Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 16, 1882, p. 4

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i m 3w m m- 4 wi j- r wl ti fjx is j etata the free press tkcrdjtv uorkisa fell 16 itfta floodlight fcdat a word often taid the ficvtlcm mind urgtfa iu iwauuitt tu otilj- rna 8utt heart ii dead til ilch pbf cift m 1bib wc licr in niatlrtctiiug rfluiif ml tcit jut aiiaghi n thur the coal- 0vkvni i in tenet hat nv di ii fek jilotii the quickciuu tar kta kadcc of mtiiwrr tftttrer xft u nir- tshu itillvtlb voice 0i cfiikof pain tht l n v r hau hfrathe yodiivdt agiiu ofx nm i itmocfci ei ffifft the crave i ovcrlcipis tht etrtftg worldi bound from heuc llrtm sort d hkvrard av ft cirt ftviin out the ground oi cverjktde irruud attnta otodnicht ftivri ait rt to life atuuaya ooottiiifht f oh hrtfc fxd-f- away the huh that lectin that dear tfum why fdllof that gotidnislit no day vliy arc mr tmk trjrrl ti tildcrsav diil hrjni ciw rroic odrth tiiv tirric jf fi is jt d lit pr r r th ort t an it r i til lxr i loinv ra ti t 1 n 11 i oil i ltk nd i iie rr t 1 11 h c rh m up rcli li 1 smper laht in k- io hl u iwluubtv care af the watch t fii iint nnki- a tor of it or youi- i4f or ilie clitliuii xrvcr tn u 2 shml te rrgiitcd to lcnt fnfitn jteuiiirikttir jiil ttlwtyk fcit s rmir ibe mint ieiuvriine s rilr if eluuild nut lr iliiired o sliip sttrr thit it thotildbf ktit running ill the tii 41 ktp it iri cs rniforni is pcime if in tlie pock bat tbetindint ring be nprigbt cut of tbe prefcet if it bilip a popvlar rtn4r nfnnl pcctortj bausm on of be tuorl tegervedlv populiir reihediat for thft euro ol cirgbi codjote ihrottf atbv ttliooptnc couh croiip brotf csitis und tl pulmonirj eompliinti kqi mh bj lidtar you will not be tort foi bnring b fore j idling tar think tntf bfnrepirtk in lar lem kind ta th dfstrfntkl for utn utieul tnwikfi everjliodf lor dtiiuj good to nil mn lor beinciart oui- to nil nor lor ustiij utterlirauk titfel ivm ubttlt arc xinpctu ir ii mrittrv konrtatt f tnltt too morii cunhot b- expressed in furor ol that unit tpuued remedy lor couhs oold tlhm croup ior tbroal and nil long oomputnu f jmi mfler from tiejjleclej colds try llajyardi peclonil feilnm throtii uibiaoniy 5o that all rmtsleot dlteaae of elt lliwd lite in xlwaya attended with i kiwrdered staiialhtti5ttainnd trad kctettontf kiki no remedf it belief sdtpted to hi care ln burdock blood bitter taken uco o siecitl directions fowdon every fc tile leojle hire so more rlfbt ffbtocme ftys eptic ntrecuuin gitiomy and mis- enlilf th in they hure to uk poljan mid commit 5ukld if the ftoraachbe cmes tftr itud fiila to prpjrji iss rutmtin fhirdock hlopd bitters trill speeatly teiuedy the trouble jis shavsos loukdtle writes ior tnnty y m wifrt vas troubled rciih cbillhnris and could get no relief until idiout ttvo y ago fhewan then not nblc to rrilk and te psin was so ercructtiug tbtt becould not sltep t nigtit your acnt was thennu hts rec ulr trip slid fie xkd hitn jfh could rure her he told ber dk tuohis ec lcctiic zl n a rure cura mje tried j it and jjdg her atfnibnienl when in j t feu divi the pnin wu all allityed an the- foi rstoreii t its nuumlecrndillon it i ao the lest remedy for burns and i brumes ever ued jfcau th1 f eihe hiotjse jj ii hill protrnir jwrt iiimni umit mantlei and fcolmani tr taorlnj off tt flttj ru 1 ff leu ttn ou prleei ther hit been i ffetl rc6 for millinery hica bn been reduce loahonl h if iu real tlue mantle clelbit ill klndi iro ulllnnoffat a great reduction it a imfflena ook of uce curtalai bouiht for cahfrom aoins of the largeit and beat notltnghirra makett tbliaetyionat he rr iuwel pric poaaible ar aellhig offal an fmmen iedttcilrinir an enormnui reduoilon in kid filotei the bel qualilr of 4bulwnm froch kidqiotei in ill e nod faiblonabla ihadm fonnrlh 25 me ellnioftnosal i eicellehl 2bmionedrunch kidhlotea redoosd romfl toft fbe fery biiaiiallty of ibuiioned kid dhrn fatmtrj tlml arcn lltng now atjso a rery nioe2bilone4 kldloveinakeddon fromolojota atf ol houlllloni rary bfitgfand 4 hutlond kid ilotet arrltfrt fnmt france lately atirftra ollineof ilttryloir prices ijidiei miilikkhilorea in 2and 4batloni rerj cixap ladiea er ifaadea of 2lattoned km iotcs marked down froinl lo kte iidles 3hulonedpeta kid iloiea reduced from 1 tci 5vj kilki hare been marked down in many eaaei far below coil kicei lent colored drrrs silcs marked down rery low the khlrli ront vralkinabhirvfaowiry hare a tftylarittialt they are farcijeaperjlban lortner- ly ldie- mil jenn ajvri mikfband lioji jndercloihln of allklndi alaji in itoek and made to order very cheap knilway hoft insrfceil down ttry low lalien bhtck quilled skirtj err cheap the blnnkeii are itill folng off with a roilr hay are io very cheap newshtrllttpl and dueki in ihfr week of superion ralue miectings and illlow cottons in slondaftre at exceedingly low price for good qua i idea there has been a tremendous run on tarpeu this seakiti thev are such lieaudtul patterns and good qualities while the prices ire my low oil at the hijlil house on king street easl close tougb ton straet where the verandah is down o porcine your supplies and yoti will be bleated with the goods mind the name ii a- jarti relltw ml fflll be found irraluable for all porpoaea of a family liniment immtdiele relief will follow iuuseinall oateef p 1b the itomab boweli or side rrhrmbl fsm aolle eol i prinsan hruiaen for internal and eiieroal ate it tw no equal in ike worw for wlwt it is ieeom mended foruleby all dealers at 2 eenla per bottle hsmiltob feb 8th i8s1 thoma c watkik8 hamilton maltopepsyn registsred at qttamfa a1t aetificial gastric juice this is not l patent medicine lecret emedy ihs fcfmola is priirtsd oo lb label a ateted to each lttle si a ltlllbps vx eufes ftyspepia indiceslion loss of appeile inteatbal ar nastac uneascsccfiittriiticn nausea chronic diarrhea cholera infantum sad tec 2t infants troubles hich cenerally arise froni the storriach or about cent per dose with dow mcieure ituchod jo ceati for u o iithirijs ti if ieatpst won- posntod ol modern tiwfrs tftis nsnmpir- t bttor rt niptlicinc icreises tlio appetite tthylhet the tionnich clexnos the iiver corrects tiiousei jrevenls lut uiencv purifies ttie system mvigornies tiie nerrti xn i estrblslies round iieaftii he -rail- let it be un som sof snr thp encrii1dj demand fcr thescpills fxc- xerer alius it to me on tiatv tlitougbnut tbe plod utisiei erery- narble or other hard eurfatsif it lit i tni a rid sih convince the i most- sceptical nut no medicine eqiils on any sjiruce let it be with uct up j imu in its alililj- to retuore and ptinaarl rinij ttirnfj under- so is to keep the uppr pirt tuos- elc- taied 6 lefc your fcej fit exactly tnd t kept prrtecly cen by the former vou miy save breaking chains main epiin ratchets- clicks etc h the t i i uttet prerent mtroiucmg mucl- cati 7 rild if possible tt tb hsnr each dty s while winding i steadily in your left lined turn only jour key und that firmly erectly croiding all quick motions cr jerke fyfcrirwdhy ht fditn prttsiciins 50 cents for 4 doses rulirrd bottiet containing if fir by all chemists throughout the dosihuoa moij tikinp liquids of my sort more the eiccsiive us of liquids is the ciuse of is t ivdr igreeible anj ciiily tilea raphes o ht slomiili the ictuil gutric juica thtn ii absolutely fieeiry to qcesch thinti half thft nsprpria m tha irorld miltopepty hreujhnut the dominion in their regular pne ice mihoprrpsys is alsa tscd to a large eitent in hospitals dispentariet and infirroaria tpecfmckff of tunmoklals received 1rom physician wallace n s oct issa the malmrpsrn wai cien in a marked tid distresrinij case of trdiriicn ith ill aoti rapid plexsing and beneiicia results r z w kemiton m d athlose ost jan 20 io th maltoepsvn i obtain from vau has far more than answered my tnticipaticnt fiavinr tried it in 10 old and rerv- obinitc cxk ot iadiijeiiion i found it to act lifct ihina j c wckfska sf d seven cakcv okt jan ihjr i htve usei your taltopepn in severe caie of ituhgtfaoz and milnutriticn 1 dults and diarrhcra of children and atn vi acii pleasd with the results that i have it trucednrydrurisl to keep 2 supply on jund t v reade id d vh cofdpuint incidenul to tl hunuri rkct hey are k blessing to he cihict- ei and a loon to all lltkt ubor under internal cr extenjil diex iurifiiix lion of the bbjoi recaaral of all re ftnint from tbe tecretive orcanf and geatie aperitive action are the sources of the trxtetkive curitire rintjof hoi iora5 pills ktubtn kodlert kattiertlli neatness la women zrwutaan mny be hantuorce or re- hjirtablr ettrictive in rarious ways batdfsbe if not jretkonally next eik cnuot irajj- to srin adiutrstian fine clof iifsil not cnctl the slit tern a f ruri ffutlan with hr btir alayfi u lisorder und ipt cloth ts imning aifiu htr is ii isjjk from a k i areyoudistcrbed atnichtand trofcen came j of your rest bys tick child kiifieringard icryinit witb the ercruciniing pain of jcutline leetct if so coaloncoami get id ypar watch j bou of j vinloicj soolliiog fiyrnp it wiu rehetc the poor little suserer immediately depend upon it j there is do mist fee ahoatit there it not a mother on earth who hrtcerer used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bcweu and gire ten to the mother and reliel and hcdui to the cryd operating like magic it is perfectly safe to ase in all cases nd pleapsrt to tha tate and is ma pre j rcription ofwtie or the oldest and best i ff real ft physicians and nurse in lbe v tpd states sold ererywnare at 25 cents a bottle- j atkloki ost dec jo r5o after civing your waltopen a trial ia inme of mv worst cjlszx for which it fca bccmtnended i am well plerse- 1 wh he mv in which it acts continca to male a pco irtide like that fcow in ute and it will be wrcrml favorite e hamilton u d hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j h mcgaryin aotok- hscoaoaarxb puklt vtgttlzlm hipilx weouiiijetiaed for biluautit btditk cok ttipilioaliidlre- jmjxiattt hertbra bku uc af ap- f petiiev eu4lt5et tmt f j rcmorr ftear 8matu llvcr cm- acta ba well or kjrfiiera tber are aafe tolidarfihtwoirhlaiicificiioc fraaltoj ber is it wjtyii repmltive br prji ft cm to the js of wins n imduni bjuro ik written cm the cicwd of hfr head het fett tnd if the be will turnout in all j a prtiicai vju-rc- a lacfcingeough s ipr the ph iicil cjntiiution not alone 1 rutttose it deitroys the tiue of lii jluna and ovrelops tubercles which corrode and destroy them but also be- i cxue it runs rest and impairs digestion i how important therelore is resort w aus metciion to elxyau rarages iiittyi fil n rns tn filter to wii i nibli r tn idle futi or n tbr hrirkiiu np 1 rk talk and kci lib- 1 v011112 wotitti is li- f d ktid ctal tmk of mot jijlul ranks lbe ii puii ibiit irllehrld lf coinl-ii- rj iiipilpks i b xiy done th- itll l wukl if bnd brtter b- i a loui physical wreck must inevitably insue withuut this la the choice of a j rmeiy tbe pulmonary intilld is so me- j ftrnes iitiuead b rpeclnus reprefcenu j lions m the serious prejudice oi bis i thjly wellbeing the only life resprt 1u j is a tied 511 h fbly tunctioned remedy eiris iuijed wlfcoithe ctedcndals of kortbrop i lymans eiatiuina of cod liter ji ad tiypop- int ieaun ton- j il0 of um ndsodi ewilijt to rfc fur it ati tntr the plee it nccuiiies tit tiiat of the ll hiiuwiik ii- j testimonv of teteran physicians ani ili iih mmn pniularity bel on merit combine to i th ii l prestige of n standard medi tit in cu of ktibuk t j and lungs bronchitis larynitlsi anii other throl and lung complaints it mar be lmpiictuj relied upon torpmost couch medicine and lung in- ig irxnl okl n this nlinent tie a slight tuisute proud mittntm u dcnt t think- deer bibyg tbe imaeof bis ppn tl tnil but well- meaning family friend well haps beis lpt i v eay outprox it in time per- hell from tue times jailor nf llic timfj i bave been watching the correspcmiiaiice in tour pupr forlhe pst few weeks with mnch interest having beeni in the practice of medicine lor many yfrirs i hare learned to hsre no confidence inthe marlr proprietary medicines which are on the markat and it was tbroagn the excellent recommendations given by br bttes and the knowledge 1 had of his veracity and ability as a physician thaterer led me to lay aside my long existing prejudice to try tne only won- iderfal remedy named sendalls spavin cure which 1 find so mint otyour reitd era have also lound to be so vamnble rheumatism has afflicted me fur yeais and with all tbe skill i have professed to have in treatihg- others i found my self uniib- to do anything ti cure myself entirely after suserins for years the difsuily became located in ray hip and nothing that could do seemed toaffecl ft until i began u use eeniiaus spavin cure which has cured me completely tn all rfly eiprrietica as physicipnl- have never been able to make any com pound tthch penetrate so thoroughly and works o admirably in remting old snsdfnj ailments and at the tame titnr lirdlv podune itny irritation of the skin it baa done euch wonders with fne itmi hare the atmost confident in uu eliccr and n recommend it with tbe confidence hat the proprietors do hot claim too much fur it respectfully j k etikfik md tcfanton pa sept 2 pisf tberp is comfort in hon for persona trcowed with lame back rheumatic pain corns or huniohj nbo comhienif ilboat delajj fritinie of di tmxu ectectr on folowed ap syslemaiio sjly unul relief obulntd froh brazil is ifew compound its wdfl seiful affinity to the digesiirt tppat2tas and the lirer ficrezs lis tha dissolving j dices reliev ing almost instantly the dreidfal results oidyspepsii ind and the torpid liver makei zopesa an every day necessity ia every house itaeta gently and spseoiiy 10 biliousness gostivinesi read- ache blck headache distress ifc ter eatlngwlnd on the stomach heartburn pains in the side and back want otippetlte want ol energy low spirits foul stoai ch it invigorates the liter ca ties ilfall surplus bile regulate- thebiwels and sites tons to th whole systein cut this out md take it to ttsti druggist andgeta13 cent 8ampl or a large bottlt lor 75 centsicui taurouraelmhharrieuilt sou ft lilemlttlc rntt snrii own torfc 5 eve wrefc ootfitnc knrink evervtblnr mw cat itit net riuitfd we 111 fur ikii roufvr flfanfmifir ar maklnc nrtuua ladies malre rtnucha men khd boy and jirlis make cit rnr kitidtr ir joa wpn a h-islnf-n- nt triileh rtj en ranlo- gteat pair lr haness trttns depot partlrx requirine tnythinir in hurneju or trunki to wte mooey ihoald o to r oreeoh 4cton kevuallr fapavi clee the kt ftwceemfml slemc4r ever dioor- ed kk uikcetutfu tu it ejl cu fccu dga q bluler ktad pkor bcicw kendalls spavia curec extraet frun a letter wrlten tot grff lutraiu r ufth tltrjedu weekly wdru jjrro ilc h t as auenecurteieni ouittnce tut advejtueiueui kcnuatir sptrln cure nri ntfre in jour patiei iiirii i jured mtntr- imrc len using ilaim in all cacs invtid aruuud afq ltliuicii ei weiiidrrt it j a pcf let rur e tmo if injaredrntneti y drttiiif krchaedowav fmi jtlni c l aj rti aiia burdock blood will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness kendalls spavin cur ox htsua flestt t thotudt rftrlau on hamnn flesh hvc pfotfjr bcotidftdfluot hxt kradaltttpawa curn s uflleintk micth io pu trttleaid virir ui eure itit- ortteairr oirns buti-iinrrtibity-t- orbnyhrulfet cut or tktninew rhcb ure no ailejeied la the ien bv ordlnkr ailmenti it d t not bit- ter but an the conrar removes allsotc- nckt i kendalls spavin cure rt johnr p40ct 77 iki dtj b j ktsvall a co jetiut hvc uijoarfinarn cart wllli great snec sa cjq kpavlnecurbt and fpmnts 1 know it tnbe k gtod remedy for rlngoonef bone anlh eat- talis jtd all kinufof iktnne tohj- itlerdtfncattsftooatthrfe oneoimr mthftrtaltrt hik nnke trry badb i an- dttfd ken lairspavin cure and i afvereaw ariyttiinr work hlclt he wat wi11 in a rw duvk i know it lo bejtwd for man a wpu rsbast i promised orj ofynhrtratlbe on the horfebjtnall oreeuahd i uiinkjlt wk tbe means ofvasmcef iwiononcnorse that i ticated recording to lb itnetldiib tlren in jour book for dff placed ftlfie yours truly wk j beliudx kendalls spvin cure sendaddredforpnstrtd circular rh th t tnlnfc etves polilve rroof of its virtue xo remedy tiasever rael lih nch unquhll- fld tuccee to oar tnowlecleei for beasts as well as man prcel perbntflfoi six tvjttlrs for 5 km drngelslf have it firnn rei 11 rnr jou nf it will ho sen tnanr u3dresnn rrrelpl of price hv the provnpion i b j kksdall t co ekoseceo fall vt isold rt all druggists ly1hk koks t c07 ltenntreal ptj wrmtseale ajsnta dyspepsia ihdigtstioh jaundice etrsipla8 8alt rkeuu keartdurk headache ahd crr txelm wf dlmas hjnr from iittoritra uver kioweya stovaok ompiy fluftemn6 of the heart acidity of the stouach dry hess of the ski jvux 80weu or blooo t hilbdrk t co olom speight son undertakers furniture dealers waggon 2a3srrrfaottjrers ijbjrtktr erarr jesctiplidn of funeral heqtasitai of tia bast jts fti plied at ihorteat notioa fin4cii hijmi urnisbei fatttlfttre in cf cabinetmaiilig department w are pleparad fcr tha sprier demand parlor smtea sofas centre tabla wiatnota bedateada ac- fitliu v have on hand a stoei of firrtelasa laicbert7afoi and deinostlta maaafaef ared by coneltaa frcan tha baat maurial which will ba sold at the lowest poa- hl rat tnioht is aon aoton livery sale board itailii mill strut aoton la here yon can gel firstclass eigs atrea80nabubate good commercial bigs an eipru dellrerj wagon will meet each express traio and ditr oodf u tny jxirt of tbe town after he lrt march i intend to do a btrict cab basiuets only as credit will not pay for bone feed or repijn e 1 hatthewe t big- stock big bargains big house loii or light dat imj sicmt american asfj canadian coal oil t fok sale at ltjv ylxaju s r big lot of new millinery big lot of new cloths t3ir lot of readymads olothina and ovarooats bib lot of nerw dra uoodfl biar lot of new wincaya bit lot of nenr cottons biat lot of nerw prints bur lot of new boot bur et of now carpet bur lot of newflannsia bui lot of newjaacy good bi lot of new hoaierjr aad qiotm is uet is caa of tia siffeat so3l and stocks and tha cfctipact is tha waal will five barfains in every department we butcher shor w 6 kobinbon ttotild intimate to toe people of acton toat b e has purr it serf th etjutcherbaslaesa late ly carrledaa b7 ftobcri storey and that na has always on handaarsiclassnochof beef pcrit baltaa pokrr aid guae la icaaoa etc and hopts by cl rlet atteothia to fcaslness to ecote a fair share of the patroniija of tne public heat delivered ataoy utae to any part of lbe town f xertai ciii i ciil souciml oksaas faoiotlt attaxsrt to w d koblufon ctn gejatt ost ordered clotbiif daptrtraaat is osa of tha bait in tha ooaaty good ku and low prieaa ladle oar millinery and afutla department is saparinlaiidad by i lady of ii- perieaea ability tflti flenrtesy we eordlally invito tha public to pabofiiie u u we will do the trad wal or than f mammoth house mcleod anderaoii oo oeorffetcrrn ilta ofthe lamp hill st adtoa geo hatill acton de 228l i i prodrietor remember the stand worth their weight in bold i hollo ways pills uintme1nt this incomparable medicine has tecured for tetlf an impcrithabli fame thrvyghovt tv world jot tv aluriation and fvrt of modi disease to iraica kuiaaniiy u heir wkl sf ewlf 4b go i to uztszs coimaxts md accfflaxts h hacvacob velloi oil u carxo- tctd io cc cr reiic citr a ilajc or diast i tjict inuiuuir rot crovf cju1tps astjpzjl imj trruttaur ru- covaas sonz nrnoat colds tc mieu cnii sweluxas galls lajlexess coimucnoxs lc3uug0 deathess spbaots seusjllgia callous lumps sttft jotsts mostnnb cobss bevisea iica psaxtxbaat patxll side aw pbrlc wriicfurrarticalara hiilitie jou ora wrlic rur panic to u hillcrf icoiftrtlaiidi yainji l 4 enry ixktk rja to f iva 1- iioo or meoey muaded eltmtal wttk um mttu hli 9ic r iu13tojt 00 irciirl4t0pl toiokto ost itaufacllutd ik toeovtu a prnauent sure cure for diseases dti- ofdersmnrlailcnenu of the sidneys bladder and uriiry sccrettvt system or attendant cumplaiiucausiii bam in small of back sideetc gravel catarrh of ilia bladdar and asssitet brichts diseasa diabetes dropsy pile karvoai dehility etc etc pslupliiets and tcstimiiiiala can be ob tained frttn drupgisu free pttltes cbilds pad 150 cures red- wettni kegulsr psd 2 special padfcr chronic diseases 1 snld liy m foriter md aeton utjvnods erin thoajlmton george toarf aler b petri gnelph hanry wsuoo ililtoo c stork sua brtaptos special annouin for month this wjs have djtfemlked to clear out ottr heilatklnq 6tock of wxnteii dross goods mantles miiliaoiy to fffrct our aim alicl a sweeping keductioh will be made in price tht it ill rvw rtkry lndy from all tht surrounding village and towns to rwt our slotr inspect oar qoodi nd prices and j tttairt 6m of our ohp oh barfftlrt the pills pdtifjrregulateand improve tieqnaliljr of the blood they assist the digestive ogans cleanse the stomach and bowels increase the secretory powery of ti liver brace ihe nervous sysfem and throw into the circulation the purest klemeats lor sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persona hare testified that ly their nse aiore ther have been reslored lo health and strength after every other means had proved unsuc cessful we art nvi luting gutlyh but bound to tell goodi wm stewart 00 quelph sthe ointmentl will be found invaluable in every boqe hold in the care ot upen sores hard tumora bu lefft oil ouai cotuhiw colda soie throats bropchltu and all disorders ol the throat and cheat u alto tiout rheumalisid tcrolula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hol- lowati slblihment l3 txfuhd 6tkeet lnndunand sold at la ijd 2s 9d 4s 8d lis tin and 33a each box and pot and in canada at 6 cents centa and l so cents ana the larger ilaes in proportion iprcatmoji 1 hte noagrnt in the united states nor are my medicines old there purchasers should therefore look to the label oo tne pols and boies if the adlreaa it not 533 oxford sire i london thev are spurious the trade mark of mfr said medicines are registered in ottawa and alao at wniblngton 5ioaed thomas hollow at 4m oxford street londoo rtttr a mi vmmmm irsessassswbiaa ift w i t emmis

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