Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 9, 1882, p. 4

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mssm m fulslii pkess noi afotxtso fh ibss af 0ew cosxasi m u fui ti i prli lei jnoia treat tceuut r i tiat tvush li l idl ik ijueen mod rtli r w uni id 1 cat i tu agafu they iiiti 4 queried uat had bni i a st hiana wife am i mil yet swil oie i am a qskmii my reelii a hiry bciitidnhl by my king a rirewml truei 1 tme lr torino ttrvkct t j hl4wkftmairukyoar 6t tnard sull he great irefl j liea ik on fiias 11 bud f oer iuvta mid duty uenudariie my feel have never strtyeif kaiit tirshntfrt of uil wide sverld coma -uulieedeovtc- my ear r my aidowed isniliira aiek bswia sufseetli thi my sjeerw they duped each others handaj with tears of solemn joy utey cried j gild save the wrab rd out yoiogyeart aad we art aaiiascd- i lesson in spelling tb following short aententb u dictated liy the ute lord plinemon o eleven british cabinet minister no 6be of whom h ii iaid spelled it correct it i4 disagreeilile to witness ihe erubartassniejlt of a harassed peddkr gsjnini the symmetry of a peeled poulo c and lord r cecil ii the hoiise of ooniniooa kime lime ago quoted the following lines which belaid were given as a dictation eicrcise lij an awisuni corcniiasionet to the childien of a school in iwtcli while hewing yew hngh lost his tir ana p in ibe hut and cry to uaflie it facee diitlty luea vasajl the effort b 6o use hugh brwifcut the effe lck uyindby an3 only beiced ike never er r- hii hndi to wah in vaer inre lea dick lulled udies not a fcir sboold cry ob cumins pear you uiib in fruid to the lat uiue lina iiif folbiiig ia tnie a ynmi uiiinwlio tad ixn vdiking asa liied haud qu k farrii ior afiiim ymn and lai vr little opjiurtuuiy of getlig an niuci- tioti auiioittfl liuimlf ch1i1 u tlr ujiuutrj and iijjhd for dniiiui it a crruin cullg- tac itljti tg lnui bepffltw fif a ictntimflmituon fua iu diiliji uf liw ficij furcjllii as i ttft in killiiig go iiuii ui wiile ft ait yifflhuou luv iikjre lifn8 fthicli in ir to hi ui evrry uid aa rj llti crriciy r inr add kai jmiii njti kddy jjtnduaetl villi luniut froui- out of our uuivtriaurt h iai arcunii tfint lucnirv lirxb nii t u3 a jusor in a 1ifa- cll x ti u s r- sjlmi i i ijt r ll flrti hj itluv iil iuliu sbsi i ijoitlcn infuruniion abilaio mim mil dr a a jordan 5f i mcoin ulrrrt uorowtiiymmi one oi my i lotiilm trotn i hi- much nt lo m vry highly of st m i oil t ioivin in in u on ray pailftiik und i mui tulis iti a vraji nrri ried mi ilia iiiuliii h luii- never linted 16 chip n iht it cltim ti mid i prcriw it iiiiif iv und confrliiulv lo ihc of my piliut lii ill i- wuh ihcu nniiaiii friiiw aid ui t oduiy puna it u trihiiiu i w nlrfliil tenieily und aio- iiiguiyrextitiiuiand tt tuairt mil in ieduc i a1 m 6b prntlrtt i lfr laflbma ry whioli haa ln mduov i to abmri h tf ita raal i1frj man ufa and th ram ac rnsrln offat allretr rat far itta ban ooli prlraf tbrrf baa bn jtrac ftf for curiiihv liouiiht fir cnh from it m if uir inral and li sottmfhntn mnjkrrf lldtm ajano at th irti lit prlcr fimtfbl ar kllrng offal an unavnao 1 u n an iniumiiiri rr lucdnn in kid nlntai ibi liat quality of ilmttonii rnb kioiotilnll liiud raaidonabla hadi fortntrly at 3huitnnrdkipoli r dilfoffl reilucail irnmfl psft- hie fry haaicfutuy of llmmrtnad kid oloaa t hi reddown fmmwlosllj a rare nl lfcufllloii ry bt hand 4butiooed sid uloirfi nrhwti ei white kid lorri in jinodbutlona trfotif lndiea oprra abadea of ibatlootdih ontft nikhrwnfvoftrf idsjjlf anliptatorfil libera kid ulovfi rrrxrord from tl tsoo fjilkl bare bn roatkettdovd in nufly caa u far bolp tti oh t roali urea uliik tviv ill i a fpry ni e i-liutloni- f kll uoe maitted frim fianrp liiidy iiiitar aalllni oil at rary itfw rice tadi ly dv wetrrrtm f hralte mhtanrfot wraiaiirteaed in util ol that unautpaitcdratfrady lor coujhs oold nulmia oroup aofaillirou mid all lung boinpulntt h yowffnvr fioin j nrleti cftldt fry uauyarl iecioriil i balaam f to cbvvfa triflinonly ufa dual ihinkof it yu can relieve ths twiisra of rlififniiini or tbe oinut plolill nttnpk of nfufilgl jou can- checks a cougb and heal bruised or broken fein nilb a houleol drtboata gclecirlo ui1 coatiog only 23 oeola a teojle hafe no more right 16 become dya eji tic tnd remain glonmy and inla- erablo uwn ihet have to ult polaon and comniil auicide i f the atomaob l cotnej wejk aiud fatla 10 piforai ita funnlloaf burdock blood biuera aill speedily lemedy the trouble low jltdlea black quilled skirt of aupleiipn yalue ehedlififari iiila aeaaoh thev are audi heaulii loft 1 1 reel where the trnstltd h hamiltsii eb ftth liii no new thing undar ui eiin except thai he euerhrook tfeel pea co are erry yaf bringing out new aijles of ateel pens lo nieel the popalarilemand n ihe memlice- their oju aianaam reliable pent are hiting iu larger run thin er ah tbe siatilnera- keep themi j the caue of coldr are gblting overheated i hot rooml or tokded asselnblics siuinel i adraught or coolirg loo ripidly after exerciae muffling up rt rraaniiclianguig lo lighter wrappings cold and damp leet no mat ler htt ii ibe caus hagjarda pectoral balaam u tbe cure ivrnll ihroal and luog diaeiuei thai induce coituupuon rjchjunis reason a ciiu j cue ill tjali tdrill body knj3 ij ibe jklvc nli1 ilfc pjralld thll ailtl loraia itt tii the imji ani- quarctta and kbilliiig- are ii- great demand and pjhiv ciiiice hi 04 nolil hav tbe circil lifto cn awy bicb was meant for ireltcr in rposei a lillw ixty a aeeu itajking aroumi jireiuiafaltuba great deal of cm- badly halloo jolnii- iid a nmn vfco kuewc bun oin if do- circo itii air altsfftted johnny father ttout ilke ob kel illfgiye you liioiiey li goilolliul laid the uiall i father dotit ajiprofe of tbeili tnaacred jobriiy well go io for once and ill pay tot ton no br iaid johnny my father would gite me the money if he tiibat tarere best teadtf ive got twtuty- 6 re cents in my strong box twice bnodgh to pp id go johnny for occe ita won derful tbe way tbe bbrsea do aaid tue- fcjan yoor father neednt kno it i cant said the boy now why taked tbe man cause aaid jbhnty twirlnjiiu bare toea in the acdafler ivu weu i coaldotjook my lather right ia tbe tkera lkcn mothera are you disturbe1 at night and oroken of yoiirrest by a aiek child suqeringai d cryin aitb the excruciating pain ol cuuicg teeth itso co arouceaud gel a bottle or ffa win6lo soothing syrbp ft will reliere the poor little suflerer iiitmediitely depend upon it there ia no mistine ahout it tt ere ia not a mother on earthwiiohnerer used it who will not tell you al nne thai it aill regulate the hoaels and gire reet to the mother ami reliel nd hellh to ue chid operating like tnigic it is perfectly svlc to use in aid cues end pleasant to the utile and is ma pre smpdon ofne of lb oldest and best femitla physicians ajii narsei io the iiej sutu sold ererywaere at ii centa a bottle from brazil ia sow compound ita iro setful affinity to- the gitesiirt tppszatus and thi idier increas ing the dissolving jaices reliev ing almost instantly the dieadfal results oi dyspepsi indi and the torpid idveli mokes zopesa onerery day necessity la every house it dcts gently and speedily ii biliousness costinness he-ad- iche sid headache distressaf ter eatingtrind on the stomach heartburn pains in the side and baek want oi appetite want ol energy low spirits foul btom- ch it invigorates the llrertas- ties off all surplus bile regulatet the bowels and gives tone to the whole systeni cut this out and take it to youi druggist and get a 10 cent sample or a large bottle tor 76 cents una tell your nelehborabout it sledid spss 9t- bilue maiitleuloiljeoi ertkfbda are aelllng offal a greit reduotlon an irnme na hock of ifice kl nwrkefrlowji leruoar theslihufroin waikloa htirt factiry hate a terry larie tale they are far cneaper than lorjner and boyf underolotblng of all klnda alwajr in ttook and made lo order iery oheap rillway rugt ttirkevlidnwn ry u p rt fil till going off whb a rtfah ther nr to ery cheap new shirting and duclt in ibla week iwlia joitohl in abundance at ejceedinlt low prlcte for jootf qualitiea there baa been a tremendona ron on carpet ii patierna and good cmilltlea wlnl he prfoeaare aery low oil at ibe bight qnuae on king tlreet east eloae to bugb dowri 6ainarto4rauppllei and yonwlrtbe pfeawwlth ibe gdotft mibd ibe name la thomas a watkiifs samiltm- tfia itoptteb bbweif or tuef rbrpntt larnjaolld eel ia parot tiw broitav for intefni arid mtofbifajo itavno nyaal in tbwmd wtftat tt 1tteoa beaded f or hfarbjriffl ttitt evbttbebottlw like at s0oo also a flnfi selecwoi of xeods diagonals esavers and presidents ski big baps big manufneturrd la the feet of felylt at the lotrert prlttt east end clothlmj store j ftm acton j an abtificla reolifbred at ottawa gasteiic jttice thia it not a patent medicine secret reiaedt the formula is jirintod on tba label al taehedloeiciboule 1 flaltupeps racurea drapi paia indigestion loss ofuppeite intestinid ar- sale aja fa where job e ifirstclass atrea8flkubat qwi comitiewial rigs ah etpfesejrfery wagon wflline each rtprest trtlo aijddedtetlgaodate i toy pitrt of the tottbv allpah4eainleitej tltllietu tabliabment art retjueated io pay of withont farther delay and eoettv ed ilitttpyrut prowietor a j i th t r i big lot of ne v millilieiy big lot of new olofts bit lot of eeadymade olothintr trad overooats bw lot of kow dreas ioodo bitr lot of now wihesyo blr lot of new cottonsj big- lot pt new printa but lot of now boots bjt lot of new 0ariiet8 j btsr lot of now flannels i bia lot of new fancy ooodti i biat lot of new hosiery ana gloves american rfrf fh c o chron durrhxi cholera infantum and mot jj rf jj 6m of a yjiggert honaea and stocks and the cheapest in the weef vte of mfinu troubles hch seneraliy anw from the alomich i miaaniasi vul gi bagaibi in erery d artment 50 cents for 43 boses or about i cent per d08e hesnlar aiied bottles conrilnmg 1 1 l with data measure attached- jo cents for saj tentej- ordered clothing dapartmeirt ia one of the beat in tie oountyrgood by all chemists throughout the dominion j- avoid faking liqcidlcf ahyort more i hut ii absolutely seceskary lo quench ihini fi the eieeasiire use of liquids is the cause of half the dyspepsia m the norld maltoperry is a powder agreeable and easily taken supplies to the slotnach tbe actual gastric juice pre4erfded by the ieadinc physicians ihronhoiit the lonjinion in thr repular prat uce mallopepsyn is also used lo a largej extent in hospitals dispensaries and infirmaries specitsut or te3tmdau recolid fr30 phtsicias3 wallacs k p cct4 1e80 i vthe majtopepsra wasgtten in annrked and distressine cose ef ircveskn with th most rri pleasing and beneficial results z w xemfton u d rr aiitiosiai 6tj onao ieo the maltuueds obtained from ron hlsiar molielhaiirtij mjfclaticipatiriu etaring tried it in two old ana rery obstiiate coses of indigeation i foond it to act like diorm cmckennam d fita and iow prices tadle our mulinery and mantle department ia srparintendei hy a lady af ei- perience ability and courtesy we coraiajly invite the public to patronize na aa we trill do the trade wel for hem r mammoth house moledd anderson co georgetcni i cahbkir okt ja rsti i have med vocr mtlfprn in severe caes of indigestioa and ivjaleuritien i idclts and dirhea of chilirea ind ini so wel pleased with tbe resnhs in3cted my- dnjgpst o keep supply onhaid t wrea nd majcunticni us tit i have ia eadel md after rig yottt w itiil ii snric of my woni cases fcr- which itwi tecojntsended i am weu pl w iht vrvr ii which it acts cantinaq to irave irtice liiselhat nowifn ce iaj ta wi ihe vrvr n which it acts continue to irave i poo i j hrill beaun farorite j tlulirtojf mj rsp rbsmfoev riazen mors for salefiby all aliqaests cn j e mcqabvin we stewahf 4 co hix buti eaii bow- tidy and hear aa a gjieral xtile forivjng neatly oli jsavitsg lime it i better to keep cleah than blake clean if you are itaretiil not io drop brum b of bread and catre bn tbb carpet and take simi tar precautions rob will rthsjie an un tidy room and the tlotible uf deajlilm u in woikiiig if you ruako a prac ticfl ofjiiiitibg all tbe end of yom thread imo a divujidn of ycbr vdrv tiofc made for uitt jiurijon and neper let ooe fall ou the floor tbe room will ask vbry difjerently at the endiof imoroiag ttilia wbit it dries when hot it tended til 1 boose ts fceja jfa r clean er when tbe member of tbe ctisily are u4gt to wine tbeir feet iborotillilyvin toftfinstnan out ol doori than it can hace forgvor rb w nv fre b mail on ra ta ft ui a oujubhs tuere we eitji moutj 6y t df l wean arid eavfng kbormw vt t tl well word spectal axnotjxcemient menthi acton burdock blood bitters ihe only medicine tlmt biiccejimly pnriflei tifi bbotliaets upon the lirer bowels 8kin and kidaeji while- at the lame time it allays nerron irritation aad strengthens the debilitated systeni petftttttyand ipeediiyniruiet bilionxness jatardicc dyspepsia codsti- patitbi lleadacha rhenmatism dropsy5ervous and gen eral debihtyj female oermptot scrofula krysipelait flait ehetrjn and erery species of chronic disease arising irem diiordered lirer kidneys stomach bowels orbbod thetotbldimmtoniqbimwobljl aaaaratt batoa ic t htbctl ch stti alan tmmta btawlai- the iet oanabtak coal 0 fou sale all tefcgtl wwr jtwwler m a an nil tfectnl tttcrar rjf mbiudm miiati fika j cxaa or j lor 1 f n frw mmm hew htmcrtio are pthsck in wr ctls tt ktm j this s8bi week in prut wn lnn 5 oniniffee norlak everjltilrg ve eave determined tocleak out our rejlalnikg stock of winter dress rfoeds mantles miilitey to effect oul aim fruch u bwerjaii heductidh will bf faikd- in price tlial nftni n cmltfl tut r qului w lllfot ikhoa vrihlnman twrt makine forum r lrnliei lave ui ixqch as men imt boy and firl skp fct ui tji htpdt ii ru wmtu r biwn i wlrlrhtn fit tt k grentiav 8 11 liit f ntt iork hn rmiic tiri to ii ballrtt co 1oriihdmh ne harness trukfe bepot j it will repif pviy ltdj- ikaliacilitu ik torontu i apenrianeut sate care for diieue dii- oiders tnrf julracnt of the jcduey bladder znd driuiry sccretiva syiteal orattendat 0oraotafitigimoinftimj back side etc gravel currh of tlie rudiler and ytiaigjt brihapirtase dialxtes drtpiv pil ktrvooj oehilily etc etc pamphlets acdtatimniftili ca be ob- liud from droiigista free j vbtcttfchjlji pacbrei1i- etcu uefcdrbil i secijaltaiifcr ctiroiiic jiseaei f3 iioldby f forrter ht5racun r t s woodr eria thoa euiton genrge- town aier b petrie gaelpb heury j wslsa milton cstorktksoo brampum jbaltt specific iiedicise b great english ecinedj n tmrfitt e uro rjtkemiiai wu tilts hieriiiarrnai- itilprtlfltet ui d all ljrt6 vthotlow u aiwqrtne of 8 f- b- m tcwi rtimln- nrjunfvftwtl afiuuaepjii in ibebtohjcqihnearfti jslw- loa premmureomsge and n an y mker w ftw i mt lxh fnmi ajjlit suf niniiiiriig ti and townh to v 4t our 8orpj inspect our gpodi arid jiticwt and y j 8ecura some of oiir chfeap cheap birgain we are not leaving guyhjlmi hound io efl pjctt sistt of the latote au stai icfoi geo hamiiv acton deeaj8ti ra kemialls siaylh clilfe tke mast fiaeeeaarwj leanedj ever difcorer- eilitv e tilt to in efl- cia anil doea not biitkr roe feofbixow kendalls spavin cure extract torn n itttet wrluen tot j qriff- lthv alt t kjx rb y dp ci a weekly wciea paiperoi tjiian y a auenboarceenl tuuu since tie mdvaii uwaueul iit etatia1 wm stewart co k i ty 6pvln cbre nrt apttnirisj in bur p in hhrtikal ijurtd ihlmrbuave teuiiiiiiti br trutiki to te money aboutd j go to 4 j gseeo h a c tori fom meleh websters uhaorldued i if yjnjstend l wrjetirtiejo jpat cepy of nw unbooeadiotlohary it 6w sefore tatine ny piher irjaidty orconsom lon jbfpalipailciriareln murpampliiet wiilen ve ti relo tend- free by mall in veiy oae athe specific leoietni lakuld 6y all drof- 1ftf at ftjq pr ijetjsgri or i rrcaalua tluara lieiiii co- a i j rciiotafci cabal atofd fiyt k kettarw lfttliti jrtfol b basett dsaler in staple drlaoods andqeneral grocjeribi stc it chiistmaa and new tears trade has just i rent i it tkv oeialirttei liijiar dtv a awtdiomo i veituto 7oliti opened a stock of goods very ladiet white sltk tfdndkerchiefi tfejrf iilk handkerchief berlin wool aicd fingeri tioniton and fiim slack 8jaiiit cm ftjoj hatot ytitjjjcit in all earc in mid ttruuiiu nite4vbauibiitev ei vniiil ri ii if a perkt 8uti ej0troong tnjared ttalnera tanuulj kxcbasid owkx ooeau jtitn a pa airi aitvx kendalls spavingure ox hvhalti flesu fhonamufls of trial on hnmdt e1eiv ban provj bejonddbubtthhlkejifaltliatt holloways plllotmf this lkcoitpjtbablsjisblctxti kv aecaredor site das tatptwaaatteram arohghoxt af world for lit ollanthcn atstsl care ofmimri diaeaaratos li fcerea ia minlolent a knatn io waietraie aio yiriietociirethesiorateaaekorihnntwlini eornk bnnyons titkibi tea or any brulsea eat i 8eiw ijial darters coat l h ria nhudl yurniipi wey colore srgid gjfr assortment t 6rerrf vurieti ifedwntry ijc lii uiy v i the pietnrea in webster under the 13 sbsolloi flaoiluma skfaw8t and whaatar setter than they oontd ttaalet iavimivft l nrbixnnlaswbieb hre notatteaiealiii uie tewat bv onllnar alltnenur- it dies not bit ter but un the couiraryrefaioves tdleoea- i il- ltendalls spavin gure i t pv johna rh oor j7 1w da- r j xasmaxl co uebtnaat have naed joorb hpuvlnctirbaand apllnta t kin3w i joott rmetti for ringaonee imne tiaalxtaa 4 rut- tnlliniil ad ktnua nriatneuexa e many ollieruiettiubavohtitjenriv ohtoimy men aniwiieiilua anke very itiulj an iled teewlauv spavin core athl aetoiaa anytnlejworanillhewibwsrarv dajk i aiowu to bejaforoianaivwell aaoaat iirtwiiir the hnr vai the nieana of adnijahfi tit l cltentnoitrbonartiranaueei i tciurttfltjrfwfcili ltlivewwitvee poiify regulate and rmprotelieqaalitl of ihe bloody tbey aaaiat lb totjeatirt ogana dleanaeflrtlii 8toxacaa4baeia inereaae the aecrttorjr jolrei or th liver brace tbe nervona ayaletn and threw into the eiirtion ums psfreat kltments for austadnlhg aaid rtraitfna lb vratne uiluj thouaanda of perwt balre hpsifed- khat ly their liae alone lhvjbve erl restorer io health and airehjlti attti every dtbet- meant tiajprot ttboo oeaatul- j ij th qntmtnt will rroffirftevajmbwlneverjhewaya hold in the oat ol open 9orkflard 1 ul xectlsataofia rioatiltlkwdall diaowerttrl thralaijnolittta aiajtmtbsmtoiiatt every kind orin diaeaajvij i a iowaiityr fitlawtf avishk werlwiti atnalavttaatbjafcilali r8brwdi sssrcatortotihavi fuiteit seav irt ii iitiliiiasibj ri iriiiiif taikt urere xtttb iram titwiabei rjjfwijsslbitoi jstf

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