Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1881, p. 3

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freb press tttntadat uosxtko not 1881 i tto the farmbrt i when in jctea otll at gto hynds sign ot tw bij watch afiu set hit lxrec stock of watches oocka jewellery a8poetaeloa as larcc a stock as any other store tfeet of toronto bring along yoar watches end clock for repairs all ork in my line done cheap end promptly call in 0e hynda sumot the dig watch aoton out loom matter i i j soyxltbkr pltaaxt moonlight nights apiin ajijopcn winter is predicted by thc wcatiiirwisc scant yon didnl sell your wheat sad barley sin you tire yiuage council mnaged to get a quorum on tuesday evening boan of education next monday even ing at ihc public school house ctw families are arriving in oar village every week and tenement bouses arescarcer than ever thrakwer very cwirardeu gates left on monday night for the young couples to lean over t it rained again last saturday making the seventh wet saturday in succession in this section yof can have the fhee tress from now fojan 1st ifc3 for flqo send on your name and i be cash vexsoh f s a frigid wave mtv bo expxtcd towards the cie ot novcmlr and entry of december 1 ssi i xnoim of tctin men in town forgot themselves so far as to cftrry on their all halloween pranks tuesday nlght- do- roc ivlfh to kaaw hot you can bretik up say crowd go through it wiiha sub scription list fr any bencv jent object mn- x h campbell of itiiton has p- chased lcrmrns hold streetsville tor the sum of hfooo and opens ont on xuvember lathi bcnjnro operations are brisk in town at present- the expectations of cold weather in aew weeks is no doubt hurrying on the workmen orn neighbor boasts that his cabinet otgjahuriiteen stops but it is dot lie stops object to it is the begiccings and eonincinp- jjcw be whxtnalore intended voc for ani yoa will succeed be anilhinr elc and yus will be a thoasind tiaiea worse thannojiig yte think it wool i- be ah excellent idea to putsonieef theyalg men of thisvil- lagt into the pound if they dont get to bed at an earlier hour tut sirciiay schools are bedrring to have larger attendance the wiieswik little chaps sec christmas trees aci sana glaus in the cisanre ife wx- hcmstreet auctioneer of ihis tiiut has had twentysix aucrjon sales in the last thirty days his teputaiion as a first class auctioneer is on exceaed- a scxd at- school journal yery sensibly addresses saperinlede t- and teaehcr thus- let your light si in but nolfroul ihetjowlof a pipe cr end of a terar wx onid like to see xmr council takt some steptto iddaeother raanufactcrers v- i locate here acton is admirably adapfed for almost any large minofacinring besi nss this is the stiaon that the yonog man lrllo has this summer gone into housekeep ing wishes he hadnt- or wishes the inventor of stove pipes in a place where etovea are xtot reqnired hext bot brown a colored magi cian perfonncdslightomiand tricksin the temperance baluist thundar his udi- encewai composed principally of chiidrei andthey ifts highly amnsed we harereceired our fj ontt ut korerober ind find evett page replete with pure aodintereatis illustrations and read ing matter ihterestinz to the juveniles thisciagazine continnesr to improve bgogt forlttobostott masa it taxes f full grown w and t rat terrier to kill a moose and then bey sotrc- times fail as was illustrated on friday efteroojii on mill street near the port office the spectators seemed pleased bat the wonldbe murderer hid irry faces th following teachers have been ecgag- ed foclfuton public school for 1881 at the balaces ji- itclean head teacher co mr jh eeit2nndap 425 jbss jarris arf cu s75 miss pattereon fth dep 325 and ifiss itennedy 5th dep j200 tax hamilsjn spectator rays this is the wij the gueph5eraif pots it the many friends of mr h e orintintch of fioeiihbot now of actoir will be pleased to bear thathia resiettce nartpwly escaped destruction by fire on thursday morning tax tillage yojiflis behaved themseltes very well on halloween very little dep redatioh was committed beyond the re moval of a few gates and the consfruction with temperaoce ball benches and elgin st sidewalk plank ofa couple of obstructions on clureh street mb jesyaaoii of erin laapurchased from mrf m mcmillan the property on agnes steonurmogsil lota foraboot 700 mr ferpiaoirintends to linrir his family here and make acton his future home he will build as addition to the house on the property 7asifeb in ibis ticinily are jubilant over the fall wheat proieet owing to theahaence ofserere frosts the- wheat has had a gocfd 6tartaild is of splendid promise ithe jbeeat rati haw- had the efiectrf jisstenint the growth and thpypuog scoots pteaeot a healthy sad strong appfflimnrv ket t- ay wbkisson has aanoiinced ubaw froatv kowi tiie season for htiokwlioat cake imaptrhkrs and painters are exceeding ly busy wat publish most interesting paper this week as usual j i wosdeb if wefo on the terge ot an ionian summer i hope sp uwuat do you think of uio early closing ovemcut t a good idea isnt it t bbaacrrot hat been created a port of bnlry the customs house was opened last monday axd now the smart young man is- en deavoring to find some new resolution for the new tear wdsskr what made williams stove smoke so badly on tuesday morning ask the halloween boys rkv c e wkiloombe of hamillon preached in 6t albans church on tues day eveuing all sainta duy ma fr fanner- of evimstou hi for merly an acton boy has ourthanks for a copy of the arao vartf urifern mr- james caverhiu of kassagaweya has 6old his farm and intends removing to a farm on the line of itie kotthern rail way cntrift begins at home and with some it ends there too clearfield pa oea bat with the majority it doesnt begin at all ok friday afternoon a large snow ploogh pissed through aclon for tile west oh the gtr to be m readiness for the flrst big snow strm a qt r employee named jto corte was run over by a freight train at guelph ruksincer depot on friday evening and hadiisltganrpotaied ock cittrims are yain conversing on the ad visibility of the organization of a are brigade tbesubjtct will soon drop again until another fire takes place the farm stock and implements belong ing to the estate of the late samuel moore e of jliis village will be sold hy auc tion en ijaurdsy at the premises tue lerton wlio ukes upon btmseu the task of applying to hitnjelf every re mark of a general nature which he sees in a uewsvapcr has a dirhcuit task jo perform a pkokikekt school uacber residing at kotvai propounds the foliowiog queatijo can a knowledge of fpgijje called mysti cal love we refer him to veunor or moses oals a cociix of onr young men are going extensivehinto the iotafo lusiaesa wat ford adrofau fruer nearly all of the mn of our village young and old were u to the jctato lusioes long ago 0 ia citizens would no docbi cseerait a favor if th- bald toud poenpy the band siand louighl if the weather is fine and irrat them to a few of their excellent tunes i will soon be too cold for out door play ing om village fathers should take into con sideration the improvement of mill street at some lime in the neir fulcre with a lib jal coat ol broken stone the condition of this street at present owing to the mud is verytbid wc segtx to wonder if dr wild cf the bond sr congregauonai church is soon griing to inoncpolize the yorkville acic jji weekly sermon and answers to letters mw cccpiei from six to eight columns fer week oct of tiie twenyfonx axd now they say that a tonsorial artist residing not a hundred thot sa id miles frem acvin soon intends to get into the matri monial noose the present indications are that weeding bells will be rung with pleas ant fretuncr during the coming two or llueemiahs- tec following gentlemen have recently itn appointed justices of the peace for the cjoj2tyofh4ionviz wm ifoore escjaes- ing po john shortreed mansewooi p 0 in the township of esouesing walter k lindsay afiltoc po john harris cumminsville po township of kelson and jamesallaii burlington po a spa3t of horses belonging to mr wm sott of the clh line esqncsinrr tear limehous which were tied in front oflmr j c hills tinshop on friday evening be- iame lrighbzned and breaking tbetie rein gtiloped away at a fearful speed we arc iuformeitlh it they ran all the way home bat very filtle damage was sustained is reference to the proposed ruuninr of sundav pas5tiger trains on tbe grand traik 4ir hii say be will be com pelled to do so if the credit valley persist in running theirs we hope the irailrosd authorities of our country iill not further desecrate the sibbith hy running passenger- as well as freight trains the toronto news company has sent us their two latest publications a curious experience which is mark twains latest hit and good ooe it fa and the blun ders of a bashful man by the author of abad boysdiary this little volume is the most complete and laughable thing rm the subject of bashfuloess that we have ever come across it is sure to take well price ten cents for the former and fifteen for the latter i tse lectures delivered by rev e j robinson in st albans church and tem- peraace hall on wednesday and thursday etebings were very interesfirg and were listened to by ray fair audiences the her gentleman seems to nnderistan his subject as to the lecture onjriday even- ing in the masonic hall we know nothing owhig to the tinaoidable absence jof our wporter kn3 none orthe manifr4piy have been kindenoagh to give us a report of the meeting j 1 ibxezre nmpkin socials andspjiasb socials and alap grape socials the fatter re aaid to be try tine affairs but they havent beep iatrpjuktt here ffijzbrt elgin bxnji tima we haljib idea that oar remarks about grape socials a few weeks ainoe woomoto dff inaaehfcatcr did yea low your gto on hsllawieb t actom aonlinuai to be the but market inthe county niw subscribers to the fnu pum got the balance of the yr ute thxhi are 109 persons employed in manu facturing leather and leather goods tu acton i bxtebal cows hare been ronning at large lately the constable should im pound them election time is drawinglnear and citiaens are speculating u to who will ait at the council board next year tsa next sitting of the fourth division court will be held in matthews hall on the 10th inst commencing at 980 am me ajibau blauftcr has purchased from mr w h storey tho vacant lot on elgin btreet opposite mr john kenney s prop erty tk tailoring business will no doubtbe lltely fa london the rfwrtsaer says the telephone posts look well in their new coats in another column will be found a card of thanks from mr vt e adams to those who assisted in subduing tho fire last thursday morning the family of dr foritar arrived yester day we trust theyi will bo pleased with oar little town and will soon be oomfortably settled in their new homej wxwonlq again inform our advertisers that changes of advertisements must bein bytuesdayjst noon otherwise ther will be left over until the next week majuaulii hotel hornby east waaconi sumod by firs last wednesday night the fire was first discovered in the roof of the kitchen there is some insurance on the furniture tax port elgin busy 7w baa discarded its patent inside and eight page orm and now appears as a four page home paper in new type we hope the jsiujf tima will profit by the cnanee mb e h weaver foreman of the berlin oaiy aors died last week he had heen conuecttd with jje area for eight years and was regarded ia the highest csteam by his employer aod acquaint auces tns next examuiatibn for the admission of pepils to ihe oakville high school will be held on weduesday and thursday the 2 1st and 23od days of december at the hour of nine iu ihe morning of each day candidates should notify the head mister x j willwood esq dakville p o without delay of their tateution to present themselves for examinatioa testekdats hamilton spertctor credits us with the following money often leads men astray some of them will run after a dollar but a hound dog is more avaricious he wiu foliowabenl acton free press yoamistake bro camerou our paragrapher didnt catch that pun nor did it appear in our colnmos we dont want credit for aoouiers wit thank you ma j ci hill is making arrangements for the erection of a shop and residence on the lot between bis fathers shop and mrs swans property the shop will be about 20 x u feet in size and two slorys high mr hill will occupy the ground floor with his tin and stotejusfness butwhat heiii tends to do with the residence we are un able to say a poor youth named scranston wlo was employed as stove blacker in a foundry in hamilton received a fetter from dublin last thursday informing him that he had fallen heir to 10000 sterling in bard cash besides three or four splendid warchduses- in dublin and several valuable buildings in london epgjlaswelfas a country estate thje next day for the old cdunlry receive his legacy i r- rersosuits j l dr morrow removed to guelph this week mr alfred boomer ofiuiwood was in town on friday masterjohnfulljames of palmeratoa is visiting his friends in acton beygvv calvert of st catharines made his acton friends a short visit hut week mr percy secord returned home on sat urday evening after a six weeks visit with toronto friends at pe arsons actbtf ont in our grocery department we would especialfy wiah to call attention toj our large stock of ohoioe ts codsistlngof buclw tonng hyaotui jata hysom uucolorcd japans gunpowder japan dmt vc about different varletiee to choom from- at prices that will wtoniah you qualify considered all of which we guarantee if not as represented money refunded ik sugars we have porto elco yellow refined grocers a granu lated cat loaf and icing v coffees rio jaf a mocha etc ground in the premises fresh and delici ous ttry them t03ac0sprldce r wales so 1 twin jfavr vtc myrtle ary t b kapoleon favorlle gold flake victoria fine cat and all other brands in soaps we bare adoxen different brands in laundry and toilet cheap bice barley ssgd tapioca raisins currants soda ball bine button blue and keens oxford in iquarcs spices all kinds starch common silver gloss and lilly white extracts hair oil castor oil canary and hemp seeds pickles sauces vinegars syrups and molasses etc c salt in barrets small bags for table use bcon lard herrings boneless fish ix ca vned goods we have in stock and ordered canned corned beef salmon sardines lobsters mackerel trout codfish pears peaches tomatoes peas beans com o blocking stove boot flax seed prunes nuta almonds filberts walnuts brazil in fact everything usually kept in a firstclass grocery in woodenware- coureson the second advent next supdat erening we dehrre jt is the intention to eenfioe these aiconrsks to the evening service they tfih he jtlustraled twitb eharla the ooarterly service will be held next siandsy morning commencing at 100 l thiuie wlilgito the firat bisseries of die- ingtyleias it baa shodii any more thoogbts ifusfct aronnd it wuope they will be teniierihy to avoid anytblng like ferment in the minds of onr colenjs we trust the matter will proseat ho further if it ahoold we fear that some of them might become xnuateattd with pnle or tiaety pens and ink fancy gopdi wehavejdst receitccl from measra k w ayer t son pliiladfilpliaa a copy of iheir- xewspiper annual for 16s1 the book contiini a compiete list of all the newspapers pabliabed in the united btates tnd ctnad a giving the circulation of each and alto the adteriising rates the annual jusl issued ia the most exhaustive directory of aihericaii newspapers ever issued by thia firm and we hare no hesitation in say ing- that it iahuperior to that- published by any other firm- the volume ia exceeding- y well got up is printed on extra fine paper and bourd in nrstclan style it will be indispensible to extensive advertisers and newspaper publishers 1 thberin advocate in ti report of erin show bays the actoi braes band ar rived about noon aqd made the air ring with their beantifnl and wmonious strains of music- thisband which took first priee the otier bndstht had entered failing to put is an appearance has won golden laurels we have wash tuba butter tubs brooms whisks brashes scrub blacking and clothes clothea pins ac 0ue h ahd waee r department contains axes atngle double triple and inserted steel adzes crosscut saws hand saws frames patent saw handles cow halter trace tug and pog chains ropes manilla hemp jute and 8iaal different sixes spades forks hoes shorels rakes 4d in bcilders srpplies we have cot nails all sixes brought kails finiah- ing nails so locks hinges all kinds brads ic paints boiled and baw otis turpentrae vusiahes japans class putty machine oil coal oil files iall sizes copper birete lr borrs hemp rubber and soap stone packing guns ievohers hay knives skates whips lanterns childrens swing and trapeze powder shot caps etc wo have als a nice assortment ot i o knira forkt spooni butclter kniva seutort and in fact an innvmirablt lot of thintji uhick ire have not tpace iu mention our crockery department is now very sompleta we have a lot of the new sad host fashionable tea setts in stone and china fancy batters and teapots you ought to icc then 0la3sware a large stock cheap lamps t lamp gloat chimheyt e all of chicli vt art offering at right pricet hcomc and see ut and jadee or yourselves igreat push iti fall and winter dres goqlsl this m it special lilltes ocs3c40000001wooooooococcoaoooooooo m0oc4sec4h0oooo0o tdt worthy the attervtion of closest buyers ricels range from 35c tt95c gorgets j b pearson the fall shows groceries groceries groclrie3 if you want provisions provisions provisions hand competitions dnrfng the smnmer and judging from their efforts here on fair day we behove they are justly entitled to gank as firstclass the people of anton deserve exeoratieit if they fail to give their band encouragement and support we are happy to he able to say that our people do take an interest in their vulage band and today feel just cauiofor being proud el thejn v i r 1 isr another column will be fcmid eynotlce of the deattrof ntiffljatrsftfejbr auntie fife ail she was moyefiimnltrly known whbwaafnrinanyjesn ajmient of this village hetifothernd herself resided is the house on jjqwerjvenue now occu pied hjkwjbiitjj fte brother died effvbyeara egpefhe ripe old age of 9l7sti fchicethbj fane the oldad iajmvai jiendhi thlgvilfe afl taken to shelburne to live with mr eenry yemen ormerjyot this tillage she was respected by all who knew her many asda la thistjonitt will be pained to learn of her decease the psised away at the extraordinary age of m years cheaf good groceries provisions glassware crockery call and inspect the 8tock op oooooooqooooqoooooxmo we p browi oc03cocoocoocoooooooooockockocockkxoocoocxooocc berork pcbohasixo elsewh1ee thtuatfttt lot of orocerlet tho boot aooortod lot of orocairloo tho ohoapoot lot of oroeorioo highest price paid for butler and egg id0ht mistake the stand j w mann doxt forget the celebrated 50 cent tea glassware glassware glassware w p brown acton ont money the undersigned hss money at his dispos al for diseoanting ond endorsed notes at a reasonable rate of discnant james matthews acton may 10th 1881 oir metbed of tesehiog wateltthe prc- l cresk of oar stu dents i vestlcate onr claim to have the most tftoroagli and practical scliool in canada and before ipeodldg yonr money satisfy yourself tnflttbe bimia asiericai cohmemcul col- letlk tokoxto isihelaeetdleatn easiness 7blnstitrtion onvrseoonl advabinreato voohinnen ara dents enter at any time for circular and specimens of penmanship address 4e betrhary j foesalk stav8 headliipact6rjrcktiri shops and beftsttettc 5 o jiy tbe subscriber offers tjgr ssje isopertf situated in ihe enterprtsjrigyillaf e utacton north of the ot railway v property is com posed ol four acres which urinated slave and heading paetory containing flrst- elas tnartlnery and in excellent order two cooper annpsj rear sheds comfortable brick jttoiiinfwndiood stable the iroiiertr is convenient for shlpplngand a largo business las eeen qone in the prenlses dorlng the past 15 years whe property will be sold ontht eiostllberalterma apply on she premises or u acton p oto ajtonbept7lblwl jbooates proprle toilet soap pntjcils fajtfunnry crook ery cr00kery crockery corsets 1 ahothir lake stock 0 i and other makes to and this week we can give tlio cheapest ani- bea values ia ooasfits ia biaea from 11 ta 34 n hughes griffin eradford j b williasiaoa the liqn guelph all pits ill sizet eonney son moltv st aoton hare just received splendid assortment of fallanif tlijnter booics tho best valuo evor offorod to the peoolejof aotoajuid vicinity so boftns prices adyertiged but genuine article offered at prieei defynk competition eebtswith despatch and f the very beat material iwehavilalao a sice aasortaei all good told ohoapfarj dolls etcf during this m extraordinary value in black grot grain dtfcu wfcffet if mpfjsipctrmsjrom 75 cextt t 8 pea yard mprtd sijit umg joois at forty five cent per jard j i iv a i i we are apso appointed iole ajxsinta ttlwioiajiilufps purejaadramnpfipt t ww jti hsviifx aaimmenjsb aala aiirlyladiab oodbr for- a qiulii0o6a weariaff mk auonld sea thean lt- m i y i ivif blaqk imantle velvets imposfeimtectemifoirfl festsji yaeye our tgi kbrali of dre3b goods mbf ericontarjed stt manlt lovei akdlijifiant odem 48 this seas on mm atrte4ixamua vi 4 u runs rxjta wav i lai ly ill theuoi taretatrfpeaueisnlitera v i tm mi tpi wit i sbifa miutimsueeeu expeciaiiontladieti tieimdeani we never v our ql ywimiir- i m weotterlagtatet oi- fi ti mjxaxeeipr m w ioehpe anijyrices bemaxk r m- ivfv a ofev ryolaasioueliesfi pi i i m wi i 5ii i lt haautsohji im ttaaiuba i isil 1 4p- i isr

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