la pnsuabed sfest tffursdat tforxttfot rs p ikoorei mlur tanrleurj a tbi f fmtmt movsm luxl doorlo alataodiat oharchi itilstntt v- aetel w xx tbfia fan will be lit to toisjoribsts pottagamid lor 100 pr n- aum in advance tl50 if not to paid ko tper discontinued till ill uran are pud except it the option oi the publisher asvaattswa bans casual advertise ments 8 oenti per line for the first inser tion and s nu per line for each subse quent ineertiou cash i itneeiiinvreiiln 10 lines or less hoo per annum leqaarec li lines 1500 per annum payable in 6 taonths from date of insertion afly special rtoticethe object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of baf indmaaaj or company to be considered an adtertise- mens the number of lines reckoned bv theapjaeecjeeepied measarecvbv a scale of solid nonpareil contract satza one cotataa one rear hall column one rear uiarler eolamu one year one column six montna halfeulumn ttxmonlht quarter column six mental o ie eolamalhnwmchhiis halfeolamnlfiretmoaiht leaner column three months advertisements without reluo dlrectiona will be lose rved uilforbld and ehxrtcord lnrl transitory advertlkeruents matt be paid in advance i coatees bar contract advertisements most k in ue offlee erf a ouon jlontajis other wise they till be ltft over ul the lollowlnr week 1 h p mooae lidrior proprietor teoco bod 2001 jsoo aoo li oc jsoj u r 00 this didpr aaj- be fnmd oa iti at go p i nlo rftrcn bonllt cut xeroamr jw- venulnf bajesaitosprcceal rhrrr ictrrtlsier oostnai mar be suck tu ik kew vork- vtotick the canada dverlilor ajen- i3 or xn klnx 8t- ureal tortnlp is authorised to receive advertisements jar lhiefaper f w w botcrba at anaaer wh- lowrt mb scps graduate c trinity collegey mem- br of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence st the head of fred- erick si- artnn m foestee if d physlclak schgeck etc office foratr8 druxr fctore xext door to creechs saddlery xctor okt rxszsxscx charch street formerly occu pied by if r yt hemalreet auctioneer t jj miihesok attokxetat vrs lit sohcitor in chancery ac office next door to wallaces hotel kihorj xl beskett dextist george r i v tjfishefits georgetown ont will visit acton every wedna- day and will attend to all cbi pertauuxiif to hii profession r left at mcgmrrins brag store wie aceixa prompt attention totdi moderxic r w edtg nttamrr irn rasndcr kachlalst sxorgrlowtt vsc of etery description made to order on the shortest notice sn most reasonable terms espairing promptly at- tended to 1 ttfltpnjl clabkbeeitee nqaebm street guelpi avaio office lm maukews cildjt mill street itus sjaromcx or irm faxdrls 1 r af ttrmrtheft licensed auctioneer for the comities of wellington and i slton orders left at ihe fbzz bliss office kcton or at my residence in actfn irih be promptly stiended to terms reasonable eex f leam also money to loan on the most fatorable tr and at the lowest rsies of interest injenms of i500 sndopwards i m l thurston prof oi tfcs oishl lalvoeal mutic vill be st beanetts hotel ectonjeverj- uonday toeeday tborsdsy sod friday oar more pupils can be taken for in- strnctioil address box 53 aetonpo ci be ib tetebxkaei sob- x geok georgetown graduate of the ontario veterinary college wij risit acton every tuesdayfrom 1 to 4pnl all calls recefred promptly attended io by night or day horses bought and spld on coansaoon ttiisijlinii west cor- rarstyfftsme oetorgesra ont cj jibc j pay the highest csi jpashtfob 6klnb i am prepared to pay the highest cash prcu lor hides calfskin deacons jlaonb and sheep 8hns debtered st my tahnery lace jjeather constantly on hand jambs moobe iaox melkcaufh pol 5i i sss prepared to let eontrscte ior toe de- lirery of telestsph polesf 190 sod fdwards to 1000 at stattohs nearelt tfuit aatraet- ces q wheelee actotj oat snmauati to anns befa where yost can getao easy shave a hairet iwhjnwsijainfiooti 8e paait biuroamsii pain is tbaccnsnplasiimebtoi aj bason ssd scissors sat in per s shortest notice aa kitm mone the andersvpsta has ssoaer st hfinmos si fae diisosnriatt ji ssss hay lthu term8ioo in advaae volumfe vti no 28 tkt nttopiptra map cfbiliy ufa ilt fluetvaktmttnci itt vam cmteenu flvoif aotopm acton ont thurspay january 12 1882 whole no 360 acton banking coy tomyrowistie it 00 backers attpi oaurjo i gexeral bakkixg busl xes8 transacted xoxxt loaunb oh apraorsu notea discounted and interest allowed on depoaits mm pocket diaries for 1882 a very choice assortment at days bookstore ticelph day sells cheap another larxe stock of oloqes received the employer and foreman imilo the morningi tht workmen are ajl on time to wort and why becaaw they have purchased one of ihoaa reliable alarm clock from wms smith mx stock of goods burpaai anjihlnj in the city for quality and cheapnotaj w s sjfitm th a waich and dock hoase of qaelph if medical hall l u qh m fqstfft pbopjujeiob f fall lines of all kinds of 9 at b xt xbdicixb raurvxsar c0jt98 rss fafpssss spoxgss etc ctrxrreisc re utx drtj lixe txrr cosstiviir ox sitd h f0r8ter acton dec 22 1881 lmg l kew stock of gold chains with slide made to order quality guaranteed b savage waicmaker j gueleh early cl0sing te the nadrined merehanu of acton bereby gree to cloc oar rwpeetire puc of iwtinen ery erening at 730 oclock satnrdits excepted oh and after ifooday the 7th fast ohtii farther notice christie f enderson t co j fe pearson w p brotn a v green j eennev son hashes tgrimo thomas craiae chas t hib beoj hulett jyfe- e e xelion 1stev7 butcher hop w o robinson vtocid inltmiiu j be people of acton toai he hat purcliased the batcher baslaeo ute- fjcrrtedoq brbabrtsu3r7add that he hu alwarion handortlcbuinockoc beef pcrk t rmlltr mm cime i seaaaa etc j and hdpfcfhjurlct auentionlto hoslneit to tecare a fair ilnrnrof the patronnxe of tn pabilc trtaellveredatan5tjnie to an- pan of ttie town j o tenm onh a cih solicited 1 otldteb pjtohttu attltjrd to wc eobinion 4 oceax shells c jbvf on 10c agentioatfit 25c hnnt jersey city y tls a man ho o hovlrost soweestcted x 0o here if you want 100 new t pop t nlir 8one aeod r x ocnlt 3 tutee kawagawey xfention thia paper we have reeentlrpnhllihed anew ediilon of dr cairerweir cel- bracm rwr n tn rnmeal una permanent cure ruhnut medi cine of hrtoa debility mentnlan-rpiivt-ic- aiincaeiimreimenuoritarriajeeic retcltinrromexeesset 1 ajlprfe la a leaietl envelope only i cti cardf naaie ortwutwujie iump j geo hl tucoiebratedinijiot in imt admirable efay clearly deraoaitraterf frcm ilnrty yuarn accemiai pructicp fiatalarniln enn- beoaenoe may be radically eared wltuout lhedaoseroaa use of latrnp melleiasor tbe nseoftuefcnfeqntinoat a mode or cure at onclmple certain nad effccinaby tc wll halton ont succsmsor to t f chapman eoqsbiaqbs i st georges bqnare gnelph account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound bulmgiiessy and promptly done h ineatis f vfhlcti srery snoeier no matter vhat bit condition marnetnsyeareblnisett cneapty prftatelj sndliadlcat y this lclnre shcold bc id tbe hands oi ereirroatu sndevery man in tbe and address the akerwell hedieal co ti lass xew trt post offlcs box ot- j wood asd coal j yv tfvn j v the sohscribetuis prepared to dshrer oi or coalih aimer ursa or smalfqaso- titles ss required to any part of the vil- i svjsaadasis acton sept 19 1 trpise lot for sale the dndsnitnsd nffers for sale the splendid stona dwelling on msin st near str c s mitiisrcaideaoelone fifth of sc acre wilnstorxohousein splendid oonditkm huble and shopodlbepreip isest sard and soft wateriweus title ipdispaudje tatmi resscnsble ap- pjy to- i i r siooo apojapejit fmmlxcahcercare pepot i coatcookejasoada pk without ineusoof tbeenlfe the only fermsnentreare iln tbe world b08x1th it wr it has been demonstrated by long i tfbasttirsnso bss 1 iirjitxyknwtcr iorucafar enclose sfi oner sax at the end o three tears tnas be eoold have had be been eierwnfall the time besides be b that tralslni wbleh is tndlspenssble to ilness man jstodamu r seisms atp7 latents b l li invesriosj 1 henry grist the free press thcmoat mobjraa jan 12 1382 romrsr shot the boob therei an enemy about j shut the door i keep toerain intruder oit sunt the door i if an enttiuce ht iboald win greater tftiuble would begin to tncourge hint li liuj shut tiw door lett temptation prove too itroag shot tfie doorl leat you yield to doing n rotu shut the door i while tocliaed to rirtnei trey een her lightest hint obey there it xigtt in dejjy shat the door gaioit tjie erilt that approach shut tbe door that na foe mty eer encroach shat tbe door 1 that trot ad the dear fireiide vvuth itt ample cheer supplied peace and ooaitort may abide shut the door when your adversaries plead shot ttw door that yoo may not hear nor heed shut the door 1 for so closely they punas there is ho escape for you but theres ooe thing yoa can do r shut tbe door i do not wait to be adriaed shut tbd door 1 do uot wait to be tarprisad shut the door every taement that you bait will enctjurave an aatault that you may not u m faalt shut the door 1 otvj srosr the holiday gift will yoa atfmd mrs austins party alice asked hark snslton interrogative iy of his aifej yet the uneasy light left alices loving eyes for sines he was not angry with her the did not care to pry into his secrets and yet if he would only confide in her she would feel so relieved i will vou o msrkr i think wit a curious smile parted his lips why r in a tone of surprise 1 1 shall be otherwise engaged konaense muk tou must not be lach a slave io business few men are u prosperous in the world i have been prosperous dreamily but j he never finished the sentence and tha panic never affected you id the least innocently remarked alice who knew as muct sbout tbe subtle workings of the financial world ss she did about the mythical inhabitants of the moon mr sbeltoi jumped up slightly noshed in the face sod was out in the cold sunlit street before the little woman had recover ed from her istonuhmeot his white even teeth clinched tightly together as he hur ried down to the dim doaty office where so many arduous duties demanded his at tention i sf irk was a good man humane charit able and generous in all things and until a year back the world had gone well with him but the psoic swamped dozens of his debtors his business was dcid in a financial sense sad bis creditors were clamoroai farjbill he could oal meet he bad never been cartleis unwise or extrava gant in fillingpr discharging coatricts and bis business difficulties had come upon him dressing last i wosld ao go to tbe party tonight go by all means alice j the carriage is close he replied glancing up at the little i trim figure arrayed in a dark silk trimmed with pale plush roees in her purplish black hair and at the white threat half veiled with filmy lace he smiled bitterly as be saw her golug out in- her happy childlike innocence ss she might never go again among people who had no sympathy for falling merchants and who would not give bis wife a thought if she were not rich in this worlds goods i wish you could go she said be- ecchiogly lingering at ibe door to adjust ber cloak mr austin will expect you mr sbelton smiled thinking perhaps of the forbidding face of stain of whom he had begged a loan out afternoon whose curt cannot spare a dollar sir- rang in bis ears yet he rose from his seat near the fire and going over to his wifes side fastened the wraps closer about her throat be careful of yosrstlf little woman he said with a forced attempt at gayety and enjoy yourself for it is impossible for me to go he accompanied her to the carriage and u he closed the door on the placid little face ha inwardly anathemized the weak ness that prompted him to withhold the story of his difficulties from ber when she daily ran the risk of hesring it from lips less liable to soften the details yet he till hoped that the morrow would bring some chance of redeecaiugitis lost credit although hit efforts to raise the four tbous and dollars due on tbe 1st were still un successful he was almost worn out with physical aid mental labor yet be put on his list and overcoat and dragged bimself wearily down town through the fatt-fall- snow and murky darkness to spend the dreary hours of his wifes sbsence in poring over ledgers in bis count lgroom meanwhile mrs sheltoo not satisfied with marks ttruge freak as she called her husbands refusal to attend tbe parly has zealouily trying to feel at ease among the stylish guests- for lomehow she felt de pressed and ill at ease among the fashion ables bo had hitherto welcomed bar as the wife of a prominent young merchant who was steadily rising to eminence in the commercial world there was an under current of coldness in their greetings that ber sensitive nature detected instantly and an angry flush rose to her cheeks when she overheard a remark relating to mrs shel- tons old silk she slipped out nf the gay overcrowded parlors into the library where she found refuge in the hangings of the bay window she dropped into a low seat and tat watch ing the streams of gaslight flickering across tbe street ankle deep with snow wishing mark would remember her orders and send tbe carriage early the heavy sensuous odors of the tropical plants filled the room with fragrance that almost took her breath sway and in the distance the music of a popalar waltz rose and fell the soft vol uptuous cadence soothing ber mind into a calmness that was broken by the entrance of two ladies whose first wotds chained ber lo her teat and held ber in the unquestion able light of an eavesdropper 1 was astonished to see mrs mark sbelton out tonigbt said the elder of the two ladies whose diamonds flashed in the gulight why have you not heard why mrs lamar sbelton is on the verge of bank ruptcy mark sbelton impossible 1 why be is considered one of the stanchest mer chants ia the city and was but be has lost credit some- bow he has been on the streets for days trying lo raise mooey tocancel most of his argent debts and wouldnt be surprised iftly and imcepllhlyllit the blow wife w her ujm uome fell heavier thin it he had been expecting some catastrophe bat alice sieltoa knew nothing of this the mental turmoil going on in ber hus bands bresst never found vent in the dis satisfied wordor look and until the previ ous day be lisd kept his face and manner free from all traces of care and anxiety but the constant worry and excitement bad been too hard for hlra and the dun ning of a creditor who demandel the punctual payment of a note of four thous and that fell due on tbe 1st together with unforaeen debts bad so upset him that he could not cover his mental distress with tbe msrk of carelessness he had worn for week past his greatest trouble was for alice never very strongfhe had endeavored to sur round her with every comfort and had carefully kept all harassing business details or jeare from her ean he harl given ber money with out stint and he apposed she spent it like cither women for she was al ways welldressed and his home was a j model of order and good taste be that as if may he never thought of tracing the cause of his failure to home extravagance tor no woman was more thoroughly econ omical than his wife her party toilets were always in uoeoeptlonal taste and her dress for drs austins party was sot deslnedfdr fry ttnususj display of lsg- faculty of her nature teemed paralyzed by ti iiiil iilrn ftiwi r imtanlt nfil mirfinm tti li sn although the gathering was lobe one of unusual br lliancy tbe night of the came s i before tbe winter it over she it nobody anyhow her father wis only a soap chandler and i have often wondered at mark sbeltons choice in choosing her for a wife remarked mrs lamar who had onoe i decided fancy for mark herself boap chandlers are as good as other men provided they are sober and respect able returned the lady with diamonds whose father had once been a peanut vend er while mrt lomars ancestors were famous for blue blood sod reckless dissipa tion i dont pity mrs shelton thongh went on mrs lamar ignoring the elder ladys home thrusts for 1 expect she is just like other women in the same situa tion mark made oceans of money and she sprntit doubtless just give any womsn that never had any thine some money to splurge on and see how fast shell go through with it laughed the elder lady as the glided out of the library her rich silks sweeping after her like purple billows while mrs lamar followed her like a shadow fnber palecolored tarlatan robes i poor alice she ton had beard every word andisat perfectly ttiilwilhher thin white fingers clasped tightly together every the crsel tongues of flame that leap up from envy malice and deceit mark shall not fail she said rising up with a white determined face i will show them tbit his wife is worthy of him heedless of the gayety snd warmth around ber of the blinding snowstorm thst was raging wllhout or the long snowbound walk that lay between the austin mansion and her husbands warehouse boe harried up to the drossisgroom and wrapping her- self upin cloak and fort went oat into the storm aid bravely faced tbe blinding sheets of mow that tbe wind dashed into her face face almost as gbsstly as tbe snow thst fell so swiftly and silently on the halfde serted pavements tbe gas flared out through mn ky eas lamps with a dull sick ly glare hacks and carriages went whirl ing by like sheeted ghosts and ones in s while some belated pedestrian almost walk ed over her unt mra8beitoo walked on her- heart too hard and anxious to think of fesr or fstisme when she reached the warehouse the clock on s distant steeple was just chimiog eleven and hark was standing in the dlmlrlighted office pnttbs os his over coat the porter dozed in a chair before the store in the outer room and alice stole softly past him and stood before her husband alice i his ees dilated in astonishment alice dropped into a chair and looked up at him with a glitter in ber blue eves thai held him spellbound mark do yon think im a fool her voice had a rapsy ring that startled him alice f what insane whim drove you out into the street such a night as this oh mark mrs sbeltont temporary strength and courage was swiftly vsnish- ing are you going to farlv mark instantly comprehended tbe situa tion she bad heard the story of his financial troubles probably io some distort ed form and tbe knowledge had almost crazed her he blamed himself severely for keeping her in ignorance of tbe truth he always- had a repugnance to womanly interference in bnsioets matters but felt in lusiioe to bis wifes general worthiness he shruld have trusted her in this emerg ency hush alice i for sbe was beginning lo sob hysterically you must not be alarmed if 1 ean raise the money to pay off a note that falls due tomorrow i may weather the panic yet how ninch will yon need j her little face uplifted eagerly four thousand dollars i is that all t with a little hysterical laugh tben you wont fail for 1 have five thousand all my own saved out of the money you gave me to spend on the house and myself ah mark yon thought i iprtil it all alice i msrk look the little shivering form in his srms you are worth your weight in gold i know it slyly retorted alice but it has taken you five years to find it out and mark if you cannot cancel tbe rest of your debts we will tell the house and lire in a reom or two until the panic is over for you shall not tail mark sent for a carriage and they went home through tbe white noiseless street alice recounting as she went the story she had heard in mrs austins perfumed library at the conclusion she said it was cruel of you to keep me so long in the dark mark and never treat me like a fool or a child again for if i am a soap chandlers dsughter i have sense and feeling and judgment enough to save some thing for rainy days it ia needless to say that hark redeemed his note to the chagrin of some of his busi ness rivals who had secretly gloated over his difficulties and although his affection for his wife was never demonstrative tbe care he took of her was wonderful for he has found that the price of a good wife is above rubies welcome tju struct two law students on a certain sabbath strayed into a church where they were strangers walked its whole length to the pulpit aztd not a door of a single pew was opened or a single seat offered to them with quiet dignity they rarnerrand march ed out again went about mile to the school and then returning with chairs made their appearance in ehnrch again coolly seating themselves in tbe broad aisle they had no trouble after that time in find ing open tbe doors in that church and as had been remarked by a leading lawyer of the town thst wat tha best sermon ever preached in that tdmrcb i vye remember once in philadelphia going to morning aw vice with a young man who was not in the habit of going to cluircjv and although there stare plenty of vacant seats net oue vaa offered to the two young strangers oneof them aflerhelplng bimself toaseat dureeriraeftherpii rernaikria few momenta and ten walked but saying ive notsttended ohuroibedore for years and im oartainly good- for another two darktornvlnib filled sooipty frieqda sad with tteuoeroess was yesrsssisenoe arews not aaduireb with bwwftskes and tbe sky overcast ramfm a largos ibtesae pity fotim with heavy clouds im had ktjpt all this from her ears atj o itwf pstjb esiri jialwesxj axtf lonely tosits to the aancl s to find rest far body and spirit and a in the mfty ofh emotions herheoett conscientious heart was shocks i at the hypocracy of twb ot ver most intimate itisgoinitobeatettiblenight mark she might hear it from some upc saimliikolwpfc fore the libra yflrevitideutjyabeorbed in tain ahow nd those wjalcste abnlymiritstktoib v i imivu jkr nniir mitimivikuttisij phalitt frit m a to win and as- aukehki the oontfnts i tboevehljg paper llhaye moths ittekogaboutotlsbhi thfligltjozct r twi f pltslity ta mi age to win sod s- tbaiuvirj v tnamrbsbtwwatatba flarw tt saw assy saw attssaa awrjsilrstag uaslifk fair hopeanave i im departed tnonb rosea t liywve bed dien betcr be h q hinted- bat hx for jo rinstad trrstasiktly over sadness chandneturalatdsess weve pearls toi ui w gladsesa on thu aide of tw taksb while ttarrars n gbttyaboiiaa an kesaas ia verbd lvconrage asat ra jtainjl but look for jo i imwar heir ton rpeeilthr- lvsot aegleet vest latiogryoar ledioolr wbtw the weather liewnet cold in the morning haiai tw wiadows take- ciff ibc bedelothta shake and atirlrbe tieke lorn the upper sate ever the wroll this will prevent tha impure nwpenetratiag urtkar and they will escape baker while the bad ia warm and yoa will opt have to wait for ike- beds to air when yoa are ready to seas them in hot iraatber ws sleep with slltbf windows open but do not alio the wind te blow directly upeatj tat in the easdest nights of winter we only leave lbs doors open connecting with other rooms on no account sleep in fislit rooms withoet at east a araek to admit of pdreair plasty of fresh air gives hsaila ttreasrth asd elas ticity to tbe lnngt sua body keep tbe noresof the sktn essn te let istparities pita nt freely y waakrerg the body once a week in winter and stitaer is sassier here thai room warm vails quickly and wipe dry j and yoa will not fed chilly if it baa ones kue properly if sd the eiotuint worn by day ware sired while- we sleep in- ether ganseots maeh health and comfort would be adsep to lite onethird of oar lives is spent a oar tleepugfooms da be particalar about tbsts let them be large dry and plaaaant 4- perunskt aajnrtr tbe man who travels on tbe railroad and sits down by the side of lane females while laboring under lb impress oa thst he recog nizes a likeness in their faces to bis wifes aunts cousin met hi match on one of tbe roads in this vicinity lately he sat down in the half of a seat tbe other half of which m occupied by a pleasant faced young lady hit first question was pardon me miss but is your name james i i have a cousin of that name whom you greatly resemble jo sir was the reply my name la net james but pardon me ia your name zinc or copper j zinc or copper 1 no maam said lbs astonished man wbat led you to anp- posef had sucb nami s excuse roe was the qnlet reply lot 1 thought jou mus t be first coutin to a brass foundry tbe fnan- fell ovei two pests and kicked a bird cage half way dowi the car in his haste to get into tht smoker and while tbe yotmg lady emit id a gentlesmile be hind her baodkerchie it was a proof of the old adage that a ritly answer tnrneth away bores ia a sola that w jtkj sotb w4e7 that must be a false rule says tbe interior requiring virtue cleanliaess and good temper an conduct in women while men may go oa to any length almost snd society one and all wink if not blink ttonrfanlti whatever degrades a wornaa also degrades a man take some of the vices and bebitt oflh day lastan sxahket a tiltby cigar or earrw aboqt half an ounce of tobacco in bis cheek snd yet expects his wife to preserve a clean mouth and a tweet breath again a yowg nain starts out to spend the evening wllhhia adored evelina should he find her nit at home but in the neighboring saloon j however genteel it might be that would be hit last vfct in his estimation she would have sunk below his level and yet that young man himself is a daily vieitoc to that same saloon and engages in all its exercises t ah dearest sighed tht young aaaa st the test of his owniat own dost tnoa know what of all outjrrd things ia nearest to my heart t beally i hant sky she replied but if joa bars any regard for yosr health in this eaanceshk weather i should think it was a flannel thirt she was too practical and it broke the engage ment but in 0or on twruerr it can almost be sssensef that 84 jacobs oil works wonders shortly bay- fore the new year when i visited my family in mitchell 1 found or edward a lad little more lhan ten yeeji old very slok he wfferediwithrhisen- atiam asd so terribly thsl be wsa psrlectij stiff in bis limbs could tut pcmtiblylwalk sad bad to be carried from olace to place atorjjonttorsotns st- jacobs oil need il ssoording to direotions andn s fsw eujrt oood act evidence of considerable iwproveebent un the lenth of tbil naoti jay aaaia visited my famltj snd wai atpoisbed ttr gnd him well and hearty hsiotveeroora baa fresh color in bis faossrid cast jo lo mhoul again w heoever too old troubu threatens to return rejwt ulmotadsmily secured by ore ts of- tb meratad 8t jacobaoil rrosa sheer jojf msp tliis result i cannot wfthbolj reoornmeodipg st jacobs oil to snhetirfg bnmwhjr a a trua benefacdor gaaaxn arriboa office of tbe fottavnuid iersnsn pspee of rlaistford onw 1 a frequent cause ot goat and hieusna- turn is tbe iemotstotyt mtfclof the blood ttsijd with- badifeyuoaanrl eoerst debility a tek doaea of the kiu taken iriyhirvartras vtotlvi spiastaljwt sod rhwaao anyone- who ban sp attack f eitber ahoujd uae rlqllowaya ointtwnt atao- tb rrbwearliil iterioa of wfclek oirjiinf d with the opeuasuon tf ttefais lofulfibly efleot a cure thesej pills act dulyotnohlfvrllletwisyjpurrfy and in