Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 12, 1882, p. 4

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m the free press rr-ir-i- -zhj- taetamtlttamm ia ull- m uutt i- it- i i our daily bbokontnq ujoaah waaieevvf ana j and count ths sots that you hvs dons and counties find one seudaoviiia act one word that eassdrtk heart l eietwbojhserd i ontglsbc ohmt lied that 11 jiu leasluae where jt mat then jroo may count aaf day well ipeot 1 bat it threegh all kvejont dky yovve cheered no haart by m or nay i u tbrooa it sll youve nothing done that 70a can trace that broeghttfce sanehtee to 00s fsoe 1 noaetinoatsnrafl 1 that helped tame tool and nothing cost thaa ooent oat dar as mint than lost 1 ti7lbtery one da roberts noclo gave him a peoav hit mother asked him what nee ha wonld make ofiia prnnv why i want sugar candy very bad- j he laid and he pal on hit cap and ran off in rat haste bit mother waa eitling at the window and saw him running along but ho stopped 8 be thought he tad dropped bit penny bat ha started off again and toon reached the door of a grocert ebop than be tood then awhile with hit band on the latch and bia eye on the near candy hu mother waa wondering what he waa waiting for bat aha waa more surprised till to ate him come off tha itpjsnd ran home again without going in t i in a minute he nnhed into the par lor with a bright glow on bia cheek and a brigher glance in hia eye- and exclaimed mother 1 the heathen hare beat i the beatban luve beat 1 what do yon mean robert f why mother aa i went along t kept hearing the heathen say give ui your penny to ihelp to aeod oa good missionaries we want biblea and tracts help ai scat uai i vu stimts men are known by the company they keep bojiahoald remember this one met that yon cannot associate with bad boya without being considered in the aama date be careful to choose for companion none bat thaee who do not ae prane and ralgar language and too will not regret ii in after life another thing keep- off tire atreeta if too hare business to ate too transact it at once and go home there are more boya wko are ruined running he atreeta at night than in any other way the family were telling ridilea one the fivevearold told evening ant tbia m fodr uttie hotpejsos4s sal op a tree two bopoeda laid taeuuiere were three nobody coald gueea it well abe replied bade again who tom kobody thnnk it np one of them hopped right yon that riddle j waked replied the little one i reelf ttrttiveltiv a churlish man once gars a early answer to a question and a neighbor came amilingj by baring heard the rough apeecb aye lad laid be a man a tongue ia like a oatai either a piece of velvet or a abeet of sandpaper just aa he ehooaea to make it and yoa alwaya etem to be uejng the sand paper try the velvet man try tho tel ret tat al sill tou url aula landed can advertiser it ianow shoot three yearaiinoe tho aotcknacs published the lory of the electrical girl in the townahip of bomney the tale passed throagh nearly allof oar exchanges and 00- canionally re appears now the atory in brief waa that the girl was so highly charged with ileetrieity that abe oonld not handle any article of steel she wua teriuble magnet and need lea knives etc would cling to any part of bar person the publication excited a good deal of enrioeuy ooneerniog the girl and many people called opon her at her borne- jeeeently ahe waa takso ill and the loo j phyaiciana ware called in she dees ibed ber peculiar aenaa- tioaa lfber knee joints aerera paini were ielt ab oting at tnternala aa tbdogh a batt iry ware work and gitia her inaritteirtahoovv the knee bega awell and tha pains iprri etbai jajrvj of bei body gee- jenunant j tjfto rwacwhii eoojd do wat jof wery little avi ail oomainntlly alight rejief oakbe obtiwj tjn ejor awwjreaini fpnd re ioobm in riau bo bnally when the mora hadjja n np rm wa5ri tjw e day iat the km jttlk j h giena treating her and l fya1olp1eal bwii a noldiov in the oiiinmu army and while working in the beoohn tjroutid 8t petersburg ti eotiraottd rheiiuiatiflii in iu moat severe form and natidug that- the gills symptoms agreed wiihhts tia prboouuoed her to be suffering from t htumatistu the parent of the girl wen overjoyed but were again castdoaqsi they recalled the fact hat the doctors had said they could do nothing for her why aid the tramp do you want to biilher the doctors abont rheumatism 1 get a bottle of st jaeoba oil it cured me and will cure any cace i know plenty of old soldiers who have bn cured of chronic rheumatiam by the ueaof 8u jaeoba oil the advice was taken and the socalled electrical girl ia today prepared to add her testimony to the thonunda of others who betr witoew to the efficacy of the great german remedy to lit editor j london com ajtoiutr dejlh sir aa you have given me a good deal of notoriety by writina of ine aa the electrical girl i thought i would write to tell you of tny condition here followa the recital which ia lamniarlted above mr parents obtained a bottle of8t jaeoba oil and to ita effecta i owe the fact that i am now able to walk without pain and the swellings in the joints have all diaappeared youra very truly 8cai j horriux maa w j lms bethany unt writaa 1 waa one of the f realeat anfferera for about fifteen months with a disease of my ear similar to uloara censing an tire deafness 1 tried everything that could be done through medical akul but without relief as a last resource i tried pr thomts bclectric nil and in ten minuim found relief i continued using it and in a short time mr ear waa cured and hearing completely restored i hare seed this wonderful healer sue cetsfuur in caau of inflammation of the lungs sore throat coughs and colds cuts snd braiiet 4c in fact it ia oar family medicine mken imken then 1 1 are you disturbed at night aod broken of jour rest by a sick child sanwngaud cryinc with the exoruoialing pain of oatling-teethf- if o at onoe and get a bottle of mrs winslows hoothing srrup it will relieve the poor litue aflerer immediately depend upon it j there ia no mistake about it there la not a mother on earth who baa ever used it who will not tell yoa at onoe unt it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it ia perfectly safe to use in all cues snd pleasant to the taste and is the pra- acription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle ak aw a f oraai enaaoe u am 111 1 11 monty tms waa j- lajlll ii warm take adtsntace or fsf tof aws swf f theoodc for mak tasmotwruiatarsocered nnrallr become wealthy wblle uwae who do not improve toed ebanees remain la pov erty we want many men woman boys aodrlru to wtak tor u rlat in their own locautles any one can do the work proper ty from the first star the bnlnaa will pay more man ten times ordlnarr wacas ei3eniive ootflt arnlabed free- 2to oaa who eosrres fallaio make moofy rapidly yoa can devote ytar wboteume otbe worr oronly yoartpare moments fall inrorma- xlon and all that uaeeded tent free address broraox a co portland maine patents we eoaumw toaet aa sobeltora or pataata caveats trade auriu copyrlcbts etc for att united bulca ranada cuba knfuim kraneeuennanyetc we have nadtbirty- ive yean exaerteaee paiaquobuioedlbroashosaraootleadln tha ficxbtttnc aveucur this iarxe nd splesdld ulastnlfd aeekly paper el30 a year sbows tne procreas of belenee u very f a i erastlnc and has n enormous elrcnlatloo address alunir 4 co patenlbolioltora pobllsiorofurnne axuicix j7 park bow kewtork maud book aboot patenu tmtlne iw w j4i m iv wg j- enormous reductions in prices at iloh be la aaftpi iwaaktojjbr rtookindubs jnoaa so aa to run thw tfataptoatviw -t- vff ijaany oaaea baprkpllreahtije thfcrnlfrrtookindfibeoi ot all unib mirkd airnielfctiaji iimartahm vey awmdaoma batlnttfa i patjaaaa farw 4 great rwdlscmkrlna raduoad froen w tp a dlajcoal hatlina jaayked ffitfg attdcvet imaaed velriteena from til d tax tadlaa hantlaa radooad irottuo 9 m km iu himmlml wktifi wauini has about w 000 10100000 worth of good blssf rim imporutlonj which mr wn t watklna haaeaueu quart in to onehalf tbair f alua a h la determined 10 dear 1 and i ift to aaoh low prioes u win undoubtedly make tl the i reai rringaaal half price wiaoejra vary dieap aull and i faoles marked down fanmjnwjlilft jmitt w 37 to 1 an du psvs 1 tarouow lonnirly 1 b now aenmi a downitooo embossed 811k plosbesfron 3 28 to 16a baaiufnl reteeni from 7j to joo and froni 2i colored kmteewi velvitewna from 121 0 40c tadjea manlua redooed from 30 to mftmb ww mk ymmifommriptaumvaitkifimut carpet bayewperi down limjpw low manila olotsa reduoed me ber yard mans oardlgaa jaokau greatly iwdoeed ibxoelalor hip corsets terr f qenu and boya woollen soarfs at areat rwlaclioe woollan olooda squaraaajid shaarta a far letyarprloaa bolkjaaea ototasradnosdfitrbwlw2f3 fronl to60andfrom125too2oo caroeu vary hiaeh lower qala plaids rwdniad very j are being ofleied at nnbeard of low mllawwisrawfk mbtrvewiiaas win kehdalla bpavik cvke the atssi aaeceasflsl atesaedy ever dlsoover- edai it iseerula in its encu snd doss not blister biu d paoor baxow kendalls spavin gure eitrsei from a letwr written lot orlff lthi tdlr of the y drycn a weekly weleb paper of dtice 5t as an eneoarafemenl toyoasloee the sdvsrtlsement of kendalls spavin core rim appeared in yonr paper many idored miners have been aaing it and in all eases in snd around aero it has aehisv ed wonders it u a perfict saeeeis smoor injured miners yoars tralr bxcsaan ownr ueean mines pa april jo 1 ssl kendalls spavin cure off hvhan flesh thousands of dials on human flesh hsi proved beyaod adodbt thatkeauuiri spans care has sgffielent sirentth to penetrate and virus to aare pa womeaaaaarrbenmstlsm eorns busyniis froslbltes or say bruises out or ismsnese whlob are not aneetad in the least br ordinary altaanta it does not bllnsrbnteoths contrary removes all sore- oess kendalls spavin cure j tjohbvpoeilul da- b j kawntui a co oents l have osed yoorflpsvin oarewitnqraatsaeeess 00 spavins eoiw and splinta i know it u be a gucd rpmedr lor rlnfooiiaa beae spavins eats falls and all kinds of lameness at many other dimeatutaaboottheborm oneoimy ii bia ankle very badly 1 ap- jpaaiajhira andll siver saw wall on maa sprained bia ankle very badly piled kendallsspavln care anrli ee- anyt wo it he waa wen in i ana 1 know it to saoo4 fomsaa as w as beast i procured one of yocrtwatlee tbsatorsa bymalltor jsabd i snink it w huu means of isrlnfsasjmo on one bone that ftraatel aoeordlnt to ln rttreetloni bvanin yoar iooe tedjsplsoan stl v kendaile spavin oare send address for lllnitrsted clreulat whleh wsttbalvsspyaduvswrwtofiuwiyuw woremadybaa yvarmel with aflp nognal- msaeeeav 6oe knowisdss steiastsas wabaaaaaa s -j-iu- prioeaiperbotusorsrxbolmfot5 all drojrrlfuhaveltoroanastlt aw yon 0 it wllfteseultoanyaoarsstonreetptwprloe hw be prodnetots int bj kandaila o ehosbobo falu vi sold rt all drwqibts lttaj b058 aroo nnaomnril ith urtlea oolmani at an imfleue 160 sewed musllne marked marked down to 1- indies m downjfromoitoioo udlaa i l low ladies wilt pteaae remember that tha greater portion of these goods are new and fresh being this falls importations and are being offltwlet unheard prices just see them and yon eu be sure to bay them wanted a salesman kemember the fight house la on king itreet tut dc w hogheoo street the trandah is down and the name la hjunilloo jan 12th 183 i matf 1 win jay ypw 1 thqlisias c watkus hamiiitojf qtfeeats feeat8 a splendid line at 900 the photographic art also a fine selection of tweeds diagonals beavers and besidetts anofaetared in he bwt ef style at the leweat prieet east end clothing store j fyfea0t0n is bow batter prepared than aver to execute artistic nsftstctufc ol avary atyto and daacripflon at tha meat reasonable prioes batfajaotiaa alwaya gtvaii frames mottoes stereoscopic wets e alwaya in stock in great variety wauit gwltu and kauaic frame supplied to order on short notice take a look at hit window full of tamput of all kindt splendid dock of frames for the holiday trade can1di4n i obaljbat f call o w ttttt maltopepsyn recisteoso at ottawa an artificial gastric juice lk3 ramady the formolals printed oa the label a ched to each boiue r rops ta cores d rspepiia indiffvtion loss of appet wasursr diseases coastipauon niasea chronic dhrrhis cholsri la y miaau troubles which jeneraily irise from ihe stomach 60 cents for 48 doses or about i cent per dose j rapilar sixed bottles ccolaining i ots with dose meuure sluched jo cents for sal by sll chemists throughout the domiuon i avoid taking liquids of any sort note than is absolutely necessary to quench thirst a the ezepsive use of liquids is the can le of half the dyspepsia m the world maltopspsy u a powder atraaable and easily talus supplies 10 the stomach the actual gulric juice prtscribed by the leading physic ans throughout the dominion in tbdr regular prat oca ljsltopepsyn is also used to a urge extent in hospitals dispensaries sad innrmarid of tw taw msuu btceltaai fsb pattttcuis the maltowapsyn was given in most rapid pleasing snd benehaal results i- hazen morse toronto for sale byl all druqgist8 and j b mogabttn f aoton its istestinaj ant infantum and moi ex ns oct 4 18s0 marked and distressing case of lodicesticn with th z w kempton m d arhloxa out jan so i wo tpemallopapsyn i obtained from von has far more than answered say anticipation hiring tried it in two old snd very obstinats cases of indigestion i found it 10 act tike ami c mckenna ii d l cairaasv owr jan 1881 i have used your maftopepsyn in severe cases of indigestion snd mslnutrition t idults sad diarrhcea of children and am so well pleased with the results that i hare la itructed ray druggist io keep a supply on hand t wreade m d athloaa 0t dec jo s8o l trial in some of my worst eases for which it 1 i tl i big w big bargains big house lots of ligbt pat anblkicslt after giving your ltalli tjcommendecl i am well pleased gih the war m which it sets continue to make a roc irticle like that now in use and it will pe a universal favorite r hamilton h d 11 sfpriat ft co special annojncement for this month we have deteemiked to cleak out otjk eemain1ng 8t00k of winter we are not leaving ouelyk but for th press goods mantles millinery to effect oar aim neb a swee ring reduction will be made in price that it will repay every lad r from all the inrrounding tillage and towns to risit oar store inepeot oar good 1 and price and our soma of ear oheap onaap larfalna big lqtof new millinery big lot of kew olbtbs big tiot of beadymade dothlnt and overcoat bur ijot of new ijrewjqocylabiutofn6wwlnc7bitlotrfnewcott6ns big lot of new prints big lot of new boots big hot of new carpets big lot of new flannels big lot of new fancy good bltf lot of kew hosiery and qlores in las is ori the p houses and stocks and the cheapest in the wsrt we will give bsjgsins in every department 1 oi c tha beat la the oownty good nta and low prioes lashe onr mninery and hantla department ia srrcerintsiidadbyaladjofai- pariese ability and eoarteay wa eorduady inriu the rrahlki to psirotiia ris u w will the trao orthem mammoth house holeod aadereoa ft coescborgeioroi speight so undertakers furniture dea1ers wacgoh i bound to tu ooodt wm inwart co bemembeb the stajil sigm of tjhe last a hill 8tw aetea geo bmilli mete-m-swi- r have just received a splendid aassrtsssai d boojs aite mis tho luart vateiii eva ottor- i loth peaph t jseto and ajnaaal j kesaariutertlatau kcnalae arttelesrereal4rics rastirila cisloa wert irt llwiwarti sxaensad with daapatoh aadfsssb the very best saatenal- awndaamassa rsvjrxs rusmse mrooas 09m zeifnyi son j- r rjm worttitdeir hbt ibiijafia342aj holloways tmslheompatbltjivlhapm a aecand for itttif n imptrijmbhjum tironolumt at world ferti sffmiiiliw wad ewe oasoal dsanaai to iaiirliiaaaasiss tadertaklag every deacripuon ot jnoerat baqulaltaa of the beat ojemuttai swp j rjladatshottw firasokaa hauaaa nmiahaa jjeilapa 1 i srsjltirevln our cabinetnaii department we are prepailwd lor the spriss j sg demand parlor suites soiaa centra tables whatnots beoutssioa an r holidays wsvkatodav we have on band a stock of nrstolasa lumber wagosa and rnanufibsurstbyourselves from tbelest niawal which will be sold at the toweat pow dbla rates y v kimit fcamrn wwwiiii dealer in staple dry goods and qeneral i qroobrlijs c has just opened a stock of goods very suitable or the christmas and new teen trade inwrrjis or lddite- white silk handktrthitfiind scarf t oenu silk bandkfrchiftli all shades betun wool and finger ng tarn in fancy colore honiton and- point braids a nice auortment black spanish and cream laces cjtristmis cards in great varittf christmas confeiontry sic sic jtte mmiimi wjaaukpk ai nt tor tttmitrtm utm 5 oo a butem juie tjtoat i i ikmiturt poriiy repiatteitaydispnrrtlwaelila of tbeblood lte jtatathe dljeatite 6anaambirr y user braoe tbenarvons srstem ad throw trite the erreolabbn tr iinraat eaoeta let anauioing sd rwpairiwj tte rem tm thoaiaaooja ef p tawttste ajeweitjksjr iseaisataiaaretfaawief the ointment ivmsjjriitw j j-i- j is j if i-

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