Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 3, 1881, p. 4

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fi vil fiitraidef ikavroo kot 1bsj wtsftjl tommytit uwa tsvfoid tilth tw ik before lus wing feather ware stroo tin going to fly nud that lituc cbit fm iis longer weak qor wo young ill fly sohil skybigb well nigh than in lroed on bit brother tom titts i lk all of pride and imadain hj tthf tisu be tiutugly twits tho biv u he fit n so in 7 pahd o to try toijt o by- i know bow every dickjsybird bie i tlkyspread their uili and wings jut to then lookiugrouud with wideawake eyes tucr peri their beads ad off the go ill by jo high i v fm ijfftloodbje from his long roaod home he plunged away aid hcatilr wl to thfrrtounjl lie dismally cfeirpt then tilot lay no mote to chirp with sound er vp oing to fly pp up to high flis urothef thook vith istrime fright to see iitoad tom tits awful fall aiwleacli reaalved toauaoffer such plight- cvtr w leave the neai at all or tot to try taoen to fly tteoaki swurintv j a sabbats school lesson wis about swearing nd when the children had repealed their verses the minister rose to talk to them l hope dear children to said 1thst yoa will never let oat lips speak profane irords bat now i want to tell j oo about kind of swearing which i heard a good woman spent about not long ago j she called it wooden swearing itv a kind of wearing that many people beside children art given to when they are angry irataad of prinr tent to their feelings in oaths they alam the doors kick tio chairs isurop oa the floer throw the fnmitore about and make all tba noise they possibly can isnt liia just the same as swearing f mid she its juatj the earue kind of feeling exactly onir they do not like io say those awful words bat they force i be furniture to make the noise and bo i call it wooden bteajring itope deercbildren that job wilt not do any ofthia kind of swearing either it u belter to let alone wooden and all other kinds of swearing 1 j i tftefef ejwest styjjes ofr mhxikery at jbe bight lrti5 fesjui uf tar dav ot w bm uff of urk mot iotbelr otmort bnr in wttjnf ontlntjh peru ofihe deep special w the ubjoigo lii inter ocean the world renowned iwitntuer captiapaul boyntoo in an interview with newipaper correspondent at the teasbore reuled the following incident in hn eirienoe reporter obtain boyalon yoa must hurt wen a large part of the world i cauuiii boynton yes air by tbi fon pin tte li particular to hare nu wnoun noodi dyad by 1hb bbbt dvblifi ltthb wobu nio diai aid of my rubbr ufesarini dreaa i i f 01j wrwud perfectly tut itadiot beaulilol blue and jat blaokiand an fully 10 per mai bitiffiie thj have itivlkd over 10000 mile on the fift- k bo h wuij d gje much liner 0abmfea in be so incbwldtnathat he eu in u 1 inch dih ffi sukmba oualltim of saunai bilk velvet plubw bibboni ueea anjd tb erylttl best carpeh uu m m he keep thew in both m and inch wldthvaodiitetmuoh liner caibmefea in be so inob wldtbathw bican in the- r i iwi a phmne- have h far lm rioh n0t vu mll bawuuful atook of kkjbnca puwbr8 tbii leaeon ttatto erir had i nvure of atnerwa and ehrope have fe i mofmom it back wbiu and aluhe new color end tdd tyl al tssnssmz vtimti 81 ml hu alack cashmbrsa are djidby tti oilebrated j the only ljitareiql end tweiuohbwdlitwmmilmaa tlise attbrn boeecobt hyfr broneutu udootrbaa dfttu- of 0 kidoeya jjarroai debultjf ail leaf to- i catbar when tba 0ntltrticd4 catarrh remedy it taken ai dlraeterl jnce ii perbottle for b all rottiti i and medloina dealer i rfigsxcla88 pbesswijilekll anp 4ppreht1cem wasted gam thomas c watkins hampltok also ben prraeuled to the ci owned head of england fraiutt germany auatrta belgium italy holland spain kud portugal pd have iu jxiy possea- tion forty two medals and decoration i haye thiee tiruo received the order of knighthcod and been elected honor- dry member of conmiituiegcliib8 and societies reporter were any of yoor trips accoiuiiuied by touch danger 1 captain boynton that depends upon thst you may call dangerous during uiy trip down the rlrer tagus in spain i had lo shoot one hun dred snd two waterfalls the highest uving eighty five fest and innumerable j maltojbps tx aim dytpepsii iridiratioc loss of appetite inteninal an muidk crosting the strait olilessina dlaeasea coaxtipation nausea chronic diarrhcea cholara infanlum and moi had throe ribs broken in afight with mi uouw3 wluch tmmllr arise from the omch sharks and coming down the boinane 50 cents for 48 doses or about i cent per dose 1 r bottles oootaiiing 1 1 ots with dote measure attached y cents for sal by all caemaits tbrooghout the dominion avoid taking liqaids of any sort more tban is absolutely neewsary to quench thirst s the excessive use of liquids is the cause of half the dyspepsia in the world mtltopopsy is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the- stomach the actual gastric juice prescribed by the leading physicians throughout the dominion in their regular prac nee maltopapsyn is also used to a ar extent in hospitals dispensaries and infirmaries maltopepsyn rftaistbrbo at ottawfa an aetifioial gastric juice this is not s patent thedicinefsecret remedy the formula ja printed on the labels ached to each bottle a river in france i received t charge of shot from an eicitod and startled huntsman although all this was not very pleasant and might be termed dangerous i fear nothing more on my trip tban intense cold for ss long as my limbs sre free and easy and not cramped or benumbed i am all right of jate carrr a stock of st jacobs oil in my little boat the captain calls it baby- mine and baa stored therein signal rockets thermometer compass provisions etc and i have had little tioubie btfore stirling out i rut myjelf thoroughly with the urticle and il sction 60 the muscles is wonderful from oonrtant eiposore i m somewhat subject to rheumatic pains and nothing would ever benefit me until t got hold of- the great ger- jiian remedy why on my travels 1 have met people who bad been suffering with rheumatism for years by my dvice thay tried the oil and itjcured them tworild sooner do without food for days than be withoat this remedy for one hoar in fact 1 would not uttempt a trip without it i use caslonne machine oil for all kinds of machinery it is euwexcellent for harness or leather malting it water and weather proof pecuieii of tutiaoilals recbveo from phyiieum waiaci n s oct 41880 the maltopepsya wis given in a marked and distressing case of indigestion with lb ajost rapii pleasing and beneficial results z v kempton m d athloxi oxt jan so 1880 the maltopepsyn i obtained from von has far more than answered mr antidpationi raving tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i found it to act like arm c mckenka m v caussav okt jan 1m1 i have used your maltopepsyn in severe cases of indigestion and malnutrition i tdults and diarrhcea of children and am 16 well pleased with the results that 1 have la itracted my druggist lo keep a supply on hand t wreade m d i 1 athloke ost dec after giving your mahopepirn a trial in some of ray worst eases for ecommended i am well pleased with the r in which it acts continue to make a toe- irticle like that now in use and it will be a universal favorite r hamilton m d jo 1b80 which it hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j ejatogabvtn acton mriee t toua ittn kever use a ladys nams in anim- projier puce or at an improper time or in mixed- conipany iterer make- assertions about her that yoa think arc untrue allnkiuns that yoa feel she herself would blush to hear wheu ycu meetwitb men who do not scruple to make nee of a womans name in a rtckless and unprincipled manner shun i them for tbey are the vety worst members of the community men loet to every sense of fconorevery feeling of humanity many a good and worthy womans character has been forever ruined and bar heart broken by a lie concocted by boom villain and repeated where it should not have been and in the presence of those sboae judgment could not deter them from circulating the fool report j a slander is aoon propagated a ad tee smallest thing de rogatory toj womans character will fly on toe wings of wind and magnify as it circulates until its ruonstrom- weight crnsbea the pborunconsciout victim i k boys boys if- youiook into the early life of fruljr belpfnl men those who make life easier and npbler to those who obme i after them you will almost invariabkfind that ty lived purely in thedinwtbeir youth mc early lrfe the bfain thwh abounding i in ngor is sensitive and very suscept ible to injuryjand hm to such a degree that a comparatively brief and moderate indnlgenoe in vicious pleasure appears to lowet tha tone and impair both the delicacy and eniciency of the brain tor jife this is simply the truth of science poor memory absentmind edoesa lack of iapplicatioii indolemce ghiftleameav and a hundred other symptom indicate bad habita ob the beauty and benefit of parity oh i the fouiues and calamity of virions indulgences i a jonpg biddeford man propoaed for the band of a beautiful girl lately as he besitaled ebout replying he aid 1 i await your answer with bated vetb the girl wbo i a good deal at humorist said j well mr man you will baye to bait yoqri broatti with something beaidjs high wine and umberger oheflaafjo catch jyotir humble errant good asfening 1 1 said mrs8mith jvbo ihad come to pend thediy ia little with are 50a glad to aee me gsin edith t iautbv yea m and iowmina fsuiaof fca smubla bet jedft- roetn 1 be aid rile wpes yv- ejotjitwlf aod b ve it 8tjaritb long enough to sand- lo the nearest stationer wholesale by brown broa coronio itanufacturers of beapett mowers sndtbreshingafachinery prefer torine machine lit to any other itwill oetwear lard seal and plephanl and is warranted not to guro tjiose of the gentle ur who have ex perienced the pain and annoyance caused by excoriated nipples and in flamed breasta can well appreciate the value ot a remedy which removes the trouble this is precisely what pr tbomaa eclectrie ou doea besides ca ing when used internally asthma croop and other maladies fc m eihittowarkworlb writes- for weeks i was troubled with a swelled ankle which caused mp much pain and annoyance mr llaytjee of this place recommended dr chomas eclectrie oil for it 1 tried it and before one bottle wunsed i was cored it is an article of great value 0teatt it isoommonly said tbst yoa cannot make an honest man believe that whiter u black and vw veeu but those who hare grey hair by using tbe cisoiini haa batawaa jrill find that this lp- pareut difficulty is easily overcome for sale by j emcgarvin 50 cents per bottle best tad caaanrt u ke sawerla browns household panacea has ho equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures pain in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago sod any kind ot a pain or ache it will most surely quicken thsnlood and heal ar its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other i elixir ot liniment in the world should be in every family handy for us when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and fains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent a bottle new coods i our new tweed suitings at 20 cents our new costume cloths all shades at 20 cents out new plaids stripes to match for trimmings our new girdles fringes and tassels to match our new satins plushes and- moires to match in our millinery room under the charge of hiss kllis will be- found the most magnificent rang of new tasteful designs in telvet plusbi and beaver bonnets and hats our vari ety of fethert in stockis moat attractive and quite conservator of flowers ladies invited to visit ourshow booms tbe very low prices charged foe our goods cannot fail to be recognised by ladies who baye heard the quotations asked in tbe city i oar black bad colored jackets and dolmans have had our special bare in selection are tbe correct styles and our prices are the cheapest in the city j the range of frilling ribbons laces glovea ornaments buttons ties scarfc hosiery and staple goods is worth inspection big bargains 1 ji lots of iigdt dat and sight fall toves stsbvei ib jgto iktimateto vabm eb and otheb8 that i aij just laying jh my fall stook of stoves 4c ko and having pnrohasad the same before tbe rei in prices km prepared all atsooh prioe that defy pm petition tboae in watit of fibst class gtvb or anything id my line will o4n- sult theirown epteseau bjjr gifing me a call before purchasing elsewhere so thing but firstclass articles kept h stock and sattfactipn guaraoted job work in fll ua bnuekea au kinds of truck taken in ex- change for goods j eemembbll thbstaijd sign ef tbe lamp mill su actob geo havlll scton sept 22 big lot of new millinery big lot of new glottis 5 big lot of beadymade clothing- and overcoat bib lot o jfeiir dress oooda bb lot of new winoeys jbbj lo t of new cottons big lot of new prlnte bin lot of new boots big lot of new carpets j b lot of new flannels bijr lot of new fanoy goods big lot ofnew hosiery and qlorea in fact is one of the biggest houses and stocks and tha cheapest in the west we wifi give bargains in every department gent oar drdared clothing departnlent is one of fhe beat in the county 3oqd fit and low priies i ladles- perienoe ability l sghlnery and mantle department is smjeitetendedtjyalady of ex- courtesy i i j we cordially ihate tbe public to patronize oa as we will do the trade well for them ammoth house icolod anderson sc co georgetown black oashmeree the cheapest in ouelph wm stewart 0 e merchant tailcr 1um st acton oomplftw new mock of eptllah irlah scotch and oanvtilan tweeda and worsted fjr suit and oywcoata tyllk0ut and plrfoet fit ouarantctd prices rcaaoaablc r e nelson the photographic art heilwniyt puu and oinlmenl rheumatism and gout these purify ing and soothing remedies deserve the earnest attention of all persons liable to gout sciatica or other painful asectiops of the- muscles nerves or joints the ointment should be applied alter tbe affected part bar been patiently fo mented with warm water when the unguent should be diligently tubbed upon tbe adjacent skin unless the fric tion causes pain holloways fills should be simultaneously taken lo dim inish pain reduce inflammation and purifythe blood this treatment abates the violenceand lessens tbe frequency of goat rheumatism and all spaamodio diseases which spring from hereditary predisposition or from any accidental weakness of constitution the ointment checks tbe local malady while the fills restore vital power- c whill 1 t j now better prepared than ever to execute artistic photographs of every style and description at the moat reasonable price satisfaction always given frames mottoes stereoscopic views c always in stock in great variety walnut gold and bdstlc frame supplied to order on short notice take a look at kit rindoc full f samples of au kiddi splendid dock of frames for the holiday trade call o w hill speight son undertakers furniture dealers waggon isatazsttjctoeers the great rusnlts which nave attended tbe regular nse of quinine wine by people of delicate constitution and those affected with a general prostration of the system speak more than all the words tbst we can say in iu behalf this article is a true medicine and s lifegiving principle a perfect reno vator of the whole system invigorating at the as me time both body and mind it medioal properties are 1 febrilnge tonic and anfiperiodie hbp doses frequently repeated strengthen tbe pulse oreate an ppelita eoabje you to obtain refreshing sleep and to feel and know that everyfibre and tissue of your system is being braced and renovated in ihe fine qninlnei wire prepartd by borthrop 4 lyman toronto we have toe exacttonic required j end to person of weak siod nerrous oonstitptions we wonld sayneyr te without cfcotttei rtbous husoldbyalldhgials a sound mind in a healthy bod v th okt roman idea of the highest degree or nspylness the una rale the roost ikbiexettoy creates anarchy la the lihrsleal avstera costtvenesa stllonsness jlxilneas and batt taste in the mouto yellow utln and eyes toes of appetite loss of enerxy and low spirits pains in the back and side wind and foul stomaeh au there create bad gbays specific medicine jheoreatwrnharihetnady ym onntfltng rnratbrremlnal weakness spermawrrnea impolenoy and audiseasts tnat follow as a sequence of selrabuwlaslosa or mem- ory universal lassltndsjald lta the bank dlmneaaoi vls- loo premature om age and blood eefnlale the bowla8iomach liver bejoi taifllb y olh plseasea that and kidney wlthzopaaayromtlraal try insanity orconhr sl0enisampleandakjourdmggutje we de- 1881 11881 u- e f i 1 mi l m ti x ale board stables mill street acton i where yon can get firstclass rigs j at reas0mable bates sood commercial rigs v3 vi m 1 r anexpresjs delivery wajjon will meet each expreib train and deliver good to any part of ihe town t all parties indebted to this ea- tablishment- are requested o pay up without further delay and save coat bt iiatthe v- prprifjtei i worft tlieir weistit in gold cqrvtn about it catarrh oatarrb orss years standi n- onred jby constitutional catarrh btmedp oropllnalnthethrutalmottoehok- inr headache pains in hhouldenhack and kljneys and nritlre breaalng dotvn r the tsyatetn cored by constitutional catarrk eemedy a cooh or lentyllve years stanani cored by comutuuoual caturrh rm- citarrbwlth tttopptnga in the tb of kl ystfe sire losend tree hy mall to evfry ooe istthe 8 peel 00 mfdldnc is sold by all droi- sliltt at 100 per package or hi package for is or will be sent free by rnall on re ceipt of the money by ad dressing ha jy ibueist oe i toronto out canada bold byj k meflarvln lirngglst acton causing ftellnes bl etirnulnulcaidesa palm in the sldt and wtllrneai of kid neys fmmedlauly xellsved seemlnflyoad new by on -itnf- kerne aujf ut one bottle of conriitntlon oaurrh bemtdy j or catarrh of tarty yea ojo tth int madeblm deaf troubles wlthlropplng in tbe ueontting finaflna to the he bueonli letidlbl by usscil constrtotlonl catarrh bo itl had impaired hlsaye- tbrlnat bnstlna id the head kd fetiaibresth dared by constitutional catarrh bemetly i bons or the jnose eaten out memory rnne mind impaired eared by oonslltu- uonslicatarrhpemedy caliiyrhwuheniuloatbanmeatuind antat enred by rour bottles of oooatlta- tlonil catarrh remedy porule by yl ornagtsu i 4- jqtoit habne cattertkinheverv desorrpuon of fnseral requisites of the best qualities sup plied a shortest notice piratcsaas huaai- nmiabed 1 hi j fnrnltpre in our cabmetmaking department we are piepared for i the spring demand parte 8m ttafaa cnt tal j l watccott we have on hand asook of firstolaaa lumbar wagons anddemoerata by ouraelvesfrom uieipateiial which wffl b ao rt ibelws pc h r -ilt- if partleajreqnirl or trnjika tl ig anything in hi rnee save money ahc nw g0to- v atitafii guelph cloth hall announce that nanticiationor a largi trade being done this fall thejbave laidiojenormoustucof j holloways us ufc0mpjbi bls itsdlclss iurtd for itself an imperukabw fame iw of- waruor tie aliaiatfc anal fmosl ditetie tovudiiamaiftit kfir r 7 l the pills purify regulate and improve the qoakjy of the blood tbej asaiet thediieative ogata cleanse thef i stolkach faed bowels increase the aeopetory powers of thet lirjer brace the aerfona eyitem aid thnow into- the obeolatidn th purest elements lor sustaining and repairing th frame t- hotisands of persona have testified l by their use alone tbey have been torw to health and stfeaftb after other meana had srovedano l i the ointment j tk nfhoae bjold in the eure olopen 8orm paid- qloths twbeds tbejenrpjoy a very targe rtejtol hwds and will burder entrusted to their eareprinpuj and wjituhalrnraav good taste al ka taauhrg 1 v eentlenen wluiteid it totheli ataa tagej tq injpeot their nunaoenttaaj ffgooda v ik lthi ill befound lnvaloablt lnerj hoe cold in u c lomeraj bid last ou wwadl omgt old 8or thioata kronchitla and all border dl the throat andcbeaty ia i boouv bheunuuam tinrotsja ip i er kind osktb diseaae manufjkcanredl oal at ftqfeaw i iqwat aubihibmenv oooxp i rkeet london ibd aoht aoi 1 iw 4a vlfa4 siaodsja potiam idcaattteeat taanilwcntandijmilarg jitotrtian

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