the f am puess tuaumt uounta jau 19 1332 m r actons vanlclpal huddle ever ctom tee nomioawona wire hilj our muoicsial matters liavn btvn in i rlu a badly miked condition a jmvimiily vunoiidcwi tity two cvn dhlatra wrre oouuuatffl of uinir fif tren droliried to nciit ihu domination nil ni the tiitung juikikw fiom tli cotitwu puir out- uf tlid rttiitiuiiii even candidates flersrda dwcidnd tu drti out o the coufjtct and m tlut lim- tut tteignirtj lid txjiirrd nkwl th- elrclors liiruugu lliree oulnturtt not u totp for tilth of eoursa thitrtiumi were trqhitrd to ixr or itir iuiiiik lnds ttw hittlon tlirwj of tlie didiii ins 06m r tuctrd one of ilifw baring onoje cut nt lue lnnd of ill foil drcidrd w accept tlif cftko li i- fltht two rnt in dibcnriueis rfnmdv o act tli iirxqtioa iu declaiming vit- ully jod the two candid tus li titood tnm iiliet t the till in iitii- ptics lint ilieot- in ilir turn tvfuswl to scctjit he honor of mumo i tli couucil ha rd during the year nfut hiving ik rjctid t the r5il onl ou candidate then rruatnd and he fol loti tho txnllliltf of i is ilds8kon aj a result of this aciiuu the reeve was obliged to insue a watiaot fof a neu election to fill the two racunt claiist tin couucil hoard the reeve iu ier formed this duty and the uouiinaian ill be held on friday 2tth iuc we i trust til ratqiayera will be careful this time to notuioate men vho are oiale of lepreseating their inerrsts and aiiu will accept the nomination and uk- their svu the village expecsev if elected without jiuttinj to any further unuecctairi a grand oflcr eases inu with amies we hare purchased a large number of dr kicdalls bout cutitkd a treatise on the hutct and hib u jirae these we piqose giving asa neuiuu to all near i ubscriberit as svdl as llije jiayiujl arrreragra and due yiar in ad vance tlh ia cue of liie moat vulualir- booka of t le kind ever imlilished ami ought to be in the hatida of every hor- owner it is a neat volume of over so pigea profufcely illuatraud with engntv ngs and tells readily at 50 cents jier cpy it cotitaina tiie iudr of die a decrijition of ec ayuiptouia aud dnia twej fur ifce hor with the ordinary dumj ejtcu md antidote when a prison a table with n angraving i he hnrwb tenl at diin agea with ml- for teliing the age of he iiorac also a large collcliulr nf vaiuabl- rtcijit of which ana u y single rrctpea arewnrtl to ever hotse owner severa tiiueathe price of the laofc thi woifc tl been fcahioitted tt a numlier of horvuieu who siy thjt the irenlaiint fven foi tich diienij cru be retj on nalfcin lliebesl ik baa a vtry eicmiie halr curiideriig be unn ainc it was grai cblialiei lid aio line it has given the beat of haia tliouinds who have seen it recuuiiueid h aui uimv good horbeuieu have txjllrti it iu th- highest of wruif era stttiug that they referreri it o iootg which coat fiteoi tea dollars it contains uotjuu- ahicli ihould exclude it froui the iuoa n fined uuily but rather shoild be read by eveiybody as it leachex human iiriuci- plea and ha i a tendency to elevate the morals by rt winding all that fa merci ful oxan is iircifjil to his beast the wbtario k dy tel tie ihird liament of thursday w it is not lil questions ol the aueutioi is hard to tug the tei by ttio li nothing star feajjires jf i what grali tring up for luipotxnnt eluded with atssassuntim legislature session of the fourth pu- outariu was opeod last th the usual fol uialitiea that- there will l any great tnonieiit to eofckf of the figlatnre imt it hat may transpire dur- the speech delivered ieoien sat governor eonkiino1 ling nt there are annie uddreaatnhich are aofue- iug- in urn promises to corjidrration a nnmher of qfemions the address con 8 fitting reference to the of pnmjsit garceld aasazaweya sews corrupondtnl menury ftuppfr whl w einnov e j at s n the 26 h dial cidlrux delivitrd two on teiohrance o tr be 12ib sod 13 b iatlr aan lie was aide to piwoly tiw auuidi y t sat a wediccn i mera usmil for ilie qittli dhlioi so mi hebl a unelihg iu in ulii uall biuukvilte uu wrtlieiay the llthitist kev mr fibr oooupieil uie cjiair the jlev da ileliveiwl arniiiiliddims ahuwuik ihavisduhi of heal lily supiairthij tli biwt sjotety the agricultural bitcbly iwld int iu the hull broukvillt on thurwliiy i sill tnat the following offlra were rlected fur tjieciirnntynir pmiidmii a augiuam vioapivii a bll dintiuif c rid j aiuieraun p gould m uoluira m mrmllun r aktim 0 barlwii-e- t jyiumi j watua s c and tieav c m- millati auliiom j mdlir ami j d strang tue above sociity is iu lluuiilung condition having mid uiuii- ttiouey for priih ltt ynr than in atii luruier eur a rniiuuittee op wiuted to slat nlaittt purullsiilljj lie- uf laud for ihua gr tund onr villaite auer oil mnlidav ukl till dy apihliutetl in ln for the uignuiiiliou uf luuuici- ill cvuuclu three of the illellllieu elct uf our villa h cuiiucll met in the c iiiuci chtitub r ui lake the d- claniok of iffice the elelk plcmlled lllltll tile reeve mr c s smith null cmuticilluis meaalk m speljlll slid d v cnlup ull had igtixl ihe necewory iie s tile clelk red dtaclailiieni srilli meam james ilooie and c t hill who declined ru maue the iiquired dec lar- aiiura the ieeve thn annouiictij h it ll e two ditijiditea alio stood utxi ligliest atthe ulla at the rtoeul el-ct- luun meatru haiitilum aud xicktiu srculd have the privilege of fiiling the vicancies both of llria guilleiuen have dciiiied the ruler nd mr ken uey hs acted likewiao a new elec tion will cicsquntlybe nqiired tic alt1c cnsrsghau boto at th residence ntue hridei father on jan lltu by ihe retr 1lc citmeron bd ti a una- l qglszu of cookatxitcji to tiaiuuii boyd cf miiiou tbe clite rritsnr in aclon on the wih last him j unet kcnnrdy gl ts7ais business brevities soma fact about oar buttnen men aad tioas of boef t to oar keaeriu rtuaers jicqarviiifi hata froui 75 cents to 26c at fyles xet flnok of stoves just received at j u hills a good felt hat fur 75 cents at j fjjes for 6rxcufs eavetroughitif ap dv to j c hill lidiej rvavilea newest styles at christie henderson co ip von a nut a nobliy durable and enesj suit j fvlens the place to go sencli eniifch and ctuadiitu aitinzs in ffrcst variety at ths ait end clntliuncuire j eft aetcm tjronto iilo are sole mnnrcthr era of machine jil in- friiiperaenta will be prosecuted mastleijrxalcests llolille chliis silk aim siu tiiuiuiiugst at curiatie heudermju fc cov rare value suilsunj ovi coals at extremely inw rata ami made ill latest styles be sc ti call and sec thein j fyfe act6ii ask ynur dealer i for catorii e machine oil and iea that tnebirrel is branded castoiine as none other if genuine mail lay iti the nicest tiling i ever uatl fr the leetli and breatli says every one ilitin trierl tebtrey tbe uea uiiiet geui ijet a j ceut sample fanufactnrera or ueapera vlowersj nltlireauitig jlscmnerv pefer ca- tntiue ilachine tli lo any ther itwill beluear lard seal and elephant and is warranted oot to gura wlvcetscuuilalent jndjea jno- h3tirce our lsa wmcey extraordinary value exaiiillie it- couitar ii and you trill be aure ui buy it wiceye fitmi 5c up at chritie healeraon t cna iiistres christie flenderson i ois slock of isilies light and dark mantles just received these goods are front the ixst makers and cnttipris a full range of prices they will in sold cheap t paelor scites go o t f uuui- mmga qiieliecst pp knox chjiich gnelpb for pal lor suite rliiuble 8luti etl in hair raw 8ilk or repp guar aiiteed and sc laittotu piiceal a ctil itclicited before purchasing elwwhere haiestt it is commonly fnfd that yna cannot make an honest man believe that while is black and tiok recsi hut hope who htve grer hair by using the clxoathsti hits hixewsft will find tint this ap ratrentdilliciiliy is easity overcome for tale b j e mcgarrin 50 cents per bottle fanct woot goods cliriwi- hendeoon fy co have riceivetl and will oin in a few days an iimufna stock uf all kinds of fancy vvoul goodi comprising knit shawls clouds ilcj etc all of the latentdesigna and idiade thewe gooits are extremely hmditoin nd srill im soltljit veiv clnjtest prieik est asul caasrari ike saffrrlat i browns flnusehnld fanacea ni no equal for relieririe pain boili inr ternal and exterml it sure fun in the ide itok or rowers sorit fhroni ktieusktirm tntineln i nrobsfo snd any slni ui a isin or ashe it wilj trost aorely qui hen th wood and he1 s il acting mnrer h ronderful browns household 1ansesui being steknmrledied sstbe srani rnin helievef nd of double vhe birenelh ofsnr ntlie elixir or linrtnent in wn world shnnl l hi fvery familv hnn ij for n her smiled asit reallv u the trestrfaiedj drug fctore for iu the world iirtv intlii kllil pailis atid anlim ol nil and ia forsnlc by all lmifgisti si sbotut ilnllislll itillllf u csnt u tome- leaeuti ol his a pntiiost wrick- ahitoliliif ooupu sapa the physloal uoinllliulon t otnlone lmuse hdestrovs be tlui of his ttina and develops tubercle which rorrodeard destroy inert butniso be raiiaeil ruins rrsltlid impnin iligmlou host impoiiiini ihvtelore is u eon to jidlrlous raltlloatlnn in slay its ravajm a tqlal pbysltnl wreok ntual ii evllaluy rnme mibiui this in the chploe nf n i rniflr the puliuonnry iuvdid tlme nuilend i- rpeciuus re linns tn tle serious phjudhv bodtlv well beihg the only tf resort l a tried and ligldy sunottcineil remedy the eredenlinla uf northrop t jltnsnl einuliid of cod liver hi audi tlypup liiplulpi of lima nd smla pntlile ll to the pi ce itnecupiea vis unit of the loretnnii coucli medicine nnd lung in vigjrant sold on this oontlnent tie lestiinoiiy of telenin iiyioi inn unj n popfiuriiv bised on nifri coijibine lo givoit the presllgeor statidnril medl- inei lu cases of hhnii uealt obeli and luiig iiinnolmiv larynjilu mid other iluoiuul luiigeniuplalnts it tony j he iot liciily rvlied upon m un ieahs w ivtkd 0 men and teams vutel to cot and hinl ctirtlaiiotl from 8pyldo big mill ur kaaaauiiaiva apjilv a mioe i i chblstik henderiov 4 co i s fttle yoiu accoint8 ths iilidrtrnd uill lie at afttieua lintel aotna evr tuaday to irttlv scciutiti 1b b wflnuow guelph nnv 1st 1881 w oou and co a tlifl mltacruier wiiod oe cnal iji eitli titles as retiuired lags alton sept 19 81 prepared to deliver r isrue nr liukll qilan tu any part of llie vil w e adams i hturalgia sciatica lumbago backccie soreness of ma ctiett gout quinsy sort throat swolt- hgs and spreini burn and scalds general bodily pajni tooth ear and headacho fretttd foot and fart end all other pains undachos kn rvrauitlqq on laraj viaau st jimwi ots a a r turr tlwpirt mil caa xstfiial k mrlj wil tdtalk an ftr owapmanvtl irloliij ostlav nf 40 oils ui mrj m lastrlat alia lata esa ban cimsp skd iatun snta at la clilma lnrkuoaa ta bstsb laaswisc sols zt ill dbuuthsto aid seaxeu ib stedioihe avogeijerco bauhkkul ctohiilxi woald loforra tbs paopls of aetim sad sarreuuding cnuutry that ha baa just reinovsd his tin and stove boslmss to ths saw premises next to 0 w hid phutogrsph gsllsrr whers be srill be hsppy to msetall his old cisstnaisrs and u many new uuss u require any thing ia his line m i 7i f mil affqar rprbckery -tc- glassware j v chinaware toys site t n otue any jrtrann cuttitiff liraur on well half if lot 1j 5ui cnu kjiimiukf exctptitix 15 ictv fiicsatw ui tiijid3 miljci vrill ij inaflcued ciitriliin uw elizabeth xulleil eqacing jan 19 6j y tst settle acconuu the aliacriber vrishei to lute than n iiueiul leaviup aetna in alxiut a inodtli ftu4 ilcsitet thnt h iudettod u uuu aliuh ciil tad mttle ihefr acccniuu pt airt all accuuti twit iaiil liy llie firit of february mill le plactd iu cuurt fur uoieiai d lwvsov aciod jan 16lh 1882 ipvtkli to rext the onderxijjued iliesln rent lna farm it 3 oiu 4 hi 3rd line enn cimiin of 100 acrrs 75 clearol ou the inipcrtv it a in hiae fram u ni cmau iniinl and a hard vatcr well fur particuen apily lo j v sahlv pmiirietor or at ihim office ticosvey lot loit latren ajtnewi hotel an chritie henterauii 4 c ulnre no weliiia i ith nut mo live dullar ulla finder ill l aaitally revtxrdcd by leaiiuir it at aeucwa hotel joseph 4kdees0n pluterer acton u1ber of alt eis waste the nndertiiied dtnirje to btrtby inform the farnien aid uthcri u thii nciolty hiio ovfn tiiilkt thftt thev ate prepared in pur- cliaar a laie quantity all kiudt of liujlier aljint 4uu0uo tcct f hciiukk it vauied an advaiioe iu price wjil le paid for rveu hemhtk uueejid at ilui in the lt year thai the mill will tw in pentiiiio in auni all having timlicr they wifh u el or out uill du veil ia lrins it iu uiu aeaaou br0wx i hall acton dl9 1s3i rupture plaster snre cur y an outward application w licit wf cause be lrnkeu nieiulnuo to heal ami conne trajf aa ufow the c ciiletit n one nerd run ihefrfoi ruk nf triijjjiilaliin iiea airtiii and apeedy enrr can i had at a triflnjr coat nf 52 full treuuiriitind ajnaile iti formation wnt ui receipt nf pnee ly f ui jjerrick pre cm out the alive planter waa dicremt a nnm- lemf veira ago liy an nld lady t reudent of 0iileuluri- inference furuiibetl ir de liied a kood ttock of 8 to re of all klodi oo baud to fa told cbtap old iron brasscopperad eaffs taken la ezohanflre for jroods coll and see us in our nwhop j chill mill street aoton fancy goods v mr brown hns opened a nice ansortnientof yancyi goods in berlin wools yltigerinu aol zejjiittarni t lncen kaibroiricric briaj and croquet braida an all goods generally kept hi a fancy shop r children fancy woollen garment knit to order i- vr wiehinjr you the coaplimentfl of tht seaaoa i am yours c amvtlk stave t1ubeu wanted the aoderapied waiita nix handred corda if elm aod ult sava bnli and a urne iqnanfitv uf pine cedar ajid black ash iinilcr ia eutier the ln or india fur which dub mill be paid mi delirrry taoma8c moore actoa jin3rd 1881 xtlxheof acton debtv y tubm for svle sealed tehdera will 1erceived tip tn the 20th inl fralkiat 600 worth of village nf acuin denature dniwiuyaii per ceuu interest for particuura ipl t i c h smith rstrt acton jan 4th 1881 pirtt to rest h th east half of lot 9 con 4 ot erin iill 1 rented tci a itiitalje pfcrnu ou runl tertna the fanu outaiua icoacrck the most of uldch ia uoiler culitvaijuu tliereare go fann iiaijdiuea orchard aod good krter the prcnrrty it well adapted for either flaiing or farm raiwidj for jarticolan applj at thta office nr to vu griffis cog 5 erin tf the great sale of boots and shoes at the- ghiapist store in th oounfy still continues the whole stock marled at tlte cotcett pomiue flgtttet call and examine james goodall cniral boot and shoe j store uill street actuti custom work carried on as usual bjimr- thoaas craine- a meruilal uau is merciful to bis bssc only 23 0ent8 card of thanks tto subscribers desire to tender their hearty thstuu to the people ol acton and vicinity for their fiberal patronage daring ths tear jost closed and in solicitus a con tinuance ot their favors they wonid wish them s happy and prosperous experience in 188s they hare decided to hereafter transact a cash business owingto the loss of many accounts in the past and will fromthis date henoefoith do a caab business and customers will please not ssk for credit a number of customers owe us smsll amounts and as are do not wish i render aocounts to them a aeoond time would earnestly re quest them to sail sad settle at onee parties bringing us flour in payment for btsad will be allowed the caab priee for it we are yours respecttully e nicexin a sox elcriaios baxzat christie henderson i acton ontario fine goods xmas and hew years presents 650000- 1 already for gaps in ottor sal persian liouiib ana minjc storeys lined kid qlovee and mitts sold kgto skatlxg hi mi flic managers of the riub have lecidcl to issue tickets for tbo preseut season as fol lows j i famiit ticksts 5 00 oaxnouxs 2 00 labies 1 m ssatkba noe eveoing 10 srktitobs os the ice is now in excellent conditio and iill srs cordially iuvitecl jxpcamei10k piehblst k tke1tise ox tsub and his disbbsea by b j kenmll md rrix valuable and practical information axa costlmxg an index of diseases silk handkerchief soatut tiea and shaw llurtoa iktoroliaiit tailors tu week tmi tbroach use deustay sema srstda f a general dry eo0d millinery boots shoes itc btcxff ic ww amfeassst cmmle freak ckeiee aatt chess our rrfnlar sly purchaata from lmding btt goods and milubmj sisasaoif cnalilea as to show iu ltmt mwst wmi nttst pjllbsv aft f- in sssspi o ot a krods our ohjrct is to place befora eat ei what ia wanted at thia iii stmto o the best make at price tu lorn atari asked for old and widtdrau fcprsisifcv a ora mshhe steca or boots sholi enaura oa to 6t aad nit erenroae traleaourswckbru btaiuaphyniiauii msnofasiarers can alwajra t avpendrd onfto gtte rood satislsaitionaa i- can ba icatifird 1j thuuaands who kara worsaoor ijeei or ll two ar thrwe msaoas thu torethrr witk oar jew price aeecnnu for our imeeasa aaltb wombitb birrrbn and lack shoes from iioo up mens stooa boots 1som 180 uev v m 1 which girei the symptoma canae and the beat treatment of each a tabtgivinn the principal dnni uaed for tb flora with the ordinary dot effticu aud anudotet i when a poison a table with ao eogmnng of the horse teeth at different anea with imfoetakt to the sick- ri fr tellitut the e if the hone j t edgravinjiti allowing the itnpnruot pointa ia the t true tli re tbe horn- alao tloitratitik varioai diaeaaea a vajeawe collection of recipes many of which avam cast a horse owuer three to live dollar each j eveey fdsjttes should own this book raws dr meoultooh tse oeieiiratel elmpeaa ami american physician itinerant of the hospitals f the chief cities of england ireland scotland france geroiaav the united slates of am erica and the dominion nf canals will arnonallv vimt acrok irofesionaly and may lie consulted at agnrra hotel rniu hoaasrjas r3rdto ncdarsdaj jantsu ro 10 oclock rm j by sll who sre snfferin frnm chmnii linger tuif diaeasea snch sa goiunnif ttniil bnin cditia asthiua catarrh aud sll sftctious of thethmst sud heart nervonsxeliiliiy hcrnfnlnua ulcfra liver complninti eheu inatini skill diteaaes or nil kinds too trat- ter of how ions taikliuk di npsy piseoaea of the kidueys cnlnnisis soil cancers in their anrt tagej without the useiof ilia knife awaid all bihi dineaara salt heira dtmeptia ervnl einlrplio kiui nr fnlliny buknesn aiaipleptieffiu nr loa nf sioteand motion paralvms fnrl rja smtirin chorea nr st vitus dane fevrri and anaa f all kinds rrmpnciitly cured fjintra ir thick seek p ill noses la sir pitta nf the tvstem aueess tiimnre tc lumliagn htini rrl aje of tbajlnifai iflt ill duesses nf the ee and ear arrsted ncoestfullv asfemsle complaints nf su inds and dercnptinnt wlinteer whether ente lrclnnio aill l irentml snece i u iaiii rif inn sre suffering frnoi any nf jadnstrre alio alt ol a f nbfrrlmn he nhme dlsesset di nnt delay 1 qt unit tfho p np wllftt is dae siwl 9ssf or at nee so that 0 my hsia the their snbseriptionti lor tyiotker trnefitif ina care snd irmtmimit knd he swtmerl tn lirabh tli n o f tear m tuts z5 8iid all ordars to free peess office licffon 0nt agents wiatdd lttbay salr board tangs millstrktt bto ia where yoo can get firstclass eiffs atlluteiuiuiatea jpurses albums writiiigpapeenr velcps school god bommorcialbiga an etrw delltery wafee m mm earh eipimtrjaisat1eitreedstr any part o the tow all ar rtoilaiektca u tmi v writlai1 ibhn are ffeeeted te jmj rp trvtt are ellnj tie abore book wuwttl fu y dttmjf mooata to nit new fmbarriben wab pay ial ed i atfattbfvp pvowiator misses womks and mkrt8 overshoe8 fbosf j5p hi oar felt beets aad stalf steeuian tke ctwayaqsa oatertsl overcoats shirts draweii ittsi and oicki sc all new and cheak in oenuooilaraand ftaioiyand fcsfftiosiabtotsswtnsio lfxkb kxif kwl ciq993 voooa cf jtitmiafis have sasakngjesastbd with 0abb a30 eookomt 1 m i llwery trade qui te m toneer wean utt seta tswnsjswiui liat ott4 rear ourtjtrem v9bsm4aitseeatf we ak wisatsetor et kn- risliini wishing you a merry tlariiafn slates copy v- f