Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 6, 1881, p. 1

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t -thu- r- i all i had gne is published svsar taubsdar mowing svip moore editor proprietor at tax rasas pttaaa mors bexlooorloeteuiodlitohdrcn w mill street coia tiajst the ftxi patst will latent to arabaeriers postage paid for t100 par n- atimmadvence lt if not eopafd nc paper djecontinoed till ill imn u paid exoept u the option of tbe publisher anvtiransti eunrcwl advertise mcnta 8 oentt per lino far the ant meer- tion tnill cent per lint or etch snbee- eraeat insertion- oath professional card 10 linesior lest k00 per umum 1 square u um 1500 pet annum payable in monthj from data oi inaertion any special notice the object of whioh it to promote th pecuniary benefit of any individual or nompatir to be considered in advertise- meat ihe number at lines reckoned by the apace occupied measured by a seals of aobd konpareil i costiuct xtt3 oat column one war fiall eoltmn one year quarter column one year one column six months flalfeolomuslx months quarter column tlx months ooe column three months half column tbreemonths quarter column three months advertisements wllhitpeelna directional win be lesertedullrarbldand charred seeord- imty ttantltoct advertlaemenia most be paid in adtinee ofcaaces for contract advertisements most be in tha omee oili su on mondays other- wtee they will beuea over ull the toil week v p atboi teooo 5m 8000 v tooo utt stun aw 700 act0m banking jbofy tossy ohristii oo bankebs aetna onurit 1 ojsneril bankino bu3i- xss tba8actsb- 1c0nxt ials0s ittmttt irons notes discounted and interest allowed on depoeita hp lowing lior at proprietor r v fjd on bleat cm p b con keniapv a b madvtccu li kxw voaut tetotice the canada advertising- aen- jjpej ko s ring st vest toronto 1 authorised to receive advertisements for i t wv bgtcaeb manager wh lowet m b 1l c pb graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office ana residence at the head of fred erick st- acton- 1 m- mcgabtdt sl d ijc c p si jj a graduate of victoria university uzoaaxtovnr osriito will visit acton on tuesday and friday from 2 to a p m- it hit services are required during any other days of the week notioe left at x e mcgarvias drug- store will receive prompt attention j ulkaihesok attorsetat ltk solicitor in chancery etc office next door to wallaces hotel ifilton it tononu dektist george tj fibheb t sgeoikjieto wki ont trill visit acton every wednesj day tad srltl attend to all calls ipertalning to his profession orders left at kcgarvinjs trug store vfill receive prompt a terms moderate i t i frsaze r wedtgv tr iron t osadcr kaefilsist geoegerotir machinery of eyerr description pisde to order on the shortest notice and most reuanhle 4ezxas eepiiring promptly untied to 1 libtee k clabk qjaebeo street gaelph mill irtju xcua j9ottice onx eteet fxnurgt w heic6treet licensed auctioneer for the futilities of wftltni gtnn md hijton orden lafj si the fszx pejus omce acton oc at ii residence in acton inh be promptly mtfended to tenrn ireaaonahe i aey v aljaf maaej taloan onthe- most favorable terms and t the loxest rates of iaterect in smas of 590 and npvards patekt8 fcik ikventi0k8 expe- dinorai and properjr sectiredincan- tdjl the united staies and europe pa tent guaranteed or no charges send for printed instructions agency in operation tan yean f v besbtgeist ottavi cazuda lfiehasil engineering solicilors of p- entra fa dranghieniiul gxayloe yeteeinast bttbr- geos gtorgetcrwil gndasie of the ontario veterinary college will visit actos every tuesday rom ltoipim- all calls received promptly attended to by night or day horses bought and bold on coarnission residence west corner from itery stahle georgetownont ctatlob j licensed auctioneer rak hob skl j i am prepared to pay thi highest cash prcie forritig cliskirts deacons lamb and sheep sfcimy delivered at my taanery caee leather constantly on b jameb mooeeaotoi rittteiacb paintijfg having opened a paint shop m the prem ises next door tokicklius bakery zjam pre pared to do carriage painting arid sign troting of 07617 description tad would re- tpeetf ally solicit the patronage the people of acton and vicinity jambs scott suiamoaed to appear xeisr the baerbea wharfo can get an easy shave a stylish haircut s frothing shampoon or a cooling 8ea fatto i spare no paint and give no paintn the accomplishment of a goodthave raton and aeueort set in perfect order on shortest notioe 4 woroen barber mill street acton money thtiadrtigbis avmerunudifpoa 1 for diaeotinbng wjd aad9rwbtetat a rsessaihln rate of piscopnt ams8 matthbvyr vfrnamfij tl00 l advtm thi ntepaptrjl ifap 0 buty ufa it fluctuation ami iu vati ooootmt sisolfwmpadd volume vil no 14 laoton ont tueday october 6 1881 whlfikn 346 to advertisers qb0 mvali fcoos stlict uit ei loeil kmpipan an adtetukr bao ipauitttpxariuoftmoo a year and wao ttreitf itu tlattssoefitin titiitt icrilu- tour uet local zlu paid vie becfer lad year tfft txltbl otimt tutwtiiiasidlil it u art i ooopttti utt it u art amp uit it u ia beaut hit the oatalorae states exact trvhalihe papers are when the name of the paper is printed in krii tjlcx tt it u in every tnsunee the heat whenprlntedldcxpttaxsltisuia oxlt piper lothe place the list gives the population orevery townand the eireulation ox svery paper j the rate oharg ed roraavertistaf are hexelj ooenrththeonbusherssehedale the prloe fotilncle slate raare from 9t to sat the flce for one inch one mouth in the entire list is acts- the regular ralea ol the papers for the same space aod time are tsaaai4 the list includes eat newspa pets of which it are issned daixt and tw weiilt they are located in ttt diserent cltle and towns ofwhlchmare hum cap la is at plaeea of over saaa populatlnn and 44t couolr seata of lutand otherjnformauon ad- foreopt drees twhm yoa t to gfcfel kwdon 1 ui s stoo 0f y i itotm the free press tkvxauv morkiho october 6 1881 rqmtstr qeop rowell40o it spruce 81 hew york te77 ibtftcher shop w 0 robinsom woald lnumju4 to the popi of aeton tost he has pare uased ibe batcaerbaslnesi late- irearrtedoa bxbobert8torr has awfs on hand a nntelass tuxt of ef park hub paallrr oaaie 1a seamh etc and hopes bf strict alunlion to bouneas u tectira a lair ihars of the patronage of the pablle hxxr aellveredai aay time to any partof uatovn ax ttniou 4 011 sclicitm ostoxma pstomxv ai latutxi to w caubingon- em watghts jeweijlery the watch and jewrilert kepalr shop of calph no aej west side lowsr wyndham st r s smitm s congfisgational qhiirch acton obsale lot 2 in block 17 jin lh village of r acton on which it ericte 1 a fine brick church in gd repair j alto a brick driving shed key in patnttioa of mr wm hnrtttm actoji for terms ind conditions of tale ep ply to tbdst4l0an coj or canada 3nto llopomto out new giodsi colored golb bb0ches akd eabkingsetrfl i gold brooches sllter setts new styles surer lockets silter seeklets cold wstehes diamond kings gem stone rlnffs ti yalvlbve vlllwj property for sjavle the undersigned offeifc foi 3 6 7 8 bit 24 in th on the property ia titiste dwelling hotua and stabte i orchard and neverftiliog water th property ia r the beat parts of the jri vljlage make a very desirable pi terms liberal apply t f sale iu 1 2 e of acton a oomfortable frstclaas young well of good cue of and would irifrate residence patss office siluatedinc ilhjge acton or to wtf if guelph sept 16 81 guelph po b jevt cakkia6c biepalr shop r fjromsrsji yd hal opened s shop in where he in prepared wagon and carriage shortest notice not material feted- a call solicited jxotjse lot fo sale the traderagncd open srt for tale the a xt a citpl 01 itplenclidtlonedweningohafain8tnaar j t illtj o mr c 8 mithi sidoe one fifth of sc acre with stone hon in splendid condition stable ancttho on the prem ise hard and toft wterj jbwbizleey stoeh wyndham st guelph office diaries for 1882 relit title indisputable terms beaajonablt ap ply to i i abchalosab kokwood po siooo fo jethrzrit trrr cancer cure nnot s coaticook pq ancer without the use o c pull line affw ia stock at days bookstore gtletph day sell13 cheap the only permanent ckire in the world foe partfealars enclose s eenuto s c sjcth ooauoejaavpacf t n res iwift amtf w r oob ajfd coal the subscriber is wood or coal in either tities u required to lags acton sept 19 81 jertoid itand do all kinds of irtngon the bat first dafj fobster iepot icsiada c0reo lame kalfe icertau pipaf id to deliver tr small quan jarfot- thevil- p adams qtartlinc v di8o0very 1lost manhood avloumof ssnctotv hirtat riarored mei etiwlitj ftsjua- f lo t hanbood etc tried hi vam svvyxnbwn mnadyttss dls- arlmrhlfgav hs b1 t t f buhhinos practical upholsterer cceltb sttattio 1 lawabrjrii cnrtaln wlntuw blinds and church cushions cleopatra chair ottoman bannerette tnrklsh spring back and needle work s specialty oarpeu out made and aid tm th btwriiit mat furniture beupholstered at the most rea- tooaue bates and in the uteet stylej t p odtdbincrb queite btrtet wat guefeft m manhood rw lest her r lestored wahavereten 1f lbllahedanew edldon or mrt i alv inrellt celt krated essay c n ti e radfetl and permanent lenr i i mboni medl otnelofherroasdebilltyi lea aland physio llooanaoityimpedlmen tof harrlafe etc resolunffroinexoeasa ia sealed ei vsl pe only ajjta itmctwdtit ted author o i lit admirable asay clearly demooatsjatej rem thirty icuwtotalarmini the aaebeknu pojninf pat a mode of iy heiadioilly land wftboat rnedlelmior l2ssnr6 ravuestl the dangerous use of at n the nse of tbs jcnlf pgfa il euro at one simple eerta n aid effectual by ineana ofwnleb every i dntsier no matur wnathltopdltlon may atj nfy oorahltnseif wnathliioodl atieapty pvtval this xiemre tboold b in the bands ol jt mayadai ivately and radical y nou hi m u in the land ailreit the cnlterwell rffefm1 weve always ben provided for good wife wbat are you singing fori you know weve lost thehay j and what well do with the hones and kyt it more than i eaa say while like as not with storm and rain well loee both corn aad wheat she looked up with a pleasant see and answered low and sweet there it a heart then u a hand we feel but cannot see j weve always been provide 1 for and we shall always be thsf i like a womans reasoning wt mast because we must she softly said 1 reason not i only work and trust i the harvest may redeem the day keep heart whate er betide when one door shuts ie always seen an other open wide i there is a heart there is a hand we feel but canuotsee vieve alatyt been provided for and wt shall alwaytbe he kissed the calm and trustful tee gone wsa his restless pain i she heard bun with a cheerful step go whistling down the lane and west about her household tasks fall of a glad content singing to time her busy hands ss to sad fro she went there is a heart there is a hand we feel bat cannot see i wsve always been provided fo and wa shall always be days come and go twas christmas tide and the great fire burned clear i the farmer said i dear wife its been a good and happy year j the fruit u gain the larphu ocru bat bought the hay you know she lifted then a smiling fact and said i i told you so i for theres a heart and theres s hand we feel but cannot see weve always been provided for sad we shall al ays be it lor a week 1 it does seem aoarcely intelligible answered mra burton but ill tell yon how they appear to do she gets op and has her breakfast byharaelf for without any with to pry we can see airtight throdgh their honia from front ta back about this time ahfl often oomet oat i tappoee to pay aj only ostensible meant of living u v l edleal co ti a4a ti w lee i tjnveiled poor thing i i do feel for her though the it a parson i never taw yet hen aeetnt a cats of such oppression on the one hand and sooh patient suffering on the other that one cannot but ob i dare tay youll tea bar in the morning for the often steals out then when the wretch i suppose is in bej bat wotteoald have induced a girl to tie herself to toefa a man x well i dont kno the old story i suppose false appearances for no girl in her senses would have married a man with his habits if she had known of them beforehand there is sometimes a kind of infat uation about women x allow which seems to blind them te the real ebarac ter of the man they are in lore with hat in this case i dont think she could bare known how he conducted himself or she cei tainly would have paused in time oh the wretch i i havs no patience with him this little dialogue took place in one of those nast bright cleanwindowed gamy curtained booses that form so many pretty districts within a walking distance of the mighty heart of the great metropolif and between two ladies the one mistress of the said nice- looking cottage villa and the other her g nest a country matron who had just anived on a visit to her town friend and the object of the comtniserstion of both was the occupant of a handsomer villa exactly opposite but apparently the abode of great wretchedness on the following morning mrs barton and her guest mrs kennedy were at the window- of te parlor which commanded a fall new of tbs dwelling of the unhappy mrs morton hen the half door was quietly opened and was quietly shutsgainby the lady herself there she is poor thing i cried mrs barton only look how care fully and noiselessly she draws the gate after her she seems always afraid that the slightest noise she makes even in the street may wake that fellow who it now i daresay sleeping off the effects of last nights dissipation mrs kennedy with all the genial warmth of a truly womanly heart looked over and fdllowedwith tier eyes i ea far at the street allowed- this quiet- lopkingbroken spirited wifeinveatigat ing the whole figure from the reatly trimmed straw bonnet to the tips of the bright little boots with a most intense and mysterious sympathy and then filing htnj anxious interested gate on tbl oppositebouaj tbs saidv r and how do they uref lbow e people under tuoh arromstaneer pati theday t it isa thijig i oannot obm- prehend for were kennedy to act in aoab way im aorttl wdulovbiure visit in tho neighborhood or perhaps to rail on her tradespeople and you will tee her by andby return looking up as she approaohea at the bedroom window snd if the blind is drawn up he rushes in thinking i dare say to herself how angry be will be if he comes down snd finds i am not there to give him his breakfast 1 bometimee be has his breakfast at twelye ror one or two and i hats seen him sitting down to it whsn the was having her dinner and when does be bare his dinner t ob his dinner i dare say that is a different sort of thing to hers poor thing i he dines no doubt at a club or with his boon companions or any where in fact but at home and wbeu does he come home generally f 1 at all hoars we heat him open tbeliule gate withhis key at three four and five in the morning indeed our milkman told toaan that he has seen him sneaking in pale haggard and worn out with the horrid vigila at the boar decent people are seated at breakfastj j wonder if the waits tp for bisvt ob no for we see the fight of her split try candle in her room always as we ire going to bed and yoa may be surt my heart bleeds for her poor solitur soul 1 1 dont know that i was ever jar interested about any stranger u i sm about this young ctjeature dear dear it ia terrible i sighed kind gentle amiable and passionately fond of hit young wife i- my dear mrs law bow asdyoosey this of a man whose oopduct is the ootnrtoo talk of the neighborhood a man lost to every sense of sbsme should suppose who oomet borne to hu desolate wife at all boars whose gambling or something equally dis reputable vhoi yoa btve been most grievously misled again interrupted mrs law who can have so grossly slandered tie best of men f he capriot help bis late hours poor fellow i thst may be safely called bis misfortune but not hit faiult and the lady warmed as she spoke till she had to untie hr bonnet add- fan her glowing doe with her handkerchief his misfortune murmured mrs barton how can that be called mis fortune which a man can help any day he pleases 1 1 but he cannot help it he would be too pleated to spend hu pvenings at home with bis dear little wife bat you know his business begins when other peoples is over then whajt in heaves a name is hit business v dont you know f said mrs law looking extremely surprised why be is the editor of morning newspaper ffyuteb for lie vwf vets of all the miserable beings upon tbe face ol the earth i think chronic grum blers should take tbe bead of tin list they haresomejiet grief real or imag inary generally the utter which ijthey none with untiring seal and to which they cling with the tenacity of a leech as if it were a sin to ose sight of it i often wonder when i hear people attertakea wfa sbesaswatbtbe wheat merry ll metsmtstbc arswndise resi rteaj taraeis sftsaar aad fartaaev fresh sad gay s friend gnettd friaad right toteadjr upon that festal the boars was slled etith choicest fare thaaarwts sat to dine some calmfevwtt same fw stt and tome lor iwy is among this joyfil oomnaey a sbodtatyaata ameared 8aarte shrteeu se ii had be stag no eaeerooe snare bfe isaiea an empty flats ptfore the yowth eooa drew tae waiter near j waat will yqwtakei sir he enqotred- stent siitti mils or clear v r vteve rich- suphva w port weve srstclals wine and cakes the youth with gauelts leak rtpliadv ill take what tatuer takes swift at an anew went tbe words inte ass sttbevfteairl asst steo a cohfiiet deep ana ttma awelu terrlss fearal tbe falser bwked upon hia sen then gated npett the wisev osodl he thought wbnrhet w h toold te end divine it havelnot seen hie strongest fall the fairest led astray t and saalll my oal ion bestow ajenrse tins myt wo god forrjid i here wtiter orasg bright water nuto me my te wit tat whai fatbor take mydrinksiallwstaf be il ft- s7o a sassav the sympathtiing mrs kentsmy but j fretting and whining about mere trifles does any one visit them have tjbey any friends do yoa think f i dont think be can have many friends the heartless fellow but there are a great many people who call stylish people too jo carriages and there is he the wretch 1 often with his half sleepy took smiling and hand lag tbe ladies oat as if he were the moat exemplary husband in the world has she children 1 i hope she has as tbey would console her is hia long absences no7eren that comfort is denied her she has no cne to cheer her her own thoughts must be her companion at such times but perhaps it is a blessing for what kind of a father ceuld such a man make 1 oh i should like to know her i and yet i dread any acquaintance with her husband barton you know wouldnt know such a man r dear mary yuiihere made me quite melancholy let us go out yuu know i have much to see and many people to call upon and hers we arc losing the boat part of the day in some thing not much removed from scandal 1 the ladies herenpoaaeiout taw all the loves of bonnet all the sacri fices that were being voluntarily offer ed up bought a great jmany things for than half original cost made calls and laughed and chatted away a pleasant exciting day for the country lady who happily for herselfforgotln the bustle the drooping crestfallen bud who was fretting itself away in ite pretty cage in metton btenv- i find she said in the court of conversation with that ltdy and her guest you ire near a neighbor of mine mrs morton mrs morton i exclaimed both her hearers pale with excitement and curiosity mrs morton ob bow singular that yoa should know her poor tflserable creature t oh do tell us about poor miiersble i what can you meant yon mistake j my mre morton is tbe hsppiast littujromah in lon don j ob it cannot be i the sane i said mrs barton i mean our opposite neighbor inehawthornvillv i thought itoajijdtitrje hawtbbb vula the very bouse i you surely cannot bave seen her orier hnenandwio- ob the readfol wrelebediambliag fellowlm8otpa- it how providence can have patience with such unthankful rebellions children and not send them something worth fretting about when read trouble cornea to them they sit down with folded hands and bemoan thejr sad fate their gaze is so fixed upon their misery that they lose sight of the many bless ings about them they i have no sympathy for their suffering neighbors became in their selfishness they think no one has trouble liksj unto theirs how let as reason over this matter will fretting lessen pur troubles 1 will it make as feel any better t no then why indulge in it 1 if trouble which we cannot avert cornea to us why not accept it with a cheerful spirit to lose a dearly loved friend by death is indeed a sore trial bat will fretting make it easier to bear or bring back the loved one t i trow not then try to consider it as being -all- for the beet and heal your wounded hea t jby ad ministering to tbe comfort if otbers cheerfulness is a gem of the 6 rat water then search for it my murmuri ig fnends and dont stop until you find it oast off your miserable habit of eternally grumbling end brighter up eemem- that every oloud has a silve lining there is a bright side to ever life but yoa will never find it by cor if laiuing and fretting over every little ill which may befall yuu lifeia shor then let us makeji as pleasant as pos ible and brighten our own lives- by si riving to make others happy i daist tjbiw ciisrtat of bhuoli floats 1 regular members si sndbys who always may bedepended upon 2 shaky members who afct accord ing to feelings rather than principle families whose women attend but whose men rarely attend andean only for tbe social respectable aspect of the i church i families moral bat not religious regular attendants but not members 5 new families oopasional attend- luits whom it u desirable to interest sid fasten 6 poor families whose willingness isjgieater than there sbonm be- a garden eoweret small attached to every booise ko home is complete without ond uaa was mads to live is- av gnrdeti it by his native place there is both pleasosa snd profit in it a refining abuencer goes forth from it children love a garden and iubtraetively deaire te jbav one for their own their very own this desire should be encouraged ft- is a pitywhen it itpertoittftl p die oot all through fife the love of garden if nutored will be a soosse ott enjoyment to themv the habi oj industry may be developed in thiw direction work wutbbcome pjaaeanfe in view of the reward it wings gardening is capable of being made ar important part of tbe education of youth and should by no mean bes rt oouldjti bemamiar porter stlid the gentleman from new sovk as hie stepped nitohit berth take this q jartor ami eaft see at lyons sore all right sab lat next morniag hi calls bio only twenty miaatee from bcmalo aah the passenger makes a ebspter of remarks in bhaiks ami dashes winding up with wby in fury diset yoa call me at fiyonat new porter ecstatical ly lliooar fete goodnese dats it t yoa did tay lions for suai boss anpl i done i thought ober de whole ciremr an x hope to die ef i eould ketch oeto any animal higher dan buffalo t til remember du age next time bwee tie passenger from new york is not tppeased but alltte other passengers are meet mightily x mi tie fittmtj ooatractor the mamed tlaughterof a contractor comes to visit her father and on going ont with him for a walk to the scene of his latest labors bursts out ecttaticaj- ly ob pet what lovely honies tboee are that yon bave been building those cottages along the bank of tbe river i have anawful mind to take one and bring the children here and spend the summer near jon the eontraoterueepjy affected no oo my cbsd j never not that i would not fain bave you near me every day and boar bat dailinjl those villas were not built to rtystfi they were bnilt to sell 1 k v j hj stjttin wbat beetitiful biscuit these are seme of your own making ill be bound miss rtzjdy said young rre- mont at the table last evening yeest it was my first attempt was the reply 0 h7bl spoke tip tbenuiefot at the lower end of tbe table your bistit all bqmed up an mamma sent me to the tore for these of coarse miss fitzjoy knew aotbing about tbis sti a frencn rtiper reteji ei millionaire lost bis m oept about 100000 ii grisi witbin ttrawtw hadlona iwgjliridlqipdhirty ararfw oniie is tbe most exemplafyrean in loodonj sadden receipt of wbat she regardeil aa woolint know gaenaxiattn i- i i he in ber turtservibted 4 radkrs bearlhefltri r4pttaraif raajy h there is an awful state of afiain m jfew rochelle ilmijaftnraettar substituted the word- widows for fwinaowa the editor wrote windows of tbe oburch need badly they are too dirty for any i and are a disgrkce to ou village ia printer bappened to strike 5 mexico with 5 in bit w ahortly afterward located jeia whlob jte atski- wsowo ffclo ts new mextibo anot sfe presam- ably a printer went toj ne maxioa w3fipoq inbpo4et aifte- bj0- u tartraaa bfreybwrt hair ay 1 viii i- i ill 1 i r

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