Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 29, 1881, p. 6

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m t- f if t tk ikubb w emip t shcchtloironiccpt comlastoiie by one till un toy wtfo ave oast use otrli wore ad ik bta brown louse was ftltv srlth tun trom the useritnoot to tho old roof tree like garden bowwinim little out pew kattwtrfnrttnondwtthunderatn warmrtbrlnretlhoorane bathed indow they moorucd irji beauty rare m young and hod an atnbitiou to litnuou at yet in mi yur uio forcq ho had not had a quo hicli tocicrcitw hn talent he lid this young momfao rd ctnirearyoneday j ttbrcast lfat one of the boys atmlcanlngr hit h tad ontrit mothort ho nid i am uim ud oannot play lcvmc sit awhile pn your knee ana rd she oradjod him clone to her fond omtsrace sho hnshod ulmjto uoep with tor sweetest eongd and tuptorout tovs still lightened hl fac whoa hit splhi had joined the heavenly ihrong then the eldest pl with her thoughtful eyes who ttoodwhert- u brook and the river meet stole softly away ihto laavdlsc ker the river had reached her slender feet while the father leyes on the frrovr were bent the mother looked upward bcyondthe skies oar treasures she whispered were only lent our darlings wc e angels in earths disguise the yean flew by and the children ixcon with learings i think of the world outside anda each in ruin became a man the boys proudly wont tram tho fathers side the girls were we ncn so senile and fair that lovers wer speedy to woo and to win acd wllh oramr blooms in their braided hair itse old homes qicy left new homes totegin i one by one the hiklrcu have gpoe- the boys were i re and the triru were three and the big brow i house is gloomy and lone with but two o d folks for its company tbcy talk to each other aboat the na- as hey tutomiha at eventide and sir iall the thlldren keep at last arc the boy snt girl who in childhood died mrs evwilbox in thii affair and an opportunity to win the envy ot hit coniradaijj e aniwc 1unovtjmsjtodlm dead woman diaamsssltav frowijnie vcroij despite tho wttctytutakf bt tteftot ond lituetaurinkrevmkeul tl wj x7vzlu vmntfhlka of hih cotnradc upon- ecreb ifflsslon ww1wiympmmmtity9p toulen unculj stones hundred ol wbloh arrive in london ovory week and moreover these uncut stone will no doubt be out juidpol- bitten finger nails i hsrir iter provided a rretteh detsotty wltni a oturder one m le couulistaire may i speak with yon the man who attcrod these words looked frightened abject and wretched heuad the look o checked with hair he wort dumohm loklwht be and in wtattujet juohwi w bow ma smmb j up to ut night the perpetrhon of the roblxry in hattok qsrden lad not been ap prehended and do furthet iittormatlou wot obtaiiablo at sooltalayitliouth uie po- 00 wore startmps mi ejurgetioiliy follow- sywiloir potieaion htx 6astti vijto specimens wl hanakif exact mwnorandn hare 1 wl to b rocognimtl bjr thtir welju put undurtho ntnmunlon ubio uitl almwod to remain fotir days all ohotu would dis- appearaiid u juuirt7orevor t tbb hoetbwmt boom a uttu tm bnatei it ta mhuw nrnio and was hollow sunken eyes and unkempt an old blouse and pants which were threadbare and patched it was on tii 31st of january 563 u this man ran tiito the presence of the 3om- missoirc of police jules mlnteour in raris the osdolj on duty in the office at sight of this object glanced from one to the other and then at the contmiasaire eacli official mentally photographetl him upon his niemop- may i speak witii you luonsieurv re peated the cua r vtluj are jou wlut do you vut kuljthc corns- ivsu re curtlj my wife mme ivrvois los couiniit- ted suicide she u dead irpnaettr i live in the rue ferjon ko 7 u suicide whenr some time during the- uight uionsicr list night wlen i came home from looking for wore she was alive and in her usual spirits sfcc always bad a smile for me poor as i and even thotsru we hadnt a sou in the house j well broke in the commissairc ab ruptly i ve were very hungry both of u5 but i cheered her by the rd newt that i had ob tained the rtomiie of work at my trade and she west to bed lupperless think ing of whatjgood things we should have whn i hid earned- my first 5 francs an hour ago lawcte i spoke to ler and not die j iie waa not lying beside me on our pallet but on tiie floor monsieur in her hand was a raior and khe bad cut her throat from ear tacar the blood was on her focethe soor it seemedto b everytthere in the room 00 rxuslear it was a horrible tight i a wcmaji does not usually commit sui cide with a razor and people of your appear ance do not usually possess such a tool said the corbmissaire 11 ai but thb razor is hot mine fori have none i do not know where she got it she asst hive thought of killing herself be fore she may have been murdered t that it tmpossible monsieur the door was fastened on the inside with a woodr en bar anil hvl there been a struggle jt would ha vj- awakened me as well as our neighbors- r hadrsnebeen drinking she ko inonsiedr sbe disliked liquor j j cmflt said the official she must have been a woman of nerve to eui her throat with a razor and you a sound sleeper not to have been aroused byitiie tali j i i i was j tired from waudng the streets monsaesr and slept heavier than aauai the tired and hungry always sleep squni they ore like tie dead or they d nyt 1 will le at the eue keron rectly the ma who iiad p uis ambrose xurrois put nisrraged cap his nwjrl- mass of hair and went oax pouowi him at a sagnol from the com- miasaire was a xnouchard in plain clothes do not let himget beyond your reach said the coinmissaire i wrthin dhe half honr the co with two or three ot his officials and a sur- keon of police entered the dingy bate fev- on to reach the abode of puryois tiey liad to pass- through a court a blind passage and ip three flights ofjnarrow wooden stairsj eflterum the apartmetit or rather narrow room they beheld tiie victim i ivis r- nn iinjili txik kooji stark and cold the glassy eyes wide open and one of harods clutching tiie handle of the bloodsmeared razor on the pallet sit the husband with ihis baftdsover his face moamng as if afflicted with the niost unoonaolable grief the offi- cade him stand up ha didso the cnimisbaire questioned him sharply while te surgeon made his customary examination of the body wlicie were yuu married 14 this wo man f j iniltrseillce uioiisieur how long ago in march next it will be thrsw years i was in better lock then i had money put up too wliai was her maiden name f timre camareaa she was phan u how long have you lived here fonly sir months monsieuriwe have 1 existed 1 ot lived to live is toienjoj- ime- self and e happy iocrjpoorgirl sue was so kind 0 heart r ther that wm do now said the ofti- rial tl i surgeon had made hii inspection of the b dy the other officials hacf exam ined the nobmanahadln their brief quick and yet thorough ttier questioned 1 the neighbor in the group of scajred people in 2u m rrow passage way amious to get a sight 0 tha new horror of tie sue tcr- ira it n ay be suicide said the commis- baire the 1 onnd bat the arjpeanutce of being inflicted ly a nervous lund added the sur- gemii j t iqneof the officials a detective examined clostuy te womans hands thi one which htvjazor handle arid f be lay stjffened beajdt bar he boirevar but arose from lu the latter port of the year 1863 tlioro appeared iuivis the count horace croii- tti aajotnpaoiad by a lund tome woman whowas he acknowledged the countess his wife they rented a nnguilicently furnished hotel 111 the rue des martjrt and veryv speodily mode themselves known in bocity the count wot a man of fashion lavish in his expenditum and it was not long before ho was accepted by society as one of its favorite set the counteat at the opera and the reunions and receptions of the nobilitr wot received with all that deference usually bestowed upon the posses- sorcof wealthand title the count donated largely to charity his ttipagc wot iniuug the finest to be teen in the public drives hit establishment laxuri- ouun its ippointuicnta one day hit valet ni misting iand in fact ran away and the count wot necessarily obliged to engage a new one who was recommended at being in ever way proper he presented certifi- catet from two ot three of his termer em ployers all of whcmverc in tho best so ciety he wot a cut or a riiunv ready expert in hit duties thorp eyed and secuied to anticipate every desire of his mas ter hit term of service at the counts volet had extended iutp the third month when in the month of april the valet ap peared before the prefect of police and sending in his name was immediately re ceived ty the official alone monticnr lc prefect he said the time has come- the drama is in its last act the prefect smiled i and you have played your part perfect ly do you think that it for yon to judge monsieur the last scene is on it only remains for you the manager to close the performance yoaucgan your part told the prefect in january 1863 in the rue feron you have been playing three years hove you succeeded in making your part in the work interesting monsieur the prefect said the valet hare concluded my work and now as the detective pierret the count horace croiasart is but another name for ambrose purvois and that ambrose purvois mur dered bis wife xizevtc purvois in the hue reran and concocted adroit villain that he is the story ot her uving killed her self a fine piece of work eh my friend pier- ret xow bow did you learn your port the firstas well atthe but act when i accompanied the commisiairc to the rue feron and sawthe woman welter- ing in her blood i said to myself here is a chance for you pierret to earn a name for yoarselfc t examined the body after the iurgeou- i examined the woman t hands what i noted i kept to myself i saw that the razor was clutched in the left hand i by the appearance of the thumb nail i a ko 7 di- hjs nosue at rod can ovar was other wsjjc taadeno his stooping tjxf ttfficial tbedecis on aeht to the prefi ete wm ntv evidence to woman iattepiiitot had by hero rn bainnf1 tbatahe 1 rembved to tliej morgmt the watmade ondjthe report of rtbat the otbetian 1 probably and that of the forefinger that she was in the habit of biting hcrnails as some people do when in deep thought now a ixfiluuideu fosmx would instinctively put their left band u tkeir mouth first but here you sec the noils on her left hand were smooth and perfectly pared therefore ha4 she committed suicide she would have drown the razor across her throat with her right hand- evidently the weapon ha d been put in her hand after she fallen by her qwawin i kept my own counsel i watched this purvois i inquired into his habits and his ways of life i discovered nothing of any conseauencc save he and the woman appar ently lived happily together j and from the postman i learned that in the week of the murder he had left a letter bearing the post mark of marseilles and directed to lisette purvois now had the contents of that let ter anything to do with the murder 1 who receivithe letter not the woman but her hurlxmd i was sent on 0 mission to foulon- when i returned ambrose pur voise bad disappeared i did not forget the case for it was then that i came first to you- then one day i saw this count horace cjroissart despite the change in his apj pearance i recognised in him my missing ambrose purvois i followed him became acquainted after a month or two with hit valet induced the valet to leave him for ts better place which i secured for him in the family of the baron uontgiron and by a rue and the rick of false letters i obtained bis position with the count i found that the countess despite ber fine airs was not of high birth in fact that the was nothing but hit mistreat and that there was a secb1t betwec tddc one day i happened to enter a room ad ishodouil sent into tho market at toon at posstve it it not at all unlikely that totno of twin may iks sold to tho very merchants from i whom thev wero originally twldn kvori- cope moil wngs to london large quantities of nncut diamonds for it it from soulb africalhat tho supply chiefly oomos and snot from brotil nearly nil of which find ihoir way to hatton liardon which has for tome yean takrn the place of kimury squire as tho headquarters of tho kugusli diamond trade many of the merchants in hatton gordon have alto bouses in amster dam and other continental cities bit rapc- ciolly in amsterdam whither most ol the rouh diamonds ore tent in order to 1 cut and polished there arc therefore very freojuent consignments o diamond from lojdon to holland and no pott office probably transmits a greater number of valuable parcels than that hi hattou gar den 110 paroclt ore of course rogiiterod but os that doca uot render the pott office liable for loss or damage a syttem o dia mond insurance has been called into exist ence aiid is undertaken by various compan- ict atthe low rote of is 3d per 100 in tho cose of porcelt of very exceptional value a special inturonce it sometimes c- fectedj but as that operation takes tomo lit tle time and time it important tho more usual plan it for the merchant to take out a floating policy and to pay in odvanoo a premium on ah insurance of say 00000 or 70000 which amount is gradually written off the bookt of the company at each parcel it dispatched until tso tdtal is rtached when a ucw policy becomes neces sary if tlic diamonds stolen on wednesday evening ore not recovered the eonipohics will bo heavy loaert 1 but the value of the ltet ttonct does uot seem to be accurately kinown nowever couaideriug the average value of the ttonea brought by each cape mail and the value of those held over from the arrival of the previous mail the whole amount can not te tet down at much less than 60000 nr 30000 the stolen par cels were contigned by about thirty different firms and meeara lewit t lewis acting on behalf of the insurance companies have of fered a reward of 1000 for the optinien- aiou of the thievea it may moreover be reasonably feared that once out of the coun try the criminals will be ssie the legiti mate trade in diamonds it so great that there must be plenty of unscrupuloutpcrsons who are willing to take the risk of dealing in tlicm and disp naiag of them unlawfully wbenthe kimberley diamond robbery was effected eighteen months ago and sooncs to the value of 70000 were stolen the cul prits were never discovered suspicion never ripened into proof and the stolen dia monds were marketable as though tiicy had been honestly come by this being the base it may veil be matter of surprise that euch robberies are not more frequent as in deed they might be if only english thieves had the ingenuity and the patience bf nihil ist conspirstore j but in the prestnt instance though the robbery was neatly planned no absolute genius seems to have been necessary an inspection of the hatton garden post office shotrt that ordinary quickness and ordinar daring alone were wanted nothing can be clearer iban the thieves modus operandi one most assume of course that the inten tion was to abstract a particular bog at a particular time- as soon ss the goslighta were extinguished the rest was easy close to tiie public entrance to the orbce is atmoll but not too substantial door by which the postmen on entering pats behind the count er to remove the letterbogs and immedia tely within this dear and visible from the public port of the office ore the bogs them- selves rather the hooks on which the bags after being made up arc hung for a short time before being removed from be office it will be an important question whether this door was left locked or un locked just before the robbery the coun ter it fsnrmounted by a netting of brass wire at least eighteen inches high over which it would be impossible to vault it was by tie door therefore and not by a lump across the counter that the thieves obtained access to the bags all that was necessary was that the gas should be ex tinguished at a given moment while the thief without any of the subletiet or refine ment of his profession passed through the door in the dark seized the bogs and passed out again before the astonished female clerks were aware of the nature of the at tempt- it appears that more than forty registered parcels are missing and that though most of the diamonds are in the rough some few have been cut one of these latter weighs as much at twelve carats and two others are worth jc00 or 500 each jbsbaj 1 mm by a gentupmi lh- wat from fagmtin the rutstcrtal mjtmlgtn illinou onj ne york etntttfng their intention w nig to tho southwestern part of manitoba better knownor the turtle mountain dis trict early uit spring for the purpose of taking up loud and entering upon jarnung and cattle roiling the application num bered altogether one hundred and sixtyond tho large majority pro conoditni who emi grated to the states from quebec and on tario years ago the imalieat turn anyone of those desirable tottlon stated he would bring witli him as capital wot 700 and in some instance tho oinoout rut up to thon- sands in the case of the man with the minimum amoun mentioned he remarked that lie had bolter capital than money to in troduce into tho now north namely night children the youngest being seven yean with such hard facta at these we need not have any doubtai to the future for the north- weit au influential citisen of montreal who lately returned from winnipcjjotsurod your correspondent tliat property in the- main street of the capital of manitoba with its population ol 15000 or 10000 u actually telling at higher figures than real estate with much better buildings in the lead itrtcu of montreal would bring if off in tho open market my informant has some uuipuficcut and welllet bouses with ttortsi on st james ttroetend heiaye he would consider them well sold at the price he was asked for au eligible business property in tho main street winnipeg this tame en terprising gentleman went to ke prairie city for the purpose of investing in real estate not for speculation but for a business house and be returned with his money in his pocket a wiscrmau than when he loft he now thinks he con more advantageously invest hit money at home than elsewhere sales have been goiug on here of building lots in embryo cities in manitoba a great many hove been made by auction at prices ranging from sjo totoo each people of ex perience who have travelled in our new territory think it is a risky business buying property they know nothing about unless from well gotten up maps but the fact is those who buy ore doing it at a speculation and the may probably at well lay out then- money in town lots u in other lotteries unt it blag thp u it u the imperial organ of the uhjbetl man ww it it bee in ite proper action all kinds of ailment ire the nafcrol renk the diget- tlonoffo d the movemonts of the beartand blood th 1 action of the brain and atrri tyrtem at ol lmi tie edwtl all an uneetul oonjitlon of the liver and stomach simple bottle to try 10 cents potittvel oold in all towns on the western oontineo three dooet will prove that it it hzrtr1iafoirint atvtcrrar4a yaurv ou will be fcnnd inviluoble for all purpoets of a family medicine immediate relief will follow it ute j it relieves pain cures chil blains fi cat bites scolds burns corns rheu matism leuralgia 4c for internal use it it none he lent wonderful one or two dotes fre uently rare tore throat it will out croi p in a few minutes a few bottles hat of to 1 cured asthma colic bat been cured bj a tesvtpoonfnl dote it cures with the utan t rapidity it it really a wonderful medicim staridabpohoppibojia s ttt sttoett tuiit suu r stssflbabl wts tmfitlirriettnr iucti cm ool si un svai imttojo tar ham iffjsmwiiki kaiss s m tf fireprol farm enqine8 i laid in tvteyeari1 ilivor mperieet enjtne in cauda j- sawmiu ctur wtt u fftod my ititj l mm fi our d j eicihe works co bruntford 1 m 1 1 e by tjssltantu accord avuks pitaaetic pal aro the best of al surgoti es for faiaily use they are the pro- uot 0 long laborious and sueceotful chemiosil mvortigation and their extensive a judiet chart wttk vsg the following comes from georgia and its accuracy it vouched for by the itenogrt- pher who took it down judge was uoted for the way be got i jj l00qt5p0g0 of private and ttustrundsjo loan on mortgage of tmproved farm and totm property at lawesl bates apply to bestlj miller blavrat buesaoack- ojtiosb tbuk of tatreoto tatretxto i crtweiietdmbea4itttlke j nqtfllen busness collebb jrndforolicnlarto i c a fuaitno owenseund unt i ate byldhyticiant is their practice and by all civil xed sations proves them the best and mo it effectoal purgative pill that med ical sci noe can devise being purely vege table n 1 balm can arise from their use in intrinoi 1 value and euro tire powers no otbor pills co 1 be compared with them and every person knowing their virtuos will employ them rheu needed they keep the sys tem in lerfect orderond maintain in healthy action he whole machinery of life willi earou ag and effectual they ere especially adapte 1 to the needs of the higettivc are prorata derangement of which they pro- vest tad cure if timely taken they are the be t and safest physic to employ for chiun n and weakened constitutions where a mild but effectual cathartic is required for so e by oil dealers tiltfmullt t ti sri x1l ixdccxjiixts are offered you by the bi sujscrroitiasta it will pay yon to read t leir odvertisomtnrw be found obie- where m this itme mu lioetnren of beapers uewen and tore lag haehlnes jrreter osstodne ma chine kl to any other it wu outwear lard seal 0 elephant and is warranted not to ram for ebj all dealer mo iy tuffer rather than take nonteout medk net all who tuffetrom coui joining that in which they were conversing i heard loud words slipping into a closet between the two rooms through the thin partition i heard her say t have been your tool long enough i believe itwos youwhi killed my sister give me what i wnt-j- one half and let us separate we can op longer live together when that conversation was ended this woman the countess wat the sister of porvoiss wife this sister living mar seilles liod written to tttetellmg her that by tiie death of an uncle the two sisters were heiresses ot a- fortune of 300000 francs that this wretch purvois suddenly re solved to rid himself f the sister who wis his wife and thereby leap at once into her share of the fortune by his claim as her hus band ho murdered her then made his way to marseilles presented himself to the sister who was younger and handsomer than the deadone and finally won her affec tion teducedherand came to paris assum ed the name of count horace croissart aid went inor enjoyment you remember ht the inquett he said i have exist td not lived j to live one must enjoy ones self j so much have i discurercj monsieur le prefoec they are about to separate shall we end the play now your part is ended mine now bogint said the prefect j that evening count horace croissart alias ambrose purvois was arrested in his box at the grand opera and taken to the prefects office the conhtess was also ar- rested the count on being informed of the chargeagainst him lorthii courajre and with the countess against him and the story of the thorp detective fastening the crime njfon hira he became frightenen and objp coward that fie was he confessed and ged for mercy the detective peia theory and facte were correct and f received hit promotion the sister of murdered woman wok released and brote punoli wmexectrtedmay 191 we 1 im isls73 a public cohbc houm was lashed in london for the purpose of checking tatptvance axul todav there are over 400 neb ctterprioes in agsatmrtylnl- don they roceive the hearty praise of church andfhe tnbetantial aid of the pectoble claaoei tbi number of rank and file art down in ttrmaji military eetimatw for is in to ivitatitm tsrmy mwi to stvnntv otflowiirteaw 181 od toitomntrto maat m a hjwutm cbnrohyvd in kimuntl lejwaa tekitwl la the county of staffortl about two miles dorthwest of dudley and one iiuls frotn soigley lies the village bf lower gornal tola place during the lout few vcelu lia been in a ttate of y riant cvicitcmttit iu cot- sejuence bfccrtaiu ruiuora being prevalent knew that i bad the count alias ambro that ghosta were to be seen walking about purvois thewholething was plain to mi st jamess churchyard the eev j y kooker the ricar two years ago wot fired at and badly injured and several persons who knew mr hookery woqidbeassassiu asserted that they had seen him lurking about while others de clared that figures bad been seen walking up and down tne field which lerr- from the vicarage into the churchyard performing all kinds of strange antics in consequence of these statements a large numbet of persona became sq terrified at to doclaro openly that on no account would they walk near the churchyard after dark and so frightened were the female members of the choir that they refused to go to practice at night uh- leas some men accompanied them for- pro tection the police have been called upon to inquire into tie truth of the rumor but they have not in any way been snecestful in solv ing tho myttery knowing that the vicar had beeu perman ently injured by afonner attack a oand of young men pledged themselves to watch and inflict summary punishment oil any person found attempting to attack hin or his family on the very first night one of these volunteers not acting in concert with the others appeared on the scene j to take his share in the watching but not being re cognized in the darky a cry wat raised that he was the guilty individual and it was only by sealing liiegardeirwallaxiruectingiiito the hack of tho house that he evaded bis pnnuert on saturday evening nov voices wero heard in the vlca age and the police were tent for bt t no pei could be discovered although 1 very oi was searched in ryard at th baikof bouse more voices were hear 1 and mr booker upon goingont wattei2 d by omon who cried out you have con b to kill the vicar have yout rveiwora so take your life you tiboin kd ill a it at ick lighti bemg procured the reverend gentlem4ni assailant was found to be a nj ighbor who w been drinking in a pnblioh rase j i the idea cannot be dispel ed that the ohurchyard is haunted am 0 show jtbe kind of superstiricm which exi taitmaybe scaied tfaat st wimism a fesr oughts ok at the vloarage n4 r queeted jtbe mr hliinwbiel 32i wfli mixed in his cliarges to the jury on one oe- casion a caic wot tried before him the points of which may lie briefly stated thus smith brought suit against jonotupon o promisaory note given for a horse jones defence was failareof cotuidcrationbe averring that at the time of the purchase tho horse had the glan ders of which he died ana that smith knew it smith replied that the hone did not have the glanders but hod the distemper and that jones knew it when he bought it tb judge charged the jury gentlemen of the jury pay attention to the charge of the court you have already made one mis trial of this case because you did not pay at tention to the charge of the court and i dont want you to do it again i intend to make it so clear to you this time that you can not possiwy make any mistake this suit is upon a note given for a promissory horse i hope you understand that now if you find that at the time of the tale smith had the glanders and jones knew it jones can not iccofkr this is clear geatleman i will state it again if you find that at the time of the tale jones had the distemper and smith knew it then smith can not pos sibly recover but gentlemen i will state it a third time so that you can not potsnbly make a mistake if at the time of the tale smith hod the glanders and jonea hod the distemper and the horse knew it then nei ther smith jones nor the hone con recover let the record be given to the jury liar- per iftitjanat 11 1 toti ntf whatsltwtrtettyutode fortja asongainc and imaginative writer pre dicts almost incredible marvels which elec tricity is expected to accomplish before the end of the twentieth century chops and steaks will be cooked by electric sparks the fruits of the earth will bo multiplied behind colored glass fruits aid vegetables will be grown au the year round winter and rummer dvy and night we now take our air and water nw and through these two elements come all the disorden aed contagi- out which afflict humanity in the future water will be distilled and purified f roni all germt of disease while sir cleared of oil noxious qualities will be admitted tc glass- covered streets and dwellings houses and places of business will be oitnated in im mense inclosed edifices the air of which will be wholesome and delightful to the tense of tmell summer and winter will be abolish ed as the temperature can be controlled by artificial means and all parts of the globe will become equally inhobitoblej day will hove no attractions over night for the arti ficial lights will be more pleating than the sun the air will be navigated and the great cities be situated on beautiul hilltops with the great motora shortly to be dis covered huge mountains can lie levelled while the ice packs aronnd the two poles can be liquefied and mode navigable u ild at this teems it is as the ke york hoar suggests scarcely more to than the present marvels of gat and water telcgnpni and ocean cables would have been to an english man of the time of elizabeth a youug- attorney a day or two since hov ing delivered himself of a speech in the su perior court asked the clerk if he could smoke in the room yet was the reply a pipevas hauled out and the gentleman was busily engaged fn building smoke col- urans in the air when the judge laid a 5 fine upon hira i thought you said i coald smoke here inquired he indignantly of the clerk as soon as he got his breath i did was the reply as that busy imcerproceeded with liia minutes didnt you smoke the united state treasury dsjavtbta hon thomas price ui s treaiury de partment washington d c u 8 a re commends st jacobs oil os tho most wonder ful painrelieving and healing remedy in the world ills teetimonialufmdorscd by tome of the lieexfoffieiahi of the treaiury depart ment who hare been cured of rheumatism and other painful complaint by it 1 too deep tor bim lord macdonald eiaminiig a man i who was a witneee in the o of k benehj asked him whattie kmrot tpe de fendant oh my lord i knewbim i was up to him up to him sayt hit lordship what do you mean by beingnp to him mean my lord why iwaa downupon him ui to him and down upon himooyi his latep what doe tbei feowmeanj i mean my lord deep iijmiofmm iotcobomte mend royt his lord- t you mean try this tort oflonr rsottmdertttonditt understand it rejoined the fellow irritation of the bronchial tube or tendency to cnusumptiou will find in dr witu rl bolton of wiu carrry a remedy st ogreeible to the palate a effectoal in re- movistg disease the balsam is a pleasant y it is a rate remedy it it a powerful lordsa whaianotyph mutwr- remery it is a speedy remedy it is a remedy will certainly cure congh cold hoifsriemb bore thmt bronerilriijnihimua aitlv ma whoainr cotifli ciw tui eretr mivm of a throat longi and- cheat irrmfa ton- iujaption 8ol4 by ou ljw 50 cnu and jlioo a bduie e nor be becenrten tiy articles siniuor names be tnre yon get os- wtetambaliax op wflj chebe wtththesiirnatureoflbutu that urea a nan named steward who was first mate of tb american barque alexander campbell has i sen 4ned 25 or six months impnson- meni ot sydney c b or assisting two tol dien to dertert from belfast ireland maioiactureri- ot reapers mowett tad tsrahuig prete cattarlne ma- chin oil to any other it will ontwoar lard seal t alephant and it warranted not to cum par 1 ue bv all deoters ni dot of education eeems to be more popt lar or useful just now than a good com- raeri iol education tbisit fully attested by the rucceas of the ct nod busmes college of i amiltou out and the tucceat of its graduate ttiis is probably the lorrest and mo efficient tehool of the kind in the pro- vine i it will pay any young man to attend ther 1 for a term ui s crtttorine machine oil for an kinds of mseixnerr it it also excellent for harness aad leal en making it water and weather proof kor sale or all dealert tore oar for a couth- t le most reliable remedy for a cough or cole asthma shortness of breath sore thn ot weak inngt and oil bronchial troubles dagyards pectoral balsam price 25 cen s a k your dealer for castorlne machine ou and tee that th barrel is branded castorlne at 1 me other is genuine v a p 5 kj oan of our own majttt acttjkx ts picture mouldings looking glass plates gold walnut mfrrps pictute frahnsv m mm samadtmns co cor bartrr trrsndry au tunt sunt comfort by the way the small boys idea of eenulne eotarbrt and happlneia wror to be pitched fntoa pondorice cream whose moretwere mooe of tponre coke his misery ru the otwnee of these rueasutmbstonees that boy amply repsesents bumaalty txaniuit is op predaterl by contrast we enjoy a thine in proportion to our conception at the ojsadvanttees of our deprrto- lietithertor thltappuel to material thins 11 well at to immaterial cqn- 1 the idele whose op- la the wintry 00b and ti te the shiver otdueom- fcrt throtxxh the observer would sue ontof the coolest cemfcrtlh sultrr dysef tne smscter and in both seasons that which the idclo flourishes best 1 in the one whcrdults absence is rgtttpleoous that most uneomfbrta- hie and torturing dbesse ibeunui- atm plentifully abounds cooilng pain and agony to myriads of people ana ret u need not l thus afflietivo irstilrercrs would oclyuseetjicobt wt the surest taint and neediest remedy lu the whole worlrf fijr ihc eradication and tuic of rheumatism udollpalnful tllmeuts ihclullow- luf from the b a besttr ond1 snirl hows how tomo uupic otlend to their rheumatism fi hen a youne hus band bud rone from home tnd wlui oad aolirliude tclvgnphed his utile wife wlist have yoh ror hrraklot and hows tho ubjf he rceelved the bnef praetkal and tnsecstlvc rcplyi isueknrlieat cakrn ttw the measles weliavc the rcirt of a ease in our mkvd not where measles was in the wu of tare tut where sciatic rheuma- tlsnt eonrlned slritwknthewell- known itovb ester drunrlst to bis room r a lnig jrkcj it wot stated toourrvinirur in the following words themtilor mcnilcref this jrmats ttlacked with klptlc rheumatism tlraut dceeiulr inh wtsnd for four weeks mvvimr leb loth could arrely leao 11- nm hensedt jacoastiiu eiil is nw tuetobeat haiilaiiof tiultikeliignotmuch the wrc for hi- utent affllctlen the infereuio l uiivmcln the nm whkh kv jk i un is btvinr tgt ffe ty unnr iu dintcl tnd the ar- acto is rapidly nbiktiug til other lemnatlc nuicdies is- tst at its vlr- t become kuowo edgar t lue ttgrxixt ren hujifsw til anmtir eftuekt land hof pan ielay tfter ww benti wr it bemthor ttri to msmuty 6 story gtrssaitlrtqr oat ontahio jh0t01t1hbei0 811j1v h0u8ii l spzciaixris v swahs rapid dry plates lhebettli the market christoa8 lew cards the largest and choicest selection ever to hand sample parcels mailed free on receipt of any sum f rem 20ccxrts up mouldwos fnaiissif picrirjctsiii kramrng done at cloao prices lyon alexandr it u fatt sometrinq everyone shomnow that opt large coamgnntnt of choice new season teas hok twetaia this lot comprises neatly 1000 pacfctiges tfl these teas ire unqamtldnahlr the finest lot of teas ever imported into canada tadtnarder to give every bnea ebooceto seeun caddy our travellers will commence on thefc routes at once out of them win call oaeveryeoeaomer throughout the dominion ladies he prepared ask your hnshands about it tusd hare your orders ready ko poor tcaa will be offered every caddy fe warrantee wehaveaz tlon worth having and dony propose to tarnish ttbyfofsttas poor teuoa thepublae jfyea wto to avoid botagbwlddled hypedlartvkeep your orders for our rvellcra imapertet f citlce ttu mackmagkeicwedpne it am srompt and effectual rem edy for aerxotw nfts ta all it auxgca wfakjah pry l08m 0 strait rvwenjre-afra- rcoajfipm8eata ifeakneis tiast xrmral fms pf papxr it repairs rnunbiiart yomtmutt fiei- liv and trioor fo fie sraitisjee cero- ffce oroani tthe eiperlence of tnoosands proteeltmtljrvjiritstsrsnswit the merlicuw is pleasant tq the taste and in no case and under bo cdrcuirjisukes ejn itg harm koch boi contains samcietit for two week medicoacjuttrm botot much ebeber than any other medicine soltvond while it b tteherattwrtijeaci s3- full partlenlsn 40urrmpwetahjch we desire to man free to any address lacks misraette artiesokis tjoldhy nntr- eiscs saarsperbosor u boawfoefe orwdr be maikatrce oj poslagc pnroceipf of meoey by addresauip- htcstbiahrt wtaosir tm cosrasu paid and make a reduction of d per centj o1 regular prices tbc net prloas aijc as follows faro lb tiaiile japaa black aixrd air s aad oalsas teaa tjsij t5f 315 aad tite those toot will be fonoafeuyso per cent bet ter value thou the teas drdinarlbtaold m send along your orders andsave 101 on every 5 lb cattle a postoffice ordejr fo any amount up to uouosts only two cbxts in ordering state what sort of teii an the piccta above- weare sendlnjr teas all he province tliaieliber toe addtuai j- edwafid lawsqn victoria teayarehouseign of the qui en y wxmq strist oust tpaosr w blhioder thirty years jjotrdfoi w l writes at from udtv i jss-u- as cuerifhettniider ofrhl ttifwtaaite ios used that remark t jacqbfi s to a wvcre and it cpad him simple kt ssaoed free when cash aceompani prtee whm atrswtoroito sao the beet of tatmlnn tmtec tved risstt at asd clremlalla ttnistt sletuti jtri ltjsswirvlliaa ae sutalng raav pups sfcesalty atutnl fkroa tvijuaet urrtalerwartul no 47 king wihtaralstreet bend or circular issuouilvsi fnu open to fiist jadmty 18p as an indoccniciit to thoao throughout oountrj- vho iiavq not yet tried our oelbrateo teas we wnisend aslmrle 5 lb cattle to onyiullkor station in ontario cjojx teas and coffees 1 pure yelielohj cures bheo mat1 worm p07ie11 if amplotmttbtake ckmlldielrito ptttgattva i s tjatbreaod iffcei oaf t at wrtai cbiwrtaer adi it ojvjtfy-da- ft ftitvt3jj t tmslntutntion posew the totorjuiiparttst5 tkm and a rjactical it la fuperletf in altt lircaronlabondam ttuuithtp apply to th r ytbrchi irapewediaajteoaarj satitthiissai jif for ay try smttdd tltoav tot it- burdock rlood tilu0u8hess cizzmes8 dyspepsia 00i1 tndwtmoh flutteblh jaul6lc qf trehejktt rysipepis acloltr cf s salt hhevu the skflafxcb heartburn dryness i headache ofjhebkin and ewry apeclea of diaeoba swiaipe smrr choravrad uver kidmeys stomach t btjhel3 oh dux0 l tan tobowto attcneothec- line rans t eenatx trains holly i homes council bhiflk joseph atchison topeta imraet ednneotiocts for tdl nebraska colorado wyoni fadti newtiexico arlsoni caufornia the sftorteal bpeediest hie bonte vh llannibalto dallastfoastaiuaubtln tanandall points in texas the unquoted- lhdobcmi jjae to travelers and loi tho colebrated pullman seeptne cars run only on palaoe umwmghoom cars etalng chairs no extra beeilnlng fsialrav the- fldtwebltucara o01 fltteji with jsegant 13jil d with their qreat kmases vibttieitjj vjming chairs foruw exclusive ml of m i ttdahoteaa otbera thefrj to the south bobthtvert and 2 saiipr

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