Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 22, 1881, p. 6

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v i the blimumihk r- mj press tmmsosv slourtm itao a 6si a0hristili8if pi sapaly a word tor sash aading of each triplet will llaakaotaatthe rhysm sxaarru ully rat op ia br little bed aadjiaatclat the nana lowing red with a happy taonsht ii hr sutnlr beed masses it toaterrow yas dj darling 8 wffl8aataclasrlj est lb i olau waitaojoethiak iwiaalwerasanuo all what bmual thing i kvarrbodj should ban im bay lay dolw w and sjsta putty bird nejvaoeoboldtrabu aid mmxm id apron and bob torn shoes tor ih f h- iv bat mamaa what wejjl i kww baby all liv witt litu whit frock mlbv ad ind tie afaausa what do yo what askecta tears for bar rood saata will uuuhfwt 1 an do yoa- paw ro f ohbi8tmas iibua compmimtitfmpnm hair canstasas chiosea obi jpyoaa voices i boar taji gladly walona in the day soho beckaaca joyou l lot tha oarth resound ia oa tan aarry chriataui fawty jot balls riajt run oat yoar dispel all gloom relieve feaetrat britain tha pal of each aod every baau drive all ears and ajriaf i oa tbn joyoaa christani chares baua riat rind oat inviting all the fas the to lira praian aato him who redeemed tb work lift yosr tnoaa mil taa oa this precsoai holy diy at tbi tfik iaut vktt swbll ht to ttoiat bwia ii- obriataaaa v m ooantbia f thorn ringing sinking r adaa rtadnaea kill heart day your elesnst maraat froaasia sty toa at- htneu too bad isnt it t kbit did bedwofl too many doctors how many bad hot six kilted aim between t iem oh 1 exactly- too man j nolo etc that a handsome eul so arenvtbe floweis lovely 1 wonder did he leave much t hard totell did a make a willl hadnt time wat it so terr sudden t not so terr bat they tbooght ted get well i didnt the doctors know i there was only one doctor heard he had six i no only one why didnt they call in othenl cant say hed be a well man today if they bad thats- so theres dxl a polled my sister through l anadr b cored j cousin aod dr g raised my aant 1 theres nothing files a consul tation of experienced doctor doctors be hanged bombuga the wjwlle of them kill moreithan they rare by a good v come handy in ja fit of then aaium thoogh j thats different a auni got to go when his day comes wrll id be a dead man long go only for doctor good string of oirriages aint there 1 too many dont heliere in them i do tbey show reepect show money you mean cheap way of getting ia ride anyway whos the nndeitaker 1 purs on style doesnt be 1 do yoa think the widow will marry 1 they all doit foot thing its a pity of her obhea wft her well eff fioe booae isnt it yea if its paid for was fail life insured j didnt hear will the relatires go to law f theyre st it already good for be lawyers there wont be rnnob left to guarrel orar when they get through there wotjdntbe anyway they say bedid spend freely best hearted fellow erer lired oooldnt keep money ant tee any one in need of it nerer aw any of bis liberality nor i always aonsio nredhim close wtus the preacher i rdont know bus be eau to hare i deal to say top much for soeh a cold day tad fasnytnea standing a oood chills onethroagh da ssnt it t a fonertl was to bo at two and oow- vialf past threo tjtey oogbtto be moo prompt wontd yoa want to w sotprompt anjrpo bwlenguig b woaf ijarts o by be i wi djovs amtwwmtx tbtmbr 1-tstj- jp ft w1tl wiiui ohlirrl1 ti iatun madil on tha klndergarte jan andjie months if tbi sensible plan war adopted would be named si follows january would rjefilutbuary iwrniarr would be slopnary march wonld be windiiary aiiril wi nld be raintmry may would be budnaryr june would be wartuuaty july would be roaatiury august would be broiluary beptimlnr would be ohilluary ootobrr would he culduary nottmber wotild be frostuary deosmber would be 8nowuary xa nsr or mbrot sbaiab btntin otessutoaid it moioixc sir ailley ooopsr mid that no man ought to know he had a stomach unfortunately however the two ex treme of luxury and pritation teaoh a considerable portion of mankind that they bare atouiaobs and tory troilbl atiae ones too the diggers after gold tn oar gulches the allaml of our riror and our dry plains tufier mnoh from diseases of this organ and of the lirer aod bowels at present howerer there is muob teal fear of then com plaint thanj formally ail intelligent miners an aware that they can be readily eotubated ind cured by the tknely adniiniatrauon of hollowats oelebrated pills one of the leading iorma in wbioh disease of tha itomaoh and bowels exhibits itself in tha in teriorand we may add in the cities toe m a debilitating diarrhoea nuth ingthtt has erer been tried either in dysentery or disrrbom in this oouniry has uniformly succeeded in curing tboau maladiei except uollowaya pills it is slated that all oases in which tbey were administered at the- ballarat digging they did not ail in on the ordinary medical treatment ot diarrbon appears to be wholly useless in this eliomte probably it is so in any climate be this as it may it ia beyond cavil that the pills arrest the complaint as certainly ud almost aa qaickly u the brakes of a rail car arrest the levoluliona of its wheel there are no ifa or buts about the matter the cure ii a foregone con tluaioa imagine what a godaeud such a medicine must be to the digger puaseaaed of it he feels u if endowed with another right arm the very lace that his cheat or knapsack contains such s potent counterblast to disease keeps up bis animal spirits and renders him less kuceptible of anbnalthy in duencea miners bound to the more unhealthy diggings usnally provide emselvet with an extra supply of both the kll and the ointment as they can alsuxs dispose of what tbey do not want at an euoraotu profit it is said and pro bably with truth that- the large im portations of these medicines have senoonly interferred with tbe profits of tbe drug tnercuanta calomel and jalap and all tbe purgatives alteratives sudorific ano3ynea etc are sadly at a disconnt in the mttket hollovays pills and ointment fill their places in public estimation and more than fill them id beneficial effect the en- qairtr or oai ffiogamtnu mingsqiielfcsi ouelph fur jpaili hrt cum xnaiiohurch ill doiille stuff pa ng etl in hair bawjsilk or reup gn ainterd and t lijittom pilom a wit ulioiled before pjirclmsmsmsewhera i i t j ifsnufkoturers of reapers mowers sndthresnlngjltohlnery yrefsr ca ibrlne machine hi to any other llwlll oetwear lardl seal and elephant and is warranted not to cum l 1 nothing irnpure or injurious oootam inates tbe popular uttdutt fo pain throat and lung remedy and general eorreotlv dr thomas eoleolrlo oil it may ba fsed without the sllcbtest apprahansloq of any other than iaalatary oonmqoenee coughs rheumttlsm ear aobe bruise to its action acne bruise outs and sores tuoouinb business brevities tad nsaaaa tt baaato to war aaaral raadaxs hats from 75 oents to 26c st j fyfet new stock of stoves just received atjo hills a good pelt hat for 75 oenu at j kyfes for firstclass eavetroughing ap ply to j c hill sxtf skats oatm in u sues at f b pearsosi actoa ladieb ruandfa newest styles st christie henderson k co buy your oysters by bulk tt the excelsior bakery e nicklin son xl von want a nohhy durable and eneapsniti j fyfes is the place to go do to parsons for the latest and mott asbionable design in tea set is wedding and christmas cakes made to order at aborteat notice e nickliu k sou confectionery mince meat nuts etc pnre and freab at tbe excelsior bakery hasdwam ii great variety cutlery a large stock nails hinges etc cheap at pearsons a delicious and most refreshing tonic ia pearsons fiash ground un adulterated coffee scotch english and canadian saititws in gnat variety at the east end clothing store j fyfe acton otbtsm fiesb oysters in balk constantly on hand at the excelsior bakery e nicklin son manx1 oaiajurn mantle cloths silk ao4 satin trrmnjings at cbristte henderson 4 cov bars vslne suite anl 9 vercoats at extremely lowrau ao3 auda u latest ttrlea be 3ir to call andjsae them i tjit aoton most say its the nicest thing i ever sal fsr the tseih sad breath says every is having triad tbassacr tbe pawl toilet gem get si cent sample jpmish bans and cake of every iptifln large end imall cheaper you mb baker them at tbejsxoe bakery b nicklin avson ask your i dealer for caalorlna machine tllnd sea that tbe btrral ii branded outorine as none other is genuine jitwa h btlooxu or virgin n y writes dir thomas bcleclrlo oh oured s badly swelled neck and sore throat on mv son n fortyeight hours j one application also removed tb pain from a rrr sore to my wifes foot was also much inbtmadso oiuch so that sbaoouli not walk shout the house j she applied the chi- and in twentyfour boars was entire cured 3leys bad p o a proverb 1 horace qeoleyt bad penmanship ha paused ml o a proverb mo detcrlptlon of it without faotlmlle of tb writing eouid oonveyi uy idea of its illegibility it is charitable however to the old phlloaoiher to nappose that the fault lay with the peas be bad been aocjitom ed to uf but wlsl a world of grief sod trouble would ban been saved lo the oomposllors if he had written tu edito- rial with an esterbrook kalooq pen use uastonnr machine oil for all kinds of maehiiwry it is also excellent for harness of beatbar making it water and weather proof beat aa oeaafart u ib aaatrias i browns household psnaoea has no equal tori relieving pain both in ternal and external it cure fain in the hade back or bowels sort thro kbeumatiem toothache lumbago and any kind ot a pain or acne it will otost surely qaicken tbs hlood rnd heal as its acting power ia wonderful browns household psnce acknowledged as tbe great pain reliefer and of doubu tbe strength of any other elixir or lioiment in tbe world should be in every family bandy for use a hen wanted as il really is the bettrvaedj in the world for crsmua hi the stomach and paint sad aches of all kinds and it for sale by all druggist t2s cent a bottla tail weuhlir gitallkini he r oil clot lifdnooods mlllipaty mantis ftimsni dres unasrplo llnoleumi laoec j- art farina ryeawj tttstpttwrt knftb6t titag tryods joclodwg 0 fplt st i mer trlfli otr jha ooir iodld 6etpiiiej on irtalr lwiaitvryutattfunlontandbtpiwno pla n figure at the lowit nub prroe is a gasrantaw of fa r dealing and thatlfthsy sand aobtld for swdilt will got itbam irchaip tb hn sod farttavitbat shdold any mlkuka be mad or an overcharge ootmr it w 11 be set i ight itth bill it brou bt back aod tb tnattar aspmhwr to too propriasof tbesr kmwajao uwt be treated polluly and wilt not b teasm w buf mora trsao iby ireqalr t nih tralflihn wsttfa stuslter mlpwsllfetss ktaobr tbc r will lb lssswritep jvajss k- rand momnbar ovwrth ofootdw m low by 14ektk whiek for tke mttf is oo king itnet mil oldmlo hagbson 1881 iffilll rbrst ibar ijt it prf liartbraate lb n pratt doobutmribtiluur prompt 6uh v almotanthlngsndvsrythtng thiyrsqulreatthbi toorisooi booseitttb verytoi tstpriowtbk iaervbju good can ba sold for tbjjrkooy tb- lueist ia tb name it enables blm to porimofcti p l j- thoma ttbtos 4milt0h sssssssssssssssssssssssslsssssssssssssssm aaaai for thejholiidays b haslett dalea4 in staple dry gooisaadaeneiral qrooeries ac ha jut opensd a ttoa of px4s very suitable for tha chrlsarr snd new tears trad ooglmttho ot i j lajiiet wmupwc ffandkerehieft and scar qtnu silk handktnhiet in all tikadu berlin wool and fingering tarn in fancy colon lioniton and point braid a mia aartment slack spanith and crtam loot ghrittmat curdi in great variety chrittnuu conftdionery etc xtei fit a4at far tfet msteattn tm09 a saadnmi us 7rttm vouum ludtoswrtpm0imtithjhp0adl9iifk j hmlttt something nice for iott hoxttv rruruunnxi bare in somelnstaucak led to tbedsooiery of the scan of completely healed abscesses or tores upon tu long this of itself shows that the lung tissue when diseased is susceptiblejuf restoration to a sound aod bealliiy condition personsafflirted with lung disjeve ma reasonably hope to recover beajth by tb use of well- choseorenedle fortmoftsmbpgtbeoe is northrop i lymans emulsion of cod liver thl ind hypnphosphitea br lime and soda a thoroughly tested and bigh- y accredited specific lor coazha colds asthma bronhttis spittinxofthe blood and other affections ot tbe throat cutest and lungs pulmonary irritahon is promptly arrested by the cod tiver oil and the hylpliosphite which are smong the finest rennvanh used by phyficiant reivive the flagging energies of the debilitated system qatarrh catarrh qrs years suiutlnr cored by ccnstlwtldnal catarrh binmly orouilmblnthf lhroulmo ttoehok- lot heailaehr rvioi in siiouldtrharx adtlkijnejx aod eollre ureaali s llowh nf tb frem curil by coiutiuitlonal calirrrh rnicdy acaugli or leoljctet-rarsiuandlns- eured bj cansutntionaj caturrfa rem- i c ctarrh with tropplnf- in tbe throal oailnt fehlnca ol sli anilh t mxslneas palo in urn side aod vakntst of kid- nea iraniedlatelj relieved bitebi beetnlnxlymade new by on bottle of oonluudncatatb remtdr i- rnan edred of catairh olbr rears tandlnfbjneolonsilinilbnaicauitb bemedy be it bad impaired hlaeye- lhu made blm deaf tronbles kltb iropplnf in ihetbrnat btmxvmnyjbnarlns in tbe sesd ad fetid braitb cured by coosuinuonal caurrb bemedy bontofitne noee eaten ottmemot7 irone aahidlmpalrrd cured brconsiltn tlonal catarrh remedy catarrh with all lu loal bsome attend ants en red by four bottles of constitu tional catarrh remedy for ealeliy audrus isu percheron horses i importing and breeding estibustent arraii world m w dithhah vi wsjrnedapjfge xjssbtatxr mmn wmm ttortka i focawihbsw tjaarsaittaaa jf maoourtnut rtm brwt- ttuparutflmrtpefrtt astial isbsthb r jul prist wiaasbf tsstsmtrmd ottbcsat 9wsofratmsmems febobb rosaean au with tha tmrg am i pnt nnainrlnti ot olrttra- ovstatsnrsba moorsatiiwotbprlwln- aars at tba or at bmwarf bouaatsod zand was awl road tbtvimmi fteeajsa frs of r o and ogoh thm msa 100 pajol catahomn saw jfsks oa titpthdtm i caotaaax aver v zout- st bs bbbbdbb dk xnias something new for new yea s s0methffl6prs not been shown before this siason vi that we might be able to show our customers choice and entirely new designs infancy goods to make their selections from i for xmas and the moli- daysjwehaveimpoyithm the past two weeks a choice lot of wool and sils goods con sisting of shawls f shoulder shawns knit square clouds roll ties scarfs hoocs mitts j silk necklaces collarettes i j french german wool hose gents merino scarfs silki and satin- ties slipper patterns japanese silk handkerchiefs kid gloves mitts etc j also 1 case of beautiful blask gash- mere shawls 1 case of beauti ful and heavy count etpines ladies and gentlmohs fur i caps in seal astracan and persian lamb we wa atjl to tell j everybody that from njf until new years we are goii gjti sell staple dry goods faaoyj goodi3 millinery gpodsikojts and shoes rubbers aildjjpver shoes cheaper than e 7k qyeygki and child for 20 miles for new years dry i merohlr tailor otmrtjt nan me f iviitth irmb mtmi mtl oauthaa twimtto gi vonhi 4jm sfltami ovsarswctt svmrparfmtpk chuirutmcl 1 e nelson l 1 the photqgraphio art it sow better than ever to xbnt jlrtxttte lhiucnasu of srary styk iptiop at tha most rsiswshpioes batjtfsrtk jways attaa frames mottoe vtefs always m atook in great variety watnt ctnsl u4 taalltle frmtcsv sappbed toordoonshortnatioa toko alookni hit vindoa full of mnplet of all mndt splendid dock e fsames for the holiday trad i 1- call j 1w xt je be 6 i s t b m 5t yeftherel amwlthalijireainrlsojeotbtookof aukibdsof upholstery fran a sarior lt itv i foot toolj h yon want aometbing sow mas and attraotive in the line bf dpholstery tairfat kestt ttsasaas r fakuala fkr tke almays givie ate i can i fcavk lastvftatyawwaal i pon forget that we make the beat upholstered goods in the market ana at tile lowest prions ordered work a speraaity sign of the chair haslews bloek tjppi r wradham street quetah eigstoqkl bigtoainsl bg lots of iiicetluy arb hicht i ig lot of new kb lot dream oi biff lot of new f new clothe litofnffr omtttelatotmkdiblat4xvvlirqoofr big lot ofnewhoeiery and qlove i tt t1 ot r ii fast it oas i tb biggest hoosw taffstoaks and wfflgivbsmnsiaryasj in tbwset tfchrorardclothmg wtasadidwprima 7 lacbefconr lgnmry p rienoe sbtrity and eoattesy wa eccdislry mvrte the public toi vt- mi isjomoi tha bat totb a pjetwei hit strpettatsnrtad by a hdj of 1 1- tbaasnwiaobfliaeiaow jvyjir

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