Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1881, p. 2

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pi i r m mm rii 3 -t- ill i ff i ii hi i the pee press i uursdiv moksixn lllaittuj- issl r x 1 sjiii- ii is i i si- of the assassin fast week liic somewhat beats 07 t2e passidelw i tnr death of general galfield presi dent o ilia united staua iilunges a neighboring- and friendly nation iuco the diwu woe atirar nun has jwrulied cutoff unituieljrljj tlie bullet tku despatches a lie ire pared the iaolic tond foe ita shock siill there i fttlmg of liotrorit the fiar fat coding of llc scene that his kept the woild ageg for the past eleven weeks garfield is dead tim muetilile iidudidio was tlie instrument of ifi deed coers iahis cell featful that tlio sliiftiug sunlight uiay gire vsisagc to inetenger of dealt dtsiined to cad iojginj in lis own vita lady visit sell the firmer must saw his wheat upon such land s he fas it maybe clay bi sand wet or dry rich or poor it it be city and other conditions ire furor ut- ho may expect i plump 6jft berry and x full crop if liisrboil iseindy and oilier conditions favorable tbe wheat i4rkely to havo smaller but harder kernel the quality will perhaps ik better but ihef quantity soraebai less t if the soil bs too moist- it will pay to underdriu til3 drains two rods apart and at an aveniga depth of three feet have doubled the crop and paid thb total exiense oil tho drairage in i tingle year if for any reason uudtrdraiuing cinnot b practifed no fnaaof incpuimoding ttie reifier oujuf to be allowed to prevent mating a 6uhcieiit aamber of 0iea larrots fac earfacedrainage the greitest possible inconvenience at ti rest time u c pool crop amtriran ynvuvrifnv tie 2zii ffcci when we think of the devastation tiit has visited other sections ot the country by bush fites while our own baa comparatively escaped loss by the devouring element we ate tilled with a bense of eitieme tdilkfulness tony nothing of the tad loss of butnan life and the immense destruction of valuable timber in the ilicblgau burnt district over 10000 persons are destitute and homeless these bush fires have been a terrible visitation and the coantiy may well pray to be tpjired anther such jpeopiir are leclined to forget the origin of them in fppalled coutemputbn of their direful consequences but t it is only ton true that in many instacpes recklessness and negligence are at the boitom of the woeful ruin sir john macdoaald and hon jlr chapleau arrived at qaebec on satar- day by the sardinian number of addresses wsre presented after which fair john started for ottawa tbanbivicgwill be rery much in place tliia year we bare enjoyed almost every blessing whicb providence has to bestow on- nations we hops that this natihnal religious festival wil be made an occasion for the rendering ofthanks ux vod for bi numberless mercies herioyal highness the piincest lduise will sail from liverpool for canada on the 20lbof october thi fqincess is said to be suffefiog er iremety from impaired health and those who have seeu herniate that she is thinner and looks older tian when she left canada the bishop of ffuroa announces that the work of instruction in connec tion with tha western university wil commence ba the 5th of octolier he appealsto the public for donations to the amount of 8100 0g0 fot purposes of equipment and endowment the university charter was btantad 1878 from our oral ayrrapondenl x goodllel of sympathy is manifesfc- ed here for the sjflerers of the michigan fires- quite a number have left this township during the past few years and haye taken nrrlheir residence iu michigan news his beers- received that messrs aler robert and joseph donaldson bavs lost almost everything eobert- hagan and family barely es caped with their lives bo it j ii they have left is an old cow tua stood in tie rirer during- the fire division court was held o i the 10th inst only two cases were on tbe calen der whicii vera soon dispow i of patrick thompson ii tie happy possessor of a 5 ft cucuml er who can beat that ked jist f v arrived a tmb end at last trstlioat oirlolii loaj ctnwlo far lift saiol m uoaiir kljit a kauoa u motiriiliut i presidetit caifiuld breilhed his last ou jfonday night at 1035 after cighly days and highti of liileuia luffuring t his bedside holding his poor eiiaci- aled band in her own aud watching liim with anguish uuntleiabla the fast vminuing sands of life sat the faithful devoted wife during the closing hour of the piemcrat career around hidi weie alhei- weeping frteuda aud liiyieians umeuting their jkrwetkit ncis in the prtaeuce of tlie dark augo of dath toward the lust the uiiud of lie sufferer wandered everyone seeui- d stunned tbe ulov was pat ticularly cruel so soon after the juuruey which wis thought o be the one chance foi life and fiuai whicii such good results weio erkctcd shortly before 10 oclock div bliss bad seen tbo piesideut and found bis pulse at 10j beats to the luiaule and all the cauditions were then prouiiin a quite night tha docfoi asked tho presideul it ha was feeling uncumfort able in any way the president answered not at ajl and shortly iflerwaids ho fell asleep and uliss letnrned to bis room across the hall fiom that occupied by tho piciidetil svainand iiocfcwell teulaincd with the piesideut alxiut fifteen minutes aftei 10 p m the pirsidenl awakened and leoiaiked to swain that he was suffer iiig great pain aud placed his baud over bis heart bliss was aamtnoned and when ba entered the room he found the president substantially without a pdlse and the action of the hert was almost indiiiinjuisiable ha said at onte that the president was dying and directed that mrs gargeld be called also the doctors tbe president re mained in a dying conditiou until 1035 1 when ho was pitinounced dead mrs garfield bora tbs tryiuj ordeal with great forlitde and exhibited unprecedented courage she gave way io no paroxysms of grief and after deilh became evident she quietly with drew to her own loom there she sat a heartstricken wido- full of grief nut with too mocb ciirisiian courage to exhibit it to those abouci her she of course wis laboring under a errible strain and despite her effoits tears sowed from ber eyes and her lirus became drawil by her noble attempt- to beir iha burden with which she had bsen afiiicled by previous airangement a pod inoricm examination of the body of ptesident gatfield was made on tues dy afternoon in the presence and with the assistance ol drs hamilton agpewbius banies woodward key- burn and andrew h smith of elberon aud acting assistant burgeon d s lamb of the army medical museum washington the operation vis perfotmed by dr lamb it was found that the ball ffier fracturing the right eleventh rib had passed through the spinal column in front of the spinal cinal fracturing the body of the first inmbarvertebrnc driving anumjer of small fragments of bone nto tha ad jacent soft parts and lodging below the pancreas about two inches and half to the left of tbe pie and bebiud the peritoneum- where it had become com pletely encysted tije body of the late president will bo interred in lakeview cemetery clevelaud on monday next at 2 p in vice president aitlinr has been sworn in to sll tha vacancy ciused by the death of president carfielil lslvu yulija ciiuitu r tha conncil met in the council chamber on monday evening pur- suant to adjournment heeve in the chair members sill present except mr speight minutes of last meeting read and confirmed moved by w h storey sejnded by d w cimpbell that bylaw no to provide for the support of adon public school be now read a first lime carried j bylaw resdlthe required number of times and passed a rate of sir mills for support of akon public school being levied moved by d w cimpbell seconded by w hstoter that bylaw no for appointment pf collector be now read a first time carried bylaw read the required number of times and passed ibram matthews being appointed as colleclorr the following estimate of expenditure of tha village of acton for tbsurreiifc yesr was presented by tha finance commiitea 2500 sjto joo kutute labor tax dog lax iiuu aud pcuallici ic200 to b raised by umismonl ul cj mills ou tha dollar ou useumout ot ioo30 s97t79 102079 movtd by w ii sloray seconded by d henderson that bylaw no to pionda for iha expenses of the village of acton ba now read a first time cart iedi bylaw road lha required number of times and passed moved by w ii siotey seconded by d 1v campbell that the reeve be instructed to call a public meeting of iluejityers fjr weduetday evening thii 28th inst for the purpose of run whig a selection of site for town hall lud for approval of plans canw council adjomued to meat on tues day evening next facts for the people new fall goods sf 50 gases of boots and shoes finest french kids to heavy st0ca8 t extra heavy winceys 5 to 12 pts bales of grey white cottons hemp union tapestry garpets trie finest and most choice lot of gents fames ever show in acton grain bags best makes 3qo up best value in green black japan teas i tha highest price paid for good fresh eggs and choice butter christie henderson co vr advertisshexts ttocse to kest apply t tie farr eacs omcty actoo jtotice will not be rapomibl tor soy deht contneted by my wife in my name without civ writua order tuoiias solferviixe sr liraehaaic sept 15 81 w ood akd coal the laucriber is prepared to deliver wood or coal in either larg or imall qoan iiliea u reqoirtd to aiif part ot tie vil- lace- w e adas s actcra sept 19 el coanfyrate salary clerk and treasurer balahes assessor andcollector 6alary constable printing r cnirities dncdjecubfa taxes contingencies lighting street lamps streets and sida walks i108s0 8000 i 5500 5000 7500 8600 000 m79 7050 000 i02979 large selection of tfalcable tuiace property for sale the undertiriicd offcu for ulo lou i 2 3 s 7 6 bit it in tie village ot acton oa tie property it litiiated a comforuhle dwelling home and stable iritclaaa youag ofcbird and aererfailing well of good water tle property u titoated in ca ot iho bat parta of the villaee and would mate a very desirable private residence teraii liberal apply at rsxe parss office actou ca to tv wsi uciflllax gnelpisev- ic gaelph po pvw riksu fob graix ofaulciads i am prepared to pay tha highest cash price forany quantity of wheat barley peas oats rye eot etc at my storehouse at acton station v7i huktop actofc sept fat 1881 rpexoers wanted tenders will bo received by the under- signed op to sept 23rd for tie erection of a fence aroand tie property recently par- chased by tha board ot trustees particulars may ba obtained on appbca tion to joseph lasby dr lowryor samuel sloore f h p moore sea board of trustees totice to debtors as the undersigned has given up bnsi ma in acton ns is desiroas of bavins the sccounts of all who owe him settled steady employment the fomthill nurseries tks l1bc est jit cixidi yfe want salesmen to sell oor kursery stock can give canvaaaera advantages that no qthcr nrm in tiehnainesacrn offer steady work and good salaries to successful men good references reqnired apply to stone fc wellixgtolf kurserymen toronto out kb we are nowready to receive orders for fall delivery for our celebrated new white grape tha golden pccklington price for 2 year vines 2 each 1 year si50 send for circular special terms to parties wanting a large number for vineyard poses s t w pnx- at tbe earliest possible date and he has cattle are all made arrangements with mr h p siooro that all parties wishing to pay up their sccounts may do so at tbe fees press office for which receipts will be given j w itann acfonang j 81 auotionjue farm stock implements akd household fuexituhe the undersigned has baen instructed by mr wm smyth to sell by pubho auc tion atlot i con 4 tp of erin on saturday 24th sept 8l the following articles stock 1 span generalpurpose horses 3 young cows in calf to a thoroughbred bull yearold heifers 2 yearling heifers line steer 8 spring ci congregationat church acton fo t lot 2 in if in the vijlsgei of acton on which is erected afine brick church in- good repair also a brick driving shed key inpossession of ifr wm hbhstneetaoifcx for terms and conditions of ssle ap plyto teosrtrxlanco of cainada 3mo toeonto ont the new meth- 1 alves the above ie durham stock 8 shearing ewes 1 youag ewe 2 fat hogs to ba sold for cash a quantity of poultry implement single selfrsie eeap- or single mower democrat wagon nearly now lnmber wagon cntter nsarlynew cultivator pair bobsleighs long sleigh 2 plows pair harrows turnip seeder tnrnip blicor land boiler fanning mill sett double harness sett plow harness wheel barrow now large scalding trough neck tqke whimetrees boubletrees hayraoi grafs cradle scythes and 8naiths chains eoisi bakes hoes oto furniture 1 good cooking stove box8tove bedsteads tables chairs and other articles too nnnaerons to mention t teemjsio and under cash over that amount 12 months credit on approved joint notes sab to commence at 12 oclock sharp positively no beserve as tho proprietor is leaving tils part otthe country w hncstluezt auctioneer odist hy inn book sew adrerri8mxts acton banking coy storey 0hri8t1e k co baxkebs acton ontario tntnstcueapatrson extra yshmq in table lib and towellings eiats from 75 cents lo f 2cc at lifes 1 a delicious end most refreshing tonic is peaitouv ftesu ground un- adulterated coffee a good felt hit for 75 cents it j fyfai i new stock of stoves just received at j o hills go to pearsons for tbe latest and most tasbianablf design in tea setts for firstclass eivelroujjhing ap- plr to j c hill ladies mantles newest styles at christie henderson tco fryou wants nobby durable and cneap suit j fyfei is tie place to go ixew asd urcmrcke tie motter- qcutte tittle toilet tvm eiiartr theteetli addhrtatir sample sola wisceva competent jadg pro rpunce our 12 jc wincey eitruotdinary value eraunne it compare it and yon wilt bs suretebny it winceys from 5c up at cirutie henderson k gos scotch engiiili and canadian isaitiui in rtat variety tt the east end clotuiui store j fyfe actoo haxtbec clinstis henderson ot cos stock of ladies lifilit nai dark mantles just lecetved these goods are from i he best makers and cocipriae a full range of prices they will be sold ciisap haedwaee in great variety cutlery a large 6toct kaibr hinges etc cheap it pearsons suits and overcoats at ertremely low rates and tnide in latest style be sate to call and see them j fyfe acton mcquillan fc hamilton of the wellicgtoa marble worts qaelph are noted for grviag aatif factioa to tioac favor ing theui wita tceir ordrrt ic yott need anything iu their line be itrrc mi remember them they do a very large business con- trqueutly they arealjle to give bctlet terms and keep bettcf workmen than kmallcr works send to theta for pirticalara fakcsi wool goods cbriitie hendetton cj- co have received and will otien in a few diys an immense stock of ail kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of tbe uest designs and shades tbefe goods are extremely handsome and will be told at very closest prices asoukd stixd ik a health rod v the- old roman idea of the hlcfaert decree of htpplness the liver rales the roost ikorortnox creates anarchy in the physical fcvetem cosllvenes bluoatncss dlrzlnth aod bat tate in tie nioath retlow btid and eretloes of appetite loifi of enercj- and low sptrlu patot in the back and tide wind and foul ttomach all there create bad blood rrenllte the bowessomacb liver aodkunejkwithzopesa irom brarlj try a locentsarapieandatkjourdrojglsu j- e iciarvlnabaatil sect and c4nxtert lie salterlna- brawns household panacea has no equal for relieving pan both in ternal and external it cures paii in the side back or bowels sore vhroat kfjeumitutn toothache lumbago and any kind ot a pain or ache it will zost surely quicken the sloodaffd heal isils acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double tbe strength of any other elixir or liniment m tie world should be in every family handy for use wten wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomscb and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggiatsat 25 cents a bottle rocbries ward the place the largest qc1foffra9 town fifteendiffer- v m entcrade8 to choose from i iv i x c k 1 satisfaction guarantee l if not money refunded the largest stock ever brought into acton just to hand sold cheap for cash no reasonable offer refused all the new lines in glass will be sold on the same ternis sams bacon bologna sausage arij ail sorta provisions kept oonstanoy on hand i green sells cheap t donit forget the place a ii non ii cement the mw thf g06ds store oppositb agnews hotel w opeud on siraniaj with charge nd ctoic ftock of staple and f if dryg00s i vr smy stock is new aid of good design and quality and will be offered to thopopla rf adon and vicinity at remarkably lew prices 7 v v j x ladies will ind in my store every rwyiiaiie required by tim in tie 3ry gccds lioe some -ftktvchoicb- a a general banking busi ness transacted hotfet loaned os istvotxs notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits dress goods silm satlfc etc etc some special bargains in black cashmeres aid lustres winceys flannel oottoi prints eiirtings towellings ahle iaoeos siejttinga cretonnes ac i blic meeting v of ratepayers tie ratepayen o the village of acton are herebv informed that a public meeting will be held in matthews kail on wednesday evening 28tft inst i at 8 oclock or the pnrpose ot siaking a selection of cite for town hall and for approval of plana a fall attendance of ratepayers ii reqjieated c- s kiutrfi acton sept 21 80 reeve central exhibition till b hilt dt thx-r- oity op guelph ok the 4tfi 6fh nd 3fh octobtr open j0 alu prixe luu nd entry ptpcr ani bo hid tvt the secreuryi office gaelpb nd ilto from lha secnuriet of other societiei ihromrhoatthe prannce pirtiet not receiving- their eatry ticketa poor to the show will gad them it the 8rt ufy office the teterai riilwiyt will cairy freight ind pusenken to urd trom the eihibiuan t single fre v g uuhtok thos gowdy secreury jipniideiit gaelph sept 2nd isfll 1881 1881 fall announcemen stoves stoves i beg to intiilateto farm ers and others that i am just layikg in my fall stock of stoves ac 4o and having pnrchaaed the same before the recent rise in prices i am prepared to su at such prioes that defy com petition those in want of j1h3t ctass ctttiye or anything in my line will con sult their own interests by giving me a call before purchasing elsewhere ho thing but firstclsaeartioiea kept in slock and satisfaction guaranteed job work in all us branches 9au kinds of iruok taken in ex change for goods bbmembbr the stand sign of the lamp mill st actoa g0 havill aoton sept 22 81 atj pawcoar twecdi and mantle cloths a terr choice block to select frm low prices no trouble to ihow tlie gqods i 3 v jj aeorge laing eemeirfber the place opposite agnews hotel acton out the fall snys -i- grocerte9 groceries groceries if you want provistona provtsiona rov18iona cheap good grdcefrlfes provisions glassware r crookery ciix utd issject the stock or j i -v- 00ocxxx000o0o00cxkckoox0ooooo0ooo0xockco0eo06o0o we p browk 0xxxi00co0co00cko0000o00000ck0cao00o0o00o00000o0o0o00u00 s bbfoss pcbchasix0 etsbwhbbi ai f s th largoi lot of 9roerlet 1 j ii tha bst assorted lot of oroetrlm i th highest price paid for butter and eggs tsoowt mistake the stand late w mmnn dont forget the celebrated 50 centltxd l glassware glassware glassware wpbrown acton ont ckqckeryi ckocjeekyi crockery 9 hats and cals nevr tall styles just opei east end clothing fliokffi all thlwtt things in hard and toft tm ooodi nx see m stoe ntfekvl

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