Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1881, p. 4

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psai v esk- t ii- i vvi- a j il f i- 1j i x ip b lile ftf iari e press tihtwwf xlofuhxo deo ss m jimv tuts cm christmas it re lly coma ami snk g oi ii oot tonlubt uvea the wm are happy tossing ibat iktem white 80 ill amp 1st bed ud cam my eyewhi h u wide hue and when j8aau cleat ooetee down the chimney a look tt bit thiogt hi take bat twooder i up in heaven tho tmtelt hi re ttockiogt to fill and whether it xl santa ulaua tills them tv tiny lie ij tbetrefibs to lull do yon think pillows and instead ta vara i voslt like to go op there if its hitr toukhim tee ftlprt tec hey an oloodi for their it candle titer 1 very far botrimttt r t prayed to the saviour mr eotti to kwpvi j 1 ut instead of i ley me 1il aak pleate dont let m go to sleep for i want to m kritt with hit saadita and hit baste thats full to the brim and im tore m jirayet will be answered 80 ill ting lim my new christmas hymn 111 ting it over 1 nd over to fill op the rout lag time till i heir the ti imp of the reindeer and the belli rith their mem chime bat im tired t ill just begin it that dear little christmas by u 1 jesus the leased child kins hu stars i hik tree to light e little the wy of to heaven but no vm tdreun i pilgrims is krisa in sight iy dreaming rexm- goodnigbt a visit to slate claws saop it was nearly nine oclock when tommy and ropy went to bed on christmas ere f heir stockings had betn hung up aid tbey wished very much for next ojoiniog to come sallie ann was rosys dolly and ale wore stocking oue of tliein had to be buug op one of lb the others id ieu nmiutft timiiy and kvay iul he dolly wert all fast asleep ill tie middle of tb oigl-t- tommy woke and fonnd rosy silting up in bed she waa looking a something tommy wanted to know what it was he turned orer and what should be see bat santa claus himself the dear old n an waa buttoned up to bia chin in a ccat of white for he was busy filling tie stockings there aaid santa claua ive forgotten rosy doll and i ahall hare lo go all the way back and get aoine- thing for it i wish youd 1 fake me with you faid tommy boldly an me too if yoa pleate miatar sanu cuua addld roay balloor bfaouted santa claui yonawake younstera i yes dr inskered tommy and we want yoa to ta ie as to ride in yoar aleigh vtell man rell gult dll huriy and biiit qtgljt for it ay men jor iniutt jmy tgalh the ullett of tb littlja dioawt to bnd the gift olheia gntbered about roay who waa too frighmocd to ieak isnt khf lovely v said one touch ing her jong onrlai u q yea indeed added another j ahe ia prettier than the prettieat waxdoll wt ever tuada 8ho niuat bo ooldleti give her one of our little atnlakin coala aaid a third helping roty into a wttrmftir coat ta put oantljt in lha pocketa aaid a fourth atuffing the pocket with sugar plotna lets give bet a cap lo match the coat aaid a fifth putting a cunning op over her yellow curia jts all aiether aaid a ilxth but at thil santa olaua popped roay back into hit pocket k6 no aaid ho you might change ber into an elf ue yourselves tonuuy who waa never frightened at ao thing had mounted a bioycle and waa 0ying up and down the hall the little men forgetting theit work ran up and down after him playing en trumiiett horns fifea and drums bleu my heart cried santa clatia i never heard such a din in my life come you yountsler the dolls gilt i faudcf and im going to take you right back to bed no you dont ahonted tommy not unless you let uie ride thia bicycle yoa cant said rosy lean added tuiumr u iknoa i can t ill gn with you aaid one of the iule men t cau rideinthe air like 3na claua tiih liitle man got on tommys back and awar they went rosy and santa claus were iutbe sleigh tommy and the little man on tie bicycle 0 on on faiwr faster faster tiujiuv stiuuted in glee- suddenly lie wiked luile man bit turn rays eur- he screamed and knocked tbeelf uff his back the liilietaan jumped on one of the reindeer tommy waa 00 longer able to ride on tho snowflakes and liegiu to fall down down down 0 how frijjbteii- ed he waa down down down the bicycle torned over two or three timea and down be went head first into bed yea when tommy opened hia eyea he found himself it bed he only dreamed this ttory rosy waa asleep betide him the stockings were twice aa big as when hunf a p right in the middle of the room stood a splendid new bicycle the early snnahine waa coming through the nursery window it was christmas morning stssaebbmasaa in from be itorid tuil tb into that kght like wbfelhet it othe on mrth ihallgl o flotie wehave no other word foil it ml t iaaaid that the word belpn no o bar language than- oflre 1 itatti for a leg cabin or a tutjely ardi ion dow notnieji ue hofim tired lth travel he toon gjies to hi 1 room aid u he thick orer the even a of the meeting he reootleot that a dear old voioe aaid i knew that he would some nrjhe laid woul i llappy tne many note e life his 10 won the oodfitlenoa of be mother happy the mother who can to apeak of- her ton bleated are thfse holidlttiiuei j what- joy iner bringj to homeh all over this broad land blew 6i he tliear home achoohvjand collcies do mticb but it ia in tlitae bomea that it laic the- foundation for uu beet that is in ua happy is ha who cm in theeotioliday times return to and be aure of a welbotne at the old home ti i t i a uafl xxpoiiam mm t a qlit no i20 walnutst philadelphia pa writes s 1 had ia fluomatory rheumatism rapt badly in one fool and ankle it seethed 10 have taken bold with the determination to stay tome time mi that morning 1 1 oblsined the st jacobs jil 1 could 061 pat my foot down to the floor even for an instant 1 uted it that evening ler the aral time and the next morning icr the second tun and that afusrnooq pet my foot down for several minutes tin sunday following i could stand up aqd wslk few steps on tuealsy could walk about my room sod went down suifri by holding on to the banisters now lean walk quite well rd there very hlle pain left just thiok one bottle and a half and i am almost free from- pain it is a wonderful medicinj i mjm it is commonly fald thai you canndt make an hpneat man believie thai white it black and vioa teksx but those woo have grey hair by using the cisoukss una kuxewaa will find that this ap- parentiliffionlty is easily oreroome par sale by j e mcgarvln 50 oents par botue i siljbsdii mt rte mmt vmobb tweeds diagonals waters and w w ildcuffir j malmriertrrl in the beit of style i the fwet price east end glotti m store jfyfe acton i aapiker ckrhntaat aa4 ait4ilaiitjh pauwy btacuitej oraiumlemasi f 1 reoistsriio at otai va i an aetificial gastric juice this is not a patent medicine secret remedythe infeala u printed oa tbe labal ai ebed to each bottle n rc- loaa f appetite intestinal arf waatuig draeaaes constipation nansea chronic ditrrbra cbokra infantum and moi f inlaws uoubles which generally arie from the stoma ji 50 cents for 48 doses or ab replar sued bottles containing r 01s with dot mi by ill chemists throughout the dominion avoid taking liquids of any tort more than is ibsrlu ihe eicetsive use of liquids is the cause of half the da it a pohtier agreeable and easily taken supplies to lha sti prescribed by the leadine pbvsicians thronphout ihe tice cent per dose ure attached 50 cents for sal y pec sary to quench thirst a sia ti tbe world maltopepsy mach he actual gastric juice dominion in their ilfawe if eati tanned good ao- ace and erertthlm aw in tkatr hue a never befora ahown raajctoo r pre8h bread- buns ivveddlipakj a 8peoiaity and ordeps f filed on the shortest notice aejasbefcetaiikt by balk alwari on vjtwh baaa frh e nioklinrson kern ati bread bills at preaaat airpeid must be settled by the new year witheajt itil- k5 8 boo laoltilooalcaurr i takj4 urerl gtl f0k13ale af umihts r rarularprac ualtopeptyn is also used to a jarge eilent in hospii als dispensaries and infirmaries a i notes newark uich writes- i have enquired at the drug stores for irtbomaa eoleotric oil but hare filled to hod it we brought it bottle with us irom quebec but it is nearly gone and we do not want to be without it aa my wife ia troubled ltb a pain in the shouller and nothing else sires relief j can you send us tome 7 are yew leel fhesesue er taste er saaellf if sol it may be irom the lspaorr of the 19th century ctaaa tab oos mtcnokal caiaaah rmidt will restore you to enjoyable health it not only cures catarrh but all other diaeasea a tbe same time price 1 p bottle for sale by all druggists and medicine dealersj bend stamp for 48 page pampht let eonlaininr treatise on catarrh and certifieateof the ourecf fo t j b uakduvq dominion ageot brock nlle ill ungbed the old santa clfut cant refute tbe make baste ive no children anything time to lose oat f bed jumf ed the two children dont wait to tiretw said santa claua iii put ana of yon into each of my big pocketaj and youll he warm enough come on onion the roof they vent there stood tbe sleigh crawnby eight tiny reindeer santa ian gat into the sleigh and drerw the far lobe over hioa tommy ani rosy peeping out of bis pockets fit very nine and srarm come dasher i on dancer die comet said santi claua to bis team faway wogof and itway they 1 lid go right fn the air afld through the falling snow flakes oyer tbe tops of the bouses and trees llmeseae days before christmas have overtbe townsand cities faaleryfaster faster tbey went till they came to ganta chines country here everythji g was of snow trees stieeta house all made of snow it was as light as 1 ay for high in the juink sky bung a jreat bnght silver moon is that yoar itouse mister santis clausl asked little rjy as they paused a beautilul ice 0 no my dear uy ihouse is mad oxndy hete we frisncer and cupid i castle all built of said santa clana every bit of rock are hpw hie stand still f santa gads j amp d one of the sleigh with tourmy and pockets sure euojgb there stood santa claose bouse yellow and red rock rosy still in his all made of white candy and lulled up from top to bottc m with christmas leper hi take ypu rij bt into my work- ebopvseld santa ci ua bonneing into jfeg room where i awl reds of little tcetx were at work they were tying lap toys book and iodic into thou rands of parcels lb ne were to go at ttretve oeioek ty bat u claoss express to oi ratrtaof tbe wo id m themgljt of so n any bvely tbioga todtjay and busy hoi b jumped out jtjf suitfccfatf pockets qfrfmustp the workers where ditfahy rfffh dr ensue from v jjhnt sheof in toy poekeu frj sat setua scau fn coiutai cold and stormy the soli tary passenger thought the traiu would never arrive what if it should be snowed in t the thought was not to be tolerated he had said be would be at home on christinas and he mutt go then as be walked op and down the koely platform be wondered if they would expect him had mofher grown any older 1 woou the children know biml what a curse these railroads are to a country cutting screes the farms and never on time bat a shrill whistle and a glare of light soon changed the young mans thoughts io the warm and lighted car he said to himself a railroad is a great bless ing how could i hare ever reached bouewjthout its aid v what a busy been in the old farm house to be sure the good old mother has gone about ss if she had some important secret she tout her li sternly as if to keep from telling it but the more she closed them the more of a rmile tbey wore wbtt pies have been made and bet in array npon the pantry ebeves where he used to look for them i she did tot forget hov fond he was of a certain cake his room was made to look just as be left it that morning at last when everything that only a mother can think of had been done she put on the tsme dress that sheworewhen he went away and she seated herself as usual she was perfectly calm it ie true she wenlto the window every now and then but that was ouly to sea if it was till snowing the listened no it was nut tbe bistle only tbe dog it was a full quarter hour to tbe time yet it teemed a if that whistle bad sounded eery other night long befora tbie what if on this night before christmas of all nights in the year it should not sound it seems a if it never would come st last tbe fluttering of the dear old heart told ber that it had sounded if he should not come 1 noe ttud he would be here onjhristmaa and be always kept hu word tbe stltion is not so very far away am what a long lotfjj time it seem 1 tbe jute ear catches the tsranchfng aojiikd ofihenow under foot stepaitbrttbor open and admit bun back to the home heeftnot a long time ago aa bpyj ont picuum of tut1m90ul8 redtveo 13 futttcuit i waiucs n soct a 1880 the maltopepryo wis given in a mirked and distra sing case of indireslirn with tb most rarsd pleasing and beneficial results tbje maltopepsyit t obtained ffom rou has far more having tried it in two old tad very obstinate cases of ini igestiob i fonnd it to act bin 1 mckenna if d hann i have used yoar maltnpepsyn in severe cases of tdulls and diarrhota of children and itn so well pleased itructed my druggist tokeep a supply on hand zw kempton m d thloxe okt- jan jo j88o ban answered my antidpationj camaar out jan 1881 indigestion and munutriticn 1 rith the results that i have is t wreade m d x xrblojta ont dec y after frinj your maltoperavn 1 trialin snnie of n worst cases for whidiit sscommended i ajn well pleased with the wav ia which it irtide like that cow in use and it will oe a unirersal favoritp icts hazen morse for saic by all ugists jvnd j b mcqaettn j acton 1880 continue to make a xco r hamilton m d toronto 4 l aeaert bathers metltent are you disturbed at night and broker of yourrett bya tickchild suffering ana cryin with the excruciating pain of cutting leetht if to goat once and get bottle of mrs winslowvboothin syrup it will relieve tbe poor little luflerer immediatelydepend upon it there it no mistake about it there ia not a mother on earth rho has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it- will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health toj tbe child operating like mafic it is perfectly safe to use in all cases vndj pleasant lo the taste and it tne pre scrip tiojiofone of the oldest and best female jphyafcians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle eouaicdyt piut enfeebled exist ence this medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and dc mettic remedy it overturn the found- aliont of disease laid by defective food and impure air in obstructions or congestions of the liver lungs bowels or any other orgnt these fills are es pecially serviceable and eminently successful they should bt kept in readiness in every family being a medi cine of incomparable utility for young persons especially those of feeble con stitutions tbey never cause pain or irritite the most sensitive nerves or most tender bowels holloways pills are the beat known purifierj of the blood tiba most active promoters of absorption and secretion whereby all poisonous and obnoxious particles are removed from both solids and fluids ijspecial announcement for this a month htiriflgfosolitiealmmbagp buokaekt soffmit of tim cm bout int and sprajbi bunt detf 6caldigmrdboillf tooth ftp ftpf hndatht frott0 futon put ami ill ttktr paint end mehu twitumfrtsi i0qiw-4uv- 1 we have dktermined to clear ottp otjr remadflnq stock of wintebj dress 3oods jtfaiitles a atillltiery to effect our aim inch a sweeping reduction it will repay overy ltdyfrom all the so and towns to visit our store qooru and price and secure soma of our ohoap i ite are not leaving mudyh bul bound to tell qi wm sn 1 be made in price that onnding village our ureal ti7bbtl sale boa mhitbtiikst jijfroh j la where yon eau get pkh bbvembebihe stad ics of the ltrsmiv aaall su aetfki aotoo dec328i atreaiohmleiatet flood commercial siu in express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods to any part of the town all parties indebted ti thu es tablishment are requested 10 iff p withbnt farther delay and savaesi ed kattlievfi protwlttor surh ecipic iiebic a imtwlcsras a teqavoe at 8lrsbee as iota or mem oryrjbl vanal laastlttdejaln id the baew dtmoemotvia tatwpressataratsmtje aal before tauac many asuer wwwsee that laamiotnaanliyurootismait hon aerfojrpuieolersln oar munphlet wktsta de tire to tend free by mall to wnrcwe sartbe bpeelfle medfaivumldbv au ensr- atots at f lyooper rtuscaf or atz pwekasei utr as or win be sent free r mailon re ceipt of use monar by ad dreann 1 tusmrltmsiduoe afiwiag toronto oaucaaaaa 8em by j 8 meoarvip mnteatat eaten habeess s tsitns dbeot senney son have just received a sjfetdid istitmtyt pau a vmttll tsrfj leravt vall lr4riswt to taapeopl of aesea ad vieiastyy s h9mnutriemattoertls sreiastuamivtieteeastiirfaei tlelatgewawaa cflstoii worittibd exeeated with deenateh aad freaa the vera kest taaterisi 1 5 m r ai savwe hare alto a nice aasortmes of v tstrxxs rls8 j 1 acton art speight 0n undertakers furniture deaters waggon co guelph i fitfe goobs ijndertbklnevorv desoription of poneral bequiaites of theimst qualities sup plied at shortest notice firetciaes haaasi urnished fnrnilere in our cabinetmaking department we lemsnd parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots i watson we have on hand a steak of flrttclast xm iber wi 1 nanufsotured by ourselves from the best material which 1 ill be ible rates ptioiit parlies requiring anything in rtarnesa fir trunks to tare money iboqtt jo to r oreegh actoiv tbis wcoxpa swaecarest for stash aa tkromghxtlir world for em ofmiatisteakt lhaa- auaiiatlinu 3 tit uriry reguiau and improve osecjoality 4t uie wood they aasjrt the dugtite og4n v v 8tsucfi iw4bmiiav increase the secretory powers of xtver braoe the nenous srsiemana throw into- the circulation he pare jsmaeat lor snstalng sad repairing j i usefraine vvi s tbobssnds of peraoak hare tettifted v that hy their oe aiooe iher have ban restored to health- and jiiienfth aiw every other roeae had proved ojttoe oeasful j i w01a-t- wul rrouikdiinalahllaahrjese homv core isoiia hard ft 4 ymm tv- 1 cfjcbboi throats ambssejotistsa ciitorwf h and cheat as 16 hont kbetaaaiaj etala aid uxwrt wbbktlormyb mfwwmailt ahhaheirtixftxii awhlj irjfcj veitllsir

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