Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1882, p. 3

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the free press tavatjnj rtlw moaittitn pib us1 at 00 tiyaaa jewellery fanny floods i store acton oot berlin wools mottoes the largest stock in acted school book note piper pens and ink scribwiai books on books slate wgttcms clocks jewellery spetaaelee crmtt kaint spoons anuv forks toys dolb vm atbau qm hyoda the hedaf ton in actou fir wailing and birthday jprnts call in village varieties a curaur ucti stem ma suttees tial uttrmt i ut yluat l4m blfrs of brevity j jl a wtwerwtse bwanrmi ike m f um km seasasrs far nassen aftt hrtt frew st valentines day approachelh excellent weather far catching eolda vstlreynate scarlet few ia nessaga weys bod oar rtorr oo the flat page uiii k potatoes arc scare and conseqaently xpenaure hamt you awn our landscape cards too should remember chk month hat only twen ty eight days song y tieie oaltect shall wt gather at the rirer smt of our citizens are talking fire protection- lomcl yariable weather is stiuin order and ill kalth u the resnll wonder if any of our local bovs cai beat bruee alulkg now did yun x the tiflgy on afooday flight h svani ijulcnus a fewiucljcs of iki suhli he v acreoiabe lo the sawmill ieu four wf acton e yonng men are now attending kutiauul aeadeiuy siiaoflyertitcnptiois al once end ecure a apy if dr kendalls hrsc book free ice us are sailing ei a nice man woo i smiw loo ftrqituliysioat re- tnarn nic the mails pet is earlier nnr ex ome uf the mails inthk secii a get in to aiucily earl if yon haae anything to buy or losl tftakc it known tlruuh tkeiouuiu uf the iatx pkess the mesnea hare been exceedingly busy dunng the week the ojiaiity of ihc- ice is eiceiieut mr win cunningham of cockon hiun- till please saxpt our thanhs lot minnesota aajjera we fl sendljy mail postpaid a copy of dr kendall ttfialite on the hojc for twentyfire cents owing tithe illnessof hiss grant ihe third department of the public school has been dosed thus far this week oar new memorial t ards are rcry neat aofl appcopriate xearly twenty vuieuei lo chooss from call and see them if yon wish to faeep your friends post- edin reialioato oar rillge and coint call is ad eod m he oze pufsa rsoifme parties are numerous bat it itae4iscak to ascertain vhkh is lie atioat anrjeised the rwlort or the re- oeitera tisoe wo yoonj ladies who unshed sw beartilj on main street hoodaj- night fr uxmba mr gaorgt elliott atd family ottod hwttag in uoipnaj for the octhweai i m mt cik0t tu mail lewrtot for to ronto in the forenoon closet bow at uerea odook ten minntes cerlltr than hereto fore oostktuttox accooirremoawt l b fox aosl a g uaithewt tlllirt tudiion ate now engaged in examining the booka papera etc of tus trmulclpalliy forl81 nkw boodiso mr rubcrt llooro o eramon hu purchased kl on msiu st nearly opposite hansom su and ioliudi erecting dwelling ihereon in th spring nw rawdkxck mr 3osph fyfc is palling a large qusntily of brick ou his pnipvtiy oji church ittwl we uudersuud that he luiindi oxctlug a hue residence oelt wuirutr srruso tkadsu the travellers for the canada glove worts ate just arranging their samples for the spring tntda a hugely increased business u expected to be transacted this season rxal ear ati 8ilt the 1 propcrlr belouging to the esulo nf the late samuel atoore etq will bestild by pablse tuctiou on fiidiy 10th march at one oclock p m at auef hotel kew type w have just nddi st vers funis of type to oar already large assort menl of job type we are determined to keep abreast uf the limes iul can assure every palrtin tatisfaclory vvoik s s covrexttox tuelaniuid coo- vcuitju u lur sh scboil asocijiiiuu j tbiv ciuuiy will b- iint ia ut iuwn uxt ruidy aai vi4nsdy a guil ngruuunehas weu prruxred two itttkr- we overheard a young man vwicniy whu rrniirked dial the clhvy burnduo ltudy aighl was justloo uuily uiierto uucj it was a huckleberry ahead of that it was too irlcrly bi to uieotwo lcntuax the corjovaa tsnaerj aor employs about iwentyiive hauds maohgur knres sayi heialeti is gelling lite iumlr up i u fifty as soon as pacioie thia eataliljhtuent aras i jui alxul a loto worth cirdvsu leather evdrj- weet celceuks k henderson of gaelph eliillent ilurdick atickeorie ti iuy cheekers ile dulenge lo be tioccjtted tu- de of ten daja fir tne chantpinship vl liic conies of wllingtua and ilaltou mercury ujct ir iiefalctitte lold thr chupioushij of oar eounty 1 he i clfrc- her iir xletcdf of egiiutsn prcaeheti iwo excellenr gospel senuuna iu the alelhodial church iat sua djy both of lue addresses were very mah opprecuited by the audience a setmou will beprcached lo the sjbbitlh acheol childreu on sunday evening next by rev t l wilkinson bptawat a fall in meal look place on friday the horse attached to iia huts ou tdier wagon became frightened ou toaug street and succeeded in gelling away from lha driver the wsggon was overturned and the horse becoming delected mo down lo iuin street where it was caught if either horte wiggun rkudrivitr were injured hathdiosiax we notice with pleasure ihal oar fneud ilr p p gihbe fufeferl of ihe oshawa iwiator was married list wcet to visrfr douglas nriee of friends have iho rympath pltbaoommuu ity in tin tad bereavement j siatrno rxaibitiob on mondsy even ing mr brut of gait gave an exblmtfoc of f anty tks ting la ihe i ink here the at- tendance wm the largest of he season and tboae puaent wen exceedingly well pleas ed with the many difficult aowemeata of ihe performer mr bruee proved blmtelf master of the steel runners aud nothing seemed too difficult for him beiag un acquainted with skitsrs parlance we are nnable to wiuaerate the meay moremenls kuowb by ihe expert but we believe every one attempted wu successfully completed lrrrixxi unia aox the number of tht licixg ag far tits week endius jsnu arystltoonuiasalarkeiaiauutuf interest- inn ltetmry uiatter this is the ftui th weekly number of the new volume nw subscrilrs can liegin willt hie volume f httytao numbers f lilfiur lime pages aeh or ttjore thsn 3 soj uages a year uie ulneriptioo price ts is tow j while or 1050 thr publishers offer te seud tuy oue i the american 1 mrnuilles v wtejdie with thr fhitg jj a yj linj post paid ltttell t co bton art llie pnb- liihera sroicokin tkere is a certain amount of saiisfactlou tint a publisher realiiti when he finds oulthat some people are so fond of readldg hi paper that ttici- iramp out reguurly lo some siore or house where thy know the paper in subscribed fur and swauow its oankials with surprilng rapac ity every publisherknuws this is dne hnd he slso knows that ihew same new- raper spongers are the onii wb see i lie tuoss f suits wilh lie papers unlenla to tpongea meal ad then gniwl sbotit its quahijr is tk abil wane titan the aciious f liiese petmiriiusriliea new waima tbesieweiiti nnf wels- liis ctialoilg d dictiiinar uaulieri i9j8 qeirio iaes cuuiaius jiearly 5x0 new wurds or new meuiia of old oie these words range over ihc fields of set euoe bmlicioe ineruo tlrscovcrv r- march el dupirxmsnts wiweh iu ibis age are ctauiitlv yiewiurf freh ideas requii in new erooji lo expeeas tbetn that they nxve nti he hasiiy compikd is evinced by the accurcy ti aod careful stud- jiven to ihtir eiymoloy and delnlliona the uipihuu reader ur any rcaier afao would be uireuigeat will find ibis teatiur of llie diduinary quile indispensable- cnerjttvo the fbee palaa isropiaiy betiimtittc more widely known aid more highly ajipteeiatd as a fhi rough home piper anl ihc numbrif snuacribcrs being iddcdtm our list of late is good proof ol tld wecadavirt give a utueh local mailer a tovtljl aud we fed liiat out ajr u ut ia vsin oar seward is not only in new and continued aulisctiptinns bnt in the god opinion and well wishes of our subscribere farmers are beginning to sec ths folly of taking city pipers be cause lliey mav get ihem a liitle iheaper la the neglect of a home paper and they ee that after all there js nothing like home uews plctciiaqoi caxadi the bird and fourth nutnbers of plettraqt cimda have been delivered to the subecribershere snd if posiule these two uamben ercel thine uf the aret deliewy we liars carefully examined the four numbers end we con- rijenily assert that whether for qiiauty of paper eorrectnesa of drawing skill in en- iruing or excellence in printing pidtr- ctjue canada will lie classed by practical i men as one of ihe most complete worts city grocery a wqreen iraute0l4o dtmli dried applm m ohm for vbiuh tb bigbtat uub prie will blll i would alto tunnunce to my nameroaimi- tntneri tfirt hftve jnt iarcfaud lrj ol uhmice ttock f niceriw crttck- xry tu verv low hiiutul jiiuh i vilfliiipcimof vry cbtita mk quick rtturaa le4u fir a mo i cll aad dont fortt that mall prtitili k quick nlanu u my motto all kiodi al prsfiiiont ktpt ooaiuou oq iud jlihut ouh pri paid or prod no a w ghee king of the dm goods s seadford fi r bouert j b wftliamsen versation there is considerable talk about a cazsiral sunopg the skalen deljr us- viic jack frost to tie present in foil force a fcw daya previoni a fancy dress camissl wu held in the helton skating sink oo fnda evening jl huge numhcr of sair young f ulju gured in the programme the tillage hotel keepers ue getting in large cuppjies fice gaess they intend running tempmue bosses wtui the scott act eumes ia force good siatiig oi tke skfewafo now at least we bare noticed pedestrians takers stlide and wien make a good attempt at tnhiing a hand spring dont act looii4iy whesoa sx iel tipqaietiy and to onyour wy pcaoriby anna have had a terr fanny topic of cou- al reaidenc of n i t happy couple took ihearain for the west ihe same evening ailiw us to congtalu- ale you phil x fdce ifoxcitest the other day we were shown a fine gran te monument in ibeyardot messrs mcqdllan haniilt m guelpu which has beeu ordered by the irieode of the young man sailer who crnmittedsuioidenearkdlonalew monlhs ago the muuumcut will be creeled as umum spring open the reputation of the above trm israpidly eotcuding r 0ju ettr publibed in any cnnolry the work jas carmicnaei taqpost ilaser osh- 1 rf inestlmiut j canl t bmanb nf ft a taller- tll j i i will correct lie many- eroacous ideas at present hel by foreigners in reference to our ciuutry we wish this i work s very extended dreulatian i as errigrroa ilonday nicjfit e inim- ber of masked men erected on the corner ner of mitt end elgin etreels a hejn of combeatibie mxterial o ihe lop of winch was phicod an tuxig of u person who haa ainud cuaahierab e nouriely in acioo during tlie p is few months the pue wis theres no rue wstweariu at lueajoelaii i- lwl kgejiif the birfc to- e i ti o abjut it wiih codsidelnlne graii- tic4i- j fl never mtaoi to hurl yon ytiu shouldnt bauaincnfiidindoori tot tuueu a good fctart walk o a ciejr troat day niii ii you mole tojl thilf a buahd of medicine tii il xbcre was no quorum at the meeting of the skhoui tru es ou ifjudaveijing the regular roohltily njeeting va cone ajnently head outotaoav eveuiiig the maidens long for aleigidng and sweetly aigh for snow the yonug men fed their pockets k ua rpnl ly whisper ko the oairilie ftoussdwitaya a groctr li this plies had a pound u augur returned with a jiote saying too much saud fur lablr n and juf uough for bnilding psifibses sntkcriptior arc pouring ia so f tt that our first stock of dr kudire trentls on the uorse k hauakd we hie however just fuceuved a tecoud urgi installment and are uepared to supply enn subscriber who pays in adraaee wrio drp ir an insuliing placard was posted on number f the village lamp posts last soudsy nigh by wuie evil dis posed person or peoons their design was a most atenftible ode and causel cos- siderable trouble ashonkradveriis t nuke tan pennce boots and thneeor ia other wofda boots sad shoes that are otverao lights la be disagreoible jtwssnt one of ur local sboemakera tet we prearme any of ibetn coold sccowimodate you wiih foot wear tf the teetotal pattern wt tain to eoohafdiat it b a matter i saftvjsa wen to oa the rat al whleij tab eriptiaias bar poured in doc the opening of the year beareely day ka passed that has tut added names to list thu to tywly ito hall try in merit it y our we fc3r40ds dir wifes f pt a juiiiou it ivirlf ile ltlljviof aji rtirckma o jiinif itii t dtei wtfev ii c juy ir uti iu ile vitiate joajouite iarats wtsltwig lo fciu llia itiiou will pieast do to ti i tie as the d mtio i pirliantetil u ei to cty tin tlilmjeiil must tie forwarded xajo it ia deairole thai every eiuxeu should tdsx bis name to th fhtiti n and lhal without deuy foe silx- large box and cook stoves drums aul japes singer sewing machine eullericks patterns bureaus bedstead- spiing fljsnnrsaes lounges tables palelt clothes bore patent quilting frame ail second band cleap al jfra fa secords scaool boos5lh booka tu cents th boois 3d cv uts 3rd books 25 ceuu jod b iks 18cetrf 2nd part 1st books 8 enu 1st books i cenls at aln s l seeorjs cokceht on friday evening a concert was held in the school house on ihe second conceajon erin for the purpose of raising funds in aid of the sabbath school library the eontert was a decided sacoess ju every rspect it wss computed that over four hundred were preseut jthe programme was aa excellent one unbracing the names of prominent singers from gaelph acted bocltwood eramosa added to which was the local taleal of tbeseciioa afereary obrrnakt searcery awerk passes with oat the nolle in the fsee pbes of the death of one or more reshieals of osz little lown tody it aonr mot painfal duty to record the demhw of miss fannie a moore adopted dsoghierof mr taos 0 mcotfuiu vines stlas hoors wu a rnost estimable ytmng lady of a very morjest and retlren duputibn and was just entering irotnanbood being oearlyj tweniy tl per prej mid personals still alive the lion guelph we beg to advise oar friends of ficfon and vicitiity that weare mak ing sweeping reductious in prices of i- mlunery mantles dress coods clothikc eum fanoy woollens amd winter 000ds ia every departtbetrt it will pay yon to take a ran te gaelph and purchase what you waut at the lioa spring coods -at- hughes griffins fens aic mr thiirteilim returned from tees- water mr frwj seeord is gpendirig t few days at home mr wm finiitroo of toronto wm lo owutlii kjdt dr k xnrriu fslatford was ia iowa ou saturday j mr d d chriatie aod bride ajnred home last evening miss alice speight rtfamea on ilnaday fnim her visit wilt fricndn in uarfcltam mr julin farmer of flonaiee formerly ifth viiiie iciit ttfu duimbid vk ttdli acion friends mr- jim oron laaifern in iit liceit c iitin d tr lie fiosisj fir i wock nrmi i al ejl gtd ti uirn il lt i- ricivi ri j mr c b gnflln ac huclifes fc gtiffii whs called limi wetfc 10 uenll the funeral of a iteci at bemttiie e- rtturnd hio on mucidirj f mi aimie 3l moore left jon jucsday morninj for st clair mich iaad iuteada pending a few nun tin wiik frioddfl in uiat vidtiiiy i mr and lira win boomer or norwich spent a few days with their frienda be re tfm week mr bcuirer and family are about la leave canada for ihe western states and are mak tug a fan their cauadua friesds ca ruit iu another bankrupt stock of gen eral dry goods purchased a few days ago which will be sold at as- tonisiling low prices consisting of winoeys dress goods hannels mantles 2s mantle cloths shirts and drapers in facjt everything will be sold at prices to suit we nj dally operiiiig ont european and canadian purchases or spring good nest week wc shall place 3ii xhibition a magnificent lot of reaj swiss emwoideries direct from si hall switzerland real and imitation lactrtomiigsuatbrks lawns fixullai and ivhlte goods of every description oar embroideries jtrelofje- ly goods lu ine material and as cheap s lheoars8t 4joailues are generally sold for ladies come to the lion ftfrgood value and large selections j d williamsc cgi gtjelph merchant tailor main st ajt0it oomplete naw stock of english irlah scotch tni canadian twaads and worsteds fcrsaftaaird ovareoata styltah out aitsl parf act fif ouarantead prleas roasonable r e nelson the art the ilave sartlt in glenwlllism- on ihs7jh inst mr join samy agetl nlnit50 ye rd lbsiis in erin on uve it inst eydis infant daughur of lir joel lcslleageu 6 months mooitx in acton on the snd inst fannie a adapted daughter of th a 0 moore esq aged 19 years and 11 nomhs axdehsoir in esqueeingon the 5lh inst mina letitia daaghler of mr ben an derson aged i years and 11 months stasbcc in jssqneainl on t te 80th jnn sejlna hrace youngest danj hter of the late defid stariet agsd q yesrs and sniiolha avonov balb aiihstsa n hrjorresrr idcrtcrua wscnsnat feb 2281 ol farm stnok and unptemsnu oo jot 1 ooh2 qnesing the property qf ht ohts kirk atries saw to otnafetm t it eolotk sharp j fusar uarsh 10 sail of fi a farms bs loniaag to the estate jnf thl iatajkusml meet at agnvf h tat sal to caaamw at on pm toim3sipi feji these goods must be cleared out by the 1st of march before stock- taking now is the time to get bargains htjg5b3 griffin acton teims sttciotlj oasl i i i aut 1 i- j r tftervuj idjaierj rfbo iei ettv pa 4t f laiimi is now letter prepared than ever to eieonte artlstte pltotokraphs of erery atyl and dssieription at the most reasonable prices satisfaction always giyen frames mottoes stereoscoptc vhiws c mwaja in stoctin great variety walnut goid and baltic frames strophei i to order on shri notioa takt a look ai wfyindem full of sonyrfet of all hnds plwrssii stock frames for ihe holiday tivde call speight bl goni undertakers furhiture dealers waccoh wyt a isrcjeacttjiieiis iv dalertavlaif brerr dsuription rffnnral peaiseil ibes died at shortest notioe fiinnv3jss bas- njmtjjei j fwjnman c icamaetrnitjrliigpe iemssad parlor snites safe ntrtaldesiwha4na waab w hawon head a stootof fiismas lirhjber y cearjeesnrta mhrjactand hyonae from the k tr at pok fi m t v j s m y kfl ifs jias

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