Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 19, 1882, p. 6

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14 t- 1 1 i is ijjgi tu n li frsszm tf iffv4r thb bupekahkuated h0r8e ft his mastelv the fcctsc ccrm ttr fci at i eotteiajn cf kririlcu itc cne hundred mi fcfly yarei4 1 tbr mut l fid to bar bwa htulsrof 6rcf in xcrtulfceiitjard ari man then ci dossi ttmtr w am wk ibcu v5hlhrcmil0lj4j poorr a mt lonrvr la tn u i pray a iicioff bcoble toooi ti door tr nh u pul mc to behold alt place ah l tbi hcupitawc 1 v iac ro jt to k raymarter f iftr war lh qxa where i vu bird r ttfrt cf wltit mh erjoyed ifct tjiajr crt 1 wi oil and p l octnoficrcotiilibict llrt our s valuable jbecetfls f safeves i a i soaflowrioibalhcii cats 2 bushels tv- i in jtjm hsw dxvl co iewn trcvrn ihew wtvwcrr limb lj uicc 1 raw fu nllcy yvan fwtia bou ofol wort yveaf- 14 si3teiuuuct3d it happiest slave xrr wuho tboa br jo ihr mtimi bki oil in tfcr ulr bnn for life ball plcm if jare tax 4m4 loo 1- til t u- n xikr uitc lrtav eluts for horse owners sxnsclxrstvi for hcnes the ranfawcr vvd is rcryiiciiliy fxi fee uic borw end flhodd ivprcain qainuticrabottii4ltipuit a tiy durjsf lie rintcr tad ijfic rhith irit cis5c tiicai to lire fleet cotf cud will kcrp ten ia good hciltii and ipiriu it kcccndctod bv irisr tho hire tried k to be a mrentitc tf heavey lad tc1 hv diimed to hare cutvd hciresiiii it of tcc ajicoabj ind dirtcncr- ttca used for heirci njyc two bruhclt of oau ad one of the ecdaad hite it prtuad then feed to ctufftt of the miituit ct tiiii titer uirt txati i day ahrij remeaber to feed har mad vttcr u ve direct ia the treaunent of beartm bt another place 1 hone i feci- a faor rth a poor foot is oaarij limea alnjort vrnthicm i one jf the njt freacnl caasca of poor ftet i fci allot- izg the blacfcamith to pare the hocf too much especially the fro vhach rrr uould u parni under anr circraiatancei ealky bona- the most eftectaal method cf tartinj i bilkr horie is tc dircrt his aacn- tion to be will forgtt that heroes not wish to drt the load- this bt be doae in various tivu l tout miav wistad around the fcrclef to as to ca some an and to step the eirculatiou lor a short time mar have this result- unhitch the hcrse from the laid and turn him around rapidly several tles until he becomes diot tic a rtring iround the ear give a bzsdfol ot grass t tap- of earth or ragsr or in act anything is xhippinf irhich till have the effect to cvert the aaeation toihe hone iu forget his rctt 3cti datrvyai if ftcdiij cfctaiod it ii claimed by tome that jwts irie sot live but a short time if placed in grktec potatoiad ill hones hive been relieved from attacks of tots ty slnplyfeedms four or ert quins of potatoes- at all events it is rell knom that rjtaoct ftl once wej are excellent for ienct the qktity cf food btprirtd for a rant for cr-iimrj- rorfc a horse of average size should bcm 12 pounds b oats or other grain food and 13 to is pounds of good hay but if driven on the road 2 or s pounds tff hay morn ing ad noon md 6 or ll at nigot with the lame quantity of grain- licccn cattle- barter ordcgito rid an trfl of lice apply a small oviantay the size cf an crdnury pill ef mercariaj ftiionent to tome part which the nfmsl jjij brs charcoal for fvwu place an ear of ripe torn into the fire and allow st to remain until feed two qwru of the bar ud mtw u mia andcttedtocotacst mitturttrmtinea s rooted la tresilse bo ko i ufoartob pwk akunkcahta eoualartiofsb odcoortwiooaday if feed make it into ii a ball aid no 3asssttotid pull phorfrum pufretiaod m into foitrjowdcni bad om wvek no awseoaa ui be has eured srssi 4 tar lie rittathe ortostr night or c tot other jk tongue and then grriai it into the tonaeh daiswhigrna ttuespowulsatadosofwi he loorta ii to b the also rood for anrcaaajh or ftp wptai 1 oudusbt faftt atnvcurln- cotttxactod hoof or sore feet ko 1 tile equal parts of soft fatbeesini isloa venice turpentine andhonrmrtarj trst melt the wax thenadd the others misnag thorousxut apply lo the edge of the hair once a day no 2 tak of castor od btaadoea tar ana tot voap equal parts of each mestaq wow as4 itir while eooling and apply a liafc to thehcofs or stuacsa week- j for scratches and grwae hel no 1 takeoforide of tjl dnsehnii jaid 1 oanee powdarod gum beixrtegrsids eampbbr- uod jfriu i drachm lllx wumghltandtuboiv twiceawok do not wash after tie tot applka- taon i i no- tit has been reparvd to utkiat kassdaus spavin girt applied tsriae a day after wishing i above wiuahrayi ensctacare wvcn other remejlei fail it or well uaaflr to gke ntkbaon powers iahpetn t ounces tuipbar 8 oasees i copperxs a ounoea fenugreek 12 ouces gentian 4 ouncs mix aol give a tahtoasaoofol twiooa day cofltltfdxi powosrrsi noi gentiao feogreck jwlphur salpctrc ctiol of ttrtsr of oscb two ui tmia olack aatiaioqy of each loouce ginger liquorice ouoeri eaehi caveseie 1 ounee puhreraed and mitol thorougul uosa 1 tatrirjppooaful once or twice a day rouod rith the feed used with good faeces fjr coughs colds diftesuper hkid bound sad nearly ill discaes for which condiuon powders arc giwtn no 2- fenugreek ounces ginger 6 bonces inke pulve rited s euncn gentian 2 ounces j black aacimony 2 ounces bstrdvood asbea 4 ounces mix ahlogethert frrrr give a horse an sbbpetite- xol lijiwrice otocesiftsmrrotksoabce esteaxapaoe i ouccs blood root 1 ounce tartar toanii twicedsj moi- xtndalli tried tepeatodtf results m r- 1 r xa e mbnt badoue a id hirotw oaili bi ulaea etc ort directly into the sore cart u fl has been rith the nrr beat of areh irael 1 quart jfi noxw rtspirttsof nitre 1 i tun i ounce essence mate water 1 piakjldx ictareof optiunloudosi rw r i oonoaj anw i ot i hil ouno vaj jut jri aa oiinawr ho- l jlodideof potassdum l tojoeras j drachm t ginger mte draehins pow jawa tram aatbicsod syrup lo farm a j a ls jt cslomel drichnii tomtr ttaviotmeti blneritrjol ltstncttm gum arahic aid tyrup to form a ball no 3 i ounce sulphite of soda 6 grains spanish flies powdered ifit and give at night in cat feed for sct- coal weeks pre at the same time every morning and noon 8 drachna powdered gentian 2 driehmi powdered blue vit- riol giro theznedicines for a long txae fced welt tuii is the best treatment that can be given fur these diseases fewer balls itrc 2t drachms tartar emetic meal 1 cnncefcsunphor i drachm miaidmldjbaball repeat attfnrfijii n oi ssjeslstt 10 drops tartar ssotpstrettiarinn snger 2 ssalssada kittand jorainto threaor fouttonaj adaj if necessary j dtererio bstlta no 1- baltpeare i drachjns j rntin drachms castile soap i 2 drachms fenugreek 3 drachms flaxseed meall ounce uix and form inlo a ball no 2 ob of junrfot drachm rosin and salt petre each jrdpacbffls campl r drachm castile foap 1 ounce flaxseed mca t ounce- mix and form into a ball cordial iwl na i ossnphor 1drsehm anise 3 drachms tincture of opium 1 ounce powdered ertract of liquorice 3 drachms flaxseed mial 1 ounos mix amrringent and cordial no 1 opiinv 12 grains camphor 1 drachm catccbu 1 drachm mu- no 2 fy iv cvsias camphor 1 drachm giagnr 2 drachms castile toap 1 drachms anise s dsachmi liquorice 2 drachms mix cough mixtures ko 1 oil of tar given as directed for tnast- ment of bsseres is one of the best remedies for neariy all coaghs no 2 take of alcohol i pint balsam of fir 2 ounces mix wclh and add all the tar it will cut shake well before using don iran oo to eo tasspooafuls two or three tinms i day crttoluil sbajg tar s ounces beeararvx oaacti rosin i slam 1 ounce tadowl oaaca auphau of irwn i oance carbolic aeloyaslrmefcmi bixsbd bofl over s slow are skhn ot the filth mad tte ktsnings af swesincr vbnath so 1 tssh the feet wreb with caatik loapaaui jratcr and ipriakk small quahtkyof i th abarr taat u a too irwprseatsttism of the sew jlaboratorr and llsarstbsetprw of b jr ssndall oak buostnxttl falls vtrgnprletnrt ot the celebrated kendalls spavin crux i adds ounces u esnetjc 1 ounce ginger and cayenne each 1 ouabe icx aod rive a talacspoqaful two or three times a day in the feed one of the best condition powders for say cough cold distemper or sixootie abn excel- lent for beaves for hearts 1 ounce of tobarja and viaponr may be added hitlsnenta for sonet ko 1 olive ou 2 ounces aqua smnvnls 1 ounce hit and sdd 2 ooaces oil origanum 2 ounces spiriis of turpentine 1 ounee oil of worm wood strongest alcohol lpuxt- tusehhaenftls exoeilent for aar l abo good for narins ringbones curbs etc- if used when they madte the nt appearance no- i oil of rpikel ounce oil of origanum t ounces aqua ammonia 2 ounces tincture of cay enne pepper 4 ojkbeexi gall one gill eampbor gum 1 ounce ajcouol 1 putt mix usedfarthe same purposea a ko 1- no8- best vinegar 1 quart saltpetre purrer- iaoi 4 ounces onnwood 4 ounces mix and eep in a dish well cowered strain and press the herbs valnable for braises swellings and sprains no 4 forwb purposea lor winch an ntrrtal liniment is usedea any beast or on buaaa beshtiaj never am fauad anything a equal kendalls spars cu eyewater no 1 while vitriol and taira sssetr tsf oach one viplc port soft water o ounces- mtt thu 3 drachms flaxseed meal 4 ounces make clnlo should be applied to ihe tnuaried lidsjlorltimea a i eigbt powders and give one or two each day dav and if the iaaammatioo docs hotlossonin lor tn e- 2dsyiitnuyhehiectedurectryiiitotheeye j o the writerasttidfntusosrnesjsrcl no i saltpetre 2ounces copperas 2 it i i j 1 e i gibjjcr 1 ounce ei2iitcetsouacaaii5 gcaoai 1 dunce iunad iiixidc mla ciul ftmdcn hlae vitriol ia dw deft aud to ah 911 ti iiei viiii coaoa and prcn it in n to tp oat 31 firtaod repeat a often aj uxeamrj ojitil the xmt k cotipicte ko 1 blue vitriol and copper of each 1 oaacoi bmntijum 2oabcta wljtc titriol i ouce miav 3fol oojcrai2 oodcoa pajrerlied fnnian ieie decanwae 1 ouocr lruecd meal 3 cboeea mix lad gm froa 4 to 1 tsafaaapaad twi 1 dsjr xp x aloe g otuicea pahenxed but tamipa dnccdbfjctatcr aacl dropped tbncrtjwta mx lotatxaasjrxitonaaue louncej r c which wo al taax the tyt to tmvt cotwfcnr- liorettoaljit53jnilwfeeo aruii cold water car a few miautea aoal hy trvntiap tiii3 or i times avdaj it lias prca hc xbff treat t atfactioa ii ilo nicely miy tinja to jtuteloas tbejeye ad i h tlie oatlcfjeclr xo 2 sojar of lead i drachm tinctarc of j yive two or three each day so 2 gcntiao 1 ounce ginrcr j ounce ca tuue ntriol i o 1 ouace ciecaunpaik ilaxatd rneal 1 ouucea uhpetre 2 ounces cyriim i- draciinu aoft wiosri rxiii lie eye 2 oti limes a day c tfuiwa alit and diride ioto eiglil powders foderau- -ai- tucrci aod ruiaizit the iimu are osecul 1 fiealliif preparatioaal 1 poi ilixanu xq1 ckrbalie acid loajiceft water sjinu xoot while vijiol 1 ounce aoawater spiau iw 5 wtincuitc cf opibtn 1 powdered gita jj drscio mi lui sbnkewcll before using kxcelat oypnne i onnoe sassafras rartti polncrw xuiioi wiler exiulc cr in fact for any pjjjo- ror cobo- so 1 take of gam myrrh i bbbct gant aa poor i ounce j csypnne i ounce asanas tarn sjiwihhto f cr in lad fcir aav pjce ounee spirits tnrpenune i ounce i ail pruraaum rvqau-uji- s ibjiai- artiagrnt lomscc oil hemlock i ounce fsifrcrsiua opiaii ounee strongest alcohol i qusru mil all together 1 hcaliq mixture it become well charred jmd feed this to jjjj ihxk ofico for eight or ten davi ami auor or i conolnc b ckaita carbolic aoid 1 drachm vnrr fowl- it li much better thintrainarv strait through faanel dosofroo ltu s t51espij iuu 11m is ia ike cry best of mistara for your wwi- n u u- t i fakasxordnrr to the severitv of llcue rivelnn vfixsizrix vai tcs as are inclinedcot hircocj mi will gvc healthaid vjcr j milt bloxlev this disease attacks vorng and j wexievcr have ksrrru tac above retaody u sail of v i i cvving relief when given for colic ia hofssd in tinrjig etoefc and usuauyproves fatal unless gj at has fii fan medxa relief even though various other rcsaadies had tailed of giving any rtdicf ii naacs one of the very best of pain khrert iot family use and we advise all to keep it oa hand no2- take of laarlannm 1 ounce spicha of turpenhse 11 ouhcea mix anil grrc atone dosem three times the amooot of warm water no- 2 sulphuric other 14 ounces rrndannm 1 ounce essence peppermint 2 ounces water 1 ounces tnir and shakerell before girlafp seen and treated early the symptoms are those- of plethora fever and halfcj on one iirnb give sx once half a pound jjf epsom taits and a leaspoonfal of ginger it is claimed by some that saltpetre given occaakmally is a preventative or if given in urge doses after the attack in sroantities varying from one to fool learpoontats according to the age is elite rare ia effect a cere ihoam druauui or cioetr elan t- rhu ia a blearing of cattle caused by overfilling the paunch and in too quick a time before the xtomacfc has time to act upon it the aymp- ornssre swelling of the whole left side f in fclly trcatamii ihonld begin at soon u poatible y firing every fifteen nttnulei one teupimn- d of pulseriied charcoal in a pint of water if the case should prove to b one which would not vieid u the above treatment then tap tlu luided aasw hf plunging a sharp knife into lie left side ia a downwajd and inward direc- um fronts point equally dtatant from the hip- 6cre the last rib and the lateral processes of the backbone the knife should remain in the opening cntil a quill can be inserted for the gas tj jiiss through when it can be withdrawn c-c- should be taken not to let go of the quill a trocar and caoaula can usually be obtained frcz physician which is the bcit instrument uiat can possibly be cbtaincd for this purpose sidphur for aniok when tilccn intcr- cilly in quanilies of aboct a tcfifpoocful once i veek wflh food rurphur will kecp all kinds tf jaals free from lice as4 parnote the gecernl lcauh one tetspocnful is sufficient cuts wound end bona no i lake of bra 4 ounces beersrax 4 ounces rosia 2 ounces carbolic add a assoa jata the three hrsiend melt then add the carbolic acid stirring until coot tha is excellent for aiaa as wed u besst j i no 2 tincture ophun 2 ounces taaaia 4 ounce mir no 8 carbolic add 1 ounce soft waksr i quart mir no 4 foram cruises wcradotictcs apply eendalli spavin care which iaone of the beat s flicationi for this purpose knewa either for beaat to aa poll evil aad pfcttala no 1- copperas 1 dracfaau bine rttool 2 drachms common tilt 2 drmchnwi white vitriol 1 drachm mix and powder fine jul t goosequul with thr powder and posh ii to ihe bottom of he ripe having a sack in the top of the quia 0 ha yon can posh the vjojrdor dot or the quul leaving it at the bottom the pipe t repeat again b about four days and in two sir three days from tliat time yoa can take hold of the nine andre- movc it withoot trouble no i tsica srasllriocarihlloamtic place ia the pipe after being cleansed srtth soapeods then 11 the hola with sweetoila no 3 fill the lore to toe bottom with ashes from burnt corjkobi repeat two pr three smea u necessary or nnfil a core la rfrrta yrftl itttart mhiad for ten cr i ben ori ik sswt or f the aaac qachty of chaxecj vr hour after the leait m exjanaaf be ccasi rtli itwijifjiij rercl j r- n it r p ffttr i rfitft j cr fii 1 11 jjr riis xo cure mange oiltili 1 ounce ue sulphua 1 ounces whale flill i ounces mix huh a little 00 the skin wher ever the disease appears and coatinae dailr for a sreelc tixm wash off with castile soap and w water- to grow hair mix swceioil 1 pint aulpbur 3 ounces shake weli and rub well into the dock twice a week for worme rachm tartar emetic drachm 1 bounce fenugreek 1 ouace mis 1 at night arjdrepeatthe dose for two jad follow with 1 pints of raw lin- sbbun afterthe last powder has been 4reaao aual draehms water 18 ounces if there 6 inhoh dis severs bdors followed after deansins well aoaa the following the same aneja the or two xmrbonate 1 drachm iodide of iron i csuw xenugreek 2 ettneeai finger 8 ounces ejeoampaae f ounce- mix tbriroughly and ostiae rate 11 powders flr lllitexapex hops 2ounce carbolic add 31 drops boiling water aaafkea ilk the hops aid oarbone aad with use bating water and oornpsl rhe animal t inhale the steam for is or 20 minutes at a time and repeat torso times aday a a strons mustard paste toibeftroat aad place a warm potdtxe over laapatte rwarmruaato tad boilea vegetables keep the ttaue combrb wann and ahnme qivetrsaibllotknfrtarwdert onceia day powdered peruvian baft jonrjoas pmrosaadantian lounce powdered onpsaaa 1 ounaa mix and divided mlo 0 powders tnraab take whae rkriol 2 aanoea eoft water f ounces mil and apply to the diseased surface after ihe ragged partahate been cut aww andjhpj highly t3eitedntoffhe caralas with cotton tat im fl- tv peat soeeesa wueh hat been achlevtu with jtendalls bpavln care la all parts of lbs united btataa has never before heea oqoallsa aad is now considered 07 lbs first veterinary laraeons sad most exteastvs horse owners la the country to be the avaodsst discovery la sterlnary sdeace of lbs ntooteenul century 1 illsgirtactliatory boaaatitraetloo wberever raed it does not buster pr eoata any aori which eaalces it s destrsbk unhnentforumonmanuweri ithss no equal to lags aalls itmtnaoi treat apavms tplrats rtaabooeenrl callous sprains swett- taaajpanof the bcchrabiasdti slab rood ibr ss oa veast sad it is sen la its 1 oarl jfra cuts serslcbos sreaaos astaoaaersadbrdntssmimmaosaliaaaaaolm itlsusedwlth the most avaaftat naataewotlaatelaoi or any daepsest pttts as is rheaiaausav iilin 111 111 uiaaltjestattwtailsaai slii tlrgrtssodoaosadawtaslslrs eswaoamwltua thtpast thrte yotn has cntrpedm lbs proprietors totudld the straw tad 1 nprtoeated above la which they rasnnnuloreaadbetiwihanevttonw thtbuqdlif is orpodttly odtpted to their fee eafrtatt roe offlees aad prrtata offlcsa a4rertbaog raaaufaoturiaa bottuaa aad paealaf ntrbl to meet tbcgnulmauaa mate tnthao for hdr prcpesmaaoa and at an early day cxport to lasvt to omiattm lhit itaxatklsswiat est botl wlottatof tbdr wbtfc faatss to p department and dot era ttt oonpaay wltfi ihu cpadoua urdr able to meet the rata daaaad nacle ue7 cxpoci to 4otx oouidsj uocfa coqici baaaid toihowlb pimwqeeemhlnt vteerbwittnwavaxit oi tew tetlcra froa procbteect m who haw bawl um tfpatla can whlth ihowa plahily in a few wurdii what trtjojiirmhbap ojjcc of g w voorhu proprietor homuramck driving park and park home dtteoit micaaprd 11 int rl j eexdaukco ec- tvtrtailkwilhhor it tl fmvj titsbet it a atwtcassawl aketas your keodajtt bpattn cur i hm oad tor httueiflir9 next aailbiakiithtua neiidm ifsocfit to b i ever lav ftw bpata tad bpbnt nd win trcriy rtcommm dmyfileada tocri nwpxioiir o w vooama from col l t foster y ohio kay ib ibm or bj ecrdaultoo am ihadatrttaliiabtoa fetlied wwyailtbjr ha baaa labpboai waria on erne joint aalaatbaneoaoataoai wtlehada um vtludc i had um xtoaera charte of two trterhwry aa aw ttnaaj tdamna i was oot day rawunf tha dtmttonttrt of kafairtsppmcan drtrrimditotiawtotaigrxovd itmfctbcaaaaatidtiiaiairia inaadftti ih taonh day tbs cob ecmed to be luw and la lnme nan illaaapipali- xaaadl aiiddmooatllrdaai uehtnij cored t1m cure wu ao rwitrtahle thai i let taro of my atibon han the renamor two bodava wtoexenowtisatajlt 4r very btwpeetftifly lutfostktt from a promixent phy8icia1 waimatoirtttii ohio jnmvlt ips dr b jscjtoaxlaroo dt otaaiiiiffyraradre rf kandalla 6patln cora aad aating avalaamsaad twr hofta wlueh had heamtabteaa rrx ior eitt aoca i ema to jca tor boai bjmxnmmuek to atx waefca naiovad h umenr ad etklajfeane aot fsunl froaa aaotbar hone and hoi borata arewday m aovnd at cote tbt on mtti waa worth to dm oh bodreddoqan bafmtalyyoan h a blffitolett 1ux kendalls spavin curb eaowtlxl id rtot 1s80 b t jcxroalt fc on- mtl afmyvur ttiaahle twrtsas nrttbt horaa ajrfha w aatd j nai rataawfa rfie iln aavbotaee bare the ntsaooa omethaacdaadnoa ivforadaya iannltodyaiir eaaadairasmfacijten iuicooltleelllooorfqarbota ptoaa e irra prjoaa to agan t youra truly lttseowef haarabuao pa kot 18 l0 dr b j dolaxi jc oov u i aumtyftde asare thathaa had a hona apatin f or a lon lima i tried arerr thief am mu draw to ear u hat ao in vain aad waa about cogtvkcpwheaeimeodofiiiiim to ma and bomiawoddkejaajri fipatts cure wl i arm wtth ffaatd natsitea t 70a for one of your tuaatrrted bene beofca aad i thtakv hare la ao betaar book arlatad oa tha bottao aad bia ddeanni 1 fan taken crml tn it sad haw atom eeld 11 eojtam aor jtw to my nelcnboraand will try and do what food 1 can by fattta them for otbera yooratrniy e wagllkr iwcldjb under oath tvvafm airatra tnibeyarjft cert a bona rpatta of a nmctba growth pearjy half ae urieaaatwagand etoppedtbe umeneaa and mnoted the extbuwoenl i hate worted thaboneerer ainctatiy hdapba dertr baa bean lama nor eooid i rer aee any dl tn tbe abe of the hocavjotot atiioa i utlbimwllhkeiidallibpattncot kqakke eafoasotoh fall vt pen t4 1bt8 bwra tad nbeertbed to befbn m thla zah day of fob ajx 1s7v johh q jekn5 juctiee of tha peace m wwaqo iattsat rtuef stateme1tt kendalls spavin cube rr ohtq ofiti which i hare derived from yvw tatmhubwjajvd larfcmed jdallbatecnremy raxxorr ohio jan 14 jsl a m ihanka for benefite tn h j gprpaix fc ca thlnt it my doty to reoderj any n for ever a a laat resort i adtiatjd ray eouihito try a botuaof kendsltijaricrejit i ind i bset a tahtabie stallioo wortb 4100 which bad a mj bed asawtd w pro r cnreand thatua lwmwaadoat noastvd by four eminent ttterlnary enrfeona beyond 1 hadanuriau effca the third bottie eared it and the horse la wruaa ever idkatof lvjinerorrt the eoaoeot vcitfinary aarjaoa waa as uncle of ntiac and i tak ret tarreat ia auftlde nle nr iff si fain 1 twuit wsaarx0tjaja4r on isxuoajaax mlx we fel eonndsat taat wt sneak tea arntp wjna aawsi that to l ifat vwrt4uaooare4 that works so watt cjflhuin flesh sa aaetaifs aaasaa ur i axaurr njt bepcja b stnanl a co eaa krtostd tsm is tenta lor yoar rosnuy pebnohol book the revised tdmoa i bars uatd your kaadalfs sparta cure la bad tmwlthat rtssutsariiwouldootbewluloutltforfcarnnimtlieiinouatlier botaa it is back ever stace until about two months ago 1 began far mtaaaawbotsi i wrrcaahm tree tbout four ytart on and bav ntbs ago 1 begtn atdaff year u doctor mfo p j ohahlb9 l oothodt axaajrr ht niaaffyokendauw spavin i lhat at baa sapoom cm id f a crtppls for not bten able to cocaniatn siacc h doctor au lhat at badsaptoti ue pemssadtbehgak i b bj siabt nmb i- oaln abet in apro uvifksoaaifftp k ce 6tt la lbs spring of uk i abpped oattt toaad sraatosdary j john iwuverylasataodalumesaavo tosertdsht asoa caarddattas sincsnlosilrilsboambesohpplsfcrufm i ool oattlnrd of a otra aod axptrltnobil nhof atoacinl very arttofaltyoaaaa can to all who suffer wtth trraina or rtmuastak tours tralj me3 j bootklt satajnait qajtcniaj br b ir a ri flfainlad moss aad at ceaa far which send me out of yourrrioittbookt and oblige- 1 have tried roar koodslrs bparta oursln a cost of rhao vt tout auuc nut and ftad it an excellent rcsaedy fours eta tte j w hust wrsr nawsaen vt feb ii 1811 sevtral months an irdarod my katejotat whleh 4 ajavpaxai ist row onw uau-i-fc- utnaad in oilanemeat to frow tht slat of a large walsat aal cuuwf aiavery 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