Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1881, p. 1

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inl 1 1 r it poem bvsrttacrb6dat uorxwq mlur prrieur tlwrlwl p99usm1x1 vjfmmw hen doorto methodist church trmstn dco0 r txaia the pari pasts will be sent to nfcbseribeta postage paid or iux pec aunt ia advance if not aojaft no paper discontinued till all arrears an put except uthoou of the publisher j asvzaxtanro biro casual adverbae- meats s oto per line for the flntintsc- ttott ud j oenti per sue tor each rubie- quent insertiou- oaah prof seasonal carte 10 lines or leas moo per annum lsquarp is tinea 1500 per annum payable is 6 moitltttrottdateofixtsejxkm any special ttaloe the object of which ti to promote th pmroiary benefit it any btdiyidul or company to be considered ui advertiae- rneki the niunfcer of lines reckoned by the space oocofied measured by a k1d aobd a geparwi i onertict atm i oua eoluma one rear halt eountaoae tear 8 taner eoamdoe i ttfco j ffljxl one eetueaa half ealnsn six moalbs quarter eolumn six months o je ootamo three hanths htueoluannlanseimanthi cjaartar eotowro three mocttbi advertisements wlthnattiieeulfl directions will be inserted uaihrbm end eturxrd eceonl- utttttnqiaarr advertisements mnslfc paid n ktvaur chanree for eootreet advertisements most be in the office ojsa mea mioaart othtr- wtn tber will be irtl over ut uie muowlni tmt hphoorb i kdltor 4 proprietor u tan m am t00 ttllft bidnburbe toeadnfleatgeai 1 nio rhrcllbnnll cd1 snwr ad- asfiprobt j ttsrfiprdcebtlrbcre adtfrdaur unamrteailitiiu is niw yoikut- vt0t1ce the canada advertrtjnc amo- jej xo klni 81 west toronto u authorised io reetive advertisement for this paper w w bctcueamnltr wh utwrt jlb hcp 6 graduate of trinity college mem ber of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence ti the bead of fred erick st acton- j mfohstee m d phtsicux ktom etc j offic1s tforateis drog store foraerlj dt morrow 4ctot okt tj xcgibvts ld 1lcps jl gndoate of victoria gnirertity eaaiotx axnua to tij actao on tneeiaf and fridaj- from 2 to i p m if bia eeroeea re dnricg any otber daji of tbe ireek notice left at j if caixm draf atoix will recerpa prompt atlfntiob v i 1 i j o mathebqk attorsetit xrv sotiekor in chancery e 0ce next door to wahaeea hotel iclton l bekkett dektist town one george- ti fisher vsgeoegetomtk ont will risii acton etery wednes day and will attend to all eaua pertaining to his profession- orders left at mcgarvmb dme store will- reoeire prompt attention terms moderate- tjfiseer v r kixg caobocrowx hacmnery of etery description made to order on tile shortest ne ace and most reasonable terma repairing promptly at tended t- m r a lister m- glaek barrister qmebec street gruelph suscb mce la baxtaewi alll lull street acta irornce ores irntr fraui i tjdtc heicstreei ijesnsed anctioneer for the counties of wellington and halios orders left at the zinpmi office acton or at jny residence in ar will be pronptiy att te terms r able ajbw momej to- loan octthe ta teris and at the lowest naea of interest io soma of 500 ud apwerda 1 pateicre fob rsvesnoss eipe- nmoiisxx and properiy secnredincan- a cob united states and europe 1 pa tent guaranteed or no chaise send for printed instructions agency in operation ten tears hehrtarist j ottawa canada meebinjeal engineermg sdhoton of pa- enta and sraagntaman- t eeh tetebihabt borv vto geok georgetowb gradaau of the ontario yeteribary college willi visit acton every tnesday tom rtopjnj ah calls reeejied promptly attended to by night or oily horses booghf and aald on commission- besidiaoe west cornerfrom litery stable georgetown oat j g beid jf8hfpb skl v j i am prepared to pay the highest cash preie for- hides calfslana deacons lamb and shaep skins dekrend at iny tawnery tse tknttr- constantly on hand j james moore acto pisbufib rautiitfi htinipearf ijp jaes ae owto bieuiss bakery 1 k ft- red tciu arrjag wntinz i4 jign writing of erecy deteripoon and oj- speetfaflyomtthepaneftieepu 6mmob4tospmto the panj whsrawei et an east81iate a stylish haireat frothing bhaaapoon orpniw sea faasi tfpart nopains abdffrsno a shortest notiee r flibsfoev acton banking coy toriy 0hr1stic lc 00 bankers aetoa onuri j a oeseral banking busi ness transacted koirzausss oh ajpsotto h0ts8 notea discounted and interest allowed on depjoeltev nei goods opened is week jutt tbebeived w days bookstore celph aotomph albnxne 12 kinda fhotogrraph albums fanoy velvet frames jewel cases i japanese trayaj japanese brackets cups and saucers stationery vases toilet setts bolls toys etc etc a big stock very choice and very cheap at days bookstore goelpo day cheap x new auobtkekt of lad i 8 enid and sum watches all prices sots atosss good timokoepers and goaranteed or 6 and npwarda my stock of electro plat the best jand cheapest in goslph gali and examine tno 26 west side lower wyndham st colored gkjld broches ad eabringsjserrra -r- gold brooches silrer setts newstyles surer locfceu silrer sieclcieu f a gold watcher j j diamond kings t gem s tone einzs jv jewettbbyritobb wyndbam stj quelph oyster parlor lqmatthewb has jtst se- eeired a fine lot of freti oytttti in balk and can and is prepared to serve them np by the dish in every style he has opened a lunoh parlor and is in a position to snpply customers with a3rtliucbt anyhotir tea co bee orsterm cakes 4c always fresh and good his fiock of ceafetiiry truit o isonexoelled and oomprises everything in that line catirftj trult t tiall in any qonntity gall w s bslsgnt susaj aid tifiia stdiiui sot la stock i l g hattde ws t p 0umm1ngs i i practical jupholsterer cttlm oktaelv i lambreqqlnss cnrtalns windorr blinds and church cushions cleapatra chairs ottomans banneret tsrkisfi spring back and seedie wofks specialty carpeli cuf mait and laid on thtr shbriafnofitt farnitoie eetlpholstered at the moat re aooabie rates snd in tne style butcher shop wo robinson oald intimate to me people of acton that be has pqrnhased the balchrr basloess late ly carried oo br robert storey and that he has alwsjs on hand a ftrsklats noes of beef rarh hatlaa fmllry aid casar la seasea etc and hopes by strict altehuan to coslaeas to tecore a falrihare of the patronage of to pnblie meat aellveredal any time to any part of the town ttsiculi a oil ealieitjd oinssa psojcrrtt atranii to v- wc robinson um rea- ls fctjmminos qvclxc slrat wal giulpk n uii thurston pwl a th oists ai vocal uasle wth organize classes in acton on 1st of hovember trsks 3rgan inatroctions 12 lessons 16 h lessons 10 teachers codrse i50 toeal instrnctiansetening classes class of any nnmber 12 lessons 30 or class of anynnmber 12 lessees each gent 1 1 each lady 50c- teachers coarse mo vocal class iaday schools a specialty in all cues on oertain oonsifaonsaafisfacfion gnaran- teed toall papqs or parents of pupils organ instrnctions given t the name of all pnpils dealer in organs and pianos representing the best canadian and amen can makes mannfactnred address box 5acton po manhood hew jipst hew eestored we littttre anew ediiloo of dr irerfreil rfcl- bratnl eimyoo ttio radical rnl permanent care luiout medi- ejnejof nerroodbllcy mental anj phytic- a3 inpaifjin3pdliiienuofmrtlage riqlunf rromics ei sprlpe tn a naiea ebrelopc onty apcli or two pouo aattiipa tbecibriltiadtlior id this admirable eay cleall7 lmodtratei nfm thirty vramuoecesiriu prticwiauurmlnf onn- keqnece may b radieaqy eared wit bom tbeiuosfroas n ottnten raedlcin or tbe ose ol he fcnlfo polo lot odt a mode of enreatotioerlmple eeruln nodflteoitibby mehna of arbica every safferer no mauer hflt bjsoodduioo may oe msy cure himself fcbeapiy prltrlely and rsdlcally thlslectare ihoald be in tbe iianu oi every yoatit and every man in the land addremat the culrerwen kedieal co u abb it hew trk poet office box 4m lntsin block 17 in the ruiaiie of ietobron which li erected a fineflnek tibnreb ab gtwd jnf j driring sbd fey in possession of mr wm hdowhsi i aorox for terms and eonditions of le np- pl loah co of canad4 jm0 toronto ont i sheossmc to ti x st sebrmasqnsjb ioontbooksofsjlmnasntootder terioaieali ot way oescrlptfen oarefnlly totma finniignisaandpronrdoone tba snhscrlber is prensrea to deurer wood vt coal in eitlierjatm-nrjmjummi- tities as requiredi to et v to w adams- r 8e at lot for sale the nnderi ned ofhsfs for sale tbe splendid stone dwelling on stain st near mrq 8anfths restdaooeone fifth of ac acrai fritb stone boose in splendid condition stable andshopon tbiprem iaes hard and soft water wells title indisputable terms reasonable ap ply ti aecelmohab kookwood po 81qoo e jmmlz cancer core depot tvcoatlcoospclcanaoa fs 4fer gtjre iiihootthsnseoftbeknlfe manent core in tbe world eoelpse i eehtto b a sjoth the eree press titdesday moairoio hot j ib81 p9bt8y if mothbe knew if mother only knew how i regret tbe aaxnnut boors tbe worry and tbe ret i gave her long ago if she ooaldsee tbe tests i shsu sll ananiliugly to my sad wish i should not call in vain i mother oome back 1 forgive me onoe again 1 if mother only knaw that at the last i bad with prayer and toivndeeniedthe put if in my pleasant home she eonld bnt be- unto my bays all that ib was to me if she eouldeome agaia from yon far shore i would uot wrong hsr loving patienoe more if ihc coaldknow bow tenderly i prita only tbe memory of her dear tyv how all her words seem holy ss a prayer and how with tears sod sad repentant care ive tried to be like her both- brave and trne ah if she knew 1 ah if be only knew i too late 1 too late the heart i might have bteatd now beats no longer in an anxioos breast the eves t might have filled with happy light are sealed forever in a dreamless night the love i slighted so from day to day now pleads no more it hss gone far away oh hopeless sra the tears we shed or wroag beyond redress oh bitter sad abd strosg tbe memories of remorse thcoagh which ve crave i the sweet forgiving kiss beyond tbe grsre and wise snd happy they who do not wait to prize a mothers love until too late i ovtt sromr twilm l0vxsa btotditsatataobh louise said her ucle one morning i have something to say to you well sir t you are now ofneiees md it is quite time yon were thinking of getting mar ried are you tired of me sir v ko but i dont want any old maids in my family that 1 am resolved upon bnt when james houghton proposed for my hand a few weeks ago yon refused yoarpennission of course 1 did i dont want a penni less young lawyer in my family i hare money and that entities you to look for a rich husband poverty is james houghtons only fault and it is fault esongh but no more of him t have other yiews for you may i ecpuire what i am about u tell you john fanshaw the son of an old friend of mine is aboat to visit us with the intention of offering you his hand i have already talked the matter over with his father and he con sents he will give his son an estate join ing ours and the two united will make an excellent property it seems then it ui all settled said eouisacomposedjy of course you will not be foolish enongh to refuse- him he is handsome well edu cated and rich what more could you ssk 1 i have already told you i love james houghton fiddlesticks 1 but perhaps this young man maynot fancy me he msy decline to propose there is little chance of it- you are pretty accomplished lady like and rich what more could he desire v f but i he should tcfuse to carry out hu engagement persisted louisa zoonda if he should you might aiarry who ypn would j jsvenmr houghton yes oven him but dont exult loo soon he hasnt refused you yet when will he be here next thuredsy week and by the wsy i regret to say i shall not be here to receive him i am obliged to go to wash lngton on business to ik gooe a week and perhaps you will get acquainted sooner if 1 am away yes sir i will endeavor to treat him as politely at possible already an idea bad entered louisas mind she would give this mr fanshaw a false impresdon of herself she would assume the airs and manner of a complete rustic destitute of all accomplishments snd the refinements of a cultivated lady thus she might disceuragb his suit and lead him to withdraw voluntarily from the proposed engagement the next thursday her nncle left for washington louisa nude a visit to the city returning with red wig she already bad made up secretly two dresses in dowdy style which disfigured her to aatjifaotlon next she took her maid into confidence baring nuide ujphw mind to play theirple of rustic maiden ji on thursday rrioridngshelnjptisjof hoc new dresses land her wig and jonld not belp bursting into a laugh ati the ngnre which mether eyes la jthe mirror i shouldnt know 5whlssi declare said her maid tca look horrid thank ydn abigau thats just the way i want to look j id never suspect you was gwlooking hiss louisa or had any 6mjahpe i am glad to bear of it 1 wonder what hr fanshaw will think of me i ljoont heuere he wu fall in fore with yoo j i ihbpeiiot jet lthlnk isjiik4o loaisa now imnat try tobe as rustic in my speech fu possible and be as igrjoraot of everything that young ladles of my pi con may bo expected to know i never practiced much but i guess i can do it at three oclock the train srrived from the olty and with it came the expected young gentleman who was at trace driven to mr burtons residence john pansbaw was anxious to see the young lady whom it was soexpedient for aim to marry not having any previous attachment and not being e a romantic nature he was not unwilling provided the lady was likely to do credit to bis taste but he was dispoaedlo a jtaatsdbus end had some preference a to thestyle of wife be would select ushered into the parlor he awaited with somo curiosity the advent of the young lady he was dlssgreeably tattled when a young woman entered dressed in the worst possible style and with coarse red hair her face otherwise was uot so bud indeed he could have teen it had good points if he had not been preju diced by the bair and iltutling dress howdy do mr franshaw said louisa in broad accents advancing with outstretch ed hand quite well i thank you he answered hesilatkgly do i address miss burton t i expect you do said louisa 1 hope you are well pooty smart thank you said loaisa and your respected uncle i trust he is well also my respected uncle i lor 1 how funny but of course be is respectable- yet hes pooty smart too but be bad to go of on business snd be wanted me to look after you hell be home in a week good traciou whatvulqarity ejacu lated john fanshaw to himself and what horrid hair what a wretched dress maker she must have too i expect youre admlrin my dress said louisa aint it pooty t the said dress had a very large ngnre and wu of very bright hues in fact in material as well as cut wu entirely out of taste quite soaid the gentleman in some embarrassment i picked it out myself said louisa complacently uncle didnt like it but 1 thlnkits sweet pooty what a taste j ejaculated fanshaw mentally bhels like a young savage pleased with bright colors i wonder whether tile knows anything ill try her he picked up tennyson from the table and said are you fond of poetry miss bnrtonf well aaid louisa 1 like aome i had some writ in my album tother day that i liked first rate shall i say it thank yon i wish you would it was like this said louisa i know it by heart i the rose is red the violets blue the pink is pooty j j and so are you j aint it good t j i very said fanshaw drily have you ever read tennyson miss bur rtn 1 whos he these sre his poems r o that book no i haint it it was give to me by a fril cant understand it very well b no i shauid think not thought the young man a girl who admires the rose is red wouldnt be very spttd telish or appreciate tennyson i but i forgot said louise suddenly you must be awful hungry aint yon v not so bad as that aaid fanshaw with a faint smile ill go and see about dinner aaid louisa i dont know what were going to have 1 hope its fried liver i- dote on liver well ejseulated fanshaw to himself if she aint the most specinren i ever met i wouldn her if she were worth four thoosand dollars to think of in such a creature as mrs makes my blood run cold fancy how all the fetdwb in say- set would sneer at ler i only wish i were well out of it louili eutertaiacd the visitor is as milar manner at dinner and watched with exultation tht effect which was evidently produced upon his mind i dont think theres much daft rer of hk proposing she thought ifhedoeant i shall head ray uocle to his promise do you play the pimo j hiqulr d the young man swing on in the room yes said louisa i can plijy one tune would you oblire me t 0 ceirtalnlyr i lore toplsy she sat down and murdered sweet home in the most atrocious mareer till theyoung rjan pecame very resuve and- was thanuulj sen she had finished j j j juslsljnlghthave inueipatqd he mde dsrjtsed and mr faoshaw couldstar4ltno longer anlmperauv edgaaanent called him back to the city al leastsbhe said bat hje left a note mr mr with gratitude the kind ppllteness with which she received me anditbe efforts sle made to majte my visit a pleasant ouej she is no doubt very amiable but at i said be fore i doubt if we should stilt each other trusting yon jwiu not he offended at my plain speaking i subscribe myself j foor very respeotftilly f join fahsbaw the tapnjaenl puppy exclaimed mr burton in a rage so bo refuses my nieoe does he loulsareid that letter i am not surprised uncle she said mr fanshaw didnt seem fax fancy me much j founds jtlkshow himtou lean gets hiirafnd aaid the cholarioom nun send fni jhnes btotia i- james hoijghton waseenti m and told that he might marry louisaaad the wed ding took place now aid mr burton m i want you to go to new york take s good ihause and commence practice itere when mr fanshaw aeta your wife shining in society he may be sprry he refused her the plan was carried out mr fanshaw did meet the young hdy in society but did not st first recognize in the elegant and selfpossessed woman the awkward girl whose hand he rejected when he learned the secret he was pro voked with himself for not having seen through the trick but it wsi too latej louisa had found a husband whom she re garded as infinitely his superior and is not likely soon to forget the stratagem which won herjaxes houghton as a husband saw to b buutiful i x most people would like to be handsome all cannot have good features thsy are as god made them but almost any one can look well especially with good healih it is hard to give rules in a very short space buttobrtef these will dd keep clean wash freely jaflttlie akin wauls is leave to act free and ft tikes ieare of itself its thousands of air botes must not be dosed ent regularly and sleep enough not too much the stomach can no bune work all the time day and night than a horee it must hare regular work and rear good jkeeth sre a help te good looks brush them with a soft brush especially st night go to bed with cleansed teetit of course to have white teeth it is needful to let tobacco alone all women know that washes for the teeth skouid be very simple acid may whiten the teeth but 1i takes off the enamel and injures them j sleep in a cool room in pure air no one can hare a cleanly skin who breathes bad air but more than all in order to look well wake np mind aid soul when the miad is awake the dall sleepy look passes away from the eyes 1 golden glium genius begins great works labor alone finishes ibem adversity borrows its sharpest sting from our impatience love is a severe critic hate era pardon more than love all flattery is dangerous so people al ways think when addressed to themselves like a book man has two blank pages at the beginning and at the end in fancy and eld age t no grander thing jean a mas do than to give a helping hand o a young man who has been discouraged in the undertakings of thy work assume a confidence of success and ability to cope with and complete it not that which men do worthily but thkl which they do successfully is what history makes haste to record impudence silly talk foolish vanity and vein curiulty are closely allied they are children from one family tout sho balled ffia barton 1- hj l v- iwoen the gentiemen returned te wa surprised to find the visitor gone be rea as follows j- r me buarordear sir ton sr awiuithat my father f svbred on jlto between myself and your niece but f net to say that having made they ladre acquaint doubtifiii our us nttby writer t the toledo btalfc i hev iiavsntid a new eprptt bag tot tbe aspeahal yooae oy patfipts and agitaiers it is made uvthin iojy rubber witsafrattre that fotds np into small compass yootake that oaipit bag snd blow itlip fill ittnlees out at the side ez tho it wax full if close and things kod walk into a lodgjaa noose and deihadoj roomiwitb eonfidenosj that oaruit bag bnsthi with vsliooables let ties it it kta solvent sad everything in looks i yie stay oo thejtrpngtb or that bag and hayour meals sent to your roorh and hye fat presently yoor landlady wants money and oomtneoseto watch thatiarpit feag too csnt get out uy the tkras i ith it tor tjaher anker and nope very food ae eawrjgttitcsa avm4b 1 wind oat nv it fold it up and prr it in yoor coatpockir addbid her good evi niug tell- ing her ypaslall behome earl and abe may light the fire at 10 and the placethat knbwedyoo wnnst knows yot no more forever the first dark place yip come too yoo blow it au again and goboldly into another house and establish lyoureelf in comfort ef aot in luxnry5 i tie poor orphm mr spnigeoh recently relat d fhe follow ing anecdote of tbeartlessness f childhood at myorphansge some tin e ago i was sitting on a scat watching tfas children at- play a uttle boy came and aakfed to ait beside rnr i lifted him up and tteh he said now mr spunreon isten tome 8uppose there was a hqrp lanage and there was a lot of little boyi thtrv and snppdae these sttle boys had all lost their fathers and suppose once a monththeir mothers oame and their aunts and brobfehs them pennies anjd apples and oraigesand nice taiogi andpsoppose the was a little boy that had got w6 soother i ror aunt nor nobody to come and see hiu dont you think somebody ought to gvrei iarsiapeach t cause mr spurgeea thats me pnpateaer ft penkcna i a well know edueatioaeiisl vouches for the truth of he following 4- teacher ia a lower grade in one ol jour puilic schools received a new pupil the day a little miss of six or selveti named mattie brown after tak- her nametf or the school rolls- according ustom the teacher eaid i what is your papas name mattie r mrbrown yes i know bat whit is his first r i dont- bxrw his name is just mr f m iwd yen yes i know that aidhe teach- tbeo u bright idea struck her- t does your mamma call him 1 ob iknowwhot ym soean tum the innocent child replied ma she calls him oldskinfimtr j- it is safe locbnclrde that the toacberdld nc register tbe clilldsfathm aa orb f brownl j r it is claimed bf high authority that perelieron horses are possessed of more endurance ae ctpable of perfortoing a greater anronnl of quick heavy work are more tractable and easily broken than any other breed of large horses and that the ooits the produce of per cheron eiallioni- partake irt s greater of tie qualities of their slreiraod ftvmr their great value bring tighek price id the markets than those oi si ly other ot tnelarge breeds these are facte that wili be appreciated by tbe public iris- well known that ot all counrtes where draught horses are raised tie french people are theeny ones wto n ttkes prac liceof leaviog sll the maies entire and of forking theiabeiore and afteitbeseason serrioeenoja a braoiice that has been in vogue in france forhundreds of years and to which may bo attributed joubh of thffsuperierexoellosbeof iheraeevkvery one kaows thu the only way to seonre high physical or mental diveiopement is to adapta judlotoussndeysietoatic course of ereiseahd the grand n suite attain ed iby tbef renoh hare by eanying ont tbe prindpfe if bredi g from sires and dams botbdeyeiopejl physically to tbe highest degree by cot sunt use in such work as their proie iy would bo called urbn perform t this lyatenj practiced ca tinuallyhas rjcreasedthe prepotenoy of each genetv tloi and conoentrated into i ranimtanbie qualities all of those value do elemenu derelo bjj the judicipo i tfainirtg of ages thertfprein their progeny af found tlje ddiche od willing workers wiih a superior quality elf muscle i density and toughness ot txioe a gederet vigor and penerful orgsijisitton that oaanot be outonwl frorklsjiurraoo whossy sires have beien ifor genersjtionj wholly exempt irodjteren the most ordinaijv lahorj and wjtose hamper has been mad irritable by jahjstant cjorjftotnent most cases inaojisolateci stable thea if valuable goodttempeteti and healthy fiardy work horte are desired rwd rrtht tjnsmvtti turbugh suea aod asiee irhm the remotest anojtry on tho cbtrsiifiof bdnedv ilwtar6d0rjee are ttted breed fromtbeee whosejliires or ptogen tore have wrrer knowd what theoollar br nor haret never tafcjn deteloped by at taal ietro amljw btodsjpm it n is ttit iwlje ji t 1 rvrv bhould beiiflre pnvk rork j worde are aoid for nothing evetywhere isifireiytit old bon ot ajfantlr the other wood wetcutng hia baby btotherj who wa oiftkihb a grettic1ee over oaring h5 lace wael ed the little fell ttabb lost hv patienoet and etathping jiajoot iia ort tfjink youj nareootsbf iroable btjt y pu 4on t know anything bogt i iwait till youre biir fittough to fc lrai tktttl wjhi 4 4 j r k itia tar4 tell rldkmlonja imfotiiij fiolj uttlrohiio raich istae qirjgt fool or- the cli iiu tusjwrliras- fc a yon jg tooi nag i m 1 insjr eqie4 whereas the bai obfool mies licey who t lyinig her ptiayotij h rotb4rffiavjj4lly tthijt i igaoolit oocf itttili irap j i ignantly fifiowld bniitcrw uflsat 1 moinvamdiw sytmi4ei f j iii hrieoriar imtnjrfe lit just surshei ilfa her littii hewwwukiiqt alfrerl in- 1iboov jnll ibla n ftcljj votsiiirti riarr28ii tj w jareii itowii fust oh t ftr 3i- is so popular m a rt e1imi-ift- rjoiralftoa jieifvv i 531 t

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