Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1881, p. 3

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stthlinh r 5i ft a gold watch and cham a ejilyer watch sind chain a ijojd necklet and locke new years toys dolls writing desks folios etc j at georo hyds you can get thsmost complet the tree press thcasdir 1ioks1v dec 53 ish tttliii- s to cijl soon iik se lect tijt xaias csnlt i have the nost eompw sekktwa and hie very cheap toi dollt yasea albania call in toon 1 k yeornleetioek geo hyoda jewellery t fanoy qjoeda store acton oat village varieties a ceiltetlaa er ueal aews av ether aaaltm f aevrtel latrrvst to ear vllfjure trader small scraps lm1 ib4 aaaerwis reil b e r l pea aettaam far ntm r the fin fttm the merry merry chriiunea bay ytmf tnrtujfc mai keif eodtinaraan christmas comes but once a year a dorn jour boost with evergreen u hans up your stockings a big pi xr munk ipsj matters are mixing tmi dily how eagtr the children are for ci rut tba testerftt wis lh bortmf jiy ii year wintry weather wanted by the chant as th christmas tree u bent bo yoaahful heart made glad a good advertisement like a motion to adjourn is always in order tt young talks are beginning to der what skate an or anyway chratmas is more novel to lie ebj ldfea than to lie older members o the tun ily modernlchilds prayer christmas u coming 0 santa class and dont to t for get it teaaor predicts stormy weetlk r tor cbrutmv and heavy enow fjli about kew teaft it is more blessed to give than to re- cerve but lo surprise in the bestowing ot gjfu ii better than all how much would be leflout nf our lives end oat of the too abort yar if ibereif no christinas- in giving your christraii presents strive to bare the present correspond with ha sorrcandiog they mar bare the christmas treell glitter with presents and ray willi boubosu and sweetmeats for guod gitfa and boya thousands and tboasands ot jcople old and ying are 5ajing their puia and cdakiigpiepnratiodstor ctrislmaa aa the childrens triend we sk toother to allow a full anpply of ch restivfues to be enjoyed by her little hi dare massa wish you vuh yon lota ob christmas cheer toe am pretty 1jeny alius near tjonl afl to purchase a dirty f k 1184 and reenrd as usual the eood res latijus foi tte year col do edcuvor this ear to itick io tuem dont fonret tut manf of touv mends at adtaaiinloeteetbajeptfortiie fhix psoa for a year a tery mekeme chriatmas present an editor sat in bis eanctom chair i taaa easy to ste be knew no on the world lo hiwaeb and fair and holi- oay ads were booming w ro yo takeyjt local paper t ask ed etiargtr a ridcnt no was die regly the tact is i am tco por why my dear air i can no afford o keep dog saysiothing of newtpapers omaha enargea t000 for a lidense to sell liqnir and yet bas more drons n men eyery istrnas ones mcrry util lota of cah and atockipal noraibitlons nut uoaday cbrutmas fowls are coming lo plenti fully municipal matters an beginning to boom the botchers are preparing their stalls forcbrrstms- 41 ay you havs a merry nierry christ- mat is our i wood is t ptr cord in georgetown ou allien iret if for 3 our merchants rep irt bntiaeas very gojd during the past wrek the street lamps areillffbtcd at about fire oclock la the afternoon now mr j c hill is putting a terr neat and tistctul front to his new shop the public schools will dote tomor row night for the christmas racation ber t l wilkinson will preach a christmas aermodnezt sanday morning the little fotks look eagerly forward wondering what santa clam will bring them kelt monday will tell who among our citizens intend to work tot municipal honors the hamilton sjatalut should speak more definitely when addresstag bumble country newspapen ir c s smith has removed hit barn from the loath to vh other buildings north ot tht ct tfuilwy men should be eltcted on account of their qnajincitious for office not from any merely personal reasons tire usual quarterly examinations of the pupik of acton public fchool will lake place tomorrow all are cordially inrilad to attend the methodist church sabbath school xmas tree will be unburdened tomorrow perhaijs the tree wih coutaiu something for you go aid see the empbyeeajof tke canada glore works are jkw having their chrisunu vaealion messrs 8torer i son are en- gagvd in stock taking parlies having any births marriages or deaths la register and have not done so will save aloe of 98 by irgiitering them before the end of the year cundidt for civic booors are begin ning lo announce themselves aad before another week is over the- elections will be the general topic of conversation wouldnt it be a good idea if the coun cil would pass a bylaw requiring all pro- tnkeu ahogeiher acton poaseasea con pirutively spiaking a largti nunue of common senst mrchau tbao any other town in the province thy one and all believe in prioiers mk and use it liberally as a medlnm for invltlug joti to purchase what you require ron them a peruanl of our columns at any lime and especially during the past mouth will substantiate tbt above tbe aelon frsi pjbess is givin a tuppleinent weekly buainess is bumming notwithsundioj that horrid hjp palmer- aton truryapk te- bublma s bumming and we prtume ihefcditirof he ttlrgmpk would hdve us attribute all ce it to the n p well weve no objection to letting him have hi own way about il j we are also moat happy to see that the titegrapk is prospering tod j the meeting of the atmm1 asso ciation last thursday eveninc was well ati tended nd the debate helped to bring out the abilities of ihtmpanicipating the subject of debale for this evetiug is e- solved that free trade tariff is more bene ficial to a country than protective tariff wilh mr juilitn as laider of the affirma tive and mr d d christie of the negative all members are requested to be present about a score of citilens including the members of the present council and probably a few who intend to be members of th oaocll of 1831 enjoyed reeve smiths hospitality in the shape of an oyster supper at the dominion hotel on tuesday evening after the good ihioga which were of excellent quality had been disposed of a number of inlormid toast were given and responded to and a vety pleasant and social hour was spent the majority ot our weekly contem poraries will appear this week with a notice to the following effect- following the custom of mauy newsuaderpubliaher we have decided not lo usue any paper from his offlse duriug cbrirfma reek thus far iu its career the free itass has never failed during any week to visit iia readers and we dout intend to tatke christmas week this year an eioaption although we ire just ts tatay as any other office in the country the plans speetflchioos etc for the new town hall have been received by the cuunc2 from the architects messrs james mailory and miliary toroot tue draw ings present a very fine appearance and we would say that if a hill such as is repre sented on ihe paper caa be erected and furnished ftir the amount asked for in the bylaw acton will hive a tswn ball to be pniud of a tpecial meetingof thecoeocil will be held next tuesday evening for the purposeof examining the plans etc where shall i go for a supply of chrismas and new years gifts t u the plated cruet silver plated pickle stand ce basket tall dozled jgood tea spoolsi butter knives napkin ringsha 4nicejalbun a nice pair of vases acutjglass inkstajid a china mdtto cup inie nice glassware xnaascarfen j selection of beautiftilxmae presents told earrings and brohes a tijk jgt f- 1 is dt sirous grlfts 6it iribn3sh j e m thai you sliu you merry iilil enjoy a merry chrisinia nd n nnd hnppy if large arlttrejnis queistms cards cqri itmati 4jabd8 npw arrivals cnrhthls cards cl r i i n hnppy new year nnd hits done hiu best to roakf lldiduy gooil al lowprices will de it i i uice disigns cilriithaev cards g eat varietv chblsthas cards lem of artl j chsisthah cards ehd pinted cflristhas cards mcchinical christmas carbs atpieei to suit ail pfjesents a splendid assortment ofi holiday goods in workboxes writing desks ladies and gentlemen s companions pur ses albums card cases vases handkerchief boxes and prese its for your sisters your cousins and your aunts u ijri toys and fancy parents bring your children and let litem see v jjoli i oniua dolls eic handnoiue and fine peny owners to hang their gate so tney woald swing inside and not out over the i leading question which just now agitate sidcaalka he bosom of tbefuod pauerfamilies any doit forget the christmas tree and one who has not viiled i e megirrins anniversary bulhsilu sciiool etilcrtninment iu the methodist ciuteh toin trua-evei- ing xoo alt couiijy iuvitcil vj tued j ihtt l vur fantily aljg j tt baj grown w be a srt of tecnd nature for yoao atd oid of all classy and coudiiions iu tile to be baf blind to io speak to the movements of the fnm ly cir u durfig thefew weeks btfure christ- mas r the nouitoitioa fur school tnttees lakaa place next wedotsdar oaing the separatiab of the rural portion from the village three person will be reqaiiea to beelected select the most capable iuec electors wt arc constantly in receipt of letters from subscribers congratulating us on the marked improvement f ihe fuse pse8 hti jiy city charging one tenth th i sum while we feel naaared that we are giving hamilton spubtor very aptly i luatrat- jmjthai tbeoeiifalubl ctyo i act d the iicesae system generally s a fail- ore qltbjubfcvott act ftcjtlpro- jumtion profeasor moorehead londoa differs very materially with hi eontemporary weather prophets veaujor and oatta who- progjostical a greem caristaas the pjfew yi i a gl 1 1 bar a patty toubleftild snap jis meal er waat di yer chile a ajin wee wis to bib a white chriataaaaa n dn ye mby- trpal ref 9m a jwyw to e fcugfc out on runner a new tear t jlamimwbs im a tellia of you m if bh persomalsv sbsewp mr wmfnstbrookatoftoroitowm u town i couple of day this week ilwirmitcleiiof bronte rpent few day this week with friend u re jtsst- bom higgina of walton oat 4 the gaeatof mr b timie publi school utpectot mr walter merjf h rirfc fcrmerir ot oeorajstewa town yeaterdyt mimbdbgriofcfcfcaoujtiiwnj bar brotwlkrbatrf hie tntt of ugbeotiftn mrjotufergsuoa e tiasoty itedical college torpbto apo eotjple f 1a thh aeekwwi acton iwattda mr b in bnefaoa wl formerly rfoekwaod speot f y xaihluacciepduwi3 mr btwwer f mflfc ihiimij aeuemfi datnit tkfja wlthatfritaeawb satisfictioa ft will always oe our aim to continue to imprtve to show how the fun phcss is ap preciated it will be sufilcunt to uy that quite a number of ooi subscribers hare al ready fth taek subscriptions for next year and we wont objet to ouien fol lowing their example although stnndayi december 16 baa been aproclaimed a public holiday by the gorooroeotff ft wul ot attect tbe municipal elections and the nominstion of candidate for office will take pjace the same as if it were not a koiiiay h christmas had am loftier meaning than that of pure and iimple giving igiving for the good feeling that tt bring 10 the iooe who raceltes and the doable westing to tbe one who betawlt hat net become a holiday in vat messrs brown k hall hare decided to operate ibeir saifmill another sean after wbfch time tbey w p th iamb bacmea here all pertiei harihg timber which they wib to dispoaeof or have cut flbeawiudo well to take it la this winter cbrwtaetv1ewin beheld in 8l albao chttte t sunday a gbrutmai tree enterbjininent for tbe beneatrf the sabbith scbe4 wfll be held ea tke monday evening toflowiaf in the temperance hu bea btiiej b ooe m tlrtwwo wfll aaldreat lie chilarea jkweribig ot tie ebee4 lexi wmdmxa- x8ibe new iotle boat to feloriawrb lie rural porrjoa of boat eujutbe th lmufr ufe jaiefondai- jcoopeauj thetewl cublishment had betler lose no time iai diigfli the irumeot stock if ctitist1 magcklsiif cvsrydescripltin iacidcuuted in njiice tlr lent u il young maiden and make the average b iv diont aloud for jy j qa approchinc ibis jurtiy termrfl head qujriere for sinmcuuf pue is stiuck wilh the heauy nod variety dupuyed in tin oadsiadtl yiiarfc lcpokiifurthrit- j na- present- of any kiud lui ia tbe p l ftlllcu uicjil on friday afternoon we had a pleasant call from mr v c beatty sectreas of htlion agricultural jassuciatiou mr beatty informs us that he is jul complei- tcg amingemenls for a new and novel de parture in tlie dilry business it is the in tention to ship to toronto daily i large quantity of fresh milk in glass can the cans will each hold aquart and every can will be sealed at tie diry thereby gaaran teeing to the consumer good pure milk mr beatty will al first ship about 500br 800 cans a day but if the- business proves a succes he will increase his stock of cows we believe the veutare will meet with every encouragement jand eventually bo comebue ef theracceaafal industrie f our county 1 kutuy gonda for mniislaclic uups kerr rthklstmas pebsent zntas ctbbttt3 tbe babies xkas tor the giri xmas pabbbhts por the boys xmas psb3sht8 for young tjadies xsta3 pabsbhtu lor gertlpruen xtfas pssshts if or mothers xhas pebsbht3 for fauiera n hi 1il goods in endless variety iint santa glaus haajaid awt for them was d hs adievand gctitleiueu uiiha mutio ctip aul saucer rery cheap we hae evcrytliiu uicefar the holitlitys emtier the place j b mcgarvins drug store act n great sale of boots x slioes at hie cheapest store in ttie coimty editors table the rural canadian published at toronto by c blackelt kahinssa bus reached na it deals largely in maiurs m- leresting to tbe farming commnnity w f clarke is editor the paper should meet with success we have before us a enpy of the first number of the houttlale pa oistrrer an elgbtpage weekly papier juatataned in the aeuve lowc tenotaeraer ha for it editor mr j fraler a native of thbt village ft is neallypriaied and shows ooasidenible enlerprue in the gathering df local mattef of fnleres to it reader we wish the aaereerallsbcce the publishers of tb moutmal wumm bare oaalbankaforc4meof their premium plcturasi toe bolt call aad vqnalre bra the aubjecu ot iheie ehgrsving are an well known that we will not require to rrpeattbelr hitoryfolbceit uiaay the eagravieig are week at artj and worthy of a phase ft w libnaryl sabserisera who receive either ci lbekpreaui an- doarteary be weueaaa a aew literary paper haa just beta eaiahwi it moftiwii uaotr the ppel utjoo ircsasada tal it majeet i to devalopt loater atjhori iitatatj talent bjrorfinf ftb lietioh otti twflm f the woyulx fctjrt historical loputeaaod the pwtieal dwrf o o mntrya aaaijfefrfip eeivejilj tlebtorai meat j jtames good all taring taftdfi tutaiijtsmenia witii svral of the oldest as d most reliato boottfc siiou itinoiicttirerbin turoaw and uoaueal for a oonunnal sopjly of boots si taaei bnbber overshoes and 8hppr jf erury line in thegreaxestvimcty for tho rich or tie poor from iniincy to old ge at the lowest posaibie price j we are prepared aaa we ossr ths whole of our large stock not one particular line as is the custom of some others j bct the whole of ol r stock at prices that will astonish all who may favor a with their patronage we hate often heard our friends in acton and vicinity say they ejouli buy boots and shoes cheaper in guelph than in aetoa now we are determined that theyjakatl not be able to make the same statement hereafter we an do ing a strictly quh buleit both in buying and selling and a ooi running expense are but aa a grain of sand in the bushel compared with the heavy ex penses of other firms wb are enabled thereby to sell at lower figures than wive ever offer id before is this county of hilton thereby gaining for as the title df the cheapest 8t0re in the county the right io which we an prepared to prove we neither defy nor do we eoart eompetiti m heitherdo we otter to you old stocky which if it oould spejak ocfld aaarifjatjxjv m m lafas nrntaaibi emuninn tn aalntiasf scan vnn 1 sofltsjia hat 214 pobbls imlutloa s14 al ooaiu letl bar la jilt w shave the linjeat and best stock in actoa e wrytady ahoai 1 call eiim this line particularly is uimil ad omlaraftt vv1 eataaaortnieai at prices to suit all a very in mens onla ofdtaisfeu you many a long winttrs evening is relating io yon theds loay i ad els and with quivering voice which generally aooc reeonavt loir area axpoaare their muck handling amd nsany n i we offer you a stock aot a math from tke hand ol our maouiactun rv week brittgs os mother large and choice addaaoa atsogaahar making o i of urgirt tai ohoiestt stock f booti tad sum la tit i i ooantyof hmto we would especially call your attention to our large aad varied stoek i l boy aad toutia wear w have oalt xautatloa oatt 4 hint slp split and other leathers at all prioei also a choice i xst a3lliejbrs a wry ohoiee lot of gest8 opera in velvet afld esjubebbeati- follyfaccd with silk towevfhich will be very aithli for ci turmmt tjt jfjsw ysuta s vtw w pura liao i goon lor i 8mrra3bsu cslnaet turi plain cflt cft 1 exambw o ar hw m w wish t see sfceai it will be aware to oato ahewipoi i aeaj i me jdoaiaiotket to giveajaacafl t 7- 1300iw5j rfsfl ttz 1 kijg op the dry goods headford e ebollert the lion guilph 0r4ti we cordially bvite the readers af the free press to pay na a visit within th n fw weeks we have made grand preparation for the holidayitead i nd show tnaay lines of ooods sausaht far prioea we guiraatae to save you saor than the parchasing of preeenta uaeh under regaa coat of your trip o qaetoh tnt lovely plain and fkntry- colored bilks ai 4 pw yard ttnrlnpwittdi bioh blaxikdrfcsaarjd mantle sukfl at sjooito 300 usmtle velvetairom 300 to j6 00par yard vmes rieilaaroh4pieejf 4vh wool serge in all oolorifrdni 25 jii bias fiaatmere af ajar nslti3wh jan iillj fromaoetotaparyard tlore40aahtnereaui ailahadtaisdpricea r etjt laaue far mansea ladies mink seal ai l4ea fax csapawaaerf id value chbdafojaoi ahvarletj vi h li s k bpeeialtormrasootoh wool acatai vrmlafaiatcfstaiia asyteskaan ye48nao3oitatfaoy i- v- t 1- f ajajawiimraaaaiaitiattvaafltfm aisg iwvyi i wsie ifs

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