Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 24, 1881, p. 4

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thj oob children sooie are little daisies bursting inui itkun 1 blessing by their tawluctt alt within the jooiu others liay osebnni rrriirmoasii uie green i t luck oos or a dorlf rarest ever seen r ah r frsthert 8owet fluted by m baud iv it watch end gable them to the better land j 8u4a do not think because you hav- graduated that there it nothing tnon- t be learned tlit far your eyes have been elated to ill un whit is fuund u books open hern now ami lucking around you see for yourself what other things this lid holds in store a good student u one to the end of bit days pitla lcetlur bwx if youvceo do nothing else to help joar mother you mhih her s suiil- nd to i love you and aty child who refrains from doing tbii i ua deserving of good mother it ii frry easy to an mother arid to misiia- her too and to make her our daily drudge waiting for recompense nnil we get old enough to pay back is unfair as long as we daily bare the power jo make jut that payment trvt mother lorn best appreciation lur such sots i exclaimed coalite frrhssj uieju wvnti- when the i prttanv oliavhea rtheotit jtd ben with a smile vujzlee li qflanimy mi marked daw to ahoot heir their value brooede vritheeat ua fedqeed from kjdmft kewooafflablill all irate to- 14510120 t mantle clotba in grwt tmriety nrw prase a si tiiaj to sao professor j herrmann the woderfr f nisgicwn known tlirouglot lbs wirld g g iytst s ff i j3fa fo are sa na iqowegminunue ulolbt in fwl nnmj new ureas lot hi ikll used st laoobt oil for a it fj jl of h f biwflotfl flour daaeall white bbirtlop inclddlog olebr tuetofltob severe atuok nf rheumatism in the jlfrgvll ujt h risffi tjl p- at of pillo cotton oaae of hry baodntwbita 4u ituulder and sa cured by it hi 2iifm fe omtamere be jaeob oil a valuable pre ltyila wipaworwk qiulbtfsodcalabretaoobd whu be trweele a pevaiion li j crwflkwajroeiyijitewiwinn and soys hosiery olores end acoltfed jitny peopje mke drug heir tiouiaohs in he attempt a timle ntthck of utrrcomplaidt when with a doaeor two of dr fboruaa o lectrio oiltbe eon plaint might be easily ancl pleataotly obviated colic piles hunt corns lame back and swelled neck are also among the troubles nliich it cures i ilanufactureraof reaiera mowen ndtbrestiiiigijaclimery trefet ca- tortile tlachine oil t any other it wilt oetaear lard tejut and elephant and ii warranted not lo gvfa friendship cicero says is the only i hin intfaewotid eonceining the use of which all n anktnd are agreed bat ajl writeti agree that a pood pen it aideidentltim and ssterbrooks will be found to be a 1 osuxtt jl it eotnmonly mid uiatyoa cannof uitle an honest man beliete that white is black and tbi tkrii but thone who have greyhnir by uimgthe cisoiltait liiu kcxbwik will find hit this ap parent difficulty is easily orercome for ale by j e mcgarin so cents per boiue lon la a ttiisir strnl here 5a a ifory of a man whose life might be truthfully exiled a failure hwaa mroeauy looking into the bung bole of a whisky barrtl as if in search of sometbin ho coold uot find whit are vou doinf i atked a by sunder i sjthy vm aapeking my character in the place i lost it w the mourn ful reply i tuiii bad place in which to lose ones chancier yet many a man hs loat it in a whisky barrel r- i lahtt to st vo- if a manmakee a requeet of yoa irbtcfa yda cannot grant tell hitu ro a once dont deceive htm it may make him have unpleasant feelings to ward yon al first bat ne will subse quently respect your straightforward ueaa we know a man who tried the no baainen he amid it walked all right up us the unpleasant feeiioga part but be did not wait long enough for the subsequent respect to oper- afe aa tbecotber fellow said he had been pat off longenough and if- the bill wasnt settled in ten jninutes h- vould receipt it by threshing the ever lasting lights ont of bim in order to give aquielus lo a hacking cough tike a dote ofdr thomas eo tectric oil thrice a iyor oflener if the coiib fpells render it neceaaury vbls widely esteeied remedi auo cures crick in t be back rheumatic oomplniota kid ney ailmenu pains etc it u ued m wardly anduutwurdly iuse xiutorme mitchine oil a kinds of machinery it is also excellent for harness or leather making it water atid weatner proof seal aad caaafart u ike iiaterias jbtown1 houtebold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cares fiin in the elide back or bowels sore throat liheamtura toothache lumbago and any kind or a paul or ache h will xoal sorely quicken ths hlodd and hej as its scung power is wdoderful browns household paoacea being acknowledged as the great pain eelievet and of double he strength of sny other elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family ban 1y for ase when wirtled u reallr is the bestremed in lb world for cramps in the ctdmach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent a bottle haailtoa k17h 1881 blotttbilbd at ottawa an artifioiaii gastric jtjice this it not a patent medicine secret remedy the formula jl printed pn tbtjabal a ached to eaonbotue p- maltopep8 tx cures dyspepsia indigeition lost of appetite intestinsl se wasting diseases constipation nausea chronic diarrhoea cholera infantum and moi tf inianla troubles which generally arise from the stomach 60 cent8 for 48 doses or about i cent per d08e regular tind bottles containing il ots with dese measure attacbed 50 cents ioraal by all chemists throughout the dominion avoid takig liquids of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to hoench thirst s ihe excessive use of liquids it the cause of half the dyspepsia m tbe world maltopepsy it a ponder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the stomach tbe actual gastric jiice prescribed byfhe leading physicians throughout the dominion in their regular pra lice maltopepsyn is alto used to a large extent in hospitals dispensaries and iflhrmiria mowu r tutnnnjut ttcano n nmicun wnijjtci n sroet4 1880 the maltopepsyn was riven in a marled and distretsinf case of indirestion with th most rapid- pleasing and beneadal results z w kempton m d atblow okt jut to iso the maltopepsyn i obtained from roa has far more than answered my anticipallonl rtaving tried it in two old and very obstinate cases of indigestion i found it to act like aann 1 c mckenna m d i caatiiay out jaa 1881 i have used your miliopeprvn in severe cases of indigestion and malnutrition 1 idultr and diarrhcea of children and am so well pleased with the results lhat i hava ta itruaedmrdmgpst o keep a supply on hand t wreade m d f after giving your mallopereivn a trial in some 6 my worst cases for which it lecommended i am well pleased wiih the vrav- in which it acts continae to make a eoo irticle like that now in use and it will be 1 universal favorite r hamilton m d hazen morse i r- 7 -t- toronto for sale by all druggists and j emcgarvin aoton the wnts of ths million ar we have opened out special lots atow rik kobnftrer has any trouble with the boys very one likes htm so it a not very strange that keigeta along well r ob how is it tlist ypc never get into any acrapea v said will law to bim one day all tbe- other boys do oh its mj plan not to talk back when a boy safa bard thini to me i jnst keep still i not a bad plan is it if all te boys would try it wtiat good times there would be in the school renm on theplsygirdnnd everywhere who will try ilobs plan 1 wgiauleixfljaity whata that etowd for i wonder t said charlie feck u he and his oidr brother ben were walking out near tbe rsutoad track one evening aftet sapper 1 v 4 well go and see ben said and tbey harried toward the spot where quite anntnber of men bad collected a pile of ties 0 its only some trsmp they beard a man say as they appioaebed hot much tramp exclaimed sn other who bad been nearer to the tie pile than the first speaker iti 1 judge hale drunker than a foot hes laying ibera bead drank and the two polios just found on hun 3000 in evtsh and some check lhat will foot np 2000 fcore theyll take care of the money tot him till he jjee abbef its lacky for him hat tome stirky fingemdcrook didnt find him first if lie bsd all that money about him said the first this would have been costly spree for bim hed better lock up his money before be looks open the wibe wbeu it is red again thats what judge hale culls libeity i aappoae asid ftb with look of disgust as be and harjte tnrned away he said tar other night list bd never enitail his per- tonal liberty by eigning a pledge bit it aaemsi bell run tbe risk of cnruiltdg vjvrtj a5tot amount of ulwo by ooti nltwi apifav mif we be da hdnoaayi pilu with darkening jays and changing- temperatures tbe digestion becomes impaired the liver disordered and the mmd despondent unless tbe leauseo the irregularity be expelled from the blood and body by such an alterative as ihesepills ttiey directly attack the souice of tbe evil chrast out all impurities from tbecireu talion restore he distempered brgana to their natural stale and correct all defective or contaminated secretions sochanaay means of instituting health strength and cheertulness should be ap- plied by all whose stomachs are weak whose miads are much hsrassed or whose brains axe overworked hallowaya ig esentisllys blood tempering medicine whereby its influence reaches the re molet fibre of the frame and effects a universal good 1wu isrr m tlma mama eoaacold hay fr bronehlus lanoorrlxaa- dlsaaeaa of i tba debility all laava to- iaa ntuswiu n uvi 1 getbe wban jtae conslluiuonal cktarrtv abootwoaiaaandbaleaof naw lleiiiadjria t4ken aa directed priea f and real sod koftlnabam uoas frenobailk -v- w aw aaaiw idrwu uusweaa laos curtains l mbreqn as antlma th6ma el wtkdfs hamh kpfjlikqttt mrts pr l1bt at ark xltyit par bottle for aale bt all draagista sbd madloin daalers 1881 big lot ff n4 vvmlllinery bijr lot ofnew cloths bikt lot of beavoymada clothing and overooatri bur lot of ne dretss gdoda bit lot of me w winosya bigr lot of nw cottons bikt lot of me printa bur lot of new boots biff lot of new carpets bw lot of new flannels biff lot of new pantry ooods bif lot of new hosier and qlovee in feet is one of the biggest houses and stocks and the cheapest in tba west wa will give bargains in every department geata our ordered clothing department ia one of tba east in the county good fits and low arieea 1 1 xaauctv- oar mahinery and mantle department is strperintended by lady of ex perience ability sad oonrtesy we cordially invite tba public te patronise us as wa win do the trade well iortbam mammoth house i koleod anderson co oe foar sfortxx ezarmaanotts hsve in tome instances led to tbe diseotery of the scars of completely healed abscesses or tores upon the long this of itself shows that the long i iasue when diseased is susceptible of restoration to a sound and healthy condition persons afflicted ith long disese may reasonably hope to recover health by tbe use of well- chosen remedies foremost among tbee is northrop k lymans emulsion of ced uyer oil snd hypppbosphites of lime and soda a thoroughly tested and high y secredild specific lor coughs c ids asthma bronchuia spit ting of tbe blood and other aflectious ot tba tnroat oieft and lungs pulmonary irritation is promptly anested by the cod liver oil and the hypophosphites which are among the finest reoivantsoted by phyeicians revive the nagging energies of the debilitated tyitem rich novelties in feathers wings and hackles more of those cheap beaver hats and bonnets black satins and moires extra cheap serges in navy blua and garnets costume cloths all the new shades and silks to match for trimmings ombre moire and plaid ribbons mantles 4nd jackets new styles to be sold cheap ladles vaatfn millinery and dress ooods a riffctprlom shonld inspeot ear ttoek wm stewart co percheroh horses laroesr importing and breeding ktibushlttmt world always m stock in gjnat variety wain at gflld and battle fraatea supplied to order on short notice m w dunham wane dupazo county minota tj a a ot muea vaster chicagoj battasttajaaatlt laenras 380 stal vom mb masbs have hem imported from franee to this ettabliameht beiuff jiorm sluus at comunod imporlattohs of ma other tmvortero of draft aoggmm from mti faru fmtope for smff ea yean oaesnw ox tbe euttie imteue f import art frrrnrn bormea faamerka oaaitm sean on us ism- sis importances hava iaelndad the prist wisaes of ihe vuteerml expotubk paru inaiandntarrf all tbe friia earsti of the gzsat shows of nanoa staes bis uspfw tatioua iirsjseaevalsoatrisd ostbs honors xpebcbbrom in enaavtlmcw with taamajarfsbowat sera st tbe qrsat r tlandj was awarded the ontod ktfrepotoka vrlotoritpoo end brtmig u ptobcjtjzomm fmxfwliai xaanjbankv thie photographic art is now better prepared than ever to execute artistic photoftadbl of every style sprieea batisfsttion alwayt given e- e istezjsplnr merchant tailor hajhst actoit oovsitoiw new ttoek of english risk tebteh aad oaaadua twsads aad worsteds for tajta sad ovsrsoats ttylloh oatt sad psrfoet pl fataniaitsed prlsos w soaams r e nelson and desmptiaia the most rtuontabl prieeg fratnis mottoes fakt a look fra has jot 4ht holiday trait views c atl u ihihdovs full of nmplu 0 all icindt splendid dock of under ijcer m a isnjejlo tttreiiis tndertak ok ml- call o w blell speight son 8 furhituae dealess a waocon plleiatshortettnoiioe firstrcasas haaaa urnishsd bverv 1 on of funeral beqnisftesrflhabat anp f irnf f ttrc tj i our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for tba bpring pad r8i ites safsa 6entre tables whatnots beoateaelshke aneng wi have on bsid stock of nrstjsssiberwions tod iamnoi iyotrtelvesbom the beat material which willbeaoldatthelowe pos- a tmmjjk caurh specific hebicine bave yea last ke ease af taaae er laaelir if so it mj be from tbe larpaosr of tbe ltb oaatttry taiiasa toa co- stittmosil ctaaah kskiot will restore you to enjoy ibla health it not only cures catarrh net ail other diseases at tbe same time- frioa 1 par bottle for tale by a 1 druggists and medicine dealers 8enstamplor48pagepempb- tnwu let eootainin treatise on catarrh and ibg manr other due certificates 0 tbe cured to t i b uoo ear foil reotiritn hakdlkorboiinion agent broekviue j olltu wavw stwas b9 air tn orsautacttsa ataaaadr aduntaliirlf are for seminal wtmkoeaa bpermaturraea itdiurnotiant all utmaa- tnat ioiiqw as a smoenee of 8- if- bose as daw ot ttem- orrtjnl versa imltoelejaln louhebiok dtmneiaol vla- lea prematim old are and ueaaea that oroofisomp every oe aartie bpeeue aistaattumpar iwekaw w 1 all paekasea sbr s5tellt v be sent free by mall on re- ewptth c3 alots7kmteiau0ac toroowvooioanadi 80m by j s merarrln unajftst aelon bbs htb otfiebbtrtat 1 ju8t1ayinqvinmt j ta 0 aadi baring porobasad j hie same before tbe recent rise tn pricj i am pfepareid tcml j atsuch prices tbt defy com- j v- petition j p tbof in mat of a rtstrtt cljlssyj ettttvavor aey thing 4t my line- still aoa l salt tbeirowxiintereauj by giving me a 1 call before purchasing elsewhere no thing but firstclass articles kept in t slock and sslisfsetibo guarsruteed lob wort in all iu braivcjief fatall kinds of track tsikeh in ex ehsnge for goods the stand histb ef the lamr bill 8u acton geo biatill aeton 8bpf 23 81 i 1 lfvbet sale eoajrd stilet miu street aoton f is where you can get i yu firstclass bigs at seasonable ratiui t q06i commercial rigs an bifress delivery wsgori will meet each express train and deliver goods to ny part of the town all partie indebted t this ek- tabliahment are resaested 10 pay ap without further delay and save eoata si battie4e prodristor wrth tttsir welgm i bolil catarrh catarrh af k years suodlng cured by catarrh remedy tbethroatslmo-ttoebok- lag rieadlehe hdos in sboolders kaelt and kijae ra sad entire breexlns down nf id ay tem eord ay oonautottonat catarrh hi medy aoongh arienuttyars eared b o uutitotlousf caturrh belli i t taaaavito clothhall loatnueatiteasdwnlokssarxwe wae aansaak ra imaemataly relieved wystarn beemlogl made jisw by ea eetua of constitnu ia catarrb remrdv bale wed of catarrh 0 forty years staadlnab oseolcooeututlonalostsrrh it bad iosjaured uya- ilm dr jilropv4af inthatbnvat btrssxuni bussing in tha stad ad feutbre thsrid catarrb b medjr o the now eaten out memory brefth swrsd by consllutlona1 sine nlof impaired cored byoobstttu- 6ml cat rrh remedy oaten ante atl lu loslhsoms atttnd- aeistrra byftor tntlrsa of oorahlta- bobslclu jth remedy rer tale by all drotfirtt annoonoa that inantieipauooor jt targe trade baint doee this fall hj waja an enbrtseo rtbearoryi hae 53s teuxx cloths tweeje they eatpfo a swy iarge ataff of baada aedwit tbi ofden jasktrastid le taelr ekre protirpuy and sritit iksirntraal ood taataeodakoll imttifoy jr- f rt y eawrtliil ortnittasetsstke j- rcrrfu rt 1 r s hollo ways 4lfis liicompababijb jfxpigjka hnkckrei for iltelf am iaperiaiaifeyiraie rtrofcofawi ear world for lay a uenam ad cars ofmotidixaotiui tdadlunoamtfim jleirj the pills purify regulate and improve tbe quality eftie blood tbey assist the digesuvi ofvwa eleanae the stohachjauid bowelr inoreaeie the seoretory powers of uyer braoe the nervous aystem throw i into the oiroulatjon the pt rsataanta lor austainlng and repai ttefrtune riu thooaands of peraons have ti thatby their use alone tbey have bee restored to heajth and strength afte ajrjojsj tneans had- proved t ointment h fbtjnd iavajubleinefboiite in theoor of open sotia hi jr thri ts bronohilja and euaomen ol tb t throat and cheat alari feat bhevsti riproiula t araykrndof8klnldaavr maonraetnrad o at prpfeasot witf jatabli loneoa a j3 oil niikbti wsj j8 and sold at 1 i id m m 4s m lis 22s and ssseaoj aoxaid pot ank inxaoida at rtgeseoti oeakasd i ntaj aoflth tteiru report v i f t tliilr naistiifinmi if v l jirmoai lharana agra in i lfolt mfmmim mm slea dm are rnmi wfeeda iieldaeilhnnhiaaai toetiadelurkerieyaaid v boiitrowa lvui 5 hi immmmmm

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