Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1881, p. 2

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ifpl pfttfiv i- r srp27s- f ii-s- 1 3 iififiujm8si v i svr p- h ru j 4i y i 1h totiuwt mftaiiwoi 6s 82 j 881 v a3tia on ttiif tfe ejveof ii seventh fchrialtna id lb history ot the fate jhta are ilesiie itf wih all our reader ulauy happy tetuvui u the leslive w iif and hope the nt year dill bridt o ff imbciw wtfe lir ifoos fof ihe tlure of our cuuutiy we aave good rnuio6 to be thankful to la wod providence fur efl tbe mercies vouchsafed during tffc yrtr ttiat will to ftmb cto- ia a plentiful harvest is uinercsl pwpefitj itf the general owrtkfuhieib of the peopfe sad bote iii for tb weening of peste we would tbav the angel cliotuscould be tang around tbe whole earth t tbia gwod tjhristtmii festival and that wr touid rhe tlrat e have pence on earth ho delightful ft tie recurrence of tbu eveat hi which ell hearts seem biddenrdt whose jieart does no warm as tbe thoughts are turned to wards christmas the dy of all tbe kat wben absent ones wilt gather hruiind thd old amity hearth i or tbe ietr home giving its slot welcome to ibe heads whom nature snd affection nare rendered deaf- theideahare of these re uniou is almost without alloy ibe heart in too glad to be tfleauly sel- bab- tbe veiu of sadueas that creeps in la tbe vacant chairs are noticed en he familiar voice and merry laugh of heir barf are fiiissed porifiea the thoughts and enriches tbe 4onl in the belief tbat the missing ones tire enjoy log a rest and a delight of bih the fcarthiy festival ii bnt faiof symbol of all the couhfjiea in the world which should celtbiale christmas day with enthusiasm it is this canada of bore oat wisoid almost tbiuk either lhat christmas was instituted for cm ad or that canada was made fur cbriatntas la it possible to ooneeire e proper oribodoi tweittefib dar ol tlceember without suow on the jrotfnd ibis nlbing hitbrr and thilher of in ntimerable sleighs the mem jmgle ot sleigh wis in tbe tleat- crlij col j oir of cbristnias the skating and hearty uierrioient of tbe bojs and gtrh the ilidmj tbe coasting and the combine lion of outdoor amusrmenta which g to make op a leal christmas day 1 ll is true tuat sach days there have been but they are scarcely remvidibered a chriaticaa they are like nnuleasnni dreams- and at all errrnts peojile kep -in- toelr liouiei all day and made up is well as possible by inside kappiness for out tioor ipi rt and stitne whatl a ehristmas vilhddt sleiibmg i ab- inri y while we all sit at hearths f around w with more c r less coiufort let u not forget that lb surrounding comes as a free gift from the father of the poor and let us therefore not forget that ibe memories of this blessed season receive no pn per interpretation lave in that overt owing of chanty and tenderneej wbl at ariiej from be teeiihg that all manlind are kii tnistinp earnesily that our subscribers will put btr that true c jriatmas spinl that they willemcb plaj the part of a santa clans in h artiness and jollity to those of thei- households tbstthcy buy lite gboi lives at the head oi loving hobibr for many a year to come ve wish tbei i oace- mora from the bottom of onr heart a mbbrt cheitrma oxlcalated to bsaieu their tavua and to give a feekrig of grialjef iftiepcmlettw tint in on hrimbte opinlooab aivl rwuft wilt ftov p it ilieve tvat byof ntfvlp irvji paastst iey wiaift thbvi r united itlitt rowevcr sitiw toaellun neeeaaniy for nepirfattuit has liein wkvn w wtih the movement sucwrt and truat tlurt the titcpswr- sill mx tet niih jtby greattr lrotftile tbsn fhej hive fiereto tors expenenced ifplfsi irojabiuptki ovtr the o t r l fljjtl oreons odr- kdsu tbi 0 ii churn i nfaglwlarffaly attends i 7wrf good and 1 11 1 si tbeeotertainnni u ii q t auwrftlei hsveiooouio id a t ductlon nlares fer tin hulld y teasbn to the 84th atnl flvreis days 1 1 lowingjrtiarn tlckeu wfll be maetl goxr uu lbs ifc hi the ait and rwo follow lag days tlekiti wilt ba lnsw at tlie same rate good thi t ie 8rd of j obury oonncil met on lsieday evening member u presvnt fieovo in the chair miudte of aat nreetist ttsd and confirmed the finance coonuitfee presvnted their cglifeiiilh import iriomuieiidiug bat the fullowiftg account lie paid f barola earcnin abstract of utio part lot yjfcocl 3 acton 1193 jiuved by x ueudcrson seconded by e kicklin that the finance rrpoit be adopted carried a communication wajfeeeivcd from mr r little j aaking the council to rejiort t6htuyilt claiun againit acton school rjivisioi moved by d hindereon seconded by d w caupbell lhat the reeve mover and secouder be a committee to prepare a iuuineirt of the claims of this corpbnuiou against the actou school divisioii as required by the p s iuiector carried moved try d w cauipbel6cb6di liy m speight lhat this oonncil adjourn io meet on tuesday evening 27th ifjsu for eiamiktug plans akd other bittiieia carried sims in 6tilwh irfths th int as wife o tuht t smnaoii urrntar 0 daovh 8mrwirfowbd in starnaaa6hn4b acdn wolueadav 2ft fmt- atff u 1 1 byjrov w j piptu mr m8imiin fullajrd i of furoiiw t6 mf bamst xuil of cbfa i1h mrftirwi in aotm oo ttit2fit u frederick lrhe infant tun of mr jaiita mauhawa puatniaster akil tao vaan masaias in aciiiu oil the ijh iit rubertr iraiiilaab of kfr oliriitop itr utaajta aged s yeari and s mouihi i t 3 welcome jmistmas saitta oukqs asus 7i3lb ibs ts rstez slbgtion next wedt eiay i riieeting will be held id tbii v ilage for tbe purpose bl electing three periods is tiustees for actoo school division many of on j h nilendid 1 of nr readers wul riji doubt wonder bow it is pet and leather slippers to be elebted this buiclier stall wbekctobctcakuxtas boies hew rctsta cit asu aetuur rmtseat chnatmas wiih all its itlendanl train of fextivitiea and social gaiiieringi is upon oa and as this ia ihe time to select cariatin18 pretiiu rfrid nr yfaragcfji it affirds u inrtcli plfaurf ui draw ihe attention cfour reder u the advertisements id ibis isue oui cititiis never had so good all fpiortnu iiy befort fof selettihg cbriitina goodi me geo htuds shows a fine assortment of witches and jeaellary particularly sniled for holiday prwrnuj also a err lanje stock of chrisuuaj goods of all kinds ma j e mcgarvis has a splrhtlid displiyiof chnunns cards toys laxiks vases motto cup in fact an unlimited stock of fanci articles messaa chbistii hexdebsos 4 co are prepared to furniau articles of every description to decorate the outer pinion messes hpohes t gmrns have a rare assortment of 6odi in wool silk etti which would look very pretty on a christmas tree aild please the parties receitidg them m ib iiaslttt snnouhoei tbat he has a aiecisl lot of christmas novelties in ladit and xeuiienieus silk handkerchiefs laces fancy wools and christmas goods ma j 11 prabsos his s splendid jot of states cutlery of all kinds tny cbests of tools china and glassware and a splendid stock of christmss groceries ma w p bow will show you a nice jot of rnodaucho and motto bops dings for children aid an assortment of china and ftlassware he claims that his christmas groceries are fresh and cheap j m a w grew has a complete itock erf clirinlmaa srocerifts and provisiona as well as full lines of china and liuaaware mec vf hill our photo artist tusa heijitifiil as sortment of picdirr frames which are admirably adapted lor christmas pres edts messrs e nicrxis soxs stock of chrijtmas confectionery cakes biscuits is unlimited they also show a good stock of canned goods oystera etc mr james gooruix effers s fine block of opera and carpet dippers nf all kinds and messrs kesitey 4 sos- wfscetsconiiateftt iirfijf j r6- inuticeour 12jc wnce eximordim ry valtie examine it compare il- i ud yon will ha sure to buy ii wine froii 5o np irt cliiialii henderson a maxtles chnslia hendcrbon 4 ctil buick of iailies liajil and dirk uiaih lea jual recvmvid tiiese go ids ate from ihe best makers and ciilupi iat a ftif range of prices the will u- sold cheajy jarlstib henderson co iifg o aprjoiiitm fur their lick of advertise menls during the pail few weeks f fact is the boom in aa great they h no time io write adveriiwnienui biai nt is rushing at the glasgow home the chejjieat goods alwaya draws ill highest crowd fancy wool goods chrisii- henderwin d d bsv reived md will njn in a few days an imrtimt strck fall kind of fancy svad quaji conprininji knit sliawls olodds t etc all uf the latent designa and sha left tliflb goods are ejtlreuic jy hnfidsums ana wtlf ri arild at veiy cloahu prldea umt three jfer idrii ire year when c 3 former year bat two were reqdim to bis elected this is kceonnted fof by the fact that at the blow of tbe present year tbe rural portion dt tfii divisioii will be bepar sited from tbii dinaion and be formed tnto in md pendent school section this will cariae the retirement of the rorw reiavbavi fatives at present mem bers of the i mrld ind as tbe scbaol iioardi of ir cdrporata village tre rikjured to 1 ave kix memberi three peraotai will e inserjueritiy be elected jahng to tl a separatioh of tie rural porton from the ijmsion k targe wmount of fnportait bnsineks will ona beforb fhe viflagv board taring kiaosmgji ir and tbe ebtor will jeffijmuof ifnteiawt by ejecting efig llawilsl iaektbb tbe vaeint fast mek 41 ae ittim jpeopleiin fata pwfflpfpil ffl l fha ib been irf stikthbw lxilres ii iter7 ar6lrgli li ms7 uiubiert mr tertlug k clrliiat iaeni fcni tttt imc ki efcot4rfie tveea lbtp6uble bukaftotstbtttall kind pttftonact and at ln weald rettind thiai itock off carfatmai gcvfertes terr cisvpletf for thtsiv tanitr uiathif mu mm amw exu1bitb 19 this vuaair cfiotko of sultanas fl6ll6ls 4 k ocfeax sheixs 4c cards vjn 10c agfntanaifit2isc 0 host jev cifj nt u sa a i r r- rsuna h jok liere if yod want 100 new 4 our a2 aend t 10c btarfi to meitiua this paper jut ofttle tock altxltxts tie oadertigned will be at airoewa b itel acta every toeedsy tasettle acenda a i dr e morkpw gnelph kn 1st 1881 ftienbers vtikted cht asdersiiraed will receive tcodei 1 op to tlie 2tth idsl for thirty cards of w val beech sad alape tn be two feet looe aat cut frotu ataadio limlier muit delfaered and piled iu the ahen at acion futlic school ufure the lit march 1 h p iloohe actoot78l s board of tioaveea l thvrstoi i trtf ot tlo orfin tal tci vide will be at behoetti hotel eetna 1 very mcinday tuesday tharaday aud friday four more papili can be takeo fo trotlitfri address box 93 actoi fo is are supplier with the choicest meats ind fowls iri great variety and there is no reason why all may not be satjafied the alibve habiedjiierchshts wih all take pleasure in velconiirigyob to their hojie and eachi one will wish vou a merry merry christiias distrigt dqinq bsteli of tasaraatins itetna aatt am oarrewpcadebts aad ewnhatu and wrluan vf m pslat on tar tn bestttf of our reader messrs j r barber and w mcleod are iu the held for the rceveshlp of oeorge- town the qualph daily uerotry bik bun issuing supplements every day jpf two neess prosperous tbe annual christmas filr astrl live ttock iio bodcr the aospeces ef the gnelph fat stock club bfcb va iejd on thnrsdsjr srak k pronounced tueoe in every keapsct oi thiriy ttat si cab wnwilag p eatur iilclr at ss average each netted ever ww in sh whichi ba timber of all kinds tbft asdercigoed dwire to hereby ii form the faumeriaul other iu thii nciait who own timlfertbsit teev re prepared to pat chwe a urueqututity f ail kmdi of t i ilnr alwat 400000 leet vf htinktek is trailed ah ftdtaooe iu price iu u ud for fecn hmloclf uopeeled at tbii it tlie liut er tbtt the mill sein opentionjn aston til tuviug tmbor thy vih to sell or cut will do v 11 tit bring it in this teuoo shown a r ilk aowh pc 19 lttl r christie j henderson agtoim qnltaria medical hal ii peopeietok foil lines oi sll kinds of tjtt jsbqtctjff papwmmmy co9b mim oavsmms tttbs favaaxa seojreaa mtc f trii treelc utfl iihwk th holiday 8em rar ttack of general dry goods tviillinery i i i boots shobls etc etc i wul iksfouad caatalei preai ctmk aad cheapa black sagketft al3tt01ld8a iaulollsj dates otfsterfl navsltiwa all of wticli we are pfepaffif i to exctonfoi- ttjpi jj at aurirrguiar weekly mrchaaei from leading dry goods and miliinery booses euablea u to show tbe utt km ud ntatmt dttfw m what it wihted at this season r stipu oootf of all kinds out object to place before oor coal omeis the beit make at fries di lois at iri atked far m and tutdairabli brand j ots ntotrtfti sttjcft df phoes i j euabij ns lo fit and tdit hverf one iielidek oifr goods brihjj made up by reliable matnifaeturare can always be depended on to give good aatisfaotiod u j can be testified by thousanda who ilae worn our boots to i lo er three seasons ibis tdctnjbw with ioflr low prices scccunu for our iraneusesale i v womens btjlfon ant lac h0g8 flwm 4jeo w mens stoga boots from 150 up mrssbs wombn8 and mbn8 ivershoes frdm j5o uj onr feit boou had half ttobta irn tkt cheapest 4kterei ft o c k b jt 0 st p k i cm tifi wishing yetl ali thecbrnpli fheritseff the s rerr afri 8eo u -t- pi x-ia- i sai jufet 0ptoe4 liaffnicivmt lot of i i impbisinu- iv pc th jtztt ooystasitt os hakd acton w 22 1881 i miforster e its 31 steek is new eeasplat tn anfi jom aarf wttrtr tlwfvlnifd fi 1 ovrcoats v shirts a bfaersj mitts and sticks j pw5daj scarfs oops motostaohe qups obildreaa mags and oinner stjtt3 suitable for either littiij of ioitf loriari the newl3redip beginners inlifevpf the olaejlka of sevantjri r yj a sslil l of most iiv asof every decriparitajiiit th thinif itbjivtvi all new and in genu collars ana fanejr and fasaibi ablstioej wb ahdw aau ubm 6q08 cttstsc have been sbiaotsd with jiarb ijnp bconomt om qditi snuauwes firuiw fra lieihs hh w than mw our elfbrts have been to pie ike abd t taiaceiide wming yoii vtk feaossi ch1ap 1 i ii- i- ojsiilft in fificy- ti useful articlcisvt in mottd cistoas grocories a lim t xkm for qtoptaj uannot l laetgn in towia j f lil xi rim i j- 3 still tdkes the lead and its salee are bnd rfij mostwunee3r r i f5 loftble tbat wf law saiwtalich h 1- mi 4fewiliji h a hiciasfoiu kwic sd6 if rs m m ftsitviafqs m tfavi3it4 ism rv

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