Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1881, p. 4

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t i if w i mi 1 if- in k f t i ii t j pi i 1 i b js i 1 hfc fllei pit ul tacsjit mom oct is nisi ui horses dttaiiiutapairhtjivj draught hunwa j y hardy a storv v fer 2 yr u h geldig ur ly 3 eatlv 1 yr j da j trit spring oolt j wrig rleaworth i gexcbal ptwoi k pair gen jpur poae ihreeec liuia o j r barber w hkulledgf brool mare j ktrly y thompson jllradley 1 yrfom entile oc j ore yr old pldiqg or filly w fuller f iluntr 1 yr old so a walker vr tuer sdring ooit j early j canpbell roadstebs ai carriage horses d brooks 1 s beany haioer bros single do in harm j browuridge mason a dovircem hack iu barnesa j 0 welh mid gollop a mcdougah 3addl horse v beam- ish joseph 6rowu idge john biuwn ridgr brood piais 41 sowson w brow4j harriso i 2 yr old eutiru oolt h mullen yr old geuun or filly t j pwher mckeurie 1 yr old do joseph bf iwurfdge d b ilc- niir 8tiug ooll m huaaou v brown shod hoi e a grieve p j smith cattle tno ocoa bked cow giving uiilk j hardy j miller 3 yr old cow ttbiaboluu 2 yr old heifer j g flatly j s beaey i yr old do j s baser juidr calf w wilison j g hardy- bullja clark jis beadle 1 yr old da jus 1 henderson j i g hardy haintt bros ball calf v i wilison j miller bui an j ae jas clark gbjjk cattle- cow giving milk d cross j s bess y jar arly 1 3 yi eld cow j s bessy 2 jrrold htifer t cbiaholut doaa 1 ivr old to- d cross j rbarur httfcr calf ja claifc js br- y wurkin oxen j lilur 1 devereaux 3 yi old iteerk in y6ie j kichou fit beast d cross j i g hardy sheep la estee ram w wiuonj jas clark wilson g wriggl w waldie w sheatlituj rani w mwurtht ram lamb lson 2 ewes 0 wrigglesworthi v waldie 2 shearling da w waldm ewe lambs v a huffman b mcnair sbtsr rail wulson 2ewis wriggl worth 2 wdljon h a reid soctbdowxb ram w willsun h ing doj a staik d lamb asurk w w wilison a slirk ee lambs aaa b ktnjb andmedlol oiuaiueuutl ueedlework krtit crochet work f hunter ra reid fancy knitting r a reid m idccltllaod bmrliug mia wheeler u b mcnrfir tattink f hooter r arid puioi lacej dr mvoarvin j millr io work f hunusr r tf ridr hoiiiton la dc mcqatvin ucbtletuaua aliirt hand made uiwaah- ed f hunter hair wrwlh c p prveton vteth autumn luavre j ttucmn tble mat m mccit1- l8ql land b kna wijolvu ttockinga j hitter d ib mnait woolen locks dbmcnair j milllr woolen mitts d b mcnair j mu sofa cushion s kent mm mbhowf finearrajtlnling in water color b a rrfcj jlfiomao peucil diawiug b keatyairobrtson cra on drawing r a ttjpid e kent col- lotion pubtoirraplia w h kahrx pbotograph w h kahra collwtion natural flowers d cross table boqnet joaaie baiber aggie freeman hand iwqiiet jessie barber aggie freeman specimen of pvumauihij j gvant e brit special prizeshurdle jump er j early roadster horse in harness e gallop gnlrman rider j h brownridge t black saddli hone w buamish hack hotw in harness e gollop 2 yr old roadater oolt t j fisher 8prinf roll got by gold lfla m howiion w brown barley j euly 8ma wher d cross ffekh bulur d cross j home made loaf from unbojted flour g joyce homemade bread siltyeaat g joyoi twine laoa jeuuie bradley oolleotibn of lace work a sprawl canaries mrs wf heeler best brass band acton brass bind i w the onl oei lain laft aidlhtoaj onre tor oi n jjjbnlloi fiih j itidoorei i b ttu4m at the time- ail jna em fir brohobiui uet oorrbesa diaeaaea of the kidneyt i r mi debility ill itaireto gather whl i u ooniuumonal onurh kemedy u ilk n i alrwied pnie ii per boule fajn aale liill drpguu m iia n- 2 hirling do- a startt w wilison cotswoldss leailing ram w wil son a stark iatulaiub w wiilson j early 2 ev es w willscn 2 shearling w wilison 2 rwe lambs w wilison jas sirly raui any age or breed w wilson pigs li e bieed boar e nixon boar 1881 e kixon sow w suider so 188 1 t bell sjiall beeed -i-bo- j mcgeoch r jas clark boa 1 88 1 a mcdoagall sow jas clark sjw 1881 james clark protested a mcdougail poultrtpair braharaas d hlll hamburf 8 a waldis e nijon chickens a w jdie e kixun leg horns t bell lrose chickens 1 hill cmcctelk iu oochih3k koblk spanish j hilnies cp preston chickens j hilnies c p preston elymoqth rock j xichoh clnckens t j hewboc jkicbol tarkeyn h- murrison i thornton roaec ducks t bell vij hewson ayles ttay docks t sell i gralsst npc wheat jas mar stall d cross s kruddell jread jrell jas cuk other vanity f baddell spri ig wheat j t euiott jas jursball as early large peas jifirnichol white oats 3 as curk f buddell black oats h a reid biiley js karlr joa browniidge boots 4c jotatoes u wriggles worth e ix vt eaux f eiiddell car rou 8nidr ha reii field catrola h a leid b noble 8wede turuipe jaa jradloy mcdonald other turnips db i nir beels xt fraxer j f taylor manpold wiirtftl w wilison w thompson cabbage c 8 arline j bradley 61 ery h a beti j holgate pumpvius j clark e dercreanx onions j holmes c i psrling tomatoes j holgate co lertion ef apples jams bradley jas 1 cphenmn fallapph jas bradley j f taylor winter apples c lyan j giiliei while grapes f ru idell reaches a kent- j f taylor barrleu pears 8 phillips louise boh ie jersey jas bradley jas ctark any other variety s k buddell gerbitb bottled fi uit jas bradiey m xed pickles d cross jai bradley h line made wine f hunter d cross hi piyeast bread josfecown ridge s kelt saltyeast bread w brown g joyce hops r mc donald tja1ry homemade cheese a stark geo joyce fresh butter d cross t chi holm j evans stceni firkin butte w fraxer a 8prowla stark domestic team harness e nixon cai riage harness e goliop e nixon m na sewed boots w austin j jvlens pegge 1 boots w austin wo juens boita w austin plaid flannel dbmcnar j muler pr factory s made blanke m j newton s ins two horse carri ge culp s mckenxie open buggy calp mckeuzi mar let waggon culp mckenzie iron ploqghj jl irieve culp j- mekenzie plough w ought iron lieai iwobdeh handle a gi iove otbr plough cn1pcliiwie hatow criltttalori j mekeibzh t bell tamip j j uckenxi i iron hacow t bell j mckenrij gang plough rrw tapie wobk knitted qniu it afieid d b jfcnair tpatehwoik in fiaggi mcofellahd him gilliek ifjiorl da mm0jeland cp answer to hair carraspoadastau id reply to numerona inquiries from our readers concerning the wonderful qualities of the great german remedy st jacobs oil mentioned in our last utue we waold inform them that the article miy be obtained from our retail druggiu or ly their aid aak for st jacobs oil and if- the dealer does not keep it in atock he will be able to pro cure it in a few dvy fiom the wholesale houses we nnderiund there is exist ing ani lmmence deniandfor the remedy which u hot so very surprising when it is consi iered what it i daily accomplish ing iit the way of relief and cures bordering in some hisianoes on the ibiracu ous ask your dealer for oaatorlne machine oil and ate that the barrel ia branded caatorine as none other is genuine iaanufacturers of eeapen mowers indthresbingauchinery prefer cas- torlne machine oil lo any ther 11 will oeta ar lard aeai and elephant and is warranted not to gum use uastonne machine oil for all kinds of machinery it is also excellent for harness or leather making il water and weather proof to indite welljmd to wriie well sre valuable aooomplihmenta but a good pen is helpful to the one jsnd indis pensable to the other those of esters- brook make are well known and widely ippreciatedj i a lifetime of torture is often endured by ihfl rheumatic their pangs may howetit be promptly relieved aiid the disease eradicated with dr thomas kc leclric oil whicbl is moreover a swift and ihoroogtt remedy lor nenralga lame back sores bruises frost bte corns excoriated nipples jdflamed breasts liter complaint and all tffec- eteulera fal announcement stoves stoves i beg to intimate to farm- err a d others that i amj juet laying in my falljstobk of stoves ic o the as aa in pri ea i atauth p petitiin and hiving purchased efbr the recent rise am prepared to tall rioea that defycom- slrnor he geo acton syp1 those ii want of a firstclass stove o thing in my line will con ult their swn intereils by giving me a oall befor i purchasing elsewhere no thing bui fintelaaa aitioles lectin lock and sail ifaollon guafaoteied job w ork in all its branches all kitds of truck taken in exe ohinga fo go xls eemem1jer the stand rii 3la8s datessmakers an0 ajprbestjcl sbw1 hamlltoqjflomhvlfjsl itl fiil nomcwih bter had a ne suluue rlerov movellaotlvmtodc lo mik op oflb i ribbert uamlt llnfki vjf s 2 au it olerirt o ill ibemtxl remain uu ft nlit tor wvrl nlgiu td trthe gpo s nlased ibowy hi ttrmttjpoifioni fw sssssl ft fati omdlaiji 6 jfakslwi md greal durabiltty of his gt d only squlf ipytoiwtifjkm ssstkll ii ssitrlsi tbikswaiaii biteaitibr3ib thatlf2bynfitvoonri or inytnlng i mote ft anllblr riav good are m rkd laptilo barmlb4l0wav priei there wul bo noo 5 m grown p inon 61 piouiw hw wpblii poodi dyd by tfl b bbsyeiw iwik fjmssulzssss frebob dyf pll appat cb of vab hbd ar warranted perfectly fa t abadas otltllgplttndjat wa and i mir 10 ptt iajrftotbajajt wr he k 4 them la both aadti i loh wldtnd gives touch bait cubrderei to ths x tajch iridtlu ibantemt to jbo 45 a wjdttjte jdmr h bu imno tad by far lb riohaat most tjlista aodwauy bemtiritook f rrsnch flowbm this maioa that iultm bkd tockcl ostmamrj fbathbtet u thomoaa in btaok white aod ailltta aw oolor d bat dljti all shades colorsd qoalitc8afibi ik voivam y indomamefau for milliner aod draw parpotea mantles of all i rtoail j anil toameau frmias jimpa cioitujataaaela in grtatranety 5t farirrtylea oarpeu of all qualities in brussals tapaitr 4gli auweol and urllornuidheiiap from lowaat pribad iolhovar btak carjata and made itf the beat manner keuamber the right house on 1 inglsfr t east orw door west of hughsoo ttroat aod mind tbe nam js v m dte i omas walls namu lamp nut st aeton hayilli- lattbay sahe board stables milldtreet aoton isr where you can get y fir st class rigs arria80haburats qttoi lions of tbe breathing orgftns w w mcleuux irn po writes i wai ffsieced with rheumatism and bad given up all hopes of a cure by chapoe f saw dr ttrmas bclectrlc oil recommended 1 immediately sent ififty miles and purchased four bottles and with only two appliaationa 1 was aoe to get arnnd and although 1 have not used ooe bottle i am nearly well tbe other three bottles 1 gaye around to my neighbor and 1 bare had so many calls for more that f feel bound to re lieve hie afflicted by writing to you for a supply j houoaays pills nervohs irritabil ity no part of the human machine requires more constant supervision than the nervous system for upon it our health and even ule rtepfnda these fills strengthen the nerves and are the isfest general purifiers of the blood names headset giddiness numbness and mental spaiby yield to- tbem tney dispatch in a summary manner those dutressingdyspepucaymptomstaajach- io pains fulnesa at the pitiof the jtomacn abdominal distension and regulate alike capricious appetites anil confined bowels the opmmonly accom panying signs of defective or diminished nerve tone holloaays pills are par ticularly tecommehded to persons of studious and sedentary habits who gradually fall iotoa nervons ana irri table state unless some such restorative be occasionally i taken ths aiebicfr the bodt the atom tch is the ale ra bio cf tbe human system jo it those wendrous chemical change lake place which result in the transmu- u lion of food into llood when it is vigorous the necessary processes of di gestion and asfimuation go on uninter rupted and the system is suitably nourished when it is feeble or dis ordered they are obstructed and being in consequence ill supplied with blood of a rltaliiinf quality the physical organism becomes weak and feeble the nerves suffer the liver and bowels are semiparalyied ahd appetite and sleep fail these disjaauona consequences may however baeyented or remedied with the supremelupmachii and aperient northrop k lymo vegetable dis covery and dyspeptlourl a medicine of rare purity and efficacy which reforms a disordered and repairs a weakened tate of the digestive organs overcomes l relieria the bowels when r or weaken notes ibe exit from si commarcial bigs ass delivery wagon will meet asa train and deliver goods to lots of light jday and night i i j m an atifici34l gtastpic ttllic this is not a patent medicine secret remedyltbe fbrmtlais printed catfheladelati bmiadtoeachlwitier f j maltopbpbyirian jjyspepsiac indifrestion it asbf aprielhe inlestinal and wasting diseases constipation nahiea chronic diirdkca cbolera llafaawmaad bjoat- of infimu trtjablea vthich geoerall 1 from the stomach 50 cents for 48 dqeor about i icenti per d08e- regular sized bottles containing ij oia with dose meamro attacbidi jo eejra for sale by all chemists throogbout tbe dominion 1 i j- avoid taking liquids of any sort more than is bbsoltitely necessarjr to queues thsstlas be exceaaive use of liquidsis the cause of half tba dppepsia is he world maltop is a powder agreaable ad easily taken supplies lo the stomach the actual gastric jo n their jegujar pij and i anet each e p any pa t of the towel ah t ariieii indebted to tbls es tablish uent are requested to pay up withon jjther delay and tare costs lattievb tropribtot ieir weight ia gold uu b jfroitop 1 aoct wool wprfcon eanvaa pf lroidei7 0ninuslinm mcclelland b a beu j 1 ojjrjroiaery on ckoii culp big hotlbt new milunery big lot of new ctqtus big lot of readymade clothing and overcoats bui lot of new drees goods biz lot of new winoeys bis lot of new cottons biff lot of n ew prints big lot of new boots biff lot of nffor carpets biff lot of new flannels biff lot of new fanoy goods biff lot of new hosiery and gloves in tact is one ot the biggest houaes and stocks aai the cheapest in the west we will give bargaina in every departmetft cents our ordered clothing department is one of the best in the county good fits and low prices i- ladl our knunory and mantle department ia superintended by a lady ot ex perience ability and courtesy we cordially invite the public to patronise us as we will do the trade well for them v majmmqth hoqse mcleod anderson go horgetowii a i i a fa6t itndisputable thai for a fashionable suit and a good fitting suit andajsuit in aery raped to suit gem ir 3srixisoisrs is the placti lp go to most prescribed by the leading physicians tbroughont the domii i maltopapsyn u alao um to a large extent in hospitals dl tftxmmu of iitstfowiiau fttcnra raoafpuri w the ualtopepsyn was pren in a narked and distreatipe t rapid pleasing and beneficial resiltai z charm t vv ae of indigestion vmbltbet wkemfton acdi at4io ichit janaiovito the maltopepsynl obtained from voahaa fir more than answeted my antkipaba avbm tried it ia t o old and very obajiaate eass of indigtstion fjfbnjid ft tp adliwa i li i c mckfcnna u dji caarsaat ost jan j8ji i have used yqur maltopepayn in severe cases of indigestjod and vabmtruksi in adults and diarrhoea of children and am soj well pleased withrfhe results that ii atructed my druggist to keep a supply oh habdr t vyreadp ii dj athloxi oirrdec 30 jsbo v i after giving your irfaltopetisvn a triil in some of rty worst cpses for which hjwaa recoramended i am well pleased with the wav in which it acts continne to make a food article lita that now in uaa and it will be a universal favorite ft rtamiltok ali pj hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists ad 3 b mooabjvtn r ictdn wm stewart ifojqpm are now showing- very attractivp ljnd4 ojt istbiat ithess v godis compriaingthe newest designs and colorings hi qmbre stripes an checks with a full ranga d brocade and moires te match to trimmings jklsofrmgea girdles taaaeia and buttons black french cashmeres a meet desirable jetertment ss oar black vtjvctmbsi fast pile wi arrufad i- hollo ways p1jiijsmtment te is 1xc01cparablb medicine hat tt mrmfcr luelfan imperishable famc arotii hoik he world for the alleviation and curt 0 mitt diieata to which hunuuity u heir hilioi obeundc leg ibeinah the sys em of imparities which infect the blood which caute serions orgarie maladies no objectionable mineral contaminates il anditstalue is not marred by a subsequent reaotion pro jqdietal to the genetal health far preferable is it to tbe ordinarynauseom drugs used to produce a similar efuot but wacharefreqiientlyineb6ctiv as well linn pleasant ndrultjlimptod vsjoeteaamedleine puffed inwixiitence it is uaad for dyspepsia biliousness aosof afle ibe blood kldey 00m weaknesa lumbago jetc diseases it is unequolled sample boltle m penu ijrti rop a m yegetable 1 dyspeplio core- tbe a jriosmiis of their aig- ajl uiadicine deejera r v this result now being obtained will preaen t a more silk appesnnoe the bine tone so prevalent of late now being toned down into a bne more in harmony wtili otherblackrnaterialaeoojtimoiatkmsodevtmtlyiriabevlforwebave j now in atock every price and quality 1 j 1 h si to aiiit yoursiclf so that you jnay be suited just try v r e nejlsojs once ana he vul suit you he has the nobbiest and most fashionable stock in town to select ifrom cheap for cash kuyv hivcinc medicike s5 bitot ootflt tent rre tio thow rbo wish to arftb la lb iwoit pieintdu pro- luole bqaloeh knovn evtryibitim w cpiu1dol reqoirtrf w will turiiist 701 tetiiufl 10 a day and njt- vatnlsiiemll4nade wltboul aujihj awaj from homo over night no risk wtuwyijr maulyoawworfcen wotad ooe many are maklar forums at lb hnstoea tmdlm mnsut ai mneb wa men and young boyiawl 6 iru make great pay no one wtmu willing a work falla to make more money eray than can h made in a jweetat any orilfnary employment tboao who engmgaatonee will find a short rod to fortan add ret srpcific anrjnftillldgcuroforreinl seakceaa sperrmaturrnra iptsunoyi aod all jdueasea ihat tollowaa ftaeoaenee of brlfaboae aklosa of mem bryunlveraal lasslludeud in tbe baok dlmnesaoi via looiprematoreokfage and takintt ra er diaeaaea that v lead 10 intaniiy or conawnj fttll daiteouriln the pflls rmri r regulate and improve the quality of th 1 bl ood they assist the digestive ogaa 1 0 eanse the i f tohach and bowels inert asej the secretory powers of the live trace the nervous system and throf into the circulation the purest for sustaining and repairing ie of persons have testified heir bse alone they have been to health and strength after mesas had proved nnsno- ithe ointment mm will be found invaluable in every boose- hold ii the sure ot open sores hard turxjn 5 d ijotrii old- voudftounffbj cold 1 isoiethroab bronchitis and all disc di rs 61 the throat and cbesl as alsp mi ut eheumatismihcroiula and ever find or skin disease m m ifactured only at professor hol low t 1 stablihtnent 33 oxfokd stu bl t lukdon and sdld at is 1 jd d 4s 6d llak22aland38s isaobn box ar i pot and in canada at s6 oentsj 90 c id 1 and 150 cents- and the larger aiiei ii proportion 1 h f 3moa 1 hare no agent in th uniet states nok are my uedtotnes sole u ere purcbisers sbpuld therefore idol t ithe label op tbe pou and bozea if t ie address is not 633 oxford street lot io 1 they are spurious i jb trade mark of my said hedlclne 1 are i it tisterad in ottawa and also a mrnhrtn r u h- hobloway ffa hi igtdn sjarfthl 533 j ford 1 dsosi cotportioumame kwsialm every ooe s3 the rpeeltio medicine umm by all drac kiata at l00 per paekaf e or li paekagea for 9 or will be sent free by mail on re- celpt or ihe monajr 07 ad- dresalda catarrh oatarrh ofss yaan atandlpr oared by conatlurional caurrli e medvl dropi inaa in the throat alraotprbok- ing heaiiacbe falna iti kiwnidexs hack and kljneja aod entire tireoafra down or ina avtem cdrud by constitutional catarrb ilemrdyl a ooqrti of iweatrflveteara standing cured by cpnsutuuoual caiurtb bern- y- 1 oatarrh with uropptnis tn tbe throat canalna reellnsa cs stiadailnsulsstneaa pains lu we aide aod weakheaa of kid neya immediately rellaved system seemlnfly mada asw- by on bouje of comtltntfon catarrh bemtd j a man cored ofgasarrn of forty yeara ttandlnibyuseoeconsuuitlonalcatarrh bemedy 80 it had impaired hlteye- slinu madehlntdear trooblas with llropplor in tbetbrnal xtnisxlnf bulling the bead ad relld bruth cured by oonatltntlonal oalarrb bemedy 1 bonea of the nose eaten out memory ired cured by cona tln- snedy ilu loat banme attend irbottlea of conalltu- imady lata cnnemlodim uonai catarrb fh crry lltdleisa oo toronto onii uanada bold by 1 b meoarrln urnsflat aeton cuelph cloth hall bktwlwfti announce that in fhtioipatjohor a large trade being done this faff they have laid in an enormous took of will fiu orders ndon vm ttoeds yetj li if itaff of antr tated to try at wi hth ilr usual ifallm fitting wulfindltlc thej advan tbefa- mag ilfloe it rangai pci our tewt department ml proud tomeetiotij own in the city 1 comprises ievery special novelty injiew ombre stripes wei that ladies of taste say that oar jprinta surpass for atvle any 1 in hosiery gloves and triunnmgs we ihdw mwl desirable laoe ties new and unique lace aaid linen collars i- old qold andwbite bucbinga black and colored sstins plam and broeadi ocr mttnerg are now visiting the marts of fashion and trill be prepared to with hats feathers blbbons and ornaments that will he many ivieuda ior style ous staple goods lion fqr eheaj and we have every confidence in saying will be up o oar good goods wm bimtfati fe joo v nsa i i- i f il m l-i-w- iiti imii c iz lraaitmlarllaraiiefril

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