Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1881, p. 2

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the free press tmoekdat moaxuio nov 171881 ojr reecwra have no doubt noticed th tmirtivuu made iu the free paws during the lt month a wrjw quantity of new typhis been introduced both lu lbs reeding matter and adveuisuuktita and improvement are being added weekly by whioh our wr ia lircoiniug in m interesting and attractive j the new type iramnllei than llie old oj tha ooostqionee la that e tn thai enabled w give our readers more trading thatterr- with next issue w will commence tbe puu ijcatiorr of i a half aheel supplement so that during the hjliuy seisou out subscribers will not be the loeers but gainers by the increase of advetlising sriace which is required at this time of the vcmr with ihia supplement the pass paess arill give more reading matter and local news than anyiothsr plr itr the cviphty we aiijht buy a stack of clronioj at lo or thrve ciuu each and retire eentiii tliuas worth from fifty cem to two dollars uuke our- subscribers who did not know auy bylter u-lievi- vtiatve wsruit duly givm them a jjjlpl bat paving cheui to uke it but e prefer to if t it stand or fnil on jli own diriu au i wi hjve no duuti whatever thai it wilfhild ita own ituut any chcip curotnoa lu oaticv people to uune subscribers iroprrty offered or town bait site cutied moved by k henderson seconded by m speight that the rv nd councillors campbell speight 4ud rnderaon bo a oomroiuee to piwire pi ma and piwiona of tuwa jiall from james mafilrydt malluryjanil uy the saws before the con noil j and lliat he former ooiuiuiltw bo j dia charged oartud ccuucil then adjmmed- t r i- buy yofihmtjitin by bifllst the exorlilorjay i nlckhr bos t3s 5lt3r btiiiw a large number of onr citiz 08 ba negecled to remove the enow from the aiiwalkv opposite their residences atler the storuiaof the iiat wek k i doubt there are many persons now raiding in the village who are not tare thit there axsti a brlaw of this milpicipilitr compelling them t3 cleauruhe sidewtiks of snow by a fer uin hoar atr each snow lorm and fir their information arid benefit we publiah it as follows lu that every oocnpinl and in case there is no occupant the owner of every house shop building lot or jxrccl of land and every person having charge or care of any chnreh chapel r pnulic building fronting or abutting on any public treetor streets or side walka shall by ton oclock a maiter every fll of snow cause the same to bo en urc ir removed off the sidewalks opposite each house church chapel shop or other building lot or parcel of land as aforeraid 2nd that in cue the enow be not tf moved or the sidewalks made safe and convenient as hereinbefore pro tided by un oclock a m as aforesaid u shall b the duty of anyjniember of this council or of any person appointed by this council for that purpose to cause such now to be removed at the expense of this corporatiw and to give information and proeecuce sucl feranna neglecting to remove the said snow as aforesaid and in such case the fine to be imposed upon such persons offending sh4ll not he leas than tbe ex- pnse so incurred and costs 3rd that it shall be the dutrof tht- corstbla to have bnow opposite ntfident lou removed at the churge of this siunicidilily rnd that thk huui cipaltty fchali assess the ownerf such bit or lot for said charges spr trust that our citizns will en deavjor to comply with lb above and not cjiupfl the constable to urlcecxctiou against them at he has received in structions to enforce the tylaw in every caie where it is notcomplied whit burroundfd as wo are by destrnclire agents irtinoial i wll as natural the chapter of accidents necessarily oc cupin darge space in the recofd of pbyatoal suffering but for lh j kiud prsvidence that ia a measure shields mankind from the conseqwenoos o their own uegltct rtcklntsuess and brutality that chapter would be much jooger than it is still tht nttiiilwr of human lieinga bniiaed distorted mutilated iud destroyed every year by fprtuituuk cause ia immense unforltinatiily the t isgreally augmented by utiokilfnl trentment limbs are loppl off lameness and idiatortion tuierinduokl ind perpetnalwl sndutwtterable paiu md sorrow- intlicud iu thountidj of csfs where the applicjition of the iroper rrutdy would have prevented uclt utneiublu conaequencea j but xclatms the iifipenenod render is the proiier remedy 1 every uirgeou has hia pet theory his peculiar tvle of practice tbe fictilty disngne who thet to be trusted t viuwer let the preponderance of testi mony decide the rjneatton that pre ikindersiice is ia ftvur of holliwa oititmentas the beat and safest dress ing for wounds bruises burns scalds nd every species of external injury to which humanity is liable we bav- examiuad tht subject- iu two hhts the light of unduestiinablfl evidence from foreign souices jind the light of personal experience we find that during the campaign of the crimea lioth in the stationary hosiillals at gallipoli and scutari and in he am bulances at the seat of war the qinl raent wis uaed with the happiest effort aa a dressing for sabre cuta bayonet pnnctares and gunshot wounds this is hutory the french and kiigliih surgeons admit the fact nd the governments of both nations have we understand authorized the purchase of large quantities of the preparation for army purposes but in addition to the proofs of its effiiy derived from abroad we have the testimony of our own senses we fcuotc that it rapidly reliever the agony of contusions cuis dislocations frar- tares and other injuries of the fleshy fibre bones muscles and integuments allays the immediate inflammation and prevenu the fever which tinder ordin ary treatmen frequently supervenes il has also been applied in this rtgion with striking benefit in cases of stiff j lints and similar affections our purpose in this article ii to touch especially upon its unparalleled nsefulnsss iu all cases of injury arising from accidental canaei and to recom mend thatnt be kept on band where vev casualties of this kind are to be sppre handed itd western settler no traveller by und or waur no railroad station no steamboats medicine cheat no family household should bewithoui it bmfalo commercial advertiser but nothing nbre wfllbe heard ot tht hur mm facta abent ear itarlaih maai kuson street jrallw j orositafvldge o j jsswi mdm w 4l tunnel till another i an is killed thare hiljparoaiii aoamunhmlon in utt ittni at the iakiuleishmdani we ooulfl twl butlwoih lr wjiat taadard w aimed t mam lbs fll jil allow an anonymotit oorrcsaonrivnt to wad our county teachers ajaociatlob a sink of iniquity oufcouaty mouj school ausc- vu affair aud lo niak an tufercnai to the uveot that ur eiteetfied nfl respected couuty inspsrtdr was bouil by the gift of a gold watch to beoomo a man reafly to carry cut llie designs of thu aisoclallou bj protecting iti member to the detriment of other iwouldbs teacuera then we must conclude that the itaadord aimed at la a qbttie 4000vnt very lowaad dlagracelul one lsdctd had there borti sriyprtvioui charges whntavsr either publiq or private againit elthar the teachtra assoclalton iddel school or impcctor or had the correspondent written dterliiicwn name the case would have been dhtercuiand tha editor of the sltwdutd petliaps justified in admitting the commuulcaltoti tohla columns flilbtabem wahtsw paruos 80ita oo to 1 v uu hh nndersimiiu vqiitk v mn tha odderalgned will bt isliojaaws betel aotoo arery toeidky to ajula aceoouu t db elmoekow ooalph not 1st 1881- j tefcwffwui f from or otra eorrvapoikiffli measrs black fliba well known in kasaagawnya have bought a ranch of 160 actea for 3500 in montana tley have been living at helena in that territdiy v a number of charivari bora of l cmnpliellvvlle hare lift the village in order to escape justic- we understand that a number of them hive bciu stimmoced to appear before tbe magis te i rev h h mcphernou has accepted the call to halifax and will preach lib- farewcl sermonbere ou the brut sen day of december prof cidieux tho rcnownd tcru ifrance lcturer is eijiected to lectutv ere in decemier i ned i the bile mclilux in acuiq on ih i9th tint vvillie on of mr jimea ilclcllao aced 3 yeira and 5 moutua cimrnos on scmuythe i3th inat the infant son of kor m c cameron bd udton aged 2 weks tod 4 auya arcriovsall kfftlstkb fainivkov 25aqction sale of fannitock ituplemeuta tc beloofring to the estate of the lateipelcrcole lot 29 con 6 esqaeaioff sale to commence at twelve 0cloek positively no reserve v mcmitrect anctiooeek i tcstdar kov 29 chancery sale o real eatate in the village of acton and 8py aide at campbelli hotel acton sale to coalmence at one oclock wm hem- street auctioneer ietoa village oeuael j the eiuncil met ou tuesday evening purauint to adjournment rfve iiu the cbtir present meaars d herr- demon il speight and dw cuip bell p tbe finance committee prcsentel ieu- sixteettth report and room mended that the following account be paid t chaa t hdl nails flia jc if ittnews repairing aidewalki 200 dynea building sidewalks 8000 jno lewir preparing bylaw 10jjo totai 5i8 fivei by d henderson seconded byp w gimpbell that the report of the finance coinmittee be adopted cirrw j moved by d henderson seconded bydw cmtibell that thn reaigna timlitf w h storey be acoepted mned by m sprigiii seconded by di jw cjnpvlvtfcat he beevej be inatroeted lo go to milton to get an ttaot of title of mrs adams jiro chstrigt doings a bius of lattrestma items aatbarsd rreapondanta aa4 exeanaaa from correapondanta uul writ tor tha ad written ap m palacabta form benefit of our readers ktwx miurr vnite theat j 1 26 to 1 2 treidwell olj i to i 28 spring wheat glaagcw oid 1 26 to i 31 red chaff pen oau barley rye ega per dor batter dairy packed batter rolls fotatoea new per baa dressed hoga wool 1 17 to 1 23 0 70 to 0 76 0 3s to 0 41 0 62 to 0 s8 0 ss to 0 88 0 18 to 0 21 0 19 to 0 21 0 20 to 0 27 c 75 to 0 85 75 to 7 5 0 23 to 0 25 mings quebec btmp knos uhurom quelph fur parlor buikjj double atuff- ed in hair kaw silk or repp goar anteed and at buttoni piioxa i a oall solioiled before purchasing elsewhere muat aay iti the nioeet thing i ever tied or tha teeth and breath says every one haviug tried tusirrv the new toilet fen out 5 eeut sampla 1 that is 37 cheap at f earaotia ctou confrolionery mince meat nata etc pure and fresh at the excelsior ekery hats from 75 conli to 125c at jfyfes a delicious and moat refreshing toiuo ii pearsons flesh ground un adulterated coffee a good felt hat for 75 cenuat jfyfvi wedding and christmas cakes made to order at shorteat notice e nickliti tson new stovltof 8ute jost reoeied at j 0 hills oo to pearsons for the latest and tnoat faahiunabla design in tea setts seitch english i and canadian sailing in sreat raritty at the east end clothtoitore j fyte acton for first class eavetroughing ap- plv tojc hill mantles christie henderson k cib stock of ladies light and dark mantles just received these goods ire from the beat makers and cottiprise full range of prices they will be told cheap ladies raso ilea newest styles at christie henderson 4 co fresh buns snd ckea of every description large and small cheaper thinyon can bake them at the excel- nior bakery e ntckliu 4 son wixcets coraietenl jndgea pro nounce our 12jc wincey extraordinary value exauitfta it compare it and you will be sure to buy it winceya from 5c up at christie henderson t cos hauwabe in great variety cutlery a urge stock kaih hinges etl cheap it pearsons suittand overcoats at extremely low rates and made ia latest atylea be sore to call and iee them j pyfe acton maxtle oetvakexts mantle cloths silk and stin trimmings at christie henderson t co bare value oysters fiesh oysters in bulk constantly on band at tbe excelsior bakery nicklin 4 8on fanct wool good christie henderson co have rsorived and will open in a few days an immenae stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of tbe latest designs and shades these good are extremrly handsome and will be sold at very closest prices mcquillan 4 hamilton of the tendon up to tbe cfcth lust or tha office of oaretaksr of aotoj fomie kchool for the year 1882 the dirties ol saijl offloer may be isaruod by applying to ff p moobi5 bootytwia bok o trasteaa 1 anton sobaol sivitlra aoton nov th b81 miptloni cokdcctss nbar c e w a st ammai charchj keuu daring tbe 8 days insn fcirfsj rot 27ujodc 4ti hcimiti her r serrfces boitnov 27 hrstin advent holy oommnoion atiftso momlqg and oven ing aervtces u uaal nbitev cetvhilootnu wfllpreaabin 8t johns cfcurobbockwood in bi af ternoon wmk drnyii litany ou wednesday and friday at 10 am an addreaa to oommonioaou every afternoon miaaiox mnmio an birmoa eaeh eran- ing at 790 whmjtafouowiajuboowul bo taken up monday t8f van to dm sainlmw f uoadiy bopentanoa 4 faith we- neaday 8ft prayer ttauriday l-vcn- version the sshfts life friday i ai- suranca of salvation saturday 8f the lords servioo sunday hiaen sandar cretra akkcts 325to3 flour nhitewheat ireadwu springwheat olaafow bed chaff oau peas rarley itye efrua per dot batter dairy picked baiter rolu potatoes new per buah rireased hoes woot i 24 to i 2h 1 24 to 1 27 1 26 u 1 29 1 20 to 1 22 0 37 to0 46 0 70 to 0 81 0 7b to 0 87 0 86 to 0 91 0 18 to 0 21 0 18 to 0 21 0 20 to 0 27 0 80 to 0 86 7 00 to 8 00 0 23 to 0 25 beeeawjwr 4th celebration of holy communion at 10jo ajn morning and evening s sa usual children a service si mo pjh ad dreaa to young i ten at a pm w pioott incumbent 1ai w orien wnju gitb spbgial bab- gftlne itr qroolijr and qlabware of all kinds durfngftbe next tfn daya tea set stoao chita 44plfoe8 ilb ouaa tea sots i4 pieces from 4 50 to 6 50 chambn seta 9 rfewp tone oliina 2 00 tjlaisteaseforbooefttb j all tb ltttetrt style la chaisnw m at bottom pribetv i i in ocr grocery departments we have all grades in sugars from icing up to 12 lbs for 100 a fewohests of that famous 50 cnt t left broom at bpeetaltr fjjr c s 4on rtib brtulief fcr uc4picklmuhowhhowaldlauiyeiiintuy lake harwa berrtnri fcy the deten r barrel palls toim wash boards btpes and every twnfc ttsnatly kept la a irstlass craeerr will m sam a hwtioia prices alhuaeu of prerttloiu kept coostouy q hand caahaalderrrodaee y- mtaeirlveaeaeauaaddbhlmaeootchaaee a w creen j ip in the high gourtof justice chancery division pannant to an ardor dstad the soth day of september 1881 and made in a oaase of adama v adajaa then will bo obarod for aalo by poblio aootioo at oamabatta hohl ia tka village ofiactonr in theooaaty of hal too on tlu rrsatyjuati fis of tfmmbsx at tba hoar of pat oclock i the afteraeoa bt wk anutbirr apenojua the followiea vorj4asirahla ptoporty tlrrtly villas lota sambere 20 21 22 and 23 on stain btnot tar tb saiowil lae of acton i these lota are fenced io one block and erected tberoon ia a ooe and a half itory dwelling house about 11x24 feat seeoa4iy lots aamben 8 aad t io bock 17 in too said villas of actoo on these lota wbicb an well fenced aad con veniently aitsited then ia orsctad a good two atnry brick dwellinn hoaoe about 24x31 lilldlw lot number 14 ia jaaaa dickson a rareey ia aaid tillasw rf actoo than ia a staall frana house sboat 11x18 feet oo thia bt ytottltfyjlots numbari 10 aad 12 ia james dickso a aorvey in ac too sach of thaae u a racaait lot ktut- the south eaaterly rart of lottl io block 4 lo the village of aotoa and compkaiai all that part thereof oot hantofore conveyed to the troateea of tho baptiat chnrex and to her majoaty tha qvegt yigeeals 4 splendid line at 900 qneen this s vacant land boti well aad wefbnn marile orka qoelph are jyiitiii noted for giving atiactioo to those favor- vi- 4 n iny than with their orders if yon need ul r oni abt oao anything io their line ba son and remember i lu ln atn nft itmrktnfnr minrvfld ia abraham nexeitt ft is commonly mid that you cannot make an honest man believe bat white is black and vicr vebai but thore who have trey hair by osingthe r sail rexewkr will end that this a p parent difnaulty is easily overcome for ale by j e hcgarrln 60 cents per bottle j street lamps were lit forthe first time in eiora on saturday night messrs bingtman t wilds mrwoda formerly of this village proprietors of the lstowel glove factory have finally decided to remove to berlin i mewml gowdy t moore jjimebonse purchased a few days ago a valuable atrip of pipe laud containing 13acre from lir 1 bbeasey for 2000 the brocklebank farm of 200 acres in the township of squesing was sold iat week under orders of the court of chan cery to the leannont brotliers brampton for tne sum of 10540 a conductor for threatening to remove s passenger ou the toronto grey brace railway who offered a return ticket which- had expired the day previous was fined i y the magistrate 5 for aasault guelfh mercury this is ss it should be railroad onductots shouldnt try to exercise too mnen authority because they sometimes have the chance thieves broke into eobertaons flouring mill on tuesday night snd canied oft two bigi of flour the aconhdrels pitched the biga right through tho window breaking the sash and dais wc would again warn the people of the necessity of keeping a aharp lookout about their premises snd see that doors and windows are securely fast ened as it is well known that a ang of thieves infest the town oskvillestaiuvirtf thomas millar at one time a produce buyer on the gnelph market was found drowned ia tbe river speed on saturday morning he ia supposed to have been under tbe influence o liquor and alien into the river whilexrossujg a dilapidated bridge which spans the river here bis body waa found the hamilton spectator rheumatism ntunlgia sciatica lumbago backache sarencti if tha chttt 6iuiquibijonthroal8mu- inpiatd spraini ban aad icaldt general boiilf j pain tooth ear and hoadatht frothd foot an eon and all etkv palo and menu a pro ratio aa aartb aralaftr iimm ota si tuft nm rlmfu asa skaasr sxtnal bomst k bad math bat ou aotsjanflnlj 5sst baa ay rf at ceats aad avarj aaa iasms wiut jjoivo ban abaap ana poatttta tnat of drug store fcfr purses albums tmrmtiea its bona laaiwapa- 60ld bt ail dauosbtb aid 0subi8 n niiutih juvogeixrco r bahl them tbey do a very large boaineaa con teqaeotly thev are able to giro better tenna and keep better workmen than amaller works send to them for particulars toronto oil co are sole manafactur era of castorine machine oil in fringements will be prosecuted ir yon want a hobby durable and cneap suit- j- fyfes is the placexto go i ask your dealer for caatorlne machine oil and tee that the barrel is branded caslprioe u none other is genuine christie henderson ir co beg to spologize for their lack of sdvertise- ments during the past lew weeks the fact is the boom is so great they have no time to write advertisement busi ness if rnsliing at tbe glasgow house the chewiest goods always draws the biggest crowd mothers others 1 iheratlt are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a lick child suflering and crying with tbe excruciating pain ol nutting teeth if so goat onoe and get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufjerer immediately depend upon il there is no mistake about it there nota mother on esrth who haa ever usefl it who- will not tell yon at onoe that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to tbe child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in sll cases snd pleasant to the taste and is the pre soriptlon ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in tbe united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle acton net heiretofon conreyed to abraham matthews tjpoo this property ia erected a amall frame bbnae sttcthlt village lots oos aad two in block 3 ifl the yillage of 8peytidt ia the county of hajtoo npoo which ia anetod a anbatantial abjna dwelling boose with a frame addition sehxhltj lota j aad 4 in block 2 in the aaid village of bpeyaide all tho above properties an deajrable tor buildini per- poaea and wil bo sold sohject to a rvaerva bid to be fixed by the klaater of this court at milton- tebms of sale ton per cent to bo paid to tha plaintiff i solicitors at the tine of sale and- the tialaace into conrt to the credit of tbja action within oaa month thereafter without iatsraat further pavtiealara may ba obtained seen application tp i john h08kix qa toronto j0hk dflwab esq b mcoibbon esq miltoh otto the plaintiffs souc1tob8 dated at milton thu 28th day of october 1881 vatt k uuttjui puixtcnrs fsbucrroas t milleb gitiub local master at milton mix jolxkttoew notice i l be at my residence on corner mill and frederick street every day up to the lit december to receive taxes parties neglecting to pay- ther taxes before that date will he dealt with according to law abbam matthew8 collector of taxes tillage of aoton riird ot than at 8 the members of acbm brsas band desire to hereby tender their hearty thanks to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly aaalated in tbe ooneert on tneadav evening mr ruraine will alsopleaao accept our thaoki for the loan of his excellent piano on the occasion d lawson 1 wwilliams f committee h jennee 1 also a fine selection of tweeds diagonals beavsrs and mantlfaetoreemii the best of style at the lowest prices mst ejd gl0th1n store j fyfe aoton j m i olirisiajias 3itw year3 goods i o 1 ge0c2b1es pbovislonsi oroceeies iftou wamt peovi810n gftockbies 1 provraiona all sizes cheap good groceries provisions glassware aorookerw caxl asd issrkct ibt stock or t r v ooooooooooxwoacjooboo w p brown oocooooxoowxxmawooxx000000x00xooooooooooxoox00000 fikrobi p0bcha61k0 ilstwhlbk 1 tha lartaat lot of orooariaa tha bast aaaortad lotof oroowriaa tha ohmpastt lot of oroaaria highest price paid for bvtter and egg t isdont mistake the tahd ute j w mains dont forget the uelebra ted so cent tea glassware glassware glassware m w f prowm aoton ont croukeb3t crockebt crocker beward trespassers wanted too undersigned will payi the above re rar for iaformatios whioh will lead to the conviction of tho party or patties who onm mltted the depredations at thi fnuit school house between friday night and ted tbe depredations at tha poblio tool hon monday morning but m 8peiout chairman board of ttnutoes any person or parsons found tmspsssing the school premises any time after school hi nrs will be prosecuted aoenrdink to law t r m bpeioht writing 9er ey ffi sou aln st aeton havo just teceited a aplandid assortment of fall and winter boots aid shoes tha ba t valtia evar offarad to tho leopla of actoo and vlcimty no bofta i prices adterttseel feat a kebblni i article efferettat prices di fying coaapetltlaa custom wflrtkl repawne exeet led miit daspstoh and frees tuvarbeatjmaljsrial burdock blood bitters the caaly medicine that suecessfnlly jririiiesvilte blood ais apon the utot bowels skin and kldneyt while at the same time it allays nerroni irritation and itrenjthens tha debilitated bysteni perfectly and tpeedoy trorinj t itpndicei dyapepsjarconstji- patioa headache rhenmaaam dropsynervotuuia qen- eral deofiitj rwrhale complaints sfaxtfola fcysipelai gait rhamn and every species of ohrcnic imseats arisingoni disordered liter kidheyi 8tan wels or blood the ot otoob pwfrtow t0wc w tbewmia me rwe i avsakojanioe aestr all gool- 3ow oieaaiafat otuk trl nxr acton envelopes school wit tyssssmh watjstrw awaka wea as caats or j far l hiiwsw layasaao aj3 met t wsaa a ca au jam iwam aijaaf u jmftt milk cowfa wanted the onderalgbad waaj fifty good milk oowa apply at onoo at qlonlawaoa milla or aoton p o jttotton a sad n iskcdjal oaaaovw 1 foci j searly clommo 1 we the anderaigud merchants ol acsoo hanby agree to close oa taapawv plaoaa ca bavainaaa svary avrnin at satardsya etosptod the 7th hut onta foi chnstis henderson k w p brown jkatmerfcaoti thotaas craiae bent hsalatt b z ketaeav t i cmxtm bodt shoe store j mlrtrept i m i- ji m weyvii

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