Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1882, p. 2

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the im press tstcaaiut mimiki jaa 12 1882 80300ltlxtsoow tlio minister jo ejuoalioii baa just issued circular tn which h reminds cioj trnttcw end the teachers ere minted by therji that they ojua not kw any text bioks ivil such ss are njijnxitoil of by uiraaelf under snalries the farmer art to be punished or rather the raursjyers are to snfior bj losing their sham ol thejnblic school rant and iba uuforlunaui teachers are to bo sued or any disobedience in the matter j sfci s9t3 s30uu itftn tsahes in all courlriti tbe workiagmen hoarf that tiny form lie backbone of the nation without entering i03 the vexed question cf who foim the wot king classeaj wo thiuk the moat oseful mm in the country is be who learns n good and useful trtde- com pared willi uiiuitbe poorclerk tales luan and even nieny in the professions hive no calling or position that can bear a moments comparison if tbev thoroughly master their trade good ui kingroen need never fear starvation llir will always be able lo make 1 living if trade i doll at one place they will have only lo change in another parents iu most countries who are a little well eff are loo ninch disposed to turn up their nose at the trades and instead of teaching the biya of these lire them a ffrst class educaiion acdj ih throw it away by pu lhy falsely consider the moretespec able etiiplovrneillof a clelk or salesman i hut iu general does not command half the enumeration if parents would cmutilt the fuuure welfare of their children they will teach them trades if circunmaoces render it unucctssary lor them to depend upon the labor of thrir bnjs they can tlart the belter in business in that trade on their own account or if a reverse of fortune should happen they will havethe power of earning a livelihood at their finger ends educaiion acdj then coniruraiivvly putting thrai to wh 3 rvr u there is a wrong ides of the doty of he press which prevails to some ex tent everywhere the idea that it is the business of the press to rectify private wrongs and to find a remedy for per sonal grievances ifsoiitb owe jones a bill and wont pay jones is often of the opinion that khe papers ought lo give iiiin a blast t although he i very rvluctant to take bis legal remedy before the courts if sin demi monde sets up her establishment in a quiet neigh boriiood the ahookrd spectators of the awful goings on rush to the nearest newspaper office ip the firm conviction that buch things ought to be exposed and with the special request that oor names shall ootjbe mentioned on being referred lojlhe police they want to know what newspapers are for anyway and retire full of disgust fitcause the editor trill not take up 1 their personal quarrel and when messrs tom dick and harry get their treble brains addled with bad whiskey and make night hideous sll the respect able fathers of families are convinoid that they ought to be shown up in the papers the business of news piper is to recoid current events lo tnnke intelligent comments j thereon and to tuonld public senliruent in favor of the best order rjf things but a news- pjr when properly conducted by its otoitls never in agent to redress private wrongs nor a sluice way ibrotign which the vehom of persodal grudges my be emptied on the public i t ewjrt tarty z prssatatlon on wednesdaj evening the 4th nut a largo number of friends and neighbors of mr r b campbell nnsasjjagutreys aisembled at bis resi tinca to spend a social evening with mr campbell and family betfote they leavft iheir native iqwnshiu for another part of the codntry tiie company collected until there wer about 100 present mr d uic1 barbaree was chosen u occupy the chair and b remedy thepnlmpnary invalid is some- ir i times mislead btpedooa represent tiled the position very acceptably lu lioni tl prp oj bis a few opeoiogren arks the chairman bodily wellbeing the bnly safe resort nxpreasod die obje t of the friends in ejoembliogtogetbei stating that they had prepared an ad ires and wjihed to nuke a presents in and asked mr rcjbt atkeas to re id the addreej after which mf ifngti iikoi was called npou to present to and mncarop ml splendid en at stand a pair of fet bajrfsome vai es snd a beaotifu cari on jbtop e words hep- j mmammmssaemmm lunea follow yo alt through the year the addreta wss exprertiive of thr esteem in which mr campbell and fniily are held by their neighbors and their sorrow in being ouigerltolwrt with tbeui viahing them evtry sutoesi to thwtne hou mr oamplwll very leeltngly rtplind thanking the donors for their kiiidaddrei and valuable prpsents and eisurinf those present that be and his fstllly would always remember with the kindliest erling lher fritl lit nusaagaweya tiie ladies then emptied their baskets ol the good things which ihey contained and the company mt down los lump lu6u repast during lha evening brief addresses were made by genlemeu present singing was also part of thi programme and a very pleasant time vvaspeot by all the company broke up by singing lbs doiologt m tssoezao h0s2s tlm b4 tilt sell boat it is a gehertlly accepted fact thai the breeding of what are termed fancy horses cannot be succesifully done by thelordiuary breeder with rare ex ceptiocs breeding for speed is so uncertain even when those engaged in the business are possessed of the very choicest inimils adapted to that pur pose that it ia only those that have fortune sndare able lo pursue the object as a matter of pleasure that can miccessfully putsue the business for any great length of time tbo mania that for years has pbtiseiased our people foe breeding fast horses is rapidly leading them and lhy are liesinuing to realize that if they are to mike suy money iu breediui horses of any kiul it must be in producing nnimali that will have a spcfic value iu themselves whether trained or untrained it is not neoej- nary to enlighlcu the people as to the class of horses that sell the most readilv at the present time every one known that gped formed large sixd viaxuou hardy draft horses are inactive demand and that the buyers are setrchtng the country in every portion where these dories can be found in any considerable numbers nd paying large pnees 200 to 250 fer aamaia tbat weigh from 1300 lo i600ponndh how to produce this class of horses is something that interests every firmer throughout the cuuetry a few years since when there were no pure bred large sized stallions to be found here il was a practical impossibility lo do so with any degree of certainty from ou ordinary siied mares bat latterly the importation of heavier classes of stal lions from foreign countries and es pecially the admirable percherons that are being imported from laperche france has made the hitherto un attainable object easy of accomplish ment searly all classes of urge horses have been tried the english dralt the clydesdales the belgians the boulon- nais s coarser specimen of ibe french orses spmelimetfin this conn try im 1 properly called jformans tut none have seemed to nicfc so well with car ordinary juick ss the smooth built clean limbed powerful modeled vigor ous and activj percheron horse of france since 1872 several hundred of these stallions have beeu imported and sold to nearly every slate in the union and wherever found they are held in the highest estimation quite a number of both imported and grade 6lallmshave crossed the mountains and are doing the country valuable service tis is very flattering to the clearsightedness and perseverance of our breeders and we cannot too strong ly urge the continuance of such a orthy enterprise as every one of these animals tbat are brought to our state will add greatly to its future wenth american sural borne rocluster n t among he poinsand aches cured with mrrellou rapidity by dr thomas kc lectricoil ii earache thai ybnng are especially sul ject to it and ibe desire lility o tbii dil as a family remedy la enhanced by the fact that it is admirably adapted not only to tbe above ailment hut also to the hurts disorders of be bowels and affections of the throat to which the young are especially tnliject 7 r u a hsokli utitutiorj i a fhtsioil wrixx a backing con jo saps the physical conititutiorj not alone became it destroys the tissue of the lungs and develops tubercles which corrode and destroy them bat also be- mueit ruins rest sod impairs digestion how important therefore is a resort to judicious medication to smy its ravages a total physical wreck must inevitby ensue without this in the choice of a from the time bditort 7vm 8eeian artiou it your iianer mmtllxn arnold parler i srunftprtatw uh the earn atnt till wktob hppli lo yon to eda tinned ebjlgbte ltr world in re- gitrd to n rnettls by jwkioh hs was so oalrsoulobsly onred of rheumatism lod mjoit lameiieawltj telng kendalls spavin car tbc irtlclei to whleh he alludes by dr batamuipreurd a to avorably with the real merits ol this remedy that i tried it alio lor several beolihes on my horses nod found it the mostperrect core l ever tried for spavins and other blemishes as it completely removes the enlargement ijn every in- tinnce bv continuing its uss for several days after the lameness bad subsided the perfect sureest 1 hsvt always had with kendalls bpann cure ledme to use it on my own person and for all the family with the very best lesulta as a family liniment while several of the carei made with it have been almost miraculous none have been more satis- factory than several cores which i made with it of loot rot and also sore- feats as well ti worts on leau of cows 1 oon- siler it a sens cvax lor sore teats or footrot in either coi or sheep willi the aatiilsctlon this remedy hai always given in every inlnice i cannot refrain aktdg with my friend parker hist you conllnue to make known to the world this fka grandest discovery ot the nine- teen h century youri truly jakes a lunsu hrkimern ysept 10th lh8l the shove letter with one published last week encourages us in our eft rti lo make our paper one of the most valuable jiurnali in the country and lo all our pilron ind we now ask others of our readers who have been alike benefitted by the letter published one year ago from dr hates thai they send us for publication statements which hey pity wish lo make for the lenefit of others ed otgsiilxi would inform the people of ariou and mrroudiftg country that hi has jost- removed bis tin and stove business rheumatism houralgia sciatica lumbago backacht sortnttt of k chut bout quinsy son throat swell ing t and sprain t burnt and scajdt general bodilf paint tooth ear and headache fretted feet and eirt end all otitr paint and achat ko fmanuon oafarth sauls st jinn ors v t tofe hrr tlmvlr ua ehtap saiwutl trm4j a trial muiu ut um coapurltf7 triflluj oaua t m rvats sail wj m nfffrlnf lib galaaa am tkmp ud psritltrsraof t us dalms dirklloris lo harsa laacaagsa bold st au dedodjbts il sciless nr kediohe avogixerco bautmvu4uta business brevities 8om facts about oar baatavts men autl hotue of bn4fi w our i jcenorsl roa4cr ibiwrns is a tried sod hghly sanctioned remedy tbe credentials of korthrop t lymans bmulskm of cod urer oil and ttypop hopbitesof lime and soda entitle it to the place ii occupies vis that of the foremost couch medicine and lung in- rlgoranl sold on this continent the testimony of veteran physicians sad- a popularity based oh merit combine to give it the prestige of a standard pjedl- dne in cases of sslbtns weak ohest and lungs bioncbjtls laryngitis snd other throatsnd luog complaints it may be implicitly relied upon drug store jfor hats from 75 cents to 15c at j fyles new stock of steves just received at j jc hills a good felt hatfur 5 cents at j fyfes for fimclasa eivetroiighing ap plv to jc hill ladies mipiles newest styles at christie henderson k co lr you waut a noliby durable and enespsuit j fyfes is the place to go scotch english and canadian suitings ia vrest variety at the east end clolhihc store j fyfe acton toronto oil co are sole maoufactur era ofj castorine machine oilxlo fringements will be prosecuted mastleoexamexts mantle cloths silk and satin trimmings at christie henderson 4 cos bare value the lost aria did not include atee pen making an invention purely of tie nineteenth century esierhrioki being superior lunaard ard reliable suits and overcoats at extremely low rats and made ia latest styiea fie sare tat call and see them j fyfe acton ask your dealer for castorine machine oil and see thai the barrel ia hrandsl castorine ss none other is genuine httst say its the nicest thing i ever ned far the leetb and breath says every one hiring tried tiaieaar the ew toilet gem get a 5 ccat sample ifaiiiufacturers of reapers vfowers and threshing ifschinery prefer cas torine mschine oil to sny other ltwill oetwesr lard sesl and elephant and is warranted not lo guru wiscets competent judges- pro- njunce our i2jc wincey extraordinary value i exam ino it compare it and yoa will be sare to buy it winceyx from 8c up at ch rislie henderson i cos i use f castorine machine oil for all kinds of nlschiuery it ia also excellent for ffsrnees or lenlher mlcicg it wster snd weather proof mawties chnstie henderson cos stock of uaies light and dark mantles just received these goods are from the beat makers and comprise a full range of prices they will be sold cheap t partou scrrr8 go tot p cam- mmgkqueliec st npp knor church guelph for parlor suites double stuff ed in hair rjtw sijk or bepp guar anteed and at bottom pi icea a call solicited before purchasing elsewhere hovektt it is commonly mid thst you csnnot make an honest man believe that white is blsck snd no nasi but those who have grey hair by using the cikoalssi hair rexewsb will find that this ap parent difficulty is easily overcome for sale by j e mcgarvin x cents per boltfe fanct wool goods christiej henderson cy co have received and will open in a few days an immense stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of the latest designs and shades these goods are extremely handsome snd will be sold at very closest prices test tad cess fort to use iatrerlaf browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures falh in the side back or bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and sny kind ot a fain or ache it will moat surely quicken the blood and heal u its acting power is wonderful browns household fadaces being acknowledged as thereat psln reliever snd of double the strength of aqy other elixir or liniment in the world should he in every family handy for uae when wanted im t really is the beat rased in the world for cramus in the btomacb and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 24 cent a bottle notice to creditors ix rx adams farnatnt in n order cf the court of chdcery made ia tba mttr of augmu ediili aiumiiid oiheu tlnj creaiton of jutuh adimi hit o tjic ijtve of actoa in the coaqty of halloa yeoman who died ia cr about the moat b of jane 16si are ou or before ile secoad day of febrnary 1ss2 to tend by pott prepaid to measra gcihrie h walt of guelpfa aoticiton for the petitiooer herein tbeir christian and larmmei iddre and descriptions the fall partirauri of tbeir climtt tat em eat of their iccoaou and the nature of the te- caritiei if any held by them or in defaalt thereof they will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the said order efery creditor holding any ecaritj fa iu produce the tame before me at my chamber it the city o5oelpb on the ninth day of febru ary 18s2 tan oclock in tbe forenoon beinir the time appointed for adjudication on the cliima dated tfa eleventh day of january a d 1882 sgd j watsoxhal1v mutaerat gaelph s gttle yol7k accoi7kt8 the undersigned will be at ague s hotel acton etery tuesday to settls accoanta pr r uofikoff guelph kov 1st 1881 m okey lost list between acnews hotel aod chnatia hendertoa k cos store on wednesday 11th iiut two fire dollar bills finder will be suitably rewarded by leaner it at atnewshoteh joseph akderson plasterer acton village of acton deblv ttntxs for male sealed tenders will be received op to ths 20th inst for about 600 worth of village ot actoa delxntares drawias six per cent interest for psrticalara apply to c 8 smith rxtn acton jan tth 1881 oabh to rext the eaat half of lot 9 coo 4 lownahip of ria will be rented to a auiuble person ou liberal terms the firm contains looacrea the most of which is under caltivatioo there are ood farm boildinas orchard tn good aster the property is well adapted for either arasiag or farm mains for partioolara apply at thia ofhee or to wit geiffin cvn 5 erin tf a ctox skat1xg bike the managers of the rfak have decided to issoa ticket for the presaut seaion as fol lows i fajtllttlckit 5 00 gxsnouxs s 00 ladiis 1 00 8xatkrs one evening 10 sptctators m the ice ia now iu excellent condition and all are cordially invited jn0 cameron pltlstmat to the sew ptsmsses oexs tao v hills photofrsph gaflary where he will bs happy to mmt all bis old customers and u many sew ones as require aoythiog ia his line a good stack ol stoves of all kinds on baud to be sold ebeap old iron braaacopparawd bafra tajcen ia exchange for roods- coll and see ns in our newibop jc hill mill street acton wmmm i r vifp- pob us tirvil i x crockery ohinaware v toys etc card of thanks the subscribers desire to tender their hearty thsnxa to the people of acton and vicinity for tbeir liberal patronage during the year just dosed and in aolicitinc a con tinuance of their favon they would wish them a happy and prosperous experience in 188j they have decided to hereafter transsct a cash business owing to the loss of many sceoonts in the past and will from thia date henceforth do a cash business and automata will pleasenot ask for crjit a number of customers owe oa small atoounts and aa we do not wiab to retuler accounts to them a second time would earnestly re quest them to call sndsettle as oum parties brisfisg oa flour is payment for bread will be allowed the caab price for it we are yours respectfully e njckun ft soh excxxaioa baaxar fine goods xmas and new years presents pnr caps in otter seal fersian lamb and mink- storeys lined kid qlovea and mittb bilk eandkerchieb soarta ties and saiaw icorton uorojiaat tailors timber of all kinds wasted the undersigned deairs to hereby inform tlie farmers aud others in this vicinity who owo timber that thev are prepared to pur chase a large quantity of all kloda ol fhbar about 400000 feet of hemlock ia wanted an advance in price will be paid for given hemlock uapeeled aa this is the last year that the mill will be in operation iu acton all having timber the wiah to sell or cat will do well to bring it in this sessou browk at halt acton dee 19 1881 uliiltlle state tikbeb wamted the undersigned wants six hundred cords of sim sad ak 8tave bolts and a large quantity of pine csdar and black ash timber in either the log nr bolts for whioh cash will be paid on delivery- taoma8 c moork aotoq jan sri 1j81 albums the great sale of boots and shoes at the j smiapist stdtbi in ti oooaty still oontintjb8 the whduboekmarked at the loot jpomtms figuret u1 and examine jambs tood all central j jot and shoe v- vrmtore mill street atton onstomi work oarrieidoam uaroal by mr- thomaa oralnf fiaiaipapeaifitev tr sale b0ard itablei mill itrut aotoh is where you aim get firstclass bigs fancy coods hm bromi hoi opened a nice assortment ot fancj goodgs in berlin tfoolg fingering and zepr tarnt laceu embroideries braids and croquet braids and all goods general i j kept in a fancy shop childrens fancy woollen garments knit to order ttuhlg yoa the compliments of the swwon i am youre c ii i christie e acton onari6 f tkii week and tnrwtuh tbe tttbr seami snat tteek f general try goods millinery boots shoes etc etc oor rewolar waijjmiriaamiiroin leadm dry ooods ni iiefhneif himti enablst as to shew the l4jrtt vwt ia1 httt vmlfjalb jns what is wasted at this x- in staple 0oos oiall kinds bur object ia to place before pnr customers tbe beet make at jwcew os ion at art xukedfor m and mdtrimble hvadt oct msxhe titocm or boots shqi3s j j enaules us to fit and rait everyone bendea oor oada bring made tip bf reliable nianucaahunsra can always be depended onto give good aatiasekmi aa can be testified by thottasvnds who have worn oar lfcaata for two er three seasooa thia together with swr low prices acccunu for oor immense womeitb button and lace 8hobb ihom 100 xtp v mens stoga boots jroic 16q up j hisses womens and tfens overshoes xbom 15cu3p t oar felt beta aasl balf baatazare the caeaxm ffsjrea- v ti overcoats shirts drawers iklitts and sbcks tweeds scaife all new and cheap m in qenta collar and fanoy and paahionable tiee we ahba- full hiaa gdqm eraturmif have been selected wcth clae abd economt fx i i lift iiu loneer real latni ocsre itan ooau tlsat tw tataf ywr ortawvsvljetttopia 3 asj iasbaaatattltaaiba n it n- ji laaasaaaiilj- mt jfrnvm des86k ago mvtlsffi3iiefs3 pi ijjiiri irsr- itjitjl i f liiffiii u ai-tujsjiiajiea- if

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