know there aint been none at any of the ueighbors lets have a look at his face said i we can get that much at any rate do you go back with me and whjni get into the pong just hold your lantern so the light will shine in his face he did as i wished andraa f stepped into the pung i got a fair view of such portions of my passengers fae as wero net muffled up i saw a shott thick frame full hardifeafures and i could almost see that there was aheavy beard under the chin tlhorght of tho rain whom the postmaster had described to irie but i did not think seriously upon it until i had started perhaps i had gone balf a mile when i noticed the mall bag wasnt in its place under my feet hallo aiya j holding up my horses a little wherea my mail 1 my passenger sat on a seat behind me ann i turned towards him here is a bag of some kind slipped back under my feet be saidjtring it a kick as though he would hove it forward just at tins raotnent my horses lumbered into a deevsnow drift and i was forced to gel out and tread down the snow in front of them and head them through it this took me all of fifteen minutes and whn i got in i pulled the mail bag forward and got my feet opon it as i was doing this i saw the man taking some thing from his lap beneath the buffalo and put intokis breast pocket this i tholight was a pistol i had caught a glimpse of a barrel in the starlight and when i had time to reflect i knew i could not be mistaken about this time i began to think somewhat seriously- from what ihad seen and heard i soon made up my mind that the individual behind me not only wanted to rob me of my inail but was prepared to rob me of my ufa tf i resisted him he would sbocjt me and perhaps he meant to perform that delectable operation at any rale while i was pandering the hotses plunged into another deep snow drift and i was again forced to get out and tread down the snow before them i asked my passenger if he would help me but he didnt feel very well and wouldnt try so i worked alone and was all of a quarter of an hour getting my earn through the drift when i got into tne sleiijh again i began to feel for the mail bag with my feet i fouud it where i had left it but when i attempted to withdraw my foot i discovered it bad become fast in something i thought it was the buffalo nd triedtofkick it clear but the more t kicked tbe more closely it held i reached dawn uif band and after feeling atound for a few minutes i found hat my foot was in the mail bag i felt again and found my hand in among the packages of letters and pipers i ran my fingers over the edges of the open ing and became assured that the stout leather had been cut with a knife here was a discovery i began fo wish i had taken a little more fore thought before leaving danbury hut as i knew making such wishes wss only a waite of time i quickly gave it up and began to consider what i had better do under existing circumstances wasnt long in making up my mind upon a few essential points first- the man behind me was a villain second he bad cat open tbe mail bag and robbed it of some valuable matter he must hare known the money letters by their size and shape third he meant to leave the stage on the first opportun ity and fourthly he was prepared to shoot me if i attempted to arrest or detain him i resolved these things in my mind and pretty soon thought of a coarse to pursue i knew that to get my hand safely upon the rascal i must take him wholly unawares and this i could not do while he was behind me for bis eyes were upon me all the time bo i must resort to stratagem ouly a litth distance ahead was a house and an old firmer named longee lived there and directly before a huge snowbank stretch ed across the road through which a track had been cleared with shovels as we approached the cot i saw light in the front room as i felt confi dent i should for the old man gener ally sat np until the stage went by j drove on and when nearly opposite tbe dwelling stood up as i bad frequently done when approaching difficult places i saw the snow band ahead and could distinguish tbe deep cut which bad been shovelled througlnt i urged my horsea to a good spwd ar whenj near tho band forced hem info it oqe of he rannera mounted tbe edge of- fie bank after which the other ran into the cut thus throwing the sleigh over about bajuick as though lightning had struck isf my passenger had not cal culated on any auch movement and wasnt prepared for it but i had calculated and was prepared he rolled out into the deep snow with a heavy buftulo robe about liira while i lighted directly on top of him pouncing his bead into the snow i sung- out or old lougee and the old farmer who bad been waiting to see roe pass had his lantern lighted and was with me in an instant whats lo pay i asked the old man as he came up lead tbe horses info tbe track and then come here 8peaking thua 1 1 partially loosened ruyjgrip upon the villains throat and he drw a pistol from his bosom fout seeing it in season bit head was jammed into the snow and tbe revolver taken away from him by this time lougee had led tbe horses out and come back and the matter was explained fo him in as few words aa possible we lunled tha rascal out into the road and up examination we- found abaci twenty packs j es of fetters whicfp he had stolen from the mail bsg and stowed away in his pockets j i he swere threatened and prayed but we paid np attention to his blarney lougea got tope atout cprd and when we had securely bound tbe villain we tumbled him into the purjg the old man said he would accompany me tfe littleton sod so we started we reached the eqd of the route with the mail all safe though not as snug as it might have been and my mail bags a little the worse for the game that bad been played npoti thetu however the mail robber was secure and within a week he was identified by some officers from concord as an old offender indj was sent to state pnaon where he yet remains so far as we koow i tbats tha only time i ever had any mail trouble and under the circum stances got out of even that one pretty well the sweet hjbpsib bt riocts1t v no taoder yet tad farewell from his qufvarinjrlip was heardv so softly he crossed that the quiet qreasr was not by a ppplo stirred t he fcaa spared the pain of parting tears hewa spared all morif strife it was scarcely dying he ofllv pamsd- in a moment from endless life so low was tbe masters ca 1 that it had not reaclicdamir ear i but it caught the isundaud his awift re sponse- was full of joy not fear his friends were many and fair were the blessings that crowned uyes way j j veth to depart and to be with christ waa ibctter than bere tostay i weep- not forhis sweet release from earthly pain and cafe xor grieye that ha reached his home aad real r ere he knew that ha was thore but think of tho sweet surprise the sudden and iterance delight ue felt a be met hirsaviours smilcr and walked with him ia white 1 weep not for bis toils fire oer and thy race msy as awn berun bat with saudslied feet and with stan io hand let thy work for thy lord be dene and then wbeo thatnesmf arrives sadden it may be or alow the mister ia cosie and he csflr for tbee j- vtitk joy thou wilt rise and tcoi x i i osbi iecthr race a huhoaiiro the career of a caxadiax in sin francisco the other night johnny skia was commifted to prison in default of 5 to pay a fine a few years ago be was a millionaire today be is an outcast johnnys history in brief is as follows he was born in canada down near osbawa and having become art expert telegraph operaloi drifted- o the far west when they celebrated constoek lode was opened johnny wasthe operator at the mines he was a firstclass hand and everyone had confideuce in him from day to day cipher dispatches were bent from the mines to san francisco giving tbe result of the days operations of the miners somehow johnny got hold of the key fo the ciphers read all the messages went into stock speculation and became a millionaire in a short time he bought the yirginnia end gold hill waterworks supplying water to all the mines and yielding him 200000 a year but the mines suddenly gave out and johnny was broken he went east but wbile away the miners assuddenly attack it rich again and skae came back to the com stock country as fact as a special train would biin him he was again a millionaire and the lion of all the troli hunters james c flood was second to the canadian he gave wonderful- trout breakfasts to his friends and did the grand on a lordly scale two or three years ago he went down agaiu and landed in the smallpox hospital on bis recovery he kept the books of that institution lor a tinieand then disappeared ill b was arrested in san francisco this month on l charge ol being disorderly lots oh canadians will remember johnny skak the fst sgt of tbe gir of the are smttll tapering and beautiffilly shaped her i i are as brilliant u the and she is without a her frown is a f and her figure excite 1 it and a hankering her of sorprrso ifras far ihejykjprtuj how many weyseeofytherij 1 and is it to be wandeied atwhen we sec how roach unnecessary wtrk the womer of the present day put upon themselves making tidies fulling abd ticking washing and ironing the ume scrub bing and scouring where it it lot necessary eeoajsfevjbehe soraaimof their lives when will the wob of our day learn that sacfi things are not essential to home comfotl yoa may be a young wife your hus band strngtikog to tnxke a ftart in life you wi3b lo berp friapir yon can this is very rommmdajhetot tat totirslf all ywi can lip hosban4 wont tunk any spore of y ing a drudge of yowkmlj tbi is mistake which manyvyjutig wire make tbey thinkbecsnaallfr so and so has everr article of sonilartr m her coveredwith 8tmsanjmer beds decora edulirineovjaffisi that as they dont6sactf must have them too so she sets to work fiilliu tucking and crocheting and aft tbiswork of course makes extra washing and in consequence heartbreaking hours at the ironing board she now his no lime to read tbe paper br any instruct ive book to take a walk with her usband or to attend with him the res within their reach and be consequence is from close application to work which has not been conducive to her mental physical or social powers she becomes nervous and ifri- table always tired juid weary her husband now conclades that instead of the angel bethought he married she has turned oat something vastly different- think the matter over tired wives j does the sight of those things repay jou or begin to repay yuu for the tuil you have bestowed upon them and saenfice of the peaci of your homef 1 trow not throw them aside devote your time to culti vating your mental and pbjfsical powers and better still let your evenings be spent in a social cosy chat ilh your husband that you may be awe trhelp- each other btstr tha burden of i li day and yoa will be ready for the nextdiiys necessary toil with much lighter beara make your homo as attractive as possible but do not let it be at the expense of your health orgood temper yoq cannot be cheerful iftyori are over- wrought and remember the chief attraction of a home ia a cheery wife and mother r y y in j v 7 u- v 1 sibls lliloph7 1 my sperience in dis life has taagnf me dat de man who swaps mules wid bis eyes shut am certain to getide vust of it brudderlyfceliv goessa good way in case ob bicketf tor want or death hut it seldom reaches down to a hoea trade lfi wur buyln mule eff a man i had k no wed auoiy life i should begin at de hoofs and look dat anamile ober clar up tode point of his nose f shouldnt tijieck dat hed tell me dat he bad filed down any teef or puttied ober any tootcracks my advice am not to re or deceive in tradin mules but to answer as few quessbuns as youkir an ajem eoit o kerless wbdder your offer am cepted or not i i x k if a pacetloui tivbtt vr agchtleuian had pvdarightera the first ot whom married tnan by the naiaijpf poorilbe mcodijj ultle the tbltd a mrshort the fourth a mr brown the fiftha miiuorg at tbe wedding of the latteti iferiatera wit y iheir husbands were there and the old i- rtntleman said to his gnets i have taken- pain9 toedncjate uir daughter that they might act well tljetr part m life with honor to jny family i find that all tu pains- re td expecta tions have taroed cwt nothing but poor little 8bort sbrot hogg im ix l sowmwf swsiw35w