Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 20, 1881, p. 3

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m j m wym epsb yis express tuesawtatwurtstii ofwber901 isst ito tmi ariiwti 1 tnaeton oa owlhimislpi i wstohsadsse lut lstge stock at clock jewellery speotacloa m fera a ttock aa aniotae store west of torerto awnjr etoag your watches and iskasator twnaira abrork lb mr lin 0berrtabad promptly ckll jo geo 5jil 84 th vvmh acton out fch thanks t tkoeeaf oar tatimm ta our rawest a lkhlpyabch1xumlbt0 r arfcoaav set valet ft taut susawis al shastyar we would ba wt antk ytmma t sear dram imat mattm8 f taisksgitiita j haixoweess coming wffeiks your turkey susikgss suspended today fakhers beware of swindlers wx wish our bnd success to jay t thss u no uck of rain these days tae fail shows in this vicinuy ire over p i wet weauhei and had toads are now aa order i coal is about to uke another vise it is said autciw leaves are not ao bright this year asnsual tat young folks aie anxious fcr skating to commence oyer seventy school tenders attend- 1 ed the coateation last week caxdipates for municipal honors will soon commence handshaking j ope supplement thia week contains the prise list of hilton county show j thb fsszpbess it the faronie local newspaper of the count subscribe for it a svxbo of the teachers called or or while the canventio was in session last rewuibee the thanksgiving sernces in the methediat and st alhaus churches way i dost- fail to suhseribe at once for the fatxpasssand get the remainder of this year free a rntrrfu procession passed throat h here on sunday to the catholic cemetery from georgetown- the fall wheat oever looked belter th thisncxnitj at thia season of the year than it does at present a lasge bock of wild pigeons flew over the village oeaaonday aftentitjq head ing towardshe statu esornaeh no the proprietors of the skating rink have hot decided to have a skating camrral next west- tde mem ben of the teachers assc- riation are loud in their praises of the hof pitajsty rsceived at the hands of oureltitens the mischievoiis bojs uf tbi tillage abould remember that there is a heary penalty inflicted for tearing off poatera word u the wise kc wea4 has toronto truth done with its jacob faithful theaosi mlerejtiug weekly hffthzetfrom jacobs pen greauy niissed by the readers f tnfdu the ottwa free pros a agitating a cow byjaw for that city sorely the capital- of the dominica is not as far as that behifid someof the tiflsges in thelaad grape socials are the latest actoafeja peiss they are said to u rery tine afiairs bat they havent been introjaiced here yet- clearfield psj cw- i otje excellent brass band in tend competing iii the band contest at ria to- day 33le best wishes of bar citizens sir riti theol they will so daobt meet several rstcbaa banda there as exchange says this is the time of year when school teachers- tfe the war path as the trustees would say some of them want to change theirieitua- tiooa andaccoeof them wfc more-salary- thb pressure- on our ad terming apace compelaasto afaia issue supple ment so as to joto the usual anioout of readinje matter the prise list of our county show should be of mtorertlto trji our readers v we always had an idea when mud waa spoken of tbit acbn could projldce a i fair sample but for the genoiue article ope most go to aliltoa during a wet eootny show day then a persoa canjadgeasto what consistencyclay eaa bevorked into the mad st milton last wednesday was terrible i the concert given by the ladies of the c cfcarbini thitews heu wed nesday evening was a soocts in every rpr sped the renderingsof the several artists i were realistic seal artistic in thy highest decree and ctarsiedctowded honas mr eobiosoo mp p occupied the chair i isk m6rro bis brtiasbtlis medical practice cd acngjnsinrasj to dr fonter formeily of berrfi- or ffratef will take up hijireodence in our village in a few days he is a man of joag experiepee sod will no doubt do apodbaaineasin tins intends removing f goelph theub- alfays sions in the pabliahinj wiurjecnritlseeina4imj eosatiktaem injrixe kasasgaweya fair we omitted to rerjort that m geo raiiialiiw reeed fltwte for belt shod- lrs and hrd d eond- ls fbat f mr j rmiott rf turtsre fortto best bmber wj hpteb4ieceinii first pnse cir w yeast bfidj isateai of sirs p- sxtobug 1st ad4 u rw m lisfeap m mmm vi- trra muubt foais fill your cos biul ovsuxisrs b htnjttd r xifteiroi3 ring k it hi oitltininb weeks tcbrattmi buandeiogainsc tte pfefsit pes kct jgjiljeihog it time a boooert itbw would be well rtmtoiaejl the tajrj collector isatett upon hta duatslweet j f qottcls number of our citiiens at tonaw flockwood show i a htnibla of actontstu purpose sv teadtng erin exhibition stbsibe for the deus fkkss and g weakly bsdftf irtinswa yes your old ovirooht looks rery well with the turned cufia and new collar the contiuikaj wet weuthcr of tie past week has couiidorably impaired the roada1 mb ocn latng has erected a neat awuiug is front of hit shop in aguews uock j bijtple copies of jthe irhrepems msy be had at this office ready for bailing for three cents i how is it that a man who steps over hiaahoetopa m mud never thinks of the bleaatugs of raiu toal she is afraid to take you to the air because you might gel mixed with the j other pumpkins peecse- the advertisements they will be 4und to contain lilercsting sod profitaii informal ion i it is better to live in a hut where cotent uv than to live next door to a fellow who the cornet ills excellency the governor gen eral paasd thronh acton over the gte on the 440 trsinlait thursday afteruoon ode merchanla on saturday after noon had t heir hands fall the stores were crowded aith people uiakioj purchases and a larg amoont of moaeyi was jefi in the village f 11 we eegeet to learn of the death of mr david lawxen of the firm of lawson bros suwarttown which took nlace on wednesday morning last ho was highly esteemed by all who knew aim oeorve- to w rjeroii ox thursday evening last about 830 a fire broke out in the wall paper printiue srui of barber bros of georgetown it was extinguished before vucltdamage was done- mr mark barber was surioualy injured by the belfry falliog upon him he will prob- ably recover butlt is uncertain as yet it 13 our duty this week to announce the death of lra matbewjrclay the deceased bidy was the mother of mr john barcliyof this town and of frank barcbiy eso the funeral took place on thursday and was largely attend ed oakville standard do tb friends away from home a kindly turn by sending theni the fexx pbjsa it ooouios ail the news of interest in the neighborhood sndwill consequently be a good as a weekly letter to them vte will send the free p bias to any post office m america6r the old country for 1 per annum in advance olso oontala 890 poj svoeorgttowb iferojd j tvall darhaps uu f dpla aaton okrslpkjamibtiau 4outi uvirars hsi i4 srv wajty will rsowmbetho fctnout 4dluokmca7msklngrr rabythithriftj 1 wlioauadvkta on uaaatbbtd to his oand jialrt pao bin jock thyu wowwlryer ilaepin i th aaingay bs modsraised into r insert isdvartusrasots rs ohu oj barlnaas they f wul work whils you are i wpiog what phoaphitas art to ssil ad rartiaiaantsare tobafinata j torjai bis j been spoi ted by the qovemarleueral u aday of tbaukagivioa to alrnikbry qod fos th liusdant barrart vonujhaalad to us aa a pi ople baatness hoald be suspended isnd e trust the day will beobservid intssmai aer raqnestad by ths 6uarnogenerl k tbssksglyuig aetrioelirill beheld in the i etkodist church st 10 jo am and a thanlsgiving musical service- will be held in st albana church al7sulpm twqcljertures under ihe snspices of the mssonic fraternity of bis villsgei will be delivered by rev e robinson on wednesday evening ml i inst in st albans charch subject th symbolic unity of th ark pyraa 1 anid temple on thursday eraning 37l inst he will sbcture in the temperaawe hafl babjeet the grest pyramid i builders and lessons these lector i ail free and tlie pablic are lutited to al lend at- the school meeting held in matthews hall yesterday to elect a person to fiu the vacancy in the board or trustees caud by the death of the late samuel uoore if r james brown anner was nom inated by mr alex lssby and seconded by mr j mcgarvio and in the absence of any other nomination he was declared jelectfou the sheibarne fret prtanyt the village tax ratea this year are only eighteen and ninetenths mills on the dollar being three aad sixtenths mills ti but year what would the cjtixeiutjif acton think if they had aucb4axea4o pky weare glad that the coqncilca keep up the appearance of our- village so creditably at the low rate of taxation at present rersaaais exmont widdowswas in town on sat urday misses emily and ellen goodall are visit ing friends in bramptoo f rffarry eeas of kjug spent seversl days with my atoafpsods this week mrs alfred boomer of linwoodi spent a coopie ot dayatbia week ith frienda here wensda most pleasaat call on monday from oar friend mr phil h gibbs edito oftheoshawa rfindscofor idr- c toref arrived last fharsdsyftoni england to take a place aa eolorerin mr james moores kid tannery i mr vt ellis and wife returned on satj urday i rom a tw weeks visit with friend in tori nto and kewtonbrookv i miss auguitibpeight wld surbeenvt rraitini friendaas aefsnuushin orsevera fl -rflb-jitweek- i who tobstusfi 9risfmify jrestoa flav rntiriiieglsat wi train u joio binj f j j r hit iiailipg2 hp- 5j leach j perkins and j philippe gloteoutters in the canads olove works arrived daring the seek from england vicinit mjm jb in sgoelphtin shop speight edward nuklin aad iisdwtotof left on wednesday morn ing for moskokaj on a deer hontiogrpeai si esrertowoe mr crwf4 msm kanssajapenthfe tj ttoeoa5tsp the soents of ids jonth before ijesjana home 0m ta cssaete tatlob at speyside oa be 14th inst the wife of edward taylor it a son afctioh salli aeilhteb torsoat oot 2sth ai stock and implentents oon esquesing the proj nickell hale to eon aharp xn reserve auctiouoer sale of farm 1w 4 lets 4th feriyof mrwm at one oclock kin- hemstroet aoctioa fsioar oct j8th stock and implementa eriu the property of m sale to eotnmence at 12 reserve aa mr mckenxje ontario w beaartreej satdsiiat 29th oct horses wsooa buqriesj the drill shed acta i e matthews esq sail 12 oclock w aaleof farm jat lot 1 eon 4 jas mckeuxie j clock aharp no intends leaving auctioneer demstreet f attox aawjaxts white wheat tre4wellold sprifjg wheat glasgcw redobiff v peas oats barloy rye egge per dosv t butter dairy packed batter rolia potatoes new per bag dressed hojs wool float white wheat lreadwu spring heat glasgow bed chaft oats peas barley ltye i eggs per dox butterdairy packed butw rolls potatoes new per bush dressed hots wool auction sale of cutters ac at the property of to commence at auctioneer j 26 to 1 1 tt to i 27 ou 1 26 to 1 28 jlr2to 128 70 to 0 78 0 37 to 0 0 0 7b to 0 82 0 86 to sno 10 18 to 6 0 0 19 to 0 80 0 20 to 0 26 0 7to 0 85 75to 7 25 0 23 to 0 25 ccanra ambjets i 3 25 to 3 40 pat up the undersigned deal i that ab parties receiving acodnnts woold al and settle the same at once thereby sav og farther tro able and expense e yieranr ctk acton oct 4th 188l ttoodasb colt ttje subscriber is pr ipared o deliver wood or coal in- either list te or small quan tities aa required to a ly part of the vil lage artoh 8ept 19 81 joe s int t in block 17 acton on which is erecjted cbnrch ip igood reps r driving hsied key in wx peabtsest aotow for term and conditions ply to i teost 4x0an co 3100- obsall 1 56 to 1 28 125 to 1 27 i 28 to 1 28 1 aj to i 21 0 37 to 0 40 0 70 to 0 78 0jstb0j2 0 80 to 0 90 0 18 to 0 20 0 is to 0 20 0 20 to 0 25 0 75 to 0 85 6 75 to 723 623- to 0 25 w e adams gtturch actsn the village of a fine brick also a brtok jpoesession of mr of salsj sp 5fcanada obqntot ont f statte heading f totory cooper shops and e ibidenoe t sale bis proparty aftialoenphslttviaageofaetun nokhlof theet railway ihe property la oriposed ai fonr acres on wbicfo is situated a lswvfrj iroptlnlnfflrsti ciss rascninerysntl in e eehent ordertwo coownanwwlisasri eoakoruwelinck dwehtqeataoaitb lp nrepertr u oonrenlentforahlpptnca idatarge hoalncss haaeeendonetntnepreff set during the past 15 years the property 1 mostlltarauerins appl jtori8epts7irill will be sold pn ois y on the premises proprietor to iv l thumtoh stw miktkubi fflorgancle twsaravjjrgaji ii lessons sjioojwpslioj nlniirs fltn iiroissfa laohgenthv i e arse 40 t srxdajtyinau tfsailsiaetfanfarau fnpllai piano ssplls ipeapoirs 0yjv p in our grocery departmeht- would especlslly wiah to call ahaniloa to our bugs stock comlitngar blacki twgbibi ina ttyiotu vrrfoioredjabsstui goallofkler jasatt host v about 20 diflereot varietiea to ihoose feop at rglcos that wiuaatonish yon qoalltyocsadaredau of whioli ws grlarsntme ilj not as represented raoney refunded is svg4rt we have porto bieo tellow beilbtxt sroeen firsuih- latctl cnt jbavf and icing coffeesbio jara mocha vc ground in tbe premisea fresh aid delia- ssrtry toauccogprloee of wales no 1 twin khrf vtc m yirllebaty svb napolean fatorite field flake ijlctorla finectit and all othar branda ix iwamwe havs a ioxen different brands in lanndry and toilet ctmarj bioe badottrjago tapioca baiaina onrranta soda bad bins button bit eahd fceens h oxlorcf in bqoares bpiees all kinds starch common silver gloss and lilly white ii kxtraosa hair oil castor oh canary and homp seeds ploklaat saaou vbiegara syrsps and molasses dte ate halt in barrell ii 8aull batratfcrtalflb sae bacon lard herrings boneless fish ik cannes 0068 we have in stock and ordered canned coraed beef salmon sardinea- lebaters haokenii trout codfish pears peaches tordatoas pass beansvcom eto blacking stove 4 boot flax seed prnaea nuts almonds filberts walnuts di brazil intact everything usually kept maflrstjolaasgrooery c j in woodenware- we bare wash tabs batter tabs brooms whisks brashes scrae backing aad clothes clothes pins ate 0ue haedwaee depaetmsltt saw hand dog chains contains axes single doable triple and inserted steal adxea croescut saws 4 frames patent saw handles cow halter trace tog and ropes manilla hemp jute and biael different eixea spsdeaforra hneajbhovela bakes cm in builders stir plies we hast cat nails all siaas wronght bails finiaa- ing ksils 4c locks hingea au kinds brads ao paints bofled and baw oils torpenlineyarniabea japana glaas potty machine oil cowl oil sto files all sires cojperjbivets4 borrshemp bnbber and soap stone psoking guns copperpti- bevolvers ttay kxiivea skates whips lanterns childrens swing and powder shot caps etc we have ua t sice assortment of knivei forks 8poov biieker aims bdmn and in fad an of thitigt tchieh we iftw not tpaee to mixtion our crockery department is now very complete weiave a lot of tbe nanr aad host jsiwoaajile tea in htane and cuna fancy batters ana teapots yu saau thcat olasswark a large stock cheap lampt lamp olatttt chimnsyt all of mkiefi we are offering at right price 0coae aad see as and jndxe for yeaneitef j r pearson ugees griffin mlttlxs 8c mctsf s ii yoa vat berlin tfoob io 79 lflireot i tliy geo bibbs if yoa inat perforated osrr bbarf siollo4trsnartictpre f yi- ifycm waat bnbor toys bubut duu ofe dolu wax i iv- afio hiitds j i v h yea want birthday cards to tea settjoy magei toys of any kind if ton waat to sessot ro 100 albums vasae toilet setts r- try 6e0xhtj i v i i it ifyoa waat china ssotto0uptiteba cupiand 8 x p0fllfdp if joo vmi guavire cfaep crat koivw spcm end torki v ifyoa want watches clocks jewebery and spe vv rypriw if yoo trant 8obd gbm wedding riags i v ifypaj want wateoet clocks jewellery and spectacles epairetl lfi try mo mm s 1 ifyoa wsatweovlbg and birthday presents i j js m loiigli ladies itrsrejsijealiyjnnj wrpencs mart 0 h toraii laportatlwpariaariewtorkl awbrffoteeaj bj brisoasjtowajator ma ills raaattiasswla0noadeelonsvhmht ban iair

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