Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1882, p. 2

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iv lue fktlk pkkss tuomdt uoeiiito feb 2 im cutaui senteattd ouum bit been ewitrooed to u banpi on uie 50 ti june nt the mlicaitna for e tital haaiiij been rifwmi by judge co it n to ih- hoped tilat no lchincajilie 01 legal qilllum will lie illo to jutitol til if riamcinu artiltoce tint imcticnlk ai laullialee tlir oiae uiat baa allinctcd the attmutua of the while ciuljit trutll duriug the mat t month his ection jll l the laat net it llwmd mill terrible tragedy of i lie 2nd uf jul last all j llurraftrl lit- lll null tu- ij1 kin o ailll lilt tmau i iter cli te uil as n rrich in fthnsr chamctei flixidl vuf lite ith nut oln ii j rtdesuilfig urtne lbioijwi mvtf itim cliuroli nn tbe bv ii n ut be 3uih ulniim pntlteos niiuuuiid totm 00 a ytmnjj the name of jamm bmaiilre man nelelrjv llijilldl hlle uilui at a cliofylnu lieu l mr cmw lurdi uai fuday by a life fulling on iiiiii bruiaiig bun aei badl statlet frr baa niideua appearance nu 3 of lint toiiahii scarcity of suq baa greatly re tne lumbering busiuen in tliia ip tlin n inter uousidi rable tllit hat paised on tho grisilt valley lately the uuiul el uf mum ugri though have been email mr e nickbn la ast tit pnrcliiiui uiic uautllles of glalll t cunpbtll idle f ned in 8 8 the tarded town lit mima ivrla wmitorful rrooja bouaehobl ianheeuj arknowtediteilaatlirgreai fnm anil or double the itraflitlh of a elulr nr lluiment inuutroilii lie in every family ban ly for u wwited u it roally la the hetj in tqa world for oatum in the and paint and aohet of all and it for tale by all drugglttt at bollie tat mott ait the scott an kt to le tie must dreaded if mi cijiwltna 1 tu euctuienl a ibr 1 j or li fh the iiiuuuer in which it iao iiusiil and theriurts made to riiiderilli uieratit- alter it baa reouied ihe sanction if tl jaxple show this reri puinh i are iu that tbe l ci iunl viclu il era association are cat laasiug tin hotel ljm uf on la i id for fin da mil which u 0icoe the elif lie ult1 t if the acl in haltoll conclj tb amotilil tbev intend rafting la laced at 530 0u0 this large amount if rained ill da doubt be of cootideralle assxtance tu u icwni the acl for there arc uieu engaipkl in thai bus tuts lo lll du aartliice fur mom r i tu if ilej tucceil w itiidejinc the act moiaratiie ti will be b uiure blienuous effuiu lhat have el bceu eiubited i that parti tn ojr county espapeu petiti0 at the laat annual unttin of tl t press association a ouiuiltire as aj ioinlid to jtrifchut a jiftm a to th duuiluion g ivernui- ut la an ud lit prejuni urwur r al no an i d t liesmwrk in tie ct units in ih cl thl ale lined the u d ta- allnej to g free thruujjh tie uiail suucnets hare iba idea uhlcb lua been creaetl b long fadnlence hat it la the dati of thr iriitl nbri to pi the cuge i tl rhich can noc be duneniliruiruri rfl- unleas uie subsenber p v in adianci vlich be viry aeldoui dnee if tl is la la iiied il will be one which will be of jreat ixrefil tu all nelnjiei i uuisht it wi heartily te jxjnd tc the petition an 1 it is i ojied o hem ttill du iikirb the oieidue tariii ui i a ln leu et and lj- lnuii il i us iiiund tl e i ui liher will in all b can ci r luce a urer and battel psjier if jkj aii le soixj c eiucitioa the tiua es if alton 8l ool dm b on u k an tuiwlai eienuii pufieut il j hiuhrun ibiiiinan utid alrnani d lit l lersuu pr lurj hid jiuu liatn urn ufa of lust iiiflling read and i liiled the f ii aiice couiuuiuf prvitenecl tl eir seci i i n jort icouiu tnulnial uitnt of ihe allnmn attl thn m talir f r jiin x5 s2 liisltumpl- il llii tra on m mr vlatu f 6 h p muure pnatln postage etc 3 itf tnlal 193 st theirhirt was adip ed moivtl ly jnu ea ijooie sect nth d in di luan that lie ecimi i m lluc ed to prucure a n s lent qti tulitv of iiiji id hlting tu reooat lbs back lioarda iirrietl f moit b u henilenkin aeon uled i vdi i an th il tl ecu ilniau no t i all pretsla or cuatdlanh i u r u ci in i dy nub tic claiuia of tles lixl vet re8kcang tl e attendance of up u ietareei ti e ags o 7 and 13 u clusm that tlie roi is any of ii e fculule nitis lie enforc d iil 1 ll at all urea a oi uirdiaiu ui drfii u uiust u ptou u i in lal i c nuhw mlisractoi reaiutu ate giren canted bor 1 t en adjoun pil tubetsvixtjoraam ban 4 beine ellevei f olhei tbnuli i bet rcswlj itomacli inda mlmli nre ilenred iron the blooit hib ii the grand nnturnl aouroeol tluleutrgy the motor of the bodily organti when 1be ciieulnlion beo fines jiiiporeribeit in joniequenre of weut digtitlon i nd lip- perfact nu nidation of the f od which should enrich it eyery bodilv junction hij and the nyitern crows eeble and u ordered uhen the blood oome impure either from tlie developement of inliented ifedi ofriiaeie iliroiuam itiatmn ijr bile nr oilior eauiea lermus tuilultea aurely fulloir a highly ac crpdiied reineilv for these ef ila is nna th ol 4 ltmas a vtcetjbik nootkit aid diaititio cokk winch emiticitea imporinea o the i loocl hiid lerjibset ll lyjr looiiui i ceitlonandaaiiti i ttiou moreover ibu hi a iiltetiue nnrl atom nchic exeria a g ecific n uijou the litir healtbrull alimulaimir ihit orpin loiil rmance of iu neereiifa dutv when inactive md er ellinc bile liom the hi i l it liaew po jio eatea rl urn tic and den rrent prnpertienof a i igli riler ren lerlutf the u inev- ictue and heullliv in i eapellinc frrnii the kileni the nanl pjeti enu which produce rheuranliopitn pricl mm i bmle iu k f r nr4hr p i 1 1 m in a eelahle di eov err ail i dl e tic cure ti e wmppt liein a iao liikknf their signilure bod by ail mehcioe de ilera pihm to rent hodekitl dkinking there a a clag uf janj le ho argue tint the beat vm to alajliah dniujeeu d-8- la nut to adiocnte lotdalwllneno hut to advocate ihe temjier ite use of uuxicaiu dnoka thta clasa inai aaic ua dinjed into two parties thoee arlmare renllr diamlenkted in arguiuf iu thus im- and this is 4 lery small wrty indeei and the iery iare iart who si inleresled if the grit mil onlr follow up their conricuona close ly and woil azamst the recognized ell of ojjeu dmokenuesb they ill toon get oiore light there it ooe thiojr though that they lhould aeon tint in if tbey be ibemaeliea toul ab stamerk at no doubt a few of fhioi are ihey should out attempt to set t ti example of usin 1 q iota temperate ly there are ruiusi liea who prufee in adujiie a man who can take aljfa or leave it alone but the admiration if always ex ressed when the liss l being taken when a man karta it afoi e the rumaeller uiav respect lnui but it cay be uk u bvr grauled thai be doe- not jiuticulaily admire him iluaevei r3 uiau or aouiau can l sure of lieing able to dnnkuuderalelr and therefuie il la better to mil nu iiak ereu fui sach an admiiabie purpose as that uf winning a niuiiellera aduumiiuo ijoudcal llina 1 nwsagatrey jiewa from our oat corrupvudcnt uisnluuar addieaaea were delivered in ihr beinr cbaptl on tlmuday evezing tlie 2nd mt by hevs orane and wilkinson the alteudauce was guod and buee prtsejit seeujtd to ap preciate lbs iffurw ut tbe speakers to interest tbeqi a mooratfol tea meeting aa held in tbe chap at m ffalt in aid of the j is mogarvins business brevities sma fact about oui bnxisess hen an4 iiotisca of baef i to oar keaerai loadirs iuts fruiu to outs lu ii 50 ai a good felt hat for 75- oenla at i fyfes li dies n amies newest st lea at christie henderson 4 co lf rou want a nol hv durable and cneap suit j i yle i ii the place to go scoch english and conadiai aattiiirs in rreit uritj it tie east lnd clothinjir j fle anton maxtleoevauexts ilanlleca ii 3 k aim bi n iriukiiiuga at cunatie heudenou i cvi kale ralue s ills anj overcoats at utreroeli inw nta and rax u in latest itrlea be si e to tll aad see tljeau j fj fe actoa tast sa it i the uicest tiling i eirr a d f rihe leetli and i ream aa eier one luting tried tcviiepr the uan tul et ctu dit l j ceut aaujde svlcva- g nijwteut judges pro h3ui oe t ui l at- wlucel extraoidlnan value lexnuiltn k compare ii and inn mil y hire to bur l wlcl fniui 5c np ut cnriaiieheo jeraon d cua i jdiftles cimstie eendirson i ca ktock of lail ea iiii t and daih mint lea jmt received tlieae gond ire from i lie lieat uiakeer nil ctm prli- a full range o pntxs they will la- sold cheap jleqtuiho 4 flimnton of tlie vs elling tfln idaru e w i rlut titelph are note i fir gitrwg fcatiifactiou ui th ise faiiinu tlie a uli their lerc if n neetl anitlmi in the r 1 1 1 i enie at d reinetnlr tlieni 1 lie 1 i a lery larye iiaaiue conaeijaeutly they sra able tn eive laitter terms aud leep et ter workmn than sniallcr wurlj send to ihetn for parucihri hotehtt tt is commonly aid that yna cannot maae an rionest man believe that white la black and vick vensi hut tboje who 1 ara jrievliair byusiugthe clkoatsjn uua keswaa will hid ht ibis ap pa ren td then iiy is etsily overcome for tale by 1 e hcqarrin 50 cents per bottle j faact wool goods fbnti lendereon d co have rcuied and will ouen in a few days an imiunae ncockuf all kinds of fai cy wool good coni naing knit shawls cloudu itc tc all of the latett designaand shades tlieae coodn are exlreuiili hin larnii- icd will ne sold at terv closest prices f btrnsowj of v7iieport wmea lhat he is cured nt a iery dangrou cae cditi8imraiiion of the luns solely by lb ue of hve bottles of dr 1 homas fclectnc il feels preat peasuie in reo rnmmdirir 1 to tbe puhlic as be had proved it tor many of ibt dneaser it menuont to cure through bt triendf and in nearly every instance it wa esectual a beal veeeaslly o home should be without a bottle ol uagysrd a yellow oil in one ot n eiuent ihereil iiopeparnlion offered to uflermir humanity that baa made to many peimanent cures nr relieved to much pain and miser it it called by some ihe good samaritan by others ihe cure i and by tbe afflicted an angel of iff rear keataad cfar to ike saaterlatg brown household panacea hat no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it tmret f no jo the sid back or bowels sore throat rheumitirm toothache lumban and any kb d rt a pain or ache it will nostap rely quicken th hlood and heal dzjig store foi hi audenigt o iiulci l rent lua farm i 3 ctu 4 u 3rl j ue trin cjuutti f 100 acrrii 75 tleirtxl ja tie t ptrl at i hi fi use frau d ru imsil ruliar i nut k inni water well fur paniculm ul 10 or tt ihii offica 2 worth cf popular music foe 10 cents cr a con or tub philadelphia jtlusleal jsumcl 5ci evorytrtiero to nunevilleb publisher 1300 c hciluut b fhdad a 1a in the high court of justice chancery divi8iom liooue tz mooee punaint ti ibe or ir for fijiie uiarle in tljii cacic berniijj dite ll c tueut ttneudi ti of jaiiiinr jstsj ibefd ilt it ilvvill letppiulaliau rf tliiwum wilier urc lail mister uf line iart uf miltou it atjnews hotel in tbe tillage of acton bjwiv qemstrect auctioneer at the iioar of oq o clock in the afternoon friday maichle iotm0 1882 iu fie pareli lit folio iflgprrpeit vn paixcl so i firm of 150 acrfi mure cr 1cm 1tinf tlie arili ljs h1 of l 30 iu i tlie n rtli w est tiatt of tlie sonli twt ulf of u nn 2i on 1 t t wni ip of eqneinf county f halloa tlicre i crcc c thcre u k ci 1 framir ilvel linjj hcaae and a lmse plutnt on the out m- two j xxl trame tarni t c v tti tlnue iftl le ai icrnrath tile soil u 4 tamly foam axil iu a good futc of cilbvatuti t e fences arc in hrt cliri or itr ailil there a viloal e uer fih iz ipnnj cruel an i ckki well nod an on art u osiatmg of ill acre uith nrat ciaaa fruit treef pnrccl ro 2 a farm of sq acrta ranre t r lea link tie isi rth s eat u f tlie wetrl inrt of lt no 29 u 1 lowuihip of e joen l tl mail ia sand i m leaem he rcrea deare t and m a ol jute of tultivati n the rttnmiiiermell tuntaere i with fr ol hardwood and cedar the featd ar la gnotl or ler parrel 0 5 the snth et half c lu etu tart of lt n 9 1ln i tiwuh pif e qiwiiv c titiii uj50acrr more or lea it u well tinilend wah guad i ardtiikxl an cedar parrel 4 k farm rf 100 acre m re or le ili fclle oath u cut 1 af of lto 31co 2 t wuh piif eumuuf tj ere la erected llieh n a t frnnib del im houe aud a fmxl frame tarn villi numo f uudatioq the tkil is a saudy lonm niiiet acres jkid cleared and in a 4k1 tate f ctiltiritioo he remainder veil tiiiiered with g xfrl hardwo the fencea are iu first cwi order and an nrthanl of almat two actlh with tcood fruit tnea parcel no 5 a farm of 6q acren in in r leas luij part of the n rfi eaat fi4lf il iit so 29 on 2 tawnihip f equwiii j ni n re particulirly deecriled iu a deel fruiu jamti cameron to bam iel fm re cl ere is erected thereon a jare two alnrv irick inelliog iicoie aoodframehlruaud dnnns ihed the land ia a aody ivatn in i ood itate of caltnation the tie u a aluitble never failing t naz creek ninning tfirnneh the prm ea tw r i ar 1 t aojt three acrrs ttna farm is moatly iltaatcd ia the tijae of acum parcel one two three and fonr afe ill a itdalxat i ue an a half mjci frritn xhe iiifie f acu u winch ttrm a upod tiatket f jr the uie of produce tc ac j terms of pale ten per mj of the ptrrthaje tuni ty to i paid to the vendor solicitor at the time of tale a nutfiuent amoui t ui make together with aach cjeimaii nee tinr 1 of the parch nee mi ney witffin one mouth thetexfler withuul interest and the ulnce m fiie eqnal annual inatnjrnenti uithinteroat at an per cent raalilevuh each inittalmeat in iwpccnred hy mnrtciire i pon the land the parchaaer to hau the optiroof pamtifc the nhole nmnnnt pr any irrpftter amoaot than one third of hw pnr neurqfga sciatica lumbago packachs oreneu of the chest gout quinsy fen throat swell trgs and sprains bums and scalds goneraj bcdii paws tooth ear and headache frosted foot and ears and all other pains und aches jfi rrfptnilon on firth tqnali st um 0t a ajirr urr tit iil aid cheep tztnul it mftj a trial laiu uit lt compotly ulfllnj outlar of wm rail uvd narj on rafmnf villi paia can bara caieap aad oum ptvcf of iff ulracucau la brrta laafoapa sold et all drugqiet8 ikd 9ealcu is medi0ire voaaelerco baulmi lit u b j t lmlerfi wated tenders will he received ly the under tu ed until ttie-d- uth da of fch 632 f r i ghung an i alteod n to treat laiiiti f r uie imuncecf tl e mumcipal jear sai ttu en to biate pnc lerniht with an aithfut mpphea furf nher lufurma- tioa a plv to j e mcgarv ulage clerk clerkaofbce 27th jan i88f f inn to rem the eaat half of lot 9 con 4 township of enn will je rciiied to a auital t pemnn ou i ural termt tlie farm c xitaini jooacrc the most of thch i up if r cultivatiuu tlierr are jood fann l ml imci orchard and nrxxl water tbe pr pert it wejl adipted f r t ther rrntitt or farm raniog for parttcalaxs apt u al thi fhee or tn u gripfis con 5 enn if timber of all klnos the an leriinal desire to hereby inform rl r firmer a 1 1 othrs in this ncintt ho own tuiler that they are prepared u pur chaae a larwe quaotitvcf all vin li of linher albeit 4ix0io ieet f hrmuck ia wanted an a i ranee in pnee will be paid for green h cm tot ft tin pec led ai thu ia the laat ear that the mill will ih- in operation in azaa all having timber thtj wih to fell or cat will do well to bnug it id thu leasoa brown hail actoo dec 19 1ss1 flour and feed b w nicklin in tendering hearty thanks to the people ol acton and t icuuty for their kind patronage m the past would respectfully 1u urni lliem that lie has con- riautl on hand at his mill loot of mill street a full stock of flour oat meal corn meal buckwheat flour cracked wheat and rupture plaster bare ears by u eitvard application wbuh will aaaa tin brokafl toambraot lo heal asd lawome at atrook at bajura tbt as oident ko out oerd run tit faarfnl nik ol ttrangntatloii wtwa a eerttio jtu speedy care can u had at a trlflln ooatr tt fai tfaaunaot and ralowlik loonnatim atat oo neeipt of prim by f h mbbjhcr prat- cott dot the abort platter was dlaoortred a bom ber of yeara ago by ao old lady a resident of ordtnibnrg jttfirtaee famished u at- tiled tfib ersat saffr of boots and shoes at the- cheapist store in tfca ppmbty btihi continaae 77i whole stock mdrlced at tin lovttt pottiut figure call and examine james goodall central boot and shoe store hill street actvn custom work oarried on as usuaj by mr tbomas orajne removal w p brown groceries orooakery glassware chinaware f toys etc fisli fish fishy fisli juit rcflitod- a fall stock of white fish bajjw tb0ut lao hueon and lasbas0b ezbixq to be sold cheap for cask fancy goods mrs broh hna opened n nice assortment of fancy goojs8jii berlin wools fingeriiiir ami zeihyr tarns luces tnibrouleries braids und croquet braids and ull goods generally kept in a fancy sbop clnldfcns fancy woollen garuienia knit to order w p browff oohiiriii ttoald inform the people of acton and tarrunuding c untry that he haa joit retooel hit tin and stove business to the dew prettniet next to c w hilli phot- graph gallen mhere be wifi be happy to meet all his old raitomen and as many new ones aa rajairo any thing in hia line a pood itoek of store of ail kiodt on band to le sold cheap old iron brass copper and bafs taken in exchange for roods cal anc see as in our new shop j c hill mill street acton card of thanks tbe subscribers desire to tender their hearty thanks to the people of acton and vicinity for their bberai patronage during the year jast closed and in soliciting a con bnnance of their favors they would wtah them a happy and prosperous experience in 188 they hare decided to hereafter transact a cash bosineas owing to the loss of many acoonnta in the past and will from this date henceforth do a cash buameas and t customer will please not aak for credit a chopped stllfio numberrfcastemereoweuasmallainounts c and aa we do not wish to render acoonnta to them a second time would earnestly re quest them to call and settle at ones parties bringing nt floor in payment far bread will be allowed the cash pnoe for it tve are youra respeetrully e nickun a son eicnooa bioat of all kind any of winch he is pieparcd tu deliver dull tow pit oiafa is kinily solicits criors left at nr reslisae vill itccito premt ttatioa b w nicklin acton fel 0 1882 christie henderson co si acton ontario iii tbif week and treoaatke heutlti7seaebartcfcf general dry goods millinery boots shoes etc ettfc wiu be fotud cossplete freak chalet aa ckeaaw oar refvlar weekly purebaaca fvotn leading drygooda asd ktbwerjjjhai enable of toabotr tbe tuttmt ntmtmt ud ntftmt p jnat what u vaoted ai this r chase money within one month eftej with luterest on any amnont ao naiil will be a retrri ed bid in other revpectt ihe conilitlnna of aale will he the ttaoding nnlers ii the high tort of jostles for farther particulars apply to mr j0n dewar and mb duncan mcoiraok babbwnnn milroxland john h0sk1n r o tofosro johnpewar t milleb vodoat soucrroa loou miirn at milton miltoo 4th february 1882 there ujrses alueks beats shes all fits all sizes senney son main st aoton hare jait received a iplendid aascrtmentof fall and winter boots and shoes the beat value evar offered to thu people of aetoo and vicinity kq bogus prices advertised bnl a eeaultie nrtirle offered at prices deryiag competition i custom worflnij repairing eieeoted with despatch snd from the very best maferial flr we have also a nice assortment of rsvjfss f russs all fcooda sold ohaap for oath kenny son acton fife goods xmas and new years presents or caps in otter seat persian lamb and aainsr storeys uned sid gloves and mitts silk handkeroluels hea and beans i i ifsrdiat talloxa writingpapreaj velopes school i bobfi staple ooetfa of all kinds oot object ia to place before oer coitoaera the beat makea at pratt a low t an aikedfur eld and ladesirable brptib ovk miexse stock of boots shlbabfe i eoabea ua to stand suit everyone besides onr jroode bring taadenpbyrtliahlt mancfaftorera can alwaya be depended an to giee good sktialactton as can be estifitd by thousands who have worn oer sooiy for two tr three seasons this together with our low price accconta for oor lmacenae aalea j 1 womens button and lace shoes from 100 ttr mens stoga boots fsom 11 60 ue misses wofls and mens overs b0e3 kbom 33c up our felt beau aad half boots are the cheapest offered i r overcoats l shirts drawers mitts and socks tweeds scarfs il v all new and cheap i i in genta oollara and fanoy and paa tiea we show toll unea i 1 1 l40ims kxtr tfmsvtt ctovas ms xm gsxer eeom of vaa mtnagl i have been selected with case and economy i i l our mtlltnery trade thcs season r quiu aarpaaeaa faniwrqrn tang mora titan dohmt tvarofat year oareacjrtebarabeeii tu jtsas and weaogtpttkm aa tmisiaat7 aesdeooa t shav st norton i wishing you a merry shtistmi bjafajh irwi jsgg2tm

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